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Updated Apr 10
Updated Apr 10

Meet your Posher, Kerby

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Kerby. One of my favorite brands is J. Crew. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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semajje_belt Hey beautiful, welcome to Poshmark! If you need any help please do not hesitate to ask, I'm definitely here to help ❤️ have an amazing day!!
Apr 10Reply
mighty123 Thank you !! I love the American apperal easy jean in small or medium !! How do I search for them ?? And thank you so much !!
Apr 10Reply
sassysophieb Wrong account @mighty123 YO!
Aug 21Reply
mighty123 I did not realize this was even made ! I just logged in with Facebook !! My favorite stuff is American aperel !!
Aug 21Reply
mighty123 Samajje !! How do I look up another posher ?? My friend is selling and gave me her name but I don't see a link to find ?
Aug 21Reply
lysal12 Hi sorry for shipping delay. My grandma has been I'll. Will ship hopefully today
Apr 21Reply
mighty123 @lysal12 That's totally fine !!! I love what I order and love the wait !! It's so much fun , like Christmas !! And my birthday is in a few weeks so the closer to it I get a package the better !! Ha :) sending healing energy for her !!! Love and light x
Apr 21Reply
sweetlorenzo @mighty123 Hi! Thanks so much for your purchase! I will try to ship it out today! ❤😊
Apr 22Reply
mighty123 @sweetlorenzo It's Saturday !! You don't have to do that !!! Who wants to spend a moment of the weekend at a post office !! Ha lol !! Next week is soon enough !! I don't think life is meant to be rushed ! This society needs to slow it down :):)): And thank you so much !!
Apr 22Reply
mighty123 @sweetlorenzo they look really pretty !! Thank you for accepting ):)::)):):)
Apr 22Reply
sweetlorenzo @mighty123 You are adorable! I'm just waiting on some other sales and I know my PO closes at 2pm. Otherwise Monday morning since they are closed on Sunday. Thank you so much for understanding. Some people want it out asap hehe ❤ You're special 🌹
Apr 22Reply
mighty123 @sweetlorenzo Yes , we all know the rushed ones ! It never really gets us anywhere :) ⭐️❤️🌈✅🎈🎈🎈
Apr 22Reply
beautyfashions Welcome to Poshmark! Thank you for your purchase. I hope that you love these heels just as much as I have! If you are interested in a bundle of three additional shoes, I'll be happy to give a 10% discount for you today. Typically it's 5%. 🙂
Apr 22Reply
sweetlorenzo @mighty123 Shipped! 📦📫😁
Apr 24Reply
kobal89 thank you for another sweet rating love!! You're the most awesome buyer ;):)
Apr 25Reply
mighty123 @kobal89 aeewww !! Ty ! It's just the truth !! :)):):
Apr 25Reply
mighty123 @sweetlorenzo yay !!! Ty soooo much :):):)
Apr 25Reply
mighty123 @beautyfashions Thank you for he lovely offer !! I was gone for a bit off here and missed. This message !! They look beautiful !!! I'll chk out your site and am following all the people whom I've bought from of course !!!
Apr 25Reply
mighty123 @semajje_belt Thank you so much !! Was off here for a while !!!!
Apr 25Reply
sweetlorenzo @mighty123 Hi! Thank you so much for your lovely love note and rating! I really appreciate it darling! 🌹❤😄
Apr 27Reply
mighty123 @sweetlorenzo your so welcome !! I have to ask !!! What is the scent on the purple wrapping paper ??? It's so grogous !!! A must have :) iits just gorgeous !!
Apr 27Reply
sweetlorenzo @mighty123 You're adorable! I keep my wrapping paper & supplies next to my perfume basket so it has to be one of my mists from when I spray myself lol
Apr 27Reply
mighty123 @sweetlorenzo can you give some of the names so I can try and find it ? They are super high end I think !!! It's just so lovely would love to see if I can find it :) even if mixed with orhers it's an unmistakable scent !!
Apr 27Reply
sweetlorenzo @mighty123 lol nah not too high end in the basket lol those perfumes are in the boxes hehe, the basket just has mists, lots of the Victoria Secret Pink mists and Ulta mists! If you want, tomorrow I can give exact names! Right now I'm trying to get my 2yr old to go to sleep! lol
Apr 27Reply
mighty123 @sweetlorenzo. Omg this would be amazing !! My sister always supplied all the best scents and feminine clothing , I was he Tom boy who would grab a pretty scarf or lipstick from her . She's not here now and I'm left to try and remember what to get !! Ha . I know she would love those scents !!! My son keeps me so busy too !! And I'm a single parent !! Eeeek thank god for posh !! No time to shop :) love
Apr 27Reply
mighty123 Posh !!! It's such a special community !!! 2 ! Such a special age !! 🌛⭐️ Good nite moon time !!:):)❤️🎈
Apr 27Reply
sweetlorenzo @mighty123 Oh I'm sorry to hear that! I will definitely get back to you on the scents! Promise! I bet you're a great mom! Night night from the east coast ❤🌹😁
Apr 27Reply
danyellch @mighty123 hey there, I don't know why I keep missing notification s for the jumper, but I'd ur still interested just counter or submit a new offer. Sorry about that. I assumed u changed ur mins and didn't want it, then saw this just now. Take care.
Apr 27Reply
mighty123 @sweetlorenzo born and raised east coast !! Boston , Vermont , Maine , cape cod , New York ! All east coast ! We used to love allot ! And thank you !!!
Apr 27Reply
mighty123 @sweetlorenzo move allot !!*
Apr 27Reply
mighty123 @danyellch Next round of things will add ! Have to save again !!! And thank you !
Apr 27Reply
sweetlorenzo Hey! hope you're having a good day! 3 of the scents are Victoria Secret Pink line in Fresh & Clean, Warm & Cozy, and Sunkissed! I have a couple of the Ulta Mist also in Precious Poppies (which is most likely what you smelled bc I use that one a lot), Nectarine Rose, and Freshwater. If you're looking for perfumes, I love Juicy Couture, Miss Dior, Clinique Happy, some of the Fresh scents, and Lancome! Hope this helps your collection doll! 😄❤🌹
Apr 27Reply
sweetlorenzo @mighty123 Sorry forgot to tag you! It's above this one! ^^^
Apr 27Reply
mighty123 @sweetlorenzo Ok ! Yay and thank you !! He fresh poppies is by Victoria secret also !?? X
Apr 27Reply
mighty123 Ok I never knew they made such great scents !! Just lovely ! I will have to look on eBay I think they sell them on there all kinds of perfume at good deals !! :):) thabkyku so much !! Hoping the pink skirt stays around for a little bit until I can grab it ! Color is so important to add :):)//)
Apr 27Reply
mighty123 @sweetlorenzo trying to go outside my normal colors oatmeal , grey black , love the earth colors so much ! Time for the flowers !!🌺🌺🌸🌸
Apr 27Reply
sweetlorenzo @mighty123 You're welcome! It may be sold by VS also I'm not sure, they have a ton of scents! The skirt should be around, I have a ton of others for other ladies hehe..
Apr 27Reply
mighty123 @sweetlorenzo ok cool !! Yes and I can goodle the name !! And I guess I'll have Togo with the purple paper !! Ha and actually spend some time and walk in a store !! Eeeek . But it's worth it :):)):): Lol 😂
Apr 27Reply
mighty123 @semajje_belt Do you know how to find a tracking. Number ? An item says delivered but it's not arrived and all my other orders have . And in the purchases it says no tracking on any of my active and non active orders ??? Ty !!
Apr 27Reply
melllaaa_2011 Welcome to posh!! 🎉🎉 I sell your favorite brands if you want to check out my closet! 😇 I offer 50% off bundles of five or more items!!! ❤️happy poshing!
Apr 28Reply
lysal12 Hi sweetie. I can't find the skirt u bought from me!! Can u pick another then favorite it and I'll ship in am! Soooo sorry.
Apr 28Reply
mighty123 @lysal12 Hi !! I chose the silk off shoulder blouse !!! And if you find the skirt I'll still buy it again !!!
Apr 28Reply
mighty123 @lysal12 And let me know if you need me to pay the extra .... the skirt I think was 11 and this one is 15 ... :) ty
Apr 28Reply
mighty123 @melllaaa_2011 why thank you so much !!! I will !!!!
Apr 28Reply
beautyfashions You are the best! Thank you for the top seller rating! 💕⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Apr 28Reply
mighty123 @beautyfashions Just saying the truth !! ❤️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️, they are so gorgeous :):):)
Apr 28Reply
beautyfashions @mighty123 You are the best! 💕
Apr 28Reply
mighty123 @beautyfashions 🌸🎉⭐️🎈🌈🦄🦄🦄
Apr 28Reply
spreadlove Hi 🙋 I know there are so many great closets on posh but I would love for you to check out mine if you have a moment! I have plenty of items new w/tags and a variety of sizes! Thank so much, have a great night! 💛
Apr 28Reply
mighty123 @spreadlove Thank you so much !! I always just look for American apperal or something vintage , so it's really nice to get some direction to view !!!! I will do so and thank you again !!!!! See you there !!!!
Apr 28Reply
mighty123 @lysal12 Hope you get this !! Want to mke sure the off shoulder blouse is set aside for me :):):):): And thank you again !!!
Apr 29Reply
fashionqueenc30 Hi if you are still looking for American apparel easy jeans I have some brand new ones for sale. Check them out!
Apr 30Reply
mighty123 @fashionqueenc30 thank you so so much !!! I want to buy them all !!! Must page ones self !!!! Next cash deposit I'm there !!!!! Love love the brand it's my very favorite !!!! Must figure out how to add to my profile it's says j crew !!! When my fav is AA !! Go figure !! Ok checking out your site and will follow if I'm not already !! And thank you again and always keep me posted on AA ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Apr 30Reply
fashionqueenc30 @mighty123 try clicking on your picture to edit it and then u should be able to change what it says on there
Apr 30Reply
mighty123 @fashionqueenc30 I tried everything else. But that !! Ha. Thank you so much !!!
Apr 30Reply
sweetlorenzo @mighty123 Hi girl! Hope all is well! I just wanted to let you know I'm having a skirt sale. 2 for $18 and I know you liked the NY&Co. Coral Pencil skirt! I remember you saying you needed more color and there is a purple H&M skirt in your size! Coral and purple! Perfect for spring! With shipping, it's just under $25. 😄👍
May 05Reply
mighty123 @sweetlorenzo My obsession is American apperal :) lol let me know if you have any !!!!
May 05Reply
sweetlorenzo @mighty123 oh i didnt know! I just literally sold AA disco pants lastnight!
May 05Reply
mighty123 @sweetlorenzo The easy Jean is a fav :). Disco is a little too jazzy for moi !!:):):):). Now you know !! On my page jt says I like j crew ! Ha. Don't know how to change it !!!
May 05Reply
mighty123 @sweetlorenzo And thank you for letting me know !! This is so cool that your fav sellers can contact and let you know about a sale or an item they think you may want to view !!! Love posh !!! eBay keeps everyone very distant and competitive ...
May 05Reply
sweetlorenzo @mighty123 That is very true about ebay! Its easy to change! On the top right corner, it says Edit, click and type away! It should be on that you're reading your comments on! 😉
May 05Reply
mighty123 @sweetlorenzo I clicked the edit but when I get back to " meet your posher ". It says " hi I'm Kerby favorite brand j crew ect !!!! It won't get me to that area I don't know why , I'm not very technical !!!
May 05Reply
sweetlorenzo @mighty123 Are you clicking "next" and "list" to save it? Try that & lmk!
May 05Reply
mighty123 @sweetlorenzo It's not showing me any of that ! I click on my photo upper right corner and it says edit profile but no area to do any of that .....
May 05Reply
mighty123 @taykrueger Yay !!! Ok fantastic !! Thank you !!! I'll zip by there tomorrow !! Yippy ❤️❤️❤️ It looks so pretty !!!
May 12Reply
mighty123 @taykrueger will " accept " as soon as I get it !!!
May 12Reply
mighty123 @taykrueger the pictures were just great and your hands looked fantastic ! Ha I was like I'm going to paint my nails red now !! Ha trend setter !! Lol :):):)
May 12Reply
mighty123 @taykrueger I will. !!🎉🎈👌❤️
May 12Reply
oliaposka Hi dear! Will be happy to see you in my closet! Hop you will like it! Just make an offer with price you like! Have a great day ❤️❤️❤️
May 26Reply
iuliiahayek Welcome to my closet hun ❤️ if u like something just make an offer with your price and I will accept ! Have a wonderful day ✌️🌹😀
Jun 22Reply
mighty123 @iuliiahayek It's beautiful !! Love it all . I want that free gift bra Not sure what you would call it it looks like it gives some support ! In a very cool looking way , would buy it !!! Lol :) Love love your things
Jun 22Reply
kady_d Heysorry i havent shipped your sweater i will tomorrow
Jun 27Reply
mighty123 @kady_d No worries 😉 and thank you so much !!!
Jun 27Reply
mokaz88 @mighty123 hi! How about if I drop the price to $150 and you get discounted shipping?
Jul 03Reply
mighty123 @mokaz88 Yes that is fine :) what I wanted to ask you is there any way I could pay you 50 now and the rest. When I get paid again . And don't send it of course until paid . And I get paid smaller amounts during this month . And would just keep sending it ! And get it done within a couple weeks . Just had to pay the rent ad bills . But don't want to not get it . Once I havee
Jul 03Reply
mighty123 My mind set on something it's always compleatedb! I have a perfect record on eBay and here ! I always pay and I always leave the nest feedback :). I'm not flaky I'm a Taurus ) lol . I'm a single parent and finally just started to buy some things for moi ! You would have a little chunk now to secure it. And then some forna couoke fridsys !!! Lmk if it's doable . And no worries either way . I will just save and pray . Ha !!
Jul 03Reply
mokaz88 @mighty123 so I'm thinking how to best approach this. I wish Poshmark offered payment plans! So maybe I could do 2 listings for $50 that you buy. Once you pay those I'll drop the price of the purse listing to $50 (the last payment and then send it). The only problem with that is that you would have to pay shipping on all three and I wouldn't want you to do that. And I would have to send an empty package. What do you think? Do you have a better suggestion? I've never done it this way before! 😜
Jul 04Reply
mokaz88 @mighty123 or one payment of $75 and then another payment of $75?
Jul 04Reply
mighty123 @mokaz88 Yes I think the 2 payments of 75 are perfect ! However to do the shipping perhaps do it less shipping ? Lost he price so it balances out so I'm not paying twice ? Dose that sound doable ? :) and thank you so much for helping me So much !
Jul 05Reply
mokaz88 Thanks for that sweet love note, how are those animals doing?
Jul 19Reply
mighty123 @mokaz88 There are many !! For some reason birds !! All have come around me this year ! So many babies in my pathway needing help ! The nursery is full !! Lol
Jul 20Reply
mighty123 @mokaz88 It's like a Hitchcock movie ..... lol !!!!
Jul 20Reply
mighty123 @mokaz88 Hopefully getting some back out side , but one has a bad leg she's a dove ! She won't be able to make it with a leg it's healed up but twisted making it immposoble to land or to keep herself safe .
Jul 20Reply
mokaz88 @mighty123 awww you are a good person for doing what you do 💕💕💕
Jul 20Reply
mighty123 @mokaz88 I have not forgotten about the gorgeous bag either ! Hopefully soon will get everything in order and can just buy it !!! If it lasts !! It's so pretty . Thank you. So much again for your amazing kindness with it .
Jul 20Reply
bellibels Hey are u looking for AA pencil jeans? I have one listed :) check it out and lmk hun 💜💜💜
Jul 27Reply
bellibels AA stands for American apparel :)
Jul 27Reply
lysal12 Hi sweetie. I found the white outfit if ur still interested. Lots of new items in my closet!)
Oct 13Reply
annaakayy Welcome to posh 🤩💃🏻
Feb 06Reply
on13thstreet Hey Kerby, I hope my offer on the Pumas works for you! I got so many compliments when I wore them!😀hoping the free shipping helps😉
Jul 29Reply
tsommerf Are you interested in the wedding dress?
Nov 28Reply
mighty123 @tsommerf I wish !!!! WS just looking because it was so pretty !!! Love the stories that come with it !!! Someday !!!
Nov 30Reply
mighty123 And Thank you !!
Nov 30Reply
tsommerf 😉😘
Nov 30Reply
mighty123 @tsommerf 😀🙏❤️
Dec 01Reply
tsommerf Hello dear I'm shipping that dress out to you today, my apologies for the delay my husband had hip replacement surgery last week so things have been a little crazy around here
Dec 03Reply
mighty123 @tsommerf omg makes worries !!!! Ouch ! I hope he heals fast !! Sending some light and good energy ! That’s allot to go through for the system !!! And thank you so much !!!!!!! Blessings and happy holidays !!!
Dec 03Reply
mighty123 @tsommerf I mean NO WORRIES !! lol
Dec 03Reply
ady67 Thanks for your sweet note! Glad you liked it 😘😘😘
Dec 04Reply
mighty123 @ady67 😀. I’ve akways wanted to get y ears pierced !!! Might have to now !! Saw all those beautiful earrings you have !! And thank you again !!!! Just love it !!
Dec 17Reply
bx123 Drop an offer on the American apparel hoodie! Never wore it so price is negotiable
Dec 18Reply
ahuot Hello Kerby. Welcome to Poshmark❣ I hope you're doing well. I'd like to invite you to check out my ever-growing closet. I sell an array of cool and unique goodies. I offer a Bundle discount, discount shipping, and I ship the next day. If you ever have any questions about Poshmark, or anything in my closet, I will be happy to help you out. I wish you well.✌❤
Dec 31Reply
mighty123 @ahuot Thank you so much !! I will for sure look !! And thank you again !! And happy new year !!!
Jan 02Reply
ahuot @mighty123 😉✌💖
Jan 02Reply
ady67 Hey Kerby, sorry I deleted the listing, I am cleaning a little my boutique, I sent you the same listing and the other color that I have, go with 5 for sure, you will love them, they are suuuuper soft, just send the offer for the price the other ones had. (it was a sale from yesterday) MUAK!!
Jan 07Reply
shopstarluna Hi Kerby!🥰🥰 I made you a bundle listing and tagged you in the comments! Please review before purchasing 💕💕 Let me know if you have any questions! Bundle will be reserved for three days for you!
Jan 07Reply
xopattyskye Gorgeous xoxo 💗
Jan 08Reply
mighty123 @labellabtq Why thank you !!!!!x ☺️☺️☺️☺️
Jan 10Reply
mighty123 @ofmytwenties Omg !! Promise all be back !!! Work has me out of town and so much to do !! As soon as I get back !!! And thank you so so much !!! Need them for my classes !!!
Jan 10Reply
shopstarluna @mighty123 ok! Will hold for some time(:
Jan 10Reply
veyduh1 Thanks for the likes, feel free to bundle or send an offer 🥂🌹💞
Feb 03Reply
mighty123 @veyduh1 thank you so much !!!!!! Wanted to ask how can we ask poshers that we’re looking for a particular item - I’m looking for an American apparel Ryder dress black in medium - finally found one it arrived last sat and somebody took the package !!! Theboost said it was placed inside the secure box but my neighbors. But she said she did not see it - such a mess !! So hard to find it !!!
Feb 03Reply
veyduh1 @mighty123 you should report to usps babe!
Feb 03Reply
mighty123 @veyduh1 The post lady who delivered it came and pointed to the box she placed it in - and they take full responsibility for. The postal ladies mistake - It just makes you wonder who took it - the post lady ? Or a tenant - either way it’s so frustrating !!!
Feb 03Reply
oahubuys Hi I saw you were interested in AA jeans I have one listed for $15 ! :)
Mar 08Reply
sayyestojewelry Hi there 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Jun 22Reply
grrracers hi! just wanted to let you know i’ll be dropping off your package later today. thank you for your purchase! ❣️
Jun 22Reply
mar112233 Hey Kerby!! Welcome to Poshmark 🥰🎉 Just wanted to let you know I carry a ton of Free People, Calvin Klein, Zara, Michael Kors, Vince Camuto, Lucky Brand, and many more designer brands, all SIZES, all NWT and all at 50% - 70% off retail prices. I am open to offers! I hope you are having an amazing, blessed weekend 💗💗 Meg
May 08Reply
shoe_crazze Hello , Just wanted to let you know your item as been at your PO since December 29th. I just dont want it to be sent back to me . I hope you can grab it so you have your shoes
Jan 05Reply
rosiepozies Hi Kerby🤩Thank you for your purchase 😊I will ship it out ASAP.🤗 Have a great evening🦋Blessings~Rosie 🌹💝
Jul 31Reply
mighty123 @rosiepozies oh thank you so much !!!!! Yay 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Jul 31Reply
rosiepozies 🥰🥰😊😊🤗🤗
Jul 31Reply
rosiepozies Morning Kerby🌞🦋Thank you for the rating and the note. I'm glad you liked it🥰 Enjoy 💖 Happy Saturday ~Rosie 🌹
Aug 06Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Oct 10Reply
spreadlove Hi! I’m Melissa! Please check out my closet too if you're in the mood to shop! 🙋 🫶
Sep 23Reply

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