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Updated Dec 16
Updated Dec 16

Meet your Posher, Lauren

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Hi! I'm Lauren. I'm from Minnesota. some of my favorite brands are Free People, Lululemon athletica, anthropologie & Athleta. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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cheerup Thank you for visiting my closet and spreading love ❤️ in your liking and sharing, it is greatly appreciated 😊. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask, offer, or otherwise. God Bless you and your beautiful family 😇😘🤗🌹❤️💕🌺💝🙏.
May 08Reply
densko Hi Lauren! Thank you so much for sharing my listings! I hope you have a great weekend and a Happy Mother's Day too​! 😍😀
May 14Reply
chereesee You wrote that you're from "chaska" did you mean Alaska? 😉 Cute kids! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
May 15Reply
allthatwander @chereesee hi! I fixed it :) I meant chaska Minnesota. We think our kids are pretty cute, too😁
May 15Reply
poshtaaastic 🌵🌺Hello! I hope you loving Poshmark as much as I do. It is a fantastic community full of friendly people. If you have any questions please let me know, and I will try to help out. Please stop by my closet - I have a ton great item. Thank you in advance! Best advice is to SHARE SHARE SHARE! Happy Poshing!🌵🌺
May 18Reply
lmcghee0425 Hi how r u sorry to bother u but would u consider 20 for the jacket and if so it's like a woman's small correct ty
Jun 26Reply
allthatwander @lmcghee0425 hi. It's no bother at all. Can you use the offer button on the jacket you're wanting so I know which one you are asking about? I have an xs and a s one
Jun 26Reply
hobie28 I love your closet and all your photos. Looks so nice.
Sep 23Reply
allthatwander @hobie28 Thank You 💗 I was admiring your closet as well! 😀
Sep 23Reply
zuzumarket - Happy Friday and Happy Marine Corps Birthday!!!🎉🇺🇸🦅🌎🇺🇸🎊🎂😁
Nov 11Reply
ginastyle85 Lauren, thank you for all the shares! Happy Monday to you and your beautiful family!😊
Nov 13Reply
allthatwander @ginastyle85 Happy to spread the love! hope you have a happy Monday too
Nov 13Reply
coak Sending a friendly invitation to visit my closet. If you like what you see, please follow me!
Nov 17Reply
hmsimon1 Good afternoon Lauren. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations and sharing so many of them with your followers 🌹
Dec 04Reply
allthatwander @hmsimon1 you're welcome! You are talented 😃
Dec 04Reply
sb143posh @aflygirld Lauren appreciate the continued shares‼️ Happy Holidays 😊
Dec 13Reply
jlf51791 Thanks for all of the shares! <3
Dec 14Reply
blackie99 Great Closet!!
Dec 15Reply
allthatwander @blackie99 Thank you💗
Dec 15Reply
pennysstuff Thank you for all the shares! And you have a beautiful family 😊
Dec 27Reply
allthatwander @pennysstuff thank you! And thanks for the shares😁😄
Dec 27Reply
ginastyle85 Lauren, Happy New Year to you and your family!😊
Dec 31Reply
allthatwander @ginastyle85 thanks Gina! I hope you have a great new years🤗🎉
Jan 01Reply
avocado_jello Hey girl! Thanks for all the shares💕 I didn't realize I like almost everything in your closet😍 Sooo many awesome stuff!!! Happy New Year 🎉🍾🥂
Jan 02Reply
allthatwander @lindas402 thanks, I try to only have cute things😂😉. Happy new years to you too. sending you luck🍀for many and quick sales in 2018
Jan 02Reply
slgkali1 Thanks for Sharing !!!♡♡♡
Jan 18Reply
jacaranda1831 Thanks for $haring.
Jan 20Reply
lmpurcell Hi fellow Minnesotan! I live I the Minnetonka area! Hope you have a great day and many Posh sales this weekend! 🌸😊⛄️
Jan 20Reply
allthatwander @lmpurcell Thanks! I'm wishing you the same :))
Jan 20Reply
ajturner62 Thanks for all the shares!🌻
Jan 21Reply
jacaranda1831 Thanks for $haring.
Jan 22Reply
isoldaooak Thanks for sharing my closet... 💕 very sweet 🍭
Jan 23Reply
bnecia @aflygirld Thank you for the shares😃
Jan 25Reply
allthatwander @bnecia Thank you too!! :)
Jan 25Reply
calexander1833 Thanks for sharing 💜 Happy Poshing 💜
Jan 27Reply
alilforever 🌼Happy Terrific Tuesday ‼️🛍🌼🌸 Welcome to Poshmark‼️ I am a Posh Ambassador ‼️ 😀This Poshing journey has been an awesome experience for me 😃 & I want the same for you. I love 💕 your beautiful closet. Stay Awesome & have a Phenomenal Day 🌼🌸💕🎉🛍🛒
Jan 31Reply
allthatwander @zenobe You're welcome :))
Feb 08Reply
allthatwander @zenobe no problem! I actually like it when it's random during the day it's a fun little surprise bump :)) Thanks for rec.
Feb 15Reply
zen2017 Hello, and thank you for the shares! Great closet!
Mar 15Reply
rrhaefner @aflygirld cute closet. Thanks for sharing🌼
Mar 28Reply
roseyann1166 Thank you for the shares 😊
Apr 13Reply
blckpicktfnce 🇺🇸FREE MAKEUP! SAY WHAT? Check out my closet for this awesome Memorial Day Sale!!!!🇺🇸
May 25Reply
bruceysprucey Thanks for the follow! 🤩❤
Jun 01Reply
lakelooks Great closet! Go MN!
Jun 05Reply
lizb83 @aflygirld shared some of your items. You have a really awesome closet! Best of luck Poshing!
Jun 09Reply
robertbiondi Great closet!💜Denise
Jun 23Reply
bouldergirl22 @aflygirld thanks for all the shares! I shared back 💕 wishing you many quick sales!! Happy poshing 😊
Jun 23Reply
allthatwander @bouldergirl22 Thanks, wishing you the same :)
Jun 23Reply
ecochictrends Thank you for showing my closet some love! I appreciate you sharing my items ❤ Happy sales!
Jun 24Reply
midnitesky143 Thank you so much for all the awesome shares!!! If you haven’t already, please check out my Posh Friends post and consider being on my Posh PFF list for awesome extra Posh shares! you have an amazing closet and thanks again for sharing the Posh Love! HAPPY POSHING!!! 🎉🌺🌹🌷💕🌸🦋💐
Jun 25Reply
abandonresale Hi Lauren! Thanks so much for sharing so many of my items. I'm so grateful for Poshers like you who take the time to promote others. Love your closet and look forward to sharing it often! Happy poshing! ❤ Tina
Jun 29Reply
denimdiva608 I always love visiting your closet! You have such nice things !❤️
Jul 05Reply
allthatwander @denimdiva608 thank you 😁💗
Jul 05Reply
Jul 10Reply
kfaye2018 Thanks so much for the sharing :-)
Jul 11Reply
for_the_love love.your.closet! thanks for the shares💜
Jul 20Reply
allthatwander @for_the_love thank you😁 you have a gray closet too
Jul 20Reply
resourcing_rob Thank you for visiting and following my closet Lauren, please let me know if you have any questions. Have a Posh day!
Jul 21Reply
oliviafaith0001 Thanks so much for sharing! Love your closet!!!
Jul 28Reply
allthatwander @oliviafaith0001 no problem :) thank you too
Jul 28Reply
suzieqposh @aflygirld Thanks for your help in the search for my stock photo. Moderator turned off comments so I couldn't reply but I shared from your closet!
Aug 04Reply
allthatwander @suzieqposh no, problem :) I like the challenge and I already found that one for myself. Good luck!
Aug 04Reply
melliemel32 Love your closet! ☮️🌞🌺
Aug 27Reply
fashionistasue Hi !! Thank you For All The Shares!!!
Oct 07Reply
kerri7764 Welcome! Thank you so much for the follow! I hope you’ll visit my closet. I’m currently running a sale: 20% off when you bundle two or more items. Happy poshing!
Oct 09Reply
staylorerdos I received the Hawthorn blazer & have not accepted it yet. I love it but it is huge on me. Do you accept returns? Thanks for letting me know.
Nov 21Reply
pennycrawford Thank you for all the shares!! Happy Poshing!!❤️
Nov 28Reply
mochi68 Beautiful family picture 🎄
Dec 24Reply
allthatwander @mochi68 thank you 😁💗
Dec 24Reply
hoshi_posh Love your closet! So pretty. 💓
Jan 23Reply
allthatwander @tracyb973 thank you! :)) you have a beautiful closet too
Jan 23Reply
hoshi_posh @aflygirld Thanks. 💓💓💓
Jan 23Reply
mod_amelia Omg, your closet is amazing!
Feb 06Reply
allthatwander @mod_amelia thank you 😁💗
Feb 06Reply
j_felts Sorry for being random but just wanted to let you know that I'm loving your closet! 😊 You've got a Great collection and great listings!
Apr 16Reply
allthatwander @j_felts thank you so much :) you just made my day 💛
Apr 16Reply
annieonposh Congrats on hosting tomorrow’s Closet Crush Party! 😊 Feel free to check out my closet during your search for host picks! 🌷 Have a lovely day and have so much fun hosting! 🌷
May 14Reply
wearebeutiful Congratulation for be part of the tomorrow party and co host. Have fun🏵
May 14Reply
deardaisys Congrats on hosting!! Don’t forget to have fun! 🎉🎊🥂
May 14Reply
chante_allday Congratulations on co-hosting the posh party!! Please check out my closet for dope finds hoping for a HP🎉🎉 Best of luck to you.
May 14Reply
stylabration Congrats Hostess! I'm often told they have a crush on my closet so I think I can add to your party! Hot trending designer brands NWTS! Many new spring adds; classics too. Grateful if chosen!
May 14Reply
ladycrackerjack @allthatwander ❤️💕❤️💕Congratulations!! ❤️💕❤️💕 I am so excited for you! Have the best time ever ⭐️Hosting your Very Own party !❤️Cant wait to party & celebrate your day! Xo -Kat ❤️💕 - [ ]
May 14Reply
casadaly ⭐️Congratulations on hosting the Style Crush PaRtY⭐️ Can't wait to participate!!
May 14Reply
demonhunters Congratulation on co-hosting the upcoming posh style crush party. I have been working extremely hard on trying to create a beautiful closet and posh compliant, for wanting to startup a small business here on Poshmark. I am truly praying for a possible host pick to gain some exposure and new followers. Have lots of fun and wishing you many sales...
May 15Reply
pattydom1026 Congratulations 🎊🎉🎈🍾 my love 😍 what an awesome party to be hosting ! If you’re still in need for a host pick I would be honored if you can look at my closet 😊 thanks again and can’t wait to celebrate 🎉 with you today 🥳
May 15Reply
victoriaj84 Congratulations on your party! Love this theme!! I would absolutely honored to be one of your host picks, I have a closet filled with lots of unique options for women. Really hope you get a chance to check it out :) Congrats again!!
May 15Reply
hbbk2013 Nice closet 😍
May 15Reply
hbbk2013 Thanks for the shares!
May 15Reply
stateofjoy Congratulations on hosting the party tonight! If you are still looking for some picks, I've got some great, fun pieces that I think would be great for the party. Thank you and happy poshing!!
May 15Reply
hbuddenberg Hey Lauren, love your closet and congrats on hosting the party tonight 🍾🎉 I just joined Poshmark and think some of my pieces would be a good fit for the event tonight. Let me know if there anything you like!
May 15Reply
hbbk2013 Hi Lauren! If you have a chance, would you mind taking a look at my closet for a host pick? I appreciate it. Thanks for hosting the party this evening.
May 15Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much!!
May 15Reply
acelestialsoul Hi, Lauren!👚👒🕶👗👜👖You're a 🌟STAR🌟 for hosting the CLOSET CRUSH Party...& I've got 🌌🌛🌟🌜🌌Stellar🌌🌛🌟🌜🌌 fashion to share. I'd be 🌜OVER THE MOON 🌜if you'd ✅ check out my Posh Compliant closet for 🏆Host Picks🏆.💕 I’m a 🦋Social Butterfly🦋 & POWER SHARE on Poshmark, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumbler & Pinterest 💕 Let's have 🚀 blast! 👜👗👒Tricia, Posh Ambassador
May 15Reply
sarahsposhlife Congrats on co-hosting the Closet Crush Party!! If you have a chance, please checkout my closet for a potential host pick. Happy Poshing!!! 😊🎉🥂
May 15Reply
bohochicbowteek Thank you for all the time and effort that goes into hosting! Please ✅ out consider my posh compliant closet @bohochicbowteek! We will be there to 👏🏼cheer 👏🏼 you on and share your 💫🌟fabulous listings 🌟💫
May 15Reply
merri_graceland 🤭 I’m over-sharing. Yep. Your closet is a fun place to hang. 🤗Didn’t intend the pun, but it works! 😂 Hang in there! Oops, I did it again!🙃 Have a fashionable day and enjoy your pre-party festivities! 🤩
May 15Reply
monascollection @allthatwander 🎉🍷Congratulations for hosting the upcoming Party. I would be honored if you considered any items in my closet or those of my PFF’s as a host pick. 🍾💝🎊 I’ll be sharing no matter what. @merri_graceland @modig @cathyfrangos @pietta @lndc62 @sfish33 @lillylife @myvintagelady @giniva93 @bohochicbowteek @terri_lynns @wildcaresalot @michjprieto @fashiondiva411 @acelestialsoul
May 16Reply
monascollection @allthatwander 🎉🍷Congratulations for hosting the upcoming Party. I would be honored if you considered any items in my closet or those of my PFF’s as a host pick. 🍾💝🎊 I’ll be sharing no matter what. @anamaral @bonniesailer @legalbeagle922 @flippintickled @sarah_boynton @ms_penny_posher @mimi447 @heidizme @808classysassy @erincavezza @sluvscats @poshcloset173 @funkyhulagirl @romualdo1 @flghtmedc1907
May 16Reply
reneecali Congrats on your party! 🎉🎉🍾🍾💃🏻💃🏻 Can't wait!! Please take a look at my closet for host picks!!!!!! I have lots of new arrivals! 🎀👗💄👛 @reneecali
May 16Reply
cocosverobeach Hi Lauren! My name is Ronda and I have been following you for awhile now and was hoping that you’d be kind enough to honor me with a Host Pick this evening. I’ll be hosting again soon and surely will return the gesture. Either way I’ll be there at your party 🎉 sharing my bootie off! I truly appreciate your consideration! @cocosverobeach
May 16Reply
proverbs2323 Congrats on party hosting! Closet Crush Party sounds fabulously fun! Sending Posh Love & Blessings! 🎉❤️🎉
May 16Reply
kaileey15 aloha! 🌺 congratulations on co-hosting a party on poshmark 🥳 please check out my closet and consider choosing something from my closet as a hosts pick 💖 thank you and goodluck on your sales! 🍀
May 16Reply
closetjunkie21 Congrats on hosting tonight 💛💛💛
May 16Reply
hangingclothes Hi! If you get the chance would you please stop by my closet and consider one of my items as a host pick? Thank you. Happy Poshing!
May 16Reply
gigi11155 Happy HOSTING!!🎉🎉. If you can find a min would you see if I have a HOST PICK?? Thanks and have a blast @gigi11155❤️👍😊🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
May 16Reply
preppypumpkin Happy Hosting tonight! It would be such a compliment if you were to take a look at The Preppy Pumpkin for a potential host pick. Happy Poshing!
May 16Reply
poshmel888 Hi there, @allthatwander!! Congrats on hosting yaaay!!! Sounds excitingly scary!! Ooo:/ A HUGE thank you for taking the time to do it for all of us PoshHappyShopaSellaManiacs!! lol. If you have a moment, please peek my closet for a possible Host Pick. I have many treasures😊🙏🎋🍀💫✨thank you in advance & rock your party out like I know you will!!! Sending you ALLL the good energies ~~~🦄🌈🍀🎋💵💵⚜️🧞‍♂️🧜🏼‍♀️💵💵🎋🍀💫
May 16Reply
lookwhatibought Congrats on hosting tonight 💖 🛍️ Would love a host pick 😍
May 16Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! Glad we connected on Poshmark! Hope you will check out my account and give me a follow ❤️❤️❤️
May 16Reply
styledbydee Hi Lauren! CONGRATS on hosting the Closet Crush Posh Party. Please choose my Old Navy striped dress as Host Pick! Thanks and Happy Posh Party! 🎊🎉
May 16Reply
fashiondiva411 @allthatwander Lauren I think it was you that picked my purse for a host pick. Thank you so very much! 😊❤️💕 I greatly appreciate it and I’m sure you had many beautiful items to choose from. Have a great night! 😊😊💕💚💜💙
May 16Reply
clotheswithedge I just wanted to thank you for the host pick and shares. Appreciated it very much. As always, love your closet and sharing it.
May 16Reply
msuppes1 Thank you so much for the party that you hosted last night. I was able to get a lot of traction on some of my listings. I appreciate you and putting on this party! I look forward to more!
May 17Reply
skiprincss Great closet! 💖💖💖
Jan 05Reply
allthatwander @skiprincss Thank you! You have a great closet as well. I think we have similar taste in style :)
Jan 05Reply
skiprincss @allthatwander Thanks! I think we do, too! 😊😎
Jan 05Reply
niki_aloha Thanks so much for the gorgeous skirt- I absolutely love it!! It’s even better than I expected!! :)
Apr 13Reply
allthatwander @nmariecross 😁 I'm so glad you love it!
Apr 13Reply
abbegage12 Hello @allthatwander, thank you for the wonderful Dansko purchase recently! The process was quick and easy.. I was out of town and when I returned realized the shoes are a size to small. I’m super bummed! Will look for a 38 ASAP. My size 38 Dansko I already owned is too big, so I swore the 37 would be perfect in this style but it is untrue. Anyway, would you accept this as a return/refund so you can repost and resell? I’ll pay for shipping. Let me know, super bummed about this. Thank you, Abbe
Sep 17Reply
allthatwander @abbegage12 I am sorry to hear they don't fit. you could try filing a case with posh or feel free to screenshot and use my pictures and description of the shoes to resell. you can also use the box I sent them to you in (I would list for higher than you purchased them for so you would be able get your money back after posh fees😉). Poshmark doesn't allow us to do off posh transactions. Again, I'm sorry they weren't what you were hoping for :(
Sep 17Reply
abbegage12 @allthatwander They really were perfect! They were in great condition, I was happy with the price and overall purchasing experience, thank you! I was out of town all last week so when I arrived home 2 days ago, it was out of the 3-day return window. My Barbara Black’s were 38’s and too big so I sized down with the Maria’s thinking I would out smart! Anyways, I filed a claim with Posh and am hopeful they can help me out so I can repurchase a size 38! Thank you.
Sep 17Reply
spreadlove Hi Im Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I am always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet - so I wanted to say hello. Have a great day!
Nov 08Reply
allthatwander @dolphinsxena :) you're welcome!
Dec 09Reply
lamarquez16 Hello.Ms Lauren I appreciate the follow. I'm to selling but not new to buying on Poshmark. I started this adventure with my daughter as a means to spend quality time together. We have a variety of clothes for women, men, and youth boys. We shared some items from your closet and we hope you can do the same? Thank you. Happy Poshing !
Oct 03Reply
ilovemydogs_49 Love your closet!!! Happy Poshing!!! ✨️
Jan 30Reply
misserin7 Hi! Nice closet :) I’m having a Moving Sale and just added new items. I hope you’ll check my closet out too.
May 02Reply

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Buffalo, MN
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Last Active: this hour

Buffalo, MN
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