Meet your Posher, Kaydie
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Hi! I’m from San Diego, California and love the beach and Netflix! I'm hoping to share some great finds and explore a new fun way to shop! I hope you enjoy my stuff!

23 others
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Jun 23Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 🌻🌻🌻
Jun 23Reply

Thanks for following me. Hope you will check out my closet. I have some great deals. I ship same day in most instances. Any likes and shares are much appreciated. Wishing you lots of success 😊
Jun 23Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! We love new buyers and sellers!
Jun 24Reply

Hi there!⭐️⭐️love your closet💫💫💜💜 I invite you to like and follow my new Poshstar share group ! We share from each others closets daily featuring 3 closets a day with mega shares. Its really fun and theres GREAT exposure. Check out my listing called “Poshstar Party” and join the the fun!⭐️✨💙💙💙don’t forget to “like & share” the listing to begin 😃
Jul 13Reply

Good afternoon, Thank you so much for all of the shares. As a gift for your generous shares you have a 10% discount off of anything you like in my closet. Just heart it and I'll send you the offer or bundle and save. Happy Poshing!!❤❤💕💕😘😘
Jul 13Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Love your closet so far ❤️❤️❤️
Jul 14Reply

@kaypaps welcome to Poshmark Happy Poshing 🙂🌼
Jul 17Reply

Adorable picture doll
Jul 18Reply

💜I appreciate you checking out and/or following my closet😘 I will do the same💐💐🌸share and care💐😇🛍 Happy Poshing☀️😘 💜Be Blessed💜
Jul 23Reply

Welcome to Poshmark ! Happy to have you here ! 😙😚💔💔💖💖💕💖💖😙😚😙💝😙💔💖💕😊💖💔💖😊💔💖
Jul 31Reply

🌸Welcome to Poshmark🌸
Aug 13Reply

Thank you for following me! Your closet looks great! Feel free to look at mine if you have time. Have a nice day☺️
Aug 13Reply

Hi Kaydie, welcome to Poshmark ❤️ Happy Poshing 😊
Aug 14Reply

Thank you for following me.
Welcome to stop by anytime 🎀
Aug 17Reply

Dear Poshette- that's kinda cute, right?
Welcome to Poshmania. 🎉This isn't simply buying & selling.🛍You will be making friends willing to answer your questions and cheering you on!😀Be sure to read the Poshmark Guidelines.📘✔︎Tip: Posh is all about Sharing your listings. Goto the list 📃of peo. that have "liked"😍 someone. Add those people to your list of people You are following.👣A lot of them will visit your closet.
Please check out "My Amazing Closet,"🏠
-Saundra, Posh Ambassador❣👩💼
Aug 18Reply

Hey girl I miss the cali sun and beaches. Lived there till I was 9 and been in Washington most my life now. I live for summer and need to be outdoors to feel happy and SALE! I do enjoy a good Netflix binge though!! Even in the summer it's nice to chill out at night watching show after show lol. Sending positive vibes your way! Xo, Joy💕☮🌻😊
Aug 18Reply

Thank you for visiting my Poshmark closet and if find items you like make a bundle for a discount on shipping.
Aug 26Reply

@kaypaps Hi Kaydie, I’m Misti. I wanted to wish you a wonderful Labor Day weekend!! ❤️🇺🇸❤️ Wishing you many sales!!
Aug 30Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 😃Hi I am Gloria. I hope you are enjoying this great community of wonderful people & amazing deals. I am a Poshmark Ambassador, Top rated seller, fast shipper & Poshmark Mentor. Feel free to contact me with any questions, I’d be glad to help . I invite you to check out my closet, i carry men’s & women’s items in all sizes. I have a sale 5 pieces for $29, so feel free to browse. Use the filter tool to find all the $10 items. I also give discounts on bundles 😃
Sep 19Reply

Thank you very much for sharing my closet. I'm always happy to share the Posh Love❣Have a great week! 🌞🌈
Sep 23Reply

Welcome and thank you for following me!
I want to also invite you to follow my Instagram where I share selling tips and posh party information and much more
However I can’t do so without your support ! I’ll return the favor
✖️ Instagram @chante_all day
Sep 23Reply

Great Closet with nice variety! Cheers!🥂
Oct 29Reply

Thank you for following my 🚱. I greatly appreciate it. I've Followed you back and Shared some of yours. You have a awesome selection especially when Christmas coming 😁. If you have a chance take a peek at my closet. I love offering Bargains to all my Poshmark Friends and Family. Wishing you Abundant Poshmark Prosperity. Enjoy your Poshmark journey. I'm having a Buy 1 Get 1 Free Sale. My New Inventory has come in. Its the best time of the year to Posh in your Pjs to Stay Cozy ❤❤❤
Nov 08Reply

Thank you for the follow 🌠
Apr 25Reply

Have a Great Day Beautiful 😘😘😘 Stay Safe Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
May 17Reply

Hello😊 happy poshing!!! Welcome to my closet 🤗if you see something you like you can always send me an offer💐and if you have any question please don’t hesitate to ask❤️thank you🌹
Sep 17Reply
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