Meet your Posher, Lena
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Hi! I'm Lena. Some of my favorite brands are MAC Cosmetics, Free People, Coach, CHANEL, and Michael Kors. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

14 others
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Hi and welcome Lena! Nice to meet you and happy poshing!😀
Dec 08Reply

Offers are welcome in my closet. Or if you have any questions please ask! Thank you!
Dec 08Reply

Dec 08Reply

Hi, thanks for purchasing the Betsey bag! I will ship it as soon as the post office opens . hope u have a great holiday!!
Dec 25Reply

Thanks for looking at my closet. If you're interested in the bundle I can offer a discount 💐
Jan 01Reply

All the items were in one box
Jan 04Reply

The necklace was wrapped in tissue paper did u through it out by mistake?
Jan 04Reply

Thank you as I found the necklace but there was no bathing suit sent...
Jan 04Reply

@lenakeith i'll check when I get home but I'm pretty positive I put it all in there
Jan 04Reply

Thank you
Jan 04Reply

Hi Lena! Welcome to Poshmark & to my closet! Thanks for the LiKE! I’m always willing to negotiate price through the Offer Button. Pick a price you are comfortable with and we can negotiate from there. Questions??? I am always happy to help in any way I can, so please don't hesitate to ask. Happy Poshing!
Jan 04Reply

Hi thanks so much for stopping by and for adding my item to a bundle
Jan 04Reply

@lenakeith i did forget the bathing suit i am so so sorry i have been sick so must have slipped my mind. I can mail it to u how can i get ur address? Would u be willing to change ur ratings if i mail it too.
Jan 05Reply

Of course I'll change the rating when I get the swimsuit... my address is:
Helena Keith
5379 Old Redwood Hwy Unit 7
Santa Rosa CA 95403
Jan 05Reply

@lenakeith ok ill ship today!!
Jan 05Reply

@lenakeith Hi doll! I apologize in the delay of your purchase, My car had mechanical problem which had set me back a bit. However i have your order packaged and ready to go. I will be dropping it off first thing in the morning. I hope you enjoy your weekend, thanks again for your purchase!
Jan 06Reply

@lenakeith Happy New Year Doll face😘🎉🎊Thank you for your interest❤️let me know if I can be of assistance 💃🏽reasonable offers are welcome📦📫🎁@Momariee
Jan 08Reply

Gosh Lena, Thank You so much for all the likes! 😘 Have an awesome rest of the week-end! 😉
Jan 08Reply

Feel free to let me know if u need any thing love 🎀
Jan 11Reply

@lenakeith did u get the bathing suit yet?
Jan 13Reply

Yes I rcvd it today... edited my review...
Jan 13Reply

@lenakeith Gosh, every time I see your pic it reminds me of Wynona Judd, and I mean that as a compliment! You are a beautiful girl! Have an awesome weekend! ✌️
Jan 14Reply

Please let me know how I can help! Happy to bundle deal items.
Jan 16Reply

Hi Lena! I see you added the Joan & David boots in my closet to a bundle. Please let know if you have any questions! Happy poshing!! 💗😊🦋
Jan 17Reply

@lenakeith how come i only got 4 stars? I sent u the swim suit and paid shipping for it?
Jan 17Reply

Love the bundle you put together! Let me know if you have any questions. 😊
Jan 21Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet. ✨💕✨💕
Jan 22Reply

ubmitResubmit i will accept
Jan 22Reply

Hey you add one of my items to a bundle are you still interested????
Jan 25Reply

Hi Lena. It's Sondra @shelpen thank you for visiting my closet. I really appreciate that. I saw you put a couple of items into a bundle. If you don't change your mind and would like to discuss price are sizing I would be happy to do that. Thank you
Jan 25Reply

Hi Lena, thanxx for checking out my closet & showing some love 💕 Xo Tea 🌹
Jan 26Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet 😊🌸 let me know if you need any help 💖
Jan 27Reply

Hi Lena, thank you for visiting my closet. I am moving in a week and a half - if you were interested in purchasing any Betsey items - this is my last week to sell until this summer. Thanks. 💕✨💕✨
Jan 28Reply

Hi Lena, I really can't go any lower because the towels together are going to make it over 5lbs. I have to factor in the cost for the excess shipping fee. Thanks. Cathy 🌺
Jan 28Reply

Hi Lena! Are you still interested in the items you bundled?
Feb 03Reply

Hi. I can do 40 for your bundle
Feb 03Reply

And ship out today
Feb 03Reply

Hi🙋🏽 just to let you know shipping with be increased tomorrow, so ir you Are still interested make me an offer today on that bundle before shipping increases. I will ship out tomorrow
Feb 07Reply

Thank you for your purchase. 😊 I will ship today
Feb 08Reply

Hi Lena, just wanted to say thanks for visiting my closet and liking that cute Betsey tote. Please stop by again sometime.
Feb 14Reply

Thanks for checking out my closet & let me know if you have any questions about the items in the bundle you were looking at:)
Feb 14Reply

Feel free to make ur bundle with the listing with the umbrella in it an offer me 25 less then the price it adds up to I'll give u extra discount if you purchase a bundle today
Feb 18Reply

Saw that we have some of the same sizes and just wanted to ask if you could check out my closet! Happy poshing💞💞
Feb 21Reply

Hey there! I'm new to Poshmark! I like a lot of the same brands you mentioned, great minds think a like 🤗 nice to 'meet' you!
Feb 22Reply

@lenakeith Hi this is Kaci. You purchased the bundle of Betsey from me last night. I'm sorry, but my grandmother passed away last night. I will ship your items Monday if that's ok with you.
Feb 24Reply

@gkacij - no worries... Monday is fine... sorry for your loss :-(
Feb 24Reply

@lenakeith Thanks for understanding and thanks for your purchase. I've always sent things out same or next day on PM and eBay and this is the first time I'm not getting it done.
Feb 24Reply

Welcome!!! And thank u for the like!!!💐
Feb 26Reply

Hi I just wanted to let you know I shipped your package out today. Thanks again for everything! 💜💜💜
Feb 28Reply

🌺🌺Welcome to Posh! If I can ever help you, let me know! I am not always that good at it, but I do like to make friends👩❤️👩👩❤️👩 and will give you the best help and advice that I know! Enjoy! 🎀🎀
Mar 05Reply

FYI... Hi dear! Last BETSEY JOHNSON storage box is avail.
Mar 10Reply

Hey thanks for the likes on my page I see you are interested in my Betsey Johnson jewelry appreciate it !
Mar 10Reply

Hi Lena thanks for adding my stuff to a Bundle. Just a btw, today everything is 25% off and on top of that 15% off Bundles.
Mar 11Reply

Hi nice to meet ya 😘 Happy poshing
Mar 21Reply

I'll give it to you for 20$ so u get free shipping
Mar 25Reply

I see you've started a bundle! I'll be shipping things out Saturday, let me know if you have any questions at all 😄
Apr 07Reply

Check out my page for some great items! I'm a top rated seller and usually can ship same day! Happy poshing!
Apr 19Reply

Hiya Lena! Thank you so much for checking out my closet!
I love your pics!!! ... and I have to know - - is that a Descendants hoodie you're wearing in your profile photo???
Just a bit of FYI: Right now I'm offering 30% off all bundles of 2+ items or more! I hope to also be adding many more pieces with incredible deals on my already greatly discounted items in prep for an upcoming move!!!
I hope you enjoy a beautiful weekend! 💜💜💜
Apr 28Reply

@sassyass76 - Why yes, it is a Descendent's sweatshirt I'm wearing :-)
Apr 29Reply

@lenakeith That's fantastic. I saw them more than a few x's... as well as ALL. So happy to meet someone on this site with such excellent taste in music!
Apr 29Reply

hi are you interested in buying my necklace?(:
Jun 03Reply

Hi @lenakeith! Thanks for adding my necklace to your dressing room! If you'd like to make an offer, please do(: I also give a 10% discount on all bundles of 2+ I appreciate you stopping by my closet! Have an amazing day!(:
Jun 05Reply

Hi Lena!💕 I'm willing to give you 15% off on the two bundled items to basically give you free shipping! Sent the offer over :)
Jun 06Reply

Hi and welcome! Please check out my closet when you get a chance. 🌷
Jun 12Reply

I lowered all my prices today the bindle is still available
If I can be of any help pls let me know
Jun 24Reply

Thank you Lena for the like
I have all new beautiful Betsy Johnson
Thank you for sharing
Jun 29Reply

Hi Lena, thank you so much for your adding. Welcome to my closet. Please, have fun.
Aug 15Reply

Hi Lena, I sent you an offer! Please check it out. :)
Sep 09Reply

Thank you for adding an item to your bundle please let me know if i can be of any assistance
Sep 16Reply

Hi thank u for ur like, 📣📣📣feel free to make a offer u never know I might say yes🤔🤔🤔Thank u for supporting the poshers👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 Happy Poshing🎈🎉🤹♂️🥂🥂🥂🥂
Oct 16Reply

Hi hun do u see any thing elese u would like to bundle with😁😁😁😁😁
Oct 16Reply

if ur want it let me know I can see if I can get them to discount the shipping
Oct 16Reply

Hay hun I sent u a offer
Oct 16Reply

Hi hun making new Poshers friends 😁😁😁U had intrest in My Betty the other day throw me am offer I love gaining new posher friends 🥁🥁🥁The one we had a is about to expire😣😣HAPPY POSHING🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂
Oct 19Reply

Hi Lena! If you’re interested in my Betsey Johnson bag, make me an offer! I’m open to offers as I’m trying to clear my closet. Thanks!
Nov 05Reply

Hi love let me know if you're still interested in the purse and we can work something out on a bundle :)
Nov 09Reply

The Betsey Johnson orange octopus earring broke! I'm so sorry. Can I replace with any other item in my closet? Please let me know if you'd like to cancel the sale or replace with something else. So sorry! I will go ahead and include the one earring that isn't broken. :(
Nov 13Reply

@chelbellposh bummer as I really wanted the octopus earrings but you do have other items I like so we can do the Betsey johnson heart necklace,.. it’s the black & clear rhinestone necklace for $12.00
Nov 14Reply

I can give you bundle price but just flew out for Thanksgiving and couldn't ship out until Thursday the 29th.I will sell to you for 17.
Nov 16Reply

I'm offering a CRAZY LOW BALL OFFER SALE❣I will consider all offers or counter with the lowest offer possible. Bundling offers extreme LOW BALL OFFERS, as well❣ thank you~~~ darla✉
Dec 04Reply

Heya girl! I'm trying to clear out a lot, and seriously need some Christmas cash after having to "lend" some friends money recently, so if you are interested seriously in your bundle items, I am willing to work with you as long as it's reasonable. BTW, you look so familiar. .. do you roller derby in SoCal?
Dec 07Reply

Hi Lena. I noticed that you had put the Betsey Johnson pins in my closet into a bundle which dropped the price from $15.00 to $12.00. I wanted to let you know that the Christmas Tree cutout on which the pins are attached is a. bit worn. The pins, however, are fine and have never been worn. I'm submitting a private discount amount so if you'd like to accept that offer, you can let me know. Thank you for your interest in my closet. Regards, Marsha
Dec 07Reply

Choose 1 more item for free item.
Jan 01Reply

Aloha sister! I’m new to Poshmark and don’t know about bundling. Would you like to purchase the Betsey ring with other items? Let me know and I’ll get t to you ASAP 🌺💚
Jan 09Reply

Hi! Poshmark will not let me make you an offer on the bundle you created. Feel free to send me one and we can make a deal 😊
Jan 15Reply

Hi🤗just checking if you are still interested in the Betsey Johnson necklace 💞💝thank you! Helena
Feb 11Reply

Thank you for creating a bundle! I tried to make you an offer but Poshmark isn't allowing that option, feel free to make an offer in the bundle and I shall accept. Happy Valentine's Day!!
Feb 15Reply

Hi Lena... I noticed you have 3 items in a bundle and 4 likes. I will drop total price by 10$ if you add that 4th item to the bundle. Im going out of town this afternoon for a few weeks... just FYI... Either way, thanks for shopping my closet!! Have a great day😊
Feb 18Reply

hi thanks for ur order. ur item will be shipped out on Monday.
Apr 28Reply

Hi Lena! I just sent you an offer on the brooch you added to a bundle! I just wanted to let you know I can do a bigger discount on bundles of 2+! Let me know if you have any questions!
May 01Reply

Hi Lena! You have bundle with me, but it's letting me offer you a private discount anymore. Let me know if youre truly interested and I will make a listing for you wtih discounts. thanks!
May 12Reply

Thank you for stopping by my beautiful closet 🙏🎉🌸
Jun 29Reply

I sent an offer to your dressing room. I just reduced price this week to what you see now. Pmark charges me a 20% seller fee, & I still have to figure in my original price I paid for them. This qill be my best offer & hope it works for you. Thanks for browsing!
Nov 03Reply

@lenakeith Hi Lena - Just thought you might be interested in a stainless steel bike chain bracelet with purple inlays I have in my closet. It's new and comes in a gift bag. Reasonable price, compared to others selling. I'd love for you to see it. Thanks and have a super great day! :) :)
Feb 17Reply

Hello, I hope your Poshmark experience so far has been going great 🤗 I saw that you like handbags, so I thought that I'd write and let you know that I am having a BOGO sale on all of my handbags! Stop by my closet and check it out if you are interested. Happy poshing! 🛍️🎉👜👛😊
Mar 07Reply

Hey hey , I’m Ashleigh. I have a closet with sizes ranging from s-3x. Dresses, Pants, Jumpers, Sweaters, Tunics, Swimsuits, boots, bridal stuff and more. You name it…. it’s probably there. I’d appreciate if you checked it out 🚪. Oh yeah and I LOVE offers! If you don’t find anything for you, I’d like you to share something. I share back 🔄🤩 🛍 HAPPY POSHING 🛍
Oct 10Reply

Hey, this might be a long shot but I saw a while back that you liked a mesh blueberry print betsey johnson dress I am wondering if you possibly bought it and if you would resell it? Thanks for your time!
Aug 29Reply
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