Meet your Posher, Kori
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Hi! I'm Kori. I currently live in Southern Maryland and some of my favorite brands are kate spade, Vince, HOBO, Chanel, Coach, Brandy Melville, MAC, and about a thousand others. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

13 others
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Hi Kori I just wanted to thank you for your purchase! I will be sending out your necklace first thing in the morning:) I also have more HOBO items to list..I ❤️ HOBO! Nice to meet you! ~Jessica🌺
Dec 17Reply

Hi Kori! I see that you received the necklace. Could you do me a huge favor and release the funds. I'm trying to use my credits to buy something. Thank you so much! 🌺
Dec 24Reply

You might not know that you have to accept for my funds to get released. A girl is holding something for me otherwise I wouldn't bother you about it.. Thank you! 🌺
Dec 24Reply

I still am not sure what I was supposed to do? I JUST left feedback--haven't been here since the night I bought! Didn't know! How do the funds get released, simply by my feedback? I feel so bad--sorry! I don't see nay other reminder or anything other than your 3 comments. Shame they didn't email me to remind/teach me! Hope I don't mess this up again for someone else. I'll try to remember to get online after I receive my next item. Forgive me!
Dec 28Reply

It's ok:) I totally understand! Just to let you know I did not get your message because you have to tag me in it. It's weird because if you're under someone else's listing they can see your comment but if you're under your own listing you have to put@jgajewski
Dec 28Reply

When you receive your item you just go to my purchases and then it says "accept" you just hit the button. It has been more than 3 days so the funds automatically release;) I hope that helps you a little bit. Thank you for the review and thank you for caring so much!!
Dec 28Reply

@jgajewski Thanks so much! This is one of the few sites that actually works better on my phone! ie: you are tagged in this post automatically this time! Just realized I can only post items for sale from mobile phone, too. I'll be broke in no time now that it's so easy to buy! Sucker for my Kate Spade. Necklace packed for NYE birthday in Atlantic City this week! Thanks again and Happy 2016!
Dec 29Reply

It is a stunner! To bad I never got to enjoy glad you are!! Happy Birthday and a Happy New Year!!🎉🎉
Dec 29Reply

Check back in my closet often! I will be listing new, never used HOBO and other great items:)
Dec 29Reply

Thanks Kori! Will ship everything tomorrow!
Jan 18Reply

Sorry Kori, it will be tomorrow since the postal office is closed ! Thanks ! ✨
Jan 18Reply

@adriennebunny that's okay. We're getting a blizzard Friday. No rush, since where I live, it may impossible for them to deliver anyway! Lots of time to window shop on Posh! ;)
Jan 21Reply

Oh no! Well I shipped everything on the 18 so hopefully they will arrive soon!!
Jan 21Reply

Hey Kori, on my homepage it says they have arrived ! Just making sure nothing was delayed because of the weather !
Jan 21Reply

@adriennebunny I didn't have anything that I saw? Hmmm. I'll respond as soon as I get! Weather was gross yesterday, my driveway is a mess. I'll check around back by my basement in the daylight.
Jan 22Reply

Oh no! That's strange ! Please let me know if you did not get it! I know for certain it was the correct address because you were the only order I had that day.
Jan 22Reply

@adriennebunny oh jeez....I have it! My mom came by and hid them from my husband for me! She knows me so well! Thanks so much! Sorry for confusion! She's awesome, but forgetful! :) love it all!
Jan 22Reply

That is hilarious! 😂😂 enjoy! 💕💕
Jan 22Reply

Thank you for your purchase. Enjoy!
Jan 25Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!! I am Posher @chytown26, check out my closet for Kate Spade perfume, Michael Kors, $15.00 Express jeans, and shoe sizes 8-10. Happy Poshing ;)
Jan 26Reply

@chytown26 thank you! Still learning, but loving it!
Jan 27Reply

@korip73 It's a breeze and super user friendly. I can't stay off it shopping for myself too. Hehe
Jan 27Reply

@korip73 Hey hun, thanks for the offers. Do you want to bundle the dresses so you can pay one shipping price? Or did you only want to buy one dress right now?
Jan 27Reply

@chytown26 I wanted to bundle I think. Kept finding more and more. Have another bundle now, too. Thanks so much.
Jan 27Reply

@korip73 Lol, I see you only have the Satin Shorts in the bundle. You need to go to each dress and click "Add To Bundle. Then you will see the total with the full 10% Off discount. It should be $83.00. Let me know if it works.
Jan 27Reply

Also, I know you are still learning. I wanted to say, I recognize your offers but the Bundle Sale reflects my discount. Considering the Poshmark Fee, it's not feisable to reduce the price and honor the bundle discount. Hope you consider all three items.
Jan 27Reply

@chytown26 im sorry. I understand about bundling, I thought you meant you would put them in a bundle/picture with my name on them. I didn't expect double discount, just cheapest way. Either/or, no difference to me. Now I'm a little confused, is there nothing in process for me, then?
Jan 27Reply

You are the best. Thank you for purchasing both pair of gloves. I moved from Ohio to Florida and no longer need them. Enjoy!
Jan 27Reply

@korip73 Poshmark allows buyers to use the "Add To Bundle" feature. Alternatively, sellers can create a personalized bundle for a buyer like you described. Sorry for confusion. I thought you weren't familiar with the bundling option. I am happy to create a single priced bundle for you. ;) Considering the Poshmark fee your dress offers are too low to accept. My counter offer is BCBG for $42.00, RALPH for $30.00 add the SHORTS for $8.00. Final total $80.00. Let me know. ;)
Jan 27Reply

@spyceyone thank you! New faux fur coat these will match perfectly! I would give anything to move to Florida! I'd prefer a sinkhole threat to these winters in Md! Enjoy the weather for me!
Jan 27Reply

Lol! Believe me I don't miss the snow but the heat is INTRUSIVE! But there is relief AIR CONDITIONING. Absolutely could not live here without. Both packages were mailed today.
Jan 27Reply

@korip73 Hey hun, I am shipping your order in the morning. ;)
Jan 30Reply

@chytown26 no worries. Thanks much!
Jan 30Reply

Hi kori :) I commented on the tank you liked earlier but idk if you saw it and then I noticed you added it to a bundle. If you want to bundle the tank and the bracelet you offered on I can do both for $32. Happy poshing!
Jan 30Reply

@cadehend thanks so much. Gotta wait for a bit and check out all my orders I've made lately. $1000+ in no time flat. Oops. Thanks so much though.
Jan 30Reply

@korip73 no problem, I spend every penny I earn on here in no time flat :) I just justify it cause it's so much cheaper than it would be anywhere else. Let me know if you do decide to purchase cause I'll make you a better deal than a straight bundle!
Jan 30Reply

I just want you to know that this package was given to a different mailman the same day as the purse package and STILL it has not been scanned In by the post office. I sent a message to POSHMARK and I am now contacting the post office to find out where the package is. I'm am so sorry about this because I know you will like both pair of gloves. I will keep you posted.
Feb 01Reply

@spyceyone the gloves showed up at my house tonight!
Feb 02Reply

Hi Kori, I actually lowered the price of the Elorie pink sweater because I took the tags off thinking I was going to keep it but in the end decided it's not for me. Never worn just tried on. Still I reduced it by $40. I only have these listed on posh. At some point I'm considering doing some of my higher end items elsewhere just cuz of the high % the posh takes but for now it's just here.
Feb 08Reply

If you are interested in several items just let me know what they all are and I can figure out a bundle discount price ( ignore the bundle discount offer...I'd rather do it on a case by case basis/ gives you the best possible price) and if it works for you, I'll make a separate bundle listing 😜🍒
Feb 08Reply

And let me know what else you like in my closet because I often give gifts with bigger purchases😘😘
Feb 08Reply

@siouxshawn I made a bundle. They need to altet the app so we can see what bundles people make! Need to sell some stuff. I had to do other site because of high % here. Love the set up, just hate making prices so high.
Feb 08Reply

Hi! Sorry it's taken me this long to get back to you. My son who's sick, took my phone and I couldn't write in the comments section. So I've just been adding listings from my iPad. Now- what is it you've bundled? I'm not sure how I can see a bundle until after its purchased and I think what you wanted me to do was figure out a bundle price for whatever items and let you know... And then make a listing for you? Yes? I think that's right. It's been a crazy day.
Feb 09Reply

@korip73 I shop on the weekdays when everyone is at work or school.
Feb 14Reply

Hi dear!! I was thinking about you and the bag you liked of mine... I am making you a special offer but since it is just for you I'm making it here... $80. Let me know if you want to do this by sending an offer for that amount and I'll accept. :-) Hopefully this will give you a nice day. 💃💁😻
Feb 14Reply

@apilk you rock! Here's the problem: just paid our insurance premium and have nada until next week. I also was wondering if you'd list on m. Erc. Ari. For me for $70? Them you'd get all of that, instead of $64 this way. You could just put an ad under my name, not do all the entering crap. I have credit there and could buy instantly. Regardless--I appreciate more than you know! But this way it would save me $ and give you a few extra $. Thanks love. Pilk power! The app is free only takes a second
Feb 14Reply

I added the ap. But I'm not sure how to find ppl... Haha!! I have never used it before I listed it under KS tote if maybe you can find it??
Feb 14Reply

Name Ashley P ---- pick of Halloween face w cat
Feb 14Reply

@apilk hey. .sorry, you have to put kori or korip in the title. Then I can search for it. Can't do person search, it's not a great app..but that's why is free!
Feb 14Reply

Hello hun! U hav a list of items n a bundle and I was wondering if u wanted a price 4everythg? If so jus let me know. 😉
Feb 16Reply

OMG...... 😮 Dear Heart thank u from the bottom of my heart 4 your big bundle purchase. U r such a Wonderful blessing and u made my night! God bless u.... God bless u a hundred times, God bless u!
Feb 23Reply

@tinkamabry thanks so much! My daughter and I appreciate your pricing! Double blessings! :)
Feb 23Reply

@korip73 😘
Feb 23Reply

I'm so glad u guys like the clothes. Wrapping them I felt the same way, like it was Christmas. Lol
Feb 28Reply

I just wanted to tell you that you are Gorgeous! I have tagged you in a couple new follow games if interested. :D Hugs.
Mar 14Reply

@restlessangel thank you kindly. I've been through hell physically in last few years--takes a lot to get me to look nice and smile! I got that sweater from a sweetheart I met here on Posh. Took photo to show her how much I loved--then went back and bought her black one just like it. Lol. Looking for tags now to learn more! Xo
Mar 15Reply

@korip73 , well you are a true doll! Not only are you just darling, you are soooooooooo sweet! Your witty, kind & such a pleasure to have gotten to know from our short chats that I have got the honor to receive! I am delighted that you are a part of my Poshmark world. (That Hell, adds character after it's over.. For me it was a few greys & a new set of crows feet! ! Haha! ) the wisdom was the treat
Mar 15Reply

I'm sure you prob read my profile.. It was that radioactive therapy stuff that is terribly unfriendly to the body, I woke up with sunburnt armpits for months! Ughhh. Lol! Just what we all need, right! LMBO!
I'm Still re-gathering myself from that for the next 1-3 years. I finished therapy in oct 2015. It was a success but did come
Mar 15Reply

with a price for sure!
May you be blessed in all you do. I can tell from just chatting with you that your a special person meant to be a part of others lives. I see you helping many through this journey!
You sure look beautiful for going through it! I think it adds more beauty because of wisdom in kind people..
Mar 15Reply

It also makes us understand the meaning of love more as we understand the true beauty out there, the small things that used to bother us, no longer is a big deal as some small things are not worth sweating over & the other small things or simple acts of kindness that most take for granted are literally everything! The Keys to life always make more sense when you have been through
Mar 15Reply

Hugs to you! I do hope that our friendship grows! I have a social media lost on my page, stop by when you have the chance if your linked up. I'm always a message away, if you ever need anything, advice, answers etc. you have a pff in me.
💕💞💕, Ange
Mar 15Reply

@restlessangel you rock! I am sorry to hear about your health crap. That which didn't kill us. ......right?!! I was paralyzed during a simple back surgery by a lovely spinal infection. Back surgery after 4 previous ankle surgeries that made me limp. Just one thing after another. I am walking again.
Mar 15Reply

Just going through getting of the shi+ ton of pain meds they had me on for the last 4 years. That's been so much fun. But I made the choice with my kids getting older, and the way things are down here--didn't want meds in my house like that! I will be in touch later today when my package hopefully shows. :) thanks again love. Talk soon! Xoxo
Mar 15Reply

@korip73 hi Kori💕💕💕 thanks for visiting my closet & for all the posh love💕💕💕
Mar 24Reply

I can list the Docs on M. Did you see the other listing with more pictures?
Mar 29Reply

Hello(: did you plan to buy any of my items. I can make dails for a bundle
Mar 29Reply

I just wanted to stop by and say hello. I hope you're doing great and I miss our little conversations! You are a wonderful lady and I hope your day has gone beautifully! If you're not feeling well, then feel well and I wish you the best in all you do. Hugs!!
Apr 26Reply

@restlessangel hey there lady! Yea, still going through the medication stuff. Feel just so blah and like moving through mud most days. Very nice to see your message though! Still have to get a hold of a mannequin and list so many items. One day....hope you are doing great! Xoxo
Apr 26Reply

Welcome to poshmark doll! feel free to check out my closet or ask any questions. @richera137 Great Sales!
May 17Reply

Saw that we have some of the same sizes and just wanted to ask if you could check out my closet! Happy poshing💞💞
Jun 05Reply

Hi Kori, just wanted to say thanks for visiting my closet and liking those great Nine West black boots. Please stop by again sometime.
Nov 10Reply

@korip73 Hi K. You recently purchased the enhancers which were large. I just recently got the padded ones in Sm and Medium and @noroc1979 is requesting from me 2X. Perhaps you can check and sell them forward. You are pretty and very petite. I would have advise you if I had seen your pic. Ty and 😉
Dec 06Reply

@vicgea thank you!! They work fine underneath my tights after all!
Dec 07Reply

@noroc1979 hi there, seller above mentioned you were looking, if you shop on M, do a search for "Tummy Control Boy Short Butt Lifter" the seller stop n shop(or something like that) is great and has various sizes and can get different leg lengths and colors too. Just fyi. I bundled a few more pair from them recently. Good luck! :)
Dec 07Reply

@korip73 Awesome. 👏 I'm 😁
Dec 07Reply

Hi Kori! Just a note inviting you to check out my closet - size 10&11 shoes, lots of Coach, brand new Victoria's Secret pjs, and lots of other cute stuff. See you there 💕
Jan 18Reply

Hello Kori. Hope all is well. I counter offer. I took 10% off the listing price. Thank you.
Sep 19Reply

@korip73 Thanks for your likes! I have a 10% discount that applies to all total purchases of 3 or more items in my closet -- available during checkout! Have a good one! 💗
Nov 18Reply

@open_heart I love your closet! Oh my! Need more funds! :-)
Nov 18Reply

@open_heart thanks!
Nov 22Reply

Hi! Your new bag has started tracking...should be to you Wednesday. Hope you love it! ❤
Feb 06Reply

So glad you love your new bag & I'm so happy it went to a good home! ❤
Feb 09Reply

Hey Kori, thanx for your offer on my closet. I made you a counter if you want to take a look. Happy to ship out today ☺️👚👗💜👖. Thanx again!
Mar 20Reply

Hey Kori, want to offer you a Nor’easter special for the bundle you liked from my closet. Hopefully can ship out tomorrow for you and will accept $75 if that’s cool with you. Thanx again and looking forward to hearing from you on this snow day☺️👗☺️
Mar 21Reply

@korip73 thank you for the offer, a little higher than I can do right now though. 😘
Mar 30Reply

Hi!!! 👋🏼 Just to send you an invitation, so you can visit my closet!!! Have a nice day!! @kerenapuk
Sep 02Reply

Happy poshing 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Oct 28Reply

@korip73 Hi Kori, my name is Angela. Nice to meet you. Thank you for your order. Your package will be wrapped and ready for shipment to the Post Office on Friday. I will let you know when it has shipped.
Nov 22Reply

@jkez36m thanks so much! I actually bought one from someone else, but my mother in law saw it today and wanted one! Thank goodness I saw yours a few weeks ago! Much better deal than I got! ;) no rush, it's a christmas gift. Happy Thanksgiving!
Nov 22Reply

@korip73 You are welcome
It will be on the way to you tomorrow.
Nov 22Reply

@korip73 Thank you. Your package has shipped.
Nov 23Reply

Strange question for you...
Would you happen to be selling that pink polka dot blanket you use for the background ???
Nov 13Reply

@switchbladebaby I don't even know where it is right now dear! sorry!!
Dec 06Reply

@korip73 haha no worries!
Dec 06Reply

Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as D&G, Gucci, Moschino, Aritiza, Lululemon, Free People, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more! So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts!
Xoxo, B.
Nov 08Reply

Hello! I noticed you liked a couple of my listings. No pressure but if you wish to bundle those likes, I’d be happy to offer you a friendly discount. Thank you for looking and liking! :)
Apr 05Reply

Hello. You can offer 32 on the rat snapback again. I will accept
Apr 16Reply

@korip73 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jan 26Reply

Hey i accept offers, and would love if u can stop by! Ill do the same❤️
May 02Reply

You’ll love some of my designer denim :) great discounts on bundles and my prices are already outrageously low.
Jun 08Reply

hi Kori! would you like to bundle the 2 beanies together? I'll include a discount😊
Aug 06Reply

hi! I'm permanently closing tomorrow which is why i sent you my last offer. lmk if you're still interested and I can ship same day:)
Oct 12Reply
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