Meet your Posher, Lee
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Hi! I'm Lee. This was my baby, Oliver. He passed 4/2017 at 20.5 yrs old! Last 4 pics r Winston, my new furbaby!
Some of my favorite brands are Adrianna Papell, BANDOLINO, Nine West, AEROSOLES, Ann Taylor, Ann Klein, Betsey Johnson, Frye, Liz Claiborne, Spanx, BCBG, Sofft, Aldo, White House Black Market, Brighton Collectibles & tons more. I value quality above all! Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

36 others
like this

Good afternoon ☀️ Welcome to Poshmark 💐
Oct 01Reply

@bonnycatlady Welcome to Poshmark! :)
Oct 20Reply

Hi Lee!
My name is Liz (floresej), the girl from whom you purchased the Maui Jim sunglasses. I have the poshmark app and am signed up for notifications yet somehow wasn't notified of the sale until today! I see that you purchased the sunglasses a week ago and I wanted to apologize for the delay! I will put the sunglasses in the mail ASAP, tomorrow at the latest. ☺️
Take care and have a great day,
Liz (floresej)
Oct 24Reply

@bonnycatlady Hi, Lee!!!✨Welcome to the Poshmark family!! 🌸🌷We definitely have a fabulous community here of women (& some men too)! You'll meet a lot of great people, it's a fun way to make some extra income (should you decide to open your own closet) plus, you can always find fabulous wardrobe pieces on Posh!!😉You can tag me using @ symbol in comments anytime ( @nia1113 ) if you have questions or need any help (let me know if you choose to open up a closet) okay? ❤, Nia XOXOXO
Oct 28Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! I'm new too😍
Oct 31Reply

Hi Its nice 2 meet U. Love from @wenrella ⭕️❌✌🏽️
Nov 01Reply

Lee the black glass necklace is 29" flat, doubled is 58". Thanks for asking. Marjorie
Nov 07Reply

@marjpalmore thanks 4 the info!
Nov 07Reply

@bonnycatlady Hello! Thank you for stopping by my closet! I'd like to extend a courtesy I offer to new folks; if you buy a bundle today, you can choose an item $5-$6 to receive for free! Just leave me a comment on that item after you purchase! Thank you!!🌸
Nov 09Reply

@antiqueorunique Sorry 4 being dense about this...but, how many items constitute a bundle? Thanks!
Nov 09Reply

@bonnycatlady 2 or more! Use the "bundle" feature on the app to get my 20% bundle discount! No problem, everyone was new here at one time!😊
Nov 09Reply

@bonnycatlady thank you so much! I have great specials today buy one get one free and a couple others that are listed in my closet so if you have any questions feel free to message me or as always I accept all offers and I'm very reasonable! I will visit your closet soon and often!
Nov 13Reply

@bonnycatlady i'm glad you found so many items that you liked and I will do a little better for you on the bundle if you want to do the three for 30% off let me know or if you have more items you like it I'll work out a price for you! And you can always make me an offer on anything!
Nov 13Reply

@bonnycatlady OK I'm glad they got that straightened out so that it's the 30% off and you only pay shipping once but if you please could let me know on next few minutes o have an offer 4 that Bundle but I told her that I had to go with you first so if you could either accept it or decline it I would appreciate it! I hope you get it you're getting three pieces for $15 that retail for over 200 you can't be that
Nov 21Reply

@bonnycatlady OK I don't know what's going on but I have a buyer that wants to purchase these items and you have the first right since you made an offer like I told you the prices are already discounted tremendously so I can do another 30% on top of that I will be willing to do the three pieces for you for 35 if you want to counter back at 35 if you could please do so now otherwise I need to have the listing canceled and will email posh Mark. Thank you 😊
Nov 21Reply

@bonnycatlady and I'm just telling you as far as my reviews and everything go as a top 10% seller and top rated seller and mentor everybody says my pieces don't do any justice and you're getting three incredible pieces for $15 so you can't beat that when it's over almost $250 retail but I really need to know now
Nov 21Reply

@bonnycatlady honey I'm really trying to work with you here see you can get these pieces because they're beautiful and fortunately I make enough that I'm able to do that from time to time but this one man it really is being persistent and wanting these and I have a lot of other things I need to list and do so I really need an answer as to whether you wanted or not it would go out first thing in the morning
Nov 21Reply

@bonnycatlady OK I think sufficient time has gone by and I just got an email back from Poshmark as well as from one of the members all you have to do is cancel your bundle so if you can go ahead and cancel it then I can go ahead and let the other one then purchase that she is waiting with bated breath I would really appreciate it and hopefully we can work something out another time!
Nov 21Reply

Honey I hate to be a pain but this lady is getting mad & honestly I am 2 I gave u a great deal I even told you I take two dollars off & make it 35 & I have not gotten 1
response from u but when you respond to me I respond back right away I need u 2
cancel this bundle asap so that she can purchase it. I am very reasonable and friendly to everybody on the site and don't want to have to block you from my closet but I can't work like this it's not fair to me or the other potential buyer.
Nov 21Reply

it doesn't show any bundle it only shows the Ramshead rang and it will not let me except the bundle of 37 for whatever reason so you might have to try it all over again because I think you're thinking it will work from last night and it won't
Nov 21Reply

And you have picked three different items so the price will vary so you might as well just create a new bundle with the new pieces because the pieces are not the same
Nov 21Reply

@bonnycatlady just know that the total of around prior to tax has to be a minimum of 25 to obtain the credit and cannot be used with any other specials so let me know when you were done bundling so that I can wrap it and get it out and Mark and my ledger that you now have a five dollar credit through December 24!
Nov 21Reply

The stone in the middle is the same in both one has black beads all the way up and one has black with like a glitterish spacer between the beads it's listed you just have to go to scroll through it I'm telling you I think the all black is much classier looking but that's just my opinion
Nov 21Reply

Done with bundle. Going 2 go & press Buy Now, now.
Nov 21Reply

I am sorry but I am not going to take brand new items out of pkgs put them on and take more pictures. The items would then not be brand new. My prices are more than fair, descriptions are excellent and accurate and I have put enough work in taking Picts and listing in the first Place.
Nov 23Reply

@jenniferk80 My apologies! You're correct, you've put n alot of work. I greatly admire & appreciate how detailed the descriptions are on your listings. The problem is me & visualizing things. Sometimes I can...but, usually need a pic. I didnt kno u didn't have 1 out of packaging. In light of that, & all your hard work, it was indeed very selfish of me 2 ask. Again, I sincerely apologize for my thoughtless request. Btw, I LOVE your closet! My willpower is crumbling as we speak!
Nov 23Reply

I am so glad that you got your items and we're happy with them and are ordering more let me know when you're finished ordering so I can give you more discounted price for being such a loyal customer!happy Thanksgiving honey XO XO
Nov 24Reply

Hi sweetie welcome to poshmark the best place to buy and sell. Very nice to meet you 😘. Please let me know if you have any questions about my list. I love to bundle it's the smallest things to save money 💰 you get bundle discounts and pay only one shipping fee 💚❤️️🌹
Nov 26Reply

@bonnycatlady it is absolutely magnificent in the Rosegold with those stones I almost did not list it that's how pretty it is and I had pack not necessarily hand-picked but I approve every piece that I left when I meet with my wholesaler and this is on the tops and you know all the specials you get today right
Nov 26Reply

@bonnycatlady you get another gift certificate for $20 towards any future purchase no restrictions you can use on specials offers anything you get two different gift valued at $15 and it's buy one get one half off so you get to pick another item that's half off so as always you can make me an offer
Nov 26Reply

@bonnycatlady OK doing it right now for you I'll let you know when I'm done
Nov 27Reply

@bonnycatlady go 😂
Nov 27Reply

Hi Posher! I have a MASSIVE selection of SOME HARD TO FIND DESIGNER jeans, dresses and coats if you're interested 😄. Plus, with the selection of multiple items, you can use the apps cool feature to make an offer on a bundle❤️. Poshin' is SO much fun!
Nov 29Reply

@bonnycatlady hey Lee. So sorry this has happened to you. It is Vintage Jewelry and has lots of years behind it. I wish you wouldn't take it out on me by lowering the rating. This is the first time I have heard of this happening to one of my pieces. Hopefully u can replace the stone.
Dec 03Reply

@debbspc sorry about that. I'm kinda new at this & still get confused about stuff. Sorry!
Dec 03Reply

@bonnycatlady no problem 😀hope you come back soon for more great deals 💕 😚 I do have 125+ happy customers and have 5 star ratings on 98% of my sales. Any time u need help with Poshmark just ask.
Dec 03Reply

Hello hello 😄 Welcome to the Posh Party! Thank you for taking a peek at my closet, I wrap everything and ship same day 😄 let me know if you have any questions 😄
Dec 08Reply

@bonnycatlady just wanted to wish you a happy new year sweetie
Jan 04Reply

Welcome vintage lover!💞💞💞💞
Jan 08Reply

All my jewelry are brand new with tag on it
Jan 10Reply

Hi!!! Welcome! Thanks so much for stopping by my closet! Feel free to ask any questions! Have a fabulous day! 😀😀😀
Jan 11Reply

Hi Lee ! Thanks for exploring my treasures ! Glad to answer any questions !
Jan 11Reply

@pralinequeen I see you started a bundle, please let me know if you have any questions. Have a fabulous day! 🎉
Jan 24Reply

Hi & Welcome to Posh!
It's a very supportive & social community & if U have questions there's always a Posher to answer them. Or...
...visit my closet & I'd be happy to help U!
More questions?
on anything U'd like to know?
just ask me...
YAH! It's a New Year!🌞
Jan 24Reply

Thank you for your LIKE!
Jan 26Reply

Thanks, Lee, for checking my items! If you have any questions on BOGO and free ship, let me know. I ship same or next day, and am a suggested user. Xo Amy
Jan 31Reply

Thanks for visiting 💕
Feb 09Reply

Hi lady, if you like vintage come on over and check me out. ♡ Bernadette
Feb 12Reply

@bonnycatlady So nice to meet and Posh with you! Thanks for all the "likes." I'm happy to help with your bundle if you have any questions! Thanks, Lee xo
Feb 18Reply

OMG!!!I forgot to message you back it's sz 91/2 shoe.For the right offer,I am willing to sell🌸
Feb 28Reply

@simone_mcbrid If only I had the right size foot to fit in it! Alas, you'll have to hold onto them & love them for! I wear a sz 8. Thanks anyway, really wish it would've worked!
Feb 28Reply

@bonnycatlady I will 🌸🙋🏾🌸
Feb 28Reply

Hello, love. I sell JEWELRY in my closet! I love love love jewelry so much! You can probably tell :) I would really appreciate it if you stopped by! Maybe you'll find a special piece you'll love :) hope to hear from you soon!
Mar 08Reply

Thank you for liking my closet! I accept all reasonable offers & love to bundle. Please let me know if you have any questions! ❤❤❤
Mar 09Reply

Thanks for your like. I am open to offers and trying to spring cleaning. 😊
Mar 13Reply

Thanks for adding my listing to your bundle! 😇
Mar 13Reply

@bonnycatlady Hi there, thanks for checking out my closet 🌺 feel free to make an offer on your likes I'm negotiable 😊
Mar 19Reply

@bonnycatlady hi thanks for the like the sports bra! Make me an offer!!
Mar 19Reply

Why did you open a case on the ring you bought?
Apr 12Reply

@aprilludg8 because it's nowhere near the size you claimed it was. And, I did ask u 4 clarification on the size, twice, b4 I bought it. I wear a size 8 on several fingers & this ring didn't fit any of them. And I really did try, because I love that ring!
Apr 12Reply

@bonnycatlady I would like you to return it to me, that ring is an antique and was originally $60 and I gave it to you for $10.
Apr 12Reply

@aprilludg8 I will follow all of Poshmark's instructions to the 'T'. Let's remember that this was a purchase between two consenting adults. You did not 'give' anything to me. You did have the option of countering or refusing my bid. I regret that you are so upset about this. I really do like this ring very much. My jeweler stated that it would b cost prohibitive 2 try 2 size the ring larger.
Apr 12Reply

@bonnycatlady Well if you really want to be technical, I'm 17 and therefore not a legal adult. But that's not the point. Let's get this over with as soon as possible please. Thanks!
Apr 12Reply

Hey girl! when you have a second check out my closet! I have lululemon, michael kors, and north face! Everything is in great condition!
May 05Reply

Hello. Thank you for checking out our closet 🌼 and your 💕
May 23Reply

Hi Lee and Oliver! Thank you so much for stopping by my closet! I hope you have a wonderful night! Happy poshing!
May 24Reply

Hi dear! Will be happy to see you in my closet! Hop you will like it! Just make an offer with price you like! Have a great day ❤️❤️❤️
May 27Reply

I ❤️Oliver! We have 3 pugs and two cats . Our cat fur humans think they are just that! Ours is 19 and 17. Wish they really had 9 lives so they could be with us a long time. We have had them since they were kittens. Have always loved the name Oliver for a cat... cute cute!!!❤️💕😊
May 30Reply

*20*?! 😧 Whoa! 😦😮😯😧😲 (LOL.) *GO*, Oliver! 👍😃🎉🎂🙌👏👌👊🤜🤛🤘 (😆!) I hope 🙏 *my* baby lives that long; he's now *13 1/2* and still doing pretty great, so maybe he will, haha! 👍😃 Anyway, Oliver is a handsome big boy! 😃😍 Awwwww! 🙂💕💜💕😘🐾 (Hehe! 😁)
Jun 03Reply

He's been a pampered indoor kitty his whole life. He's only ever been 'outside' on a balcony or screened in porch. Though, recently, he's had a few trips outside in the back yard...heavily escorted. And, that's only because I can run faster than he can now, lol!
Jun 03Reply

Thank u for your like
Jun 04Reply

Hi! I noticed you bundled items in my closet! Bundle and save on shipping! I'm open to reasonable offers!
Jun 14Reply

Thanks for all the likes and shares
Jul 04Reply

Currently I see you have bundled three items if you're still interested, I can create a single listing with them together and reserve for you and drop to $30 after you like so it should have the discounted shipping, let me know by the end of the day, thanks 🐱
Jul 04Reply

Good afternoon Lee. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations and sharing them with your followers 🌹
Aug 19Reply

Hello, welcome to Poshmark! 😊 Have a wonderful Sunday! 😊 💕
Aug 20Reply

@bonnycatlady what a cutie pie 😻
Aug 20Reply

@bonnycatlady Mine is named Marilyn ❤️
Aug 20Reply

Hi, kindly visit my closet, I hope you like something. Please feel free to ask any questions. Thanks
Oct 03Reply

Lee, thank you for visiting my closest and liking this beautiful coat. Feel free to make an offer. I discount on bundles too. However, I have an entire Boutique I closed down and brought home to sell products. I have sooooo much to add. This coat is a steal however like I said I am open to offers. I hope you're having a beautiful day!
Oct 07Reply

hi there welcome to postmark feel free to check out my closet see if you like any am easy to make me an offer happy poshing
Oct 20Reply

thanks for the like feel free to make me an offer happy poshing or bundle all your like I'll shipp it your purchase for free💖💣💟💞
Oct 20Reply

Hi! If you’re interested in the leggings you bundled from my closet, I’m packaging up orders and can get it in today’s mail. I can’t go any lower on those, as I’ve marked down everything in my closet for this weekend sale. Prices will go up again next week. 😊 No pressure, just wanted you to know. 💜⚜️
Oct 21Reply

@bonnycatlady I deleted the multiple post on the leggings idk how it just got posted wrong. They are all listed separate in my closet now, so you should be able to select which ones you were wanting. Sorry about the confusion. Tks
Oct 23Reply

I there I saw you like one of my item in my closet if you interested feel free add it to bundle an allow me to send you an offer happy poshing 💖💝💟
Oct 25Reply

Ur cat Is 20???
Nov 11Reply

@spookyheartsg , Yes, he really was! Unfortunately, he recently passed at the age of 20 yrs & 6 months old from complications stemming from his diabetes (that he had for half his life). Because he was so precious to me, & that we had such a special connection...that's why I'll honor him by continuing to use his pictures to represent my closet.
Thanks for your interest!
Nov 11Reply

@bonnycatlady oh wow that's a long life my cat is 8 inhad a friend who's cat lived til 19 and my girlfriend cat who inthink is still alive and she was 15 when inlet her now 30 I saw the cat 2 years ago xmas
Nov 11Reply

@bonnycatlady so cool thank u for sharing in hope my cat has a long life
Nov 11Reply

@spookyheartsg , my recipe was to think of him b4 myself (as much as I could with my health) & to spoil him rotten! Especially in his last 2 years. I wish you the best of fortunes with your furbaby!
Nov 11Reply

I WANT you to see pumpkin pie , shes 8 now I tagged you ok
Nov 11Reply

@spookyheartsg , I can't seem to get to your pic. Any suggestions? I'm using a smartphone Samsung Galaxy S8.
Nov 11Reply

@vintagegirl_kbp Hey there! Where have u been?
Nov 13Reply

I have the same gold snake chain on my page for 20 bucks
Nov 26Reply

@bonnycatlady hi there in sorry for the Daley the item that's you wan measurement to it it's no longer to be post got wholes in it I don't wan to post it I don't no why got holes in it but feel free to look around in my closet.and thank you for the like on shoes😗💖💟
Dec 09Reply

@bonnycatlady hey look the essentials blouse I posted with measurement
Dec 09Reply

@bonnycatlady I though got holes in it I posted back with measurement 😗
Dec 09Reply

Hello, my name is Jen☺️ If you are looking to shop🛍 check out my closet, I have tons of sales and accept offers✨ I hope to hear from you soon🌹
Jan 15Reply

Such a sweet boy, and 20 years old! What a gift to have him so long ❤😻❤ I'm a cat lover too!
Mar 23Reply

Luv kitties, too, Hon
Mar 24Reply

Luv kitties, too, hon, have two adoring ones!!! Thank you for liking my closet and can discount for you because you like!!! SALLY POSH AMBASSADOR AND 5star top rated seller
Mar 24Reply

Sweet tuxedo kitty! 😍
Mar 24Reply

@bonnycatlady Hi! Thanks for liking a lipgloss and an eyeshadow in my closet! Just wanted to let you know I can bundle both together for $20 if you’re interested 💕🌷 Thanks for checking out my closet! 💐🎀
Mar 26Reply

hey, I think there might be some stuff in my closet that you would like, if you want to check it out.
Jun 24Reply

Hi there thanks for stopping by. Aww cute cat he looks like my assistant who helps take pictures my cat🙂. Enjoy the day 🌺
Jun 28Reply

👋 Thank you for liking/following my closet! I hope you find fun exciting items! I carry a large selection of NEW women’s apparel shoes accessories and of course lots of jewelry! Any questions please feel free to ask. And visit me anytime as I am adding new inventory all the time! Thanks for choosing my closet and please enjoy! Great closet for gifts too! Lorrie
Aug 21Reply

Hi Lee! I just saw all ur cute comments and out shopping anf will be home by about 1 and can answer all questions then! Happy shopping! Lisa
Feb 06Reply

Thank for the like on this item! I have sent over discounted offer, please let me know if you have any question 😄 Thank you😉
Mar 15Reply

@bonnycatlady Bundle all your likes and send me an offer. Thanks for stopping by my closet. 💐🌻🌺🌼🌷🌹
Apr 12Reply

Hi there Lee ! I’d like to invite you to take a peek at my closet. Personal, chic and amazing prices for the brands🌺
Jun 01Reply

thank you so much for your purchase! i will package it up tonight and drop it off first thing in the morning:)
Aug 01Reply

I wanted to stop by to say hey, hope you are having an awesome time buying/selling on posh. I'd be so happy if you would accept my invitation to check out my closet :) Happy Poshing!
Sep 02Reply

🖐Lee,Welcome to my Boutique,Come save on Awesome Merchandise👗👙👟🩱🕶🥼 for you and your Family +Bundle and get more %off +get your free 🎁 with purchase of $70 or more 🎯
Oct 15Reply

Hi! Hope you’re enjoying the Poshmark community. I sure am😊 I would love for you to check out my closet 🎁☃️
Dec 26Reply

I added those photo like you requested
Apr 30Reply

Hi! Thank you for your purchase! I’ll get them to the post office tomorrow!
Aug 11Reply

@bonnycatlady nice to meet you your cat is adorable
Oct 12Reply

Hi sweetie, I see u received the box with the Jackets n Tote Bag. Thank u sooooo much for the 5 star rating. I was excited to see I received them already and u were pleased. I’m here if uneven need me again n thanks 😘
Oct 23Reply

I made an error this is a dress not a tunic that should fall at knee length it could certainly be a tunic for a tall woman
Oct 24Reply

Hi 👋 Feel free to check out my closet sometime. I have an assortment of clothes, jewlery, and other items.
Something for everyone!
I try to post new items weekly 😊
Stop by often and Happy poshing
Nov 29Reply

Hi, I would love for you to stop by and check out my closet! Let me know if you are interested in anything or make an offer!
Dec 01Reply

Dear Lee, I am so glad you love your necklace! I am sure it looks absolutely lovely on you. Thank you for the awesome review! I am preparing to add more items to my closet over the next several days! Thanks again for shopping with me!
Dec 21Reply

Glad you are part of the Posh community! 🌻🌻🌻
Jan 02Reply

Hi! I have the pointy toe holographic mules you are looking for in 8.5! Check the rest of my closet also!
Jan 09Reply

@xspunkiex Hi there! Thanks for thinking of me, but, I don't recall asking for these? They're really cute, though. But, they wouldn't stay on my feet (I can't feel most of my feet & therefore, I need shoe styles that will stay on my feet w/o any help from me). Thanks again!
Jan 09Reply

What a face!!! 🐈⬛ 💕
Jan 19Reply

@dentaldarling10 Yes, they're both really handsome!!
Jan 20Reply

GM,thanks for taking the time to view my closet. I appreciate your time. Have a great day!
Feb 01Reply

Thank you for the like 👍. I’m accepting all offers and Counteroffers 👍✅💎💍💝
Feb 28Reply

Thank you Lee for you patience and both reviews! 💚 have a wonderful weekend 💚
Mar 12Reply

Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Apr 28Reply

Hi! Thanks for checking out my closet❤️ I am having a 50% off sale on all my earrings today only! Come check it out✌️ Happy Poshing 🌞
Jun 15Reply

Hi Lee, thank you for checking out my closet and the like on the Rainbow loafers. I just sent you an offer through the bundle feature cause for some reason the other way it would not send. Reach out if you have any questions, thank you!
Jun 24Reply

Hi Dear ❤️I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing deals✨if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing!!
Aug 30Reply

Hello, I’m Sherri. I would love for you to visit my closet. My husband and I make a lot of the gemstone and sea glass pieces. We also have lots of boutique jewelry at reasonable prices. Our pieces are unique and many are one of a kind. Happy Poshing!
Nov 17Reply

Adorable kitty 🐈⬛
Oct 06Reply

Hi Lee , it’s nice to meet you 🌻 Your cat is so cute 🥰
Nov 22Reply

Dec 14Reply

@bonnycatlady I just made you a custom bundle of the two items that you liked. if you like the listing I will drop the price and that is my best offer. of course I will cancel your original purchase right after
Sep 02Reply

@bonnycatlady I hope you get your order.
Sep 02Reply

@tpmom I just did, thank you!
Sep 02Reply
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