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Updated Feb 18
Updated Feb 18

Meet your Posher, Kelli

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Kelli. I live between Manhattan and Bend, Oregon. I love shopping sample sales in NYC and vintage everywhere. I try to only purchase what I will wear, although sometimes I can’t get my size. I hope you enjoy my collection. I’ll continue to post from my closet and travel finds.
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junquefood Welcome to Poshmark! It is so much fun to buy and sell. I hope you enjoy the app. The “your guide to poshmark” has some really awesome tips on how to boost your sales. Bet of luck 😊
Mar 29Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! Wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance, stop by to take a look at my closet! I will be moving soon and everything must go! A lot of my clothing has never been worn and still has tags attached, like Marc Jacobs Daisy, Nike, MAC Brushes, PINK, and so much more! so take a look a around. And if there is something that you like, but not the price, make an offer! XoXo, B.
Oct 25Reply
misscorbeau Hey chica love your closet and thank u for shares!😘
Dec 02Reply
bkshoes Lovely Closet💐Happy Poshing 👠
Dec 03Reply
vibes4vintage @missksb Kelli! Welcome to Vibes4Vintage Share Group! You have a Gorgeous Closet! We are All looking forward to getting to know you! Have a Great Evening!
Dec 04Reply
kuratorkelli @misscorbeau Oh, thank you! I came across you're closet and loved it!
Dec 04Reply
kuratorkelli @bkshoes thank you! And your closet is lovely too! Thanks for stopping by!
Dec 04Reply
kuratorkelli @vibes4vintage thanks for the invite. I’m having fun learning how all this works. Joining the group helps a lot and I love to see other poshers vintage! So much good stuff!!!
Dec 04Reply
misscorbeau @missksb same here !
Dec 04Reply
soriag 😊 Hi I am Gloria. I hope you are enjoying this community of great people and awesome deals. I am a Poshmark Ambassador, Top Seller, Top sharer and Poshmark Mentor. If you have any questions feel free to ask, I will be glad to help. I also invite you to check out my closet. Happy Poshing 😃
Dec 09Reply
kuratorkelli @soriag Hi Gloria! Thanks so much. I may reach out to you with questions soon. I checked out your closet briefly (i'll go back when I have more time) but you have some great items!
Dec 09Reply
kuratorkelli @natjoyrock9 thanks! I just went back and looked at yours again. You have some great stuff. This is fun!
Jan 02Reply
2muchstuff3691 Glad we connected on Poshmark. Hope you’ll check out my closet and give me a follow 😘💕❤️ Maybe you’ll find some goodies in my closet
Feb 24Reply
kuratorkelli @schracl Hi Rachel. Thx for your follow. You have a great closet! Thx for stopping by. I’m following you now! You have some great stuff!
Feb 24Reply
sinsofcyn 🍷🍷🍷Ooooh .........What Fun🍷🍷🍷LOVE YOUR 👗 🍷🍷🍷🍷🥄🍷🍷🍷🍷CHEERS🍷🍷🍷
Mar 30Reply
kuratorkelli @sinsofcyn Thanks! I love vintage!!!
Mar 30Reply
mickeymess I love love love your closet! 😍
May 18Reply
shopswankstyles Hello❣️New items are now available in my boutique! Grab your size before it sells out!🥰💕 Have a great week!💜
May 21Reply
retrorandy Love your awesome closet!
May 28Reply
kuratorkelli @retrorandy thanks! I you also have a great closet! Love some of your vintage!
May 28Reply
retrorandy @missksb as a Posh Ambassador how about a Vintage Clothing Jewelry Accessory Party.. how is it suggested
May 28Reply
kuratorkelli @retrorandy how do we do this?
May 28Reply
retrorandy @missksb I was hoping you might know.. it seems a lot of closets at least have something they could contribute., maybe if we gather some closets to host it then submit are idea? What are your thoughts? Do you also sell on Etsy.. which format has the better audience for you?
May 28Reply
kuratorkelli @retrorandy I have invites to share vintage but it’s different than a party. I would like to do this! Not sure why there aren’t vintage parties. Let’s chat! 😊. I have few listings on Etsy, but I can’t figure out how to push sales. I wish u could share like we do here. Do u sell anywhere else? I started IG acct. but I need to actually use it. Kuratorkelli. Find me there with a message and I’ll follow u.
May 28Reply
retrorandy @missksb will do! I’m on IG RetroRandy.. be sure to follow Butchwaxvintage... she is my inspiration.. what she does is quite amazing 😉
May 28Reply
kuratorkelli @retrorandy I just followed u!
May 28Reply
retrorandy @missksb ditto! Let’s continue to think how to make this Retro Party Happen!!
May 28Reply
slaterockngrave Hi! Just shared your closet on Vibes for Vintage, you have a wool cream hat, it’s next to the brown fur one. It’s from J. Peterman, didn’t know if you realized it. It’s from the early 1990s.
Jun 13Reply
kuratorkelli @slaterockngrave No. I had nothing 😀. Thank you! There were no markings but I thought it was a great hat. Do you know much about it? I just did a quick JP search.
Jun 13Reply
slaterockngrave @missksb It was called an Afghan Rebel Hat, it came in two colors cream and tan. I have a cream one. It is actually an authentic hat, they were photos of the photos of them in the tan hats mostly.
Jun 13Reply
slaterockngrave @missksb sorry for duplicate words, phone rang.
Jun 13Reply
kuratorkelli @slaterockngrave thank you! I may mark NFS until I do a little more research. One of my favorite parts of this is the research. But I was frustrated I couldn’t find anything. Thank you so much!!!!!!
Jun 13Reply
accocktail Your closet is absolutely beautiful. I wear L and extra L in tops. Size 11 shoes. Will keep in touch😍
Jun 27Reply
kuratorkelli @accocktail Thank you! I’ll definitely keep you in mind when I’m looking. Check back often too. 😊
Jun 27Reply
chicachoo Wanted you to know I am going to purchase the butterfly scarf..PM took the money out of my sales total and I want to pay it separately. Bear with me until this gets worked out!
Aug 01Reply
kuratorkelli @chicachoo Ok. No problem. I won’t do anything with it until I hear from you (or get the next shopping label) 😊
Aug 01Reply
chicachoo @missksb Ok. ALl is well. :) How do I get back to the "liker offer" where I originally purchased it from? I'm still very new to PM! :)
Aug 01Reply
kuratorkelli @chicachoo I forgot that it’s marked ‘sold’. I’ll make a new listing. Look for it with same title but will prob only reuse one photo. Give me just a few minutes!
Aug 01Reply
chicachoo @missksb Awesome..thank you!
Aug 01Reply
kuratorkelli @chicachoo ok should be ready.
Aug 01Reply
chicachoo I think I purchased it already. :)
Aug 01Reply
chicachoo It went in as an offer. I'm sorry...I'm still trying to get used to using this.
Aug 01Reply
chicachoo Check your offers. I think that's where my purchase is. sorry if I screwed this up some how.
Aug 01Reply
kuratorkelli @chicachoo Nope you did just fine. It took me forever to get this posh thing figured out 😀. I’ll send the scarf ASAP!
Aug 01Reply
chicachoo It's not that user friendly...but I'll get it soon enough! Thank you! Looking forward to the scarf! :)
Aug 01Reply
flygirlsuz1 Just adore your closet and your taste! First closet I found on Posh that I looked at all; wished I had a guy to buy for and inspired me to loose a few pounds to get into size small 😂😊. You’re pricing is very smart, too. Thanks! Here’s to “retro/vintage” posh parties 🥰
Aug 29Reply
christinerobin Hi Kelli, thank you for the like ❤ Gorgeous and fun dress!! Let me know if you have any questions or would like to purchase 😊
Aug 31Reply
mommomshelly Enjoyed looking through your closet you have some amazing pieces. Maybe I'll see something in my size (plus) one day.
Nov 16Reply
bajacowgirl Hi! I am new to Bend and thought it would be fun to get a group of local Poshers together for coffee/wine. We can exchange ideas, share sourcing tips, and vent! LOL. Love to meet some Posh neighbors! Heather @bajacowgirl
Nov 18Reply
soulcandyswaggy AWESOME closet
Jan 11Reply
poppytart Love your new additions. You have a great eye!
Feb 26Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much!
Mar 03Reply
beoirem 🌏📀🌎📀🌎CONGRATS on your Party Pff💋💋💋I’ll be there sharing your awesome HP’s🌏📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌎📀🧚‍♂️📀📀🌍📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌍📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌏📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌎📀📀📀📀🌍📀📀📀📀🌏📀📀📀📀🌎📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌍📀🧚‍♂️📀📀🌎📀🧚‍♂️📀📀🌏📀📀📀📀🌍📀📀📀📀🌍📀📀📀📀🌎📀📀🧚‍♂️📀💋💋💋📀📀🌎📀🧚‍♂️📀📀🌎📀📀📀📀🌍📀📀📀📀🌏📀📀📀📀🌎📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌎📀🧚‍♂️📀📀🌎💋💋💋📀🌏📀📀📀📀🌍📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌏📀🧚‍♂️📀📀🌎📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🧚‍♂️📀📀📀📀🌎📀📀📀📀🌎📀📀📀🧚‍♂️🌎📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌏📀🧚‍♂️📀📀🌏📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌎📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌎📀📀🧚📀 🌎
Mar 04Reply
curatedbyjenn congrats on hosting!! i have some super cute pieces that i'd love for you to consider for host picks!! happy poshing, congrats again❤️❤️
Mar 04Reply
Mar 04Reply
dagmarstone Congratulations on hosting the jacket and coat party tomorrow 🎉🍾🎊
Mar 04Reply
lonestarfinds16 Congrats on co hosting the best in jackets and coats posh party! Wishing you much love, and speedy sales! Feel free to check out my closet and see if there are any pieces that match your style! We gave you a follow! Thanks in advance and good luck!
Mar 04Reply
karlensclassics Congratulations on hosting the Best in Jackets & Coats Posh Party tomorrow, I plan on joining during my lunch hour to share some of the one-of-a-kind vintage coats I have listed. I hope you have fun, and make many new followers and sales.
Mar 04Reply
masarsky Hey hun, congratulations on hosting a party. I would greatly appreciate if you would consider my closet for your HP! Sharing poshmark love. ❤❤❤
Mar 04Reply
jillian0404 Congratulations on co-hosting the Best in Jackets & Coats Party. Please consider one of my two NWT Anthropologie jackets for HP. All the best for success.
Mar 04Reply
poshbunnystyle 🤩🤩Congratulations Hosting! 🎁Please check out my Posh Compliant Closet for Host Picks. 🏆Thanks in advance. Let's make some sales.🛒🛒 Have fun, Bunny💰📦📫
Mar 05Reply
electricmoose Congrats on hosting tomorrow’s Jackets and Coats Posh Party!!! If you haven’t found all your host picks, I would be so honored if you checked out my closet and considered one of my items as a host pick! Thank you so much! Have fun and happy poshing!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Mar 05Reply
proverbs2323 Hi🌹🌷❤️ 🎉Congratulations on Party hosting! 🎉 I’m excited to participate and join in on the celebration! Looking forward to finding some fun, fabulous fashion finds! Happy Poshing and Blessings to you!🌸 ❤️🌸
Mar 05Reply
manslayerchick Hey my name is Nicolle💕😏🔞🔥 come check out my closet for a possible feature in your party. I consider my style🔥💥🖤🔥💥 I have high quality items, all different designers, cheep prices, and great picture quality. Thanks 4 your time
Mar 05Reply
mistyc1212 Hello!!! 👋 Congrats on co hosting today!! I LOVE the parties!!! 🤗🤗 If you have a minute and/or need a last minute HP, I'd love for you to check out my closet!! 😍😍😍 Thank you so much!! ❣❣❣
Mar 05Reply
palmbeachvibe Congratulations on hosting a party! 🎉 Wishing you tons of sales! I would love for you to check out my closet for a possible host pick. Thanks for looking! 🛍
Mar 05Reply
wife_mom_me Congrats on co-hosting 😀😀😀so fun and exciting 🎉🎉🎉 Please consider checking out my girls: @_jennika_ @pretty_dress957, @hollingerhouse, @elle_kitz, @e_bouillon, and @chanteldana for host picks! They are all amazing woman with some great items in their closets!
Mar 05Reply
born2dazzle Congratulations on Hosting today’s party! Best of luck Poshing! 🥳👍
Mar 05Reply
hans_gerlich Hi Kelli, Have fun hosting and clearing your closet in the process. Best, Hans G. P.S. How is the 2019 vintage coming along? Grandview's best should be drinkable.
Mar 05Reply
recca722 Hi there! 🥳 wishing you speedy sales and amazing deals! 🛍 Happy Poshing 💫
Apr 01Reply
trulyjulee 😘♥️💕Love your closet❤️
Apr 01Reply
karlensclassics Congratulations on hosting one of my favorite parties, Everything Petite! I have a bunch of items to share, a few new ones listed yesterday, and hoping to list a few tonight also. I hope you have fun, make many new sales, and followers.
Apr 01Reply
masarsky Hey hun, congratulations on hosting a party. I would greatly appreciate if you would consider my closet for your HP! Sharing poshmark love. ❤❤❤
Apr 01Reply
proverbs2323 Hi🌹🌷❤️ 🎉Congratulations on Party hosting! 🎉 I’m excited to participate and join in on the celebration! Looking forward to finding some fun, fabulous fashion finds! Happy Poshing and Blessings to you!🌸 ❤️🌸
Apr 02Reply
dressscore @kuratorkelli Hi, hello, just another person asking for a Host Pick🙋 I take professional photos and would love to be considered! -Audrey
Apr 02Reply
demonhunters 💖👗💖CONGRATULATIONS on Hosting Posh Party“EVERYTHING PETITE” 🌸👚🌸👖🌸👗🌸👚🌸👙🌸🧥🌸 Enjoy your Special Day! I am excited and thrilled for you. ItWishing you a Fantastic Party with Many Sales and Have a BLAST! It would be an Honor to be considered for a possible Host Pick. Thank you and Happy Poshing💕🎶💕 🌟😇TAKE CARE and BE SAFE 😇🌟 🌺🏝Much Aloha Rhonda🏝🌺
Apr 02Reply
keyma623 Thank you! So excited to be a host pick!! You made my nite!
Apr 02Reply
hillmill61 hey, thank you for sharing some of our listings!!
Apr 03Reply
feedtheferals Really fun lovely closet-Cheers! -Colby
Apr 09Reply
dcw614 Such a cool shop! If you ever get any vintage Hawai’i stuff, tag me! I’m always on the lookout!
Apr 21Reply
matadora1978 shares 10 of your lovely items...happy Friday!!
May 22Reply
blue_eyed_duo ...i literally want everything in your closet!! 😍😍😍 I’m trying to be good and not buy right now so i’m sharing instead...we’ll see how long that lasts. lol!! what a fun closet!!!
Nov 24Reply
zoe_posh_shop Congrats on hosting the Luxury Party tomorrow! Please stop by my closet for potential host picks. I have great Burberry, Chloe, David Yurman, Diane Von Furstenberg, Gucci, Jimmy Choo, John Varvatos, Mackage, Manolo Blahnik, Marc Jacobs, Missoni, Neiman Marcus, Rachel Comey, Ralph Lauren Purple Label, Salvatore Ferragamo, St. John Collection, Stuart Weitzman, Tiffany’s, & Veronica Beard listed.
Feb 06Reply
gjeannieg Congratulations on hosting a Luxury Party! If you need a host pick, I have a lovely vintage Christian Dior gown and robe set in my closet! I’d be honored if you would take a look!
Feb 06Reply
ness_monet Congratulations and looking forward to hosting the party with you! ~ Ness Monét
Feb 06Reply
crp60 🎉Congrats on hosting the upcoming Luxury Posh Party. Would love for you to visit my closest to possibly consider an item for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering. Good luck tomorrow. Looking forward to the event.♥️ Some of my listings include brands such as Chanel, Diane Von Furstenberg, Jimmy Choo, Chanel, Fendi, Maison Martin Mariela, Miu Miu, Nicholas Kirkwood, Prada, Reed Krakoff, Robert Clergerie, Stella McCartney, Ulla Johnson and Valentino Garavani.
Feb 06Reply
michele1084461 @kuratorkelli 🎉Congratulations on co-hosting tomorrow’s “Luxury Brands” Posh Party! I have a closet full of Authentic Luxury items in my (Posh Compliant) closet and would be honored if you selected one as a ✨Host Pick✨. Thank You! 😘 @michele1084461
Feb 07Reply
proverbs2323 “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” ‭‭ 🌸 ❤️🌸 Proverbs‬ ‭31:25‬ ‭NIV‬‬ 🌸 ❤️🌸 🎉Congratulations on Party Hosting! 🎉 ❤️God bless❤️ ~ @proverbs2323
Feb 07Reply
gladiosa Happy Sunday!! 👏Congratulations 👏on today’s hosting. If you would please consider one of my ROBERTO CAVALLI suitcases for a HOST PICK I would really appreciate it. Sharing your items is my way of thanking you for your consideration. Have fun at the party 🎉🍾🎊🌟✨👍💎👏I will see you there xo 😚
Feb 07Reply
serori 💚💛💚💛💚💛CONGRATS ON HOSTING!💚💛💚💛💚💛It would be an honor if you have time to check out my closet for a potential host pick.💚💛💚💛💚💛Wishing you lots of luck, speedy sales, and a ton of shares!💚💛💚💛💚💛💚💛💚💛💚💛💚💛💚💛💚💛💚💛 Love @serori
Feb 07Reply
lola723 Good morning and Congratulations on hosting today's Luxury Posh Party!! If you get an opportunity, I would greatly appreciate it if you would take a look at my closet for potential Host Picks!! I will look forward to seeing you at the party. Best of luck on tons of sales today.❤😃🎉✨
Feb 07Reply
shopfablooks Congrats on hosting today! My closet includes Lululemon, Tory Burch, Zara, J. Crew, Ted Baker, Kate Spade, Athleta among other designers. Please check out my closet and consider one of my items as your host pick, thanks and have a great party !
Feb 07Reply
cvaldez1335 CONGRATS on hosting a POSH PARTY!🥳🥳🥳🥂🍾 Please check my closet for a HOST PICK.🥰🦋💖🦋💖🤗💃
Feb 07Reply
betty_sosebee Hi, on the duvet cover, you have in the description it's a king but in the pictures it says queen.
Feb 11Reply
mmcduffey Luv your fun style! My sis lives in Mt. Shasta & Uncle in Eugene!
Mar 02Reply
dianeskrabut Hi. I updated my cc. I lost mine. Is it not working ?
Aug 22Reply

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