Meet your Posher, Kimberly
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Hi! I'm Kimberly. Some of my favorite brands are Coach, Avenue, and American Eagle by Payless. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

6 others
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Thanks for checking out my closet and bundling up some items..let me know if u can help out with anything..?? ;)
Jul 24Reply

Hi, welcome to Poshmark! This is a great place to buy, sell and meet awesome people. Let me know if you have any questions.
Happy Poshing!!! 👗💄👜👠👡
Jul 31Reply

If you would like a bundle of highlighters let me know :) I offer bundle discounts, and cheaper prices/free shipping if you use any other shopping apps as well
Aug 01Reply

Thanks for bundling items in my closet if you're interested in purchasing I can discount 😊
Aug 16Reply

Hi Posher! I have an AWESOME selection of jeans, dresses and coats if you're interested 😊. Plus, if you select multiple items there's a % off 😀. Poshin' is SO much fun‼️
Aug 17Reply

Hi my name is Andrea thank for adding a piece from my closet to your undlebundle
Aug 23Reply

Hi! Welcome to Poshmark!
🌺 🌴 🌺 🌴 🌺 🌴
Aug 30Reply

Hello Kimberly welcome to Poshmark 😊💗
Sep 01Reply

Welcome to Poshmark, I'm Melissa!🙋 I sell your favorite brands, please check out my closet! 👍 I offer 50% off your entire purchase if you buy 5 or more listings!!🎉 Also please let me know if you have any questions about posh, I'm a posh mentor!✌🏼️❤️❤️
Sep 02Reply

Hi welcome to poshmark. Very nice to meet you. Please let me know if you any questions about my listening. 🤗😘😍❤️🌹💚😋
Sep 05Reply

Hello welcome to poshmark happy poshing.
Sep 09Reply

Hi Kimberly! I noticed you were collecting items for a bundle. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I'm here to help. And, I do offer a discount for bundles! Happy shopping!
Sep 12Reply

@sweetiekimmie Hi I'm Kia ! I would love for you to check out my closet when you get a chance 😊💞
Sep 15Reply

Hello and thank you for liking my item! (: I also noticed you bundled a couple of things, if you have any questions please feel free to ask (:
Sep 16Reply

Thanks for bundling My Lane Bryant Coat! I have several scarfs, shawls and pashminas to add to your bundle. Many of them would go great with that coat. Hope you cruise my closet some more!
Oct 19Reply

Hello Kimmie,
Welcome to Poshmark! Love your makeup!
- Evelyn 💄👛💄👛💄👛💄
Oct 21Reply

Aww thanks so much ❤️
Oct 21Reply

You're welcome. By the way, I read a Love Note you have. You are sooo SWEET! Did you still want to purchase a bundle in my closet?
Oct 21Reply

Hey hun. Would you purchase your bundle if I do 20% off? Let me know and I'll change my bundle feature. 😊
Nov 07Reply

Plus I'll send you a 🎁 too :)
Nov 07Reply

Hi, Kim! Thanks for adding the LB 6th & Lane coat to a bundle. Now that I know what a bundle is (I'm new to this), I have set one up! Hope you select something great to pair with it! Let me know if you have questions!
Nov 26Reply

@sweetiekimmie, Thanks for checking out my closet! If you add a third item to your existing bundle I will cover the shipping. 🎄🎄🎄
Dec 08Reply

leafmarie just purchased a sweater from me. I wanted you to know It probably won't be shipped until Minday
Dec 09Reply

Hey Thank you for checking out my closet. I do accept offers. I am currently expanding my beauty products... So please feel free to stop by any time new listings will be added through this week. Happy Holidays
Dec 13Reply

Hi! I just posted some gorgeous items. Hope you have time to look in my closet.
Dec 18Reply

Happy holidays and welcome to PM, check out my closet when you have a moment, I am currently offering 25% off bundles, best of luck buying and selling, happy poshing🎄💕👜👗👠
Dec 25Reply

@sweetiekimmie Hi...wishing you a Happy 2017! I hope you are doing great!😁🎀💐
Jan 02Reply

@sweetiekimmie , thanks for checking out my closet. I want to make sure you know that I am offering buy one get free this weekend!!! ❤💃💃
Jan 14Reply

Thank you so much for sharing and browsing my closet!
Jan 21Reply

Hey there! Thanks for adding a couple of my items to a bundle! Feel free to make an offer. I LOVE the dress you added! Just doesn't fit me! 😃
Mar 02Reply

Hi! I have that black cocktail dress marked down for st Patrick's day if you're interested! Eager to sell! Make me an offer... it's luck of the Irish today! ☘️☘️
Mar 17Reply

Going to be removing black cocktail dress from Poshmark tonight or tomorrow so I'm taking any reasonable offer!
Mar 20Reply

Hi😆 Sorry I fell asleep last night 😳 but if ur still interested I'll gladly accept your offer 😆😆
Mar 21Reply

@anmllvr yeah I'm still interested
Mar 21Reply

Thank you for sharing
Apr 22Reply

Hi Kimberly
✿♥‿♥✿ Hope you're enjoying Poshmark and life is wonderful your way 🍋@lemonposh & @minicoconut 🍭
Jun 14Reply

Hi welcome to Poshmark!
Jul 22Reply
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