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Updated Mar 03
Updated Mar 03

Meet your Posher, Kimberly

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Kimberly. Some of my favorite brands are Nike, PINK Victoria's Secret, and Adidas. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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lux_shopping Hello my dear, I saw you added a few of my items into a bundle deal. Is there anything I can assist you with?
Mar 14Reply
abir1977 Hi sweetie welcome to poshmark the best place to buy and sell 😍 very nice to meet you 😘😘 thank you for visit my list please let me know if you interested to any thing 🤗 I love to bundle it's the smartest way to shop and save 😋💰 feel free to ask me any questions about my list please thanks 😇have fun and happy poshing
Mar 14Reply
ajcollections Hi Kimberly! Welcome to Poshmark!!! Very nice to meet you!🎉🎀🎉 I'm Jesh. Poshmark is an amazing platform to buy and sell. Hope you have fun! 😊 SHARE and FOLLOW! 🎁 Please visit my entire closet for some amazing deals. I do consider all reasonable individual or bundle offers. 😊💕 Let me know if you have any questions. Happy Poshing!
Mar 16Reply
myersarah3 Hey! I saw u added my highlighter to a bundle, if u have any questions feel free to ask me:) I can give u a great deal on a bundle!
Mar 16Reply
niil32 Hi dear 😊 thanks for sharing my listing and welcome to poshmark 🤗 I can't wait to starting your listing and I help you in anyway😘 happy pushing
Mar 22Reply
rachlag @kimnpebbles you interested in the bundle? you can make an offer:)
Mar 23Reply
eatprayshoplove Hey Kimberly! Let me know if u need any help with the J. Crew gladiator sandal bundle ☺ @kimnpebbles
Mar 23Reply
briannaxkelly i'm always open to all offers💙💙
Mar 25Reply
calm_the_chaos @kimnpebbles Thanks for visiting my closet and starting a bundle. Let me know if I can help! We're almost neighbors. I saw you're in Coraopolis-I'm in Imperial! Small world 😊
Mar 25Reply
kimnpebbles @kdkoch10 wow it really is a small world I grew up in Imperial. I was half asleep and just bundeling away everything I liked. I work today 10 to 4 but I will def take a look at your items tonight. I took a glance again just now and looks like you have many nice things.
Mar 25Reply
calm_the_chaos @kimnpebbles oh wow! That's crazy lol!
Mar 25Reply
ligiatracy Hi Kim! I noticed you made a bralette bundle, just wanted to let you know I'm open to offers on bundles so you get more bang for your buck 🤗
Mar 31Reply
malamom @kimnpebbles 10% discount for bundle thanks
Apr 01Reply
malamom @betha_bruh I'm sorry I don't see it🤔 what was it for?
Apr 01Reply
malamom @betha_bruh yes I know how to do that but there isn't an offer, weird what is it on ?
Apr 01Reply
malamom @betha_bruh nope I looked all the way back to march 8 nothing from u, what is the item ?
Apr 01Reply
malamom @betha_bruh sure, so weird I didn't get it
Apr 01Reply
malamom @betha_bruh aha! I know what the problem is your name is different under the offers!!!!
Apr 01Reply
malamom @betha_bruh it's kimnpebbles not bertha_bruh
Apr 01Reply
malamom Never mind I'm confused 🤷🏻‍♀️ well I see kimnpebbles offer and on this page I thought u were one and the same . So let's do this whatever u want please bundle it and I will give u 10% off if it's only 1 item submit an offer I really didn't see any offers by you with this name
Apr 01Reply
malamom @betha_bruh see above🔼
Apr 01Reply
malamom @betha_bruh ha ha ha I did ???
Apr 01Reply
malamom @betha_bruh I don't know what's going on but I didn't bundle anything of yours. There are a few people with similar names on here
Apr 01Reply
malamom @betha_bruh oh my goodness well at least my newsfeed isn't broken 😂 I though I was going nuts 🥜
Apr 01Reply
rosiery @kimnpebbles Hello! If you are still interested I am willing to take your first offer! Thanks for looking in my closet! 😉
Apr 02Reply
blanca55 Hi Kimberly~ The earrings are in the purse 👛 zipped in the main pouch. Will send it out soon. Thank you for your purchase 😊
Apr 02Reply
dchambers15 Hey there Kim! I see you made a bundle of my Nike shoes! I'm accepting offers if you are interested! :)
Apr 04Reply
ghsmermaid Good morning Kim, Welcome to Poshmark! , Would you like to bundle the necklace and Talbots top with the several other items you added to another bundle? I'm seriously considering your offer and just wanted to know so you don't have to pay postage for 2 separate bundles. Let me know. Thanks ❤
Apr 07Reply
kimnpebbles @nabernard not at this time. That's why I narrowed it down to what I liked most. I'm kinda limited to what I can spend right now, but I love your stuff and I will for sure come back. Thank you so much for checking with me first
Apr 07Reply
ghsmermaid @kimnpebbles Okay. I truly understand. I will ship you items out in less than 24 hrs. Thanks for browsing my closet. ❤
Apr 07Reply
ghsmermaid @kimnpebbles We are only $6. apart. Can we split the difference and agree on the counteroffer? Win-win? ❤
Apr 08Reply
ghsmermaid @kimnpebbles Hey, just re read your original response re: limited funds. 😔 You can resubmit your original offer and I will accept. We Poshers help each other! ❤
Apr 08Reply
ghsmermaid @kimnpebbles I just listed quite a few items for FREE now in addition to the 20% bundle discount! Check them out. I can add any freebies you might like and accept your original offer for the other 2 items. I can ship your items 7am Mon.
Apr 09Reply
kimnpebbles @nabernard you said here you would except my original offer. I sent it to you and you counter offered me. ?
Apr 10Reply
ghsmermaid @kimnpebbles yes and that was my error. I think you can let it time out then try resubmitting and I will accept. I had several offers for other items in my closet & got a little mixed up. My apologies to you ten times over. I already had your items set aside and ready to ship. So sorry. 😔❤
Apr 10Reply
kimnpebbles @nabernard no problem. I just woke up and looked it says you accepted so I think everything went thru now. Thank you again for accepting.
Apr 10Reply
chasitybailey @kimnpebbles Hey Kimberly! Hope youre having a good week :) Take care & good luck "poshing"! - Chasity
Apr 11Reply
juliewahoo Hi- are you interested in your bundled items? Please let me know so I can give you the special sale price. Thanks!❤-Julie
Apr 15Reply
brittweyant Hey 🤗 if you love Rue 21, Aeropostale, Nike, American Eagle and more.. Check out my closet! I have a 10% off two or more items deal. 🛍🦄💛
Apr 17Reply
ppamprrd Welcome to Poshmark. It's a nice community 😊😉😙
Apr 27Reply
blondiebundles @kimnpebbles hi doll! Welcome! If u want to hit send bundle offer feel free on the items you like! Xo
May 19Reply
bethfarnstrom Hi Kim! Thanks for stopping by! I ship next day and take offers, especially on bundles.
May 25Reply
brookiielynn How does $15 sound on that bundle?! :)
May 28Reply
queenfish Hi Kim! Thanks for shopping my closet!!! I've already got it packed and dropped at Post Office ...u caught me right before I was about to drop off others 😀 Thanks again and enjoy the weekend!!! 😍
Jun 03Reply
gsims1177 @kimnpebbles thx for like :) can ship today
Jun 07Reply
gsims1177 @kimnpebbles free gift if purchased:)
Jun 07Reply
jolienswindow Hi Kim , did you get your package ?! Hope everything is good .
Jun 13Reply
lovelucyxoxo @kimnpebbles hi! Are you interested in the items you put in a bundle ?! 💕
Jun 25Reply
kenzie0723 Thanks for the likes & bundle! I have a whole closet full of VS PINK to sell so don't hesitate to let me know if you are looking for something ❤️
Jun 26Reply
gsims1177 @kimnpebbles thx for like interested?
Jul 01Reply
staceyharvey44 Posh needs you to update your cc information. I accepted the offer for your bundle. Thank you so much for your purchase. Once you update that then I will immediately get this off in the mail
Jul 02Reply
lo_73suber Oh my goodness, where did you find that?😊😍💖! I love pugs!
Jul 10Reply
shopcammimarie Happy poshing!
Jul 27Reply
tneph Hi there! I noticed you added a Victoria's Secret PINK top from my closet to a bundle- was there anything else you wanted to add? You're more than welcome to make an offer as well :)
Aug 12Reply
bagladydeb Hi, let me know when your bundle is finalized and I will make you an offer 😊😊😊
Sep 24Reply
kristysmith7 You have liked a lot of my items! 🙃 Wanting to get rid of stuff to get new! Bundle away and I'll give you a bundle discount 💕😊
Sep 24Reply
ortega7 @kristysmith7 thanks for bundling the items you like yesterday! I sent a private offer, please send a counter offer if it doesn't work for you so we can work something out! Thank you
Oct 04Reply
kristysmith7 @ortega7 wrong person 😊
Oct 04Reply
ortega7 @kristysmith7 I'm sorry I didn't mean to tag you I meant just to comment 😂 sorry!
Oct 04Reply
yianavaldez @kimnpebbles hey sorry I was in the hospital I just got home they never picked up your package but the others they did I'll put out in am so sorry
Oct 06Reply
ginafeliciano Sent you an offer for another bundle❤️💕
Oct 10Reply
shivelyb4 Hello love! I saw you just added some jeans to a bundle deal. Let me know if you're wanting to go further I'd love to assist you and get something going :)💕
Oct 12Reply
amaraanthony Thanks for checking out my closet, Kimberly! Feel free to make an offer on any bundles you create!❤️
Oct 21Reply
harperfaith Sorry, I meant to accept your bundle offer. It was the middle of the night and I clicked wrong :/
Oct 21Reply
boommegatron Upon inspecting my items to mail out to you I noticed the red crop top is unraveling near the top of one of the shoulder straps. Is there something else $10 or under that you like from my closet that I can replace it with before I mail it out. If not, I can cancel the order. I'm so sorry Kim!
Oct 24Reply
dajaneybree Hey saw you created a bundle lmk if u need a lower price or offer. I accept pay- paalll as well 💖
Nov 05Reply
cvr89 Hey @kimnpebbles are you still interested in the black Michael Khors wristlet that you made me an offer on? If you are, I'd be more than happy to sell it to you 😀take care!
Nov 28Reply
shannonmarie187 Hey Kim I sent you a private offer for the Uggs...feel free to send a counteroffer
Dec 04Reply
kimnpebbles @cvr89 I'm sorry just seeing your message now. Looks like it sold huh. Thank you anyways
Dec 04Reply
kimnpebbles @cvr89 I'm replied to your text below
Dec 04Reply
justbreezybabe @kimnpebbles hi I saw you bundled a few things in my closet if you’re interested in buying let me know and you’ll receive a free gift with your purchase 😊
Dec 05Reply
smccain2 Hi! Welcome to my closet! Feel free to drop by and visit today! I'm having a NAME YOUR PRICE SALE! Thanks!
Dec 07Reply
r_goodman @kimnpebbles Hi!! Welcome to posh! Feel free to check out my closet for awesome deals on Coach, Michael Kors, Tory Burch, Kate Spade, Louis Vuitton, Ferragamo, & more!🎉💃🏼🛍 Add to a bundle in my closet & see a special price from me to make your closet more fabulous!🎉
Dec 26Reply
thestylesociety Hi how are you?! Just added many designer items to my closet that I think you might like! Take a look when you get a chance and feel free to make an offer if anything catches your eye! Have a great night! 😊
Jan 18Reply
thetreasurelady As one of my old customers I'd love you to keep my closet in mind for your holiday shopping needs 😊🛍 A lot of new MK items have been recently added. 👜👛Happy Poshing! ❤
Oct 05Reply
fieldcc Accepted ur offer :) payment info just needs updating :)
Oct 24Reply
beach_styles Hello, thank you so much for your likes! When you get a chance please check out the rest of our shop! We have tons of NEW with TAGS..SKATE and SURF brands, SKY, L Space, Spiritual Gangster. You can put all your favorites together, by pushing...(Add to Bundle) for one shipping cost!! We also offer FREE with purchase items, shirts, shorts, shoes bags, belts, hats, etc. I ship out first thing every day! Have an amazing day🤙🏼
Oct 29Reply
_the_rack Thank you for visit. And add to bundle I am sending you an offer on the single item 😁 i do currently offer a 10% discount on two or more items 😁 let me know either way on the offer and have a nice weekend ☀️
Nov 02Reply
_the_rack Hi Kimberly thank you for adding to bundle ❤️ i have sent an offer for the one item 😁 hoping to ship out today for you
Nov 03Reply
_the_rack Hi I can also repost and price drop to offer price to save you on shipping on Poshmark dime 😊 let me know offer is for today only
Nov 04Reply
ababboon hey hun! it would mean a lot if you would check out my closet :)
Nov 24Reply
pip1827 Hi ! I saw you added my Jacket to a bundle. If you decide job just want the jacket or would like to bundle it with something in my closet please let me know. I’ll give you a great deal I promise :)
Jan 30Reply
1more4me Hello 🙋‍♀️ Beautiful Posher 🎗I'm here with an💌 invitation to follow me and click on my name and check out my closet full 🤗of Boutique items 🛍👝👜👛🎒🎒
Mar 04Reply
dcaps027 Hi if interested please see my bid :)
Mar 29Reply
ariannamolloy Greetings from the Magnolia State ❤️ if you get the chance, check out my closet 😁 I have brands such as: BCBCMaxAzria, Sherri Hill, Terani Couture, Express, Ann Taylor, Banana Republic and Rachel Allen—And the highest thing listed is $100 soo everything else is less than $100 for great steals and deals ❤️Happy Poshing 😊
Jun 15Reply
kfaye2018 Hello there. Thanks for your interest in the selected items from my Closet. I’ve sent you a discount offer on your bundled items for purchasing. Thanks 😊
Aug 12Reply
dimitratsigaris Hi! Feel free to make an offer on the blue dress you added to a bundle
Sep 24Reply
dekern27 @kimnpebbles Hey there 😄 Hope you’re enjoying Poshmark🎉 I’d love for you to check out my closet sometime! Hopefully you’ll find something you love 🙂👍🏼
Oct 02Reply
kaleyheider Hi, it’s nice to meet you!❤️
Oct 04Reply
isy_closet Hi, you can resend your offer for the Nike tanjun sneakers.
Dec 20Reply
styledbylhei Hey love!!(: I have lots of brandy melville, champion crewneck, hoodies, & many more branded items!! hope you can check out my closet and maybe even shop as well!! ✰
Dec 30Reply
ianmease Heyy I’m selling Columbia Adidas denim and co brands feel free to browse my closet and bundle and make offers
Jan 29Reply
blingnthings Hi Kimberly! It's so nice to meet you 😀 I hope you are loving your Posh experience and have made some great finds 🎀 Please stop by my closet when you have a minute! Have a fabulous weekend ✨ 💝 Carol
Mar 14Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or still have tags attached. Brands such as Chanel, Lululemon, Nike, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Mar 14Reply

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Last Active: Oct 25 2024

Coraopolis, PA
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Last Active: Oct 25 2024

Coraopolis, PA
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