Meet your Posher Kimberly
Not for sale
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Affordable Clothing and Accessories for the Curvy Fashionista! I have a style that is unique. From Boho to Classic Genres, there are styles and prints for everyone. Carefree and super comfortable. Most Boutique items I shop for are made in the USA. I present versatility and pieces that can be layered for many different styles. Thank you for shopping in my closet. ♡♡♡

68 others
like this

Welcome! Happy Poshing!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Jun 30Reply

@thriftychicla tyty 😊😊😊😊
Jul 03Reply

@kellyjaye tyty ♡♡♡♡
Jul 22Reply

Hi, How are you enjoying Poshmark? Are you able to get your head out of your phone. I know I can't! Lol. It's soo addicting. Come by and say hi sometime. Happy poshing!
Omg your pic are
Oct 03Reply

Hope you're always as happy as you look in your pic! ♡ Enjoy your youth! ♡ Cute pooch!♡
Oct 17Reply

Hi! I was wondering if you could answer some questions for me!? First great closet and boutique! I am thinking about boutique myself but don't seem to find plus size items there! When I look at wholesale it's very limited to like 15 shops and that's it? Not sure if I'm in the wrong area. Second I just wanted to know if you feel the boutique items amped up your revenue? I'm undecided on starting up and again can't seem to find any plus size items! Thanks for your help! 😊🦄
Mar 23Reply

@rissa7791 Hey there! Ty for stopping by! Just getting started with Boutique. My sister and I do this together. I can let u know in the near future how my latest and greatest adventure goes :).
Mar 23Reply

@curvyposh thanks for replying! Can you maybe point me to the area of plus size wholesale? I'm at a loss!
Mar 23Reply

@rissa7791 Hi there! I would recommend with a Google search and from that point research each vendor to help determine the style and items you want to represent your brand. Best wishes! ♡♡
Mar 25Reply

Good morning_hi to Buddy_too cute_giggle_blessings😄
Apr 02Reply

@zandiye ♡♡♡♡♡♡
Apr 02Reply

@kmcnett ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡}
Apr 02Reply

@glitzylife ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Apr 02Reply

Hi! I love the artistry of the cartoon pictures you have in your wall. What artist is it or where can I find their work? Thanks!
Jun 04Reply

Hiya! Is there any possible way you could hold my bundle till Thursday morning? I would be purchasing with my shopping account @misstoricat If not, I completely understand, and I will wait and see if they are still available then💖😘Thank you! ~Tori~
Jun 11Reply

@cattra Hi there! Can u rebundle. The bundle isn't showing :(.♡♡
Jun 11Reply

@curvyposh I rebundled under @misstoricat 😊 thank you hon!
Jun 11Reply

@cattra Howdy! I create a private listing N shared to you. The items have been saved N taken out of inventory. ♡♡♡♡
Jun 11Reply

@curvyposh omgosh thank you!! I can't wait till Thursday now! ❤️🙏🏻❤️
Jun 12Reply

@cattra ♡♡♡♡♡♡
Jun 12Reply

Hello there good evening!I just love everything in your closet.i notice you offered me a private offer and I accept it only if it was Friday I was gonna cross my fingers and hope that that would be aval.if I waited till Friday when I get paid would I still be able to get the offered price!😐
Jun 12Reply

I jus added 2 more items can I get a new offer?
Jun 12Reply

@pambal1 Hi there! Sure! ♡♡
Jun 12Reply

@pambal1 Hey there gorgeous! Add the new like to your bundle and I can make a new offer for u :). Ty for all the ♡♡
Jun 12Reply

@pambal1 The bundle option configures the items N prices :)
Jun 12Reply

@laramy Hi there! I found these on Pintrest. I searched Curvy clip art. I'm not sure of origination, that wasn't listed on Pintrest.
Jun 12Reply

@pambal1 Hi there. I would love to hold for you. I would need to create a special listing for you and take the items out of inventory. When you have a moment add the two dresses to your bundle and I can give u the new price. I'm headed to nite nite soon :). I have an early work day tomorrow. Many posh hugs! Xoxo
Jun 12Reply

@curvyposh good afternoon! I manage to keep my order at 8 prices for now it was very hard.i wanted 1 of almost every things.
Jun 12Reply

@pambal1 Hi beautiful! I'll make a special listing for you ♡♡ your total discount will be 40% off! :):):) ♡♡
Jun 12Reply

@pambal1 pss got a few more new things coming! ♡♡
Jun 12Reply

@curvyposh I'm looking right now thanks! 😁
Jun 13Reply

@curvyposh how was your day.well I have over done it I can shop in your closet every day omg don't need to look no where else for cloths jus shoes and purses to go with your items🤗🤗🤗.csn you please reserve my things so I won't loose them because I wanna share with my followers your closet! I'm so glad I peeped at it yesterday!
Jun 13Reply

@pambal1 Hey georgeous! I'm packing up orders from the weekend and then I can make ur listing N take o/s. I'll share to u. U r my new pff! ♡♡♡
Jun 13Reply

@pambal1 quick question, the tops are woven, there isn't a stretch. Will they work for the girls? ;)
Jun 13Reply

@pambal1 I have ur order ready!!! I will post a special order listing for you albeit tomorrow after work. Cyb I had 21 orders to assemble took 3 hours! Biggest weekend ever Much love ♡♡♡♡ Muah
Jun 13Reply

@curvyposh I pick the 3x on the woven tops they should work I hope!😉
Jun 13Reply

@curvyposh thanks!☺
Jun 13Reply

What is gonna be my final price please!
Jun 13Reply

@pambal1 Hi Pam! I'm sorry for a delay repky. I work during the daytime in medical, so I don't get to return messages till I'm home.. The bundle offer is $81 with 40% savings. ♡♡
Jun 13Reply

@curvyposh I'm soon sorry I changed my bundle again smh not gonna change again I promise ok so is the 40 percent off is for the total price right? So my total is almost 130.00 and 40 percent of that right??🤗🤗😍
Jun 14Reply

@pambal1 Hi there, yes 40% for 7+ items from the bundle total. ♡♡
Jun 14Reply

@pambal1 Hey gorgeous! No worriez. I can put a new bundle together for u today after work hours. :). I work in a medical clinic, I don't get the opportunity to message :(. I'm sorry I missed ya last nighy, I konked out at 8 pm central time ♡♡
Jun 14Reply

@curvyposh good afternoon ma'am my new off lol,in checking my budget for this week I find I can't get every thing I want in one purchase so I had to cut back for now.i only have seven items for now,and this won't change this time I promise lol it's jus app hard not to tho but what I have now is all I'm gonna purchase for now!🤔😋😊😍
Jun 14Reply

Hi CurvyPosh, Cattra here, I went to purchase the bundle and it was no longer available, I am sorry it took me a few days. Hoping I can find something next time! Thanks!
Jun 15Reply

@misstoricat Hey there! I am not sure what has happened with the original listing. I am experiencing shortages in my automated inventory tracking through the Posh app. It has happened with a few jackets and pants (which have been marked reserved for 2 days. I double checked my inventory and I have the pants, the cardi has sold out. (My sister and I Posh together parttime). I have contacted Posh about the issue, in the meantime, I have your pants! xoxoxoxo
Jun 15Reply

@pambal1 Hi there! I completely understand :). Just let me know your final selections and I can offer for you. I'm a little leary about the woven tops, since there is no stretch I'm afraid they may not be a for 4 u. ♡♡♡
Jun 16Reply

@curvyposh good afternoon girly I'm ready to purchase my 7 items please!😚
Jun 16Reply

I just notice two of my items are no longer available 😞😭😭
Jun 16Reply

@pambal1 Hello beautiful! Which two items?
Jun 16Reply

@curvyposh good evening girly,there was a blue pair of jeans and a black pair of leggings buts that's fine I replaced them with 2 other items!😁😉😊
Jun 17Reply

I'm ready to purchase can you give me an offer now?
Jun 17Reply

@pambal1 Done! I like the red ones better to go with your tops :))
Jun 17Reply

@curvyposh I want to thank you very very much for the offer I got soo excited when I order I started another bundle but I was making it for 2 weeks from now😐,if you are willing to hold them for me I will surely buy!😭.lol
Jun 23Reply

@pambal1 hi gorgeous, that is absolutely fine. It seems as though the bundle is no longer visible, can you re bundle and then I'll take those items out of inventory and save them for you. You are the best. Thank you so much for being a great. Customer 😊❤💙💚💛
Jun 23Reply

Hey ms.Curvyposh how are you doing today,I jus got done peeping your closet and o course I had to add a things,I'm gonna purchase tomorrow morning,what will be my final total for everything,although have giving me a private offer I've added things.would appericatebif you can give me another offer on what I now have thanks!😙😉
Jul 05Reply

@pambal1 Sure :) I added alot if new things ♡♡
Jul 05Reply

@pambal1 I'm so happy you are shopping with me. Tyty so much xoxo
Jul 05Reply

Your welcome! You have a banging closet for plus size women,especially tops I'm kinda big on the too so they are perfect for me I jus love the styles also!I'm sure as long as you have new inventory I will shop!😁
Jul 06Reply

@pambal1 U r the best!!! I love shopping Curvy cute stuff! Muah👄👄👄💜💖👠❤👜👒
Jul 06Reply

Love your items! ❤
Jul 20Reply

Hey girl! Do you ever get panties (thongs and boyshorts)? I love buying from you and you are always fair on your prices. I need to completely revamp my underwear collection lol Looking for about 20 pairs
Jul 21Reply

@natattack124 Hey gorgeous! I don't have any undies. I'm giving bralettes a try . my gave boy shorts I found at jcp online by maiden form. Black silky ones. They have lasted a looong too long time! I need new ones too! Lol
Jul 21Reply

@curvyposh thanks!! I'll look into jcp!!
Jul 21Reply

@natattack124 I think they have back to school coupon deals 👍👍👍
Jul 21Reply

Hey Lady,I was jus getting my bundle together for next week I do a lol of window shopping until I actually have the money thanks for the offer!😍😉
Jul 26Reply

@pambal1 Hi Beautiful!! I love ur style! ♡♡♡
Jul 26Reply

@curvyposh thanks I love your closet!😍😉
Jul 27Reply

@pambal1 ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Jul 27Reply

Thanks so much for sharing today, mwah! You have an amazing selection for posh plus.
Aug 14Reply

@loveyourcurves Howdy! My real share shift will be tonite! I'll blast ya hehe! ♡♡♡♡
Aug 14Reply

@curvyposh WooHoo😀
Aug 14Reply

Well hello there lady!😍I jus had to look at your closet now I've made a huge bundle lol,hopefully I can get a good offer so I can purchase them,you have the best style in cloths for plus sizes for me I love it!😘😘😁
Aug 23Reply

@pambal1 Well hello beautiful♡♡♡♡ I got some new stuff :):) I will be back online in just a bit. I will take very good care of u ♡♡♡♡
Aug 23Reply

@curvyposh I appreciate you I can finally buy clothes that can actually fit me right a nice quality of clothes plus I don't have to worry about seeing some one else in the same outfit when I stepvout lol it's a few days before my payday but you know I'm a women of my word.if they can be reserved until next Friday I will purchase for sure.🤗🤗🤗😉
Aug 23Reply

@pambal1 Absolutely 4 u.👄 ♡♡
Aug 24Reply

Good morning,you are the bomb! And thanks,have a good day!❤
Aug 24Reply

@pambal1 ♡♡♡♡♡
Aug 24Reply

Hi @curvyposh!
I tried to accept your offer on my Coach bag, but my PoshMark wouldn't load! If you offer again I will accept & send it out today. ☺️ xx
Aug 30Reply

Hello my friend curvy posh,I so upset right now,I had more bills than money this week I'm gonna try this week to purchase my bundle by the end of the week if still avalable!sorry for any innocence I may have cause you have a blessed week and I will visit back this week!😘☺🤔
Sep 02Reply

@pambal1 Hi gorgeous! No worries. I always have too many bills I have the pink dress on hold for u
. It's the last one ♡♡♡
Sep 02Reply

@curvyposh thank you so nuch!
Sep 05Reply

Good evening my posh bff,I appreciate you holding the dresser me because I already have shoes for it.can please tell what am I looking at as the bundle stands I kinda changed a few items lol!
Sep 05Reply

@pambal1 Hello beautiful ♡♡ I don't see the pink and black dress in your bundle. I'll tag u so u can add it to it :) ♡♡
Sep 05Reply

This curvy girl loves your closet! I appreciate plus sizes that are in style & sexy!! Thank you!!😘
Sep 14Reply

@postalstacey tyty so much! Made my whokeday! ♡♡♡
Sep 14Reply

@curvyposh Yay!!!😁😉
Sep 15Reply

Hello my friend it's been too long i have to buy something I've made a small bundle for now of you could give me a offer today I'm hoping I can purchase.🤔😉😚
Sep 19Reply

@pambal1 Hello Beautiful! I offered a great savings 4 u ♡♡♡♡. Xoxoxo
Sep 19Reply

@curvyposh thank you,do you still have my pink and black dress you was holding it for me🤔
Sep 19Reply

@pambal1 yes mam. I was gonna jus throw it in new surprise ya! ♡♡
Sep 19Reply

@pambal1 new is typo for and lol
Sep 19Reply

@curvyposh lol dang it I will still be surprise😍
Sep 19Reply

@pambal1 ♡♡♡♡♡♡
Sep 19Reply

@pambal1 Girls I've been a savings it 4 u! I had to mark it not for sale...u know everyone wants it when it's the last one hehe
Sep 19Reply

@pambal1 n I had MD a few trunk to purchase it. I said no that's saved for my favorite customer ♡♡♡
Sep 19Reply

@pambal1 uggg typo typos I meant I said no cause I'm saving for my fave customer ♡♡♡
Sep 19Reply

Good evening my pff lol.😋,first I would like to apologize for not contracting you after the offer you gave been dealing with my car all week.if it's not one thing it's another. What I'm needing to do now to get my things is to split the order in half so I can use two different credit cards.hard times right now but I want my if it's not too much of a bother please please I will order tonight if possible if not first thing in morning😍😍😍😘😘🤔
Sep 23Reply

@pambal1 Hi there! No worries at all. I'm not sure how the payment process would work with two CC. Maybe Posh support can help . 💙💚💛
Sep 23Reply

Good afternoon my friend😍what I'm gonna do is deduct some of the items you give me the offer I purchase them with one card then I will put the rest back in the bundle them purchase the remainder once you give me the offer 😊
Sep 23Reply

I have the first bundle ready☺
Sep 23Reply

@pambal1 Got it Submitted xoxo
Sep 23Reply

I'm sorry had to change bundle again aval credit on each card is only 40 plus shipping
Sep 23Reply

@pambal1 Ok. Jus message me when you are ready :)
Sep 23Reply

Ok I have 4 item ready to purchase
Sep 23Reply

@pambal1 Ok Ready! If would like I have my closet store listed at the top, I will have every thing listed by tonite :) One ship fee I can do for you. xoxoxox
Sep 23Reply

@pambal1 Top of my Poshmark closet
Sep 23Reply

@pambal1 Nixa that idea, I thought to make a private listing fo ryou, albeit I forgotten you have two ccs. I have your first. Ill offer for your second. Much love!!
Sep 23Reply

I have 4 more items ready to purchase.
Sep 23Reply

@pambal1 Offer submitted! xoxoxoxo
Sep 23Reply

Ready to purchase bundle please!
Sep 23Reply

Thanks you so much Jamie I really appreciate you think I will just start ordering 4 or 5 items at a time because I can't stop shopping your closet much love!❤❤
Sep 23Reply

@pambal1 You are so amazing! tyty for all your compliments. I love you as my client!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Sep 23Reply

Thanks and your welcome😘 I will do business with you I love what you have to offer and their easy to where love the leggings can't wear jeans or pants due to back can't wear anything tight around my back.spinal cord injury from two back surgerys.i love to dress cute so I'm so glad I found closet.listen to me just talking and taking m,sorry lol.cant wait to get everything.🤗🤗🤗
Sep 24Reply

@pambal1 Aww. Tytyty my website should be finished soon. I would love to add more and more leggings! I love these too! I hope ur back feels better ❤💙💚💛
Sep 24Reply

Hi I love your stuff. I tried to submit payment but realized I have a new card and don’t have it with me. I work till 8am tomorrow, can I pay for it when I get home
Sep 27Reply

@lindasplace Hi Linda! Absolutely tyty for all the 💟💟💟💟
Sep 27Reply

Hi there! This is Kathryn from Skygirls2... I wanted to let you know that I didn't know about your purchase (Coach bag) in time to plan for the post office today. I will send it first thing tomorrow 👜!
Thank you very much for your purchase and I am now following you - I wear a 3x so I enjoy finding new curvy closets 😎
Sep 29Reply

@skygirls2 No problem. Ty ty
Sep 29Reply

Hi Jamie! Hi Kim! I followed Kim over from FB. Just wanted to say your closet and success is a true inspiration to new Poshers. Like me 🌹😊
Sep 30Reply

@lovenushuz Hey there!! You are so sweet! If you need any help or directions, plz ask anytime!! xoxo
Sep 30Reply

@curvyposh thank you for the open door 🚪 ❌❤️❌❤️
Sep 30Reply

@curvyposh thank you so much 🙏
Nov 07Reply

Hi I am in love with your closet😍😍😍😍😍 do you do trades I have a bundle I would like to trade if you do. I don't do trades but would for you thank you so much for beautiful clothing for us bigger women makes feeling good w what you're wearing alot easier when u can be fashionable 😘
Nov 08Reply

@curvyposh hi love love love your selections I have a bundle ready 😀 I will be purchasing in 2-3 weeks
If you are open to trades please let me know I would love to with you! I am currently adding a ton of things I actually prefer just being a buyer lol
Nov 08Reply

@nwestmoreland tyty so much for your compliments :). Currently, I am not at a level to afford to trade. I have invested so much dinero in the boutique, I need to recover the investments, maybe when I in the Green lol. Much Posh Love!! xoxo
Nov 09Reply

@curvyposh no problem 😀 all is well I do plan on purchasing in 2-3 weeks 💖
Nov 09Reply

@nwestmoreland Fabulous!! Please feel free to ask any questions. xoxoxoxo
Nov 09Reply

Amazing closet. So many finds. I'll be referring my curvy friends your way. I carry a few fury but 😉. They'll be thrilled.
Nov 10Reply

@hollysthreads tyty💛💜💚
Nov 10Reply

@curvyposh 🎉💕
Nov 10Reply

Absolutely LOOOOVE❤️your closet!! 😁
Nov 29Reply

I am trying to order several but don't know how to order in bundle
Nov 30Reply

@pdlvj3 Hello Beautiful! All the items you are interested in, like on them. That will add them to your closet. When you have added all your likes. You can go to the coat hanger emblem which is your dressing room. from there you can add you likes to a bundle xoxo
Nov 30Reply

@pdlvj3 The coat hanger is on "closet" page. You can also put @curvyposh on each item you like an I can share to your dressing room xoxo
Nov 30Reply

@pdlvj3 Plan C I can make a custom order for you :}. Just tagg me with size on each item you would like.
Nov 30Reply

Good morning my posh kinda having a bitter sweet moment right now,I've lost weight ova the last two month I'm longer a plus size which is good because of several medical reason bad news is I can't shop in your closet any more my plus sizes are now to big even the leggings I'm still large up top so I will be checking for 3x tops.happy holidays to you and if you can keep me informed on new arrivals for tops.😍
Dec 05Reply

Hello- my sale fell through but I just couldn't leave those items too cute :) I gave you a shout out on instagram my instagram Id is @razzsignori if you want to check it out. Happy holidays and Happy Slaying!
Dec 18Reply

Good morning Jamie, Question - in my bundle I just received AND love 💕 of leggings (btw buying more before they sell out!), my gray pair came in L/XL not a 2x or one size like the others and they are much tighter. I just wanted to reach out to you. 😊
Also, you don’t live far from me! I’m in Ballwin! Do you have a storefront or just Poshmark?
Jan 28Reply

@ladygoodbuys Hi there! I noticed you live in Ballwin. I have a studio my sister and I Posh from. If you like, I can send u out gray in the fleece ones n just keep the ones u have. If you want any other prints jlmk. They are selling out quickly. :) We cant leave contact info in the Posh albeit I can send 2 u 💜💛💚
Jan 28Reply

@curvyposh Oh yes, thanks Jamie- I’d love that!
Yes would love contact info. I just shared your site and www. page with my niece and two friends!! Putting through another bundle in next few minutes here!! 💜💜
Jan 28Reply

Hi Jamie I did a bundle from ur closet.. I don't get paid till Friday.. Was wondering if you could possibly hold them for me till Friday?
Jan 30Reply

Hi Jamie, I’m Pam. Been looking at all of the fabulous things you have. Great closet❣️☺️💜
Feb 19Reply

@redd2900 Hi Pam! Ty for all the 💖💖💖
Feb 19Reply

How many do you have left or the 2 fringe skirts and black and white leggings I liked?
Mar 18Reply

Hello, welcome to Poshmark. Be sure to check out my closet! I may have what you like.
Aug 02Reply

im going to accept ur offer but some reason not seeing accept offer
Oct 10Reply

@basketball1113 Hi! The original offer had expired. I just submitted a new offer for you same amount. 💙💚
Oct 11Reply

thank u! i didnt even notice original offer
Oct 11Reply

@basketball1113 Sure! Ty Ty for your purchase! I will ship on Monday. Have a great weekend! 💛💚💙
Oct 11Reply

@exquisitelyelon Tysm ❤️❤️❤️
Sep 13Reply

Hi @curvyposh , thanks for following us! 💗 Like or comment our items to get great offers😊
Sep 21Reply

Thank you for your time and stopping by my closet 💌 A little bit about my closet..I have a continuous sale bundle 5 or more items that is 6$ or under = 3$ each for You. (5 = 15$ 6 = 18$ etc..)
I also set up an automatic 30% off 2 or more items in Bundled items. I love that poshmark has that option.
I am so excited to be part of this community. I have sold over 3k items in the past 2y.
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out! xo Ally 💞
Oct 12Reply

Love your Lifestyle 🥂 Thanks for Sharing 🤙🏼😎
Oct 17Reply

Love your closet! Finally a closet for real women!
Nov 10Reply

@mboykin20 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Nov 10Reply

Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily😊 if you like any of my items please don’t hesitate to create a bundle I just moved so I’ll accept anything
Nov 14Reply

Hi !! How are you ? Do you discount 2 coats??
Nov 22Reply

@lauramarie129 Hi Laura! Sure I can discount for you 🤗
Nov 23Reply

Thank for sharing my listing on Twitter. Unfortunately, I don’t have a Twitter account so I can’t share your listing. I will share more on Poshmark though. Thanks again!
Dec 02Reply

Hi 🙋🏽♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Dec 05Reply

ur too cute I already bought one...and a few other things from u ...and love love them all thank u
Dec 21Reply

@tinagiersdorf Tysm for being amazing! Happy Holidays! ⛄🎄💖
Dec 21Reply

Hi Ms Jamie and thank you so.much for the incredible discount...I'm still waiting for poshers to accept their orders😔😬 ...its been ruff the last few weeks my boss has not paid me in 2 weeks but I finally get a check Tuesday....I its not too much to ask I will definitely have it after 2 Tuesday...but if these ladies accept their orders I'll have it sooner...but Tuesday at the very latest!!!! believe me this is a must have!!!!😊😇🥰😍🤩😘🤗
Jan 09Reply

I have round 60 in sales coming to me if they get on it!!!
Jan 09Reply

@tinagiersdorf Agreed! A few are taking their sweet time or not at all 😁
Jan 10Reply

exactly....I accept immediately and always give a rating and a love note ...trying to be a good posher...wish everyone was on the save vibe😊😇🥰😍
Jan 10Reply

@tinagiersdorf Agree 100% You have an awesome vibe too! xoxo
Jan 10Reply

So do you my friend ❤💛💚🖤 One Love🙏✌
Jan 10Reply

I see nothing for men!
Jan 11Reply

Thanks for checking out my closet
Feb 25Reply

Thanks for the follow. I will be sharing some of your listings and hope that you can return the favor.
Mar 24Reply

@curvyposh Beautiful closet, wishing you all the sales!😊💜🛍
Apr 23Reply

@ashleyssclosett hi!! in about 2 weeks I will be shopping in your closet again !!
Jun 08Reply

hi!! I have missed you! Do you have anymore pink wide pants?
Jul 26Reply

@lisapeterson536 Hi Lisa! I do! I am getting ready to register with alot of new stuff! I saved a pair for you 😍
Jul 28Reply

@curvyposh hi !! Thank you so much for saving me the pair. Yesterday I spent a LOT of money here on Poshmark. Can you please hold on to those a few more days? I promise to buy them. Thanks a bunch!!❤❤😊🙏
Jul 28Reply

I'm sorry to ask this but could you please tell me what it would be plus shipping ?
Jul 28Reply

sorry for the confusion but my hubby said definitely Monday I can buy it. Can you still hold it til Monday?💗💕🙏❤
Jul 28Reply

I bought a pink top in the past that goes with the wide pants perfectly 🥰 💞
Jul 28Reply

@lisapeterson536 Sure. just message me and I will list it for you 😉
Jul 29Reply

Hi! could you please give me a guesstimate for the pink wide pants for Monday? Thank you❤🙏💕💗
Jul 29Reply

I am checking to see if you have the pink wide pants. I'm so sorry I couldn't get them Monday, our son had an emergency. He is getting better now. 🙏😊😊❤
Aug 03Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet. Whether you sell, or shop, I wish you much success and fun. May you feel the Lord's presence near you throughout the year, comforting your heart, giving you strength and bringing you and your loved ones hope, health and happiness. Stay safe and God bless. 😉🌺🙏🏻🍀🌞
Aug 18Reply

@jcjones46 Thank you so much! 💜💙💚❤️
Aug 22Reply

@curvyposh Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 23Reply

Hi 👋 Thank you for the Follow 💜 My name is Tiffany & I’m a Poshmark Ambassador. Please feel free to reach out with ANY questions. To prepare for Christmas 🎄 shopping I have moved all my NWT items to the top of my closet. I have a mix of clothing, shoes, makeup and skincare. I offer a 15% discount on all Bundle purchases of two or more items. Thank you for shopping my closet & Happy Poshing 🛍
Nov 10Reply

Thank you soo much for sharing my Closet 🙂🙂🙂💗🙏⚘️🌟⚘️☺️
Nov 15Reply

@jensen1025 💜💜💜💜
Nov 15Reply

Thank you for your follow. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package 📦. And offers are always welcome, too.
Nov 29Reply

Thanks you so much for your kindness with all the shares of my closet!
Nov 30Reply

Hello Jamie, thank you for the very enthusiastic review of my Poshmark Closet, I hope to see you soon shopping at my place, have a great evening, Jolanta
May 23Reply

Thank you so much for sharing so many of my listings! I truly appreciate it and have shared yours. Happy poshing!
Jun 18Reply

Hi! I just wanted to thank you for all the shares, I really appreciate it! I'm relatively new to Poshmark and still figuring everything out. :)
Jun 20Reply

Thanks for sharing my closet! 💗.💗.💗.
Aug 15Reply
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