Meet your Posher, Lauren
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I’m Lauren. Favorite brands: Blackcraft, Dollskill, Disturbia, H&M, Forever21, Unif, Aeropostale and more. Feel free to make offers on anything I’ve got listed! Thanks!

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Welcome to Poshmark! Hope you have a great time here! Happy Poshing!
Nov 03Reply

Tha is for the like hun
Nov 05Reply

Welcome to Posh and happy poshing💖💖💖
Nov 13Reply

Hi! Welcome to Poshmark. I am a Posh Ambassador so if you ever have any questions feel free to reach out. Best of luck with your closet!
Nov 13Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 😀🌷
Nov 13Reply

Welcome to Poshmark‼️I’m a Poshmark Ambassador as well as a Top Rated Seller. I love everything about fashion and love to help mentor newbies here on PM. I hope you’ll reach out to me if you have any questions as to how to get started. Happy Poshing‼️
Nov 13Reply

Hi!! Welcome to Poshmark! It’s such a wonderful community and I hope you really enjoy it!! Happy Poshing!! 🎉🌸🛍
Nov 13Reply

@_bluesuedeshoes thanks I see you received your package! Don’t forget to accept and rate me please! I hope you enjoy it 🤪 thanks again! Happy Halloween !’
Nov 01Reply

Happy Poshing;) come visit too sometime !
Nov 11Reply

Hi! I’ll do a bundle on the 3 items you liked in my closet with discount and discounted shipping ☺️
Jan 18Reply

Hey girl I just listed some “slightly” better quality sketchy tank tees. Just wanted to let you know 🖤
Oct 14Reply

@elegantalice dope! I’m loving the other 2 I’ve already cut them up, just made a bundle shoot me what you’d take for all 3 in an offer!
Oct 14Reply

As I already explained, I had TEMPORARILY lowered my list price in order to offer discounted shipping for closet clear out. So yes,once that was over, I re-set my price. not that i owe you any sort of explanation at all.I didn't bother countering your 51% off offer because that's an insanely unreasonable offer and I don't waste my time responding to cheapskate offers. What you're doing is called price policing and it's not only uncalled for it's harassment and will get you kicked off this
Nov 09Reply

platform. if i want to set my price on a brand nwt item or anything else, for that matter, at more than what an item is selling for online, that's my choice and my business. when i bought the top i spent $60 plus on it. the list price it was at BEFORE i dropped my price ,which was before you sent the offer for another 51% off, meant I would make less than half of what i spent, and then you wanted an additional 51% off of THAT price, which meant i'd be making $14 which is $45 less than what i
Nov 09Reply

spent. i'm saying all this so maybe you will be a bit more sensitive in your interactions with other sellers in the future.i don't worry about me though cause I'll be blocking you from my closet now.
Nov 09Reply

@nastygalwannabe lol I wasn’t price policing, that would be me calling you on over pricing literally everything in your closet. Not really sure why it’s not allowed here tbh, since price gouging is something I would think Poshmark would want to avoid instead, but I digress.
Nov 09Reply

@nastygalwannabe Part of making an offer on an app like this is to bid. It’s also smart, as a seller, to list things above what you will accept for them. It makes a buyer feel better to think they are getting a good deal. It’s just simple marketing really.
Nov 09Reply
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