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Updated Dec 21
Updated Dec 21

Meet your Posher, Laura

Meet the Posher



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I’m a MN native, Mama, weirdo, runner, yogi, and self-certified thrift ninja. I think the best thing about getting older is that your personal style becomes more concrete and you embrace a smaller wardrobe filled with investment pieces. I live for quality clothing that lasts a lifetime. I believe in buying second hand and keeping clothing out of landfills. Helping the earth whilst helping others "be their own brand of beautiful" is why I posh. Thanks for visiting my closet.
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ladythreads @lauralooper333 Hi there! My name is Tracy. I want to congratulate you on starting your Posh closet. If you have any questions or would like some tips, feel free to ask. If you write me a comment just make sure to tag my name so I receive the notification, example: @ladythreads The Poshmark guide is a great resource to start with. Have fun & much success to you!
Mar 01Reply
tattoosandtofu Gaaaaaaaaaaa!! I have the cutest in-laws!! 💖🤗💋
Apr 13Reply
612mnlauraloops @tattoosandtofu no I do 😘😘😘
Apr 13Reply
loveg91 Hope you enjoy your item. Thank you again😊!
Aug 14Reply
612mnlauraloops @loveg91 I love it! Thanks so much!
Aug 14Reply
kristinmuchow Omg that pitbull he looks almost exactly like mine 🤗
Apr 17Reply
slazarone_23 I absolutely love your closet and your dog 🖤 I too am a yogi and a thrift store shopper :) I hope to purchase things from you! You are stored as one of my favorite closets for sure. Thank you and Namaste 🧘‍♀️
Apr 18Reply
tendzitrends Hello 👋 I have many unique beautiful clothes you might like 😍If you’re interested, feel free to make me an offer. I always accept reasonable offers 🥰
Apr 26Reply
kamikundu Thank you for sharing 🙏😀 Nice closet 🌺😘☀️
Apr 27Reply
scarlett1809 Hi I really love the Mary popping purse 👜 nice one girl
May 09Reply
gullprint Hi, Laura! Absolutely love your closet!! Feel free to check mine out if you�re interested!
May 12Reply
digmythreads Thanks for the shares! 💪😃
May 18Reply
mickeymess Hi there, fellow Minnesotan! I live up north. I love your closet! I wish i lived near the cities, we have slim chances for finding stuff to sell here!
May 18Reply
612mnlauraloops @mickeymess Hello! The good thing about Northern MN is that the shops are full of unique stuff. I love small town thrift shops for that reason. I don’t know how far you are from Superior, WI but they have the most amazing shop called Earth Exchange. It has new and used stuff. It’s 3 floors! I always detour for that one ❤️
May 18Reply
mickeymess I’ve been to Earth Exchange! Superior is a couple hours away. I’m in Hibbing. We have 2 thrift stores. There are a couple more within 35-45 minute drive that I go to now and then.
May 18Reply
612mnlauraloops @mickeymess Oh I love Hibbing! I’ll have to check those out next time in your hood!
May 18Reply
laherrere HI THERE!! Thank you for following me & sharing. I’m having a HUGE SALE & CLEARANCE!!! I Accept most reasonable offers because I’m moving soon to the mountains where will be difficult to ship things; so I can’t have Poshmark anymore😩. Most of my clothes are NWT OR NWOT. GOOD LUCK IN YOUR SALES😻. FREE PAIR OF MY BEADED EARRINGS COLLECTION WHEN YOU BUNDLE TWO OR MORE 😎😜
May 19Reply
mw_online Welcome! May you be blessed with much success.
May 21Reply
dressfashion123 ‼️Welcome to Poshmark! Congratulations on opening your closet, looks great! Feel free to check out my closet. My current sale is 15% off for bundles of 2 or more items. I am also considering all offers on all items. Let me know if you have any questions! Happy Shopping! 🛍
May 21Reply
rockermia @612mnlauraloops Hi Beautiful Posher 🤗👋🏻💐 I’m Esther ☺️Nice to meet you!!🤝🤲🏻💕😉💞 ✨ You have a Gorgeous Closet!✨ I will be happy to share it 🤩 wish you best sales 🎖
May 22Reply
jkez36m Hi Laura, my name is Angela Welcome to Poshmark
May 22Reply
wildoneco You’ve got a great closet!!! Happy poshing!
May 25Reply
matchamatcha94 Thank you @612mnlauraloops for sharing my listing on other platforms. I do not have a social media presence, so I really appreciate it. Thank you!!
Jun 02Reply
jademanon Hi Laura, I really appreciate the funny and quirky descriptions you have for your items. It is refreshing to see someone put so much time and attention into their listings! Best of luck to you, Amy
Jun 04Reply
612mnlauraloops @jademanon Aww what a kind comment. Thank you so much! I wish you the best of luck as well ✌️💜
Jun 04Reply
jocole96 Welcome happy poshing, 😃
Jun 11Reply
auddy2014 Thanks for the offer but I am still deciding what I want to buy. I appreciate it though!
Jun 17Reply
feathersnlace Thank you for the great love note! Glad you love your swim suit! ❤️
Jun 22Reply
chachasfinds Hi Can you help me with a bundle I opened to clear up a transaction? I need to delete a comment, but I don't know how.
Jun 30Reply
612mnlauraloops @chachasfinds Not sure what you are referencing but you have to ask posh to delete the comment 💜✌️
Jun 30Reply
chachasfinds @612mnlauraloops ok I will email them. thanks
Jun 30Reply
verygrateful Thanks for the shares and anxiously awaiting my boots! Appreciate it!!! Happy Poshing! Xxs
Jul 01Reply
612mnlauraloops @verygrateful Thanks so much for the purchase. I have them packaged up and will get them on their way to you today ✌️💜
Jul 01Reply
verygrateful @612mnlauraloops Thanks much!!! Like the pics and doggie, too!
Jul 01Reply
612mnlauraloops @verygrateful they’re on their way! Thanks for the kind words. Clark W. Griswold appreciates the love too 🐾
Jul 01Reply
barbaramarie216 Your dogs a beauty
Jul 01Reply
barbaramarie216 Love your dog
Jul 01Reply
612mnlauraloops @barbaramarie216 Aww thanks! Clark W. Griswold thinks you are beautiful too 🐾❤️
Jul 01Reply
612mnlauraloops @gomomgo6 you as well ✌️
Jul 02Reply
laurielou23 Yay, fellow MN native! 😊✋ great closet!
Jul 03Reply
612mnlauraloops @laurielou23 Howdy neighbor! Love yours too! ✌️💜
Jul 08Reply
nicole_billiams Hey hope you’re having a great day if you could check out my closet and if you like any of the items I accept offer and right now I’m doing free shipping on all my stuff
Jul 08Reply
manchacaboutiqu Hi and welcome to Poshmark 💕
Jul 09Reply
smxcollectables Hello would you like to Share 25 from our closets? Thanks and happy Poshing!!!
Jul 10Reply
smxcollectables Hi would you like to Share 25 from our closets. Thanks and happy Poshing
Jul 10Reply
smxcollectables Sorry. I’ll share again thanks
Jul 10Reply
sdphilli Welcome to Poshmark!! I hope you enjoy Poshmark as much as I do. This is a very supportive community to buy or sell. Let me know if you have any questions. Best wishes in your Poshmark journey.
Aug 07Reply
lgolivardia @612mnlauraloops ✨😊🌸✨😊🌸✨😊🌸✨😊🌸✨😊🌸 HAPPY SUNDAY SHARES!!Wishing you a wonderful day!! ✨😊🌸✨😊🌸✨😊🌸✨😊🌸✨😊🌸✨ NO RETURN SHARES NEEDED ✨😊🌸
Aug 11Reply
rnb1277 Welcome🙏 glad you R here NO WE R ESTATIC 😂😂😂 U have join our community of like minded people. THE MORE THE MERRIER so don't be shy ...A close mouth don't get fed. ❤️❤️❤️ SO JUST ASK. Enjoy the journey & happy😄posh👠👜👗 👒ing 👔👞👒👖 see U on the other side of your 1st  sales & new friendships👍🏿
Aug 21Reply
2ndhandstudio I love your thinking in mindset! The world needs more people like you!❤️ good luck on poshmark and feel free to check my closet out!
Aug 27Reply
madisonehall1 Hi! I love thrifting too & started doing poshmark for the same reason, a blogger I follow set a challenge for 2019 where she only shops second hand in order to be more sustainable!
Aug 27Reply
crisoria Your dog is a doll. So adorable.
Aug 27Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Sep 02Reply
smxcollectables Hello. Would you like to Share 25 items from each other’s closet? Thanks in advance and Happy Poshing!!!
Sep 17Reply
bobbett328 Hello🙋‍♀️Thank you so much for stopping by and following my closet 🌺🥰 Happy Poshing 🛍🛍
Sep 21Reply
bamfshades whatup posh fam!
Nov 10Reply
krystieskloset Thank you for your follow 🤗🎈🤗 please see the share group in my closet we are active in exposing each other’s closets to enable more ssles🤑💐🤑 your closet is fabulous
Nov 21Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! So glad we connected on Poshmark! Hope you will check out my closet and give me a follow 💕⭐️🛍
Jan 07Reply
re3_threads Hey there. Back in December you purchased a macrame plant hanger. It was cancelled due to shipping delay. I apologize. I went on a month vacation and forgot to put my account on vacation hold ( I am a new posher). I just reposted it. If you are still interested please send over your original offer of 9. I will get out in the mail immediately. Thank you
Jan 15Reply
chopkins0086 Thanks for following 🤝🤝🤝
Jan 26Reply
ketho27 Those Curls.
Mar 11Reply
sweetfinds007 Hello! Thank you for following me. While I may not have many items to sell at the moment, the items that are purchased, are either cleaned or sent to the dry cleaners prior to sending.
Oct 10Reply
cutehosiery @612mnlauraloops Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Mar 21Reply

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Last Active: Mar 09

Burnsville, MN
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Love Notes

About the seller



Last Active: Mar 09

Burnsville, MN
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