Meet your Posher, Kelle
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Small town boy mom who recently had gastric surgery…time for a clean out of my closet!

Welcome to Poshmark! If you are here to buy, look for the items you want on sale. Also don't be afraid to make a reasonable offer. If you find 2 or 3 items from the same seller you will save lots of money per item on shipping. If you are here to sell don't forget to grab those free boxes from the Post Office. A very important thing is to learn how to price your items. Of course there is a whole lot more to learn. If there is anything I can help you with let me know. Good luck and happy Poshing.
Sep 17Reply

👋🏽 just wanted to let you know that there are a few hours left on the very low offer on the item u liked.
➡️➡️then I have to relist at regular price.
Have a great evening and if you can’t get it today, please come back and like again (won’t be the same low price) ✌🏽💝😁
Feb 06Reply

Hello! Happy Poshing! 😊
Mar 22Reply

Thank you for your likes. Bundle and save!
Jul 16Reply
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