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Updated Sep 19
Updated Sep 19

Meet your Posher, Kelly

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Kelly. Thanks for stopping by! I know little to nothing about fashion but am curious and find I enjoy connecting with folks on Posh. I am from Syracuse NY but have spent most of my life in the Tampa Bay FL area. I โค๏ธ dogs and have 2 fur babies. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, I am taking extra precautions and cleaning all of my items with Lysol. All clothing is washed and stored air tight. Thank you for looking!! Have a fabulous day ๐Ÿ’•
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starbabyonline Hi and welcome to Poshmark! I'm Debby, a Poshmark Ambassador & Mentor. If you have any questions about buying or selling, just hit the reply button and it will tag me. My best advice for a newbie? Share a lot! Your own items and others. Always make sure your listings are Posh-compliant; see the post explaining why in my closet. Check out the daily parties to see what people are buying and selling. But most of all, have fun! โญ
Aug 18Reply
junebugnewtoyou Welcome to Poshmark!๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒป
Aug 18Reply
wiccaone21 @starbabyonline HI!! Sorry it took so long to get back to you but I have been trying to get my photos and other things lined up to start posting!! WooHoo, I can't wait. I hope all is well with you and your family. Drop me a line.
Sep 27Reply
wiccaone21 @junebugnewtoyou Thank you so much!! I have had several ppl contact me. Everyone is so friendly! I will be looking for advice so keep an ear out. LOL
Sep 27Reply
sarahshay Welcome to Poshmark!
Sep 27Reply
caughtbydetrian Welcome to Posh and best of luck to you ๐Ÿ€
Sep 27Reply
starbabyonline @wiccaone21 no problem at all. If you need any assistance, the offer is still open. Just let me know. โญ
Sep 27Reply
chicseams Welcome (back?) to Poshmark!!ย  And congrats on starting your closet - I hope you have great success buying and selling here! ย ๐Ÿ˜ƒย  ย  ย 
Sep 27Reply
cmayerhuff Welcome to Poshmark. Wishing you great success!
Sep 27Reply
wiccaone21 @chicseams Thanks so much! I am looking forward to selling here. This is all brand new to me.
Sep 27Reply
wiccaone21 @sarahshay Thank you! Glad to be onboard!
Sep 27Reply
wiccaone21 @caughtbydetrian I appreciate the welcome!
Sep 27Reply
wiccaone21 @starbabyonline Wow! You are close by. That's really cool. I am sure I will have questions. All a brand new experience for me.
Sep 27Reply
starbabyonline @wiccaone21 oh! Yep, right across the Bay. Cool!
Sep 27Reply
wiccaone21 @starbabyonline Hi again. I need your help. I sold my first item and could use some shipping advice. Please get back to me when you have a chance.๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you in advance.
Oct 02Reply
starbabyonline @wiccaone21 sure, what help do you need?
Oct 02Reply
starbabyonline @wiccaone21 and congratulations!
Oct 02Reply
wiccaone21 @starbabyonline shipping! I am so clueless. I am including the boxes with the shoes I have for sale. Having a hard time finding boxes for my boxes. Lol
Oct 02Reply
wiccaone21 Is it normal to sell the box with the shoes?
Oct 02Reply
starbabyonline @wiccaone21 if you've indicated that you're selling them with the box, yes send the box. If you showed the box in the listing, yes send the box. The USPS has a shoe box which is free in sets of 10, but is only available to be shipped to you. Go make an account and order some for future use. You can use any other box that the shoe box fits inside of and just attach the prepaid Priority Mail label which has been emailed to you.
Oct 02Reply
starbabyonline @wiccaone21 I'm editing photos if I don't get back to you immediately. I'll check back inbetween.
Oct 02Reply
wiccaone21 @starbabyonline ok..that sounds great and thank you for getting back to me. I shipped the item today. It was fine I just had to find a box. I did and shipped it.
Oct 02Reply
starbabyonline @wiccaone21 you're welcome and congratulations again!
Oct 02Reply
wiccaone21 I am so happy!!
Oct 02Reply
theislandgirl73 Thank you much for sharing my Necklace!! Very much appreciated โ™กโ™ก Wishing you much success with your Posh sales $$ Sal
Oct 08Reply
wiccaone21 @theislandgirl73 no problem. You have some really nice items ๐Ÿ˜Š Have a good week!
Oct 08Reply
thrifting4fun Welcome to Poshmark. Thanks so much for your purchase I will ship in the morning. I hope you have great success with your closet. Have a great evening. Happy Poshing ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰โค๏ธ
Oct 09Reply
wiccaone21 @thrifting4fun thank you so much and this is my first time purchasing. Have a great day!
Oct 09Reply
wiccaone21 I have decided that while green is my favorite color, Paisley is also very cool.๐Ÿ™‚
Oct 12Reply
wiccaone21 @starbabyonline Hi! Hope you have been selling. I just got a whole bunch of items in so I will be busy๐Ÿ™‚. Was wondering what your opinion of my inventory is. Sales seem slow to me but haven't been on here too long. I still have plenty of shoes and clothes and jewelry to post. If you get time, no hurry, could you give me your opinion? I appreciate it and hope you and your family are doing well ๐Ÿ˜Š
Oct 18Reply
starbabyonline @wiccaone21 hi again Kelly. Most of your items look good, but you have 3 non-compliant items in your closet: the two electronic items are not allowed, nor are toys. No matter how many listings you might see with similar items, they aren't Posh-compliant, and lots of people won't buy from your closet only because you have NC items listed. For your good listings, try to keep uncluttered backgrounds and have good lighting. Remember to share a lot - your own closet and others.
Oct 18Reply
wiccaone21 @starbabyonline ok thank you. I missed that about the electronics. And I will try to keep a better focus on items. Thank you so much!
Oct 18Reply
starbabyonline @wiccaone21 with your descriptions, remember that the first 10 words and the last 10 words of your description is what a search engine will pick up, so make sure those words are searchable keywords, i.e., nothing emotionally descriptive like pretty/cute/etc. Just stick to facts. Size, color, brand, pattern, reason for wearing, etcetera.
Oct 18Reply
starbabyonline @wiccaone21 look on the FAQs on the Posh blog. You can read exactly what is not allowed there. No electronics. Nothing with alcohol (so no creams, lotions, perfume, nail polish, etc) because items are sent Priority air, and alcohol can, and have, combust in an airplane. Nothing counterfeit, or "inspired by" someone else. No using another brand for exposure. Are you on Facebook? There's Poshmark groups on there and a huge community of Poshers on Instagram as well.
Oct 18Reply
wiccaone21 @starbabyonline yes am on FB. I will have to go back and re-read the FAQ page. So glad you told me. I just missed it. Oh well, live and learn.
Oct 18Reply
wiccaone21 I took all the stuff off you mentioned. Thank you again. Glad I didn't end up in Posh Jail.๐Ÿ˜„
Oct 18Reply
starbabyonline @wiccaone21 hey, everyone starts somewhere. On Facebook, look for the Poshmark group that's just called Poshmark. It has two other sister groups, Poshmark Thrifters and Poshmark Share Group. You can join one or all three.
Oct 18Reply
wiccaone21 @starbabyonline ok I will check it out. Thank you for everything ๐Ÿ™‚
Oct 18Reply
starbabyonline @wiccaone21 you're welcome! Time for me to crash. Night!
Oct 18Reply
wiccaone21 @starbabyonline oh yes, me too. Sweet Dreams ๐Ÿ’ค
Oct 18Reply
vbergs1 Hi Kelly Found myself in your closet and was reading the remarks from "starbabyonline". This from October. Had to crack up how people like that feel they have to be POSH POLICE. Poshmark has never sent the SWAT out to anybody that I know for the kind of crap this one was complaining about. Good luck to you and ignore the braindead like that one.
Jan 03Reply
wiccaone21 @vbergs1 So glad you looked around at my stuff. I am still kinda new at this but really do try to share every followers closet. May just be a couple items from each but I enjoy looking in on everyone ๐Ÿ˜Š. Thanks again!
Jan 03Reply
vbergs1 @wiccaone21 You're SOOO welcome!! Just wanted to let you know to not get one person get you down. She's a fanatic and you're not the only person that she has attacked. You're doing a great job!! Good luck!!
Jan 03Reply
wiccaone21 @vbergs1 Thanks so much...much needed boost. โค๏ธ
Jan 03Reply
vbergs1 @wiccaone21 ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
Jan 03Reply
weavinggems TYVM for sharing and following my closet. Best of wishes to you. ๐Ÿ˜Š
Feb 24Reply
wiccaone21 @weavinggems absolutely! I enjoyed looking at your treasures. You have some really nice items! Happy posting๐Ÿ˜Š
Feb 24Reply
weavinggems @wiccaone21 TYVM same to you
Feb 24Reply
catnlee Thank you for sharing my listing.
Feb 28Reply
bobbett328 Hello๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™€๏ธThank you so much for stopping by and following my closet/boutique ๐Ÿ˜Š๐ŸŒบ๐ŸŒธHappy Poshing ๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ›
Feb 28Reply
wiccaone21 @bobbett328 you are so welcome and thank you too. you have a very nice closet BTW. Hope to see you around! ๐Ÿ˜Š
Feb 29Reply
wiccaone21 @catnlee enjoyed looking around your closet. thank you also. blessings ๐Ÿ˜Š
Feb 29Reply
bobbett328 @wiccaone21 Absolutely my pleasure ๐Ÿ˜‰ Thank you so much โ˜บ๏ธ๐ŸŒบ๐ŸŒธ Have a fantastic Posh weekend ๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ›
Feb 29Reply

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Ruskin, FL
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