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Updated Aug 09
Updated Aug 09

Meet your Posher, La vida

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm La vida. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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gypsyfunk Thanks so much for the likes and the purchases from my closet!!! I really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart!!! I noticed that you also liked the USA leather jacket! Was there a reason that you didn't request for it,? I wore them together, so if you just make me an offer. I'll work out something pretty incredible for you only!!! You were kind, and didn't give me any hassle and I really appreciate it, so I'd like to do something nice for you!!! Make me an offer!!! Trust me!!!
May 05Reply
ldelozier @gypsyfunk Hello Lovely. I did check out your jacket i think it is really cool. I didn't purchase it because I think I will be able to fit it. I really appreciate you. I think your closet is hot!
May 10Reply
ldelozier @gypsyfunk I received my boots today. Thank you for everything!!!!
May 10Reply
gypsyfunk @ldelozier You are so welcome my Darling!!! Anytime, please come back!!! I'm constantly listing what I think is COOL!!!!
May 10Reply
gypsyfunk @ldelozier Don't forget you have to accept from Poshmark and rate our transaction, okay?
May 10Reply
hojo80 welcome. check out my clksef
May 21Reply
misstifftruley Hello can u kindly accept that you received your order and also tste me thanks
Jul 31Reply
ldelozier @misstifftruley maybe I missed it but I don't see where I would make that remark. I will keep trying.
Aug 01Reply
misstifftruley @ldelozier glad u found it thankyou for the good rating enjoy your boots😁
Aug 01Reply
lassroyale I am SO sorry! I completely missed the initial notification for your purchase of my Coach bag!! (In fact, I haven't been receiving Posh notifications at all; something I've been trying to resolve with them.) I feel terrible! I will have this shipped out to you either tomorrow or Tuesday at the latest. Again, I'm truly sorry for the unintentional delay and please expect your package to be shipped and on its way to you soon! ❤
Apr 02Reply
ldelozier @lassroyale no problem mama🌹🤗
Apr 02Reply
tymaraw Hey hon. Thanks for the purchase. I shipped you watch off earlier today it arrives in 2 days Happy Poshing
May 16Reply
tymaraw Hey hi do you mind accepting your order?
May 18Reply
sarahtennis @ldelozier Hi! Thanks for liking two eyeshadows in my closet! They are part of a 5/$25 sale I’m currently running. I’m also willing to do 3/$15 on the items included in the sale. Thanks for checking out my closet!
May 28Reply
gypsyfunk Sweetheart I promise I haven't forgotten about you beautiful!!! Your things will be shipped today!! I just returned last night from Orlando, Florida with my sister from a huge Zumba convention that was magical!!!💋😎💕I had a ball!!!❤️❤️❤️So sorry for being late!!!
Jul 31Reply
ldelozier @gypsyfunk i love Zumba!!! I'm glad you had fun. No worries at all. Thanks.
Jul 31Reply
gypsyfunk Hey Beautiful, I'm sorry about being late!!! But I've finally got your items in order!!! 💋😎💕
Aug 04Reply
gypsyfunk Beautiful, what's going on? I'm confused, did you change your mind? Just tell me if you did, I'll understand!!! I thought we were cool like that!!👄😎💕❤️❤️❤️
Aug 07Reply
ldelozier @gypsyfunk hello mama. I'm so sorry for the delay. I got caught up. You know I love you. I just made my purchase. Thank you for holding for me. I raid your closet like Vikings. 🤗😁thank you for everything. Xoxoxo
Aug 08Reply
gypsyfunk @ldelozierI do love you too Baby!!!😎💕👄❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Aug 08Reply
gypsyfunk Hello beautiful!!! I sent your package today!!! I paid the additional postage!!! It's cool!!! Sorry about the red earrings, they got sold in Florida!!! I sent the turquoise ones instead!!! I hope that was okay? I thought I had another pair, but I couldn't find them!!! Sorry!! If I find them, I'll send them to you, okay?👄😎💕
Aug 09Reply
gypsyfunk @ldelozierHey beautiful, did you get my message about the hat? I'm sending the other hat Monday!!! I'll send it to you because it was my error, okay!!! You just send me the other back, okay? I trust you!!!👄😎💕 The same with the red earrings!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
Aug 12Reply
ldelozier @gypsyfunkhello wonderful. Thank you for the hat. Xoxoxo
Aug 21Reply
gypsyfunk @ldelozier Hey beautiful, did Yao happen to send the skeleton hat back? I have to have it just in case someone orders it!!! Please!!!💋😎💕
Sep 01Reply
ldelozier @gypsyfunk I'm glad you reminded me. I wi send it to this weekend.
Sep 01Reply
ldelozier May I have your return address please?
Sep 01Reply
gypsyfunk @ldelozier966 East 163rd Street South Holland, I'll. 60473
Sep 01Reply
ldelozier Hello. I'm at the ups store now. I'm not having any luck with the address. Its 966 east 163rd street Holland Illinois correct
Sep 17Reply
ldelozier Is there an apartment number? For some reason the computer doesn't recognize the address.
Sep 17Reply
gypsyfunk @ldelozier. Thank you beautiful!!! I received the hat today!!! I really appreciate it and you!!!👄😎💕
Sep 29Reply
ldelozier @gypsyfunk always. You're my favorite. I'm glad you received your hat back. Enjoy your weekend and be safe. Xoxoxo
Sep 29Reply
savannamuller did you cancel the order for the alex and ani bracelet you bought from me?
Oct 17Reply
ldelozier @savannamullerno I did not. I am waiting patiently for my order.
Oct 18Reply
jengat Hey there thanks for the purchase😊 Happy Poshing 🎉🎉🎉
Oct 21Reply
ldelozier @jengatthank you!!!!!😁
Oct 21Reply
ayentparek order Preemie baby girl clothes from but they sold out I am sorry .I will have them soon. Thanks
Oct 31Reply
pinklemon12 Hello! Thanks for purchasing my rainbow dreams be quick! I also have the matching large foldable tote and the be set of 3 pouches, check them out if you’re interested in more Tokidoki Rainbow Dreams! 🌈 feel free to make an offer! Thanks again 💗💙❤️🦄
Nov 05Reply
ldelozier @hiiba12cool. I will. Thank you.
Nov 05Reply
chellyz8 Thank YOU for your purchase. 💝 I apologize I’m currently out of town and I wont be able to ship your item until Monday. It’s that okay? I really apologize
Mar 01Reply
ndmanthro I accepted your offer but there was an issue with your payment.
May 25Reply
used2beminellc So glad !
Jun 02Reply
dustyposh Thank you for your purchases, I can ship them today. But you could save on shipping by paying for the bundle altogether🙂.
Sep 17Reply
shirecrest I finally found the Brown Faux Fur puffer jacket you wanted to buy last year! I promised you I would let you know when the boxes were unpacked!! 🤗
Feb 07Reply

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