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Updated Aug 28
Updated Aug 28

Meet your Posher, Laura

Meet the Posher



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I'm Laura. This is when I was tan. Now I’m in incessantly rainy Oregon I raising teenagers after having to abruptly stop practicing law. Long story. Anyway, there are days when I miss being around people who spoke in full sentences and for whom “you’re not fun” was a compliment. Then I remember six hour discussions about the meaning of “or.” I am now a wife, a super boring Mom, and overly experienced shopper. I like to wrap gifts and to laminate things. I am the demon child of Coco Chanel and Lenny Bruce. My two sons (PLEASE SEND HELP) and I have embarked on our Poshmark venture. Never to early to learn how to run a business! Unfortunately, they don’t do any work, but I try to be optimistic. They just keep asking about “proceeds.” I hope you find something you like. My favorite brands are: [ALL THE BRANDS AND BOOKS]
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prettygirlbtq Hi! Welcome to Poshmark. I am a Posh ambassador with same-day or next business day shipping. Feel free to check out my closet, ask any questions that you may have, create a bundle, send an offer, join the parties to share your listings and others’ listings in order to grow your following and expand your reach. Happy Poshing, buying, and/or selling! 😃🛍📦✨
Feb 07Reply
brandauthentic Thanks for following!!💛🙌 We Sell only Authentic bags!.. 🚨Good news!.. ‼️Limited Time ‼️ When you Like any our designer bags or wallets, get up to 30 percent off!!👍->❤️💸 Or make and offer i can do best! Have a wonderful days and work!. 🌈🦋
Mar 18Reply
scottandzelda @beautifynails Thank you very much. I’m happy to share too! You just reminded me (again) that I need to stop biting my fingernails! Have a wonderful weekend!
Apr 29Reply
scottandzelda @tutuwig Thank you very much for the support. I’m new at this so I’m learning a lot. I really appreciate the feedback! Have a great weekend! Laura
Apr 29Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily Rose😊🌹and Welcome to Poshmark🎊🎉I’m doing a closet clear out sale which means………………………….I’ll be accepting any and all reasonable offers even on bundles! So what are you waiting for? Send some now for a deal you can’t refuse!
May 23Reply
scottandzelda @sprinklesbaker Hi Emily Rose! Nice to meet you and thanks for the follow. Likewise doing a clearout, although I keep buying things! 😬
May 23Reply
oliviaami Hi @63e03f818ea15f6ad843ad3e , thanks for following us! 💗 Like or comment our items to get great offers😊
May 23Reply
lynnbeckylynn Hello! Thanks for the follow. Our closet is jam-packed with stock. We're accepting offers at 20% less than our posted price on most items. Happy Poshing!
May 23Reply
oliviaami Dear @63e03f818ea15f6ad843ad3e , happy to see that you are following our closet 💗
May 23Reply
ezfashion1 Welcome to poshmark and this awesome community 🌈🌈💖💖 Im a posh ambassador I found this app best to sell or buy clothing and meet great people my listing are marked 50% off below msrp. Feel free to reach out for any questions. I offer 10% off on bundles of 3 items and over Enjoy your shopping 🛍🛍 Wishing you happy and healthy successful year 2023 C ya around😉
May 23Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
May 23Reply
oliviaami Hi @63e03f818ea15f6ad843ad3e , thanks for following us! 💗 Like or comment our items to get great offers😊
May 23Reply
krystalmcc1621 Thank you for following me. I just visited your closet to follow you and share some of your 👚items 👖with my followers. Have a wonderful day 🌞and many sales!
May 23Reply
polka5dots Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing!
May 23Reply
jscalabrino way to go 3 musketeers!
May 31Reply
jenne1968 Hi Laura, welcome to Poshmark! 🌻
Jun 11Reply
scottandzelda @jenne1968 Hi! Thanks so much for the welcome! Still learning the ropes a bit. I appreciate your hospitality!! Best - Laura
Jun 12Reply
toothfairy425 @scottandzelda hi Laura, thank you for all the likes! You have some great things there! If you want to bundle them, I give 20% off of bundles of four and 30% off of bundles of seven and of course you don’t pay any extra shipping, so it works out great! 😊Sue PS I love how you’re having your sons involved in this! Perfect! 🌺
Jun 21Reply
scottandzelda @toothfairy425 Hi. Yes, that sounds perfect! Thank you so much. I would like the kids to be a little more involved, but for 12 and 13, considering it’s the sale of women’s clothing, they are doing pretty well. No rush, but yes, I would definitely be interested in that bundle. Thank so much! Best - Laura
Jun 21Reply
toothfairy425 @scottandzeldam I just wrote a whole note to you, and somehow lost it! Uggh!! I’m trying to figure out how I can make the bundle for you, but I can’t do it! So I think it’s just easier if you do the bundle. I’m not sure if you wanted all the likes or what, but I can’t figure out how to do it anyway! 😳 Sue
Jun 21Reply
toothfairy425 @scottandzelda OK so I figured it out and I was able to do it but then I went to the place that says my bundles and I can’t find it. So now it won’t let me share anything again. Let me know if you received the bundle on your end.
Jun 21Reply
scottandzelda @toothfairy425 Hi. You did and I hit “Buy!” Well done!! Thanks so much for working on the bundle and for your generous discount. I appreciate that so much. Take good care! And no rush with the shipping whatsoever. I know it’s a lot of stuff. I don’t get a lot of “multiple thing” orders, but when I do I get very stressed out. So if you do too, don’t on account of me. Thanks again! Laura
Jun 21Reply
toothfairy425 @scottandzelda OK so somehow it all disappeared. I don’t see it under the orders, and each individual thing doesn’t have a “sold” on it. So I am not sure what really happened there. 🤔 Thank you for being so understanding about getting a large bundle out! 😊 I am actually wait till Friday. Did I tell you that?
Jun 21Reply
scottandzelda @toothfairy425 Hi. You didn’t but that is completely fine. I’ll try to redo the bundle on my end. No sweat!
Jun 21Reply
scottandzelda @toothfairy425 Hi. It all says “sold” on my end. There was one thing I forgot to add to the bundle so I just bought it outright. It’s the coral colored little lace shirt. So, I suppose you will have two shipping labels; one for the bundle and one for the little shirt. You can just stick the lone shirt in with the other stuff to save the postage and make it easier. Poshmark got a little more but not much 😉 Let me know if you can’t find it when you return! Thanks so much. Laura
Jun 21Reply
toothfairy425 @scottandzelda OK, this is really weird. The shirt that you just bought I have a label for and it says sold. All of the other things do not say sold on my side and there’s no label. So I’m wondering how to proceed. I wonder if you need to cancel all of that stuff and redo it??? It might be easier to do that and then you don’t have to pay that extra shipping for the lace top.
Jun 21Reply
toothfairy425 @scottandzelda Because they charge you the shipping no matter what. But it’s a mystery why it doesn’t show sold on my end and I don’t have any postage label. 🤔 Foolish 500 character limit! So stupid they have that rule! It takes more space, because then you write two things instead of one! 😵‍💫
Jun 21Reply
toothfairy425 @scottandzelda I contacted Poshmark, but they have not replied to me yet. Like I said, I have nothing on my end. Absolutely nothing. No shipping label and no sign that they have been sold. 🤔 So I think you either have to cancel that order if you have it on your end and redo it or else contact, Poshmark and see if they’ll answer you
Jun 22Reply
scottandzelda @toothfairy425 Oh dear. I read this message after the first one. Well, at least I know we are on the same page. I’ll give the cancellation a go!! Thank you and sorry about not seeing this. I answer from top to bottom 😂
Jun 22Reply
scottandzelda OK. Here is the explanation in a nutshell. I am a complete idiot. I bought the wrong stuff from the wrong closet. When one cannot see a thing without one’s reading glasses, that person should probably not be pushing buttons and buying things. This is very embarrassing and I’m truly sorry for causing you stress and extra time. I’ll go ahead now that I can actually see
Jun 22Reply
scottandzelda and make my bundle. This is a new low. Holy cow. I’m so sorry. Also kind of sorry that I bought a whole bunch of stuff that I “maybe someday might potentially buy” and now it’s on its way. Wow. I don’t know if I mentioned this but I was a tax lawyer for 27 years and had to withdraw because of long-COVID and neurological issues/headaches/vision issues. So, I don’t have an IQ of 20.
Jun 22Reply
scottandzelda I’m just sort of, uh, struggling. Obviously. At least I bought the Apt 9 shirt successfully. 😬😬😬
Jun 22Reply
scottandzelda OK Sue. I did it! I made a bundle of the stuff I meant to buy. I’m very sorry. Truly. I’m not used to being this inept. I’m glad this isn’t the platform where you rate the Buyer. I’m envisioning “The Buyer is stupid.”
Jun 22Reply
toothfairy425 @scottandzelda hi Laura, sorry, I’m just seeing all these messages now. Not sure why. I think because you didn’t put an @ sign& my name. Anyway, I’m glad to find out at least what the problem was! No worries on my end! I meant to send it out yesterday but we were at my granddaughters dance recital for just about the whole day between getting there and seeing the three hour recital and then going out to eat.
Jun 25Reply
toothfairy425 @scottandzelda we were gone from eight in the morning till six at night, so I never got the package to the post office. It will go out first thing tomorrow though. Sorry for the delay, because I like to send things out right away! And please don’t worry about the mistake with the package. I just couldn’t figure out what happened. I’m glad it solved! 😊Sue
Jun 25Reply
toothfairy425 @scottandzelda also, so sorry about your Covid problems! That is awful! 🙁
Jun 25Reply
scottandzelda @toothfairy425 Thanks Sue! No problem at all on the timing. I hope you had a nice time with your family. Thanks for your kind words about the COVID situation. Take care. Laura
Jun 26Reply
2girls2122 Hi! Laura, thanks for stopping by, wishing you many sales and more. Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions. Stop by my live shows for lots of fun, like my✌️notification. I'm going live in one hour stop by. Happy Poshing 🎉.
Jun 29Reply
toothfairy425 @scottandzelda Hi Laura, your package will be on its way today! Yay! Then my closet will be on vacation for a week. If there’s anything you want to buy after July 14, let me know! 😊Sue
Jul 05Reply
scottandzelda @toothfairy425 Perfect. Thank you Sue!!!!
Jul 05Reply
cutehosiery @scottandzelda Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 01Reply
scottandzelda @cutehosiery Thank you so much for taking the time to tell me that. It’s great encouragement- I’m in a bit of a slump!! Thanks for being a great ally!! Best - Laura
Sep 01Reply
holycitythrift I just want to say how amazing Laura is! For anyone who makes a purchase from her or if she purchases from you, you will have an instant friend! Her kind words bring me instant joy and happiness. Wishing you love and warmth. Your friend, Holly.
Sep 04Reply
scottandzelda @holycitythrift Holly, people like you bring out the best in other people. So, you need to take some of the credit. Thank you very much for taking the time to express these thoughts. As you know, the feelings are 100% mutual!!
Sep 05Reply
jackiesthreads1 Hello and thank you for following and sharing my closet. Enjoy and much success to you!💖
Oct 09Reply
my_irish_jive hello neighbor 👋 i’m just the 101 from you! saw your user name (LOVE IT!!) and had to click over. i’ve got a 26 year old son. it gets better; keep your head & your patience on swivel!
Oct 11Reply
scottandzelda @my_irish_jive What a very strange coincidence. When I was following people my eye caught your gorgeous photo (my eyes are always drawn to black and white photos) and I made a point to look in your closet. That is so very strange!! Thanks you for the encouragement- I’m currently semi-despondent on my bed. I went to UCSB and so I know your neck of the woods very well. So sweet of you to take time - and how bizarre that we
Oct 11Reply
scottandzelda BOTH did. As to the Fitzgeralds, Irish people are the best people. Alas, I’m not Irish. Have a wonderful evening! Laura
Oct 11Reply
bethie1202 Oh Laura…the child of Coco and Lenny Bruce. 😂 Perfect. I always say I’m easy to understand…I’m half Mother Theresa half frustrated stand up comic. I love your profile. I really do. Thank you for everything today. You’re the best. And nice. As far as your sons, you’re going to want these days back…enjoy the madness. Much love, much sales, and stay in touch! ❤️
Dec 15Reply
holycitythrift You look amazing!!!! 🤩 Get it girl!
Dec 25Reply
tatnaples Hi Laura, love your Bio🧚‍♀️Thanks bunches for your follow and support, happy Poshing 💜 Tamala
Mar 13Reply
scottandzelda @tatnaples Hi Tamala - What a kind note! Thank you so much. I started looking at your closet and thought “oh no, I’m going to buy everything!” Really beautiful taste!! (I’m better at buying than selling:) Thank you again. Good luck to you! Laura
Mar 13Reply
tatnaples @scottandzelda Oh golly, you're a sweetie🧚‍♀️thank you for your compliment! It's certainly my pleasure sharing your lovely closet. I'm with you...I definitely shop more than I sell🙄lol Have fun💜💜💜
Mar 13Reply
lovelyblessings . 💞🌸🍃🙏🍃🌸💞 Wishing you a Fabulous Day ! Poshmark is a Fun Place for 🛍️Shopping & Selling ! Stop by to visit us at Lovely Blessings 🙏💕@lovelyblessings for Unique & Beautiful Items ! 💞🌸🍃🙏🍃🌸💞
May 11Reply
27angie10 Hi! Do you have any more typology products? I’ve purchased from you in the past and need more!
Jun 28Reply
geesdealsx Hi!!😊 I would love for you to check out my closet, if you see something you like feel free to make an offer or ask any questions you may have. Also is you bundle 3+ items you automatically get 15% off! Thank you in advance and happy shopping!!🛍️
Aug 26Reply
littlepeachxo 🤍🍑 Hii I’m peach! I wanted to let you know that for limited time shipping in my closet is discounted on all items. I’m pretty overstocked on inventory so I’m very flexible on offers — everything is negotiable! 🥺🤍
Aug 28Reply

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Last Active: Dec 12 2024

Portland, OR
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Last Active: Dec 12 2024

Portland, OR
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