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Updated Mar 26
Updated Mar 26

Meet your Posher, Keturah

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Keturah. Some of my favorite brands are Michael Kors, kate spade, and PINK Victoria's Secret. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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prrtynpink Hi, feel free to check out my closet with sizes XL-3X and make offers, I give huge discounts if you ask :)
Apr 13Reply
shopwitheileen Welcome to Poshmark! You are going to LOVE shopping in my fabulous boutique! These fabulous finds sell very quickly... So if see something you love ... grab it right away or shoot me an offer! 😉Please let me know if you have questions as you are shopping! Custom Bundles save you money 💸 & shipping 📦! I'm always adding new goodies… So shop again soon and often! 😉 Happy Poshing! 💗
Apr 14Reply
thriftynista 🎀🎀💃💃Welcome to Poshmark 👞🛍👖👕👔
Apr 14Reply
kaleyheider Hi, it's nice to meet you!💖
Apr 14Reply
tamramk Hello and thanks for sharing
Apr 14Reply
kdesirea @tamramk Thank you, too!
Apr 14Reply
kdesirea @kaleyheider Nice to meet you, too!
Apr 14Reply
swirlygurl Hi Ketutah and welcome to Posh! It's a great and welcoming group here. Some tips I found helpful: ⚡️SHARE⚡️a lot as it gets your items in everyone's newsfeed, people usually share back & it can gain you followers; follow all Posh 👍RULES👍 in your closet; and most of all have fun. If you ever have questions don't hesitate to ask any time. Good luck❣️
Apr 24Reply
luluchris310 Hey lady, I got your offer for the urban decay eye shadow! Thanks for your interest. I just posted a eyebrow box as well, take a lot and let me know if you want to add it as a bundle.
May 19Reply
kdesirea @luluchris310 I am interested in your perfume samplers too but I bought some on posh a few weeks back and they all smelled old. Are these samples somewhat new?
May 19Reply
luluchris310 @kdesirea I'd say the oldest from early 2016. I can definitely pick some good ones for you! Let me know! Thx!
May 19Reply
kdesirea @luluchris310 Sounds great. Thank you... I will add to a bundle
May 19Reply
luluchris310 @kdesirea thank you! Happy shopping!
May 19Reply
kdesirea Lol. So it appears I don't know how to bundle when an offer has been made.
May 19Reply
capture1 Keturah thanks for sharing my closet please feel free to stop by anytime ! I have lots of great things if you see anything you want just make me a offer. Thanks in advance , by the way your 🐕 is do cute
May 21Reply
kdesirea @capture1 Will Do! And thank you, he's spoiled rotten. :)
May 21Reply
capture1 Lol ! My dog also
May 21Reply
angelmichella @capture1 Hi there thank you so much for your purchase of my Moschino fragrance I will get that shipped out in the next few days because of the holiday weekend I will try to get it out tomorrow. Thank you for shopping in my closet I really appreciate it have a great holiday weekend Meredith
May 27Reply
capture1 Hello ! I received a comment from you thanking by me for a perches and I didn't perches anything . Not sure what's going on.
May 27Reply
kdesirea @capture1 I'm not sure. Thank u for letting me know.
May 27Reply
kdesirea @capture1 I made a purchase from another posher and she thanked you. Probably just a typo but If u get perfume will u let me know Please? Thank you!
May 27Reply
capture1 Ok , I'll let you know
May 27Reply
sweetvelvet Thanks for the like :) You look very happy together btw
Jun 08Reply
kdesirea @sweetvelvet Aw, thank you for saying that. 13 years of marriage to my best friend. ☺
Jun 08Reply
sweetvelvet I hope I find the same thing. No matter what else happens, you've already won the romance lottery :)
Jun 08Reply
pipita0905 Hi, I purchased a top from you but I haven't received it yet, and I mistakenly click on "Accept" order thinking it was another item that I did receive. Sorry about that. Once I receive it I'll rate it. Thanks
Jun 13Reply
kdesirea @pipita0905 Ok. You should get it soon. It shipped yesterday.
Jun 13Reply
zardiva1 Awww, your 🐕 is such a handsome little boy! 🙂💕💜💕😘🐾 He just looks so *sweetie*, hehe! 😁😃😍😘🐕
Jul 05Reply
kdesirea @zardiva1 Thank you! He's one of our 4 furry kids. The troublemaker :) You have a sweet looking cat, too. Glad to know I'm not the only one who loves their pets like kids, lol
Jul 05Reply
zardiva1 @kdesirea "Thank you!" Awww, *you're welcome*, hehe! 👍😁 "The troublemaker" Awwwww! 😉😉😉 Sounds like he's a *BADDIE* little boy! 😈🐕 (LMBO! 😂😂😂) I guess that little innocent-looking *facie* fooled me, LOL! 😆 "You have a sweet looking cat, too." Pandy (my 🐱) said "😽" to you for that sweet compliment (😆😆😆). "Glad to know I'm not the only one who loves their pets like kids, lol" Haha! 😄 I refer to my parents as my 🐱's "grandmommy" & "grandpoppy" (and they go right along with it), LOL! 😆
Jul 05Reply
smithzertuche Awwww, I LOVE the picture of your puppy!!! Reminds me of my Jada we had to put her down a few years back.😭
Jul 07Reply
kdesirea @smithzertuche aww, I'm so sorry to hear that. I know that pain and it's awful :( Thank u for saying that though. Lol, he's the grouchiest puppy I've ever had.
Jul 07Reply
smithzertuche @kdesirea He's adorable though!! We had a rottweiler & a pit we got them about a year apart. Our Hurley started having issues just because he was getting old & we had to put him down, about 8 months later we had to put Jada down as well. They were besties and we kinda knew she wouldn't last long after him. We are planning to move soon then we'll get a new puppy.
Jul 07Reply
smithzertuche My son took it SO HARD!! We buried out Rott in my in-laws back yard & he would walk straight back there when we came over and tell him about his day, show him toys, and even draw him pictures. He didn't want him piled(buried) and wanted to bring him home! UGG!! It was awful! I ended up buying a rott stuffed animal & putting one of Hurley's collars on it! Dogs are the best but it's impossible to say goodbye!!
Jul 07Reply
kdesirea @smithzertuche We have an older dog, too. It's hard watching them start to age and have physical problems. I think it's great that you will get another puppy. People often think that no dog can replace the one they lost and I agree, they can't. However there are so many dogs an puppies that need homes or end up in kill shelters. They need homes. Lol, I would take them all in but my husband says if I do i will be the crazy dog lady. :)
Jul 07Reply
kdesirea @smithzertuche oh my goodness, you are going to make me cry! 😭
Jul 07Reply
smithzertuche @kdesirea Sorry! I know they are amazing! It's so hard one of the hardest loses to suffer through, but the love & companionship can't be measured. My family & I are big on rescues, my sister-in-law & I are going to start an etsy page with homemade crafts & donate a portion to no kill shelters!! It's not the breed it's the owner!!😊
Jul 07Reply
kdesirea @smithzertuche Please let me know when u get it up and running. I would love to help by a purchase or two! 😊
Jul 07Reply
hmsimon1 Good evening keturah. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Jul 07Reply
kdesirea @hmsimon1 You are very talented!
Jul 07Reply
smithzertuche @kdesirea I will! Thank you so much!!
Jul 07Reply
hmsimon1 @kdesirea thank you for the kind words 💐
Jul 07Reply
debramaelove1 Beautiful dog!!
Jul 08Reply
kdesirea @debramaelove1 Thank you! He's one of our fur kids 😊
Jul 08Reply
avrieadair Love your closet 💖💖💖
Jul 10Reply
kdesirea @avrieadair Thank you! That's so nice of you to say :)
Jul 10Reply
avrieadair Your so welcome
Jul 10Reply
atlantalaurie Thanks for the order on the adorable Living Doll top. I just wrapped it up so it will be picked up in the morning! 😀📬😀
Jul 11Reply
lichen5216 Welcome to poshmark.  Check out my earrings collection and rings. Bundle up and get fifteen percent off on clothing.  Jewelry BUY 1 GET another 50% OFF. There is always couple earrings or other jewelry that fit you well. All SALE will help me pay my tuition this fall. Please feel free to offer your desire price. Bundle up and get a private offer.  Thank you come back visit again
Jul 11Reply
lauras_boutique Keturah💐Hi I'm Laura it's nice to meet you! You're welcome to follow me and like my Follow Game at the top of my closet as it will also help you to increase your followers! I'm a Posh Mentor, so stop by my closet any time if you have any questions! Happy Poshing!😘❤️💋xoxo
Jul 12Reply
mailelani71 Love the puppy pic!
Jul 12Reply
kdesirea @lauras_boutique Thanks, Laura! I do have one question. How do I make my sold items stay at the bottom of my closet?
Jul 13Reply
lauras_boutique @kdesirea You're welcome sweetie! You share your items in whatever order you want them to appear in your closet, so your sold items you don't share and they stay at the bottom!😘
Jul 13Reply
gracefulevie Hi I LOVED the pants!!! They looked brand new!!! I will continually check your site. Have a great night!
Jul 14Reply
ashlyn_bekah Thanks for following my closet!!☺️
Jul 15Reply
leann48 @kdesirea Your puppy is so adorable. I just want to kiss those pink little lips! lol Is he/she a pit bull? I happen to love them and I do all I can to stop bans on them everywhere. I am an avid animal activist and animal lover. I also run a rescue out of my home. Give your baby a kissie from me. :) xo
Jul 19Reply
kdesirea @leann48 He is a pitbull. Lol, he's a much bigger boy now than that picture shows but he'll always be a baby to us :) We adopted him from a rescue. The breed is so misunderstood and so many of them need homes or they die in kill shelters. I'm so glad there are other animal lovers like you out there!
Jul 19Reply
leann48 @kdesirea I agree. The breed is very musunderstood. In one era of the US, they were called nanny dogs because they were so good with children. I am so happy you got him from a rescue. You are right. So many of them of killed because of the breed they are and it kills me. Its the owners that mistreat, use them for dog fighting, and raise them to be violent that are to blame. I say blame the owner, not the breed. Thank you for giving him a loving home. God bless you. xoxo
Jul 19Reply
simplefeather Great idea! I should do the same! Thank you!
Jul 29Reply
kdesirea @simplefeather lol, my dog likes to find the candy that I put in shipments. Now her evil plans will be foiled :) Bad Dog
Jul 29Reply
msmerlinsmagic See Keturah - this is where we talk - it is not private but it won't alert the likers of an item LOL
Aug 02Reply
kdesirea @msmerlinsmagic Awesome :) If you still want the other two tops, make a $4 offer on the Cato one and I will include the green lace one for free. Just let me know so I can delete that listing so no one will buy it. I feel really bad for all this. It's been a learning experience for us both.
Aug 02Reply
msmerlinsmagic thanks I will go look at them again and see if I can budle up some more - it is hard for me to find my size and style in other peoples closets but I will give it a go again
Aug 02Reply
kdesirea @msmerlinsmagic Sounds good. Just let me know as soon as possible. I don't want anyone swooping in.
Aug 02Reply
msmerlinsmagic ha OK looking now
Aug 02Reply
msmerlinsmagic I followed your directions and submitted
Aug 02Reply
kdesirea @msmerlinsmagic Great! I will delete the other listing and include it in your shipment. :)
Aug 02Reply
kdesirea All done! I'll ship out tomorrow :)
Aug 02Reply
manda_94 Hey! Where did you find your mannequin? It's super cute!!
Aug 04Reply
kdesirea @manda_94 Thank you! I got it at Hobby Lobby. Lol, she needs to go on a diet. She's having trouble fitting into a size 2. :)
Aug 04Reply
manda_94 @kdesirea ahaha! Thank you so much!!
Aug 04Reply
lillianh4412 Thank you for the shares💋
Aug 17Reply
kdesirea @lillianh4412 Thank you, too!
Aug 17Reply
denzelle Hello. I saw you liked a couple of my things. If still interested, you can bundle and ill send you an offer or you can send me one :)
Sep 22Reply
kdesirea @swirlygurl I know it's been a while since u offered but I'm hoping you still don't mind answering a question. When I share to Instagram there is no link that is posted with it. How do I share the link to the item with the photo? Thanks, in advance :)
Sep 23Reply
swirlygurl @kdesirea Hey there! My offer stands ANYTIME! 💟 If you're on a phone, hit Share then scroll down. Instagram is there. I don't see that option when on a computer, but there is a "Copy Link" button so that may be it. I've never tried that though so don't quote me on it. I'd stick to your phone if you want to do Instagram; although you have me curious now what that Copy Link button does 🤔 💭 🤓
Sep 23Reply
kdesirea @swirlygurl I used my phone to share on Instagram but it only shows a picture of the item and no link to it. I also tried the copy link and when I pasted it into the Instragram post it didn't work. I'm pretty sure I'm doing something wrong somewhere :) Thanks for the help!
Sep 23Reply
swirlygurl @kdesirea If you click on the photo in Instagram does it bring you to Poshmark?
Sep 23Reply
kdesirea @swirlygurl I'm, not sure. Let me try.
Sep 23Reply
kdesirea @swirlygurl No. Even when the link is pasted, it won't let me click and go to my closet. However when I paste the same link in messenger it will take me to posh.
Sep 23Reply
swirlygurl @kdesirea I'd contact Posh to find out how those links are supposed to work. I've never used them so I'm not helping you very much. Sorry about that :(
Sep 24Reply
kdesirea @swirlygurl You've been great! Thank you! Just looking for a way to pick up sales :)
Sep 24Reply
poshandpearls @kdesirea Hi Katura 😊 Thank You for the Posh Love 💗 for the JM Collection Embellished Tunic Style Blouse. I love the embellishments, the colors and the pattern on this Blouse. Please let me know if you have any questions about it. I hope you're enjoying your weekend. 💛 Robin
Sep 24Reply
swirlygurl @kdesirea if you find out how to do it will you let me know?
Sep 25Reply
kdesirea @swirlygurl lol, I was just thinking I should let you know. This was the response: When sharing a listing, it will only post the cover photo of the listing. Per Instagrams policy, when sharing a listing, we are not allowed to include links to our website. You will have to manually type the link in, along with the description. So I guess I'm going to manually add a note telling them to check out my closet on and give them my user name. Looks like all I can do.
Sep 25Reply
swirlygurl @kdesirea Oh wow, that's very manual. I wonder if the other websites are also like that. I never do any of them, as I don't have a dedicated account just for Posh on any of them and I don't want to clog up my regular personal accounts. Thanks so much for the info!
Sep 25Reply
kdesirea @swirlygurl I'm with you. I don't want to share on Facebook because I dont want my friends to have to hide me, lol. Instagram is not as personal for me. I thought it would be good to use. Oh well, I think I'll give it a try and see how it goes :)
Sep 25Reply
swirlygurl @kdesirea Good luck on Instagram❣️
Sep 25Reply
lemontreemarket Thank u for your help & thank u for accepting my offer!! So sweet!! Your closet is beautiful! I appreciate your kindness!! 💕💕💕 Blessings!
Oct 03Reply
kdesirea @styleblessings Thank you, too. I hope you like everything :) Oh, and keep me in mind if u are ever in a shopping mood. ;)
Oct 03Reply
lemontreemarket @kdesirea I definitely will! You have great prices too! 💝💝💝
Oct 03Reply
datcatbrat Thank you Keturah. I will mail out tomorrow. 😊
Dec 16Reply
kdesirea @datcatbrat Thank you :)
Dec 16Reply
datcatbrat So glad you like the necklace. Thank you for the great rating! Happy holidays!
Dec 21Reply
juss2fresh @kdesirea Thank you so much for the likes! I accept all reasonable offers and offer great bundle discounts! Please let me know if you have any questions💗
Jan 26Reply
monikens Thank you for visiting my closet and sharing posh love for the denim jacket 🧥
Feb 02Reply
jklinehan Your doggie is sooo cute❣️🤗
Mar 24Reply
kdesirea @jklinehan Thank you! He's a handful :)
Mar 24Reply
kdesirea @jedfr098 Thank you!
Apr 13Reply
irieshop Hi there! Thanks for the follow. Please check my closet out, I'm sure there are items you would LOVE :)
Apr 14Reply
resourcing_rob Thank you for visiting and following my closet Keturah, let me know if you have any questions. Have a Posh day!
Apr 22Reply
kdesirea @tricitymerch Thank you! :)
May 11Reply
priveboutique @kdesirea My name is Cindi and I truly appreciate you visiting my my Postmark closet boutique! I'm very reasonable/fair and I noticed that you liked a Super Cute item in my Posh closet. So, if there's anything you'd desire, I will make it happen! For sure! Wishing you many Blessings for lots of Peace, Happiness & Prosperity!💕💕 💕💕💕💕Happy Poshing my new friend!💕
Jun 06Reply
azuredoor I just lowered my price to your original offer. Bless this crazy day! And thank you!
Jul 31Reply
joyce11204 @kdesirea Are you interested in my baby lips set?
Sep 04Reply
joyce11204 @kdesirea I could drop the price for the Baby Lips so that you could have discounted shipping
Sep 04Reply
elizabethm71 Hi Keturah! Thank you for the likes!! 🙂🙂🌸🌸
Nov 08Reply
kiwisgb80 thanks for your purchase. I'm out of town right now, but will ship that out by Sunday.
Dec 28Reply
kdesirea @kiwisgb80 Sounds great. Thank you!
Dec 28Reply
auntiecatherine Thank you for your Purchase😁👍I appreciate your business💕😊Definitely will drop in the mail tonight! Thank you again and the best of luck to you 🙌🍀✌🏽
Jan 31Reply
auntiecatherine I’m glad that you like your Purchase😁👍Thank you again for your business and a GREAT Rating. Good Luck to you always🍀👍✌🏽
Feb 03Reply
spreadlove Hi, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have a great day! :-)
Feb 28Reply
reaganstewart Hi sorry, 4$ is my lowest. That’s only 1.15 after posh takes the fees hun!
Aug 08Reply
kdesirea @reaganstewart I'm sorry. I didn't realize I made an offer. I completely understand. Lol, I couldn't ever understand why people would offer $3 or 4.
Aug 08Reply
jenniferann220 If your interested in bundling the likes ❤️. Send me an offer. I’ll accept or counter Offer - Thanks ❤️
Aug 12Reply
jenniferann220 ✨✨Happy Posh Shopping 🛍 🛒 Just checking out your closet ✨✨ 🌸Thanks for the LIKE 😍.. Feel free to make an offer 🌸
Aug 13Reply
jenniferann220 🛍 Let’s go shopping - 20 percent off everything for repeat customers - Let’s kick off the New Year 🎊
Jan 08Reply
cheyanne_79 Hi there! 😊 Welcome to check out my closet. Most items are come with a free sample/gift~ Let me know if any items you’re interested in, I’m always open to offers. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Happy Poshing and all the best for you!! ❤️
Dec 08Reply
cutehosiery @kdesirea Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Apr 16Reply

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Last Active: Jan 22

Haughton, LA
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Last Active: Jan 22

Haughton, LA
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