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Updated Apr 08
Updated Apr 08

Meet your Posher, Kristen

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Kristen. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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mybagobsession Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! My name is Samantha. I'm a Posh Ambassador so if you ever have any questions, feel free to reach out. Happy Poshing!
Apr 14Reply
diala1987 U r blocked
May 23Reply
sales_girl @diala1987 why is the person blocked? Posher is trying to purchase from me.
May 23Reply
kristenanne413 @sales_girl she didn't like my offer 🤷‍♀️
May 23Reply
smoreno1216 @kristenanne413 hey there, I just saw your offer but missed it. I apologize! If you want to resubmit it I can accept it for you. I cant seem to get it to let me send you one now lol the app is acting up.
Sep 02Reply
evanorlando816 Thank you for your purchase! Your package is ready and will drop it off tomorrow morning :)
Sep 13Reply
noisyboi84 THANK YOU so much for your purchase! I just wanted to say I appreciate you taking the time to check out my closet :) I am shipping out your package today. I really hope you love it. Have a great week. Happy poshing!
Sep 13Reply
rosieroxnailz @kristenanne413 I hope your order gets to you soon. I am sorry that it has taken so long 😩
Sep 28Reply
parlay_princess Thanks for the offer! I can’t go that much lower on those unfortunately. Sorry about that! Have a nice night! 🌚
Dec 02Reply
simplypandora Thank you for your purchase!! It was just shipped and on it's way to you! Have a wonderful day
Dec 02Reply
audradisney My apologies. I can not go below $30 on the black and gold Mickey handbag
Dec 02Reply
lizetha15 Sorry I missed your offer! I want to accept it but it expired. If you would still like them re offer & I’ll accept it at 40
Dec 05Reply
dardardardar1 Thank you for your order! I will get it out to you first thing tomorrow morning! Dar
Jan 11Reply
joleenrose Thanks for your purchase. Poshmark is awaiting your acceptance of the package to release the payment. Please accept the package
Jan 16Reply
kids_poshshop Hello, this is a good day to make offers and to buy! Tax season clearance sales going on now! Build a bundle, send an offer. Check out my Final Priced items. They still get the bundled discount I offer. I have 2 closets. Kids_poshshop and richmondsrelics. Big sales going on in both. They’ll be gone soon. Making way for new merchandise coming soon!
Jan 23Reply
rikarph Hi. You purchased a hat from me. Which color were you interested in?
Jan 23Reply
mourningthot Hey love. So I paid $65 dollars for the back pack and it’s literally brand new. Could you do $45 and I’ll do free shipping.
Feb 07Reply
papajohn1234 Good morning I’ve dropped off your package for thank you for taking time to browse
Feb 10Reply
mourningthot You purchased the butterfly backpack and I just wanted to apologize so much for the delay. I’m in the process of moving so I had a friend print the label and drop it off. And it got sent back here bc they couldn’t read it so it’ll be going out first thing in the morning. I’m so sorry and thanks for your patience
Feb 17Reply
sheilavilardo Hi Kristen, How are you doing? I am sorry the coat took so long to reach you . I did send it right away. I hope you like the coat. Thanks so much for your purchase.
Feb 19Reply
mourningthot Hey! So I saw that the package was delivered and I just wanted to make sure that you absolutely loved it! Once again I just really want to apologize for the shipping delay and I wanted to thank you so much for being so patient. If you like it please leave me a rating I’m having to start from the beginning because my old Poshmark was deleted. Be sure to check back from more and again thanks so much
Feb 21Reply
mourningthot I sold you the Pokémon butterfly backpack for super cheap and I’m just curious after reading some of your comments…. Do you have an issue with rating people? Do you just enjoy making them wait on their money or is there a reason you don’t give food back because I’m just confused anyway hope you have a good day
Feb 23Reply
mourningthot *feedback
Feb 23Reply
prettyplez Hello 😊 Thank you for your purchase… The order has shipped 🎉
Mar 22Reply
steffrodri Hi! You just purchased the moon milestone blanket from me, please message me on here(:
May 31Reply
lemonmarzipan hi there 😁 thank you for your purchase I normally ship same day, but I've been moving and I'll be able to send it tomorrow I apologize for the delay
Jun 27Reply
kcohn01289 Hey! I would be willing to go down to 100 if purchased on different app please let me know :)
Jul 13Reply
catkendoo2 @catkendoo2 Hi there, I am new to Poshmark and still figuring it out. I see you made and offer for the American Girl doll, and I will accept it. Please contact me with your decision. Thank you!
Aug 08Reply
catkendoo2 please contact me when you can I have a few errands but will keep checking to hear from you. Thank you!
Aug 09Reply
keyer23 I have been trying to accept your offer for $28 for crystal necklace all day. I am getting a message that your payment arrangements are not set up. Cant accept until they are. I will hold offer for you. Hopefully you can get fixed tomorrow - keyer23
May 23Reply
ashleeenloe Thank you for your purchase! I’ll send tomorrow :)
May 25Reply
ashleeenloe Shipping tomorrow morning!
May 30Reply
miamarie03 Thanks for the Likes 🥰
Jun 14Reply
disneybyrobin Hi there. I don’t counter lowballs and usually just block folks who offer less than 50% of list price on already-discounted NWT branded items, but I noticed you’re not a seller so perhaps you don’t understand how insulting you’re being. Reading the other comments, it seems likely that’s the case. I don’t expect a sale from you, but I’m going to do all future sellers you interact with a favor and spell some stuff out!
Jun 20Reply
disneybyrobin 1st: sellers receive none of the shipping fee & posh takes 20% of the final price you agree to pay. Always subtract 20% from your offer (w/o shipping)—that is the amount you are really offering, as it’s what the seller will get. Start there. In my case, you were offering me $24 for an $88 BNWT item. But wait, there’s more!
Jun 20Reply
disneybyrobin The item you offered on is brand new with tags, no different than from the brand itself. They charge $88, pre-tax and shipping. I listed at $65 (a fair 24% off) and then offered a deal: $53 and $2 shipping discount, $59 total, including shipping. Compared to retail, that’s 33% off plus FREE ship and FREE taxes. Still confused?
Jun 20Reply
disneybyrobin Consider: Less poshmark fees and my out-of-pocket (cost of item itself, shipping products like mailer, labels, tape, my gas and labor) your offer would net me less than a $5 profit on an $88 item, and I’m being super generous with that 5. If you want prices like that, I suggest sourcing items yourself in person at thrift stores, etc.
Jun 20Reply
disneybyrobin Sellers also do not get paid until 72 hours from marked USPS delivery or the buyer accepts the package, so it’s not very polite or good etiquette to refuse to do so if the item is as described. Hope for everyone’s sake that you read this. If you do and have a change of heart, I’m fully open to *reasonable* offers, close to the one I already made you, which again, equals over 33% off retail. It costs $0 to be kind.
Jun 20Reply
kristenanne413 @disneybyrobin excuse me ? I'm not sure what u mean by this... u do realize today is a holiday so the post office isn't open so there for I have zero mail from sat sun or today Monday... I get my packages daily so I'm a little taken back by this message
Jun 20Reply
gilliangrove Hey there! I've sent you several private messages regarding your package but have yet to get a response. I see you have recently communicated on this thread so would you please read and respond to my private messages? Thank you
Jun 26Reply
kristenanne413 @gilliangrove I'm sorry I don't see the message
Jun 26Reply
gilliangrove Did you receive your jeans yet?
Jun 26Reply
gilliangrove @kristenanne413 so if you could please respond that'd be great.
Jun 28Reply
kristenanne413 @gilliangrove I buy so many I'm no not sure
Jun 28Reply
gilliangrove @kristenanne413 well I was concerned because they shipped out the 13th but USPS still has them marked in transit. they're American eagle jeans, size 4. could you please double check?
Jun 28Reply
gilliangrove I don't know what kind of game you're playing here but I took the matter to Poshmark and they fixed what you couldn't/wouldn't. And I'm blocking you because I don't need shady business like yours.
Jun 29Reply
merylsm Welcome to Poshmark! Please feel free to check out my closet and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing! ⭐️❤️
Jul 04Reply
shellshopsells Hi there. Sorry for the delay. I am away from my closet until next Wednesday. I’ll happily accept your offer if you’re okay with the delayed delivery. Just let know. Thanks !
Aug 12Reply
shellshopsells @kristenanne413 if you don’t mind that I won’t be able to mail until Wednesday, I can accept that. Just let me know. Thanks !
Aug 14Reply
livinglife01 Hi Dear. I’m sorry I would accept your offer but I am already taking a loss. I pay a good dollar for it and I will be loading too much.
Oct 08Reply
focusonme2 What size do u want 0 or size 2
Jan 20Reply
focusonme2 Hello what size
Jan 20Reply
focusonme2 Hello do u want me to cancel
Jan 20Reply
focusonme2 @kristenanne413 sorry it’s a size 0 do u still want them
Jan 20Reply
focusonme2 Hello no communication
Jan 21Reply
focusonme2 @kristenanne413 so cancel right now
Jan 21Reply
focusonme2 Say cancel or ship
Jan 21Reply
abbirobinson Hey I need you to please rate my outfit you bought from me I can’t get paid until you do!
Feb 03Reply
miamarie03 Thanks for the Likes🥰💕
Mar 18Reply
hboerg Hi Kristen - I missed the bundle off on the Carhartt shorts. It expired. If you want to try again I’ll look for it. Thanks!
Mar 19Reply
bluewhalesstore @hboerg you can have that police coin for 10. Just send me offer again if you want
Sep 19Reply
kksmith0903 Good morning, I’m sorry I can’t accept your offers on the Winnie the Pooh Fanny pack. I can reduce the pice to $33 today so it also gets discounted shipping by Poshmark but that’s the best I can do.
Dec 13Reply

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Last Active: Mar 19

Lee, MA
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Last Active: Mar 19

Lee, MA
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