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Updated 20 hours ago
Updated 20 hours ago

Meet your Posher, Kathy

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Hi! I'm Kathy. I have a 4.9 seller rating, over 1300 items sold. Ship time is 1.3 days. As you can see, I have loved fashion from a very young age and I shared that love with my Nana. I have no favorite brand name, there are too many wonderful things to choose from!! I'd love to share with you! Happy Poshing!
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trishvan99 Welcome to the community! Feel free to take a peek at my closet and make an offer or a bundle. Can't wait to see your closet! Happy Poshing! Patty.        🎁🎀👛👠👒🛍👡👟💍👗👙
Nov 28Reply
tovawg Welcome to PM! This is a fun place to shop for your favorite brand, find that perfect unicorn top or dress you have been searching for, or sell your less favorite closet inventory. So, time to list that stuff you don't wear anymore and do some shopping. Closets with 10 or more items sell more and make more, so round up your stuff. I'm a suggested user, so feel free to visit my closet for ideas of what to list and how to photo your things. Don't hesitate to ask questions. Come visit!
Nov 28Reply
nanasjewelbox @trishvan99 thanks very much! I'm glad to be here! I'm very excited to get started, I have so much to share!
Nov 30Reply
nanasjewelbox @tovawg thank you very much! I'm super excited to be here! I will def take a good look at your page as I plan to start listing lots of lovely things this week. Thanks for the great suggestions!
Nov 30Reply
vintiquevenus Lovely, lovely, lovely jewelry closet! Wow! Will follow, share and check back often.
Jun 27Reply
nanasjewelbox @vintiquevenus Gosh, thank you very much for your kind words!! I love jewelry and I want everyone else too!! Your closet is lovely as well, I will visit it often! Happy Poshing!!
Jun 28Reply
roxychicago Thanks so much for sharing! You have a fabulous treasure trove! Hit me up for more share exchange anytime. Best, Rox
Jul 14Reply
nanasjewelbox @roxychicago Your treasure trove is pretty extensive too!! Always happy to share great stuff!!
Jul 14Reply
rimayolove Thx for all of the love buy sharing my closet today🤗 Your closet is awesome!!! Dont mind if i share somemore😜
Jul 24Reply
nanasjewelbox @rimayolove your welcome! thank you! Please do!! (and I will too :) Happy Poshing!! :))
Jul 24Reply
alma4posh Hi Kathy, thanks for the offer but not able to make any pitchforks a week. I will check back or you can check back. Thanks again
Aug 18Reply
nanasjewelbox @alma4posh well then I guess it's a good thing I have no pitchforks to sell this week :) Have a good one anyway!! :)
Aug 18Reply
alma4posh Thanks for sharing my closet!
Aug 18Reply
nanasjewelbox @alma4posh You are very welcome, thanks for sharing mine!
Aug 18Reply
lillianh4412 Thank you for the shares💋
Aug 22Reply
nanasjewelbox @lillianh4412 You are very welcome!!! Thank you for sharing mine!!! :)
Aug 22Reply
lillianh4412 @nanasjewelbox My pleasure!! Anytime!!😃
Aug 22Reply
nanasjewelbox @lillianh4412 Same to you!!! :)
Aug 22Reply
judithlynn @nanasjewelbox thanks for all your shares!! I just over from MD 15 months ago. My bff is from Annapolis!😉
Sep 25Reply
nanasjewelbox @judithlynn really?? That's very cool!! I used to live in Las Vegas :) It was 17years ago, for 8 years, I had moved there when i got married. moved back here when I got divorced, LOL. Thanks for your shares!
Sep 25Reply
judithlynn @nanasjewelbox I lived in Md my whole life... 57 years and moved to Vegas for a lifestyle change !😉
Sep 25Reply
nanasjewelbox @judithlynn well I'd say you certainly choose a good place for that!!! :) I liked it, though I never liked being away from the water, and we went to SoCal a lot. I still enjoy visiting Vegas though.
Sep 25Reply
judithlynn @nanasjewelbox we go to the lake sometimes and once we find some dog sitters, we go to the Bahamas to get our water fix. We live near the mountains so the views make up for the loss of water... sometimes 😉. Annapolis def has lots of water!
Sep 25Reply
ilovemycows I love your jewelry! Great closet!
Sep 27Reply
nanasjewelbox @jmc1926 you're welcome :) same to you!!
Nov 14Reply
nanasjewelbox @ilovemycows thank you very much!
Nov 14Reply
amythecrafter Hi, thank you for the like😊💕
Nov 15Reply
anneadellestyle Hi Cathy, you and your Nana resemble each other very much. Love your closet!❤❤❤🎅
Dec 13Reply
anneadellestyle Woops, meant Kathy
Dec 13Reply
nanasjewelbox @anneadellestyle Thank you very much!! She was a huge influence on my life, and still is.. She was kind and generous, but no-nonsense too. I strive to be like her in those ways. What's funny is is that I was adopted, so she and I are not blood related, but yet we could not have been any more perfect for one another. I was her only grandchild, so we brought much to joy to each other. Thank you so much for your kind words!!!
Dec 13Reply
nanasjewelbox @anneadellestyle Lol! No worries about the name, I'll answer to either!! :)
Dec 13Reply
lkafel Thanks you, Kathy, for your shares and for your sharing out to Twitter and Tumbler. I'm not a user of either of those, but will have to check it out so I can do similarly... Very nice closet! Regards!
Mar 08Reply
nanasjewelbox @lkafel You are very welcome for the shares, you have a great closet, it's easy to share!! As for Twitter and Tumblr, I am a lazy user, I really don't do it as much as I should. I share my own stuff less than other peoples, lol!!! Take care!!! :)
Mar 08Reply
amythecrafter Hello Kathy thank you for the like 😊💕
Mar 26Reply
jankyjewelry Thanks for liking a Janky Jewelry item🌺Private discount $10
Apr 13Reply
unclaimed Kathy nice closet and beautiful pictures,best wishes for your success,thanks for your support.
Apr 15Reply
nanasjewelbox @unclaimed hey there! Thanks for the compliment! I look forward to viewing yours as well :)
Apr 15Reply
iceberg747 Thanks for sharing , be blessed
Jul 12Reply
nanasjewelbox @iceberg747 You are more than welcome!! You have a great closet, and SO many wonderful things to share!!! I will be sure to share some more!! :))
Jul 12Reply
alwaysofficial Thank you love, for your support 👍🏾
Jul 17Reply
nanasjewelbox @alwaysofficial You are more thhan welcome! :)) I like to share closets of the newcomers anyway but I gotta support a fellow Marylander!! Good luck Poshing!!
Jul 17Reply
donsk Hi did you receive the parcel yet
Jul 17Reply
nanasjewelbox @donsk Still nothing
Aug 01Reply
a_roussell You have such an interesting closet - so eclectic! You obviously put a lot of time into it. Love it!
Aug 12Reply
nanasjewelbox @a_roussell Thank you!! :) And, yes, I do put quite a bit of time into it. It is a labor of love though, I quite enjoy it!
Aug 12Reply
quality1only Thank you for all the shares! Happy poshing! Have a Blessed evening!
Sep 10Reply
nanasjewelbox @quality1only You are quite welcome!!! Happy Poshing to you!! and Have a Blessed evening and week and year, my Pff!
Sep 11Reply
nanasjewelbox @quality1only YW, and TY!! :))
Sep 11Reply
whimsicalturtle Thanks for the like! Add a second pair of earring to bundle and not only get an offer of 2/$29, but receive a free gift! Happy poshing!
Oct 02Reply
anneadellestyle Hi Kathy, I love the name of your closet!❤Reminds me of my aunt whose jewelry and closet was our play place as little girls playing dress up!💜
Oct 13Reply
staceystp2007 Kathy I’m grateful.🤗💕
Oct 17Reply
nanasjewelbox @rees_23 You're welcome, my friend! :)
Oct 25Reply
jennispankscake holy cow your closet is color cordinated like a closet closet and so organized. looks beautiful!
Nov 28Reply
nanasjewelbox @jennispankscake Thank you very much!! So nice of you to comment!!! I wish I could make the entire closet co-ordinated but I have too much stuff! Just like IRL!! LOL!!! I'm not a fan of the very random look, I don't like to shop that way myself so I can't let my closet be that way :)) Have a great night!!
Nov 28Reply
discountdivas18 Adore your closet!!! 🥰 Can’t get enough of your vintage and your jewelry...oh my!!! 🤩
Jan 01Reply
fineqfinds Hi Kathy! Thank you very much for sharing my listing on Tumblr! Sorry, I don't have this account yet.
Jan 20Reply
photographerb Thanks for the sharing 🙏🏻💙
Jan 26Reply
ronnie1433 Great closet 😊
Feb 04Reply
nanasjewelbox @ronnie1433 thank you very much!
Feb 04Reply
rosalovestx Hi! I used to live in Annapolis MD. 1987-1991. I rented an apartment from Maria "Maria's Picture Place" on Maryland Ave. Love Annapolis!!!! Cheers! - Rosa
Feb 05Reply
nanasjewelbox @rosalovestx Hi Rosa! That's very cool!! I think The picture place is one of the few businesses still there since that time. I imagine you or someone in your family was military? 4 years is much too short a time to live here, with so many wonderful things to do and see :)) I am fortunate to be a native, 5 or 6 generations. Cheers to you :)
Feb 05Reply
rosalovestx @nanasjewelbox I transferred from Sam Antonio to open the USAA office on MD Ave. I happen to be an Air Force Reservist and was stationed at Andrews AFB.
Feb 05Reply
nanasjewelbox @rosalovestx Still very cool :) They are a few blocks away, over on Prince Georges Ave now. What a great commute for you those 4 years, walk out your door and down a few feet to work. I guess you could never use bad weather as a reason not to show up, lol!
Feb 05Reply
rosalovestx @nanasjewelbox OMG!!! I hadn't thought of it in years. It was 32 steps from my apartment#1 to my desk! I loved going to The Little Campus Inn. It was an extension of all our living rooms. On a very bad day; I would go home and take a hot bath & return back to work. Hah! Hah!
Feb 05Reply
rosalovestx @nanasjewelbox Like you in MD, my roots are in Texas. 5-6 generations. We never left. It was Mexico, then Texas, then part of the USA, back to Texas & USA again. Native Texan forever.
Feb 05Reply
nanasjewelbox @rosalovestx Your memories make me smile, The Little Campus is now an Irish Pub. My mother worked for a senator, my grandmother worked at the academy, and they both loved the Little Campus, went there at least a few times a week, if not more often.
Feb 05Reply
nanasjewelbox @rosalovestx My neighbor and I were just saying a few days ago that the laundromat and that picture store may be the only ones left from 20 or more years ago. Perhaps an antique store as well, but not many others
Feb 05Reply
nanasjewelbox @rosalovestx I have spent some time in Texas, lived there a few years when my ex-husband and I broke up (former boyfriend lived there) mostly the areas surrounding Dallas, though I've done several business trips in Houston and a few in San Antonio. I quite liked it, and if it weren't for the fact that in need to be near water, I could have stayed in Texas
Feb 05Reply
msneverending1 Kathy thank you so much for sharing my listings. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Feb 16Reply
msneverending1 Kathy just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for sharing my listings. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Feb 21Reply
msneverending1 Kathy just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for sharing my listings today. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Feb 23Reply
nanasjewelbox @msneverending1 You are very welcome, hon! And thank you, too!!
Feb 23Reply
msneverending1 Kathy just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for sharing my listings today. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Feb 28Reply
nanasjewelbox @msneverending1 You're quite welcome! And Thank you, too!
Feb 28Reply
msneverending1 Kathy just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for sharing my listings today. I love your jewelry, you have some unique items. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Mar 02Reply
nanasjewelbox @msneverending1 Thank you very much Carol, so sweet of you to say :) You have some lovely and fun items in your closet, too!
Mar 02Reply
msneverending1 Kathy thank you so much for noticing my name wasn’t on today’s final share list for Sunday. I share everyday so I usually don’t check because it has always been on the final list.
Mar 04Reply
nanasjewelbox @msneverending1 You are very welcome :) I always double check that I have shared everyone, and I was surprised that you were not on the list so I went up to the top and scrolled through the sign-ups. I have a strange need to check details thoroughly so I,m glad I found it :)
Mar 04Reply
msneverending1 Kathy just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for sharing my listings today,. I really love sharing your jewelry, you have some unique pieces. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Mar 05Reply
loobyq Great closet!!
Mar 23Reply
nanasjewelbox @loobyq Thank you very much!!! You have a super fun closet, I have shared a few of your items that I like.
Mar 23Reply
msneverending1 Kathy just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for sharing my listings today. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Mar 29Reply
msneverending1 Kathy just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for sharing my listings today. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Apr 04Reply
kitty2528 @nanasjewelbox Hey! Hope you are having a good one! Just wanted to let you know that I haven’t forgotten about the Bracelet! I just have to go “unearth “ it! It is very thin, hence the price. I always try to be very reasonable...taking all things into consideration ~ such as how much I paid, the weight and size..that kind of thing. You can find a good inexpensive scale at Amazon! They are Great to have. I also got a testing kit!
Apr 04Reply
nanasjewelbox @kitty2528 I think you wrote this as I was thinking about your bracelet, lol! Did u choose the scale you bought for any specific reason? I have no experience with them so not sure (other than amazon reviews) which to pick. Also, did u get a testing kit that has all the precious metals? I understand those chemicals are only good for 6 months or so...
Apr 04Reply
nanasjewelbox @kitty2528 And no worries about the bracelet, I know we all have super busy, full lives. And I also know about "unearthing" things too, lol!! Sometimes need an assistant to do that for me :)))
Apr 04Reply
kitty2528 @nanasjewelbox I am Extremely anal ..hahahahaha...and I go and read reviews on every website and compare models to see which is best. Basically they all just said to make sure it is balanced correctly when you First get it, or send it back! I got a larger one because I figured if I was going to spend the money I didn’t want something the size of a man’s wallet! Haha. Let me run see if I can find it now, while I have you!
Apr 04Reply
kitty2528 @nanasjewelbox Yes, the kit tests Sterling, 14k, 10k, 18k and 24 k Gold! It really works to, and SO SIMPLE!
Apr 04Reply
kitty2528 @nanasjewelbox ok, It says ( handwritten) Sterling, GIGAT? Hahahahaha...I swear, I can’t tell!
Apr 04Reply
kitty2528 @nanasjewelbox And it looks like a circle with an arrow in the middle.
Apr 04Reply
nanasjewelbox @kitty2528 Interesting! Any way you can get a clear close-up of the marks? I'd love to see :)
Apr 04Reply
nanasjewelbox @kitty2528 that'd be great, if you are happy with your scale than that's the first I'll look at
Apr 04Reply
kitty2528 @nanasjewelbox ok, Sun is away from the house, but I will edit and put up the pics and see if you can tell anything! 😊
Apr 04Reply
msneverending1 Kathy just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for sharing my listings today. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Apr 11Reply
nanasjewelbox @msneverending1 Carol, it is very sweet of you to thank me, but not necessary. We are part of a share I'd better share your items, right? or else, lol! And besides, you go out of your way to share so many items, more than required, I'd say we all need to thank you :) So thank you!
Apr 12Reply
roxychicago Hi Kathy. I need a favor. Would you please take a look at the St John earrings I just listed when you get a chance? I'm wondering if they are current or 1980's? I can't find another pair like these. I saw you have a classic pair listed and you have way more experience than I do. Also, I have no idea what to price these. Thanks. I'll tag you on the listing.
Apr 12Reply
ukester Kathy, Thanks for all the shares today. I really appreciate it. 💜
Apr 15Reply
nanasjewelbox @ukester My goodness, it was my pleasure! I tried to share as many for you as you did for me, but I fell shy of the mark a little :) Looks like you've sold a lot recently. Good for you!
Apr 15Reply
ukester @nanasjewelbox Thanks! I wish I was as disciplined at listing items as I am about sharing. I have so much to sell it’s crazy. I’ve been focusing on the jewelry but soon I have to do a serious purge of clothing and shoes. I literally have no more room in my closet. My husband now uses the closet in the guest room. It’s like a disease, I swear. 🙄😂
Apr 15Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! Glad we connected on Poshmark! Hope you will check out my account and give me a follow ❤️❤️❤️
May 04Reply
msneverending1 Kathy just wanted to stop and thank you so much for sharing my jewelry today. I hope you had an awesome day today!!!
May 16Reply
nanasjewelbox @msneverending1 Thanks, hon, you too!!
May 16Reply
jensdeals37 @nanasjewelbox thanks for the shares!!🦋🌿
Jun 11Reply
msneverending1 Kathy just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for sharing my listing. You have a wonderful closet and beautiful pictures. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Jun 28Reply
nanasjewelbox @msneverending1 Hi Carol!! Nice to see you again!! i saw one of your listings being shared by someone in our group and it reminded me that I hadn't shared for any of you all in quite awhile. So I had to share a few of yours and hers. Thanks for sharing back!! I did have a nice day, though it is over 90 degrees and humid, so taking pics was no fun! :) You have a great day too!! LOve and Peace to you, too!
Jun 28Reply
ec_pikeplace Very sweet posher and passionate about what she does. Thanks again for helping me! Would recommend to anyone for a posh purchase! ❤️
Sep 04Reply
nanasjewelbox @ec_pikeplace You are so kind and thoughtful to make such a wonderful post!! Thank You so very much!!
Sep 04Reply
bronzebohemien thank you for the shares. I truly appreciate!
Sep 17Reply
nanasjewelbox @bronzebohemien You are very welcome, Hon!! You have some great things in your closet, I am happy to share :))
Sep 17Reply
qiascloset Just had to stop by and say that you have one GORGEOUS closet! Lots of quality unique items to choose from. 💞 Happy Poshing! 💃🏾📦 💰
Sep 18Reply
nanasjewelbox @qiascloset Well goodness, thank you!! That's so sweet!!! You have a lovely closet too! Happy Poshing to you, too!!
Sep 18Reply
elliottc1963 Thanks for visiting my closet. I add mew iyems every week.
Oct 16Reply
lydiadan1 Hi I miss you I haven’t heard or sen shares in a while. I’ll share n we can get back in touch please look at my treasures sooo many beautiful pieces are listed. Hugs linda
Nov 22Reply
nanasjewelbox @lydiadan1 Helo hello hello!! So nice to hear from you!! I miss chatting and being part of the group too, and you and Roxie esp. Please feel free to message me anytime, or jog my mind by sharing. I will always share back the people I know. I try to share all but sometimes it is too much. I am adding stuff daily so time is limited.
Nov 22Reply
nanasjewelbox @lydiadan1 I wish we all lived closer it would be fun to get together. Btw, if you decide to do any more of the jumbo lots please tag me. I see that you already sold several. I wish I had known, looks like you sold some really great stuff! I will check back more often, you please do the same! Hugs to you!
Nov 22Reply
lydiadan1 @nanasjewelbox I have that one at the top it’s for sale. Yes it’s absolutely great resale items in there I’m leaving that up through Sunday. Please look at it closely. I loaded it up it’s a heavy box filled with nice items. I have several who buy these. If any questions give a shout. So nice to hear from you ❤️
Nov 22Reply
lydiadan1 @nanasjewelbox I understand completely I don’t share in that group very item either just did tonight have a nice peaceful evening. 🌹🌹🌹
Nov 22Reply
lydiadan1 It’s asking me to make an offer on your likes. But if you want anything I know you will make an offer I don’t like to bug people. 😔😔😔😔😔 the Barbie. Belt is unreal. Look her up online Sarah Gallo does many Barbie items I just added the dolls hahah
Nov 22Reply
onegirlforever Hey Kathy!
Dec 09Reply
germanpompom Hi Kathy Thanks a bunch for looking into my closet and like 💐💌
Dec 12Reply
weimargirl Hi Kathy! Thanks for offer...will purchase for $17 with discounted shipping.
Jan 05Reply
2ndglanceshop Thanks so much for sharing the Prada loafer from my closet! Hope you have a good day!
Jan 22Reply
laurafay what a lovely closet!
Feb 27Reply
nanasjewelbox @laurafay Aren't you sweet!! Thank so much! You have some really great items in your closet too! (And I love the bundle explanation. lol!)
Feb 27Reply
nanasjewelbox @2ndglanceshop You're very welcome! (sorry I just saw this! :))
Feb 27Reply
laurafay @nanasjewelbox Thank you!!! lol
Feb 27Reply
grojivxatu Good Evening, how you doing today. Can you please take a moment to check my Closet. I'm a Silversmith, all my items made by hand. I always working on new pieces, also have other designers as well... You can find something that you may like. I also have a valuable "gift" items, goes with each purchase. I sincerely appreciate your interest. Thank you, George
Apr 25Reply
lunaries Thank you so much for liking my work! I appreciate it a lot! 🥰
May 21Reply
nanasjewelbox @lunaries No need to thank me! Your work is wonderful!! Useful works of art! How could anyone not like them! I will keep your closet in mind when next I need gift items! Happy Poshing to you!!
May 21Reply
computershoptx Thank you for sharing from my closet! I hope you have a great weekend and successful Poshing!😊🇺🇸
May 21Reply
lunaries @nanasjewelbox That's so wonderful! I appreciate that very much! 🥰 Happy Poshing! 🤗
May 21Reply
nanasjewelbox @computershoptx You are welcome! Happy Poshing to You!
May 22Reply
bjm84 Hi Kathy! Thank you so much for the shares! I appreciate the thoughtful help! Your closet is great and so full of temptations! It is fun browsing through! ❤️
Jul 13Reply
nanasjewelbox @bjm84 You are welcome! I try to share as much/often as I can, though not enough time in the day to do it all, lol!! Let me know if I can do anything else for you. Take Care and Happy Poshing!
Jul 13Reply
samloveslife Great Closet, Posher💕😇😘😎
Aug 04Reply
nanasjewelbox @bgib07 Thank You very very much! That''s so kind of you to say!
Aug 16Reply
lydiadan1 Hello dear old friend. Yes covid hit hard. My son is a photographer n my niece does catering for tents parties etc with her company so we certainly understand being hard hit too. Great to have you back. I have missed you glad you too are well stay safe. Winters going to be rough. I’m going to share. Posh can get to be a bit much uggh. Share. Share share. It’s tiresome form time to time. I have been selling like crazy in another site and to private buyers. But I love posh so I’m staying. 💕💕💕💕😘😘😘
Aug 21Reply
jj_pat Hi: 🇺🇸 Happy Holiday! Shared a Dozen from your Lovely Closet. Best Wishes
Sep 05Reply
copelandheirs Hi! Do you happen to have anything with opals?
May 27Reply
nanasjewelbox @brandnewyou2021 I have earrings listed. I have a few rings not yet listed. What did you have in mind?
May 27Reply
copelandheirs @nanasjewelbox Not really sure. Opal is my oldest niece's birthstone and her birthday is in October. I like to get ahead of these things. Lol! She will be 14. I don't suppose you have anything in a giraffe? Just checking. I'm going to look for the ones you have out now. I'll let you know.😁
May 27Reply
nanasjewelbox @brandnewyou2021 I have a giraffe brooch. It's really sweet, and approx 5" tall. It would look great on a backpack or book bag, or her coat. I'll look around and see what else opal I can lay my hands on. A few rings and a necklace come to mind. I'll try to get some pics for you today.
May 27Reply
nanasjewelbox @brandnewyou2021 Btw, I see you've already "liked" the opal earrings. I mention this in case you hadn't realized :))
May 27Reply
copelandheirs @nanasjewelbox Yes ma'am. I found it after we spoke.😊
May 27Reply
copelandheirs @nanasjewelbox That's awesome but please, no rush. That's why I start months in advance. No hurry, no stress. Looking forward to seeing the giraffe. Do you make any of this stuff or do you procure already made? Thanks so much for getting back to me.😁
May 27Reply
nanasjewelbox @brandnewyou2021 you’re welcome 😊 I do make some but I also source from many places. I try to carry a little of all types of jewelry. Some is brand new, some gently used, some vintage. I love it all 💕
May 27Reply
nanasjewelbox @brandnewyou2021 btw, the giraffe is already listed in the brooches 🦒🦒🦒
May 27Reply
nanasjewelbox @obrkatie1527 Well, I don't even SEE a bundle. But I am not shopping, thank you. I liked one of your items to mark your closet. I saw your post on Facebook about needing to close your closet so I thought I'd share some of your items to help you out.
Jul 11Reply
obrkatie1527 Again, I apologize for the confusion I cause, After I take a certain medication and I took a nap before setting up the bundle. I created a bundle on my page,, please let me know if the price is agreeable. Katie
Jul 12Reply
obrkatie1527 Your bundle is set up on your page, even though they you made it clear to me that you no longer interested in shopping. Thank you for taking the time to read and visit my closet. Have a good week. Katie
Jul 12Reply
nanasjewelbox @obrkatie1527 Sweetie I already told you I am not interested, that I was trying to help you by sharing your closet, and I had liked it in order to bookmark you. You made a post on Facebook that you were closing your closet and wanted to move your merch. I was trying to help you out by sharing your items. I wish you good luck❤️
Jul 12Reply
nanasjewelbox @fabfinds4femmes Happy Posing to you too!! I am happy to share! I hope it helps you down the road to good sales! Happy Poshing to you!!
Jul 12Reply
samloveslife Hi, Friend! Trying to see if you are around. I’ve got a credit card itching in my hand! S
Dec 01Reply
nanasjewelbox @samloveslife I have just messaged you! The listing has been changed and reflects the new price for you! Shop away!❤️
Dec 01Reply
waikikirod Beautiful
Dec 02Reply
nanasjewelbox @krissyany Thank you, same to you!
Dec 02Reply
normalola Amazing closets ! Love ur Berek sweaters had mine for years … shared listings hope u don’t mind ?? 👍😍
Feb 26Reply
kristis123 Hi Kathy! Please forgive me! I’m making up my shares from 4-9—so ignore me today!!!
Apr 11Reply
nanasjewelbox @kristis123 Hi! No problem friend!! Thanks for remembering! Have a great night!!!
Apr 11Reply
kristis123 @nanasjewelbox 😘❤️❤️❤️❤️
Apr 13Reply
artmart Kathy, thanks for sharing the PJ’s, I didn’t realize I hadn’t removed that hold for in the description. Have a fun Halloween 🦹 Jackie 🧚‍♀️
Oct 31Reply
cutehosiery @nanasjewelbox Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 18Reply

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Annapolis, MD
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Love Notes

About the seller



Last Active: this hour

Annapolis, MD
View Closet




Sold Listings

1 day

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Love Notes