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Updated Dec 30
Updated Dec 30

Meet your Posher, Kyle

Meet the Posher



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grc23 Hello Kyle: I see you ❤️ a few items, make a BUNDLE and save 💰better prices too! Let’s Posh
Apr 11Reply
grc23 Hello Kyle: make a BUNDLE to save 💰on fees and better Prices!! 😉
Jul 08Reply
mjamesten10 Just sent you a great offer on the suit! Let me know your thoughts.
Jul 08Reply
deji478 Interested in buying? Let’s make a deal!
Jul 08Reply
statzjj Hey, I see you’re interested in Ralph Lauren items! You’re in luck! I have a bunch of items I’d love to cut you a deal on. Let me know and we can bundle them together!
Dec 23Reply
jjames9080 Hey! Go ahead and make a bundle of the stuff you liked and I’ll be able to make a deal up for you!
Dec 28Reply
jalmerido Hi Kyle, lets go do it, make me an offer and I would gladly accept the stuff that you liked! I be happy to help you with.
Jan 10Reply
poshwearhouse1 Hey KC if you want to add up a bundle and make any offer I’ll accept honey ❤️❤️
Feb 02Reply
caldridge77 Hi. I will make you a good deal on the items you liked in my closet! I will bundle and make a great deal ☺️
Mar 23Reply
deirdrewhite17 Hi there thanks for all your likes and checking out my closet. I just wanted to let you know if you wanted to purchase the pants and shirts I could make a bundle for 100 you can get the pants and both shirts Potenza pants if you like, and one shipping for 99 discount if you are interested
Mar 24Reply
deirdrewhite17 @poshwearhouse1 I’m out of the Calvin Klein underwear packages though, but everything else I have in stock and could bundle for you for 100 and discounted shipping
Mar 24Reply
statzjj Hey, I see you’re interested in Ralph Lauren items! You’re in luck! I have a bunch of items I’d love to cut you a deal on. Let me know and we can bundle them together!
Apr 14Reply
avecut15 Hi are you interested in the underwear
May 08Reply
giftsbyril7 Hello Kyle! Checking my feed and noticed you like several items in my closet - thanks for stopping by! I know the "like" feature is more of a bookmark so let me know if you want any or ALL of them:-) Donna p.s. I list all of my items on another site as well so if interested in something specific definitely let me know asap!
May 25Reply
christinerobin Thank you for the likes ❤️ Great picks! Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to purchase 😊 Can ship tomorrow.
May 25Reply
thillbill Hello, Feel free to check out my closet some time. This is a large closet so use the filter button. Bundle a few items and save! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often Tons to add!!
May 31Reply
cookiecupcake Wow thanks for all the likes! Over 200 likes!
Jun 05Reply
lat2682 Hi Kyle thanks for all the likes and see my closet, let me know if you’d like to bundle. Have nice weekend ☀️ 😃
Jun 15Reply
shopper411411 Welcome to Poshmark! I sell both Men and Women's clothing. Feel free to visit my closet and ask any questions.  I offer bundle deals of 20% on any 2 items or more. Happy Poshing! @Shopper411411
Jun 20Reply
giftsbyril7 Hello again Kyle - Thanks for visiting and "liking" the brand new with tag J.Crew silk seersucker coastal striped men's tie. 2+ item bundle offers you another 10% off at checkout automatically. No pressure but have this last one cross-listed at my other store as well. Enjoy your weekend! Donna
Jun 24Reply
derrick2020s Hey Kyle! If you’re interested in the items I’d be happy to bundle them for you with a discounted offer. Feel free to make an offer or counter too. Thanks!! - Derrick’s Store
Jun 26Reply
1234567631 Hey good evening u had a bundle with a couple of items if u interested I would be a pleasure assist you I can give u a discount for a bundle hope to hear from u soon trust me everything here it’s worth it and u would love the items so we here✨✨💕
Jul 01Reply
jmgstudio Hey! I saw you liked 10+ of my items. If you want some I can give you a discount.
Jul 27Reply
tyler_rasica Make a bundle and send an offer and you can have it I’ll ship out today
Aug 16Reply
juan0410 Thanks a lot for your likes! Thank you for stopping by on my closet, I appreciated
Aug 23Reply
dylans_threads Hey Kyle, thanks for the likes! Let’s make a deal on a bundle!
Sep 06Reply
mysweetsam hi thank you for stopping by my closet you can save on shipping with bundles plus you get a 10% discount for 2 or more items
Oct 06Reply
msdiva32645 @tsacadyk - hi 👋 , the polo boxer briefs are in excellent condition- ready 2 wear - I can ship these beauties out for you - first thing this afternoon! Thank you & take care love ! 💕
Oct 21Reply
heycambowers Feel free to make me an offer on all of your likes and I can ship out same day 📦
Oct 30Reply
balockeh hey kyle! thanks for all the likes!! feel free to bundle for additional offers and price negotiation
Feb 13Reply
dafrank Hello, thanks for the bundle, Take a look at my offer and let me know if interested Be safe be well!
Jul 10Reply
chanceschwartz Hello! Thank you for your interest! Any interest in bundling any of my items?
Jul 11Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Sep 04Reply
bfountain2587 Thank you for the likes. 😉
Dec 10Reply
missmoly * Hi my name is Selma and I am a Poshmark Ambassador! ❤️ * Please check out my closet for name brand clothing- Children’s, Bras, Sleepwear,Men’s, Women’s, Vintage Pyrex & Much More!  * I take many pictures to make sure you see all details. * Please follow my closet @Missmoly.  * ❤️P.S. If You Love Torrid , Pottery Barn & Soma You Have Come To The Right Place.  I Have Torrid & Soma All Over My Closet & List New Torrid Everyday!❤️ Lots of pajamas & Patagonia of all sizes!
Jan 29Reply

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