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Updated Feb 12
Updated Feb 12

Meet your Posher, Lanell

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Lanell. Some of my favorite brands are PINK Victoria's Secret, Nike, and lululemon athletica. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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mnmimi Your package is on its way!!! With Monday being a holiday, it just was picked up today!!!!!!
Feb 22Reply
mlksunde Awesome...I'll watch for it! Thanks!!
Feb 22Reply
zurielizabeth Hi there. I just want you to know that I've shipped your ring a few days ago but for some reason it hasn't been scanned by USPS. I've contacted poshmark about the issue DNA am waiting to hear back from them. I'll let you know if anything changes and we can just look out for the tracking info.
May 10Reply
oliaposka Hi dear! Will be happy to see you in my closet! Hop you will like it! Just make an offer with price you like! Have a great day ❤️❤️❤️
May 21Reply
samanthadoc Saw that we have some of the same sizes and just wanted to ask if you could check out my closet! Happy poshing💞💞
Jul 27Reply
_lhsp Hello! I was wondering if you still wanted the Brazilian sports bra? I will be able to ship it out tomorrow, I have been so busy with school and I do not have my own car so it’s hard to find transportation! Please let me know ASAP thank you!
Jan 20Reply
mlksunde @_lhsp yes I still want it! It is no problem on the wait. Whenever you have time to ship it is fine!
Jan 20Reply
_lhsp @mlksunde thank you so much for your patience! 😊
Jan 20Reply
annaakayy Welcome to posh 🤩💃🏻
Feb 06Reply
sitpretty Just stopping by to welcome you to Poshmark! 💗 I hope you are enjoying it so far! 💗 Please feel free to check out my closet! 💗 If I can answer anything about buying or selling please let me know! 💗 Have a happy day! 💗
Feb 20Reply
melllaaa_2011 🅗🅔🅨! 💗 welcome to poshmark! You will love this awesome community! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask! Also, I sell your favorite brands in my closet and I also offer 50% off bundles of 5+ items! Enjoy! 🦄
Feb 21Reply
dcoverman Thank-you Lannel for shopping my Poshmark closet❤️ I’ll be packaging these for you and mailing today. These are great pieces 🦋. Have a great weekend. ~ dana.
Mar 10Reply
dcoverman Hi Lanell! I just realized I sent you the wrong men’s pants 😳. I sent you the BR pants. We can fix this a few ways. if you like the BR pants and decide u want those instead of the Express pants we can swap even. If you want the BR pants too I can sell those to you for 18$ and I will ship you the express pants and I will cover 100% of the shipping cost. If you don’t want the BR pants let me know. So sorry for the mistake. Please let me know how I can correct this to your satisfaction. Dana
Mar 12Reply
mlksunde @dcoverman Hello! I have to have the 32x34 size so I think I need to have the Express ones. I need them by 3/20 for a cruise so I will process the return as soon as I can if you can also send the others ASAP!
Mar 12Reply
dcoverman @mlksunde so sorry for the mix up. I’ve packaged the express pants and headed to post office now. I’ll let you know when they start tracking. ~ dana
Mar 12Reply
mlksunde @dcoverman OK.......once I get the first ones I’ll request the return and send right away.
Mar 12Reply
dcoverman @mlksunde because this has never happened I thought I’d better check PM policy before I head to PO. PM requires me to let them know so I did. I am waiting on a reply. I will keep u updated and will get this to u ASAP. Again, my apologies.
Mar 12Reply
dcoverman Lanell- I just heard back from PM - they had me make a new listing for the express pants. Please put them in a bundle and I will get these taken care of for you and a very good discount and I will take care of shipping 100%.
Mar 14Reply
mlksunde @dcoverman So I need to return all 3 items to get a credit and then you will bill me again for the same amount when you send back the new pants and two dresses?
Mar 14Reply
dcoverman @mlksunde. No you don’t need to send the dresses just the banana Republic pants. If you could put the express pant that I had to place into a brand new listing that you will find again in my closet into a bundle I will be able to offer you a lower price and free shipping for all your trouble. I will also add the blue tunic that you liked at no charge.
Mar 14Reply
dcoverman Or you could “like” the listing and I can make you the private offer. Either way will work.
Mar 14Reply
dcoverman It’s how we will get the right label and I can get it shipped.
Mar 14Reply
mlksunde @dcoverman Will with my label I will just send the need to send anything extra!!
Mar 14Reply
mlksunde I have the pants added to a bundle!
Mar 14Reply
dcoverman @mlksunde thank you and again so sorry for all of this - bet I won’t do that mix up again😳. I’m headed to post office now!
Mar 14Reply
mlksunde @dcoverman I think they might credit the whole order when you accept the return so if I need to pay for the other dresses again somehow let me know. Not sure how all this works!!
Mar 14Reply
dcoverman @mlksunde ok. I’ll let you know how it goes on my end. I just dropped off the package at the post office. 🦋
Mar 14Reply
dcoverman So glad the Express slacks work! I will let you know how the return goes. Have a great time on your cruise 🚢.
Mar 16Reply
dcoverman Hi there. I just got word from poshmark that I have to re-list the 2 dresses so you can purchase them. I am waiting to hear back regarding no need for shipping because neither of us should have to pay for shipping since it’s not needed. I’ll let you know as soon as I hear back. Thank you!!
Mar 20Reply
mlksunde @dcoverman Leaving for vacation Friday so just let me know....
Mar 21Reply
dcoverman @mlksunde hi there. I just heard back. I will have to list them again. And then you will need to purchase them again. PM said they refunded your original shipping so when they charge you again it will be the same as when you originally bought them. I will list for a higher price /please bundle them and I will offer the original price u paid. I can do this around 5pm CST thanks!
Mar 21Reply
mlksunde @dcoverman will I accept if nothing ships?
Mar 21Reply
dcoverman @mlksunde I have to let PM know once u purchase.
Mar 21Reply
dcoverman @mlksunde I just listed both. Please bundle for 34.00. Thank you!!
Mar 21Reply
mlksunde They are bundled!!!
Mar 21Reply
mlksunde Would let me put 34 only on one...when I bundled it said it had to be 36 so it’s ready for you to accept at 36
Mar 22Reply
lovingpurple 😊 I just wanted to stop by to say hello, Hope you are having an awesome time buying/selling fashion items. And I'd be thrilled if you check out my closet as well :) Blessings and Happy Poshing!
Apr 04Reply
ziinniia Hey! We have similar styles and sizes☺️! Just posted some pieces I think you’ll like! 💘
May 05Reply
snatanov I just wanted to stop by to say hey, hope you are having an awesome time buying/selling on posh. I'd be so happy if you would accept my invitation to check out my closet :) Happy Poshing!
Sep 30Reply
bfashion1 @mlksunde Lanell, when you get the chance come take a look at my closet I have women, men and children items in all sizes. Come often l get new items all the time. I offer many sales. This week sale is bundle 2 or more items take an additional 50% off. Thanks in advance for looking in my closet. 🤗💕
Aug 06Reply
belivdesign Thank you so much for your purchase! Your order will be shipped out ASAP :) Thank you again for shopping @belivdesign!!
Jan 18Reply
belivdesign Thank you for the excellent rating! I truly appreciate you! Stop by again anytime and enjoy your new dress! ❤️
Jan 25Reply
anitracarter I’m an Ambassador & would like to welcome you to check out my closet. If you ❤️ like anything I’ll send you a special offer. Right now I’m having a blowout sale on certain items! Happy Poshing🤗
Jan 31Reply
lmoore840 Heeey, I am happy to say, I am having a HOLIDAY SALE on my page, come check it out, won’t be doing these sells for long, get things low while you can!!!I have great Christmas presentsss😃😃!!YAAAAY! 🎁🎁,Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!!!!🤩🤩🤩!!!
Dec 20Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely🌸 I would love for you to stop by my closet for amazing deals ! If you have any questions feel free to ask. Happy Poshing ❤️❤️
Dec 20Reply
sarrah Hi Lanell. So nice to meet you! I’d love to invite you to visit my boutique and closet. If you have any questions please let me know, I’m happy to help. Have a beautiful day and happy poshing 💕 Sarah
Jan 17Reply
bellanova14 @mlksunde Hi, hope you are having a nice day.🤗 💐Please come and visit my closet & if your total purchases $50 or more or if you like 3 items or more ,I will put them in a bundle and I send you a special discounted offer of 20% off on your total plus discounter shipping & I will give you free gift 🎁 🤗💐🌺💕🎁 Can add extension free of charge if requested 🛍 All jewelry comes in gift boxes 🎁🛍
Mar 27Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi. 👋It’s nice to meet you 👋 🛍 I hope you find everything you love ❤️ on Poshmark🛍 💎 There are so many beautiful closets here 💎 I’d love ❤️ if you would consider stopping 🛑 by my closet and following me. 💫Wishing you all the best of luck 🍀
Jun 22Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi 👋 It’s nice to meet you 👋 🛍 I hope you find everything you love ❤️ on Poshmark🛍💎There are so many beautiful closets here💎I’d love 💗 if you would consider stopping 🛑 by my closet and following me. 💫Wishing you all the best of luck🍀
Jun 28Reply
urownbeautiful Hello Gorgeous! I’m Jaime. Dreamer, Fashion and Travel lover. Just stopping by to introduce myself, say hi, and invite you to visit my closet. 🤗🦋Happy poshing, and remember to always Embrace Your Own Beautiful! 💫 Stay dreamy💫 xo 💙Jaime
Jul 25Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Aug 09Reply
irenecase Hi, Nice to meet you ! 🏖. ☀️🐠. 🏖 Swing by anytime and say, “ Hello” ….and if there’s anything you’d like to see more of in my closet let me know ! Or if you have any questions just ask. ~ Enjoy the rest of the Summer ~ ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️ ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️ 🐠🏖🪸🐠🏖🪸🐠🏖🪸🐠🏖🪸🐠🏖🪸🐠
Sep 11Reply
adricloset662 Hello Welcome to Poshmark!. Happy Shopping 🌸🌺
Sep 24Reply
missmariss4 I apologize. I did not see an offer come through. I will accept for $55. Please submit offer again.
Oct 25Reply
lovenarf Hi Lanell. I would love to invite you to visit my closet. I have 1000+ items, some of which might be of interest to you. I carry vintage, retro and new. Thanks for taking a few minutes to stop by.
Nov 09Reply
businessbeauty Thank you for your bundle order, dear Lanell! I appreciate your support. Your order will be shipped ASAP! :-) Happy Posh-shopping! I hope to bring you happiness to your shopping again soon
Feb 20Reply
lotsoflovexoxo Thank you for your purchase I will have it in the mail quickly to you..have a beautiful weekend 🌸🌸🌸🌸
Feb 24Reply
mlksunde @lotsoflovexoxo Great thank you! Looking forward to my new items!!
Feb 24Reply
lotsoflovexoxo @mlksunde your welcome already in the mail..I’m excited for you to get them😘😘
Feb 24Reply
lotsoflovexoxo Thank you so much for the rating & kind words it’s deeply appreciated..have a wonderful week🌸🌸🌸🌸
Mar 06Reply
shopvvf Hi there ☺️feel free to check out my closet see if you like anything
Mar 17Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️ Hi 👋 It’s nice to meet you 👋. 💫 I’m just stopping 🛑 by to ask you to stop 🛑 by my closet and follow me when you get a moment. Wishing you all the best of luck ☘️
Mar 24Reply
edmazz Just followed! You’re welcome at my closet anytime! (:
Apr 02Reply
natsantangelo Just popped in to say hello. Have a great day and happy poshing. Why not check out my closet too?
May 18Reply

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