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Updated Jan 05
Updated Jan 05

Meet your Posher, Keri

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Keri. Some of my favorite brands are Michael Kors, ASOS Curve, torrid, GAP, and Tory Burch. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 30% off 3+ Bundle

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caria_jewelry Hi Keri, welcome to Poshmark! You're going to have a blast shopping, selling and making new friends. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions at all. And please do stop by my closet when you get a chance!
Aug 10Reply
thisandthat_ Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! I’m one of the ambassadors here, if you need any assistance at all! please feel free to ask! Also I’m having a 50% off all items in my closet! Just put a ♥️ on anything you might be interested in! The more items you like the bigger the discount! Up to 75% off Also you are welcome to make any offer! Not much let, but possibly something you like? It would be an honor to have you take a look 🙏🏻 thank you and Happy Poshing!!! 💕
Aug 10Reply
marifurrari Hi! I’m Marisa. Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you love it as much as I do. Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺🌺
Aug 11Reply
pandoras77 Hi 👋🏻 Kerri, and welcome!! Your closet is looking fantastic!! I hope you’re enjoying the many varieties of items you’ll find here. If you ever need anything please don’t hesitate to ask me!! Also, please check out my closet!! I offer excellent prices and quality merchandise!! Sharing is Caring!! Don’t forget to Bundle and Save!! Have a great day!! From one ~Carrie~ to another!! 😉😉😉
Aug 12Reply
amybuck3 Hi there! Love your closet 🥳 you should definitely check out my closet @amybuck3 because I know you will find something you like, maybe even something you L🥰VE! Happy Poshing!
Sep 15Reply
desertmagic Hey there! Thanks for the follow! Hope you're week is going well. Just an FYI. As a thank you for reaching 50k followers, any bundle over $50 this weekend gets free shipping!
Oct 10Reply
wifeof1man Welcome🌿Keri, Thank you for stopping by and have a great THURSDAY! Wonderful closet collection and many MANY sales to YOU!
Oct 10Reply
msneverending1 Keri just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for following my closet & sharing My Vintage Light Pink Moonglow Necklace. You have a wonderful closet and beautiful pictures. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Oct 13Reply
baypearls Hi welcome to poshmark!! I’m Misti if you have any questions please let me know!! I’m always happy to help!! Hope you have a wonderful Week!! Happy poshing 🎉🥳🎉
Oct 14Reply
baggaliciouz Thank you for following me & Welcome to Stop By anytime 🎀
Oct 18Reply
bertads 💕welcome to poshmark wish you many sales 👔🧤👢👚👕👗🧦👞
Oct 20Reply
mzpinkyscloset1 Thanks for sharing my items
Oct 20Reply
bobbett328 Hello 🙋‍♀️Thank you so much for stopping by and following my closet/boutique 🎀🌷Happy Poshing 🛍🛍
Oct 20Reply
rissaj1973 Cute closet:)
Oct 20Reply
simone740 Thank you for following me. I love your closet!!! I belong to a beautiful share group and would love for you to join. Please stop by my closet to check out the listing for rules and directions. The new share game will be begin on 10/23/19❤️
Oct 21Reply
purplepixiemom 🍒Happy prosperous poshing!🍒
Oct 21Reply
earthgirlresale 🌺Thank you for the shares🌸 You have a fabulous closet👗👠👚👜 I look forward to returning the favor by sharing your closet👔👢👙👞Happy Poshing!🌈☀️
Oct 24Reply
computershoptx Welcome to Poshmark and Thank you for sharing from my closet! I hope you have a great weekend and successful Poshing!😊
Oct 25Reply
makeyoulaugh67 Thank you for following my 🚱.  I greatly appreciate it.  I've Followed you back and Shared some of  yours. You have a awesome selection especially when Christmas coming 😁. If you have a chance take a peek at my closet.  I love offering Bargains to all my Poshmark Friends and Family.  Wishing you Abundant Poshmark Prosperity.  Enjoy your Poshmark journey🌻❤🌻❤😁
Oct 25Reply
soriag Thanks for following my closet 😃
Oct 26Reply
msneverending1 Keri just wanted to stop by and welcome you to Poshmark and thank you so much for following my closet. You will meet some of the most awesome people here on Posh. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Oct 27Reply
simone740 Hello there! Thank you for following me. I belong to a wonderful share group and would love for you to join. Please stop by my closet to check out the listing for rules and directions. You have some beautiful listings in your closet by the way❣️❣️
Oct 28Reply
stacy_osborn Thanks for sharing my listing! Nice to “meet” you! 👋🏼 Happy Poshing!
Oct 30Reply
ttrinketsnmore Thank u for sharing my closet😊 have a fantastic Sunday🌺
Nov 03Reply
trosegold Hi Keri, I'm Tim and I just want to quickly say hi and thank you for sharing. I'll be sure to check out your closet and share the items that I like 😃. Cheers
Nov 03Reply
surfshoppe Hi Keri, thanks for stopping by my closet! Happy poshing!
Nov 07Reply
stacy_osborn Thanks for sharing my listings! I appreciate it! I’ll be sharing back! 👍 I don’t know if you got a chance to see my jewelry sale while visiting. Great items to bundle and save. Great Christmas gifts for the ladies! 15% off bundles of everything else. Happy Poshing! 👑
Nov 07Reply
jocole96 welcome happy poshing, 😀
Nov 10Reply
paw_f1 Hi Keri thanks for liking NY & Co bag .Any questions im here. Happy Poshing
Nov 10Reply
lace2leather Thanks for following me! Please check out my closet and if you see something you like feel free to make me an offer! Happy Poshing!!
Nov 11Reply
msneverending1 Keri just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for following my closet & sharing My Vintage Japanese Sterling Silver Amita Flower Brooch. You have a wonderful closet and beautiful pictures. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Nov 12Reply
jroyell1984 Keri thanks so much for the follow😊
Nov 18Reply
suehony thank you for stopping by my closet and sharing!!! Greatly appreciate it! Hope you stop by again!
Feb 17Reply
jenn123456 Thanks for following me. Hopefully really soon you will buy something from me!
Jul 18Reply
mzpitty1 BUNDLE 2 OR MORE ITEMS FROM MY CLOSET AND GET A SPECIAL DISCOUNT 😁AND A FREE GIFT 🎁 you get to choose 👀 from items marked "Free Gift with purchase" 👍👏
Aug 06Reply
ksposh4u sorry I think I liked it by accident. I'll share. k
Aug 12Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily😊 if you like any of my items please don’t hesitate to send an offer or better yet please please create a bundle I’ll be moving soon so I’ll gladly accept anything in a heartbeat
Oct 02Reply
thale99965 Hi Keri, I purchased your listing for the XXL Lightweight Peasant top. This is the first thing I have ever purchased. I hope you're OK. I am concerned because I haven't heard anything from you as it looks like you are active on Poshmark. I see the item I purchased is listed as "sold". Could you please respond to me so I know that you are aware of this order and my correspondence with you? Thank you, Sonia
May 16Reply
nylifeaccess Hi dear, thank you very much to check out and following or share my closet. Just would like to let you know my closet is doing BUNDLE discount “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” and $25/3. Welcome to shop at my closet. Wish you have a wonderful day ;)
Jul 20Reply
tabbytink63 Hi🙋🏻‍♀️nice to meet you and thank you for visiting 🐦 🐶 🐎 🐈 🎨💐
Aug 21Reply
qbbboutique Hello, I hope everything is going smoothly! I want to thank you for the follow. Especially for sharing my item. I truly appreciate the support. I am a new Posher and still trying to figure things out ☺️ You're more than welcome to stop by my closet anytime. Feel free to leave me a comment, take a glance, and reasonable offers are welcome. If there's anything that interests you, don't hesitate to message me. Thank you 🙏🏻 💜
Jun 17Reply
krystalmcc1621 👋Thank you for following me. I just visited your closet to follow you and share some of your 👚items👖with my followers. Have a wonderful day ☀️and many sales 🧾!!
Aug 23Reply
cmckit Hey howdy howdy! Love your closet, feel free to check out mine. I could really use the money right now, so all items must go :)
Oct 06Reply
smilez22222 Hello and Thank You for Following my Closet! 🦋🙂🦋
Oct 10Reply
happyday111960 Hi there Keri and thank you for the "follow"! As a Posh Ambassador I have a little wiggle room on a lot of things so feel free to make any offer. Take a look and see if there’s anything you like. Hopefully you’ll find something you love. Have a “Poshing” kind of day! L.
Oct 27Reply
candy258 Hi🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
May 15Reply
jewelsbysara Hi there 🥰 I would love for you to stop by my closet for amazing deals on everything!!! If you have any questions feel free to ask me. Happy Poshing 🎉🎉
Oct 28Reply
danabella_92 Hi, I’m Danielle! 💕 Thanks for taking time to look through my closet! I currently have a bundle offer of 10% off 3 or more items. But even if you see 1 item and want to send me an offer, feel free. I’m sure we can work to find a price thats perfect for both of us. 💕
Feb 25Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Feb 27Reply
pjhb Hi Keri! Thanks so much for sharing my Mexican top! I appreciate it so much!😃
1 day agoReply
lisakay100 Happy Poshing, I’ll Check out your Closet & You can Check out my Closet‼️
1 day agoReply

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Last Active: 21 hours ago

Bridgewater, CT
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Last Active: 21 hours ago

Bridgewater, CT
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