Meet your Posher, Leesa.
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Hi! I'm Leesa. I LOVE 😍 everything Kate Spade ♠️ Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

8 others
like this

@cmore12 Thank you for letting me know. It's no problem...they look like they're in great condition. 😃
Dec 28Reply

@cmore12 Great, thank you!! 😘😘
Dec 28Reply

Happy 2016!! Check out Express Size 12 Jean's for $15.00.
Jan 01Reply

@leesanriya Hey girl! Just wanted to let you know, I'll definitely take you up on your offer for the three items (jeans, jacket, and sweater) all for $90! I'll make a new listing with all three items so you only have to do the Buy Now option on it!
Jan 14Reply

@marissitag Hey there! 😊 Ok, great! I'll buy it on Friday. 😃😉
Jan 14Reply

@leesanriya Perfect! I'll set the price to $90 Friday morning and tag you when I do it!
Jan 14Reply

@marissitag Ok, sounds good. Btw...I wore my new jeans today. 👖😉
Jan 14Reply

@leesanriya Ah so happy to hear that!! 😊😊
Jan 14Reply

Sorry Hun I had to cancel your purchase for the MK sunnies because I had them listed on Ⓜ️erc as well and someone had purchased there before you. All this happened while I was sleeping and I didn't have a chance to delete from here. Sorry again.
Jan 28Reply

hi. if you have mer c I can do 10. LMK if you want
Feb 06Reply

@leesanriya hi Hun welcome on posh feel free to visit my closet 🌸
Feb 17Reply

@exquisitechanel Thank you! And thank you for sharing. 😊
Feb 17Reply

@leesanriya 😀
Feb 17Reply

💙❤️Welcome to Posh. I am so sure my addiction will soon become yours!!👜👢👗👠 Please be sure to check out my closet!! Happy Poshing💚💛
Feb 17Reply

Welcome to Posh! Please check out my closet, I have some of the brands you like!
Feb 17Reply

looking for a kate spade purse?? I've got 2 brand new ones! check out my closet❤️💋
Feb 17Reply

@leesanriya just wanted to let you know I shipped your top out today! Thank you for your purchase!
Feb 24Reply

Welcome to Poshmark please check out my closet 💟💟💟🎉
Mar 01Reply

Hi there❣ thanks for the like! let me know if you're ever interested in purchasing anything so we can work out better pricing (:
Mar 02Reply

@leesanriya did you want to do the shirt for 9$ because i will accept that offer if your still interested 😊
Mar 09Reply

Hi Lisa. I asked her to use her pics as I bought it from her. But thanks for putting in your thoughts...
Mar 19Reply

@leesanriya Happy Saturday and Happy Posjing to you. So nice to see you joined this nice site💟💟☺☺
Mar 19Reply

@yukibaybay Hi. Yes, I just picked up my mail and it was in there. I don't know what to do because it won't let me accept shipment because it shows canceled. The only thing I can think of is if you have a 🅿️🅿️ I can send the money directly to you.
Apr 20Reply

@bonnie5 You're so awesome! Thank you so much! Can you drop the price to $80 and I'll just buy asap. Maybe Posh will reduce the shipping. 😃
Apr 22Reply

Happy poshing! Check out my closet ;)
Jun 17Reply

Hey there❤️Do u have the Ⓜ️erc🅰ri app?
Aug 18Reply

@beasmama Hi 😊 I used to have it but I had a bad experience on there so I don't buy through there anymore.
Aug 18Reply

Oh, darn, sorry about that...I have my Vans listed for $32 on there and unfortunately I can't drop the price anymore on here bc of fees😞They're basically brand new tho...Super cute & comfy😉
Aug 18Reply

@leesanriya Thanks for your purchase, I will be shipping in the morning so hopefully you'll get it Monday! 😃
Nov 12Reply

@leesanriya Sorry, just saw you opened a case b/c of the jeans. What's the problem?
Nov 15Reply

Welcome to posh sunshine ☀️ 💄❤️👠 Mint to be fashions has clearance sales on several EUC items, and accepting reasonable offers 😘😘 stop by soon! You don't wanna miss all the deals 🎁🎁
Dec 01Reply

@leesanriya thank you! Will make the mail in an hour.
Feb 04Reply

Hi! Thank you you for stopping by my closet. The sneakers can be yours. seconds! If you have any questions please feel free to ask. I do accept REASONABLE offers or negotiate...Happy Poshing
Mar 18Reply

Thank you for your purchase. I will be sending out tomorrow. Happy Sunday!!! 😘😘😘
Mar 26Reply

Nice to meet you Lisa :) Just stopped by to say hello and invite you to check out my closet or ask any questions. I carry many designer brands already marked down. I have great Bundles deals and sale's! Happy Poshing ♡♡♡ @richera137
Apr 15Reply

Hi and thank you for liking the sneakers in my closet. They can be seconds! If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.
Apr 17Reply

Hi Lisa! Thank you so much for the rating and review! I am so happy that you're happy with your purchase! I'll keep you in mind whenever I post any Dodgers stuff to let you know! 💙⚾ have a great night! ❤🏵
Apr 18Reply

@ashleyjoy415 Yes, please do!! My family is from So Cal and I'm a die hard Dodgers fan. 😊 I actually go to So Cal as often as I can because I'm a Disneyland fanatic and we're annual passholders. I'm such a Disney dork that I actually got excited that this shipment went through Anaheim. Lol
Apr 18Reply

@leesanriya lol how funny, you got excited that it went through Anaheim, and I got worried! When I saw Anaheim I told my bestfriend that Anaheim is so not going towards Fresno! 😅 .. are you watching Dancing With The Stars?! It's Disney night! 😊
Apr 18Reply

@ashleyjoy415 That's too funny! I was happy that my package passed through the magical city! I was actually supposed to be there today, but I canceled my hotel reservations because my teenager was acting up and I didn't think she deserved to go anywhere on her spring break! And Disney night is the only night I watch dancing with the stars! 😄
Apr 18Reply

@leesanriya aww, well that's good.. you're a good mom, being a parent first then a friend. It's a good thing you have passes so you can go another time. We took our son for his 2nd birthday, back in November, he loved it. 😊
Apr 18Reply

@ashleyjoy415 It was soo hard to cancel those plans, but I just couldn't reward bad behavior even if my 4 yr old and I have to miss out. It's so fun to enjoy Disneyland through a little one's perspective! I took my son for the 1st time at 8 weeks old, but even after 16 visits he still finds new things to be excited about. His new thing is watching Disneyland vlogs on YouTube! He prefers to watch those over's Disneyland brainwashing at its finest! Lol
Apr 18Reply

@leesanriya aw,yeah I bet it was hard.That's good that they know your serious tho.Good parenting will pay off for the future.I'm thankful for how my mom raised me,my friends thought she was too strict, but I knew she was real,I look back and I'm thankful she didn't let me get away with things.She's my bestfriend!Anyways,good thing is that you do have passes so youre still able to go next time!my son is into Cars and Cars 2 we watch them daily and on repeat!Thankfully Cars 3 is coming out
Apr 18Reply

@leesanriya sorry for the no spaces! I didn't know it only let's 500 words lol I had to delete some sentences and make it work lol
Apr 18Reply

@ashleyjoy415 I figured the 500 spaces thing out when I write my last comment! Lol Parenting is hard, and there's definitely a huge difference between parenting a boy and a girl! I have a 10 year age gap between the two, but I could tell early on that my daughter was going to be difficult! My son is so chill and easy going. I enjoyed the princess thing at Disneyland with my daughter but my son is obsessed with Jack Skellington and the Pirates of the Caribbean.
Apr 18Reply

@leesanriya lol too funny, it should at least tell us how much space we used! Pirates of the Caribbean is one of my favorite rides there! I also love the toys story ride because of the points lol 😂
Apr 18Reply

@ashleyjoy415 That's exactly what I was thinking!! You don't know you've reached the limit until you try to post! 😂 Pirates is my favorite, the haunted mansion is my son's favorite (especially at Halloween) and my daughter's is Splash Mountain. All this talk about Disneyland is making me want to jump in my car and drive over there! It's only a 3 1/2 drive from here.
Apr 18Reply

@ashleyjoy415 Well 3 1/2 hours as long as I don't get stuck in unnecessary traffic...I can't stand when So Cal drivers get in an accident on the freeway and rather than pull off to the shoulder they leave their fully functional car parked in the middle of the fast lane and block traffic!!! 😏
Apr 18Reply

@leesanriya lol yup, that's traffic for you! Or when they slow down for no reason! Haha 🙃 I forget Fresno is not that far, I was thinking up by Redding, but that's past Sacramento!
Apr 18Reply

@ashleyjoy415 Yea we're exactly in between LA and Sacramento/Bay Area.
Apr 18Reply

@ashleyjoy415 It isn't anything spectacular...I'd rather be in So Cal or Nor Cal. Fresno is like the armpit. lol
Apr 18Reply

@leesanriya lol the armpit! That's funny! .. last year my husband went up North for work and my son and I were able to go with him. We went 3 weeks to Susanville and 5 weeks to Redding. It's beautiful up there! Susanville is so small though! We have friends in Fresno, we actually have a church out there Praise Chapel Fresno! It's part of our fellowship 😊
Apr 18Reply

@ashleyjoy415 Those places are definitely beautiful...nothing like Fresno though. lol I've never heard of your church before. Do you know where it's at? What denomination is it?
Apr 18Reply

@leesanriya I just went on fb to see their address, and it's 4630 W Jennifer Ave Fresno CA 93722 .. it's a Christian non denominational 😊 I go to Praise Chapel Azusa.. we're connected with them. If you have fb you can search Praise Chapel Fresno, and check out their page😊
Apr 18Reply

@leesanriya also if you want, you could add me Ashley Joy Carrillo and if you have instagram you can find me on there as Ashjoycarrillo 😊 again if you want, no pressure lol
Apr 18Reply

@ashleyjoy415 Ok, I'll look them up. I inactivated by FB a while back because it just created too much drama in the relationship I was in at the time. We've been broken up for a few months now but I still haven't went back on. I get too nosey and end up spending too much time on there. Lol
Apr 18Reply

@leesanriya I feel ya, I spend too much time too.. if anything you can Google them. Searching Praise Chapel Fresno.. 😊
Apr 18Reply

@ashleyjoy415 I have IG but I don't really use it very often. I go in waves where I'm on it often and then hardly at all. I don't even remember my Full IG name but I think it's leesa_stephenson
Apr 18Reply

@leesanriya I searched you and requested.. I'm always on that. But since starting posh I'm mostly on this! 😁
Apr 18Reply

@ashleyjoy415 same here! I think you just became my PFF! 😊
Apr 18Reply

@leesanriya lol yes! I think you became mine too! I don't have a pff yet, until now!! 😊❤
Apr 18Reply

@ashleyjoy415 Ok it's been so dang long since I got on IG that I didn't even remember my password! Lol I reset it and accepted your request. 😊
Apr 18Reply

@ashleyjoy415 Now you can feel free to browse through the different stages of my life (or at least the ones the made the cut after a mass delete! Lol)
Apr 18Reply

@leesanriya lol 😆 thanks for the add! ❤ 😊😊
Apr 18Reply

@leesanriya I love all your Disney pictures and the one with the matching Mickey Mouse shoes are too cute! I post a lot, so sorry in advance lol
Apr 18Reply

@ashleyjoy415 Thank you! I actually just bought me son another pair on Posh because he outgrew those ones. He only wore them a few times at Disneyland and since he was in the stroller most of the time they don't even look used! I thought about selling them, but it's hard for me to part with my son's stuff.
Apr 18Reply

@leesanriya I know same! I only post my sons stuff if there's no sentimental feeling to it! I recently took a top down of mine because the last time I wore it was with my Grandpa, and he got sick, thankfully he's doing better but now that shirt has meaning to me! I totally understand!
Apr 18Reply

@ashleyjoy415 I wish I could only say it's because it has meaning...I'm just possessive of my stuff and I would rather give me stuff away to someone who I know will love and appreciate it versus sell it to a stranger who wants to pay $1 for your hard earned personal belongings! 😜
Apr 18Reply

@leesanriya oh hey I totally understand that! That's very understandable.☺ that's why I'm glad a real Dodger fan bought my shirt and hat! I knew they'd know the value! 💙
Apr 18Reply

@ashleyjoy415 They will definitely be loved and appreciated. 💙 I'm looking at going next week to the Giants series in SF. Those games are always a good time. Lol
Apr 18Reply

@leesanriya lol! If I lived near by I'd join ya! We could both rock Los Angeles Dodgers! 💙⚾⚾⚾
Apr 18Reply

@leesanriya I am off to bed! It was so nice talking to you! Hope you have a good night, and a good Tuesday! Good night and sweet dreams! ❤🏵
Apr 18Reply

@ashleyjoy415 Yea it'd be about a 5 1/2 hour drive for you, but I like going to games there because their stadium is right in the middle of everything. I'm pretty sure I'll be going to the Giants series that we play at home too. I believe that series is in May.
Apr 18Reply

@ashleyjoy415 Good night to you too, my new PFF! 😊😘😴
Apr 18Reply

Hi Pff! Praying you have a great day today!!! ❤🏵
Apr 18Reply

Happy Mother's Day PFF! I hope you had an awesome, blessed day today! 💗❤🏵
May 15Reply

@ashleyjoy415 Hi!! I had a nice lazy day recouping from my Disneyland hangover. Lol 😁 We got back late last night and it normally takes me a couple of days to recover from the 13+ hour days of walking and over eating! I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day! 💐☺️
May 15Reply

@leesanriya lol sounds like you had fun! Mine was good, my mom's birthday is actually close to mothers day, so I hung out with her all weekend and I loved it!
May 15Reply

Hi dear! Will be happy to see you in my closet! Hop you will like it! Just make an offer with price you like! Have a great day ❤️❤️❤️
May 25Reply

@oliaposka Your closet is amazing!! 😍
May 26Reply

@leesanriya thank u❤️❤️❤️
May 26Reply

@oliaposka Hi! I absolutely love my pictures, but I was wondering if you can print me another copy of the center picture in a larger scale?
Jun 03Reply

Just stopping by to say "Hello"! 💗 I hope you are enjoying Poshmark! 👛 Please fell free to visit my closet! 💕 If I can answer any questions about anything at all please let me know! 🎀 Have a happy day! Kelly 💗💕
Jun 10Reply

Welcome to my closet 😊 if u like something - make an offer with you price 🌺
Jun 13Reply

Thanks so much for your purchase! I will get them packed up and drop them by the post office in the morning. Enjoy! 🎂♠️
Aug 04Reply

@mokakween Thank you! I have the matching placemats in my kitchen at my coffee bar, so I can’t wait to hang them up! 🤗
Aug 04Reply

@leesanriya That will be adorable!!! Cheers! ☕️
Aug 04Reply

Hey Lisa! Just sent you free shipping and a discount on the Kate Spade sandals :)
Aug 13Reply

So pretty! 🥰😘 See you soon, also feel free to follow me on Instagram @askjenhowe.
Aug 13Reply

Hope you’re having a great day <3
Sep 02Reply

Thank you for the ⭐️ review and for being an awesome customer! Please enjoy a 25% discount on your next purchase. 🙂 Thank you again for shopping my closet!!!♥️
Sep 08Reply

Hi, I accidentally pressed the accept button. I wanted 2 make a counter offer. I don’t know how to rectify this.
Oct 17Reply

@janettykem Hello. I think the only way to fix it is to cancel the order and create a whole new listing for the item.
Oct 17Reply

@leesanriya Ok, thank you so much. I will repost now and re-send you a counter offer. Is $160.00 ok?
Oct 17Reply

@janettykem Would you be willing to sale it for $150? Or list it for more and then drop the price so the total including shipping doesn’t exceed $160?
Oct 18Reply

@leesanriya Ok, I’m changing the price now. I’ll ship it tmrw. Thank you for the purchase and I love yr hats. Where did you get them from?
Oct 18Reply

@janettykem On my side the $146 is already pending on hold with my bank and isn’t available.
Oct 18Reply

@janettykem Ok, I purchased it. My hat is a Vans hat and my best friend purchased hers while we were at Disneyland.
Oct 18Reply

@leesanriya Thank you so much!
Oct 18Reply

@janettykem can you please cancel the other order?
Oct 18Reply

@leesanriya Of course, just tell me how to cancel
The 1st order please 😂.
Oct 18Reply

@janettykem I’ve never had to cancel as a seller, but my guess would be to go to your sales list and the option will be there if you click on that order.
Oct 18Reply

@leesanriya I don’t see a cancel option.Pls let me know how I can help and cancel the 1st purchase.
Oct 18Reply

I’m soooooo happy you love it. I loved it as well. Take care of her 😂...
Oct 21Reply

@leesanriya I am so sorry, but it appears I accidentally swapped shipping labels on your order of boy's tennis shoes with another buyer's shoes. Unfortunately you received some women's clogs instead of boys shoes today. Please let me know if you would be willing to forward them to the correct owner if I email you a shipping label. Again, I am so sorry for the mix up, I feel terrible!
Nov 08Reply

@jessica7325 Hello. I haven’t checked my mailbox yet, but I wouldn’t mind forwarding the package to the other buyer. Will the other buyer be mailing my shoes to me?
Nov 08Reply

@leesanriya thanks so much. I'm waiting on her confirmation right now and I'll get this all straightened out asap.
Nov 08Reply

@jessica7325 okay, no problem.
Nov 08Reply

@leesanriya thanks for your purchase I meant to tell you I realized I had an extra shirt in another color so I enclosed it as a gift
Nov 23Reply

@broklin That is too sweet! Thank you so much. 😊
Nov 23Reply

Hi, please check out my closet too 💋😘😊
Jan 30Reply

✨Thank you for following me!
I’d love for you to check out my
Closet! I offer FREE shipping on bundles of 3+ and 20% off. If you’re looking for anything special please let me know as I have tons of unlisted items. Happy Poshing! ✨
Jan 30Reply

Hey luv you have an awesome closet and I will be shopping with you. My son wears a 9 now and I buy size 10 too. Next will if still available will make a bundle purchase. Thanks for taking such great care of your merchandise and having great taste. 🤗🤗🥰
Feb 12Reply

@louchie33 Hello! Thank you! ☺️ My husband is a sneaker fanatic so he’s the reason why I know anything about sneakers and what to buy. My son has a great sneaker collection but he only wears them if we go out during the week or on weekends otherwise they would be trashed! I also like to buy Jordan and Nike sweatsuits or clothes that match his sneakers. I haven’t listed any of that stuff but if you’re interested in that too I can try to pull some out.
Feb 12Reply

@leesanriya lol I am too haha. Yesss please do I haven’t post stuff in a while and I have a ton of stuff too. My son birthday is this Saturday so I been shopping crazy for him and I wish I would of seen your closet sooner omg. Not too late though because I will have more to purchase. I shop now for later! Your husband hooks your son up girl keep it coming lol 😂. Please let me know when you do post anything and watch out for me next week.
Feb 12Reply

@louchie33 What clothes size does your son wear?
Feb 12Reply

@leesanriya he wears 4t now and I’m buying 5t for later summer lol! He tall and slim lol 27 inches
Feb 12Reply

@louchie33 the olympic foams sold today 😕
Feb 14Reply

@leesanriya awwww that’s ok those are super hot lol! Get that money doll if you could put the polo stuff on hold for me so nobody buys it I appreciate it! Will definitely purchase next Thursday. You would put not for sale on that post 🙏🏽🙏🏽. Also happy Valentine’s Day and thank you for letting me know 🥰😘
Feb 14Reply

@louchie33 Happy Valentine’s Day to you too! 💕 Comment on what you would like for me to put on hold so I know.
Feb 14Reply

@louchie33 Ok, I got the 2 listings. Is that it?
Feb 14Reply

@leesanriya I think so I like the other Jordan’s too but debating because he a 9 now. Thanks so much love I will take another look at your closet cause you have a lot of goodies 😂 🥰
Feb 14Reply

@louchie33 Hi there! Are you still planning on purchasing the shoes today? 😊
Feb 21Reply

Thank you for all the shares sweetie I appreciate it greatly! I see we are neighbors😁 happy poshing...🎉
Feb 24Reply

@julielmay Thank you for your shares too! 😊 You’re the first posher I’ve come across that lives near me.
Feb 24Reply

Hi - I noticed that you liked the two Kate Spade bow watches. If you are interested in either one or both, I can send you an offer. They are beautiful watches. Thanks for visiting my closet.
Mar 12Reply

Hi there,
I purchased a pair of Coach shoes and was wondering if I can get a date of shipping or tracking info. It's been a little over 3 weeks and I have not received or been given any kind of update. Thank you
Feb 09Reply

@leesanriya Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 29Reply
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