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Updated Sep 17
Updated Sep 17

Meet your Posher, Kathy

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Kathy. Some of my favorite brands are lululemon athletica, Tory Burch, Louis Vuitton, PINK Victoria's Secret, and MAC Cosmetics. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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sdeck32 and 2 others like this
gypsythrift22 Yay💕will ship tomorrow 💕
Nov 25Reply
mistle Welcome to Posh! I hope you'll have an awesome time here 🎉🎉 and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Just put @ in front of the person's closet name to ensure they get your message... I'm a Suggested User and I'd be happy to help if I can. 💕💕 Have fun! 👍
Jan 05Reply
gypsythrift22 Congrats on your closet Grand Opening💐
Jan 09Reply
abmguccie @gypsythrift22 thank you so much.
Jan 10Reply
abmguccie @gypsythrift22 hey could you share my bra post please. I finally got around to posting it. 😘
Jan 19Reply
abmguccie @mistle thank you.
Jan 19Reply
abmguccie @lbowman820 it's ok love. I love your closet I'll check out other stuff. Thanks.
Sep 15Reply
abmguccie @gypsythrift22 u have been awesome from day one. My business is kicking in finally. Thank u.
Sep 17Reply
gypsythrift22 @abmguccie 💐thank you for thinking of me!! I'm sorry I didn't reply yet to your comment a day or so ago. It's been crazy around here since hurricane Irma decided to mess everything up 🙄. Happy poshing and let me know if you ever need anything!! 🦋xoxo
Sep 17Reply
abmguccie @gypsythrift22 I actually was wondering. about the people that ask me to email them. Are they spammers? It happens twice today. I want to sell my stuff but not sure about emailing them about the sale.
Sep 18Reply
gypsythrift22 @abmguccie definately spammers! They usually comment when you first list an item, especially higher priced items. If you click on their @username to view their closet you will find that they have no info and usually their name is jgfjkk or something. I have no idea what they seek to achieve, but I know it's NOT LEGIT. You can report them by clicking on their username, then on the arrow at the top right of their closet, then on "report", then "off-site transaction".
Sep 18Reply
abmguccie @gypsythrift22 thanks for the quick reply. I'll def report them.
Sep 18Reply
gypsythrift22 @abmguccie ..cont....some people politely reply to those spammers "the item is available, feel free to conduct communication on this listing" or something like that. I've given up replying to them at all because I've never seen one actually make a purchase. Now I just ignore them and report them :)
Sep 18Reply
hmsimon1 Good morning Kathy. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Sep 26Reply
sdeck32 Hey girl! Love your closet! Also, you're super close to reaching Posh Ambassador status! It looks like the only 2 things you need are to share at least 50 new posher 'meet the posher' listings and have 5000 community shares. Right now it looks like you've got over 700 community not too many more to go 😀
Oct 17Reply
sdeck32 Also, let me know if there's anything I can do to help! There are follow games on here that I can tag you in to get those community shares knocked out in no time🙂
Oct 17Reply
sdeck32 Iliterally just reached Ambassador status and it's awesome because your closet gets way more attention and you for sure sell more! If you go to my closet, the very first listing is my celebratory Posh Ambassador listing. If you click on it and scroll down through the pictures, there's a screenshot of the perks you get w/ ambassador status!
Oct 17Reply
abmguccie @sdeck32 that's awesome. I'll def keep sharing.
Oct 17Reply
abmguccie @sdeck32 much appreciated 😘😘😘
Oct 17Reply
abmguccie @sdeck32 thanks i will.
Oct 17Reply
sdeck32 @abmguccie No problem😀 Let me know if there's anything I can do to help! Also, you may already know this, but I just figured out a faster way to share listings. Instead of clicking on the listing, pressing the share button, and having to click the back arrow to get outta the listing....when you go into someone's closet if you just press and hold a random listing pic, a little bar will pop up on the bottom of the screen so you can do a quick share😀
Oct 17Reply
abmguccie @sdeck32 no I didn't know that. Wow thank u so much. I was wondering how do people have time to share so much lol. I hired my Daughter to help me.
Oct 17Reply
sdeck32 @abmguccie I totally hear you! I also wondered the same thing!!! Lol! Like, do these people literally just sit on their phones all day sharing listings on Posh to have these ridiculously high community shares!?! I'm 33 and I'm soooo behind in the times with technology! My 8 year old daughter is the one who teaches me tips and tricks for everything to do with my iPhone! I feel so old!!!
Oct 17Reply
abmguccie @sdeck32 old? 🙉🙉🙉 I'm turning 36 in 2 weeks lol.
Oct 17Reply
abmguccie @sdeck32 question. What's the best way to perfect my pictures. I've tried everything and they still come out poor.
Oct 17Reply
sdeck32 What kind of phone do you have? I have an iPhone 6s and the camera takes really good pictures, so I take pics with my camera phone and then edit/crop and perfect them before uploading when I make a listing. I don't like the 'sell' camera on the app. The pic quality isn't good in my opinion.
Oct 17Reply
sdeck32 Oh, and I also play around with the diff pic shades Posh has for when you're choose the 1st pic for your listing at the bottom of the screen. I really like vintage and retro. Depending on the color of the clothing list, they can really make the clothing color pop!
Oct 17Reply
sdeck32 Oh, and I found an awesome white furry rug at hobby lobby for 50% off. It ended up costing like $9 and it's an awesome background to put on a hardwood floor and lay your stuff out on. The better you doll up the background of your listing pics, the faster they sell!
Oct 17Reply
sdeck32 I'm gonna try to share a listing of a shirt I laid out on it to your closet. If it doesn't work, go to my closet and it's the blue express shirt. I just reorganized my closet and the tops are listed first, so you won't have to scroll down a little to see it😀
Oct 17Reply
abmguccie @sdeck32 thanks for all of your tips. Your so sweet. I love making posh friends. I noticed you do more shares than following. Does that increase your sales? I feel like the day I follow tons of new people my sales are better. Another question, is this your only job? I work from home. How do you organize your timing with out losing the entire day to being on your phone 🙈.
Oct 17Reply
sdeck32 @abmguccie You're so sweet too! I have a new PFF😊! Yay!!! I started sharing a ton of listings because that was my last task to complete to reach Ambassador status. I'm a preacher's wife, so I stay at home, clean, organize church events, and also sell on merc. I do have some tips for you though.
Oct 17Reply
sdeck32 @abmguccie Everyday, I go in and click edit, next, list on all of my listings during times of the day ppl are most likely to be checking Posh without changing anything in the listing. When you do that, EVERYONE checking the Posh feed sees it, not just your followers like when you just share your listing with followers. More tips coming. Only 500 words allowed in each post.
Oct 17Reply
sdeck32 @abmguccie Also, I usually list prices between $5 to $15 higher than I would sell them for depending on what the item is, then wait til it gets at least 5 or 6 likes and drop the price at a time of day most ppl are checking Posh...around lunch and around 6pm when ppl are off work because usually when you drop your prices, discounted shipping is offered to the ppl who like your listing and they all get notifications when your prices drop!
Oct 17Reply
abmguccie @sdeck32 those are all great tips. I've been watching tons of YouTube videos. I also sell on mec and honestly sell slot more than posh. But I'm more comfortable on posh. Again your too kind to share all of your tips. Do you have a room for all of your items posted? Trying to stay organized is not easy. I have 4 kids and an international student, you can imagine how much stuff we have lol.
Oct 17Reply
sdeck32 @abmguccie I have more tips that I don't wanna post publicly, so if you want you can text me! I don't answer #'S I don't recognize. Lol. My cell is (7twozero) 3six1-six3two3🙂
Oct 17Reply
momof2boys621 Salam, please visit my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Nov 10Reply
lobean89 @abmguccie hi I was hoping you could rate the Lululemon leggings I sent you :) thank you!
Mar 19Reply

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Last Active: 13 hours ago

Canton, MI
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