Meet your Posher, Laurie
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Hi! I'm Laurie. Some of my favorite brands are Michael Kors, Coach, PINK Victoria's Secret, Nike, and Louis Vuitton. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

20 others
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Welcome To Posh 🎉😊
Mar 01Reply

Welcome thanks for the likes.If you like bundle them an submit an offer I'm sure we can come to an agreement
Mar 04Reply

@lauriedyer84 $100?
Mar 06Reply

Thanks for the likes. I am open to bundle offers.
Mar 08Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!🌺
Mar 09Reply

Hi Laurie & welcome to Poshmark! Great picks! Bundle and submit your offer & I’ll ship out to you today! 📦🎉
Mar 15Reply

Thanks so much for your purchase sweetie! :) I'll send it out tomorrow k
Mar 16Reply

Still interested on the phone case
Mar 17Reply

@lauriedyer84 Hi Laurie 👍🏻 don't know if you saw my counter offer 😉 on your bundle 😊 if you want to add back the juicy couture pouch into the bundle I can do it all for $30💕
Mar 19Reply

Laurie! Lmk if you need any measurements re: Columbia jacket or other items & happy to answer any Q’s 🎉
Mar 20Reply

Thanks for stopping by my closet 😊
Mar 22Reply

@lauriedyer84 Hi Welcome To Posh! I Hope You Love This Site As Much As I Do ! You Will Meet Amazing People And I Wanted To Let You Know Thanks So Much For The Likes! If You Decide Too Bundle ! I Will Make You A Better Offer ! Lol Melissa
Mar 22Reply

Thanks for the follow and visiting my closet! I'm always adding new things so don't forget to check back!!🛍💍👗👒👢💜
Mar 25Reply

Thank you for the likes! if your interested in making a bundle I'm happy to accept an offer!
Mar 25Reply

welcome to poshmark, stop on by my closet anytime... Bundle your likes and save... Happy Poshing!
Mar 25Reply

If you bundle all your items I can give it to you as low as $29 for all! What do u think?
Mar 26Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! I'm a new Poshmark Ambassador & I'd be happy to help you in any way. I can give suggestions on selling or what to look for in photos when buying used. Remember to share as much as you can to build your network. Happy Poshing!
Mar 26Reply

Mar 28Reply

If you would like to bundle all of your likes I'll send you a private discount😊🖒
Mar 28Reply

Hi Laurie, thanks for the bundle. I don’t quite understand how that works yet, I’ve been on here for about 4 days.
Mar 29Reply

Hi Laurie! I see that you recently liked 3 shoes from my closet! They are sitting in my closet waiting for someone to love them LOL! If you are interested please reach out, I am totally willing to negotiate on their prices. AND if you bundle and get 2 or all three I would love to take care of the shipping for you <3 hope to hear from you!
Mar 29Reply

Hi Laurie! Thanks for all the likes. Let me know if you have any questions. I am always offering bundled discounts, and I typically ship the same day. Thanks again! Have a wonderful night. :)
Mar 30Reply

Hi @lauriedyer84 ! Thanks for the huge bundle! I made you an offer on your bundle and I gave you free shipping! Let me know if this works for you!
Mar 30Reply

Hi Laurie!😊 Thank you for bundling. It has been discounted. Go ahead and accept for todays sale, it's ready🤗
Mar 30Reply

Hi, i prematurely offered before you were finished bundling. If you can decline the offer i can make an offer to all the items 😊
Mar 30Reply

Greetings and welcome to posh! I've got a ton of great styles and brands I'd love for you to check out when you have a moment, including Lululemon, haute Hippie, DVF, Anthropologie, free people, kate Spade, BCBG, and more! Welcome again and good luck in your future poshing :)
Mar 30Reply

Hi. Counter offer on your bundle and we’ll work something out.
Mar 31Reply

Hi. Thanks so much for browsing and making an offer in my closet. I'm unable to accept because you have a few items in your bundle that are not for sale. The vs bag is not a for sale listing. That was extra photos for another member, that bag was sold months ago. If you'd like to edit your bundle and resend I can review.
Apr 10Reply

Also please read the listing for the dress and vs crop tops. Those crop tops are all nwt and are $30 each, not all for $30.
Apr 10Reply

Laurie, hi. Thank you for visiting my closet and creating a bundle. You've selected some really great pieces. Please let me know if you have any questions. Great timing too, just increased the bundled discount to 15% yesterday. 🌹 have a great day. 😊🛍💖
Apr 10Reply

@lauriedyer84 hi Laurie. Thanks for all the likes ❤️ if u r interested in a bundle 💰 deal just LMK 😃 I'm running a sale on all my $5 items now 5 for just $15 ☺️ and $8 items now 3 for just $20 and $10 items now 3 for just $25 👍🏼 check it out and I will give you a deal on a custom bundle 💰 too👏🏻🌹❤️
Apr 10Reply

If you'd like anything on your like list, submit by the end of the week. I'm packing some of your Likes to give to a shelter so they will be deleted soon. Thanks.
Apr 10Reply

Thank you for liked 😘
It could go fast
Apr 10Reply

Hi Laurie I saw the bundle you put together on my page. Let me know if you want to counteroffer. I can do $106. Thanks for visiting my page. 😊
Apr 11Reply

Hi I just started this a month ago. So still learning. I see you bundled 6 items. Not sure if you still interested. Someone like two things out of your bundle. Can you reply please. I need to know if you accept, counteroffer or decline before I know to reply to next potential buyer. Thanks a bunch!!
Apr 11Reply

HI love feel free to look at my second offer for the 3 items babe, and let me know if your looking for anything else in particular. I have so many items to list and I can list it earlier for you so you can take a look at them
Apr 12Reply

Hey!!! The group of shirts and phone clip you bundled, if you bundle again, I can give you a lower price as I just want to get rid of my things.. I tried submitting another offer, but it wouldn’t allow me! Look forward to hearing from you!! Thanks :)
Apr 12Reply

Hey there!🌟 I️ see we’ve liked the same items! 🌷 mind heckling our my closet?💞
Apr 13Reply

@lauriedyer84 Hi. U asked for a bundle on my "Lounge Wear". * Can u elaborate?? thx
Apr 14Reply

Gm, ty for your offer. I have gladly accepted it and I will be dropping off your new awesome Pumas this evening!
Apr 17Reply

I noticed you bundled a lot of my items! Would love if you bought them haha! Is there a price range you are looking for ? :)
Apr 17Reply

Hi, I never received a response from you regarding your bundle. Just wanted to let you know i've packed them for donation at this point. thanks anyway, enjoy the rest of your week.
Apr 17Reply

I saw that you bundled my items willing to make a super cheap offer
Apr 17Reply

Hi! 💕Just a heads up if you buy 2 clothing items, u get another clothing item free from my closet! Or if u buy 3 items u get 15% off!! Happy Poshing🌷🌸
Apr 17Reply

Hey Laurie, this is Melody
I think you can only put 6 items in a bundle at a time. Checked with my other posh friend & she thinks the same thing. I see you put 9 items in a bundle but only 6 are showing up. I made you an offer on those 6 only. I guess you will have to make the other 3 items, which was the anchor necklace & the 2 body suits in a separate bundle, sorry I have never seen this happen before. I can pack them up for you and ship first thing tomorrow morning
Thanks 😊❤️😊
Apr 17Reply

Just let me know tonite and I will get everything ready for you 👙👜👠👗👖👛❤️
Thanks again, Melody 😎
Apr 17Reply

Hi let me know if that bundle works for you I can ship Tomorrow 😎
Apr 18Reply

Apr 18Reply

Hey hun welcome to the world of poshing! I noticed you added a bunch of items from my closet in a bundle. I placed an offer for you if you’re interested. I can negotiate a little bit if you need. Let me know if you need any help. Happy poshing! 😘
Apr 18Reply

Feel free to make an offer on the bundle! 😊
Apr 18Reply

@annakmerwin check my closet girl
Apr 18Reply

Hey hun I offered a sale price on the Steve Madden shoes. Please go through your news feed and if you’re ok with the offer, press accept. Hopefully this helps. I can’t do another offer until the one I placed earlier expires. 😊
Apr 18Reply

@trentsmommy88 cute stuff! Not looking to buy anything right now!
Apr 18Reply

Hi, Laurie. I did make you an offer on the sneakers only. If you decline that offer I should be able to make you an offer on the bundle.
Apr 18Reply

Welcome to Poshmark ! Happy to have you here ! 😚☺💘❤💗💗💖💖💔💖💞💞💕💔💓💕💟💟💖💖
Apr 19Reply

Hi Laurie! My name is Nancy and I'm happy to meet you! Welcome to Poshmark! Thank you for stopping by my closet and putting the pants and cameo in a bundle! I submitted a special reduced offer for you! If you need help, let me know. Have a beautiful day!
Apr 21Reply

Hi. Did you want to add anything else to your bundle or did you just want to purchase that one item? If so you can either buy now or send an offer :)
Apr 22Reply

Hi, I made an offer on the items , I had already marked down but I'm easy to work with ...hope you accept .
Blessings to you !
Apr 23Reply

HI,AGAIN. ..I meant to put $30 n the Bundle...if you decide offer $30. I will accept, I always give a gift or gifts. : )
Apr 23Reply

Hi! Are you still interested in the bundle you made 😊
Apr 23Reply

Welcome to Posh 😍
Apr 23Reply

Hi Laurie I noticed you created a bundle but only have one item. I understand if you changed your mind, I just wanted to follow up with you because it’s about to expire. Happy shopping! 💕
Apr 23Reply

@lauriedyer84 your bundle offer expires in two hours... please accept, counter or deny before its gone! I really want to ship this bundle to you! Let’s get it to you!
Apr 24Reply

Welcome to posh
Apr 26Reply

Hi Welcome to Poshmark. Sell, Share, Like and Purchase. Perfect time to do some spring cleaning. Have fun🙂🌷
Apr 27Reply

Hi there🙂 I know you are new to Poshmark. You are adding items to a bundle. Are you looking to buy? On Posh when you add items to a bundle, it usually means you are looking to buy🌷
Apr 27Reply

Hey Laurie thanks for checking out my closet. I'm changing things up so excuse my half done closet. Let me know if you have any questions, I appreciate you! #poshlove
Apr 28Reply

Hey!! Thanks for the bundle!! I am open to offers! 🙂
Apr 30Reply

If you are interested in buying that bundle let me know and I can lower the bundle if you need too? I can ship the items out to you first thing tomorrow! 🙂
Apr 30Reply

Hi Laurie... i offered you before you changed the coach bag to the Fossil glasses . .. which one do you prefer?
May 01Reply

Hey! That offer is about to expire, last chance to counteroffer! 🙂
May 01Reply

Hi Laurie! The juicy shirt you added to my bundle got lost when moving 😩😫 I am so sorry!!! Are you interested in the other items still?!
May 01Reply

Hi! I see you are interested in a lot of items. I set a price for the bundle please get back to me whenever you can:)
May 02Reply

Hey there! mind checking out my closet? based on your recent likes, I think you’d enjoy a bunch of my recent listings! xo happy poshing!
May 05Reply

hi! I would like to know if you would want to purchase your bundle ?
May 05Reply

Hey hun them hats are the price for one not all together price
May 07Reply

Hello i saw that you liked the Sperrys, the Calvin Klein, the Dr Martens & the Baretrap boots. If you want to add them all to a bundle i will give you a great price. Thank you
May 07Reply

Feel free to make an offer on the cases
May 09Reply

Hi there! I Noticed you added a few things in my closet to a bundle... just going to let you know I am a couple days away from going out of town for a couple weeks... if you would like to go ahead and buy these things so I can ship before I leave that would be great:) thanks!
May 11Reply

Welcome to Poshmark.Happy Poshing
May 15Reply

Hello thanks for the bundle🎉☺ Due to the ware of the glasses, I gave you a great bundle deal, if you choose to take it
Jun 03Reply

@lauriedyer84 hey! I see you’ve added the shirts to a bundle from my closet! I can ship out tomorrow if you purchase today! Thanks a lot for checking out my closet!
Jun 03Reply

I see you have coach bag in dressing room I will throw in the scarf if your interested please let me know ciao Bella 🌺
Jun 04Reply

Hi Laurie! Take a look at my closet! Lots of Adidas, Nike, Polo, Lacoste, Puma & Champion for Men & Women. Feel free to make an offer or ask about bundling for a 30% discount 😃
Jun 24Reply

hey there! happy poshing🤗🌻feel free to take advantage of my❗️FLASH SALE❗️30% off on 3+ items (MONDAY IS THE LAST DAY)
Jun 25Reply

Hi 👋🏽 Take a look at my closet! Lots of Adidas, Nike,, Lacoste, Under Armour & Champion for Men & Women. Feel free to make an offer or ask about bundling for a 30% discount 😃
All items have been marked down for a 4th Of July sale! Additional 30%Off all bundles of 3 or more items. Happy Independence Day. 🎇
Jul 03Reply

Welcome to Poshmark, love!! Let me know if you need any assistance! Hopefully you can check out my closet as well! ♡
Jul 29Reply

Hope your having fun poshing!!!💓💓💓 I have some cute clothes, and shoes!! You can make me an offer or bundle for a discount!!!🔥🔥🔥😍😍😍
Aug 04Reply

Hello, I’m having a sale today, please check it out you may find something you like 🎀
Aug 05Reply

Hello! My name is Brianna! At the moment I am having a FLASH SALE to get rid of everything and start fresh in my closet! I have brands such as; Lula Roe, Gianni Bini, Calvin Klein, Levi’s, and MUCH more! Please come check out my page and make a bundle of 2 or more for a 10% discount! Plus if you buy today you will get a free gift and it shipped today! Thank you! ✨💓☺️
Aug 08Reply

I also have a pair of VS Pink Jeans! Check them out!
Aug 08Reply

hi there! i saw you were interested in a guess jacket and i have one new with tags on my page! feel free to make an offer if you’re interested, i’m flexible with the price. either way happy poshing💕
Aug 18Reply

✨✨Hello ! 🤗 Sending out positive vibes! Peace & Love ✨Happy Poshing ✨✨
Aug 21Reply

Welcome to poshmark! Some of your favorite brands are available in my closet if you’re interested. Thank you, good luck poshing!
Oct 23Reply

Happy holidays❄☃ I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💖💛 Let me know if you have any questions!
Jan 11Reply

Hey there gorgeous! Wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance, stop by and take a look at my closet. A lot of my clothing has never been worn and still has tags attached. Brands such as Kate Spade, Nike, Michael Kors, Victoria’s Secret, Pur Minerals, and so much more! So take a look around, and if there is something you like but not the price, send me an offer!
XoXo, B.
Feb 02Reply

Hello! Hope your posh experience has been going great 😊 If you'd like to check out my closet, I have brands like PINK, LOFT, Vera Bradley, Lucky Brand, Lilly Pulitzer, Converse, Torrid and more! Happy poshing 🛍️🤗
Feb 08Reply

Hi! Please check out my closet for Indian outfits, vintage items and more! 💥🌼💕☺️
Apr 04Reply

Hi I hope you’re loving poshmark! I would love for you to check out my closet.😊 If you see anything you like please don’t hesitate to make me an offer or ask any questions. I’m pretty flexible with pricing.😉 Happy poshing and happy holidays!🤩🤗👗👜💫🐝
Dec 05Reply

Welcome to poshmark! I have some Red Wing Shoes you may be interested in. Im motivated to sell and accepting all reasonable offers
Dec 25Reply

Hey love, welcome to Poshmark! I’m currently accepting reasonable offers on everything in my closet. I hope you find something you like ❤️
Oct 15Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️
I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟
I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️
Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Aug 15Reply
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