Meet your Posher, Laura
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Hi! I'm Laura. Some of my favorite brands are PINK Victoria's Secret, Under Armour, and Gymboree. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

6 others
like this

Ho Laura! I'm Daisy🌼 Welcome to Poshmark! Hope u have lots of fun 🎉😊💕
Feb 13Reply

@dzuniga182 Thank you 😊
Feb 13Reply

@laurajs36 welcome to poshmark!!! :)
Feb 13Reply

@nanagail1970 Hi Gail, Nice to meet you 😊
Feb 13Reply

@dworb415 Thank you 😊
Feb 13Reply

@laurajs36 Hi!!!😊 I'm Allie. Welcome to Poshmark! I'm glad that you join the community. If you have any questions about the app please let me know. I'll be very happy to help you😊💖
Feb 13Reply

@redumbrella Thank you so much! I am excited to make my first sale soon 😊
Feb 13Reply

@laurajs36 Awesome 😊💖💖💖 Share your listings and other listings to make that happen!!!😘💕💕💕 The more you share the more exposure you get, the better chances for a sale.
Feb 13Reply

@redumbrella Thanks for the advice 😊
Feb 13Reply

Feb 13Reply

@starylite Thank you! You too 😊
Feb 13Reply

Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! Let me know if you have any questions, and please check out my closet! I have a variety of men's and women's items and am always listing more! Happy Poshing! :)
Feb 13Reply

@bombshell40 Thank you! I will check it out 😊
Feb 13Reply

Welcome to Posh 🌸🦋
Feb 19Reply

@peacegoddess Thank you! I am really enjoying Posh! Still learning how everything works 😊
Feb 19Reply

If you have any questions doll lmk😊🌸
Feb 19Reply

@peacegoddess Thank you so much! I see you do pretty awesome! 😊
Feb 19Reply

Feb 19Reply

You really have lots of super cute little girls things I'm your closet. Keep up the good work. I don't even have little ones anymore, but seeing the items just makes me feel a little happy! 😁
Mar 14Reply

@kris7881 Aww thank you! I have 5 Girls and a boy so we have a ton of clothes! I will be posting a lot more this week 😊
Mar 14Reply

@laurajs36 5 girls! Holy cow! Poor little dude! Lol! 😁
Mar 14Reply

@kris7881 Ha Ha yeah we have a pretty girly household! You have a lot of very cute dresses in your closet! I will have to show my daughter! She's 18 😊
Mar 14Reply

@laurajs36 Cool! Shes bound to like at least one! How old are your other guys?
Mar 14Reply

@kris7881 My son is 14, and my other daughters are 10,6,3,2
Mar 14Reply

@laurajs36 Wow! You are one busy gitl! I have 6 myself. But the yongest is now 18. Im glas its you and not me! I loved it at the time. But im done! Lol! My oldest is 36, so i jave quite the span.
Mar 14Reply

@kris7881 They definitely keep me very busy! Do you have any Grand babies?
Mar 14Reply

@laurajs36 Yep, so far 5. And I totally get how my mom used to say she lives having them, but was nice to give them back! Lol! They are a joy.
Mar 14Reply

Hello Laura... thanks for sharing my closet 🎊HAPPY POSHING 🎊😄
Mar 14Reply

@tricegirl No problem! Thank you for sharing mine as well! You have a lot of nice stuff 😊
Mar 14Reply

@kris7881 That's the part I am looking forward to when I have Grandkids! I can spoil them and then send them home 😊
Mar 15Reply

@laurajs36 Exactly....I give them all the soda and posicles they want. They don't have to even ask! Lol! And they are always correcting Grandma's potty mouth. They'll probably tell stories about me when I'm gone? Lmao!
Mar 15Reply

@kris7881 Ha Ha you sound like a super cool Grandma 😊
Mar 15Reply

@laurajs36 I am! 😂
Mar 15Reply

And....i let them stay up as long as they want. I do make them use their manners which their parents dont, lol. But for the most part as a grandparent you arent raising them. So general rules such as bedtime and sugar dint apply! So cool!!
Mar 16Reply

@kris7881 That is awesome! I have all that to look forward to 😊
Mar 16Reply

You have some super cute stuff in your closet and your prices are amazing! I can't believe there not all sold yet!
Mar 16Reply

@laurajs36 Yes, but first things first huh? Gotta get these guys raised. And watch what they eat, and when they go to bed. Lol! Savor it all, because it really does go by quick. Especially with a big family. Your so busy all the time it's hard to stop and smell the roses so to speak. Once I couldn't imagine not having little ones, I think that's why I had so many. But alas! You do finally get tired. And I'm done! Lol!
Mar 16Reply

@laurajs36 Was this meant for me?
Mar 16Reply

@kris7881 yes it is meant for you 😊
Mar 16Reply

@laurajs36 Well, thanks! That was my brainstorm. To make things really inexpensive. And make money in quantity vs the cost. But it really hasn't made any difference as far as the amount of sales that I have noticed. So my prices will probably start creeping back up. Others are so high in their pricing and they actually sell! I don't get it. I really love posh and doing this whole thing. Just trying to figure out the best way to make it work. It is so confusing!
Mar 16Reply

I'm a nurse by trade (ER) and was forced to stop working for medical reasons. Posh gives me a purpose, and something to do.
Mar 16Reply

My goal is to actually make a business of it. I just started in January so I'm still relatively new. Like I said, just trying to get a handle on it. Going dirt cheap doesn't seem to be the answer. They say having a million followers isn't the magic ticket. But I don't see what else it could be? Any insights? Do you work outside the home?
Mar 16Reply

@kris7881 I just started selling maybe a month ago! I have only sold a few things, but I love it! I just need to list more and figure out what the secret to selling a lot is! I thought it was only clothes and shoes, but I see a lot of other items on here! I could really use the income since it's just my husband working!
Mar 16Reply

@kris7881 My goal is also to try and make a business of it, but I have had a lot going on in my life lately and haven't put very much effort into it! I am going through my whole house and decluttering so a lot of it will get posted on here! Hopefully we can both get our business to take off soon 😊
Mar 16Reply

@laurajs36 Sounds like we are in the same boat, so to speak. Lol! Well if I figure any secrets out I'll be sure to let you know. And hopefully you'll do the same for me! One thing for sure is, it may not be very hard. It is very time consuming. I can't imagine with all the distractions you have going on. But people claim to have made up to 6 figures using posh.
Mar 16Reply

I don't expect to ever make that kind of money, but it sure would be nice to build it up to receive a steady income. You, because your a stay at home mom. And me, because I have to stay at home. Either way, here's good luck to the both of us. In the meantime we can help each other with shares. 😘 PFF! Lol, never thought I'd be one to ever say that! Lol!
Mar 16Reply

Your stuff is so so cute, it almost makes me want to have another little one! Lol!
Mar 17Reply

@kris7881 Lol I can understand that! I feel that way sometimes too! 😊
Mar 19Reply

@kris7881 keep up the good work! You have a lot of great stuff in your closet! you're going to rock your business 😊
Mar 19Reply

@laurajs36 Aww, thanks! And you too my best posh friend! BPF! 😘 We can do this!
Mar 19Reply

@kris7881 Thank you 😘 I am going to list a ton of new items tomorrow! I have been crazy busy!
Mar 19Reply

@laurajs36 You go girl! And I'll be sure to share them!
Mar 19Reply

Wow, you sold a ton of stuff! Good going! How did you do it?
Mar 20Reply

@kris7881 Lol I didn't really sell that much! Every once in a while someone buys something! I notice I sell best on Fridays! But basically what we are both already doing! Share share share 😊
Mar 20Reply

@kris7881 you sold way more stuff than me!
Mar 20Reply

No, it looked like you sold a bunch just yesterday, or maybe I was mistaking, and they were prior sales?
Mar 20Reply

@kris7881 I sold a few things on Friday! If you have Facebook join the group Poshmark share Group
Mar 20Reply

@laurajs36 So I just look up posh on Facebook? I'm not too good at social media! Lol! It's hard to teach an old dog new tricks! Lol! I'm not that old. 54. And I can handle facebook! So thanks for the heads up. I def. Will join. Anything to help learn.
Mar 20Reply

@kris7881 yes just type in the group search Poshmark share groups! You will get selling tips and everyone shares there closet! No your not that old 😊
Mar 20Reply

@kris7881 I see you sold some stuff! That's awesome 😊
Mar 21Reply

@laurajs36 Thanks, yeah, just a couple things. I have them marked so low though that im only making maybe $1. If i sell something for $6 posh takes $2.95. So that leaves $3. And i had to pay for the item and my time sgopping etc this isnt ideal. But ill keep trying to get some sort of niche. I saw you sold the same little girls jacket i did for ptobably twicr that i dold mine at. I cant figure out if theres a trick to all of this or its just blind luck.
Mar 21Reply

@kris7881 That sucks that you didn't make very much! I really think it's just the luck of who finds your listing! The Jacket I sold was in a bundle! Don't give up! We will get some sales soon! I see a lot of people selling a lot!
Mar 22Reply

I see that you keep getting new listings up. Good job! 😁
Mar 22Reply

@kris7881 I am hoping to post 12 a day, but I get busy with the kids and household stuff, so I don't know if I can do that! Lol!
Mar 22Reply

I know its difficult. Everything is pretty easy to do. But everything is extremely time consuming.
Mar 22Reply

I see somebody has been hard at work listing! 😁
Mar 23Reply

@kris7881 Lol I cleaned house all evening and went through the kids clothes and found more to list tomorrow 😘
Mar 23Reply

@clpiemonte No problem 😊
Mar 24Reply

Thank you for sharing 💕💕
Mar 25Reply

@sheashea93 No problem!Thanks for sharing mine also 😊
Mar 25Reply

Thank you for all the shares!!! Your closet is filled with adorable clothing! Very nice! 🙂🎀🎀🎀🙂
Mar 27Reply

@beaches611 No problem! Thank you for sharing mine!
You have a very nice closet also 😊
Mar 27Reply

@kris7881 wow you are doing awesome on your sales 😊
Mar 27Reply

@laurajs36 yeah, I did pretty good over the last few days. Now, if I would just quit spending my earnings this just might work out. I notice that your putting up more and more items here and there. 😏
Mar 27Reply

@kris7881 It's really hard not to spend it! I have quite a bit to post, but my sales have been pretty slow! Maybe they will pick up if I post more! Thanks for all the shares! I really appreciate it😊
Mar 27Reply

@laurajs36 They say to keep at least 100 items in your closet. But who knows? When I snoop on other people's stats I see they sell a lot and their prices are much higher than mine. I'm beginning to think it's just luck of the draw. That there really isn't a marketing plan. What do you think? And thank you as well my friend with all of your shares. Not complaining or any thing but you are too generous in the amount you are sharing. You can cut back some. You are a very generous person.
Mar 27Reply

Oh yeah, I signed up for the Facebook thing. But just couldn't get what it was I was supposed to be doing, so I gave up before I began! Told you I wasn't so good with social networking! Lol!
Mar 27Reply

@kris7881 I really think it's luck also! I will try to list at least a few things a day! Yeah I think it would be better if I shared less of your listings at a time! Just spread them out throughout the day! I just keep seeing all your nice listings and get carried away, Lol!
Mar 27Reply

@kris7881 Basically just share and follow as many listings as possible! List at least 3 things a day. Which you do! Follow new People and suggested users! Share your own listings frequently!
Mar 27Reply

Thanks so much for following my closet, yours is great! I shared a bunch of my favorites from your closet
Mar 28Reply

@fivetenandahalf Thank you! Your closet is Great also 😊
Mar 28Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet. I'm Wendy, I would love to serve YOU. Reasonable offers are welcomed, and I provide a bundle discount. Have a wonderful day and happy poshing.
Apr 01Reply

@rosieismypuppy Thank you Wendy! I will be sure to check out your closet! Same goes to you if you want any bundle discount from my closet 😊
Apr 01Reply

My pleasure
Apr 01Reply

@kris7881 you are doing AWESOME with your sales 🎉🎉🎉
Apr 01Reply

@laurajs36 Thanks! Nothing for 3 days and then boom. Wish I knew why, if there is such an answer. I didn't do anything differently. Luck to you my friend.
Apr 01Reply

@kris7881 I notice a lot of people said the sales come in waves! I sold a couple things yesterday! I am going to list a few things this evening!
Apr 01Reply

Yep, i still think its random. I noticed ss well you sold a couple. Im up close and personal with your closet. I havent had very good luck with kid things except for dresses.
Apr 01Reply

Good job! I saw some new items in there! 😊
Apr 02Reply

I know right? Now if I could just bottle it up somehow...And sprinkle some over to you. 😁
Apr 02Reply

@kris7881 That would be great if you could, lol! I get excited whenever you get a sale, Lol! Keep it up 😊
Apr 02Reply

@laurajs36 I know, i get excited when i see something of yours sell too. That must be the poshmark love they talk about! 😘
Apr 02Reply

I love seeing when you list new pretty things! And i see you sold a bunlde of jeans! Yay!
Apr 04Reply

@kris7881 Thank you! You too! I mailed 4 packages from the weekend today 😊
Apr 04Reply

That's so awesome! Keep it rolling!
Apr 04Reply

Thanks for sharing💐🌺. Happy Spring🤗
Apr 06Reply

@getinfly No problem! Thanks to you as well 😊 Happy Spring 🌺🌼🌷
Apr 06Reply

New cute things! And you sold Minnie mouse! Yay!
Apr 06Reply

@justdanadane No problem! Thanks to you as well 😊
Apr 06Reply

@kris7881 I have been selling a lot better the past couple days! Hopefully it keeps up for both of us 😊
Apr 06Reply

Hi Laura, Thank you so much for all your shares💕💕 I really appreciate it, Happy Poshing, many you have many sales this weekend😊💕
Apr 08Reply

I don't know how they got there? An how to get them out? All I know to do is share. Any ideas?
Apr 08Reply

@kris7881 usually when you share them they will go above all the sold listings!
Apr 08Reply

@marthaarellano Good luck to you as well 😊
Apr 08Reply

Thank you for helping me out! I love it when people share!
Apr 11Reply

@mcmitra No problem! Thank you too! You have a very cute closet 😊
Apr 11Reply

@laurajs36 Well thank you so much!
Apr 11Reply

Insert lots of new things! Good job! Are you finding all of your listings from your own home?
Apr 13Reply

@kris7881 Thank you! Yes everything is from my house! My sister gave me a few things, and I will be cleaning out the kids closets soon and will have a lot more!
Apr 13Reply

You must have bunches of stuff. When my kids were little I used to take all their stuff to one of those kids consignment shops and trade them out. Funny thing about selling....You start eyeballing everything in your house! What can I sell? Lol!
Apr 13Reply

@kris7881 Lol I am always looking for stuff to sell! I don't have enough listings yet though, so I need to get on the ball! You look like your selling quite a bit!
Apr 13Reply

I got to ask....Was that your dress? And if so, I've got to wonder if you looked like you had a big fat ball right in the middle? Lol!
Apr 14Reply

@kris7881 Lol No it was my sisters Dress, and she said she never wore it! I can't list it, it's just to aquard. Lol!
Apr 14Reply

Hi Laura, I like to try and share your items 3 times a day . With your closet getting bigger and bigger it's getting harder to do. I know you must feel the same with me as well. I would like to suggest we cut back to only 50 items. I'll mix them up so I'm not always just sharing what's listed on top. What do you think. Also I'd like to be able to message you privately. My email is if you feel comfortable please send me yours!
Apr 15Reply

@kris7881 sounds good to me! Yes your closing is pretty big! Mine is
Apr 15Reply

I so hate when i hit the like button instead of share! Or even worse messenger. Messes up my rythm!
Apr 15Reply

@kris7881 I do that too, or accidentally add people's stuff to a Bundle! I feel bad!
Apr 16Reply

I dont think ive done that one yet! Yeah right, you probably just like to tease people! Just kidding. Have you had that done to you? Where someone either likes or bundles like 12 things and they dont buy anything? Grr.
Apr 16Reply

@kris7881 omg yes that's so annoying! I get all excited for nothing, lol!
Apr 16Reply

I know...its like Score! Not!
Apr 16Reply

I dont know whats harder. Sharing your whole closet, or only 50 items. I now have to count!
Apr 16Reply

@kris7881 Lol don't worry about a number! Why don't we just randomly through out the day share a few 10 or 20!
Apr 16Reply

I lose count very fast, Lol!
Apr 16Reply

Thats just fine. I enjoy helping to share your things and so appreciate your sharing as well. I just didn't want you to feel hurt if I scaled back. No rules! We are BPFF! 😘
Apr 16Reply

@kris7881 No I am not hurt at all! Just share a few items whenever you have a chance and I will do the same!
Apr 16Reply

@kris7881 I sent someone to your closet that is searching for women's dresses!
Apr 17Reply

Your so awesome! How did that come about? How did you know? Did they ask you?
Apr 17Reply

I can't find the post where you gave me your email. Would you please send it again?
Apr 17Reply

@kris7881 yes it's
Apr 17Reply

@kris7881 They posted on FB that they need a few dresses for church in a size 8 for a good price! They also shop on Posh,so I gave them your username! Hopefully they buy from you!
Apr 17Reply

Someone by the name of carrie crawford just purchased two dresses! Yay! Idk if thats related, but thank you! 😘 thx for the email as well. Im going to send you a link to a gal who does a posh blog. Shes got some really good ideas plus shes amusing. You can sign up to receive her stuff if you want.
Apr 17Reply

I just sent someone your way looking for little girl things for the summer and fall. I told her to ask you as you don't have everything listed yet. Her name is Barb and her posh name is @greatbargains.
Apr 24Reply

Sorry it's actually @greatbargains1
Apr 24Reply

Hi, Thank Kristine she sent me your way. 👍 Do you have a bundle discount? I am looking around now🎉Ty💐
Apr 24Reply

I didn't see a discount, so I sent an offer in. Ty💝
Apr 24Reply

@kris7881 Thank you so much for thinking of me! She purchased a Bundle 😊
Apr 24Reply

@greatbargains1 sorry I just seen this! I usually just take offers 😊
Apr 24Reply

Yay! She's super nice. And a repeat customer. She will come back in the future! 😀
Apr 24Reply

Hey it's me again! I'm going to switch to email.
Apr 24Reply

Love everything! Thank you very much, especially for the thoughtful gift😊💐
Apr 27Reply

@greatbargains1 you are so welcome! I am really glad you like everything! Thanks for the great review 😊
Apr 27Reply

@laurajs36 Hi, check out the share group I posted. It's easy & great way to share. Need to sign up @acrystalrose. No pressure, but works. 😉👍
Apr 27Reply

Hi, Do you know how to look up a party that is happening, and share? Just shared some of your items in the kids party that is going on.
Apr 27Reply

@greatbargains1 Oh cool thank you 😊
Apr 28Reply

@greatbargains1 Thanks so much for sharing 😊
Apr 28Reply

@laurajs36 welcome. You want to move your kid items to the top, so when people view from kid party they can see them right away. 💗😊👍
Apr 28Reply

@greatbargains1 Thanks for reminding me about the party! Sometimes I can't get online until after 9:00 and forget to share to parties!
Apr 28Reply

@laurajs36 just wanted to check to see if you knew about them. Chat soon🌼
Apr 28Reply

Did you update the app? They moved the make a bundle button! Thank God?
Apr 28Reply

@kris7881 I did an update yesterday! Going to look! Sorry 😐 was gone all day and couldn't share your closet sooner!
Apr 29Reply

No worries! They did another update just today to move that "bundle" button everyone was tripping over. Im hoping they will end up ditching the whole new update. For the life of me i cant see it being benificial to anyone. Oh well....
Apr 29Reply

@kris7881 I just did the new update. I haven't found the benefit yet! I hate changes too!
Apr 29Reply

Wow, you sold quite a few things while I wasn't looking! 😀😉😊😁
May 10Reply

@kris7881 I went close to a week with no sales and then several in a row! It goes in waves, lol!
May 10Reply

It really does. Thats why i think this is never going to be steady income. Oh well. Whatcha going to do. Lol!
May 10Reply

@kris7881 You have so many Beautiful outfits in your closet and awesome prices! I am really surprised you don't have steady sales!
May 10Reply

Happy Mothers day! 😘
May 14Reply

@kris7881 Happy Mother's Day to you too! I hope you're enjoying your day! 😊
May 14Reply

Happy Mother's Day! 😊💐🎁🌸
May 14Reply

@greatbargains1 Happy Mother's Day to you too! I hope you had a great day! 😊
May 14Reply

Yay you sold the purse? 😁
Jun 08Reply

@kris7881 yes I did 😊
Jun 09Reply

A few sales!! Yay
Jun 28Reply

Yay, a couple of sales. You go girl!
Sep 07Reply
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