Meet your Posher, Kelly
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Hi! I'm Kelly. I'm from Chicago and some of my favorite brands are Tory Burch, Coach, kate spade, Free People, and Michael Kors. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

45 others
like this

Hi, price is only through 🅿️al or I also do m e r c but my lowest would be 900 since it is in great condition and comes with box and dust bag and certification card. Thank you
Mar 11Reply

@beauparillo Just dropped off your goodies at the drop box, sorry it's taken a little longer to ship, I was traveling for Easter. Have a great day, hope you love everything! 😊😊😊
Mar 29Reply

You have to see @beflower_2011 trade listing. She lost out on two of her gorgeous bags doing a trade with a huge scammer! I'm trying to share her post like crazy.
Apr 14Reply

@beauparillo You've got a great closet, coveted designer stuff and good prices. I'm gonna tell you the way to get those sales though. It takes about a week of (and it seems ridiculous) SHARING other people's crap. Lol!! Make it like it's your job to share, share, share for 2 hours every day.
Apr 15Reply

@beauparillo Choose a posher that has tons of followers and then go to their list of followers. Go down the list following and sharing 1 or 2 items from everyone's closet. Do it for, like 29 minute increments. Because you will get sick of it!! Lol!! But I promise, the followers and sales will start coming.
Apr 15Reply

@beauparillo Also, another secret of mine is I sort of "stalk out" similar listings as mine. Say I have a Gucci purse and no one has liked it yet. I search for the same or similar bag, and then FOLLOW everyone (and share an item from their closet) that has liked that bag. Does that make sense? Then they'll see YOUR gorgeous bag too!
Apr 15Reply

That is A GREAT tip! Thanks Julia! 😘
Apr 15Reply

You're funny! I know exactly what you mean. It's been about a week maybe tmrw & I'm just SO overstimulated!!! 😳
Apr 15Reply

I've actually been in the hospital the last few days. I should be out tmrw. So sorry for the delay!!
Apr 22Reply

Hey love were you still interested in the two bags?
Apr 27Reply

Apr 27Reply

So do I just bundle them then?
Apr 27Reply

Beautiful closet! Can't wait to see more 😘
May 04Reply

THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYONE!l Sorry I'm a little overwhelmed as a Newbie but Ill get POSHMARK eventually! Thanks for all your tips& your Patience!
May 14Reply

Nice to meet you ☺️💗
May 19Reply

Hi Kelly, thank you for your purchase! You package was mailed this morning. Happy Poshing🙂
May 20Reply

@beauparillo What a fabulous closet collection! OMG!
Jun 03Reply

Thank you SOI much! Im a newbie and still a little overwhelmed by how to work Poshmark, you have some GREAT STUFF in your Closet too sweets!! :))))
Jun 03Reply

Hey, i was just wondering if you are still interested in the bundle you made? Save 10% off all bundles !!
Jun 06Reply

@beauparillo SMILE 😬 You're so pretty!!💖
Jun 07Reply

Hi beauparillo/ Kelly! Can you please rate my transaction of the Jimmy Choo Sunglasses? I will appreciate if you can. Thanks you!
Jun 08Reply

Hi I like three items I wonder if you would bundle them for me?@joanellen7
Jun 14Reply

I would be happy to bundle them! What is the third one and Ill just cancel the purse and redo it! Thanks! Kelly ;)
Jun 16Reply

I just want to thank EVERYONE for their likes, shares and mostly PATIENCE bc I still am overwhelmed so I'm not good at "Poshing" YET & I'm slow & miss A LOT but I wanted to let everyone KNOW it's not because I don't CARE, I'm just a little LOST & A LOT "Slow"!! 😑😘😍
Jun 17Reply

SO if it takes me awhile or I don't see your comments or messages and respond correctly IM so SORRY, I still am not sure AT ALL how this all works EXACTLY but I'm trying & Ill get it eventually! If I DONT respond to something I SHOULD know about its bc I DONT know (much) @ it yet! I'm used to Consignment stores & this is WAY more FUN but it couldn't be more DIFFERENT 😳😲🙄🤗🤗🤗
Jun 17Reply

@beauparillo how are you I have a lot of likes, hey if you have any jewelry you would like to trade for a Louis Vuitton handbag let me know sweetheart, My bags are in excellent condition ty Debbie💖💖
Jun 21Reply

Hi. Nice to meet you. I love myself some Prada too. If you get a moment please stop by my closet! Thanks
Jul 17Reply

Hi Kelly! 🙋🏻 I'm Stacy. We're having a posh meet-up for the Chicagoland area & we're trying to spread the word. If you'd like to come or get more info there's a listing at the top of my closet. Hope you can make it! 🍃🐸 Stacy 🐸🍃
Jul 19Reply

Hi! I'm Kellie too! I love your closet and you look like you could be a model! Thank you for liking my Prada bag I actually hate to part with it, but really need the money right now! I lived in Mount Prospect, IL for several years so it's good to meet another Chicago girl!!😘
Jul 28Reply

If your still interested in your bundle I will discount
Aug 27Reply

Sep 07Reply

Thanks for sharing dear!
Sep 07Reply

Hi. Gm! Thank you for your support. I really appreciate it. You have a beautiful closet! Thank you for your likes. Bundle and save on those 3 items. 😊
Sep 08Reply

Hi! I can make you a bundle for the boots and top follow liked for $38. Let me know! I can ship tomorrow! :)
Sep 13Reply

Yes I am taking 20 % off of two or more.
Sep 13Reply

Thank you. I have never traded before.
Sep 13Reply

@kristiana1 It's easy & I PROMISE I'm good for it, you can check my stats ;) then check out my Closet and lmk what you like and I'll pick things from yours that are @ the same price and then I'll walk you through the rest! It's super easy, you just have to be careful who you do it with and make sure they have a good track record so you don't get scammed! 😊👍🏻😉
Sep 13Reply

Done. 😊💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻
Sep 14Reply

I will be posting a whole lot more as soon as I can. Brain Tumor Migraines are pretty bad right now. I will be Very Happy to adjust prices for you anytime. 😊💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻
Sep 14Reply

Ready 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻
Sep 14Reply

@kristiana1 OMG!! ARE YOU OK?? I had thyroid cancer and beat it but it was awful, IF YOU NEED TO TALK TO SOMEONE MY # IS 312 405 0497 :(((( Kelly
Sep 14Reply

Thank you. We found out about a month ago. I have had it at least since 2010. Praying a whole lot !!! ♥️💃🏻
Sep 14Reply

Okay. Now I am done. I lowered more. Add the Swim Suit cover for the same price. 💃🏻
Sep 14Reply

@kristiana1 OH jeez Sweetie, I dont even know what to say... I SWEAR Im here if you need to talk to someone who understands! I visit cancer patients and try to motivate them all the time because there is a LOT of truth to the saying " MIND OVER MATTER". You have to just STAY POSITIVE and DONT EVEN THINK @ "NOT beating it". Its so hard but IVE SEEN IT WORK! I promise!
Sep 14Reply

Did I do that right ? Are these what you wanted ? 💃🏻
Sep 14Reply

@kristiana1 Im crying for you now luv. PLEASE CALL me if you need to. I SO want to help and I SO GET IT.
Sep 14Reply

I Promise I am trying. No one Believed me for years. Chronic pain in shoulders, neck etc. The only ones who did believe was my pain Drs. They just did not know why these things were happening and getting much worse. God Is Good. 😊💃🏻
Sep 14Reply

I will. Thank you so very much.
Sep 14Reply

@kristiana1 I know! Nobody GETS IT unless it happens to them or someone they're SUPER close to and they SEE it. I will have cronic pain for the rest of my life but IM STILL HERE and ITS GONE :)) I dont have my own family though, Im sure they are terrified! Tell them to keep there chins up and STAY positive too because THAT is what will help motivate you the MOST!
Sep 14Reply

I will. Thank you so much 😊💃🏻
Sep 14Reply

@kristiana1 You do NOT need to thank me, using ALL of your energy to stay positive and BEAT this will be SO much better than a thank you, and IM totally serious about wanting to and beibg ABLE to (often!) HELP people stay positive so USE my # if you need it PLEASE! XOXO
Sep 14Reply

I finally felt that way last month when I found out for sure. It Felt Amazing that my husband finally got it.
Sep 14Reply

@kristiana1 YAY, that is SO key in your RECOVERY! :))
Sep 14Reply

Don't you want the Boston Proper Red Dress and The pink swim cover ?
Sep 14Reply

@kristiana1 Yes and the black long sleeve shirt an spa X but make it whatever price you want sweets!
Sep 14Reply

Spa X ???
Sep 14Reply

All 4 ???
Sep 14Reply

Okay. I think I have it. 💃🏻😊 sorry cooking dinner.
Sep 14Reply

Some one is adding your listening to a bundle
Sep 14Reply

@kristiana1 No prob, take your time sweets!
Sep 14Reply

Some one is adding your items to a bundle right now. I am changing the price as fast as I can.
Sep 14Reply

I put them not for sale. Tell me when you are ready. 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻
Sep 14Reply

@kristiana1 Ready :)
Sep 14Reply

That was so much Fun ‼️💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻
Sep 14Reply

That was the most fun and Excitement that I have had in a long time. Thank you. 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻
Sep 14Reply

@kristiana YAY! Definately retail therapy ALWAYS works :) Thank you so much sweetie, for reminding me WHAT matters again and PLEASE CALL IF YOU NEED TO!! XOXO Kelly
Sep 14Reply

Thank you for All of your Wonderful Advice and Caring So Much. I am not use to that at all. I have been alone in this for over 6 years now. I am believe it or not, writing a book on my experience. I do not want anyone to feel all alone like I have for years now. I am Always here for you too, if you ever want to talk.
Ps. I am just about to run to The Post office for you. I got the Dress Dry Cleaned. Thank you. 😊💃🏻
Sep 16Reply

@kristiana1 AWE, You did not have to do that sweetie! I knoiw its awful period but worse when nobody Gets it, trust me I know and Ive been atn this for years. Its so much easier when you can talk about it and they believe you and CAN HELP!! XOXOX :)) Again, CALL me anytime! Kelly ;)
Sep 16Reply

Sep 18Reply

Thanks so much for the purchase, I shipped today! :)
Sep 30Reply

Thanks so much for the likes and thanks for sharing!!
Oct 05Reply

Thanks again for sharing Kelly!!
Oct 05Reply

Thanks for checking out my closet and liking my three dresses! I can do all three for $70 total if you'd like! That's more than 20% off the original price of $90!
Oct 17Reply

🍂Kelly, I appreciate your support with the Follow & Likes.🍂🍁Happy Fall Season!!🍁
🎃Please don't be a stranger, I'm looking forward to seeing you again!🎃
Oct 18Reply

@sk_kloset Hi sweets! Yeah You've got some great stuff!! Unfortunately I'm super long no on inventory and super cash poor (just did my taxes :-P)! I would love to trade with you though! I've done a bunch of trades and my record is perfect and my Closet Huge! I also have a Test N of stuff I haven't even posted yet so LMK if you are wanting something particular :)) Thank you SO much! Kelly ;)
Oct 18Reply

OMG you did sooo much! Thank you thank you!!!!
Oct 19Reply

Hi sweety you recieved the item . Can you release my funds. And let me know your feedback 😘😙😚
Dec 14Reply

Hi I made a bundle offer on some things, I'm interested in trades, partial or something to reduce the price, let me know, if you accept, I will put a credit card on and pay Sunday am, I don't like leaving my card on here till I'm ready to buy, thx bunches!
Dec 18Reply

Hi I made a bundle of 3 things and made a cash offer how does the trade thing work, I can ship tomorrow ❤️
Dec 18Reply

@kitty97006 I can't see the offer yet, maybe it takes a min?? We just each "make a bundle for each other" By making a new listing with the pics and list of the things we're trading and make the price $3 (That's POSHMARK's fee) and we buy each other's bundles for $8.95 bc POSHMARK makes us pay for shipping too. Easy as pie! Tell me what you want from my Closet or IM serious I have a TON of PRADA that's not listed sweets! ;)
Dec 18Reply

I can ship tmrw too!!
Dec 18Reply

Make me a bogus offer too sweetie so I can see your bundle unless you want something else PRADA PLZ just feel FREE to ASK ;)))
Dec 18Reply

@beauparillo it's a stretch❤️🐶denim tote❤️I know their rare and spendy
Dec 18Reply

Dec 18Reply

Did you get my reply? I'm not sure if it went through but I can ship tmrw too, make me a bogus offer like I did to you on the bundle from my Closet and JUST ASK if there's something/s in particular that are PRADA and NOT listed bc I PROB HAVE IT!! ;)))) Also, WHEN you breed your babies I WANT 1!!!! 🐶😊😊😊😊😘
Dec 18Reply

@beauparillo I like big totes or little totes I have a backpack already the quilted ones are cute too! I can fix them too if any are very preloved
Dec 18Reply

@kitty97006 check out the one I just posted and I have EVERY size black PRADA totes too! One has really neat handles, I'll post it now ;))
Dec 18Reply

@beauparillo your awesome
Dec 18Reply

@beauparillo any others ? Little bags, the r looks off on the last one it's cute tho!
Dec 18Reply

@kitty97006 YES, TONS! What size shoe are you? I just posted a tote for u and now I'm posting a shoe & small matching purse set for you. CALL me at 6303234971 my hs # so I can send u pics of ALL of it if these aren't your absolute FAVS tho!! 😍😍😍
Dec 18Reply

Hi kelly, I LOVE the ed hardy set you have listed elsewhere, text me or message here!
Dec 22Reply

Hi hon, hope you had a great Christmas! How and where can I offer n buy the ed hardy bag and jacket, I got a little cash for christmas and can pay tomorrow!
Dec 26Reply

Kelly are you doing ok ? Haven't heard from you are MIA
Dec 31Reply

@blingbling474 UGH, I woke up the next morning really sick, still having not found the other Chloe and ende up in the hospital. Missed Xmas and Im missing NYE, I have a VERY bad case of MONO and they though it was phnemonia. Great end to a crap year, it was scary sweets. Now I just can barely move and feel awful but at least Im at my parents and out of the hospital :(( I hope YOUVE had a great holiday though and thanks for checking on me :) Kelly XO
Dec 31Reply

Ok sweets. Get better soon. I will trade for the white paddington as well. I just really want one bad. Let mama take care of you now. Talk to ya tomorrow
Dec 31Reply

Hi kelly, I'll be able to get the bag n coat in a couple days, my phones off right now, just wanted to touch base with you
Jan 10Reply

@kitty97006 OK Trace, they're ready! Please text me those boots again! I erased it by accident :( I'm sure I can find em for you tho luv! ;))
Jan 10Reply

@beauparillo hi hon I'll share n tag u, phone is not working, lol
Jan 10Reply

Hi, there! Thank you for your bundle purchase. Shipping today. 👍🏽📦
Jan 13Reply

Hi kelly! Can you bundle the ed hardy stuff, I have my card loaded, ty soooo much for holding them♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Jan 18Reply

Hi hon, I love the ed hardy stuff but I am broke, want to trade for my coach?
Jan 24Reply

@beauparillo hi hpn, did u get my message on trade for the coach, it's beautiful I haven't used it because I'd mess it up, lol
Jan 24Reply

@beauparillo sweetie I can pay if you need the cash, give me a total here or m e r c
Jan 25Reply

@beauparillo hi hon, let me know your best price n where here or m e r c or??
Jan 27Reply

@kitty97006 Hey Trace, I forgot to tell u I'm babysitting for my nephews since earlier today but I brought your stuff with me to mail. Text me your # tmrw am and I'll call you during their play date tmrw afternoon and ship it too!! 😘
Jan 27Reply

@beauparillo no problem! How much? And how can I pay you? Here? Somewhere else? I trust you♡♡♡♡♡, the 20 percent here is awful, if what p a y p a l charges or if you have to pay it or me or money transfer? Lmk what works best for you, have a great time with the kids! I've got to go with my sweetie to take his mom to the dr in the am, I'll text you tomorrow
Jan 27Reply

@kitty97006 K luv 😘😴 Whatever works! I trust you COMPLETELY!! 💋💋💋
Jan 27Reply

WHENEVER you are ready to TRADE MY stuff back for yours LMK bc I cannot wAit to be DONE with you. Grow up 🙄
Feb 08Reply

Sorry everyone, I am speaking only to @mcarla, who treats people terribly and uses my PICTURE to complain about a Trade that I got SHORTED on. Please disregard all 1000 of her ridiculous NASTY and FALSE comments. I price my things according to the shape they are in, she priced all of hers extremely high bc apparently she does not understand that these are not NEW things and hers are VERY far from "NEW" and Very Expensive too ☹️😑
Feb 08Reply

LADIES! I can still ship tmrw (Sat!) until 3pm and get anything to you by Tuesday, Valentines Day AND I am having a VDay sale on everything pink, red or Valentines Themed in my Closet Until tmrw afternoon!! Thank you SO much, happy Valentines Day AND happy Poshing😘💋👍🏻👠👜👓💓😍
Feb 11Reply

@darbyze @caliandtex1234 @kitty97006 Ladies PLEASE SHARE!! I am able to get any VDay purchases to you by Valentines Day if you purchase before 2pm tmrw, Saturday, and I am having a Valentines Day sale on all pink, red, VDay themed items until then also! Thank you SO much! Happy Valentines Day and Happy Poshing! Keep up the good work 😍💋👜💓👠💞👓🤗💋😘😘😘Kelly
Feb 11Reply

Sharing is caring so thank you
Happy Poshing
Feb 21Reply

@lilkittylady XOXOXO😘😘👍🏻 AGREED Sweets!! 💋💋
Feb 21Reply

@lovely519 Yes, i tagged you sweetie! they went out this am!
Mar 02Reply

@beauparillo : hi ❤️just checking in one more time, and super sorry to be a bother 🙈wanted to see if you had a chance to find your 35. I'm holding the Burberry and other items you had liked in case. If you've changed your mind, that's totally cool, I'll take the holds off, I just didn't want to miss you if you were still interested in considering a trade.
Mar 02Reply

Hey!! Thank you so much for making a purchase from my closet! :) it says you need to update your card once you do it will go through! Thanks! :)
Mar 03Reply

I dropped your bundle off at the post office this afternoon! Thank you so much! ❤️❤️❤️
Mar 04Reply

@theprincessc Can't Wait!!
XO 🤗🤗
Mar 04Reply

@beauparillo Hi hun, so how would we trade. Sorry I haven't traded with anyone before...
Mar 04Reply

@modaud Easy Peasy Luv!! We make a new listing w pictures of what we are Trading and list them all in the description then make $3 the price and buy each other's!! Posh charges both of us for shipping labels and we mail it like normal!!😊😊😊😊
Mar 04Reply

@beauparillo AAAAHHH got it!!! LOL Okay, let me get everything together and relist. Just saw YOUR page as an example 😉. Will message you once I'm done. So glad I met you girl!!!
Mar 04Reply

@beauparillo Okay love, so just to recap: You have the 2 laced tops, 2 Anthropologie tops, the Burberry sandals, the Marc Jacobs watch and the Free People skirt. Total of 7 items for your bundle. All Good?
Mar 04Reply

Hi Kelly I saw that you liked the purse and boots. I am doing a buy one get one half off soon if you are interested I can do that for you whenever you are ready. I am also open to trading. Your closet is gorgeous.
Mar 06Reply

Good morning! I'm still very interested in moving forward are you?
Mar 06Reply

Good morning! Are you still interested in trading with me?
Mar 07Reply

Hi, thank you for the like😊
Mar 10Reply

@amythecrafter of course! Thank you too 😘
Mar 10Reply

@beauparillo hi honey! Hope all is well with you! I need to send you the tan prada, messenger me your addy! I added new stuff too! I want to settle with you on this so I can wear my new ed hardy stuff, I won't use it till I send you something♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Mar 15Reply

@kitty97006 Hi Sweetie!! I'm stuck in the snow in Chi, could be worse 😊 I'll Facebook you my addy. I've had a bad cold so been out of the loop for a few days. Hope you're doing well! XOXO 😘💓💋
Mar 15Reply

Hi there, just getting g a free moment and MAYBE some food here in a minute. So was that all kust a hoax haha on me, or were you really wanting to fo business. The "fake offer" kinda threw me off . But im easy to get along with. Let me hear from ya. Truly interested in dealing. Night night
Mar 15Reply

Hello! I just want to let you know your order was picked up this evening by special,pick up! It will be processed sometime tomorrow. I am very sorry able up the delay, but NY, which is the state I lived closed everything down since Sunday due to the Nor Easter snow storm! I am Very sorry about this! Thank you! Nicole💛
Mar 16Reply

I received all my stuff and I love it!!! Thank you so much😍😍😍
Mar 29Reply

@keyasha84 YAY!!! Finally 😍😘👍🏻
Apr 01Reply

Are u there? I have 3 pairs of sunglasses I like, are any polarized? If so we can make a deal! 😉
Apr 06Reply

Ok I did a bundle. Let me know if you want to do it. I haven't done a trade but you are experienced, so I'm sure I can figure it out!
Apr 06Reply

Hey! Sent you a bundle to trade! Please let me know if you are interested. I have another offer on dooney and bourke bag 😉❤️
Apr 06Reply

Thanks for sharing!
Apr 07Reply

Hi :) thanks for your purchase! Please select a free gift from my closet- look for the items that say, 'Free Gift' then post a comment , before I ship your bundle tomorrow 🌸
Apr 18Reply

Hi @beauparillo ! I noticed you liked the dresses from my closet! I wanted to let you know that I have a bundle that is 10% off of 3 items and I will ship same day or next morning!😊 I do also have a deal on those two dresses. I am also negotiable on prices especially in bundles so bundle and offer !
Apr 19Reply

U have a beautiful closet!!!
Apr 21Reply

I bought(at least i think i did) bought a brighton wallet from your closet on april 19th. You sent that it would be sent the next day then sent sorry it has sold. Im confused if i will be recieving this item or not. Could you please let me know. I was purchading it for a family member who is visiting from abroad. Thank you.
Apr 21Reply

@kikistore Thank you SO much!!! XOXO Kelly😘😘😘
Apr 24Reply

@beauparillo clothes are so much fun!
Apr 24Reply

Thanks for the shares!
Apr 24Reply

You have great closet. I hope you will sell out fast😊
Apr 26Reply

Hi Kelly
I have a new listing for size 10 Crocs. New style😊
May 03Reply

Thank u for accepting my bid! I can't wait to receive these sandals! You have a great closet to spend time perusing. Thanks again!
May 05Reply

@beauparillo hey beautiful lady I love your closet ❣️✨😊💜🌞
May 06Reply

@belladesigns777 Thank you SO much Hun!!! Lmk if There's anything you want!!! I'm TOTALLY open to OFFERS!! XOXO 😘👍🏻💋😍
May 08Reply

Received my sandals! Love them! Your cute dog note and words made me smile!
May 08Reply

Thanks for stopping by and the shares. Would offer you a killer deal on the bundle you have selected. Thanks and Happy Poshing 💋💋
May 08Reply

@kikistore Awww. That makes ME Smile!! I'm SO glad!! XOXOXO 😘😘😘😘
May 08Reply

Hi! I will b wearing my new, beautiful sandals to deliver a package today! Love 'em!
May 12Reply

Hi kelly, I don't want to ship out your order until I get your approval. I can send you the pink coach purse instead (I posted pictures in my closet) or I can cancel the order....Let me know.
May 13Reply

@beauparillo : hi there, what's your cell? can I text you?
May 15Reply

Thank you so much for the shares 💫💫💫💫💟💟
May 25Reply

I have an odd request i went to purchase from @dannymommalana I may have spelled it wrong again. I had to cancel bc I accidentally used my exes credit card. When i went to purchase it i was blocked. I didn't have a chance to explain that it was an error and i had every intention of purchasing it immediately. I see that you comment and like her items so I'm making assumption you are friends. Would you tell her so perhaps I can still purchase the bag? I would really appreciate. Veronica
May 26Reply

@beauparillo girl you are ON today!! Keep up the listings. I'm sharing them all with the best of bags party. Best of luck!!'! And when you get a chance check my comments back to you on your question. Look forward to it xoxoxo ❤️❤️❤️❤️
May 27Reply

@beauparillo, Hi Kelly 😊 I did not forget about you, something went wrong because I am new to this all - and commented to you and switched one word (spinners) to spinner - prior to hitting the "accept offer" feature, because I wanted to make sure you were clear at what you would be getting and make sure you were still interested, When fixed if still interested, I would give all at an extreme discount due to hassle. So sorry! Thank you!
May 29Reply

Hi, I'm new to this, ( 3 days in) I don't even know how to do a trade! But I scanned threw your closet and love it! Yes I'm interested, just don't know how to do it, and I'm at a bad redemption area and my phone keeps freezing up, I will be home in few hours and will look again, please help me how to trade? And I have tons more clothes and shoes I have to put on just haven't had time but will this weekend! Give me a few hours and I'll get back to you.
Jun 08Reply

@ellachka4 NO Prob Hun and I have an actual Store w @3000 MORE things too so why don't you just give me a CALL on Cell # 6308283292, it's my work cell and I will be happy to walk you through ANY & Everything you want/need to know @ Poshmark too! XO Kelly 😘👍
Jun 08Reply

Will do,:) probably tomorrow ( we're trying to trap feral kittens, I'm an animal rescuer these days:) I think it may take a while trapping here and my cell reception is horrible here. I hope I'm even answering in the right section, I couldn't find a reply button on your message. I'll figure this out one day.😽
Jun 08Reply

I'm Ella by the way, nice to meet you. How do I leave you my number in the comment section? I'm assuming only you see it.
Jun 08Reply

@ellachka4 NO Hun! Don't, just Call/Text ME on my Work cell I posted 4 you tmrw any time after Noon (bc everyone DOES see)! I can teach you whatever you'd like to know and Posh is overwhelming and confusing at first but it's SO much EASIER to TALK instead of Posh msg! Someone did that for me when I started too and it was GREAT!! 👍💕😘XOXO Kelly
Jun 09Reply

@ellachka4 THAT is AWESOME Sweets!!! I used to "help" with shelter Dogs and mine are rescue "BABIES" too!!! 😍❤️💕😽🐱🐶🦊😘
Jun 09Reply

@ellachka4 Talk Tmrw Ella! A pleasure to meet you! Go SAVE more "babies" (pets, haha)! 😽🐶👍💕
Jun 09Reply

I'll text you at noon to see what's the best time for you to talk ( I think it's 1:00 my time) my area code is 732 just fyi:) thank you so much! And we caught two kittens last night! The mom is next!
Jun 09Reply

Hi , thanks for your very tasteful and beautiful purchase. Lol. I'm refreshing both items, packing and will have out tomorrow. These have been boxed up for months,and my washer has a cycle to freshen clothes up. I'll have the skirt pressed and ready to wear. I do TRADES ALSO, if ever you like something in my closet. Thanks again, I'll let you know when it's in the post box. Do not trade with @jayme2 she scams and
Jun 20Reply

I apologise I left you a comment about a purchase you made,however I was mistaken , it was not your purchase. Omg ,I'm so glad I double checked , and double checked again. It goes to someine else. Sorry for the trouble tho. Still live to trade haha
Jun 20Reply

Hi @beauparillo I love your bundle and hope you will too! Great items! 😊 I will add these to my deliveries that I have going out tomorrow. I hope the crop top works; it might be close... 🤔 thanks for stopping by! 🛍💌📦
Jul 01Reply

Hi, thanks for the bundle! I offered you 15% off instead of the 10% I normally offer ;)
Jul 09Reply

Hi I just wanted to make sure that you recieved my reply about bundling the two dresses I didn't want you to think I ignored or forgot about you let me know what you think about my alternate offer plan :-)
Jul 17Reply

let me know if you're still interested in the phone cases! :)
Jul 27Reply

@jaimi_stickel Please remind me Hun?! I just returned from a family funeral where I had no cell or internet since the 18th so I am UBER BEHIND in pretty much EVERYTHING including POSH obviously! 😳😳😬😬😑😑😱😱💋
Jul 27Reply

@jaimi_stickel I have an iPhone 6 (smaller one!) if that helps?? XO
Jul 27Reply

@beauparillo okay thank you! your phone is to big!
Jul 27Reply

thanks for the like on the wallet! let me know if yo want to purchase and can ship tomorrow
Jul 28Reply

Thanks for the like .
Jul 29Reply

Hi Kelly :) I am shutting down my page and am accepting all offers :) #gojayhawks
Aug 01Reply

Your closet is truly amazing WoW 😍😍😍
Aug 02Reply

Your closet is absolutely AMAZING!!!
Aug 04Reply

@beauparillo LOVE your closet.. It came highly recommended by my sis in law Jaxgal1
Aug 04Reply

Hi! Where do u get all your Lv's from ? I ask b/c I'm looking for a specific one ! :)
Oct 04Reply

@jaz5500 A lot of them are mine or my family's or friends but I have an actual store w over 3000 items that Aren't on Posh (yet at least!) so tell me which one you're looking for, I may HAVE it or know someone who does! XOXO 😘 Kelly
Oct 04Reply

Thanks for the ♥️'s! You have a girls dream 😍 closet. Happy Poshing 🌺
Oct 05Reply

@beauparillo omg that's insane... 😱 haha what!? Where is your store located !? Plz say Florida ! 😭🙏🏼😂 and it's an oldie lol, a vintage LV monogram monceau!! PLZ TELL ME U HAVE IT!?
Oct 05Reply

@jaz5500 Chicago ☹️ Hun. It wouldn't let me SEE the bag you want so just Post a pic of it (as a listing NOT for sale) and under the description say your looking for it! I'll get right on it as soon as I know which LV 😘
Oct 05Reply

@beauparillo Awee man :( and it is !
Oct 05Reply

@beauparillo hi! Did u get a chance to see the post !?
Oct 06Reply

Hii! Just wondering if u got a look at the bag? I posted it ! And if u happen to have it ? Or know someone that does ?
Oct 06Reply

Hi Kelly, I replied to your comment about a trade. I sent you several messages about trading items in your closet 😊💕 please let me know either way if you are still interested. Thank you
Oct 07Reply

@newtie12 Sorry Hun, I get so many Posh messages it's hard to keep up! I'd never ignore you on purpose! I'll set up the listing for you right now and Tag you Luv👍🏻👜🤗😘
Oct 07Reply

@beauparillo ok I never traded before. I'm new at this. You have to walk me through it. I have another LV bag I would like to trade for one of your LV bags. I will tag you with the one I like now
Oct 07Reply

@newtie12 Sure, just lmk and Trading is easy and I do it ALL the time! I can walk you through it NP! 👍🏻💋💕
Oct 07Reply

@beauparillo did you see the other LV bag I want?
Oct 07Reply

Ok thanks but your your Gucci listing is not showing anymore
Oct 07Reply

@beauparillo so what do I need to do to trade?
Oct 07Reply

Hey Kelly , did you get my message earlier?
Oct 07Reply

Kelly , I tagged you to the items for a trade. I need you to do the same hun 😊
Oct 07Reply

You need me to change the price to 3❓for the items in your bundle?
Oct 07Reply

Kelly did you read my review???
Oct 14Reply

Hey Kelly . I will be posting your items soon . I will let you know when So u can purchase like before. Thanks for everything 💕💕💕
Oct 21Reply

Hi there! I just purchased the Theory pink sweater, and wanted to verify that it is a stretchy, fitted sweater as depicted in all of the pictures. I really do not want a sweater that fits loosely. I am size 0-2, as the lady in the picture, and purchased this because Theory (S) hugs my chest and I specifically want a sweater to wear out that hugs my waist and bust. I opened up Postmark, I saw another Theory mock turtleneck sweater, (S) same color, that was not a form-fitting sweater.
Oct 21Reply

Everything is ready to go love, I tagged you to the listing 💜💕💕💕
Oct 21Reply

Thanks for liking my Burberry watch😊 Price is negotiable, so feel free to make an offer🌿
Oct 29Reply

Hello! I know there are many closets on posh, but I'd be grateful if you checked out mine! Either way I wanted to say hi and wish you a lovely day!
Nov 01Reply

@valentine5074 Hun, I SHIPPED IT A WEEK ago! Im SO sorry U DONT HV IT & IM JUST seeing it NOW! Ive not been on top of ANYTHING since my mom(unexpectedly)went in the hospital Nov1(&my Closet is Huge. I jst TOLD Posh it HASNT Tracked &ill Contact the PO tmrw. I COMPLETELY understand if U CANCEL, if not ill get it 2 u the min I FIND it. Even if its LOST(U will get a FULL REFUND frm POSH) PLZ ACCEPT a future CREDIT toward ANYTHING else! Sry Again, Kelly
Nov 11Reply

@valentine5074 Jan, It is TRULY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME that ALL of my customers are TOTALLY Happy and I will do everything I can starting NOW to fix my mistake!! I SHOULD have put my Closet on "Vaca Hold" but I havent known whats happening next with my family and honestly COMPLETELY spaced THAT idea, totally MY FAULT & I will do EVERYTHING I can to FIND OUT what happened TMRW AM!! XOXO Kelly ;-(
Nov 11Reply

Hi I really have wanted to hear back from you on my offers. I really like a few things you have listed. I hope your okay? 😢
Nov 15Reply

You have a wonderful closet and I am interested in trading with you. I sent you messages on multiple bags that I would love 💗 to trade one of them for the Fendi bag you like in my closet! I pray to hear from you soon that you can trade one of your beautiful bags for mine. Thank you
Nov 21Reply

@divaon_abudget Hey Sweetie! Thank you so much! Sorry I’ve been sick off and on for over a month and I’m having a hard time keeping up W Posh lately bc I have over 1300 listings now 😳 I need to SELL right now for the Holidays though bc I’ve Traded myself Broke unfortunately 😬😑 Check back with me in Jan though and hopefully I’ll be able to Trade again! XOXO Kelly😘
Nov 22Reply

Kelly, your closet is beautiful! You and your sister in law have great taste!! 😍😍
Dec 09Reply

@bourbon_lover Awwww, THANK YOU SO Much Hun!! XOXOXO 😊😍💋💓❤️😘😉
Dec 09Reply

@beauparillo Thanks for all the shares and ❤️s girlfriend! I'm new to Poshmark and want to be a successful Posher 💋
Dec 14Reply

Hey kelly,
If you’re interested, consider bundling your likes and I’ll give you a discount! I’m really trying to clear out my closet ☺️ let me know if you have any questions. Happy holidays
Dec 14Reply

Oh and feel free to counter if you’re not satisfied with the offer ☺️ I’ll try to work with you if you’re still interested
Dec 14Reply

Thanks so much beauty,
I’ll package them up tonight and have them ready for shipment tomorrow 😘
Dec 15Reply

Hey Kelly,
If everything is alright with your order, please accept that you have received it. Thanks & happy holidays ❤️
Dec 18Reply

Thank you for your purchase i will ship asap 😊
Dec 18Reply

Such a lovely collection of beautiful items! Grateful for you stopping by😌🙏🏻
Dec 19Reply

Hi Kelly, thank you for sharing blessings 🙋
Dec 30Reply

@juan624 😘❤️😍👍🏻☺️
Dec 30Reply

Thanks for the shares!
Dec 31Reply

Hey My Dear Friend,
Are you feeling better ? Read that you were ill.
Did you want to trade or make an offer on anything ? Just had my first Grand Baby. His name is John Luke. He is now 2 and a half months old.
Jan 06Reply

Hey doll face! I’m trying to get a few questions answered so I can make a purchase from you but I’m not having any luck 😢 Is it something I said that offended you? I hope I didn’t say anything to upset you but I’d really like to make a deal/sale with you! Xoxo 💋 Seanna
Feb 04Reply

@beauparillo hi Kelly, are you okay, I noticed you haven’t been on posh for awhile....since neither one of us have any extra $$$ how about we finally trade? Xoxo Nancy
Feb 13Reply

Hi I just bought your baby blue Prada wallet but my card doesn't have enough money on it. Is it possible to cancel it so I can Change my payment method and address and reorder?! I'm so sorry!!
Feb 21Reply

@beauparillo hi hon, sorry for the late reply, I'm so sorry to hear about your pup, I don't have any minutes on my phone, only texts, I'm on messenger too♡♡♡♡♡
Feb 24Reply

@beauparillo hi hon, hope all is as well as could be considering the circumstances 😢we have had no luck with pups here, 2 heats, 2 false preg , hopefully this spring❤️
Feb 26Reply

Hi kelly i sent you an offer for the Gel strapless bra.Check or let me know how best i can work something out. Thanks🌷🌷🌷
Feb 26Reply

So that i can shipp together for u.🌷🌷🌷
Feb 26Reply

@beauparillo hi Kelly! I’m not sure what happened... this morning I got your last message from yesterday regarding the additional credit to your closet (thank you!). Your kind offer plus the $35 posh credit was acceptable. But when I tried to reply to accept the two offers it would not let me. It now says “case resolved”. You’ve been awesome and I appreciate your working through this with me, but I’m upset with Poshmark for shutting us down! Lol. So, I’m not sure what to do now...🤔 💭
Feb 28Reply

Hi I was interested in your pearl LV is it still available n does it include the wallet? Ty
Mar 02Reply

I live in Chicago too, if you could sell the purse and the wallet for me for a good price I could meet you and pay you cash, let me know if it works for you and I will text u my number, thank u
Mar 03Reply

@agnatat1 NP probably hun, just tag me on the ones you’re talking about again now if you would please! I’ve had a long day & my mind is going fuzzy..😳🙄😘
Mar 03Reply

I send u bundle offer
Mar 03Reply

@agnatat1 Got it! Give me a call at 6303234971 hun! XO Kelly👍🏻❤️
Mar 03Reply

Hey kelly!
Are you by chance using that Louis Vuitton koala wallet I sold you?
I kinda regret selling it and want it back
Mar 12Reply

Hey Kelly!!
It appears you’ve missed my comment.
PLEASE let me know if you aren’t using the wallet I sold to you. I am willing to purchase off of you ! Thanks !!❤️❤️❤️
Mar 14Reply

Apr 15Reply

Thank you for liking my item Adorable Pikachu Top. If you bundle two or more items from my closet. I'll give you a private discount. Happy Poshing 😊
May 09Reply

Thank you for liking my items Flowy blouse, Glamorous blouse, Collection of Camisoles, Polo Sport Raincoat, Adorable Pikachu Top. If you bundle any or all your likes I'll give you a private discount. Happy Poshing 😊
May 09Reply

Thank you for following me back hopefully soon I will upload my closet including authentic vintage items! I love your closet great taste!!! Look forward to buying from you in the future!
May 29Reply

I love love your closet!!! its so sexy yet so classy!!!!
May 29Reply

@_tiffanymarie Thank you SO Much Luv!!
XOXO Kelly😘😘❤️❤️😊😉
May 29Reply

@beauparillo hi kelly! Long time no chat! How is max?
Jun 16Reply

@beauparillo You are gorgeous and so is your closet!
Jul 05Reply

Thank you for the likes! Love your closet. Do you by chance know anything about the Miu Miu pumps I am ISO in my profile?
Jul 18Reply

KU? I am from OP.
Aug 01Reply

@beauparillo, I am learning so much from reading all the post! I saw you made a bundle.I am clearing out summer now.
Aug 01Reply

@beauparillo - hi Kelly / id luv for u to come shop my closet real soon 😊
Aug 09Reply

Hey sorry. I thought I was sending you messages but I didn’t tag you 😳 let me know please if you want to trade still 😁😃for the D&G. Dress and overalls
Aug 30Reply

@queensdh Yes Hun! I got called out of town to babysit for a few days at the last minute but I’ll hold it for you & vice versa 🤞🏻🙏❤️ until I get back to finish up our Trade! Yay! Excited 😍👍🏻😘
Aug 30Reply

Just ship my outfit and I’ll ship yours when I get it. I’ll have your address from the label.
Sep 13Reply

Hi Kelly, the black forever21 and express dress just sold but its not updated in your bundle! I can bring the offer down more now
Sep 15Reply

@char_couture Thanks hun, I have some Glitch that even though my payments are updated &
GOOD I can’t even buy a $3 Trade & it’s been like that for days now... ugh! 😤😳🤯🙏🏻❤️I’m waiting to hear back from Posh DONT know when it’ll be fixed or WHY it’s doing it 😑
Sep 15Reply

Stopping by to say hello! I'd love it if you checked out my closet- I've got a gorgeous NWT See by Chloe Tote available as well as CHANEL and Gucci. Happy Poshing!
Oct 15Reply

@beauparillo Hello my fellow Posher! Stopping by and sharing again from your GORGEOUS closet store to help with Speedy Sales⭐️👍🏼 I really enjoy shopping here at your Posh closet store💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store! I have over 900 items preloved, new and designer items up for sale. Buy with confidence at my store👍🏼Wishing you a Beautiful day🌈 #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Nov 21Reply

@echicshop Hey there! I know it says my order was delivered but I never actually GOT it...That’s the only reason I haven’t rated you 5 stars yet! I just emailed Poshmark about what the next step is..😑Thank U, Kelly 🙏🏻❤️😘
Dec 10Reply

@beauparillo What?! Oh no. So you contacted them the day you didn’t receive it right? Yeah USPS says it was delivered. Could someone have stolen it from your doorstep?
Dec 10Reply

@beauparillo that’s so terrible. Since usps says it was delivered, the best thing is exactly what you did which is to reach out to posh. Praying it works out 🤗🤗😑😊🎄
Dec 10Reply

Kinda new to Posh but cool closet, lemme know if you do a price drop on the Puma Ferrari kicks😘
Dec 29Reply

Thanks for sharing my closet. Btw your closet is great!!!!
Jan 10Reply

@kembeldana Aww, NP sweetie & Thank You so much 🙏❤️😘😍Kelly
Jan 10Reply

Jan 17Reply

@beauparillo I have no right getting these
But they are so cool I love them 😍
Please accept my last counter🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
I know they are worth full price but I will really love them🙏🏼😂😂😂❤️❤️❤️❤️
Mar 07Reply

Thanks for the offer but I am still shopping your closet 🤗
Mar 08Reply

@amberkeys 😍👍🏻🙏❤️😘🥰
Mar 08Reply

I want to let you know I put a penny in all wallets and bags I sell
It's for good luck and means you'll never run out of $$$$$$!!!!!
Thank you and you can definitely get more then $25 if you resell it!!
I paid $65.,then reposhed!!
Mar 08Reply

@beauparillo look at above statement ❤️
Mar 08Reply

@beauparillo hey Kelly just letting you know it's been shipped!!!
Please let me know when you receive it!!!
Thank you for everything ❤️❤️🌹
Mar 10Reply

Kelly, I saw that you liked a D&G size small backless top by another seller (who listed for $150!). I listed mine 2 weeks ago, also pristine condition in size small for less than half the price they're asking. Please do check out my closet as I think you'd like that and my other items (many NWT). I'd be happy to work with you on a bundle. Hugs, Jules (PS The retail price on that was never $850, but you probably knew that. I am also adding 10 more designer items tomorrow afternoon).
Mar 10Reply

Hi Ma’am,
Feel free to take a look into my closet and bundle 3+ item and save 15% along with combined shipping💃🏻
Happy Posh Sales & Shopping 🛍
Apr 02Reply

@beauparillo Kelly I'm letting you know I put a penny in all the wallets and bags I sell!!!
It's for Good Luck 🍀 it means you'll never run out of $$$$$$!!!!!
Just so you don't think I left it in there by mistake
Also clean all leather and suede w/cleaner and the shoes I also will spray w/Suede protector!! It helps w/rain!!! I still wouldn't wear them in the rain though 💙😂😂😂
Apr 03Reply

@kellygates58 Awwww 🥰 Thank you so much Kelly 😍 It WORKED Last time, I forgot to tell you! The day I opened your T Burch bag I MET the Guy I’m NOW Dating & he’s Awesome 👍🏻😘 I usually have HORRIBLE luck but THAT (coming from YOU) ACTUALLY GAVE me some! 🙏🙏❤️❤️💋💋
Apr 03Reply

@beauparillo OMG!!!! I'm so happy!!!❤️he better treat you right 🌻now send some luck back to me😂😂😂
My husband passed away 11 years ago and until recently wasn't even interested (my daughter is my life💕) but she's finishing her Masters this May!!
Apr 03Reply

@beauparillo Kelly yours items are all packed and ready to go!! I'll ship tonight or tomorrow the very latest❤️🌺🌺
Apr 03Reply

@kellygates58 Awww Hun, I’m SO Sorry @ your husband 😰 Your daughter sounds like she’s going to have a GREAT future though, you must be SO proud! I wish I had kids, I’ve got a “fur baby” Mini Australian Shepherd whose 15 but thank goodness is still chasing balls (and me) around. My new BF is great! I just told him the penny story.... 🙏🏻😍🥰😘 Hopefully He’ll be a keeper bc I have had TERRIBLE “luck” with MEN! 🙄
Apr 03Reply

@kellygates58 TAKE WEEKS to ship if you need to! Absolutely DONT worry @ anything (except putting a penny in that Clutch!) 👍🏻😂🙏🏻💋
Apr 03Reply

@beauparillo 😂😂😂penny is definitely in!!!
Yes my daughter is already teaching children w/disabilities (good ❤️)yeah my men record is not great either (even Bentley 's Dad!!!)
And we've always had dogs!!! I love my German Shepherds,I think we pick dogs that look like us😳right now I have a rescue and I really hope I don't look like him😂😂😂
Love him but very funny looking
Think you'll love the wallet 🙏🏼,shoes are nice just not like yours💕💕💕💕definitely wear on them and glasses are good for you
Apr 03Reply

Geez I had to erase half my text😂😂😂
Too many words😝
Apr 03Reply

@kellygates58 Omg, I HATE it when there’s over 500 CHARACTERS 🤯 That ALWAYS happens to me too! XOXO 😘
Apr 03Reply

@beauparillo 😂😂😂I thought I was the only talker!!!❤️❤️
I basically said I love your picture and think the glasses will look good on your shape face!!💕💕🌺
Apr 04Reply

@beauparillo thank you so much for the kind words and great rating!!!!! Do you love the wallet??? Good Luck still I hope❤️❤️🙏🏼🌺🌺
Apr 07Reply

Hello and welcome to Poshmark. Welcome to my closet. Enjoy your shopping experience.
Apr 14Reply

Looooooove your closet Kelly! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I just spent two hours browsing! 😮 Hope to grab one of your lovely bags!! Have a fab weekend! 👍🏻🥂
Apr 27Reply

@bestdrest Awww, 🥰 Thank you so much Hun 🙏❤️Your Closet is great too! I think we have the same taste pretty much👍🏻😍💋XO Kelly
Apr 29Reply

@beauparillo 🍾champagne taste, dahling...🤣🤣🤣 Your bag collection is amazing! I’ve got my eye on a few! 🌹
Apr 29Reply

@bestdrest Definitely my Dear! I’m a purse “HORDER” 😅🙄❤️ Oh well, there are WAY worse addictions you know Luv👍🏻🥰💋
Apr 29Reply

Apr 29Reply

@tsevette XOXO 💋💋💋🥰
Apr 29Reply

Lol 😁
Apr 29Reply

@beauparillo Hey woman! I just saw you sent me an offer on my bundle I keep changing. Lol
If it expires before you see this message please resend it because I'm definitely interested just had a few questions & know you're a busy lady so let me know when you can:
May 03Reply

@beauparillo 1. Does everything have & include original dustbag &/or other authenticity paperwork, 2. Do you have a matching wallet for the MJ &/or Gucci you want to sale or I may have overlooked? Thanks a billion! I hope you're doing well & you need to visit me soon in S. TX like we had planned a while back! 💕
May 03Reply

May 22Reply

@mailteresa2day I’m confused sweetie but I’ll be home later today and we can figure this out Xoxo 😘 Kelly 🥰💋
May 23Reply

@beauparillo - Hi Kelly❣️ Nice to connect. Thanks for the likes. Feel free to bundle all likes & save more. If you like any shoes/boots/jackets etc. let me know. Accepting offers on all NWT Michael Kors’ Genuine Leather Jackets too. 💐🛍💕🌷 Wishing you a happy & Blessed Holiday Weekend❣️ ✌️🤗🙏🇺🇸
May 24Reply

Hello Kelly! Thank you for your like! Message me if you have any questions. Have a great day! 🌞 😊 🌺
Jun 13Reply

@beauparillo I know you left me a message but can’t find it to respond. Lol, anyways good luck with your move! I moved back in December & still have boxes in 2 rooms I need to unpack.
Jun 21Reply

@beauparillo I hate moving & it’s next to impossible when your single w/o any family around to help & a 2 year old trying to unpack 🥴 I cannot wait to see my new purchase & I’m glad I could help. Wish I had more to spend but have extended my budget & need to start selling my stuff & post the thousand other unlisted items. Hope you’re doing well & have a smooth move! TTYL Hugs 💕
Jun 21Reply

Thank you for sharing my item. Have a wonderful day 😊
Jul 26Reply

Hello posher! We hope you are having a wonderful day...we would like to invite you over to our page where we carry a variety of items including right now we have 4 North Face jackets in time for fall or winter...if you like something don’t be afraid to make an offer and that’s true for our closet and anyone else’s!
Sep 14Reply

Oct 07Reply

@beauparillo Thank You So Much for All the Shares ❤️❤️❤️
So Kelly you are still w/that guy??? That you met cuz of the penny??🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
You are such a sweetheart 💓💓💓💕
Oct 14Reply

Very interested if you trade for one of your purses .. any interest??
Nov 16Reply

Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Nov 22Reply

Hi Im sending a message to all my previous customers & those who have sent me likes on a item or items. I will be closing my closet & accepting any and all reasonable offers. Just hit the offer button & Im happy to give you a great deal, ship quickly & send a free gift 🎁. Have a great day, Renee’
Aug 13Reply

Hey there! :)) If you get a chance I’d really love for you to come by and check out my closet, I’ve got a variety of styles in clothing, shoes and beauty products so maybe you’ll find something you like! Either way, thanks a ton and Happy Poshing:)
Oct 14Reply

Hi! Cleaning out a ton of designer items! Feel free to check out my closet and I love offers :) ❤️
Feb 17Reply

Kelly Beautiful pictures Wishing you health, happiness and prosperity. Enjoy 50% off your next purchase of $50 or more.(free shipping off $25) 02/29/23. l also wholesale purchase any item(s) in my closet priced $19 or less for $5 with a minimum purchase of $50. Start5 your closet or replenish your inventory. Check out the Poshmark videos on YouTube, great info to increase sales.
Feb 21Reply

@beauparillo Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Mar 07Reply

Hi🙋🏽♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Mar 27Reply
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