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Updated Mar 07
Updated Mar 07

Meet your Posher, Lil

Meet the Posher



Not for sale

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Hi! I'm Lil. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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ellesplace Welcome to Poshmark ❤.
Mar 08Reply
popntrendz Hi Nikki, if u bundle I can send you an offer.
Mar 12Reply
khoke74 @nikkilil062 hi 👋🏼 I see you liked an item I’m always accepting offers send offer if your interested 💕happy poshing 😘
Mar 13Reply
ladiesmoods Welcome to POshmark! Thanks for the like make sure to make your best offer
Mar 13Reply
alwaysposhible @nikkilil062 Hi Lik 👋! WELCOME ABOARD🛳 😊! If you ever have any questions, let me know! Remember to start your question with the “@“ & Ρ0SΗΕRΝΑΜΕ so they’ll get a notification (like I did at the beginning of this comment by noting your Posher Name). I also have a listing in my closet that provides step-by-step help w/ How to Bundle items to save money (which confused the heck out of me when I was new 🤷‍♀️)! Happy Poshing!
Mar 14Reply
jcldesign Hi, I saw that you like many of my jewelry, if you like message me with the items of your interest and I will give you good price Thank you.
Mar 14Reply
monicaclaire38 @nikkilil062 Welcome to Poshmark! It’s a lot of fun! 💕😊💕
Mar 14Reply
itango Hi Lil, welcome to Poshmark & thank you for your likes! Feel free to bundle them for a discount. If you have any questions, just let me know! Posh hugs. 😘🛍💝
Mar 14Reply
soriag Welcome to Poshmark! Thanks for following my closet! Do let me know if you find anything you are interested in, I offer bundle discounts too 😊
Mar 15Reply
tamicakey Feel free to make an offer 😊
Mar 16Reply
verooo24 hey girl feel free to make a bundle of things you like:))
Mar 17Reply
pinkystorel Hi!!  Welcome to my closet! Feel free to look around and ask me any questions. My prices are super low, so it pays to bundle and save. I’m always adding new items, so come back and visit often! Follow me @pinkystorel  You get automatically 15 % when you add 2 iteams to your cart. When you add 3 iteams to you cart send me a message and I will give you free shipping. Thank you! 🍃🌸🍃
Mar 17Reply
anareyes099 hi welcome to poshmark.
Mar 17Reply
poshbyrose Hey Lil! 🤗 I noticed that you liked one of my items. Pls create a bundle and let send you an offer if you are interested! Happy Poshing💗✨
Mar 18Reply
sparkielane4u Welcome to Poshmark! Enjoy your buying and selling experience on this great platform!😊👠👗
Mar 19Reply
dchillas ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Welcome! Please feel free to make bundles of items or make an offer and what you’d like to pay new items listed almost every day. I am a posh ambassador and here to help you with any questions you may have... as you continue to list items to your closet I will help you sell them by sharing them with my followers❤️❤️
Mar 19Reply
bochansmom Love the blue rose picture.
Mar 19Reply
bochansmom Hi again. If you are interested i.n the Kylie Cosmetics you liked,!make a bundle and I’ll reply. Have a great night.
Mar 20Reply
_moon_light_ Welcome to Poshmark 💕💕💕 My name is Jess and I'm a college student😀 Feel free to check out my closet for great jewelry! 💎Happy Poshing💎
Mar 20Reply
2muchstuff3691 L❤️VE your closet. So glad I found it on Poshmark. Hope you will check out mine and follow me back 💕💕💕
Mar 21Reply
hayley08_2 Hey Nikki! Thanks for the like on the cleansing brush! I’m taking all offers on everything if you’re interested xo
Mar 21Reply
abigail__jean Thank you so much for liking my item! I’m looking to sell ASAP so feel free to make a reasonable offer!!
Mar 21Reply
msquip Hi 💕 Please check out my closet when you get a chance! I ship orders the same day except Sunday! And I add new items often . I hope to see you soon ❤️❤️
Mar 23Reply
1fashionfinds1 Aloha Lil, welcome to Poshmark thanks for checking out my closet. Let me know if you have any questions! 🌺
Mar 23Reply
stacyana818 Hi Lil, thank you for checking out my closet and liking the Fashion Nova stickon bra. I just sent you a private offer with discounted shipping for it 😁
Mar 24Reply
gorgyessfinds hello gorgeous! I sent you an offer! let me know if that works for you😊 if not send me an offer and I will most definately work with you!. thank you!
Mar 25Reply
kfab333 @nikkilil062 Hello!🥰 We are so happy you popped in! Please Bundle Your Likes for One Time Shipping- Extra Discount and Gift W/Purchase 🎁💕- My Best! - Kimberly
Mar 25Reply
iranybrito Hi welcome to my Poshmark closet I wish you much success and happy poshing 🌎🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Mar 27Reply
peacegoddess 🦋✨💫🌟🤩Welcome to Posh🤩🌟💫✨🦋
Mar 27Reply
mahanf @nikkilil062 🙋🏻‍♀️welcome to posh mark 🎉thanks for visiting my closet and your like . If you are really interested please make a bundle for a special offer . ( I offer 20% off on makeup)🤗stay safe and healthy 🙏🏼happy poshing 🍀
Mar 29Reply
kitfox Welcome to Poshmark 🌺 Have fun buying,  selling,  and meeting new people ⚘ Feel free to ask me any questions 🙂
Mar 30Reply
foresttreasures Hi Lil! 🙋 I'm Cindy from the mountains of NC! WELCOME to my closet! I see you liked the Hard Candy powder. If you hit the offer button in the listing & offer $8, I would accept that! Like a few other items & we can bundle for an even better deal! 🤗 Happy Poshing & Be Well! ❤️ Cindy from the 🌳🐻🌳 Forest
Mar 30Reply
isafrias_ @nikkilil062 Hi Lil, thx so much for the likes on the beautiful LORAC and Elizabeth Arden palette - I created a bundle for you in case you'd like to purchase both and save 🌷please check my listings in Banana Republic, Michael Kors, F21 in case you'd like to add anything else and save even more😊🌸💵
Mar 30Reply
crystalco @nikkilil062 Hi Lil! Thanks for visiting and liking my closet as I truly appreciate it very much! Have a wonderful day!💙Patricia
Mar 30Reply
finnigan_flips hii girly saw you gave one of my items a like, I am currently accepting reasonable offers if you are interested in purchasing! I am also giving amazing deals on bundles so feel free to create one and i will send over an offer asap💕💕
Mar 30Reply
kattrinaaaxo 10% off on 3+ bundles, send offers 💗
Mar 30Reply
designbyyilda Hi Lil, Welcome to Posh. It is a very fun and social site. I am one of the Posh ambassador if I can help let me know. If you choose to sell on Posh focus on sharing your own closet several times a day. Don't decline a low ball offer either counter or let it expire. It hurts your ratings when you decline. If you choose just to buy, Please be considerate with your offers Posh has a selling fee of 20%. Hope you enjoy Poshing. Happy shopping🤗,
Mar 30Reply
crystalco Hi Lil! Thank you again for visiting and liking my closet as I truly appreciate it very much! If you have any questions, please let me know as I’d be happy to help!💕
Apr 01Reply
liz406383 Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! Thank you so much for the like! 🙏🏼😊🌸💞💖 Just wanted to stop by and show some love. ❤️if you’re interested in purchasing make sure to bundle to save. I also accept all reasonable offers. Don’t hesitate to ask any questions. Happy Poshing! 🌺🌸🌺🌸🤗
Apr 02Reply
princessmarcy Welcome! HaPpY PoShInG! ❤❤❤❤
Apr 02Reply
monarch_style Thank you for liking Disney Blushes. Feel free to make an offer or bundle.
Apr 02Reply
tudie11 Thanks for visiting my closet. If I can help in any way or answer any questions that you have, please don't hesitate to reach out. I'm always on it seems. Happy Poshing!
Apr 03Reply
guccim15 Welcome 💐if ur interested I can lower the shipping fee plz let me know 🙏
Apr 04Reply
gerdabalk Thanks for liking my listings🌸
Apr 05Reply
a_mascari 🎉🎉HELLO🎉🎉 hope you’re doing well. Just wanted to drop in and let you know that i’m running buy 2 get 1 free on most items in my closet 💗🌞 ❤️❤️🎉come check it out 🎉❤️❤️
Apr 06Reply
sapp12 Welcome thanks for the likes welcome offers
Apr 07Reply
guccim15 Thank u so much for the likes!!🙏if ur interested I have bundle discount I can help u !!🙏❤️
Apr 07Reply
thx Thank you for the like. I bundle at lower rate
Apr 07Reply
charlottefoxx Hi!! Hope you are staying safe and sheltered in this time!! We could all use something to make us smile and bring us some joy right about now! Shop my JOY sale on all my jewelry and accessories and get a discount of 2 for $18 or 3 for $25!! If you’re interested just bundle the items!! ✨✨
Apr 07Reply
jazzyval29 Thank you for all the likes! Feel free to bundle for an extra discount! ❤️
Apr 07Reply
cosabelladolce Hi! Welcome to Posh. This is a fun community and a great place to buy and sell loved items. If I can help in any way, please let me know. Happy Poshing 🥂🎁🎉 ~ Michele
Apr 07Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as Chanel, Lululemon, Nike, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Apr 10Reply
eleniluvs2shop Hi Lil! Thank you for the like. If you're interested in purchasing the backpack, please make an offer and I will lower the price for you. Have a wonderful night! Eleni⚘
Apr 12Reply
tiny2005 hi welcome check out my listing for more nice clothing,accessories and home decor bundle more and i will give you a lower price thanks 👍😃🌺🌻🌺🌻🌺
Apr 13Reply
king_kouture Hi....I’d love for you to take a look at my closet @king_kouture 👑. I carry a lot of the brands you love ❤️ 💕... great discounts on bundles... 5 ⭐️ Posh Ambassador and fast shipper! Happy Poshing!
Apr 13Reply
rosiegirlie stunning! happy poshing xo ❤️
Apr 13Reply
laynahoesly Hey! 💗 Thanks for the likes on the lotions! Feel free to create a bundle and I can send you a private offer! I’m moving abroad for work in a few months and am trying to sell everything before I leave! ☺️
Apr 14Reply
crystalco Hi Lil! Thank you so very much!💙
Apr 14Reply
lizdemarkey Thanks for liking my earring set! Make me an offer if you’re interested!
Apr 14Reply
brit_caceres Hi Lil 🤗 Thanks for checking out my closet! Let me know if you have any questions, offers are welcome 🌸 each order comes with complimentary samples! See something else you like? Bundle 3+ for 15% off!!
Apr 15Reply
dusty692 Welcome to this great group of people where sharing is always appreciated! I am a Posh ambassador, so if you have any questions, please let me know. Happy buying/selling to you my friend 🤑
Apr 15Reply
hershey803 Hi I saw you liked my Bath and Bodyworks sets and if you were interested let me know I can get you great deals.
Apr 15Reply
beautystylist13 Hello😊happy poshing!!! Welcome to my closet🤗if you see something you like you can always send me an offer💐and if you have any question please don’t hesitate to ask❤️thank you🌹
Apr 17Reply
dannysc97 Make offers and bundles for discounts!🦋
Apr 17Reply
crystalco @nikkilil062 Hello! Thank you again! If you would like, you could send me a Bundle offer of the items you like. I hope I’m not sounding pushy either. 💕
Apr 17Reply
sunniewb Good afternoon, Thank you for shopping my closet and all the likes, my sale is 30% off a bundle of 3... have a great day!
Apr 19Reply
leexin Hi thanks for the like on my closet! I’m doing a special deal currently where you can bundle and buy three $8 makeup products for $19 instead of $24 or two $13 items for $19 instead of $26 check out my closet if you want and thanks 💖
Apr 20Reply
robellma Hello fellow posher. Dropping by to let u know I might have some Pandora that might interest you.
Apr 21Reply
msalaska Hi! Nice to meet you and thanks for all the like :-)
Apr 22Reply
ilovepink71991 Hi Babe! Happy Poshing! I invite you to come check out my closet! I have so many items at unbeatable prices. Come take a look :-) XOXO Love KimmY
Apr 23Reply
scarlett1205 Hey lmk what you’d like from my closet by assign to bundle and I’ll give you a discount:)
Apr 24Reply
leexin Thanks for the likes on my closet. I just wanted to let you know on this special deal I have going on for makeup. Bundle and buy three $8 products for $19 instead of $24 or two $13 items for $19 instead of $26 or two $19 for $32 and save money! Please check it out if you have time 💖
Apr 24Reply
critterlittle Welcome to Poshmark!!! 🤗🥳😀 If you have some time, please stop by my closet, I bet you will like it 🥰🙂 Thanks!!!
Apr 24Reply
raedunnbeauties Hi Lil! I have a beautiful Juicy Couture Pink & Gold Makeup Set on sale now, and it's the lowest price you can find on any Juicy Couture Makeup Sets! Hope you can check it out ❤
Apr 24Reply
jopalooza Welcome to the wonderful world of Poshmark Lil N! Thanks for following my posh closet. May you have as much fun poshing as I do 💕
Apr 25Reply
spoiledinpdx Welcome to Poshmark!
Apr 25Reply
socalchiccloset Hi! Please check out my closet when you have a chance :) always open to offers, answering any questions and providing more pics! Let me know if there's anything you love! Thanks!! Happy poshing ☺️
Apr 25Reply
finnigan_flips hii girly saw you gave one of my items a like, I am currently accepting reasonable offers if you are interested in purchasing! I am also giving amazing deals on bundles so feel free to create one and i will send over an offer asap💕💕
Apr 26Reply
beatriceya Come check out my closet! Got lots of earrings n much much more...😁🌸😉
Apr 26Reply
mariva931 Hi Lil! Thank you so much for visiting and following my closet and for the like too, I sincerely appreciate it 🤗🤗 Stay safe and have a wonderful week ahead 🌺🌺🌸
Apr 27Reply
katelyncase07 hi! i’ve seen you like MULTIPLE eyeshadow pallets. i’m selling a bundle of 3 for $30, you should check it out! :)) have a good dayy!!🥰
Apr 27Reply
diane2065 hey, please check out my closet 🌺
Apr 30Reply
finnigan_flips hii girly saw you gave one of my items a like, I am currently accepting reasonable offers if you are interested in purchasing! I am also giving amazing deals on bundles so feel free to create one and i will send over an offer asap💕💕
May 03Reply
lesmarques Hey Love, I see you have great taste, style and love luxury brand deals. I wanted to invite you to our Prada Baguette liquidation sale, as well our Gucci limited edition collection, and other deals like Burberry Jackets and Versace and Gucci scarfs that just came in. Check us out, and sharing is caring. We always share back 10 x :)
May 04Reply
annie1957 hi Lil, thanks for the like on the Authentic Pandora bracelet with Authentic Pandora charms and the Authentic Pandora bracelet with non Pandora charms, both new, just made and listed them today. bundle for a discount, Posh love, Carole 🤩❤
May 05Reply
brrayan207 Hi, welcome to Poshmark, thanks for visit my closet 😊
May 06Reply
dixieming Hi, welcome to Poshmark I see you liked both the blush set & eyeshadow sets you can have them both for $15 if you bundled them. You pay one shipping charge only that way. Let me know Thanks
May 06Reply
bestbuycloset @nikkilil062 - [ ] WELCOME TO POSHMARK! I'm Cindy! 🙋🏻‍♀️ Nice to meet you! 😃 Hope you are enjoying poshing! 🛍🛒🍀 Feel free to reach out with Amy questions. I’m happy to help. HAPPY POSHING! 🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍
May 07Reply
kendramurphy18 Thanks so much for the like! Feel free to take a look at the rest of my closet to see if there is anything that is of interest to you! If there is more, I LOVE to give bundle discounts to my customers! 🤗💜 Let me know if you have any questions! ☀️
May 07Reply
czlovepink Welcome to Posh!!
May 08Reply
sapp12 welcome thanks for the like welcome offers🌼
May 08Reply
leexin Thanks for the likes on my closet. I just wanted to let you know on this special deal I have going on for makeup. Bundle and buy three $7 products for $19 instead of $21 or two $13 items for $19 instead of $26 or two $19 for $32 and save money! Please check it out if you have time 💖
May 08Reply
jonathan_0318 @nikkilil062 Hi, I’m glad to have found your page. Although I don’t see any listings now you seem really cool. I noticed you liked one of my items (red bag). I just wanted to say that I am always open to talk to and am willing to negotiate if need be. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Looking forward to your response and future listings.
May 16Reply
karyndi @nikkilil062 Hi are you? Thank you for all the likes over the past few weeks. Can we make you a bundle of them and get them to you next week? Just add each item to your BUNDLE, if your not sure how to..just press the HEART and i can do it for you. i know/remember a few items. Please message me back..we can come together on a price. HAPPY POSHING Karyn
May 16Reply
ashleychiarello I think you would love my closet :) take a look when you get the chance 💕
May 17Reply
nicole9902 Hey!! Thanks for the like. Let me know if you are interested in anything!
May 17Reply
heyitsme_julia Hey Lil! Just wanted to say hello & hope you're having a wonderful Tuesday night. Sincerely, Julia xx ♥️
May 20Reply
ahsan28 Thanks for liking my listings. Pls feel free to make an offer or bundle so that i can give you huge discounts. Feel free to ask any question.
May 20Reply
mailllle Feel free to check out my closet! :-)
May 22Reply
candy258 Hi 👋🏼 Welcome to Poshmark‼️🛍
May 23Reply
finnwendy Hi! Thanks for liking the cute dress in my closet, please don't hesitate to ask me anything at all! Wendy 🙏🤗🇫🇮💐
May 24Reply
bre0114 @nikkilil062 Hi!💕 I’m having a 3/$30 sale on jewelry in my closet. Along with a 3/$25 sale on hair accessories. (there are listings explaining both sales at the top of my closet). I also have other items that you may be interested in like eyelash kits, watches, and many other things. I’m willing to work with prices, just make me an offer. And if you like 2 or more items I can create a bundle for you making the shipping and price of the item cheaper. Stay safe and stay healthy!😊
May 24Reply
merylsm Welcome to Poshmark! Please feel free to check out my closet and if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing!⭐️❤️
May 24Reply
buggerb Hi you can send a offer if your interested In the items you’ve liked. I can also bundle. Just lmk, thanks 😊
May 27Reply
alisonthomps367 @nikkilil062 if you like those earrings send me a reasonable offer and I can send it out to you asap.
May 27Reply
liz10460 Hi, Welcome to Poshmark! 🛍🌺💝
May 28Reply
rep_max Hello, ❤️I would like to invite you to check out my closet🩳 I have a few things I am willing to do bundles and take offers 💵check out my closet with every purchase there’s a little gift♥️
May 28Reply
feisty325 Hi, thank you for all the likes, feel free to make offers, and/or bundle items, Barbara Posh Ambassador
May 28Reply
fashion_noveau ☺️Thank You for the Like☺️
May 28Reply
wdearmond Welcome to Poshmark. I'll be happy to help you with any questions you have to grow your closet. Poshmark is a great place to earn a second income.
May 28Reply
raifordgroup 👋 Hello Lil, and Welcome to Poshmark! 🤗 We love ♥️ Poshing, and you should too. Whether you are shopping or browsing, just have fun. 😊 If you have any questions, please see us @raifordgroup. Have a great week, and Happy Poshing!! ⭐🌹😊🎶
May 28Reply
acespm4me Hello Lil, Welcome to PoshMark!! This is a great site to buy and sell your favorite brands! If you have any questions feel free to ask as we all try to be supportive and helpful to one another. Enjoy and good luck with your closet!! 😊🌺😊🎈😊💕😊
May 28Reply
acespm4me Thank you for your Likes on the Polo Ralph Lauren Belt and Pants. If you bundle them you will save on price and shipping!
May 28Reply
gentry777fam Thx for the LIKE. Let me know if you have any Questions. Thanks for Stopping by!
May 28Reply
kkwklosett Hi, I noticed you like a dress of mine let me know if you are interested in purchasing anything, I can offer you a good deal for bundling items.
May 29Reply
rileighh__ Hello! I have a lot of items in my closet I think you’d love! You should come check them out :)
May 30Reply
maucri I love your blue roses !!!! 💙🌹
May 30Reply
unclaimed lil Hope you are well and in good spirits. Enjoy a 50% off allowance on your next purchase of $50 or more from my close (free shipping on $25 purchase). Expires 6/31/20. l also wholesale , purchase any items in my. closet priced $19 or less for $5 ,with a minimum purchase of $100. l have over 3.000 designer items in my inventory. Start your closet or replenish your inventory.
May 30Reply
germanpompom Hi Lil Welcome to Poshworld 😀 thanks a bunch for looking into my closet and like 💚 I wish you great success and lots of fun poshing 💌💐
May 31Reply
hannahtelk hey! i saw you liked an item from my closet. if you see anything else and want to bundle i would be happy to give you a few dollars off! 😊
May 31Reply
coachandtrunk Hi, just a note to introduce myself. This is one of the things I like about Poshmark, meeting new people🌺. I'd like to invite you to my closet. I offer ⭐COACH®⭐& ♠kate spade♠ & jewelry. My “doors” are always open to look, shop and/or chat ☕. I actually do have a place for chat. Hope to see you soon, Sharon🌻
May 31Reply
dazzlingdeals Thank you for stopping by my beautiful closet and welcome to Poshmark 🎉😁🥳
Jun 01Reply
carolyncimusz Thanks for the like on the NWT fashion nova dress! Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Have a great day!
Jun 01Reply
miami305lux Hi! Are you interested in the givenchy antigona
Jun 02Reply
alleyoops959 Hi there! An offer has been sent, but this is as low as I go for everything included. I’m already well below & despite what others say, I didn’t get this stuff on sale.
Jun 03Reply
bothsidesnow @nikkilil062 Good Morning. I just sent you an offer on the item you liked in my closet. I have a few "free with purchase" items in my closet or i always send a free gift🌸. I hope you and your loved ones are safe and healthy💕
Jun 04Reply
rissylayne Welcome, good luck poshing!
Jun 07Reply
alleyoops959 Just letting you know the colorful butterfly necklace has been removed to try with matching pin in another closet.
Jun 08Reply
_the_rack Thank you for the visit ❤️
Jun 10Reply
cmh9 Hi! Feel free to make me an offer on the bikinis you liked!🥰
Jun 10Reply
poshaholic122 Hey! ❤️ Thank you for liking some of my listings. Feel free to make a bundle and ill send an offer 😁
Jun 11Reply
hms1730031 Hi love! FN dress would ship tomorrow!
Jun 14Reply
huanggrace10 Hey, I’m also selling spiral hair ties at a discounted price. Feel free to stop by my closet or ask any questions. Stay safe during these unprecedented times and happy poshing! 🙂
Jun 22Reply
juliaholbert_ Hi! If you bundle the bikinis you liked I’ll give you a discount! Thank you so much for liking! ❤️
Jun 23Reply
rohjen2 @nikkilil062 Hello and Welcome to Poshmark Boutique & Retail Store where u will find brand names at affordable cost. Thanks for visiting my closet and also for the posh 💖let me know if u have any questions, offers are accepted. Happy poshing👗🩱👖👚👠🥿🛍👟👙👜🧢👡👓🎊🎉
Jun 23Reply
grammas_hustle Hi!! Would you like to make a bundle with all your likes and I can offer a sweet deal!!
Jun 24Reply
gaoyer22 Hey Lil! Welcome to the Posh community! 🥳🔥 If you have any questions feel free to ask! Can’t wait for you to get started on your closet! 💝
Jun 24Reply
unclaimed Lil ,hope you are well and in good spirits.Please enjoy a 50% discount on your next purchase of $50 or more (free shipping on $25 purchase).expires 7/31/20. I also wholesale purchase any item in my closet priced $19 or less for $5 with a minimum purchase of $100.
Jun 24Reply
emacmannis Hi! 👋🏻 I’m Emmy, I’m a posh ambassador and I just wanted to reach out to introduce myself and let you know that if you have any questions you can reach out and I would be more than happy to help out! I would also love to invite you to my closet to look around! I’m selling brands like Calvin Klein, Hollister, VS Pink and more! Thanks and have a great time poshing!💕🛍
Jun 25Reply
sara_b21 Hello I hope your having a great day! Feel free to check out my closet I think you might find something you like! Thank you
Jun 26Reply
misshoma Hi sweetheart , thanks for sharing my closet, if you like it give me an offer , please stay safe.❤️
Jun 27Reply
cjfabarez Hi!! I think you might like a Tommy Hilfiger white sweater that I have in my closet! Check it out if you have a minute, and let me know if you have questions. Have a beautiful day!
Jun 27Reply
crazysha63 @nikkilil062 thank you for stopping by my closet and the likes I sent you. On both pieces didn’t realize you picked two if intrested let me no and we can do one shipping price with discount prices thank you Shari
Jun 28Reply
mslott0325 Be sure to check out my closet and send me some offers! You can bundle 3 items to receive 15% off your entire purchase! 😊
Jun 28Reply
natvitoseller hey!! i saw you liked my new listing! feel free to make an offer 🥰
Jun 28Reply
cenchantmentllc @nikkilil062 Hello and thank you for the love I sent you an offer I hope you see it. And just to give some info on my closet/bouquet. If you create a bundle with three items you will receive a 15% off discount. And with additional items add to your bundle you will continue to get a discount
Jun 29Reply
leone2155 hello! check out my closet! i might have items you’d be interested in!💕
Jun 30Reply
monashoppe Hey I saw that you were interested in bikinis! I have some for sale on my page (bnwt) feel free to send an offer!!!
Jul 03Reply
stylesbysisi Hey cutie! Checkout my closet! I sell cute and trendy brands like PINK, ADIDAS, Hollister and more! Today i’ll be listing more brands such as Louis Vuitton, COACH, MICHAEL KORS, and more! 😘🥰😍❤️
Jul 04Reply
dear_jirah hi gorgeous! 👼🏻 I sell a lot of cute & dainty jewelries! I also have a promo going on. ✨ just kindly bundle them and i’ll offer right away! 🍒
Jul 07Reply
jlover1 @nikkilil062 hey there, saw you liked a coach wallet for $62 i have the same one, new with tags n package for way less ✨💜
Jul 13Reply
rockdalook Hey dear, I would like to take the time out and stop by with my beautiful closet. If you could browse through and see if anything catches your eyes, if interested feel free to hit me up. Reasonable offers are always welcome. I also apply an automatic 10% discount to 2 or more items. Thanks in advance:)
Jul 15Reply
devora_20 I noticed that you like a similar item that I have in my closet. -The Watermelon eyeshadow Palette. Come check it out, selling it for a lot cheaper than the one you liked. Hope to do business with you.
Jul 23Reply
appeltec Hi! I’m hoping you could take a look at my closet as we might have similar interests, I’m updating every week with Tory Burch, Michael Kors, Kate spade, All-Star Cheer, Nike, Lululemon, swimwear, Porsche and a lot more! Please follow and comment if there’s something specific you’re looking for! Happy Poshing😊
Jul 24Reply
_poshlypetite HI Gorgeous 😘😘😘 I pray that during these times you are safe and in good health. Happy Poshing!!! Blessings, -Erica
Jul 30Reply
precioushyre Hello Love 💖 As a Poshmark Ambassador I would like to welcome you to Poshmark✨Feel free to take a look at my closet. I have many items for low prices 💖✨ Happy Poshing ✨
Jul 31Reply
myangel1679 Hey there, nice closet!! 🥰 Feel free to check out my closet. I have RARE TO FIND modern hand bags and other unique things. 🤩Happy poshing!
Aug 03Reply
1111thrift hello!! i saw you liked some of my body care/beauty items, right now I have a girly/treat yourself mystery box up that I think you’ll love!! many items are the same if not very similar to the beauty already listed in my closet 😊😊 this mystery box includes things like but is not limited too: body care, makeup, scrunchies, stickers, jewelry, skincare products (all new) 💅🏻💓 feel free to check it out on my page, I only have limited quantity available right now!!
Aug 04Reply
missmariessim Hi Nikki! Welcome to Poshmark!! Please check out my closet, I think you may find some items you like! Also, I would love to create a beauty mystery box for $10 for you! It includes 5 samples (maybe a full size or 2) and comes with a free makeup bag! 🤗 If you have any questions feel free to ask, I have an ongoing BOGO sale, seller discount and I love making offers 😊 Happy Poshing! 🛍
Aug 13Reply
shophom Hey 😍 . We are a fashion boutique curated in Miami and inspired by Miami. Check us out when you have time💋
Aug 15Reply
rosealise Hi Nikki, Thank you for visiting my closet and liking the Fashion Nova jeans. To help me make my first sale, Poshmark is giving $3.99 shipping to my very first buyer! I hope this will be you, but hurry, this shipping discount ends soon.
Aug 17Reply
rosealise Hi Nikki, Thank you for liking the Fashion Nova jeans in my closet. Please comment back if you are interested in buying and I will lower the price by 10%. If requested today, this should also lower the shipping fee through CCO. Thank you.
Aug 21Reply
rosealise Hi Nikki, Thank you for liking the Fashion Nova jeans in my closet, @RoseAlise. Please be aware that we are having a Back-To-School sale of 20% off all jeans. Thank you.
Aug 25Reply
ashtyn_2584 Hi! My name is Ashtyn! I hope you’re finding everything well. I have a fun thing I like to do, which is for all my followers, if you choose 2+ items to purchase together, I offer a 15% discount. I also add plenty of other discounts, ranging from price reductions to shipping reductions, regardless of the number of items purchased. So feel free to take a look at my page! Any and all reasonable offers made will be accepted on the spot, so don’t be afraid to send one in! Happy Poshing!
Sep 12Reply
annahickeyy Hi! I have a variety of items in my closet you may be interested in! And I’m moving so I am motivated to sell :) take a look and feel free to make an offer if you are interested in anything!
Sep 20Reply
rockermia @nikkilil062 Hi Beautiful 😃💐I’m Esther☺️Nice to meet you🤲🏻💓🤝If you have any questions or need assistance just let me know the fun begin🤲🏻😉I also extend a cordial invitation to my closet will be very happy to receive your visit🙌🏻If you like something from my Closet, pressing the bottom OFFER🤝or Just ask me! 😄EVERYTHING has an offer!unless it says firm price, we can negotiate in a bundle!👍🏻 All my item are being stored in a clean and sanitized before shipment😷 😃Happy Poshing 🛍Happy Discount👛
Nov 02Reply
cieloromero12 Recently added new items to my closet! Feel free to check it out!💕
Dec 15Reply
shamusluna hi, i'm not looking to trade but i just wanted to tell you that i just dropped soft & cozy bootie slippers in my boutique! 😊
Jan 09Reply
ksaunders014 Hi there! Please feel free to check out my closet - I’m having a moving sale up to 40% off! Let me know if you have any questions and happy poshing! 😊💕🌺
Jan 17Reply
rwnyc1 Hi hun! 💖 Come check out my closet and feel free to send me offers 😊 Happy poshing!! 🌹
Jan 21Reply
idahofinds Hello! I just wanted to let you know that all items - WITHOUT - the 🌼 symbol in the title are included in my 3 for $25 or 4 for $35 sale. Just like up to 3 or 4 items and I will send you an offer! During closet clearouts all 🌼 Items become 30% OFF! HAPPY POSHING!
Feb 08Reply
julias_style Hi Lil! I noticed that you liked a white tube top on my page I just wanted to let you know this deal now..... the top was listed at 15$ but is now on sale for just 6$!!
Feb 08Reply
storylook Hey there, @nikkilil062 do you want to get the best deals and the best out of poshmark? Check out my closet now and I will go up to 30% off for YOU! With brands like BEBE, Guess, BERKSHIRE, etc.. you’ll find your next favorite thing to put in your closet guaranteed. Happy poshing!🍀
Feb 18Reply
lesmarques Hey, I see you have great taste, style and love luxury brand deals. I wanted to invite you to our Gucci Cashmere and Wool Scarf liquidation sale as its still cold out for a discount of 50% on Gucci which is normally unheard of. Gucci Wool Scarf at $199 and Cashmere Scarf at $249 which is a steal. Send us an offer and we will accept. Happy Poshing:)
Mar 09Reply
vvintagebabyy Hey! If you are interested in re-purposed designer jewelry like Louis Vuitton, Gucci & Dior check out my Insta @thebrandsocietyy All of my pieces are 100% authentic & created out of high quality materials! 🤍
Apr 16Reply
rinclothing Hi! I have a ton of brand name clothing in my closet that I think you’ll like! Please do have a look! I’m always happy to negotiate! Stay Healthy & Happy Poshing! 🛍✨
May 26Reply
mckenziejruud hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. So make sure to scroll all the way down. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet. 😊 Happy Poshing
Aug 17Reply
jackiecristal Hi I am Jackie! 😊 You are welcome to come check out my closet @jackiecristal. I have posted many new items. If you see something you like feel free to make an offer. Also, I ship same day or next day! 🚚 Happy Poshing! 💕
Sep 15Reply
shawtysgems Hi love check out my closet and feel free to send a reasonable offer on any items, I also add on a free item when you bundle ✨💕
Jan 25Reply
eschellapurvis warm beautiful welcome to poshmark
Feb 02Reply
kaylamayyyy hi so the american eagle top that you have liked on my account won’t be available for much longer so if you are interested please send me an offer, wouldn’t want you to miss out😊😊
Jun 26Reply
julissazelaya Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️ I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟 I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️ Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Jul 20Reply
curtsuranu Why not spend less and get same quality jewelry Ⓕⓡⓞⓜ ⓘⒼ:behatsfans ⓌⒽⒶⓉⓈⒶⓅⓅ +⑧⑤②④④⓪⑤⓪④⑨⑦
Aug 09Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi 👋 It’s nice to meet you 👋 🛍️ I hope you find everything that you love 💕on Poshmark🛍️Please stop 🛑 by my closet and follow me when you get a moment. 💫 Wishing you all the best of luck ☘️
Jun 30Reply

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Last Active: Feb 04

Painesville, OH
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Last Active: Feb 04

Painesville, OH
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