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Updated Jan 13
Updated Jan 13

Meet your Posher, Kesha

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Hi! I'm Kesha. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 3+ Bundle

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shedivainc Hello😊my name is Tamara. Welcome to Posh. I am moving in two weeks and so I am offering great discounts. Feel free to ask questions and stop by my closet.😁😁
Jan 13Reply
lolared95 Loveeeeee your closet!!! Great taste!!! 😍
Jan 26Reply
kekedejuan @lolared95 Thank you!!!😊☺️
Jan 26Reply
seangregory Hi there. Very nice closet. I made a bundle of 4 items. Wondering what would be your best price for the bundle.
Jan 30Reply
kekedejuan Hi @seangregory! Thank you! And I would be happy to give you 20% off your entire purchase : )
Jan 30Reply
seangregory @kekedejuan Could you do 60 for the bundle?
Jan 30Reply
kekedejuan @seangregory What items do you have in your bundle?
Jan 30Reply
seangregory @kekedejuan Two bodysuits, one black and one white, sheer tank and faux leather lbd.
Jan 30Reply
seangregory Although I'm iffy about the dress.
Jan 30Reply
seangregory You have a nice f21 black lace top that I might switch for the dress.
Jan 30Reply
kekedejuan @seangregory Okay, sorry for the delay! I can do $65 for the bodysuits, tank and and lace top
Jan 30Reply
seangregory @kekedejuan I've been spending too much lately so I'm going to resist. I did make an offer on the white bodysuit which is my favorite item of yours so hopefully you'll accept that.
Jan 30Reply
jme2105 If I buy 4 items from you will you give me more than 15% off my bundle?
Feb 19Reply
kekedejuan Hi @jme2105! Sure! I will give you 20% off your bundle😊
Feb 19Reply
jme2105 @kekedejuan do you need to bundle them for me?
Feb 19Reply
kekedejuan @jme2105 sure I can make a listing for you. Or you can let me know when you have all items in your cart and I will change my bundle discount.
Feb 19Reply
jme2105 @kekedejuan I have them all bundled
Feb 19Reply
kekedejuan @jme2105 Okay, you are good to go!
Feb 19Reply
tamara86468 I bought the lace up shoes on eBay. They are sooo cute and comfortable. I wish I could leave you 5 stars here. Shipping was incredibly fast. Thank you.
Mar 23Reply
kekedejuan @tamara86468 Yay! I'm glad you like them!! Thank you!
Mar 23Reply
tamara86468 @kekedejuan I'll just give you 5 stars on eBay!
Mar 23Reply
eroa74 @kekedejuan Thank you so much for following. Happy sales!😀
Apr 15Reply
aishablake Nice to meet you, doll!!! I hope that you are loving it here!!!! Xoxo
Apr 18Reply
rrhaefner @kekedejuan I am in love with your closet. Everything is so fabulous & totally me. 💖💖💖
May 14Reply
mrs0623 Love your closet thanks for stopping by mine😊
May 28Reply
wwotwc Thanks for the follow !! Your first purchase from my closet is 50% off - just make the offer <3
Mar 17Reply
jlynn102284 Text me please 707 three four two 8121! I’d like to buy the bag😊
Jan 14Reply
kekedejuan @jlynn102284 in order to protect the both of us, I’d rather you buy through the site.
Jan 14Reply
mjrn68 Hello Keesha! . I purchased a Raspberry Michael Kors Hamilton Bag from you a few weeks ago. I was shopping in a Michael Kors Shop and a salesperson inquired about the cost of my “fake” Michael Kors Bag. I was directed to the stores Manager and Regional Manager was also there that day. After close inspection, there was no doubt that my Michael Kors Bag was NOT real. I am very disappointed and feel taken advantage of. I want my money back ASAP please.
Feb 28Reply
kekedejuan @mjrn68 That is 100% FALSE INFORMATION!!! That bag was purchased at Macy’s. Try again
Feb 28Reply
mjrn68 @kekedejuan there is t a serial number in it
Feb 28Reply
mjrn68 @kekedejuan Hi Kesha! I am not trying to anger you with this Michael Kors Bag issue. I truly would like to come up with a resolution with you. The manager and Regional manger of a Michael Kors Store inspected the bag . They advised me that there wasn’t a serial number.
Mar 01Reply
mjrn68 @kekedejuan The tag on the inside where you should find the serial number is a thin fabric starting to fray that says “made in China “. This tag is suppose to be a plastic/hard covered tag with the serial number on it.
Mar 01Reply
mjrn68 @kekedejuan They also said the exterior of the bag is not a material used by Michael Kors. I am asking you to please just take a minute and put yourself in my shoes. How would you feel if you just paid $140 for a purse and two high level management staff at a Designer purse store advised you that your purse wasn’t real. It was counterfeit.
Mar 01Reply
kekedejuan @mjrn68 I would never ever buy a fake bag, nor sell a fake bag. The manager you spoke to must not know the product they sell. Take it to another store. The bag was bought at Macy’s. It’s not a new new bag, so maybe it doesn’t have the same date code material as newer bags. Do your own research and take it to someone who really knows MK bags. This talk about the leather this and the date stamp that is seriously frustrating to me because the bag is REAL!!!
Mar 01Reply
kekedejuan @mjrn68 This is not a YSL or Chanel bag! Why take the time and effort to sell Michael Kors knockoffs? Makes no sense! Please take it to someone else. You were told false info
Mar 01Reply
mjrn68 @kekedejuan It would probably make you angry right? I was angry at first. Now I am very disappointed and feel so taken advantage of, and cheated out of a product that I was looking forward to receiving. Kesha, I don’t know you personally, but if you are telling me you purchased the bag from Macy’s ......
Mar 01Reply
kekedejuan @mjrn68 The Bag was purchased on in 2014. So I’m guessing the bag was made somewhere around 2013/2014. Go online and do your research on Michael Kors Hamilton bags in that time period. See what they are supposed to look like. I guarantee you will see that I am 100% truthful. I’m not trying to be rude. I just don’t like my character being questioned. I would NEVER screw someone over like that. Never
Mar 01Reply
mjrn68 @kekedejuan then you purchased the bag from Macy’s. I know for a fact that the manager and Regional Manager of The Michael Kors Store are trained and qualified to examine designer bags to distinguish authenticity. So that leaves me with a bag that I paid a lot of money for , only to find out it’s not what I wanted to purchase. I wanted to purchase an authentic Michael Kors bag.
Mar 01Reply
kekedejuan @mjrn68 ohhhh, okay, you must not be familiar with Michael Kors. To say that you wanted an authentic Michael Kors Bag, as If Macy’s doesn’t sell authentic bags is insane. It’s the same bags they sell in the MK store. Omg 🤦🏽‍♀️
Mar 01Reply
mjrn68 @kekedejuan At this point , I couldn’t try to re sell it unless someone wanted a fake Michael Kors Bag, and then they would pay significantly less than I paid you I paid a lot of money because I was intending on buying an authentic bag. If would greatly appreciate you accepting the bag as a return to you, then refund my money to me.
Mar 01Reply
mjrn68 @kekedejuan That way if you are 109% positive that the bag is authentic, you shouldn’t have any trouble selling it. I have also sent this information to Poshmark Support. Truly, it would be very kind if you to help me resolve this problem. I don’t want any bad feelings, I just want the right thing to be done. Maybe I wouldn’t feel so taken advantage of if I could get my money back . I can ship the bag out right away. Please get back with me as soon as possible. Thank you Kesha!
Mar 01Reply
kekedejuan @mjrn68 listen..with all do respect, there is no way I would take that bag back from you. You have had it in your possession for over a month. Lord knows what could have happened to it since then. This is why posh gives you ample time upon receipt to do your due diligence.
Mar 01Reply
kekedejuan @mjrn68 It’s a beautiful bag and I wish it went to someone who appreciates it. It is 100% authentic Michael Kors Hamilton bag, saffiano leather and all. Please do your research and I am sure at the end of the day you will write me an apology.
Mar 01Reply
kekedejuan @mjrn68 I’m 100009% sure it’s authentic! I am glad you sent it to posh support, I will do the same. This is classic scam. Ridiculous
Mar 01Reply
mjrn68 Kesha, I don’t want any trouble here. I am not going to go from place to place, I was at a Michael Kor”s Store, two different managers ( one being a Regional Manager) tell me that my bag is not an authentic Michael Kors Bag. Period. End of story. Two managers of a MK store are indeed qualified to distinguish authenticity if a MK bag.
Mar 01Reply
kekedejuan @mjrn68 please take it up with posh support. This is exhausting.
Mar 01Reply
mjrn68 @kekedejuan I am not trying to ruin your character. I am just trying to obtain resolution to an unfortunate problem. You would do the same. No one wants to be told that their expensive MK bag is counterfeit after just purchasing it. I would simply like to return the bag to you for a refund.
Mar 01Reply
mjrn68 @kekedejuan why are you calling me a scammer? What could I possibly be scamming I paid 140 for a bag that two NK managers are telling me is counterfeit. Tell me where I am gaining any kind if benefit from this matter. A bag I absolutely love, is a counterfeit and I am out $140 bc I cannot re sell it questioning authenticity.
Mar 01Reply
mjrn68 @kekedejuan you are correct. This is exhausting and so saddening. I will never purchase another designer purse from a second hand site again. I I did not intend to have the bag you sold me inspected. It just worked out that way when I was shopping in the MK store. I was happy with the purse until I was told that I had a counterfeit Michael Kors Bag. So yes. We agree that this is exhausting..
Mar 01Reply
kekedejuan @mjrn68 Don’t apologize for having it inspected. You should always have a bag bought second hand inspected. You’d be a fool not to. I’m just telling you in this very instance , the bag is very much real. I swear to you, you were told false info. I don’t care if this guy is a regional manager. That’s just a title retail experience gets you. Not MK experience. Like I said before. Look online, do research. Take it to another store. You will have different results.
Mar 01Reply
mjrn68 @kekedejuan I do not have another MK Store near me. I am inclined to believe that two managers from a MK Store were trained to know if purses that they sell everyday are authentic or not.
Mar 01Reply
mjrn68 @kekedejuan hello. I just wAnted to let you know that I did bring the MK bag to another place today. ( Macy’s in Grandville). I have provided Posh Support with the results of my visit to Macy’s.
Mar 01Reply
kekedejuan @mjrn68 Good 👍🏽
Mar 01Reply
mjrn68 @kekedejuan Yes. It will be good for both of us to get some resolution to this problem. Have a good weekend
Mar 01Reply
kekedejuan @mjrn68 There is no problem. Seriously I’m over this 🙄 Tell Posh to contact me, I’m happy to work with them. I know where/when I bought it. I know that it was 100% authentic when it was in my possession. I would never buy/wear/sell knockoffs. PERIOD. Do you know how much I paid for that bag?! Like this is seriously laughable. I can’t........
Mar 02Reply
kekedejuan @mjrn68 Like, I’m honestly starting to think you are trolling me. Like, you can’t be serious 🙄
Mar 02Reply
mjrn68 @kekedejuan I’m definitely not trolling you. I’ve been connecting with you in hopes to find a resolution with you like 2 adults should be able to accomplish. I now I’m simply keeping you in the loop. Not trolling. That is offensive at this point. I’m trying to get resolution from paying $140 for a counterfeit Michael Kors Bag. I have documentation from Michael Kors Store and Macy’s. Having a civil and open dialogue would be most beneficial at this point.
Mar 02Reply
kekedejuan @mjrn68 @mjrn68 please stop contacting me. Posh can keep me in the loop. Your so called “documentation” is bogus. Enough. Seriously.
Mar 02Reply
mjrn68 @kekedejuan I’m sorry for contacting you. I thought that you would be a respectable and responsible seller. We are suppose to be professional. That’s okay. Poshmark will handle it.
Mar 02Reply
kekedejuan @mjrn68 🙌🏽Thank you 🙏🏽
Mar 02Reply
lovemyshadow Are you going to ship the jeans I bought??
Dec 20Reply
kekedejuan @lovemyshadow Hi! I shipped them days ago. I’m not sure what the hold up is 😳. We had bad weather but I would think they still should be tracking by now. I will find out.
Dec 20Reply
lovemyshadow @kekedejuan thank you. It still says awaiting shipment..
Dec 20Reply
ikrg Hi. Any updates on whether the black Zara pants will be shipped? I purchased them over a week ago.
Apr 06Reply
accordin2shea @kekedejuan just checking when you will be able to ship the top off.. pray all is well on your end. Thanks
Apr 12Reply
kekedejuan @accordin2shea Hi! Thank you and same to you! I can ship first thing tomorrow morning
Apr 12Reply
accordin2shea @kekedejuan hey I sent a offer for another shirt hoping to get both shirts shipped off together.
Apr 15Reply
ikrg @kekedejuan Hi, Keke. The pants I have purchased from you on 3/29 still have not arrived, and the tracking has not updated since 4/9. Looks like the package might have been lost. Do you think you could look into it and maybe fill out a lost package request with USPS? Thank you.
Apr 26Reply
kekedejuan @ikrg oh no! Yes, let me look into this
Apr 26Reply
ikrg @kekedejuan any news?
May 04Reply
tharris451 @kekedejuan hi Keke! I hope all is well. I ordered the pair of Steve Madden strappy pointy heels a week ago and they still have not shipped out. When will they be shipped out? I appreciate all your help. Thank you!
May 07Reply
tharris451 Hi @kekedejuan are you going to ship out the shoes? I bought them for my graduation ceremony. If not, please let me know so I can cancel the transaction
May 08Reply
hunting4fashion Hi Keke! its been over 10 days since I purchased those Zara loafers with the gold chain detail...are you planning on shipping them or have you decided not to? please let me know one way or the other, otherwise I'll just cancel the order. Thank-you for your time!
Jan 13Reply
hunting4fashion FYI: I bought these Zara chain detailed loafers and this seller NEVER sent them or acknowledged any of my or Poshmark's requests to respond...
Jan 14Reply

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Last Active: Feb 28

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Last Active: Feb 28

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