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Updated May 28
Updated May 28

Meet your Posher, Kiara

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Kiara. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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tac66 Welcome to Poshmark! I wish you good luck with your closet! . @tac66
May 28Reply
bellanblue Hi there! I’m Jen. Very nice to meet you! Welcome to Posh! Stop by if you have any questions. Jen
May 28Reply
mysticmothco Welcome to Poshmark! If you have any questions feel free to ask! Please check out my closet, I do 10% off 3+ bundles plus you get a free gift! Have a wonderful day!
May 28Reply
levite12 Hi Kiara! Welcome to PM! It’s Dielma ‘s sister! Gby! If you like something from my closet let me kn I can negotiate price! 🤗 Vanessa has one too @amazing26!
May 28Reply
avantiboutique Welcome to Poshmark. I am a Poshmark Ambassador& a 5 star Top Seller. If you should have any questions feel free to contact me as I will be more than happy to help you. I also invite you to check out my closet. If you see anything you like just “Like” or “Bundle” it and I will go in and give you a 10% discount and discounted shipping. Happy Poshing Dear!!
May 28Reply
amymeadows Your beanie and shirt are my favorite color. Your pic is adorable. Nice closet. :)
Aug 20Reply
foundbyfran Thank you for liking my listings! Feel free to bundle for a great deal and let me know if you have any questions!
Sep 25Reply
citlaliarroyo ❤️ You! ☺️ so excited thanks!
Oct 26Reply
kiarauriostegui @citlaliarroyo thanks so much girlie!!!💕💕💕
Oct 26Reply
umarilandy01 Welcome to Poshmark.🤩Happy poshing🤩. I would love it if you visit my closet. Thanks!!!.
Nov 04Reply
betty1523 You have a great closet !!! Love your listings !
Apr 22Reply
foundbycal Hi Kiara Thanks for following and checking out my closet. Your a doll! stay safe 🤗😉
Apr 28Reply
fralees Hi, I'm fralee, welcome to posh. I love you closet and your vibe is so addicting. I think I need to dig out all my Halloween costumes too. But ugh some I jist love so much I dont think I could part with them. Happy Poshing!!!
May 27Reply
vasoutherngirl Thanks for the shares items in my closet!!! Happy selling!
May 27Reply
maverickmigs Hi Kiara. Thank you so much for the follow. I went ahead and shared a bunch of stuff from your closet. You have really nice stuff for sell and people should know it’s out there and accessible. Wish you the best success and blessings.
Sep 12Reply
maverickmigs Oh, and I love you’re pic! Looks like you were having a ball! Super fun! And that donut looks good... then again, every donut looks good. lol
Sep 12Reply
dorothy_wirth Thank you for viewing my closet! Be safe.....Dorothy
Nov 17Reply
carlhannah19 Beautiful photo
Dec 14Reply
carolannnicole You have such an amazing closet!✨💕 Wishing you all the success!
Dec 28Reply
ipedi Hi Kiara, how much $$$ for the doughnut 😂😂😂 Happy Poshing 👍😊 all the best to you!!!
Jan 12Reply
gigimariecloset Love your closet. Compliments mine
Jan 20Reply
rmsilvey Hi Kiara. Im a Poshmark Ambassador and I would like to welcome you to my community! I’m a complete Fashionista. I worked for years in Network TV and Internet Media. While I did that I worked in the evenings as an Actor/Singer/Dancer/Entertainer/Director. I then adopted 2 beautiful daughters and opened a Classical Pilates Studio. Closets and closets of beautiful clothes, most still with tags! So shop, bundle and save, safely from your home. If you do go out, wear a mask.😃😴
Feb 17Reply
spiros101 🇨🇦🙏🥂Thank you for your support we both thank you for your like shares and follow ,it helps us a lot to reach our goal. god bless you and if you fancy Anything in our closet we are always able to negotiate a deal that makes us both happy thank you again cheers 🇨🇦🙏🥂
May 10Reply
asavage01 Thank you for your time and stopping by my closet 💗 I have a continuous sale in women kids men & home. 5 listings for 15$ just look for 💌5/15$ in the title. Bundle 5 or MORE sale items = 3$ each for You! I donate 30% of my profits to 2 local non-profits on behalf of my daughter's girl scout troop. 💚 Have a Poshtastic Day.
May 27Reply
baritoneangel hello Kiara Thank you for offering the discount but I think your item may be a bit too small for me. I've been putting on weight lately without meaning into I assure you lolol !!! but I'm not sure that I won't be too big for the item but it is gorgeous but thank you just wanted to thank you
Dec 22Reply

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