Meet your Posher, Kim
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Hi! I'm Kim. Some of my favorite brands are CHANEL, J. Crew, and Louis Vuitton. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

11 others
like this

Hi KD I saw your offer for the Chanel's. If you would like it at that price I can do it on another site called Merc. They don't take commission like Posh.
Feb 06Reply

thank you i will shipping monday 🌷 have a wonderful weekend
Feb 06Reply

Thank you for your purchase! I will ship them Monday!
Feb 06Reply

I had to cancel the Chanel order. My husband packed the shoes away with our winter clothes and now I have to go to the storage unit and find the box. I am so sorry.
Feb 07Reply

@muraljewel ok so you can't sell them to me or you will ship out later than Monday after you go and find box?
Feb 07Reply

@kdld Hi I can't get to the storage unit today but def going tomorrow. I canceled the order just in case I couldn't find them and so the money goes right back to you
Feb 07Reply

I've looked high and low and can't find the flipping shoes in storage. If I do eventually find them I will put them up again. So sorry.
Feb 08Reply

@kdld Hi there I found them!!! I had to list it on Merc as I can't edit the original listing on Posh. I also listed the shoes for 195 on Merc.
Feb 12Reply

CONGRATS! You're going to be the most envied chick this season! I can hear the haters now. Lol. Thanks for your purchase
Feb 14Reply

@muraljewel what is merc, ?
Feb 15Reply

Hi again. It's an app like Posh but they don't take a commission. If you go back into the listing for my Chanel shoes you will see the full name for the Merc app on the pic.
Feb 15Reply

@boggias yes confirmed
Apr 16Reply

Thank you very much for your purchase! I will ship out tomorrow!
Apr 17Reply

Hi- if you look in my closet I created a separate listing with your name in the description which has just the two pair of shorts you were interested in.... Thanks
Apr 28Reply

Hiiii! Your package is being shipped out as of right now. The post office where I stay is closed on Sunday's. So expect it to be there either tomorrow (Monday) or Tuesday! So sorry for the late shipment! Please notify me as soon as you receive a tracking number. Thanks so much for your purchase.
May 01Reply

Hey Kim if you have m I can make a deal w you on there.
May 15Reply

@amarkvc yes lowest price?
May 18Reply

@amarkvc what size in women are they?
May 19Reply

Thanks for your purchase Kim!! I hope you like the Valentino top! I am sure you look great in it! Have a fantastic day and a lovely summer!! All the best, Emily
Jun 12Reply

Ps thanks for the 5 stars!! You are so kind!! ❤️❤️ Emily
Jun 12Reply

@kdld I have dropped the Chanel wedges considerably and have matched your first offer at $275. Hope you reconsider☺️ With the fees, I really can't take more of a hit. You will not find these cheaper anywhere and in this condition. Thanks☺️
Jun 23Reply

Hi Kim. Thank you for your offer for the Dolce &Gabbana raw silk blouse. Why don't you comment with your thoughts on it as to what you might really be willing to pay. Your offer is so far off, I don't know how to negotiate from there and I don't want to just decline without a comment. I Am definitely willing to discount so maybe we can meet somewhere in the middle. LMK.
Jul 02Reply

Hello. Did you get a chance to check out the Chanel jeans? If so would you rare me please?
Jul 08Reply

@rozeroyce sorry been traveling, will see Monday, thanks
Jul 09Reply

@kdld Hi Kim! Just seeing how the wedges are working out☺️ If you could remember to rate me, I would appreciate it😘 Enjoy❤️
Jul 09Reply

@fitgirl13 sorry traveling will do Monday when I get them
Jul 09Reply

I will only respond to serious offers sorry .
Jul 30Reply

@amandapleasants , OK I am interested in the H white and black belt, and the Godard black brown belt, best price for both?
Jul 30Reply

@kdld text me 6467214084 to discuss prices for both I don't discuss pricing through comments
Jul 30Reply

@amandapleasants ok will do now thanks
Jul 30Reply

Hi hun if you still want the ash sneakers you made an offer i lmk i can list on Ⓜercari
Jul 31Reply

Hi Kim resend your last offer of 32 for my Chanel phone case and I will accept. There are a few other offers but I want to give you the opportunity to purchase it first. Thanks
Aug 04Reply

@kdld I titled it ,"reserved patchwork purse" you can search that phrase and it should come up. Lmk if you have any problems
Aug 06Reply

@loveandlabels44 OK thanks what about the 3 shirts in L size?
Aug 06Reply

@kdld I can add the shirts too. I have a XL in one or two but it should fit it's just a hair bigger. I can send all XL if you want too
Aug 06Reply

@loveandlabels44 OK just bought the purse please add the shirts in xl ,thanks
Aug 06Reply

@kdid ok just did :)
Aug 06Reply

Hi ! I received your order , I'm trying to update my address so I can send your purchase , but I'm having a problem on doing the updating. I already emailed them to fix it , and I will send it to you as soon is possible . Thanks for your purchase and have a good week .
Aug 15Reply

Thank you for checking out my closet, however I do not take kindly to low ball. I'll work with you on any items, but low balling is offensive to me☺️. Reconsider your offer and we will go forward.
Aug 23Reply

@lovinlee , thanks, I offered that amount because I just missed purchasing the same shoes yesterday, that were never worn, they sold for $25, you can search and see on the site, so sorry didn't mean to be rude, was using pricing as a reference, thanks
Aug 23Reply

Whose closet @kdld may I ask?
Aug 23Reply

@lovinlee angelatate
Aug 23Reply

Angela t closet, electric blue wedge zara
Aug 23Reply

Sorry not sure how to provide the info, here is the link for the same shoe at $25,
Aug 23Reply

Thank you @kdld! That was an amazing deal on the shoes, but I can't go that low!!
Aug 24Reply

@kdld I am sorry the blazer was sold before I can respond to you offer,please check out my closet and reasonable offer is always welcomed ,and I am putting more new items this week,also I have some free items for customs who buy more than 75 dollars this month,thank you
Aug 25Reply

Hi @kdld - can you send me your email address? I can send you a pic of the blanket in black from the person I am ordering it from.
Sep 11Reply

@kdld I accepted offer but payment did not go through?!
Sep 30Reply

@lauracbox , OK let me try again
Sep 30Reply

@pgjokaj1 no I don't
Nov 03Reply

@pgjokaj1 yes
Nov 06Reply

Nice to meet you!!💕
Nov 19Reply

Hi I’m Jen. Very nice to meet you! Hope you are loving Posh as much as I am. Happy Poshing. Welcome to posh!
Nov 24Reply

Thank you for your purchase, will send tomorrow morning 😌
Nov 24Reply

@kdld hello, thank you for your purchase :) I will send tomorrow morning, I will send in 1 package and you can send an email to Poshmark saying that you bought 2 things from the same seller and they will credit back one of the shipping $$$ 5.95 🙂🙂🙂
Nov 25Reply

@kdld I'm soooooo sorry, Cavalli dress was sold by another website and I just realize that 😒 will send you a little gift for compensation ❤️❤️❤️
Nov 26Reply

Hey, u made offers on my chanel bag few minutes ago. I can't go very low coz my bags are of the bestest quality..iv sent u an offer u can consider..
Dec 03Reply

@romavenktesh thanks, but all I can pay for this tote of bag is $160....
Dec 04Reply

Sorry I had to Cancel your order but those earrings are marked Bundle only!! Meaning purchasing more than one item together. I am also offering 30% off bundles of 3+ items if that helps.
Dec 04Reply

@jenniferk80 OK I tagged hearted 4 items to but together. .. ?
Dec 04Reply

@kdld if you are ready to purchase or when u are.. scroll down and click "add to Bundle" on each item and it will automatically apply discount...lmk if you need anything. If you have any ?s at all I'm here😉💗
Dec 04Reply

I at least want to make $45 on my glasses and with your offer I would only be making $28 on here...sorry
Dec 06Reply

Thanks so much for your offer on the J.Crew earrings! Hoping you'll meet me around halfway & consider my counteroffer. Happy holidays! ☃
Dec 08Reply

Nice to meet you Kim, I'm Kristin ☺️💗
Dec 08Reply

Can you let me know regarding the scarf color discrepancy whether to go ahead and send or cancel?? I tagged you in the color Pict of actual color of scarf..??
Dec 08Reply

Hi again! I'd love to get the gorgeous earrings out to you tomorrow if you're still interested. Let me know! 🙂
Dec 09Reply

Just wanted to give you a heads up that I just received another offer on the earrings this morning. Since you expressed interest first, I would prefer to sell to you. 🙂
Dec 09Reply

Hi Kim! It's so nice to meet you 😀 I hope you're loving your Posh experience and have made some great finds 🎀 Have a fabulous day and Happy Holidays ✨
Dec 11Reply

Buy on Merc for that price.
Dec 12Reply

Now i change there find me
Dec 12Reply

Hi! Just for asking if do you like the items?? Thank you!!
Dec 15Reply

Good AM. You purchased the blouse from me yesterday. My Dad passed away yesterday and I dint yet get it packed and sent. I will do so within the next day or two. Thank you for your patience. I hope you enjoy the blouse when u receive it. Maria
Dec 16Reply

Hi Kim, please accept your purchases from me so that I can receive my funds. Thanks, Sandra 😊
Dec 17Reply

Hi Kim, thank you for the 5 star rating of the ring. Will you please rate me also on the matching bracelet so I can receive my funds. 😉👍
Dec 17Reply

@pariscute OK that works, thanks
Dec 23Reply

@kdld Hello dear. Happy New Year.😘😘😘 Please write me when you will receive the package. Thank you so much.💞💞🌹🌹🌹
Dec 31Reply

@kdld Hello there! Thank you so much for visiting my closet and for your purchases!! You can Bundle additional items and save on Shipping costs. You also receive a 10% discount!! Please let me know if you have questions. Thanks again!!
Jan 03Reply

@kdld Hello dear, did you received the white shoes? Or it's was a white tennis shoes too? Please respond. We made some mistake with labels and now I am waiting for your respond and one another girl. Thank you so much sweetie. 😘😘😘
Jan 03Reply

@kdld Thank you so much for your purchases!!
Jan 09Reply

@perfectreplica , do you have snake size more of 8 ?
Feb 19Reply

Hi, I am the seller of Prada wallet you are interested in, this item is in very good condition and i cannot go lower then 280$ on that, please let me know if you still want it at 280 thank you!
Mar 02Reply

Thank you for your purchase. I will ship tomorrow with a free gift 🎁
Mar 03Reply

Hello will be shipping out today 😊
Mar 13Reply

come visit my closet for great Herve Leger deals <3
Mar 16Reply

Hi im so sorry i did not see that you had made an offer on my Hermes wallet. I would be happy to accept that offer
Mar 17Reply

@kdld I will accept your offer prices on the skirt and lily pants via 🅿🅿 plus $7 for shipping if you're interested. Let me know! 😊
Apr 16Reply

@lw00h00 ok kimdurhamcohenatgmail
Apr 16Reply

@kdld shot you a 📧
Apr 16Reply

@kdld sent payment request
Apr 17Reply

I shipped it this morning it is on it's way
Apr 17Reply

@deezgoods have not received items? ?
Apr 23Reply

Hey instead of paying for shipping twice do u want to do a bundle with a few items together? And make an offer and I'll try to do my best
Apr 25Reply

I can do the black Pom Pom and the black shirt together for u. Do u know how to bundle? I don't want u to pay shipping twice !!
Apr 25Reply

I can do the prices u offered but only if it's all of them together in one bundle! Let me know which u want and I'll make a listing for u
Apr 26Reply

@pamela3395 ok sounds great, please bundle all
Apr 26Reply

@kdld ok ❤️ can u put a 👍🏻 under each one I should bundle? That u def want
Apr 26Reply

@kdld come shop my closet💕
Apr 26Reply

@lw00h00 , have not received items?
May 07Reply

@kdld which items??
May 07Reply

@lw00h00 the tulip pants and skirt, bundled viapp
May 07Reply

@kdld I sent those the day after you paid via FedEx. I am on the road until Tuesday and will have to check the receipt for tracking
May 07Reply

@lw00h00 ok thanks, please let me know, thanks
May 07Reply

@kdld Kim I tracked it and sent you the info. Looks like you were never there to sign for it. It shipped 4-17 but now it is on its way back to my office
May 10Reply

Hey there if you want the blue Chanel bag, I can do $300 on 🅿️🅿️
May 13Reply

Thank you for the purchase! 😎💝
May 14Reply

Hey I just saw your offer for the nude block heels.. are you still interested??
May 15Reply

I can do 🅿🅿 for $300 but that is the lowest love, I paid a lot more for the Valentino shoes. I can still ship through posh if you decide to purchase. I can also ship today. I just had them professionally cleaned.
May 17Reply

Hi did you receive your purse?
May 18Reply

@kdld Hello, hope all is well. I show you received the purse on 5/17. I need to know everything is okay. I commented yesterday, but you never responded.
May 19Reply

I can do 300 on 🅿🅿 and still ship through posh so you have tracking. I won't go below that.
May 19Reply

Thank you for the rating. Hope you enjoy!😊
May 19Reply

I can do $325 on 🅿🅿 and still ship through poshmark
May 20Reply

I can ship today
May 22Reply

Did you want it love so I know to prepare shipment?
May 22Reply

I'll ship tomorrow! Was there anything else you wanted? I can offer you discount for bundle deals:)
May 23Reply

Sorry for the delay in shipment! You will get your order by next week;) Memorial Day just delayed your package.
May 28Reply

Can we do $250 on 🅿🅿 & then I would accept. So I can atleast get some sort of money back for these. Poshmark takes such high fees. But I can ship tomorrow? And I'll pay shipping.
Jun 01Reply

Please accept and rate your order love
Jun 03Reply

Thank you so much! I hope you absolutely love them 😘
Jun 06Reply

@kikidiva130 ok , kimdurhamcohenatgmail
Jun 10Reply

@kikidiva130 grey with gold hard ware
Jun 10Reply

Can we do the transaction on 🅿🅿? So I can get less fees taken out!
Jun 10Reply

@kikidiva130 done
Jun 10Reply

@kikidiva130 done
Jun 10Reply

@nicole_zarad yes, I purchased your orange one, love it. ..
Jun 10Reply

@kdld I would rather do outside of here because they take so much of it! I can do the black one for you for $230 on🅿🅿 or VNMo! I will ship first thing Monday:)
Jun 10Reply

Includes: the large store bag too. Everything! Beautiful❤️🙈
Jun 10Reply

@nicole_zarad kimdurhamcohenatgmail
Jun 10Reply

@kdld I just sent you a request on 🅿🅿 love
Jun 10Reply

@kdld let me know once you have paid on 🅿🅿 so I can prepare your shipment :)
Jun 10Reply

@kdld ?
Jun 10Reply

@nicole_zarad I made payment. ...several day ago, thanks!
Jun 12Reply

@kdld I never received anything? How did you do it several days ago if I only sent the request yesterday? Did you send it to the right email?
Jun 12Reply

Thank you for your offer on my off shoulder shirt . I am proud to say I'm fair to all my customers . So , with that being said , $35 is my lowest price . So sorry
I hope you have a beautiful weekend 🌸😊👍
Jun 17Reply

Hi Kim,
I was excited that you purchased the pink St. John shirt. As I was preparing it today to send to you I noticed there was a line of sweat stain under the arms and I don't want to sell an item that is not in good condition. I apologize and cancelled the order. I don't want unhappy customers. If you still want it in that condition. I can relist it for a very low price then send it to you.
Jun 17Reply

@natalieakhavain ok thanks, can you send a photo of the stain?
Jun 17Reply

Posting now to the listing. It may be hard to see in the pic. It's a discoloration from perspiration and it's slights yellowed.
Jun 17Reply

I can't post to the listing as it's "sold" and closed. Do you want me to send it to your email or phone?
Jun 17Reply

Hi Kim,
I just relisted briefly under "other " and sent the pics as a share to you. Let me know if you see them. Then I can take it down.
Jun 17Reply

Thanks ever so much for liking my closet , and the ruffled shirt . 😊😊😊🌸I have 2 pink ruffled shirts left. Have a beautiful day 🌺🌺
Jun 19Reply

Your item has shipped I'm not sure why it's not showing that in the app! I'll swing by the post office and double check why! So sorry about that
Jun 23Reply

@beautynthe which item?
Jun 25Reply

@kdld the j crew sleeveless silk blouse in grey
Jun 25Reply

Ok thanks
Jun 25Reply

@kdld oh my goodness. So it FINALLY updated today after I went back to the post office in a bit of rage. They claimed that it had gone out over a week ago and in fact had gotten stuck behind some cart/door thing! I'm so sorry that has never happened before and I always watch them scan it in when I drop them off. Craziness. My apologies! They had me reprint the label and rescanned it in today with a new label!
Jul 01Reply

@beautynthe ok thanks, no worries
Jul 02Reply

Authentic luxury belts and designer wear for best prices on the market. 2 days shipping. Visit
Jul 08Reply

Want Chanel sandals for 40$ txt me 402-305-1197
Jul 19Reply

@shop_withus , ok will do now
Jul 19Reply

Hi Kim- ok let's save you some money. I set up a bundle listing with the 4 items you purchased already plus the ones you have offers on- by bundling them all together, you will save and not pay $6.49 shipping for each. Once we work out the final bundle, you can purchase and I can cancel the individual orders - lmk once you see the bundle I tagged you on at the top of my closet 😊
Jul 31Reply

Just waiting on you so I can get your order finalized 😊 Really don't want you to have to pay 4 shipping fees when I can bundle them into one
Jul 31Reply

@foxarazzi , ok saw the bundle, works for me, thanks
Jul 31Reply

@kdld good morning! Ok, should I add the additional items not yet purchased then? I will post the actual total with those included and drop the price. Give me a few minutes. 😊
Jul 31Reply

Hi welcome to Poshmark. Please visit my closet for new Markdowns and additional off. Everything is authentic
Aug 04Reply

Hi dear Kim, I will counteroffer your offer for the Chanel booties, I'm sorry but I can't go that low, the cost of those boots are more than 1000 and they are like new, plus, you know that we pay 20% fee here, but thank you so much to stop by, stay bless and beautiful 🌹💝🙏
Aug 16Reply

I shipped the chanel print earlier
Aug 16Reply

@kdld let me create a bundle for all 3 items- that way you don't pay 3 shipping fees to Poshmark.
Aug 17Reply

@kdld I can come down on the ring but can you meet me in the middle? Morganite is privy. 😊 I know you are a repeat buyer and VIP so I can give you a great price
Aug 17Reply

Hi Kim! Wanted to check in since you haven't left feedback on your order. Hope you are loving the ring!
Aug 25Reply

Hi Kim! Welcome back 😊 instead of making separate offers, just let me know the items you want and I will send you an offer. To "bundle" just click on the arrow at the top right of an item and select "add to bundle" - if you can't do that, just let me know all the items you want and I will create a listing for you. This will help get the cost down so you don't pay multiple shipping fees to Poshmark 😊
Aug 26Reply

@foxarazzi , thanks, ok the white tank top, the black lace body suit
Aug 26Reply

@kdld ok if you see anything else let me know
Aug 26Reply

@kdld hey there! Just wanted to check in and see how you liked everything 🙂
Sep 05Reply

@kdld hey there, just wanted to check in and see how everything fit. Let me know
Sep 14Reply

Hey girl . Welcome to Poshmark. I have gorgeous bandage dresses ;) check it out
Sep 15Reply

Hi Kim, thank you for the like😘 stay blessed🙏🙏
Sep 24Reply

Can you do $35? Can ship it today also
Sep 26Reply

@kingmommy2010 yes
Oct 06Reply

@kdld make a offer
Oct 06Reply

Hi I see you make offer for the Valentino Sandal. I can do $65 if we go through 🅿️🅿️. Email me by josiechen_1987 at Thank you!
Nov 14Reply

@babyjanicec , please send photo of shoes, can't find them
Nov 23Reply

@kdld sorry, it’s sold.
Nov 23Reply

Oh hi Kim! Thank you for your offer! I just noticed it was you! I can’t go much lower as the dress cost was so high and I’ve basically reduced it to its lowest. I really would love to give you more off but I would wind up losing money. 😒
Nov 23Reply

Thank you for your offer, Kim! My moms name is Kim :)) I counted-offered back PLEASE let me know what you think o that number!! :)
Nov 25Reply

Hi kim, my price is firm
Nov 25Reply

I'm firm on my price... we have gone back and forth almost 10 times. My price is $375 no lower. Sorry
Dec 07Reply

@lusya82. Yes love, how do you wear or put on? I am having issues with the straps?? Can you send photos
Feb 04Reply

@kdld sorry i cant go that low. it brand new with tag. i can do lower on Ⓜ️ or 🅿️
Mar 17Reply

@kdld Hi Kim. My Items Almost on sale. Please lmk if u have any questions. Thanks
Mar 22Reply

Hi. Makeup bag and the box will go out first thing Monday. I’m out if the house already and post office isn’t open late on Saturday. I’ll let you know when I’ve shipped. 😍
Apr 07Reply

Make up bag dropped at post office. You should have tracking soon
Apr 09Reply

@kdld best offer can't go any low
Apr 10Reply

@kdld 65$ for u
Apr 10Reply

Thanks very much for the nice rating. Much appreciated 💕💖
Apr 12Reply

Thank you so much for your purchase :)
Apr 12Reply

Hun I never even seen your offer for the belt & I just got a notice saying it expired. I’m so sorry about that but if you send it again I will accept it for any inconvenience. I apologize
May 15Reply

Love if you bundle them I will give you an awesome discount 😊
May 16Reply

Hi hun thank you for your purchase, I’m really sorry for the delay in your shipment but your order will go out either tomorrow or no later than Monday morning. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Thank you 🙏🏼😊
May 18Reply

I can lower the price of the Chanel to $40 so you get shipping discount. If ok with you
Jun 03Reply

@kdld if you still interested in Hermès, we can do P a y p a l for lower price, let me know. Thanks 😉
Jun 08Reply

@iluvposh18 ok, kimdurhamcohenatgmail
Jun 08Reply

@iluvposh18 yes
Jun 09Reply

Hi Kim 👋🏼
Hope you are enjoying the Goyard planner! Just making sure you received it & that everything is in order! As payment hasn’t been released yet- Keep me posted!
Jun 13Reply

Hi and thank you for your offer on my sweatshirt. This is a brand new boutique item and I can't go any lower. I do offer a 10% discounts on bundles of 3 and you save on shipping by only paying once. Thank you for visiting my closet! :)
Aug 30Reply

@kdld please accept your halston dress if you received it! Thank you. Gabby. 🤗 Hope you love it!
Sep 07Reply

Hi Kim! Thanks for your offer on my item ❤️. I sent a counter, let me know what you think and feel free to counter again🔥
Oct 04Reply

@kdld hey girl if you buy the shoes you get an item free!!!!!!!!!
Oct 17Reply

Hey girl what do you want for free pick !
Oct 18Reply

@kdld hey if you buy those shoes you can get either one of those for free do you want to do that instead? Or do you want to purchase a shirt and get the leggings for free I believe?? Let me know
Oct 18Reply

@kdld hey girlie if you buy the shoes at full value you can have any item for FREE!!
Nov 03Reply

Hello I hope all this well with your shoes, you could mark them as received and give me a rating. I appreciate your time very much and that you enjoy your product
Nov 17Reply

@kdld Hi 👋 I added all your items you submitted an offer on to a bundle and sent you a new offer for everything with free shipping. Thanks and have a great evening! ❤
Jan 02Reply

@kdld Hello again, just checking back in to make sure you have received your package from me and if so kindly accept. I hope you love all your new items. Have a wonderful weekend!!
Jan 11Reply

Hi Kim. Thank so much for your offer 😊🛍✨
I will send it with the box 🖤🖤🖤🖤 hope we can make a Deal 🤝
Feb 09Reply

Hi honey💗 I am going to accept your offer but I just wanted to let you know that I picked up these shoes at a college, they were left behind with some other very high quality items. This means that I am not 100% sure that these are authentic. I have compared them to others and they look exactly the same. The sole the Chanel tag and the pearls. Please let me know what you think. Just want to be very upfront with you thanks
Feb 09Reply

Kim I can go much lower on the shoes they like super cute n original thank for offer do you know posh also take money so realy not getting much at all I purchase them for 500 grand
Feb 09Reply

Hi can you please accept your package:)
Feb 13Reply

Hello did you receive the package ??
Feb 13Reply

Hey babe! Just got your offer for my Christian Louboutin Pigalles!. 1. Some one literally just posted that theyre buying them for the listed price tomorrow but I dont do holds. 2. If you want to follow me on insta @theglobalcollectiveco we can discuss further :))
Mar 07Reply

Hi I've mailed your packages you will receive 2 packages will all your items
Oct 10Reply

Thanks for shopping in my closet
Oct 10Reply

Hi!!! Just wanted to let you know these are going out first thing tomorrow :) I’m sorry I’ve been very tied up at work !
Oct 10Reply

Hello how are you I saw that the packages were delivered 10/9 could you please confirm and accept that you got your delivery ....thanks
Oct 11Reply

@yaskiewilliams. I didn't get thre purple jeweled earings?? Were they suppose to be in one of the two packages received... or separate?
Oct 11Reply

@kdld they were in the package with the Dana Buchanan and missoni tops I'm positive I put it in between both tops so look around where you open the package if it fell because I packed it...
Oct 11Reply

Sorry they were with the Dana Buchanan and the vera moda top
Oct 11Reply

Hello love, I accepted your offer, however PM is asking for you to update your payment info on your end, and then I can ship! Once it’s completed? They’ll send me the shipping info and I’ll get them out to you ❤️🙏🏼
Nov 17Reply

Hi there I was just reaching out to let you know that I have to shut down my closet for the summer and since you’re a past customer I want to let you know that I’m offering crazy bundle deals and offers on all my items so if you’re interested please let me know I’m reaching out because u told me you had a great experience in my closet so thank you!!💖
May 13Reply

Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as Athleta, Chanel, Commando, I.Am.Gia, Lululemon, Nike, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more! So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts!
Xoxo, B.
Nov 09Reply
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