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Updated Aug 15
Updated Aug 15

Meet your Posher, Kelli

Meet the Posher



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Welcome! Shoes are my unfortunate OBSESSION. I loathe the symbolism and message of luxury brands and you won't find any in my closet; nor will I share yours. Everything else is fair game! I am of the "pet hair means you care" philosophy and am more likely to purchase from the closet of a fellow animal lover! I love the support in this community and what it stands for! Happy Poshing!
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nessgonza @daiqsmom Hi! Thank you for your interest in the Banana Republic dress. The dress is almost brand new, only worn once. I was originally asking $30 for it, and I lowered the price. I'm willing to meet you half way, the lowest I can do is $23. Will that work?
Jul 15Reply
daiqsmom @nessgonza first day on this app and I'm still learning how to navigate! I accepted your offer which you probably already know, but just came across this message! Thank you for your quick reply!
Jul 16Reply
nessgonza @daiqsmom No worries, I understand. Welcome to Poshmark! Your dress will be in the mail soon! 😉
Jul 17Reply
dejavuapparel @daiqsmom Hi Kelli!! Welcome!! 😊💞
Jul 25Reply
daiqsmom @dejavuapparel hi, there! Thanks so much for the warm welcome! Still learning the ropes here but having a lot of fun doing it! 😎
Jul 25Reply
dejavuapparel @daiqsmom You're welcome!! Happy to help if you ever have any questions!! 😊💕
Jul 25Reply
katzkoz Hi. & Welcome to Posh! It's a very supportive & social community & if U have any questions there's always a Posher to answer them. Or visit my closet & I'd be happy to help! 🌟 SHARING 🌟 is KEY! Why? When U SHARE an item to Ur FOLLOWERS they see it in their FEED The more they SHARE it to "THEIR" Followers the more exposure it gets So... the more Followers U have the more POTRNTIAL SALES U'll get! More questions? Just ask me
Aug 07Reply
daiqsmom @katzkoz Thank you so much!
Aug 08Reply
sstemen13 @daiqsmom I'm so glad you like your sweater! And thank you so much for the kind words and rating! 😊😊❤️
Aug 08Reply
daiqsmom @sstemen13 you deserve it! You're a doll! Hopefully our Posh paths will cross again! xoxo
Aug 08Reply
lunaruby 😍 awwwwwwwwwww
Aug 18Reply
daiqsmom @lunaruby he's my little lover man! 😍
Aug 18Reply
lunaruby I grew up with what we think was a Siamese Burmese mix. He lived to be 16 and didn't shut up for that entire time. 😂 They're awesome!
Aug 18Reply
daiqsmom @lunaruby Norton is a Snowshoe so he's half Siamese and definitely a talker!!! Also, the MOST affectionate kitty I've EVER known! 😻
Aug 18Reply
daiqsmom @ymattson much love from my fuzzy family to yours!
Aug 18Reply
jassieboo92 Welcome to poshmark ! :)
Sep 11Reply
daiqsmom @jassieboo92 You're a doll! Thank you!
Sep 11Reply
lizt512 @daiqsmom thanks for your purchase. I just realized I changed the post for the socks to one of three instead of all 3. Before I ship, can you confirm you want the pants plus 1 pair of socks?
Sep 14Reply
hippiegirl50 Thank you for your purchase 😊. Beautiful kitty by the way ❤️. I am also a proud owner of a beautiful black Lab. These will ship today! Have an amazing day !
Sep 23Reply
hippiegirl50 @daiqsmom Hello, I wanted to let you know that when I was in the process of packaging your items I did notice that the color block maxi has a few pulls in it. They are only noticeable if you are right up on it. The other dress however is great! I included a couple of gift items in with your purchase but wanted to let you decide if you still want the items. I have only worn the maxi once, it has been in my closet for a bit. It is however priced accordingly. It is up to you. Ship or no ?
Sep 23Reply
daiqsmom @hippiegirl50 1. Hi to your fuzzy family member from ours!!! 😀 2. Go ahead and ship! Thanks for your honesty and for proactively reaching out ☺ I also don't mind a little bit of dog hair 😉
Sep 23Reply
hippiegirl50 @daiqsmom Ok great ! Thanks so much ! Have an amazing day 😊
Sep 23Reply
sgauger1 Thank you for the Posh❤️ I am so happy they fit! Happy Poshing!✨
Oct 01Reply
daiqsmom @sgauger1 You never know on here so is always exciting when something works out! 😙
Oct 01Reply
kimmy1231 @daiqsmom hi and welcome to Posh! You're closet is killer!! ❤️ it all and I just wish we were the same size. Your cat is adorable. I'm such a cat person.🐱❤️Good luck poshing!
Oct 08Reply
daiqsmom @apezda you're so sweet!!! Thank you! 💋
Oct 15Reply
cattyo Thanks for the shares Kelli! Beautiful furybaby!❤️
Oct 21Reply
daiqsmom @cattyo From one cat mom to another --- thank you!!! Your closet is gorgeous! 😘
Oct 21Reply
cattyo Thank you so much!😘 Cat moms are the best!😻
Oct 21Reply
daiqsmom @cattyo I like all animals better than most people 😉
Oct 21Reply
panieh Hi 🐱 kitty. Mewoooo... purrrrr purrrrr😻😻😻
Feb 12Reply
daiqsmom @panieh Awww! Your Snowshoe is beautiful! What is his/her name?!
Feb 12Reply
lalalalove18 @daiqsmom hello 😽😽😽😽😽 love ur 🐱 ❤️❤️❤️
Feb 20Reply
daiqsmom @lalalalove18 Thank you......he's a DOLL!!!!! 😻
Feb 20Reply
lalalalove18 @daiqsmom awww sooo sweeet!!! I have two cats but they are huge😂 not like ur beauty 💕 mines are beautiful too. It different beauty lol🤣🤣🤣 thanks for the sharing❤️
Feb 20Reply
lalalalove18 Oh I can tell!!!!😍😍😍
Feb 20Reply
daiqsmom @lalalalove18 he's a big boy...especially compared to his two little sisters! 😉
Feb 20Reply
lalalalove18 Beaaaaautiful❤️
Feb 20Reply
lalalalove18 Oh really?! U have to check my boys!!‼️ then you can tell ur are normal size.. ..😜
Feb 20Reply
lalalalove18 I'm gonna post it!
Feb 20Reply
daiqsmom @lalalalove18 Tag me...I'll check it out in the morning...bedtime now 😴
Feb 20Reply
lalalalove18 Ok doll! I posted it my page! Good night!
Feb 20Reply
kobal89 I ❤️ your 🐱
Feb 20Reply
daiqsmom @lalalalove18 OMG! They are so precious! I want to rub those fluffy tummies! 😍
Feb 20Reply
daiqsmom @kobal89 Thanks! We hit the jackpot with this lovebug, for sure!
Feb 20Reply
lalalalove18 @daiqsmom lol yes! They are great hugger for sure!! Lol🤣 yes, we are super lucky!!❤️😘
Feb 20Reply
gracehuang517 Wow thank you so much for sharing my closet
Mar 10Reply
daiqsmom @gracehuang517 You're sooooooo welcome! Welcome to Posh! 😘
Mar 10Reply
angreen40 Thanks for visiting my closet. I am giving away a free item to the first 12 people who make a purchase.
Mar 14Reply
cschklair Hi thank you for sharing my closet!! You have a great closet!!
Mar 29Reply
daiqsmom @cschklair awww! Thank you so much!
Mar 29Reply
redrubypie Hello. I recently bought a bralette from you and I opened multiple things that day that I ordered from Poshmark. I'm pretty sure that you are the fellow posher who packaged it beautifully and even added a small gift. I couldn't remember at first which posher it was. I didn't want all of your extras to go unnoticed.
May 27Reply
redrubypie One of my favorite things about Poshmark is the detail and written notes that most include in the packaging. So thank you. It makes purchasing and unwrapping so much fun for me. You go the extra mile and it is much appreciated.
May 27Reply
daiqsmom @redrubypie No problem! I know how that can be! You're very welcome! I believe presentation is an important part of the experience and I try to make my "extras" something practical that anyone would enjoy. Thank you for taking the time to share made my day! ☺️
May 27Reply
herbiedog Beautiful kitty 🐱 cat!💕❤️🐾
Jun 01Reply
daiqsmom @herbiedog thank you! He's a sweet, sweet boy!!!
Jun 01Reply
mbt_2022 Omg 😲 obsessed with your kitty bunch! So adorable!!😻😻 do you just have the 3? I too have a snowshoe Siamese & black Siamese mix. 3 others too..,I'm totally a crazy cat lady now. Lol. Check out their pics on my meet the posher page & also my closet rules page. You'll fall in love too. Lol. They're my constant companions❤️️❤️️
Jun 23Reply
eclectikatt You have such beautiful cats! That tortie, oh my goodness.
Sep 22Reply
daiqsmom @rebeccalpn I don't know how I missed this message before...I'm so sorry! Your kittos are beautiful! Yes; just the, 3...but we unexpectedly rescued a dog in May!!!! 🐶😨 It took some time, but everyone loves one another now! 💕 Us crazy cat ladies have to stick together!
Sep 22Reply
daiqsmom @eclectikatt Thank you so much! Is that your baby in your profile pic?! (S)he doesn't even look real! So perfect! Our tortie is beautiful...and she knows it!!! She totally has the signature "tortitude" 😂😂😂
Sep 22Reply
eclectikatt @daiqsmom He's quite real. 😸 And I am his, yes.
Sep 22Reply
porchswing95 I had to stop by and compliment you on your beautiful kitties!! Adorable! 😸🐈🐱💙💚💜
Nov 19Reply
daiqsmom @porchswing95 You are so sweet! My fur babies are my world!!!
Nov 19Reply
mwallen311 Hi Kelli! Thank you for your purchase of the bundle! It's all packed up and ready to be shipped first thing in the morning! I of course took care in wrapping the items but I hope you don't mind I also placed them in plastic baggies.. it's snowing here in Chicago and I wanted to be extra sure your items arrive safely! Thank you again, I'm always glad to spot a fellow animal lover!
Jan 15Reply
daiqsmom @mwallen311 I do the same thing when I wrap my sales year-round so I appreciate it!
Jan 15Reply
scgirl1961 Hey Kelli, your cats are gorgeous 😍 Your closet is fabulous❣️ Haven't been able to shop in awhile 😟 husband had 3 bypass surg in Sept. out of work w/short term disability!!! We're makin it $ for $ & day by day!! I've not had very good sales & constant lowball offers 😤 he starts back 12 Feb but it'll be months to catch up 🤑🤑 I've got to get all my stuff listed, its almost desperation at this point! I have it, just no energy to photo & post😞 But, that'll get change asap 😉💝💝
Jan 31Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Mar 19Reply
daiqsmom @spreadlove Hi Melissa! Nice to meet you! Can never have too many Posh friends!!! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a sweet note! 😘
Mar 19Reply
divadevil Hi Kelli, thank you so much for your purchase. I will be shipping out in the morning. Have a great rest of the night. Cyndee😀😀
Aug 02Reply
daiqsmom @divadevil Sounds great! Thank you!
Aug 02Reply
divadevil Good morning Kelli, your package has shipped out today. Thanks again for shopping my closet.
Aug 06Reply
divadevil Hi Kelli, please accept your package!Thanks again
Aug 10Reply
daiqsmom @divadevil I'm out of town. It took you several days longer to ship than you indicated.
Aug 10Reply
divadevil @daiqsmom yes, I am sorry I had an emergency that need my attention. Ok no worries. Just when you arrive home please accept. Thanks again
Aug 10Reply
mydosgatos Great closet! (And adorable cats 🐈💙)!
Aug 16Reply
daiqsmom @mydosgatos thank you! Same to you!!! 😻😻😻
Aug 16Reply
pandada Happy poshing Kelli.,Feel free to check out my closet when you have a min k. Enjoy your weekend😘❤️🌸💐🎉
Oct 07Reply
jujudavis11 Hi Kelli...I’m the one that sent you the the wrong blazer and it was going to send you the correct one but I cannot find it we just moved and I just don’t know where it is. I’m so sorry! I got mone back today so I hope you see the credit back right away. I didn’t know how else to communicate with you but except through through your profile.
Apr 22Reply
daiqsmom @jujudavis11 Yeah...Posh doesn't make that communication part very easy. Thanks for reaching out to let me know. I'm sure they'll issue the credit soon. Thanks, again!
Apr 22Reply
jujudavis11 Thank you for your understanding! Your kitty cat is very Beautiful!
Apr 22Reply
kellynuch Hi:) thanks for shopping in my closet. I’m including a beautiful black & crystal necklace to match the suit you purchased. I’m giving away a 3rd item with purchase of 2 right now.
Jul 23Reply
daiqsmom @kellynuch Hi! That's incredibly thoughtful! Thank you so much! And thanks for the awesome offer! ❣️
Jul 23Reply
veggodess Hello. Looks like your order was delivered✨Yay✨ Please accept promptly 💕if everything meets your expectations. I also offer a returning customer discount of 🎉20% off 🎊most items in my closet. I hope to see you again🛍
Aug 14Reply
daiqsmom @veggodess This message is incredibly rude. You know that you will get paid either way in 3 days max. I haven't even left my office yet and you're already sending me a message to receive a package that was delivered a couple of hours ago. As a long-time seller on this site, I find this a terrible way to treat a buyer.
Aug 14Reply
veggodess @daiqsmom thanks for feedback Kelli. The message was not intended to offend you.... it’s a standard message I send as reminder to accept delivery within the 3 days time frame. Thanks again for your purchase.
Aug 14Reply
lenati Hello! As I was ironing the James and Joy top I noticed a pull on the back that I had not noticed before. Feel free to select another top/s or to cancel the order. I truly apologize for the inconvenience.
Sep 17Reply
daiqsmom @lenati Hi! I'll take a look! If I can find something else will you still include this in the package? Even with the pull?
Sep 17Reply
lenati @daiqsmom I would include the top, but feel free to select another one, even if it is NWT.
Sep 17Reply
megan274 Hi! 😀Just wanted to invite you to take a look at my closet. 👚👗👜👍🏻👢👠Hope you find something you like. 💚I am open to deals and bundles, happy poshing! 🎉
Nov 04Reply
stephaniendiaye thank you for the all the shares, & the awesome note! 💕
Nov 23Reply
daiqsmom @stephaniendiaye you deserve it, you beautiful human, You! You go girl! 🥰💞🥰
Nov 23Reply
pinkrocks21 I am sorry didn’t catch the wide on the size. I am happy to return them.
Feb 19Reply
daiqsmom @pinkrocks21 Very kind of you to reach out. it's okay...I have a friend who I was able to gift them to who is super thrilled! Thanks so much for caring! I'm pretty impressed with the follow up! 🙃
Feb 19Reply
pinkrocks21 Oh that is good news! Sorry again 💕
Feb 19Reply
silversunsiren Hi there @daiqsmom! Thank you so much for your purchase; your blazer is on its way. Enjoy it in good health. Cheers! 🥂💋
Mar 25Reply
daiqsmom @silversunsiren You are lovely! thank you!!!
Mar 25Reply
naturallybecca Hello there shopper! I hope you’re having the best time on this app. If you’re looking to make a purchase in the future, look no further! I am offering HUGE discounts off brands including aerie, GAP, and many more! Deals include... ♡ 25% off bundles of 6+ items ♡ Items available FREE with a purchase ♡ All offers $4 and up accepted or reasonably countered I am a Poshmark Ambassador, so please let me know if there’s anything I can do to make your time on here more worthwhile ♡
Apr 22Reply
robbiepemberton thanks for the wonderful review. 😊
May 16Reply
daiqsmom @robbiepemberton You are VERY welcome! Again, I apologize for the delay! Have a wonderful weekend! 😘
May 16Reply
leighdfw Hi Kelli, thanks so much for all the shares!! I just returned the Posh Love 💕. Thank you again & stay safe. 😊
Jul 08Reply
daiqsmom @leighdfw You're the best! Your closet is ADORABLE! Have a great week!!! ❣️
Jul 08Reply
cjfabarez Hi!! I think you might like a pair of black, blue and white Marika 7/8 leggings that I have in my closet! Check it out if you have a minute, and please let me know if you have any questions. Have a beautiful day!!
Jul 14Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Jul 19Reply
cheyanne_79 Hello there, thank you for shared my item on Twitter 🥰
Sep 23Reply
reddsea Thank-you for the shares 😊
Nov 15Reply
watsonlilmommy @daiqsmom hello check out my closet see something you like send me a offer all offers accepted
May 31Reply
cutehosiery @daiqsmom Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 19Reply
hellobrigid Hi! 👋 I'm spreading the word that my Entire Closet @brizabrigid is 50% off 🌈 ✈️ I'm moving out of the US mainland at the end of October. ☺️ If you like an item or items, I'll send the discounted offer via bundle!💕 Brigid
Sep 24Reply

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Last Active: Feb 28

Lake Saint Louis, MO
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Last Active: Feb 28

Lake Saint Louis, MO
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