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Updated May 14
Updated May 14

Meet your Posher, Linda

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Linda. I'm a mom and superhero to two beautiful boys. As the parent of a Special Needs Child, poshing from home allows me to supplement my income. Ive been listing for many years and take pride in my customer service. I'm easy to work with so plz reach out with any questions, comments or concerns. Happy Poshing!
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 4+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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rpdanz and 23 others like this
infiniteattic Welcome to Posh!!!! 🎉😊🎉
Sep 18Reply
lindap226 Is that common?
Oct 05Reply
lindap226 @dshlifer9 wait wait wait, here thru did that or over there?
Oct 05Reply
lindap226 You said posh removed them, I've spoken freely here and have never had that happen, gheeez so what does that mean, you can't relist them?
Oct 05Reply
lindap226 @dshlifer9 wow, I'm sorry bout that. Hey you know my name if you want to f b me so we can speak freely if we need to, etc your welcome to f r me but yes ill reach out tom, looks pretty good so I'll deff be reaching out... I'm looking for phone, that's my main thing tight now bec mine broke and I can't not have one with my son, wish they sold them oon hete6
Oct 05Reply
pink_kat4 Thank you for all the likes, happy poshing, cute little boy. I bet NY is a blast.🙋🌈🦄🥓💄💅🐶😁👍👠
Oct 06Reply
lindap226 @pink_kat4 Love your closet. Wish I liked skinny and snug pants. We are both selling the same sweats in diff sizes. Lol. And thanks, yes love nyc- But looking to move out of state soon. Need change
Oct 06Reply
snatanov Hey. I’d love it if you would please check out my closet!! Happy poshing 💕💕
Oct 13Reply
hmsimon1 Good evening Linda. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Oct 23Reply
lindap226 @hmsimon1 Simon, I was just telling a friend of mine she just has to check out your closet. LoL. I love one of a kind work and they are just so Breathtaking, but I'm sure you've heard that before- :)
Oct 23Reply
hmsimon1 @lindap226 I have, but I never stop appreciating the kind words of my followers💐🙏😁
Oct 23Reply
1lisalisa1 Hi! If the size on the Banana Rep pants are good, I can have them out to you tomorrow!
Oct 31Reply
1lisalisa1 Hi! Following-up...Are you still interested in my Banana Republic pants?
Nov 12Reply
jlanoce Thank you so much for your like! Please feel free to make an offer
Nov 18Reply
jlanoce Thanks again !!
Nov 18Reply
0trash2treasure @lindap226 Love your closet. Hope to purchase my likes soon. Happy Holidays
Nov 27Reply
lindap226 @eli89 Thanks So much, Please let me know if there's anything I can do-:I give bundle deals as best I can-Will be listing more this week as well- :)
Nov 27Reply
0trash2treasure Hi Miss Linda. 👐 I'm working. Thanks for the offer. Will be accepting once I get these tips in the bank💲💲 Thank you so much for the great deal.
Jan 27Reply
lindap226 @eli89 Great and your welcome-:)
Jan 27Reply
jensdeals37 @lindap226 Aww the cutest picture in your header! ;)
Feb 01Reply
lindap226 @jensdeals37 Thank you so much hun -:)
Feb 01Reply
0trash2treasure @lindap226 I'm so sorry to bug. But what kind of package should I be looking for. Just in case it's been stolen -_- Box, polymail, envelope...
Feb 03Reply
lindap226 Please your no bother. I shipped in a priority envelope. Are they saying its not at the post office?
Feb 03Reply
0trash2treasure @lindap226 So they are getting shipped back to you 😢😢 I'm so sorry. They are going to coach" the carrier. But as far as moving forward. She said you should be able to redeliver without having to pay for another postage. And They are making a note that any packages to my address are to be set at my doorstep
Feb 05Reply
lindap226 @eli89 Grrrrr, I'm sori. As far as shipping, you cannot use a label that has already been tracked. So we would have to Cancel and then repurchase. Completely up to you-They should have never done that. I've left packages for days, week or more and they just hold them, they never shipped them back unless they say that person doesn't live here. I'll keep my eye out and let you know the minute it gets to me.
Feb 05Reply
0trash2treasure @lindap226 Luckily the other packages are going to be handled different. But my purchase happen to take a hit 😔 Yes. Being able to have the option for pickup was never an issue. I was really looking forward to a new hoodie that matches.
Feb 05Reply
0trash2treasure YES let's cancel and I'll rebuy?
Feb 05Reply
lindap226 @eli89 Good morning, so I got the package, I'll issue a refund and then you can repurchase when your ready. Another reason you can't use the same label is bec they always put a huge sticker over it saying return to sender, lol...
Feb 08Reply
lindap226 Ok I sent them a message to refund you for this so you can repurchase. It's still in shipped state so I can't cancel. As soon as they do I'll set it back up for you. Ok
Feb 08Reply
0trash2treasure @lindap226 Oh wow. I've never had that happen before. Not that I want to know what that looks like lol(the sticker thing). Ok so I can just re buy once Posh reimburses me?
Feb 08Reply
lindap226 @eli89 yes of course. Just waiting on them or the status to change to delivered so I can reimburse you. I also didn't realize that you purchased from me prior to this. I like to add something extra to my returning buyers. In the future please mention you are a returning buyer when making a purchase so I can do that. I'm glad I can do that now:)
Feb 08Reply
0trash2treasure @lindap226 Lol no. I'm trying to buy all my likes from you little at a time. It just sucks that this happened. Having that guy "coached" doesn't make up for it. But You've been so great about everything miss Linda thank you for being so patient 🤗
Feb 08Reply
lindap226 @eli89 Hi, ok so customer service sent me a new label so I will reship on Monday ok
Feb 10Reply
0trash2treasure @lindap226 That is perfectly fine. And They have been giving my mom gets so THERE SHOULDN'T be a problem with mine this time 😔😔
Feb 11Reply
lindap226 @eli89 Hey mama, How r you? Ol so I'm sori I didn't reach out sonner. I was having an issue with the label they sent me, it was the same one and when I brought it to the post office they wouldn't accept it bec like I said you can't use the same one so it took few days for them to send me the right one. I should have told you sooner and I apologize. But now that I finally got it I'll be shipping it tomorrow. I also added a couple of extras and I hope you do like it-
Feb 14Reply
0trash2treasure HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY 😍❤❤ You're the best. When a different seller mixed labels with my item it took a while so I completely understand Posh giving out labels late. So far the post office carriers have been leaving my packages for when I get back home so YAY! Miss Linda. No worries on my end. You are one of the best poshers I've bought from for all your communication and helping calm me down. Thank you to infinity
Feb 14Reply
lindap226 @eli89 You are too sweet, thank you- I really just treat people the way I would want to be treated. Especially returning buyers. I've encountered both sellers and buyers that can make this experience Negative and it doesn't have to be. It def shouldn't be. Lol- Well thank you for being a great buyer and so patient and understanding of the process. :)
Feb 16Reply
0trash2treasure @lindap226 😍🙏 I know! I need to save up and buy all at once lol But your items are must haves for me. And as a waitress it's just hard to find that extra 'me money". I'm a happy returning customer.
Feb 16Reply
0trash2treasure @lindap226 Hi there. Just so I'll k ow when the package should arrive could I get the tracking # if you don't mind 🙏
Feb 23Reply
lindap226 @eli89 I'm so sori, yes of course. The flu has made a comeback and I'm once again so nervous bec these kids are dying from it. So scary. Anyway yes I will get that to to you.
Feb 24Reply
0trash2treasure @lindap226 No don't even worry about Poshmark. I'm so sorry to hear that. My daughter just got well. Yes it is scary. We have 6900 deaths in Texas alone. Take care of yourself first. Worry about Posh later. I'll wait. I just wasn't sure if Posh would help me track the reship items
Feb 25Reply
0trash2treasure I hope you and your family are doing well up there. My daughter is finally back at school from her illness. God bless you Miss Linda😍😇🙏
Feb 28Reply
lindap226 @eli89 Omg, you read my mind, I was just going to reach out and ask if you had finally received your Package. I was hoping you would like the extras. I try to send things I personally like or use myself. But if you don't like something please let me know this way next time I know what not to add- Lol
Feb 28Reply
lindap226 @eli89 Also please contact me before purchase if you do purchase again so I know it's you. I'll always bundle deal for you and I have lots not listed so if your ever looking for something please let me know- :) And yes we are all good thank goodness and thanks for being so patient through this also. :)
Feb 28Reply
0trash2treasure @lindap226 I actually just ran out of face scrub😍😍 And oh my gee. He helped me open up the package and was like "why'd you order these??"😈😈 Lol I'll find use for them. YOU'RE THE BEST. I do hope you're back on your feet from this crazy flu
Feb 28Reply
0trash2treasure Oh I will next time. :) I just hate saying. Hi me again lol But I'll make a mention on my next purchase soon. I love EVERYTHING you sent.
Feb 28Reply
lindap226 @eli89 Eli, please reach out anytime, even just to chat-I love taking care of returning buyers and I'm so glad your happy- Makes me smile- :)
Feb 28Reply
0trash2treasure @lindap226 Aww Thank you Miss Linda:) I do appreciate your kindness. You have no idea how rare that is
Feb 28Reply
shoeprintshoes 1. my intentions are still the same 2 you do not know poshmark’s refund arrangement please look do some research on how poshmark processes refunds . and you will see there is no way that I can just to give you a refund by myself without going through Poshmark! 3. i don’t mind giving you a refund but it is you that do not understand how refunds are processed .it’s not me 🤷🏻‍♂️
Aug 03Reply
lindap226 i told you to go to the transaction and click on problem/ inquiry. And you'll see the options. It's not my responsibility to tell them and as you saw i did.. it's yours. You issue- the refund. Ive been selling and have given refunds just like this. If you don't know then your the one that contacts them. Because now they will close the transaction bec you didn't do that. Buyers do not contact them, seller needs to. But if you just go to the trans and click on thst you'll see it.
Aug 03Reply
aguie016 Hi! :) please let me know if there's anything you like from my closet for trading :) thank you!
Sep 24Reply
0trash2treasure @lindap226 OF COURSE I REMEMBER YOU 😍😍😍You are one of my faves to buy from. Xmas is my buying season. And I just looked at some stuff from your closet I might want to get me and my family :) Thank you for reaching out
Sep 24Reply
lindap226 @eli89Im so glad you remember. I was just reaching out to see how u were. Not to purchase but just to chat- ❤❤
Sep 24Reply
lindap226 @aguie016 Hi- I love to trade. I don't see anything at the moment. Right now i'm looking for hoodies, sweats, sweaters, boys clothing ..i'n 6 and 9/10. Boys sneakers 3.5 and 11.5. Bbw and vs lotions, sprays . That's just to name a few. Please keep me posted. If you list new items like this. I just love trading with reliable honest people!!
Sep 24Reply
aguie016 @lindap226 thank you so much for your response!❤ sounds good! :) if I do, I'll keep you posted!!
Sep 24Reply
urluckyday Posted measurements I hope it helps
Nov 10Reply
lindap226 @vtorres0926 hi and thanks so much for the love- I'm so happy to hear that your open to trade. I'l def check out your closet. I'm not home right now but will be in bout 2 hours. I'l reach back out- thanks so much
Dec 05Reply
estherfriend Thanks for the Poshmark Love and shares 😘😘😘 and happy New Years
Dec 27Reply
ortegalt Hi! I just opened the package with the size 13 kids sorel snow boots I bought. They seem to be missing the felt liners on the inside that they should come with. Without those, I'm afraid they won't be usable in the cold much less snow. The boot is a rubber that is cold all by itself and inadequate without the liner. Please let me know if you have the liners. Thanks! Loretta
Jan 16Reply
lindap226 @ortegalt Hi- Loretta They were never removed. My son only wore them a few times before wanting the paw patrol boots more than those. They are purchased brand new and the only thing i could think of is maybe they were never there- although i'm sure i would have noticed. I tried reaching out to you to make sure everything was ok with the purchase but you never replied and i'm not sure what i could do now.
Jan 16Reply
ortegalt We were out of town since last Friday. My daughter gave birth to twins so it was a busy weekend. Sorry I didnt respond back to your previous message. I'll look for a felt liner to put inside so no worries. I just wanted to make sure they weren't left out. Other than that, they are very nice and big enough that my grandson will get sone wear out of them. Thank you!
Jan 16Reply
lindap226 @ortegaltno worries at all. I just feel awful that i hadnt noticed if they were never there- in the first place. But what a great idea. I will look for liners and send them to you. I'm so sorry that it feels incomplete and i'll help any way i can.
Jan 16Reply
becstique Hello, I am the person who got your Adidas shirt by mistake and you got mine. Did you cut the tags off of the shirt upon receiving it? I can tell you yours did not have tags on it when I got it. I noticed that they are both listed as NWT. I am trying to figure out if the seller has misrepresented these listings. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you
May 02Reply
lindap226 Hi- can you be a little more specific? I wasnt told that i received something in error so I'm a bit confused. I did purchase an Adidas shirt recently but it was correct so is- it possible you got the wrong person? By the way i read your profile and I'm also a mon to a SN son and sell- as well bec of it. Feel free to reach out anytime to chat!:)
May 02Reply
becstique @lindap226 sorry I thought I had it figured out. Thank you
May 02Reply
ffullhouse Hi. If you are interested in the adidas jacket, I can lower it to $25. That way you would get reduced shipping. No pressure 😊
May 07Reply
lindap226 @ffullhouse hi, I'm not sure which one your talking about. Could you send it to my dressing room, I'll def consider purchasing- :)
May 07Reply
ffullhouse @lindap226 Hi. I put it a bundle for you. Let me know 😊
May 08Reply
angelinam1124 Hello! My name is angelina🥰 I am a posh ambassador😁I would love if you checked out my closet🌹 I am moving and my house can’t fit all my clothes. My closet is running a 3/$20 sale! I love offers! Bundle your likes for a private offer. Have a nice day and happy poshing!❤️
Jul 20Reply
janiceholeak Hi Linda, I'm new to this. I saw your Carol Little black cardigan for sale. It has one button and is size 2x. Wool blend. I'd like to buy it but is it still for sale? Do you ship to Canada? If not I'll be in the US for 3 months and could have it delivered there.
Aug 27Reply
kizzabelle Hi! I ordered one of your items two weeks ago and it still hasn’t shipped... ???
Sep 06Reply
lindap226 @kizzabelle I'm so sorry- I had emergency abdominal surgery and just came home. I am so sorry. Since it was not planned I couldn't change my status to vacation. But I will certainly add some extras to try and make up for the delay if you are ok with it. I will get it together and get it out tomorrow or Saturday. I'm moving like a snail but my husband is helping. Would that be ok?
Sep 06Reply
kizzabelle @lindap226 oh no! I am so sorry to hear that. Yes that works! Hope you are healing well and feeling better. Thank you!
Sep 06Reply
kizzabelle @lindap226 hi! I hope you had a nice weekend and are recovering well. Wanted to check back on the status of my shipment as I haven’t received any shipping confirmation as of yet. Thanks!
Sep 12Reply
kizzabelle Hi @lindap226 ! I hope you are recovering well! I just wanted to check in and see if you are back to selling yet? Thanks!
Oct 15Reply
mnmpetro1495 Thanks for the ❤️ of the winter hat. Right now, I am having a 3 for $25 sale. Feel free to check out my closet to take advantage of this great deal. Place 3 items that have a 🍁🍁 in a bundle, make an offer of $25, and I will accept. With bundling, you will also save on shipping. Help me clean out my closet.
Oct 17Reply
klindqui1 Linda, thanks 🙏 for your 5⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ rating I truly appreciate it 😊
Nov 06Reply
lindap226 @klindqui1 Your very welcome, it's well deserved. it seems lately I can barely trust a seller's description, even when I ask to confirm. I myself am meticulous in that way and I am frustrated at the amount of time wasted bec a seller wasn't honest upfront. Thank you for renewing my faith-:)
Nov 07Reply
klindqui1 @lindap226 You are very welcome 🙏
Nov 07Reply
erykahcane I see we both liked this adidas ?Did you recently buy an adidas grey knit sweater. If so I will make you a bigger offer than you paid for it? If you would sell it to me
Mar 26Reply
lindap226 @erykahcane I'm not sure what item your talking about- and yes I did just purchase something Adidas but it was white And it wasn't a sweater- maybe someone else?
Mar 26Reply
erykahcane Ok thank you
Mar 26Reply
onecraftylady Thanks again for your purchase and your 5 🌟 Rating, I really appreciate it 🤗
Apr 12Reply
modnaya_koshka Hi! I hope you have a beautiful day and find a minute to check on my closet. I am working in the fashion industry, and I get a lot of really cool items for sale after our photo-shoots. If you see something you like, please let me know. Bundle, send me an offer! Thank you, and have a blessed day. Albina
May 02Reply
lindap226 @juliewade hi, no I haven't received it.. im through the roof upset...I went to post office earlier abd filed a complaint with the post Marshall..I live in a regular house all my packages are left on my stairs..I don't know why they dud that.. ever since thiis virus, I've been having issues it's like they r so behind I get it days later but this is the longest
Jun 30Reply
lindap226 @juliewade it's never been this long- it's not at the post office but the supervisor is checking and saud he would call me... it's ridiculous
Jun 30Reply
lindap226 @juliewade of course. I'm sorry I didn't reach out sooner. I just noticed today and ran to the post office. I also have an Amazon package says delivered 8 days ago and I haven't gotten it yet... so frustrating- but thank u
Jun 30Reply
nicholepruitt73 Hi hun, I have lots of cute stuff for you and your cute little one in the pic, how adorable🥰🥰🥰
Jul 20Reply
hope_sales_0913 Hey!! Lmk if you’re still interested in the Adidas top you liked, I can most likely do free shipping☺️
Aug 08Reply
a1023renee Hi Im sending out messages 2 all my past customers & those who have liked a item or items in my closet. Im closing my closet & I will be accepting any & all reasonable offers. My closet may be a bit unorganized due to the sale. Please look beyond sign that says, all items sold beyond here. There are more items 4 sale. There r over 500 items 4 u 2 view. Just hit the offer button & Im happy 2 give u a great deal, ship fast, & send u a free gift 🎁. Have a great day, Renee’
Aug 22Reply
mstirea99 Hi Thank you for the offer and I will accept but it says u need to update your payment info. Thanks!
Sep 05Reply
abel6583 Hey hey , I’m Ashleigh. I have a closet with sizes ranging from s-3x. Dresses, Pants, Jumpers, Sweaters, Tunics, Swimsuits, boots and more. You name it…. it’s probably there. I’d appreciate if you checked it out 🚪. Oh yeah and I LOVE offers! If you don’t find anything for you, I’d like you to share something. I share back 🔄 🛍 HAPPY POSHING 🛍
Oct 04Reply
sandracraigm is my order pending shipment? it says it got delivered??
Jan 17Reply
lindap226 @sandracraigm What item did you purchase?
Jan 17Reply
lindap226 @sandracraigm I'm not sure what your asking, yes it was shipped, I forgot to mark it as shipped and the system is delayed with the tracking- so you could get them before the system updates.
Jan 17Reply
lindap226 @sandracraigm You purchased the ugg boots, correct? yes they were shipped the next day and because the system is delayed, you could receive them before the system updates.
Jan 17Reply
sandracraigm ugh, 2nd pair of boots that said got delivered and I didn't get them :(
Jan 17Reply
lindap226 @sandracraigm hi, so I just checked the tracking and they have not been delivered. they will be on the 20th of jan.. im not sure why the system hasn't updated but here is the tracking if you'd like to check yourself..9405.5112.0206.1454.2862.05 you can see it's in transit so no worries you'll get them..:)
Jan 17Reply
sandracraigm thank you!
Jan 17Reply
lindap226 @sandracraigm Hi, I'm so glad to see these were delivered. I know the poshmark tracking is really behind in the update but could you mark it as received in the next couple of days. I don't know how long it will take them to update but I just don't want to have to wait weeks for funds to be available- Appreciate you- :)
Jan 21Reply
tiffztreasurez Hi Linda! Thanks for checking out my closet! If you have any questions on the Boys Swim Trunks you liked, please feel free to ask. I went ahead and sent you an offer with discounted shipping. Reasonable offers are always welcome😚 I ship same day if the order is placed before 3 pm EST. 🥳
Apr 04Reply
nlw9 Hi LP, Thank you for liking Lululemon Hi-Lo Scoop Neckline Dress L! Just placed the Measurements in the description. Have a great day. Stay Safe and Well.
Jul 29Reply
lindap226 @nlw9 Go, thank you- Can you please comment replying to my question so I can find it again- lol
Jul 30Reply
nlw9 @lindap226, you may go to my site and look at the inventory bc now its disappeared. It’s strange bc there’s two different pics of you. It’s like you choose your self. Were you looking at a Black SS Lululemon Women’s Tee?
Jul 30Reply
lindap226 @nlw9 I’m confused- lol two pictures of me? Where do you see that? You should be able to reply to the question directly on the listing- Ur saying it disappeared?
Jul 30Reply
nlw9 @lindap226 yes, it disappeared.
Jul 30Reply
lindap226 @boutiquetropico Hi, Do you know if you have a size 9 available?
Aug 18Reply
lindap226 @boutiquetropico I’ve never seen an option to exchange, I believe I have to repurchase which I would like to do so that I have a good chance of still receiving them in time-If You have a 9 could you please let me know and I’ll repurchase immediately- Thanks so much
Aug 18Reply
jewelsbysara Hi I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
Sep 23Reply
beachmama72 hey,i see you live in sarasota,fl. So beautiful there i miss it alot
Dec 11Reply
its_crystal28 @lindap226 Hi🌹 Im Crystal , hope ur doing great today, by the way, if u have time I would love to invite you to check my simple closet, and if you like something just simple click the “❤️” or make an offer , always open to Offers😉 thank you in Advance. God bless and Happy Poshing my friend 👗👗speedy sales to you
Jun 28Reply
cutehosiery @lindap226 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 14Reply
majiksoul39 @lindap226 Help! I still haven’t received my item-LuLuLemon Capri pants from April 29th purchase. It says “shipped” (shipping label printed maybe?) but never shows tracking at all or that they were actually shipped yet? Can you advise me if they are coming or not, please? Thank you so much! 😊
May 12Reply
lindap226 @majiksoul39 Hi- Yes absolutely!!! I noticed the tracking hasn’t updated and reached out to posh to see if they had any additional and they said they would get back to me.. I’ll head over to the post office and see what I can find out- It wouldn’t say shipped if it didn’t scan in so it was scanned in but past that I can’t see- Ugghh I hate the post office sometimes- I’ll go today- I’m so sorry
May 12Reply
majiksoul39 @lindap226 Oh I totally understand how shipping & post office can be, for sure!
May 13Reply
color_images Will ship your order and thank you
Jul 13Reply
kblovelythings hey lady, I was the one who was part of your live and would like to cohost with you sometime.
Oct 11Reply
soulshine_chic Hey Linda. Good meeting you today. Hope to connect soon.
Jan 12Reply
lindap226 @soulshine_chic hi M, If your up and want to pop by tonight I’ll be on at 930
Jan 13Reply
thriftwgrace Hi there, I’m just stopping by to check out your closet. Please visit my closet when you have a moment. We have a nice collection of quality fashions in our closet for vacations, holidays, celebrations, special events, and more. If you see something you like, please send me an offer on any item(s) for the best price. Thanks, Grace.
Mar 24Reply
iam4liberty 😎Thank you for following me on Poshmark! I recently became an Ambassador after only 3 months. I have a variety of items and price points that will peek your interest. I hope you will visit my closet often and take advantage of 20% off of bundles of 3 or more items. Happy Poshing! Deb @iam4liberty
Apr 28Reply
preme100 @lindap226 six 1 two 9 one nine 7 one 6 three contact me
Jun 14Reply
glassprism70 Thank you for following my closet. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package 📦. And offers are always welcome, too.
Jun 14Reply
styledbymel305 Hi, I've been trying to get into your show, but I can't. Hopefully I'll catch the next one! Keep killing it, mama!!
Sep 13Reply
lindap226 @styledbymel305 hi, what do you mean you can’t? I’m on now!!
Sep 13Reply
styledbymel305 My service provider wouldn't allow the connection for some reason. But I was able to get on using my laptop!
Sep 13Reply
lindap226 @styledbymel305 omg i’m so sorry. i’ll be back tomorrow night at 830. if you are able to come by
Sep 13Reply
christinedroste Praying that you and your family are safe and sound. This is so scary, I can’t even imagine what it’s like. I’ll be thinking of you.
Oct 10Reply
lindap226 @christinedroste Thank you Chris, we’re ok- it was def the scariest exp . lots of damage and no power but we’re ok!!
Oct 10Reply
perrylines @lindap226 hi there!! I’m very interested in your Lululemon leggings and left a message with a question for you!
Dec 29Reply

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Sarasota, FL
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Sarasota, FL
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