Meet your Posher, Les
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Hi! I'm Les. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :) I am an absolutely crazy over purple. When Poshmark designed my letter "L", they definitely chose the right background color! We have a Boston Terrier (yep, that's her in the glasses getting a laser treatment) and 7 other dogs that found us. Thank gawd for doggie doors and fences. A note to buyers/sellers: I am honest and tell the truth. Please respect me by doing the same. Thanks!

32 others
like this

Welcome to Poshmark☺️
If you have any questions feel free to ask.
Check out my closet bundle any 3 items for 20% off
Happy poshing 🦋
May 28Reply

👋🏻 Hi Les @ welcome to Poshmark! This is a great community @ there are lots of treasures to be found, @ listed!
Be sure to check out 'Your guide to Poshmark' for some great tips @ helpful suggestions, attend the parties, like @ follow the closets that catch your eye; but most of all- have fun!
Happy Poshing! Denise
May 31Reply

Thanks for offers and interest in this bag. I have sent a counteroffer with my lowest price 😀I haven’t used this bag or removed its tags.
Jun 12Reply

@deniriggs Thanks...starting to get the hang of it. Unfortunately, I can't list or sell fast enuf to buy what I want. Guess it takes time. Sigh!!
Jun 13Reply

@ashleyxo143 Thanks, I think I'm doing pretty good right now except I can't list or sell fast enuf to but what I want. I know it takes time (sigh!!). But at least I have 351 followers already. Not sure about sharing others items to increase my followers. How's that work?? Thanks, Les
Jun 13Reply

@lesmurphy13 it definitely takes time to upload items. It’s kinda like a part time job lol. Definitely share other peoples stuff like an item or 2 you don’t need to go crazy but I have noticed if you share someone’s item to your followers they will share an item or 2 to there’s. So there followers will be able to follow you as well.
Jun 13Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
Jun 23Reply

Jun 26Reply

Welcome to Posh Les! Thank you for sharing my closet! Let me know if there's something that interests you in my closet ❤ have a wonderful day!
Jun 28Reply

@outfitoverhaul thanks, I'm learning. Just bought some items and on a tight budget for purchases until I make some more sales. I do like that two bracelets I bundled. What's your best price for them. Let me know if you see any items you like in my closet. Will be adding many more on Fri and Sat. Les
Jun 28Reply

@lesmurphy13 most definitely! I'm always here if you have any questions in general as well! I'll send you a private offer and we can negotiate that way 😊
Jun 28Reply

@outfitoverhaul isn't there somewhere we can view how much our total listings would bring in if sold? I thought I saw that one day, but now can't find it. Thanks
Jun 29Reply

@lesmurphy13 yes! If you go into "my posh stats" there will be a section that shows your sales total to date
Jun 29Reply

@outfitoverhaul thanks so much...busy adding
Jun 29Reply

@outfitoverhaul I do have a question for you. I spent 4 hours yesterday afternoon listing items, took a 4 hour break to eat dinner and watch TV. Then I was up for 4.5 hours till 2:30 following and sharing my new followers. I didn't even get to view my feed (that's where people I'm following share, isn't it?). How do you handle your account? I'm trying to share a lot since I'm trying to get others to share my items and I will hopefully make more sales. My neck aches today from it!
Jun 30Reply

@lesmurphy13 it is honestly very time consuming and your closet looks really good! I walk around with my phone all day trying to manage my followers but it's not possible to respond to every share even though I try to! I saw those fur babies of yours 😍
Jun 30Reply

@lesmurphy13 and yes your feed will display everyone's items that were just shared! It's nice to browse around but I recommend you try a follow game to gain more followers because it's so much work responding to each item in our news feed! And you'll notice when you make sales they come in bunches!
Jun 30Reply

@lesmurphy13 when I first started I went on a following spree! Went to someone with say 204k followers and followed as many as possible! I joined a couple follow games and you really do gain 100-200 followers daily! I spend at least 6 hours on here daily now that I'm off work
Jun 30Reply

@outfitoverhaul I'm retired and disabled with 24/7 headaches due to nerve damage in C-1 & C-2 areas because of MVA. So I have time, but always in pain. Thanks for the advice and kind remarks. Yep, eight doggies!!
Jun 30Reply

@outfitoverhaul Help again. Where do I find the listings for bundles onmy closet?
Jun 30Reply

@lesmurphy13 omg I couldn't imagine being in that kind of pain!! You're for sure a trooper! If someone creates a bundle you will see it in your news feed in the comments section
Jun 30Reply

Thank you so very much Leslie for putting
my listings on Tumblr. There’s a bunch of shares coming your way!
Jun 30Reply

@degity You are welcome. Thanks for my shares!!
Jun 30Reply

HI. My name is Shelley. I want to help you gain followers. I am on a team of Super Poshers that have Games to help you. Look in my closet. I have a Super Lippie💋 Game ....Like the game and read the directions. COMMENT YOUR FAVORITE LIPPIE TO SIGN UP. Also on my slides are a list of my team members that also have SUPER POSHER GAMES. I got 100K Followers in 9 months !!! Let me know if you have questions 😀
Thank you “The lipstick Addict”
Jul 01Reply

Thanks so much for the advice... Have the greatest day on purpose! Lol
Jul 01Reply

@allyandivy Thank you and you're welcome too. Now just to make sales. I've already spent everything in my head. Love your closet!
Jul 04Reply

I have two pairs of the purple boot socks available if you’re still interested! 😃
Jul 05Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet and liking my post.
Jul 06Reply

Dogs make the best profile pictures! I’d love mine to sit still long enough to get a photo but after 7 years I’ve given up. Cute, well behaved dog you have there!
Jul 07Reply

@suzmamj Sorry, got caught up in sharing and listing. Yes, I'd like both pairs if you can hold on to them for a bit. Thanks, Leslie
Jul 07Reply

@happybeach Yes, Schatze was in best behavior because I was holding her. She is almost 11 and a sweetheart! She was getting laser treatment for ear infection and that's why the glasses. I think she was glad to get away from her 7 doggie brothers & sisters who are all bigger than her. She is the only one not a rescue!
Jul 07Reply

Thank you so very much for all the shares. I really appreciate it. Have a great weekend. 🤗💕
Jul 07Reply

@motospicem And I very much appreciate your shares. Just getting started and it's slow going! You have a good weekend also!
Jul 07Reply

THANK YOU for the shares! You are wonderful! Hope you are having a great time here! If you hv any questions feel to ask. And welcome to Poshmark!😄🌸🌷
Jul 08Reply

Thanks for the like 😊 If you have any questions feel free to ask, offers are welcomed @ gemstone14kt💎 All merchandise purchased today will ship Tomorrow🇺🇸
Jul 08Reply

@luvstitch17 Thanks and I do have a question: I have been getting a lot of new followers (which I do appreciate) and they are doing one share. What's up with that? Most come back and share a few or a lot. I try to share at least 10 with a new follower and 5 with current followers. Why do they do one? Thanks, Leslie
Jul 08Reply

@gemstone14kt Thanks a lot also.
Jul 08Reply

@lesmurphy13 That's a good question. I try to share the same number as someone shares from mine. I once read that according to Poshmark's algorithms if you share too many at once, the listings are stacked on top of each other and not all of them are exposed. Again I'm not 100% sure. This is still a mystery.
Jul 08Reply

I still share as many as time allows just in case. You are doing great! ☺😴 Have a good night!
Jul 08Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!!! Hi! I am Gloria 😊 Welcome to a community of amazing people and great deals. I am a Posh Ambassador, Posh Mentor and a Poshmark Top Seller. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me and I will be happy to help. Also, I invite you to check out my closet. Happy Poshing!! 😃
Jul 08Reply

Hi! Thanks so much for sharing my listings!! Feel free to like and offer as well! And check out the deals I have! Have a wonderful day!! 💜💜
Jul 08Reply

@soriag thanks for the kind words! Finally sales are picking up some. You'll notice I do a ton of sharing.
Jul 08Reply

@laker18 not a problem.
Jul 08Reply

thank you ..for sharing my closet
Jul 10Reply

@melange007 da nada...I seem to spend a lot of time doing I appreciate your comment.
Jul 10Reply

@lesmurphy13 i am try do my best ..and make a happy all poshmark members. POSHMARK is my step to grow my business. . and also help me to pay one of my kid who need a special help .expenses .. have a lovely day 🤗🤗🤗🤗
Jul 10Reply

Thank you for all the shares!! Aloha from Hawaii!! 🌴😁🌺
Jul 11Reply

Thanks so much for the shares! I appreciate you!!!
Jul 11Reply

@flippinoptimist No problem..glad to do it!! And right back atcha.
Jul 11Reply

Hi Dear fellow Posher,I am Carrie of Carearings and if you decide to purchase a bundle from me you will be Very Pleasantly surprised with your package 🍍💛❣
Jul 12Reply

Thanks for sharing my listing!
Jul 15Reply

Thank you for sharing hope you're having a great Monday😘
Jul 16Reply

Hi Les! You had asked me about plus size Kimonos and I didn’t have any and haven’t had much success finding any in the PM wholesale shop. I found a boutique here on PM and this gal has beautiful plus size clothing. @ferventboutique You should check out her boutique! Hope this helps!💐💕💐💕
Jul 18Reply

@rkk64 Thanks so much for checking. I really appreciate it. I'll check out that closet you mentioned. Thanks again!!
Jul 18Reply

Hi ❤,Feel free to check my closet. I m willing to sell any 3 items of your choice for $45. Add them in a bundle and I will accept.Pls let me know your decision.
Jul 18Reply

I’m a Mama to a Boston Terrier too!!! Also, to a Chiweenie, Pomeranian Mix and 100# Lab that we rescued since last August 😁🌻
Jul 18Reply

@shegunmed Thanks for your kind offer, unfortunately I don't like dresses/skirts (even changed out as soon as home in h.s.) and wear a 3X. Plus I never learned to walk in high heels. I do love your closet...really sweet dresses!! Thanks again and let me know if you are interested in any items in my closet. Just bundle for a sweet deal. Leslie
Jul 18Reply

@adhdmama We rescued a small 6 wk old puppy years ago and the vet said he'd only be about 30-35 lbs. Well, when he finished growing, he was 125 lbs. and was nicknamed Bear because he looked like one. He had so much fur that we had him shaved in the summer or he over-heated!! They think he was a Golden/Chow mix. Bless you for your rescuing!
Jul 18Reply

I’m always very excited to find a plus size seller! ♥️❤️😘👍 Please check my closet. I will be adding much more soon. Please let me know if you are looking for anything in particular. 🤗
Jul 19Reply

Hi and welcome to Poshmark!!
Jul 20Reply

@phinasfinds thanks
Jul 20Reply

Welcome to Poshmark🌸 Feel free to check out my closet😊 I accept most offers and give great deals on bundles💖 Free gift with every purchase🎁‼️
Jul 21Reply

Hey, thx for the like on my Rebecca MINKOFF bag! I am actually having a moving sale right now! So go ahead and make me an offer and make this bag yours! I am also accepting bundle offers too! So look around my closet and if there is something or something's you like go ahead and make me an offer! HAPPY POSHING!!! 😋
Jul 21Reply

@shootingstars14 Thanks for the kind note but...Posh $$ won't be in account until middle of week. Thanks
Jul 21Reply

Thank you for all the love! 😘
Jul 24Reply

Cute letter welcome to poshmark😘💃🏻🎉😘💃🏻🎉
Jul 26Reply

@mtonnu I had to. Schatze saw you loved her photo and begged me to share your closet and she can be very stubborn about things like that! Have a good evening. Leslie
Jul 26Reply

Thanks for sharing!!!
Jul 26Reply

@lesmurphy13 💙💙💙💙😇💙💙💙💙
Jul 27Reply

Thanks so much for kind comment I do appreciate it and would be interested in all or anything you could tell or help me with I have not been at this long ,just opened closet short time ago on most part all have been friendly but iv run into one just last sale who did not do me right ,if tried my best with what I have to do best I can and follow poshmark rules and courtesy to all , I try . Thank you again😊
Jul 27Reply

@reynolds57 I'll be glad to help you any way I can! If you questions, ask away. It's really a game of percentages. The more people following you, the more your items will be seen and, hopefully, the more will be bought. I didn't look to see how many you're following and how many followers you have, but I will. To get more followers, go to follow games. After you have a bunch of followers, then get into share games. To be continued.
Jul 28Reply

@reynolds57Now, to start out the easy way...go to my closet and then choose my followers. Any blue buttons you see, choose them and they will turn white. Once that's done, you are following them. About 1/3 to 1/2 will follow you back. Some will share one of your items. When they do that, I go in and share 4-10 of theirs. They will usually then come and share more of yours. To be continued.
Jul 28Reply

@reynolds57 if you wish, I can give you the closet names of various Poshers who have games. Let me know. I hope this info has helped you. Please feel free to contact me. I am usually on 14 hrs/day. Tomorrow afternoon, I will be listing more items. It just seems to take so long to do each listing as I like to give as much info as possible. I have tons to get out of my closet. Best wishes, Leslie
Jul 28Reply

Thank you for rescuing your dogs!!!❤️❤️❤️
Jul 28Reply

@lesmurphy13 hi I looked back through todays listings and still didn't see non compliance what am I missing?
Jul 28Reply

@invoguehippiein lilmunstersfirst item listed is baseball gloves..later on, shin guards and baseball/softball bat cover. These are all sports equipment not fasion or accessories.
Jul 28Reply

Hey Les!💕 🌸Thanks for all the shares, I appreciate it so very much!!💕Have a great day!💕🌸
Jul 28Reply

🌺 Thanks for following my closet! 🌺 Michele
Jul 29Reply

@mmegratteda nada...happy to.
Jul 29Reply

@edynn1Thanks for nice note. Will check your closet now...zoom
Jul 29Reply

Jul 29Reply

Thank you for visiting and following my closet Les, please let me know if you have any questions. Have a Posh day!
Jul 30Reply

@lesmurphy13, thanks for the posh love. Sharing your beautiful closet too!
Jul 30Reply

Mahalo for following me.. I TRULY APPRECIATE IT. 🤗🤗🍍🍍🍍🌴🌴
Jul 31Reply

Jul 31Reply

Hi, the pic of your dog on your profile looks exactly like my dog! Do you know what breed your baby is? Ours is rescue, so we have no clue... Have a great day 😉
Jul 31Reply

@lesmurphy13 🎉Welcome to Poshmark🎉This is such a great place to shop and find items that will make you look and feel great. Please feel free to check out my sales. I have a red 🔴dot (3 for $25) and a buy 5 items priced $16 or less for $40. I’m happy to help if you have any questions.
🌹 Happy Poshing🌹
Jul 31Reply

@nikkholl R u talking about white dog? If so, Andy was a lab mix and also a rescue. He was my shawdow and followed me everywhere. I miss him every day!
Jul 31Reply

@lesmurphy13hi, yes white dog. Dottie is same, very much a cuddle bug too! Sorry he's not physically with you anymore. Hugs 💜
Jul 31Reply

@nikkholl Thanks. It's been years but it was such a shock. Threw up on evening and didn't feel well. Went to vet next day and diagnosed with pancreatitis and died next day. He had been perfectly healthy prior to that. It still bothers me that we left him at vets where he died. I wonder if that helped his death along. I still cry!!
Jul 31Reply

Hi Les :) As a co-host for one of the daily parties you get to pick out and share listings from closets into a special host showroom that gives a lot of extra exposure for that listing. As a host you a limited to the amount of listings you get to choose for the showroom.
Jul 31Reply

If interested you can apply to become a co-host yourself, look up “how to host a posh party” in the search bar on the Posh support page and it should direct you. You can also search “what is a Posh party” to find out more about parties in general! Hope this helps! 💕🎉
Jul 31Reply

I like you 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜😬😬😬
Jul 31Reply

@lesmurphy13 HI, welcome to poshmark, check out my closet because anything over 12$ you get free shipping and most of the time I will accept ALL offers. And if you bundle 2 or more things you will get free shipping too!
Aug 01Reply

@hgrimes121886great..I shared.and happy Poshing right back 'atcha!
Aug 03Reply

@poshsicle sorry, can't pay that until more Posh $$ comes in. Back thanks anyway. I'm sure you'll find a buyer.
Aug 03Reply

Your dog is just adorable ;) Thank you for sharing my closet! I truly appreciate it. 🐞💕
Aug 03Reply

@poshsiclei can do that once I receive monies from items still in transit. Both items should be delivered tomorrow. That's the best I can do. Thanks for working with me. Would you place a hold and I will offer $65 when the funds arrive.
Aug 03Reply

Thank you for the share love
Aug 03Reply

@poshsicle Thank you very much!! I really appreciate you working with me!!
Aug 03Reply

@poshsicleyes, please. I will let you know when my $$is deposited, then you can relist. Thanks so much!!
Aug 03Reply

@poshsicle I can not buy them today. I have to wait on Posh funds to deposit. If someone else buys them, then it happens. Sorry. I thought you were going to hold them until I had the $$. Oh well!!
Aug 04Reply

Hi Friend,
I saw you’re fairly new to the Posh closet thing like me. Sending some shares your way. ❤️👍🙂
Aug 05Reply

Hi Leslie! Thanks for following my closet. 💕😊 Nice 🐶!
Aug 05Reply

Have Fun🌹on Poshmark❤️
Sexy N Monterey💋
Aug 06Reply

@frilly1Thanks for shares and warm greetings. I've sent shares right back 'atcha. Finally getting decent amount of followers; now I need to get busy listing. Tons in my closet!!
Aug 06Reply

Thanks for adding me! Take a look at my closet - I have beautiful items your size! :) Happy Poshing!
Aug 07Reply

Awww, Andy was a beautiful big boy! 🙂💕💜💕😘🐾🌈🌁
Aug 07Reply

@zardiva1Thank you. He was my love; now Ben is my boy!!
Aug 07Reply

Thank you for the follow. Is that your husband in your profile picture? Please would you thank him for me for his service?
Aug 09Reply

@seanancy Yes 37+ yrs. Married. He was in USMC & USAF, but he is proudest of being in the Marines!!
Aug 09Reply

@lesmurphy13 💕🇺🇸
Aug 09Reply

Semper Fi to whoever is in your picture. :)
Aug 10Reply

@milvetpicker Thanks, that's my husband who still fits in dress blues, but not his original set!
Aug 10Reply

Les those Birkenstocks I just bought from you. Those grayish tan ones. I've fallen in love with them. They feel fabulous. Perfect size and feel. I'll keep looking for more in your closet.
Aug 11Reply

Nice to meet you on posh. Hope you are loving it! 💘
Aug 11Reply

@kerigan1998 I'm so very glad you love them! I was a little worried because of the color. I won't sell any of mine that I've worn a lot because as you wear them, the heat from your foot melds the footbed to the shape of your foot. If you buy used Birkies from anyone else, please make sure that there isn't too heavy a foot imprint on the bed. Otherwise, you will receive a pair that will be uncomfortable to wear. Thanks again!!♥️
Aug 11Reply

@tricia77r Thanks, yes, for the most part I love it. Can't believe how much $$ I've made! Can't believe how much $$ I've spent!! Hubby just glad I'm not spending from the checkbook anymore. It just is tedious putting everything on. I tried taking photos just regular all at once, not using Posh...but they had to be cropped f in Posh and turned out weird. So back to one item at a time, photo and write.
Aug 11Reply

@kerigan1998 Did you see the cute black & white ones I have here on Posh?
Aug 12Reply

Welcome to Poshmark
Hi my name is Brenda I’d like to invite you to my closet I may have something you love. Have an amazing weekend!
Aug 12Reply

Welcome to Poshmark
Hi my name is Brenda I’d like to invite you to my closet I may have something you love. Have an amazing weekend!
Aug 12Reply

Hi! Thank you for following me 😍 I am a shopper and not a seller ..... yet. I I love your closet and hope to stop by again soon. Happy selling! 🎉😀👠👗
Aug 12Reply

Welcome to Posh!! Please visit my closet for exciting women's and men's styles.
Aug 13Reply

Hi Les don’t know if you’re still a red hatter but, you might want to check my cloaet. I’m not in Refhats anymore and have a few things I’m selling.😊🌺
Aug 15Reply

@althiascloset Thanks but I've never been a red hatter.
Aug 15Reply

Oh I saw some Redhat items in your closet.😮
Excuse me😟
Aug 15Reply

@althiasclosetNot a problem...just didn't get around to joining.
Aug 16Reply

Hey 👋 nice to meet you
Aug 18Reply

@lesmurphy13 thank you so much. Really enjoyed looking at your fur babies. Fur babies are EVERYTHING. Blessings. 😃🙏🐶🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾❤️ Lisa
Aug 21Reply

Hello, just passing through and I wanted to say fabulous closet ❤️❤!!
Aug 21Reply

Welcome to Poshmark.
Aug 22Reply

Tx for sharing 💞💞
Aug 22Reply

Welcome to Poshmark ! Happy to have you here ! 😚😙💕💔💔💔💕💕💕💖💖💔💔💕💕💕💔💕💕💕💕💔💕
Aug 29Reply

Hi Les🙋♀️
I'm do sorry you're sick!
I hope you'll feel better real soon!
Thank you for your message, okay sweetie I'll give it another go lol,
Feel better soon💗💖
Aug 30Reply

Thank you for the follow, I followed back🌹I love to share, sell, and shop! I hope we can be PFF. I think you have great style⭐️ I can’t wait to hear back from you💖 Xoxo Rosepetals
Sep 13Reply

@rosepetals3 Sorry it took so long to answer, but just getting back into Poshmark after being I'll for several months. I'll be adding more items in my closet this weekend. Hope you're having success on here! Les
Sep 27Reply

@lesmurphy13 its ok! Tag me! So I csn check them out when its ready
Sep 27Reply

Semper Fi .. my Son is a Marine ❤️
Sep 27Reply

I like your closet
Sep 27Reply

@prof Thanks, I appreciate your compliment.
Sep 27Reply

Love your dog!😊❤
Oct 06Reply

Thanks for checking out my closet!! Posh on my friend✌️💕👠👗👜👓💄🤩👙🎉💎
Oct 06Reply

@kittenkat17 Thanks...they are so sweet and keep us on our toes! Besides our Boston, Schatze, we have 7 rescues that we found here and there. That includes 2pit mix sisters.
Oct 08Reply

Bless you for rescuing those fur babies!!! I have rescued all my life. They need us kind humans. I wish there were more like you.😊❤
Oct 08Reply

@lesmurphy13 you have a very nice Closet
Oct 17Reply

Thanks for stopping!! Your baby reminds me of one of the best dogs I ever had!!❤️👍😊
Dec 08Reply

Hello, I’m new to the area and wondering if anyone has held any Posh-n-Sips here? If not, would you be interested in attending if I hosted one? 😊
Dec 09Reply

Hi Les , I am a dog lover too ! God Bless you 😚😙
Mar 23Reply

Hi. Nice to meet you. I am checking your closet and hope you will peek into mine. Husband just returned work after neck surgery recuperating 7 months. I have back pain also. Prayers and blessings. Janet
Apr 10Reply

Hello Les! Purple lover, bad back sufferer and dog rescuer here! Thanks so much for the shares...happy poshing!
May 23Reply

Hi there, I'm Sherri. I would love for you to visit my closet! We have handmade gemstone and sea glass jewelry my husband and I make and other fun stuff too. Happy Shopping!
Mar 21Reply

Hi there🌼I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing deals✨if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing!💝
Oct 07Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Check out my closet sometime. I have something for everyone! Women's, bags, totes, jewelry, shoes and much more. 🛍 Adding new stuff weekly so stop by often. Enjoy your shopping and Happy poshing!
Feb 14Reply
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