Meet your Posher, Kelly
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Hi! Welcome to my closet, please never hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns; I am more than happy to help. If you see something you like, let me know or start a bundle, I strive to extend great pricing on my items. I tend to stay in the classic/ preppy style, but do spice things up a bit. My main focus is quality goods that will last several seasons versus fast fashion that will be ditched in a season or two, so you can often find a solid collection of staple items, so be sure to use the filter to find like goods in your size. Any not NWOT will will be very lightly used and in great condition unless noted. I do have access to amazing wholesale items, so NWOT are just that. Happy to help you look for just the right pieces, (some not yet listed) so let me help you! Drop me a note to see what I can do.
Dog friendly house with dog gated (inaccessible) Posh room; non smoking. Standard discount applied at like, further discounts are manually applied at time of a multiple piece bundle. Private contact preferred for any negotiations.

101 others
like this

Hi! Today is the last day of my Buy One Get One Free Sale. Bundle any items that you like and I’ll send you an offer. Have a great rest of your day.
Jul 26Reply

Love your closed and how you have everything paired with other items!! Very nice. Have a blessed day😊
Dec 26Reply

@susiereynolds thank you so much for saying that. I’ve been working my tail off trying to update everything, so I appreciate receiving the compliment. You take great care too!
Dec 26Reply

Hi Kelly, love your closet! Thank you for following me 😊 Happy New Year
Jan 01Reply

Hi 👋! Awe your little dog 🐶 is so cute!! Thanks for stopping by and visiting my closet. Now I can take a peek in yours. Happy New Year 🎆🎈!! 😊
Jan 01Reply

pretty pup ☺️
Jan 01Reply

@susanjacobs465 oh yes! It looks like our little pups could be great friends, what a little cutie you have
Jan 01Reply

@gkello HAPPY NEW YEAR’S 🥳 and thank you so much for all the shares 🥰 I greatly appreciate each one 🤗 Wishing you massive sales for 2021 🎉
Jan 01Reply

@gkello ls yours a toy Aussie? Looks like one, very pretty markings!
Jan 01Reply

@gkello Thanks for the compliment on Demi! She is a spoiled onery little shit!!
Jan 01Reply

@susanjacobs465 Bear is a Papillon. Also an entitled little brat. 🤣
Jan 01Reply

@gkello Lol 😆 ya sometimes I feel like I am the one that gets trained!
Jan 01Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet. I wish you much success and fun. May you feel the Lord's presence near you always, comforting your heart and giving you strength during these difficult times, and bringing you hope, good cheer and happiness every day of the new year. Stay safe and God bless. 🌻🌞🌼
Jan 02Reply

Hey everything in my closet is $2 off today and all items come with a free gift!! Just make me your offer and I will most likely accept! The more you bundle the cheaper it is! All orders go out same or next day. Stay safe xoxo
Jan 02Reply

Hello there shopper! I’m clearing out my closet and will accept most offers $4 and up! Please check it out and let me know if you need any help💕
Jan 04Reply

Thanks for following my closet. I have shared some of yours. Take care and God bless.
Jan 05Reply

@crafteelinda490 thanks for reaching out today! I wandered over to your closet as well and shared on back, I love seeing a closet full of colors & fun patterns! Hope you take great care!
Jan 05Reply

Kelly hi, thank you for your follow, love the fur baby pic, too cute
Jan 08Reply

@sargebill hey thanks! Looks like you’ve got a cutie on your hands as well.
Jan 08Reply

@gkello yeah but look,I never get bored with them running, digging, and back yapping me, lol
Jan 08Reply

@sargebill oh no doubt! Mines a cuddle monster, and he pretty much demands his pets, so I understand.
Jan 08Reply

@gkello mine too, chuck the dad, the red chiweenie, just jumped into my lap, he snores loud, buster his son too, he's the little blonde one posing on the sofa, aka napoleon. I should make him an Arc de Triumphe,Triumph, him to sit under and list all his victories, battle of ham,campaign de beef ribs, victory over the lunchmeat, haha
Jan 08Reply

Cheers 🥂 to u Kelly for being another Ohioan on Poshmark yay 😊 feel free to check out my closet and I’ll give u the best discounts! The more u bundle, the bigger the discount will be. Happy poshing and wishing u many sales as well 🤗
Jan 08Reply

Jan 11Reply

@midoa a big Ohio thank you! Was just able to sneak a pack and you have a lot of goodies in your closet. I’m glad you messaged me, I have a bookmark now so that I can circle back soon! Wishing you lots of sales and a beautiful 2021!
Jan 11Reply

@gkello wishing u a lot of sales too and happy new 2021. The Browns won yay 🏈
Jan 11Reply

@zardiva1 Aren’t you the sweetest! He’s a good buddy, never too far from my side, judging by your photos it looks like kitty is pretty similar 🥰
Jan 11Reply

@gkello Awwwww! 🤗😘
And unfortunately, my kitty 🐈⬛ is no longer by my side; I had to have him escorted over the 🌈 🌁 a little over a year ago because of kidney failure 😔😢😭 He was 16.
Jan 12Reply

Thanks for checking out my closet
Jan 22Reply

@gkello Nice to meet you Kelly! You have a fabulous closet! Wishing you many sales.. and btw I love your "Posh Assistant" 🐾💞 What a cutie!
Jan 25Reply

@shopaholicami Thank you and to as well! Yes, he has his own dog bed near my Posh space so he can keep an eye on what I’m doing in there- I work, he sleeps! 🐶
Jan 26Reply

@gkello Awww.. hahaha sounds familiar lol.. Gosh they sure do make great assistants don't they 😂😂 Mine have stolen and shredded a shipping box before 😳🙄🤨.. they pull some shenanigans but fortunately never actually touching any for sale items ☺️ Thank goodness 🤗 Have a fabulous Monday evening!
Jan 26Reply

✨ thanks for the support!! 💖 i hope you’re enjoying the new year & hope you’re enjoying your time on poshmark as well!!!!!! ✨
Jan 27Reply

@closet4crystals Sure thing and thank you! Love your closet, have a beautiful day!
Jan 27Reply

@gkello ✨ love yours too!! 💝 have a great day! ✨
Jan 27Reply

@gkello I'm grateful for your support and shares 🥰 I returned the posh love 💞 have a wonderful day full of posh sales 🕶️👠👜👗🛍️💖
Jan 28Reply

@delcie11 Well thank you so much, you as well! 🥰☀️
Jan 28Reply

@askickinapparel I was happy to talk with you a bit this AM. You take care!
Feb 01Reply

We’ll definitely be shopping at your store again! What a perfect Posh experience. (And what a small world. A hop, skip & jump from where your relatives grew up 🥰). Thank you so much...the item, packaging, speed & note were awesome!!!
Feb 03Reply

@3grandmas I was so surprised by the coincidence, it really was a happy discovery. And thank you very much for the compliment, I’ll be here when you need anything! Take great care!
Feb 03Reply

Hello 👋 Thank you for the follow 💕
Stay safe 💞 God Bless
Feb 05Reply

@angelkisses3974 Of course, and you too! Hope you’re not getting hit with all the snow! ❄️ ⛄️
Feb 05Reply

@gkello lol 🤣 ugh hit with snow ❄️❄️. yes yes we are .......yikes 😬 I'm done with it already.
Feb 05Reply

Thank you for Sharing my Closet!
Feb 06Reply

@raspado You’re so welcome, just trying to spread the Posh love. Have a beautiful day ☀️
Feb 06Reply

Hi Kelly! Thanks for following my closet!🌸
Feb 12Reply

🙏🙏🙏Thank you very much for the follow and letting me go through your closet. You have a lot of nice things and a good variety to. I hope to grow my closet like Yours. Take care of and all the best ✌🏼✌🏼✌🏼✌🏼Don’t be a stranger .take care god bless and stay healthy you and your family happy POSHING 🙏🙏🙏
Feb 12Reply

Cute doggy cheers 🥂
Feb 12Reply

@spiros101 Thank you for reaching out, that’s so sweet of you! Yes, it’s nice to meet new people and see what everyone has in their closets. I think you have some beautiful items, so yes, you’ll need more because I think you’ll be sold out in no time! All the best to you 🥂
Feb 12Reply

Feb 13Reply

cute puppy!
Feb 14Reply

Hi! I'm Emily. Thanks for stopping by! If you like any of my items feel free to create a bundle so you can get a great deal! I’m a quick shipper I usually send them out a day or two after😊 I’ll accept any offers on clothes, jewelry and books!
Feb 17Reply

Love your Papillion...looks just like mine! She is a spoiled brat!
Feb 21Reply

@sharontucker583 Oh thank you! Yes, mine is the same 😂
Feb 21Reply

Hey Kelly!! Thanks for the follow :) I’ll be checking out your closet soon. I also have a bundle discount. If you bundle 3 or more items you’ll get a 10% discount and free shipping!! Enjoy the rest of your day 💙💙
Feb 22Reply

@justinconrad862 sure thing, I saw some goodies and shared! You have a great night too!
Feb 22Reply

Thank You for following
Offers always welcome also 🎀
Feb 23Reply

sweet baby🐶🤎
Mar 13Reply

@mommadara haha thank you, I say “spoiled “ but he’s my little snuggler
Mar 13Reply

@gkello he deserves it! all of my furbabies are spoiled 🥰
Mar 13Reply

Kelly congrats 🎊 on being featured as the vocalist 🎤in the posh game 🎹wishing you lots of sales 💚🥳🎉🤩🙏thank you for sharing mine 🎹💐
Mar 19Reply

@luvcoachgal7 thank you! I feel like our closets have been crossing paths a lot lately, we must be in similar Posh circles. I was drooling over too many of your MK bags just the other day, they really are my downfall 😂
Mar 19Reply

@gkello 😂 yup i am handbags 👜 obsessed 🤩 and never met a handbag 👜 I didn’t like 💝lol 😂
Mar 19Reply

Hi Kelly 💚 Thx and you have a nice evening🦉
Mar 21Reply

Great reviews and cutest pup!💚🐾
Mar 21Reply

hi thanks for the follow
Mar 24Reply

@sleon382 sure thing! You have a beautiful closet!
Mar 24Reply

@gkello thank you beautiful!!
Mar 25Reply

What an adorable furbaby!!
Please check out my closet!
I have a lot of NWT Cups & Travel Mugs, Paw Print Earrings and...even Kitchen Towels 😄for Dog Lovers like us!
Plus I'm having an AWESOME
(⚘3 for $25) CLOSET SALE!
Choose any 3 items with a ⚘, I will bundle them and offer you $25 for all 3 items!!
Check out all the AWESOME ⚘ items NOW before they're gone!
Mar 25Reply

Thank you and your sweet doggie for your follow. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package 📦. And offers are always welcome, too.
Mar 30Reply

@glassprism70 oh thank you so much for the tip! I’ll be sure to review your closet 🥰
Mar 31Reply

Love your closet! Super cute items & great pics & so affordable. Happy poshing!
Apr 22Reply

@oklafashionista that’s very sweet of you, and you should be talking!!! Your pictures are great, so vibrant. I have a natural light issue over here so I get super jealous when I see closets like yours. Thanks for popping in, I hope you have a great night!!
Apr 22Reply

Ok, I know I just commented but then I went back & scrolled some more :) Shopping your closet is seriously as good as any branded store sites, great items & pics & me lots of inspiration for my own closet (it needs some work) & I marked a few things so I can come back & bundle. :) Feeling cheesy today & just wanted to share the love!
Apr 22Reply

@oklafashionista you couldn’t make me happier, thank you, that’s too nice! Tag away and let me know if you have any questions or need more photos. I really try to work with people and their budgets, so don’t hesitate to reach out.
Apr 22Reply

Thanks for the support!!🤘🏼
Apr 28Reply

@johncruchelow 👍 happy poshing!!
Apr 28Reply

Hi Kelly, Thanks for the follow! It means a lot being that I’m new at Posh! I’m doing the best I can to grow my closet and like you, will strive to provide the best customer service possible to the Posh community!
Apr 30Reply

@debcares101 well I just reviewed your closet and it looks like you’re off to a great start! Great photos, I can tell you took care in posting!
Apr 30Reply

@gkello thanks a million for the encouragement! 😌
Apr 30Reply

Hi Kelley, I'm Cora wanted to Wish you a Wonderful Sunshiny Day filled with lots of Laughter and Blessings 👃♥️🌻♥️ I enjoyed sharing your closet, its awesome. Happy Poshing
May 06Reply

@makeyoulaugh67 thank you for reaching out, I always appreciate a hello! I hope you have a wonderful day as well and thank you for the shares, I got you back 😉
May 06Reply

Thank you for the shares!!
Also your pup is so cute 🐶!
Have a great day 🐱💕🌻
May 06Reply

@gkello - CONGRATULATIONS! YOU WON INDIE POSHER OF THE WEEK FOR 5/9/21 THROUGH 5/15/21! I get the cool job of telling winners the cool news. This means SUPER MEGA SHARES from the players of our games, and the hosts. I will tag you on a listing in my closet with more details.
May 08Reply

@auntmeganiscool are you serious?! Oh my goodness, yes, please tag me, what do I do? How did this even happen, I am beyond overwhelmed right now! Thank you so much! I better get busy!
May 08Reply

@gkello Take a look at the grey slide in my game. Third or fourth slide? That's how it happens!
May 08Reply

I hope that you will check out my closet
May 10Reply

Thanks for following me. Hopefully really soon you will buy something from me!
May 11Reply

Thanks for sharing my item. Hopefully really soon you will buy something from me!
May 12Reply

May 13Reply

Hey nice to meet you. Please take a look at my closet?
Jun 25Reply

Hey there! You have so many beautiful things in your closet 😍💗 wishing you lots of sales and a fabulous weekend! 💫🙌🏼🌟
Aug 20Reply

@emilym892 that’s very sweet of you to say, and right back at ya! You’ve got some great items and really nice photos! I appreciate you stopping to say hi; I hope you have a great weekend as well! 🌸 ☀️
Aug 20Reply

Hello, and congratulations on hosting!! I'm still new to Poshmark and working hard to build my closet ~ I'd sincerely appreciate it if you would take a peek and see if there was anything you might like as a host pick to promote exposure? Thank you, and best wishes for a great party and many sales to come!! :-)
Aug 27Reply

Hey there! :)) If you get a chance I’d really love for you to come by and check out my closet, I’ve got a variety of styles in clothing, shoes and beauty products so maybe you’ll find something you like! Either way, thanks a ton and Happy Poshing:)
Sep 10Reply

👏👏👏👏👏👏 Congratulations being a co-host of a Great Party!!!! I'll be co-hosting the 👡👞👠👟BEST IN SHOES POSH PARTY👟👠👞👡 on Sept. 20
and I'm looking for HOST PICKS. Check out my closet and I will check out yours. Hope to see you there. RSVP on my ad so I can see you at the party...Have fun !!!!
Sep 19Reply

@ikarus201 loving your BR sweater, thanks for reaching out!
Sep 19Reply

Hello and congratulations on your Best in Top and Sweaters Posh Party! 🤍💛❤️🎉💫 Wish you the best of times in this party and speedy sales🌟💫 if you have time to look at my closet and consider a Host Pick from it, I will be so grateful ❤️ Thanks and have fun!🎉🎊🤗 @zashellfashion
Sep 19Reply

CONGRATS on cohosting today!!! Your closet and your pup are amazing 🥰🐾 would love to be considered for host pick and as always happy shopping and happy days 💜🛍
Sep 19Reply

Congrats on hosting today! My closet includes Lululemon, Tory Burch, Zara, J. Crew, Ted Baker, Kate Spade, Athleta among other designers. Please check out my closet and consider one of my items as your host pick, thanks and have a great party !
Sep 19Reply

@shopfablooks thanks, just added the BR sweater to host picks
Sep 19Reply

Thank you for being the only Co-host sharing in this Party. All Host picks are from you because you know how to co-host a party👏👏👏👏👏
Sep 19Reply

@ikarus201 haha, thanks, I was a bit overwhelmed. I thought I’d be okay, guess I should have found way more listing 😂
Sep 19Reply

@gkello Thanks for the shares!! 🙌🏼 Your closet is great!!
Oct 12Reply

Greetings! Thank you for the follow. 🤗 When you have a moment, please check out my closet. I’m constantly adding new items and I’m sure you will find something that you love! ❤️ Happy shopping!! 🛍
Dec 27Reply

Items must be listed $40 or less;))
Thank you for your interest:)))
Jan 27Reply

Hi! Thanks for following! Please feel free to shop my closet and make me a reasonable offer on anything. I have a 4/$20 sale going on books, toys, jewelry, and ornaments. I have items available from Barbie, Thomas Kinkade, Avon, Coca Cola, and more! I mail ASAP! Happy shopping!
Jan 30Reply

Congratulations on hosting the party right now. If you need a great host pick I would love to have you check out my closet for many options. Thank you for your consideration. Kristi
Feb 15Reply

⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️CONGRATS ON ⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️HOSTING A PARTY 🎉🎉🎉🎉⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️
Feb 15Reply

Hi!! I hope ur having a wonderful day/night.I love ur closet!! I was hoping u could check out my closet and maybe make a offer. I’m trying to sell old clothes to make money for my school trip:)
Mar 06Reply

Hi Kelly, Thanks for following. When you have a chance, visit my closet and let me know if you have any questions. I price my items fairly and if there is room for discount, I’ll consider offers. Thanks and good day
Mar 19Reply

Thank you for sharing my closet !!
Apr 24Reply

Hi! Can you check out my closet if you have any time! I am having a Mother’s Day sale accepting all offers! Thanks!
May 08Reply

Hi, Nice to meet you !
🌸. ☘️. 🌸.
Swing by anytime and say, “ Hello” ….and if there’s anything you’d like to see more of in my closet let me know ! Or if you have any questions just ask.
~ Happy Spring 🌷
May 12Reply

Your 🐾pup is just adorable!🥰
Jun 16Reply

❤️ thanks for the follow 🦋 check out my closet 😸 if you see anything you like please send me an offer🛍 (most offers will be accepted ✅) I ship out the same day 💌 again thanks for following me and I hope to ship your order soon 🙏
Jul 01Reply

Hi favorite shoppers,
I'm currently running a sale , pick any 10 items $12.00 & under for $40.00
Jul 29Reply

Oh my goodness what a gorgeous closet! 😍😍😍
Aug 23Reply

@gkello Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Aug 24Reply

Hello, Ms Kelly I appreciate the follow. I'm new to selling but not new to buying on Poshmark. I started this adventure with my daughter as a means to spend quality time together. We have a variety of clothes for women, men, & youth boys. We shared some items from your closet and we hope you can do the same Happy Poshing!
Aug 26Reply

Love your Papi puppy! Looks just like mine!
Aug 27Reply

@tinatorrez aren’t they just the sweetest? Little Bear has a personality 10 times his size 😂
Aug 27Reply

hi🥰 Is this a Papillion dog? if so, I have one too😍if not, he/she is adorable!😃❤️
Aug 28Reply

Hi! Thank you for following my closet! ❤️
I have lots of name brand items listed! If you place 3+ items in your bundle, you automatically receive 10% off your entire purchase from my closet!! 💖
I have lots of different name brands like, Lululemon, Victoria’s Secret, Disney, ROXY, Billabong, Athleta, Volcom, UGG, Nike, and more!
I’m a 5 STAR Posh Ambassador and I ship same day/next day!
If you have any questions, please let me know!
Sep 07Reply

Thank you so much for all your shares I’m blessed to have your support 🤗 Hopefully my shares help you as well🙏 Many blessings back to you.
Sep 17Reply

thanks for starting to follow me I've only been here a few months so I could use all the help I could get. I am truly grateful thanks 💓👍
Oct 09Reply

Thank so much for sharing and supporting my collection.
Nov 04Reply

Hi!! Thanks for the follow! Please feel free to checkout my closet. If you have any questions, let me know. I’m open to any offer, so don’t hesitate to ask! I hope you and your family have a wonderful weekend!!
Nov 27Reply

loved seeing the little pupper face in my feed! Happy poshing
Feb 13Reply

Hello Kelly, nice to meet you! Thanks for following me, I am still fairly new and would appreciate all the shares. If you have some time, scroll through my closet and let me know if anything interests you, just private message me. If you bundle 3 or more items you get 15% off. Thank you, good luck, and Happy Shopping my friend! 🙏💜🌺
Feb 14Reply

adorable doggie
happy poshing 🐾😊
Apr 01Reply

@superblessed131 aren’t you the sweetest! You too, girl!
Apr 01Reply

Cute dog!!! Thank you for sharing my closet. Open to offers. Happy Poshing!!!
Feb 18Reply
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