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Updated Oct 26
Updated Oct 26

Meet your Posher, Lindsay

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Lindsay. Some of my favorite brands are lululemon athletica, 7 for all Mankind, A/X Armani Exchange, acacia swimwear, and Acne. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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stacey9394 Hooray🎉🎉 you got your closet started. Now let the fun begin👠👢. I am sure my addiction will soon become yours 💜❤️Please take a moment too check out my closet. Happy Poshing💋
Oct 01Reply
sequinstiletto Welcome to Posh! Please let me know if I can help at all! ✨💐✨
Oct 01Reply
jessica__k Welcome to Posh! Please check out my closet, I have some of the brands you like! I offer bundle discounts and I am open to offers!
Oct 01Reply
justjessie96 Welcome to Posh!!!
Oct 01Reply
poshmark8530678 Hi Posher! I have a MASSIVE selection of SOME HARD TO FIND DESIGNER jeans, dresses and coats if you're interested 😄. Plus, with the selection of multiple items there's a % off ❤️💜💚. Poshin' is SO much fun!
Oct 02Reply
kaleyheider Nice to meet you!✨
Oct 04Reply
ashleyprice429 Hey I saw your comment about the two anthro pieces. Would you like me to cancel the listing and make you a new one with both pieces?
Mar 07Reply
lccshops @ashleyprice429 yes, please! Thank you!! I'm not sure what happened lol
Mar 07Reply
ashleyprice429 Ok I'll tag you!
Mar 07Reply
dislomalidiasl1 @lccshops hi did you recieve the belt? My shipping info hasnt updated since the 13th when it said it was picked up for delivery.
Mar 18Reply
dislomalidiasl1 @lccshops hi i have emailed posh about the belt i am unable to get a response if you recieved the belt yet the delivery shows that it was out for delivery. Can you please let me know the status of this item as that its been over a week since the delivery date. Thank you.
Mar 21Reply
lccshops @dislomalidiasl1 yes! I got it. I thought I accepted already. I'll check ty
Mar 21Reply
dislomalidiasl1 @lccshops hey! No worries the delivery info looked wierd and i was worried it got lost. Hope u love it enjoy!
Mar 21Reply
lccshops @dislomalidiasl1 I love it. Thanks!
Mar 21Reply
barkton @lccshops - Hi! Thank you for your purchase! 😊 I will get your 📦 mailed out today. Thanks for shopping @barkton! Have a great day! 🌸
Apr 26Reply
hmsimon1 Good evening Lindsay. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Jul 23Reply
cali252 Hey, I think I may have sent you the wrong gloss. When you get your package can you let me know. If I did I will sent you the Rose gloss like you wanted. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Oct 01Reply
lccshops @cali252 hey. You sent the correct one. Thanks!!
Oct 01Reply
cali252 @lccshops thanks for getting back to me, hope you like them.
Oct 01Reply
fmrp Imagine my happiness when my dog licked my face this morning..I fell asleep following my peeps last night🤤... Then I woke to dog slobber, way too early... and an offer ON THE KALE SHIRT!!!!!! 😱😱😭😘😘😘I love Kale I LOVE KALE.. I luv u 2😭😭❤️❤️I'm so tired. Thank you.
Oct 29Reply
fmrp You didn't have to do that, I just got so tired last night & I wasn't understanding something had to pack it in before I got the kale shirt.... 😭😭😭I luv kale ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oct 29Reply
lccshops @fmrp Hi! While preparing your order, I realized the Med Kale shirt is no longer available. I do have two Lg if you would like one of those. This has never happened before-I'm so embarrassed! Let me know what you would like to do-I'm happy to switch it out with another item in my closet or cancel the order due to the mistake.
Nov 01Reply
fmrp 😱😱😱😱😱😭😭😭😭but I LOVE KALE!👿😡😪. I’m just messing with ya’. I understand..believe me. I’m terrified that I may send someone the wrong order.. now that’d be bad. I think this will be one of those, it looks awesome!! Or absolutely ridiculous. Don’t mind larger t’s but.. we could gamble on it... I’m 5’2”, 34,27,35
Nov 01Reply
fmrp I thought the medium would be big.. awe what the heck.. why not. I purchased a small T-shirt from another posher and it was pretty bad..really bad, but it didn’t say KALE 😁.. let’s do it. I’ll take it AND look through your closet again
Nov 01Reply
fmrp @lccshops btw, a substitution probably occurred prior to your rcv the KALE.
Nov 01Reply
lccshops @fmrp sounds good. I'll get it shipped out! Thank you!
Nov 01Reply
fmrp @lccshops you are welcome. Thank you for reaching out to me. I felt badly for you... I know how I would feel. 😳😳😳😱😱😩
Nov 01Reply
geade1 Thank you so much for the private offer!!! I am definitely open to your offer. I will purchase the 2 tops on my next pay day. I spent to much Poshing yesterday. I'll send if a bundle offer if they are both still available.
Nov 07Reply
geade1 Thank you for the bundle discount! I want both tops! I just have to wait until pay day! 👌😃
Nov 09Reply
reneelarson Hello and welcome to my closet 😊Please let me know if I can answer any questions for you. All reasonable offers will be considered, so please feel free to make an offer if you love this item. Happy poshing!🌹🌹
Nov 15Reply
msmodularlo Thank you so much for all of the shares! 😘😘. You have such a beautifully, well-curated closet!!!! 💗💗 i loves going through it!! 😻
Jan 23Reply
lccshops @msmodularlo thanks love!!!
Jan 23Reply
adriennef315 Hi! Thank you for following me! 😀 I hope you like my items! I'm constantly adding a variety of new items! If you see anything you are interested in or have any questions please feel free to reach out to me! I am offering combined shipping on bundles & 10% off of bundles with 2 or more items 🤗
Feb 03Reply
Feb 15Reply
mfairlight Please review my jeans for the jeans party. I have some awesome ones & id love to get a host pick. Thank you for checking out my closet 🤗🤗
May 15Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much and I hope you have a wonderful party!
May 15Reply
lccshops @mfairlight TY! 🎉🎉🎉
May 16Reply
lovedandkurated Hi Lindsey! Congrats on your Jeans Party today! I will be there to celebrate & share your excitement. If you are still looking for host picks, please consider some of my listings to add to your host picks to share with your guests! Cheers & Smiles - Kay 🍾🦄🍾🎉👏🎉🎈🍾🦄
May 16Reply
meyvnish Congratulations on being a Best In Jeans Party Host🎉 I hope you will consider my closet shared item as a Host pick ☺️✨
May 16Reply
fashionsbytess Hey congratulations on hosting! If you are still looking for host picks I'd be honored if you looked at my closet!
May 16Reply
mfairlight @lccshops Thank you 🤗🤗🤗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗🤗🤗🤗🤗💗💗😊😊😊😘
May 17Reply
dragonflyave Thank you for all the shares 😘💕
Jun 11Reply
lccshops @dragonflyave anytime! Xoxo
Jun 11Reply
cutenthrifty Hello fellow party host! Just wanted to stop by and say I'm looking forward to hosting with you 9/3!
Aug 28Reply
lccshops @cutenthrifty thanks! It will be fun!!💜💜💜
Aug 29Reply
savvyrestyle 🎀🎀🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉Congrats on hosting!!!!!🎉🌟🎉🌟How AWESOME!! On your hunt for tomorrow's HOST PICK's, I would love for you to consider some of my listing to share with your guests!! Cant wait to celebrate, support and share in the excitement!! Happy poshing🛍📸 and cheers to future success🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎀🎀
Sep 02Reply
smruggiero1 Congratulations on your upcoming party! 🍾🎉🎊
Sep 02Reply
nycma Congratulations for the party tomorrow. In case you are still looking for host picks, I hope you will consider my closet. Thanks ❤️
Sep 02Reply
chante_allday Congrats on co-hosting the best dressed party tomorrow! Please consider my closet for a HP option!! Best of luck 💕
Sep 02Reply
lccshops @smruggiero1TY!💜💜💜
Sep 02Reply
lccshops @nycmaTY! 💜💜💜
Sep 02Reply
lccshops @polishedb_tique TY!! 🧡🧡🧡🧡
Sep 02Reply
keeli73 Congratulations on hosting your party!! If you have time please feel free to stop by my closet for a potential host pick!!💕🎉 Happy Poshing!!🤗
Sep 02Reply
lccshops @keeli73 Thank you!!🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍
Sep 02Reply
stylabration Congrats Hostess! Best Dressed! Carrie's Coastal Closet has much to offer; unique, quality..most NWTS! I would be honored to be considered & share forward! @cmadderom
Sep 02Reply
lccshops @cmadderom TY! Feel free to share to my closet! 💜💜
Sep 02Reply
ladycrackerjack @lccshops ❤️💕❤️💕Congratulations!! ❤️💕❤️💕 I am so excited for you! Have the best time ever ⭐️Hosting your Very Own party later today!! ❤️Cant wait to party & celebrate your day! Xo -Kat ❤️💕 - [ ]
Sep 03Reply
sellersmerch Congratulations on being a Party Host🎉 I hope you will consider my closet as a Host pick ☺️✨
Sep 03Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? I really appreciate your consideration and I hope you have a wonderful party!
Sep 03Reply
jennanels @lccshops congrats on hosting tonight’s party! Please consider a listing from my closet for a host pick, it would be so appreciated! 😊 you have a beautiful closet, wishing you many quick sales!! 🤗
Sep 03Reply
sklang01 Lots of luck with your party 🎉 stop by if you can!
Sep 03Reply
jilsharpe Congrats on your party hosting!!!🎉 Have super fun! (: I’d appreciate it if you’d consider my closet for a host pick!!
Sep 03Reply
aaaalllleeee Well hi, Lindsay! Congratulations on hosting your Best Dressed party today! Would you like to visit my closet to look for a possible host pick? To make things simple, my ideas are together at the top. Many thanks, and good luck!
Sep 04Reply
shira_15 Hi, Congrats on hosting the party!🎉 Please consider anything in my closet as a host pick! Thank you! 😄
Sep 04Reply
cocosverobeach Hi Lindsay, My name is Ronda and I’ve been following you for awhile now and was hoping that you’d honor me with a Host Pick this evening, I too will hosting soon and absolutely will return the gesture. Either way I’ll be there sharing my buns off and of course I’m grateful for your consideration! @designerguru2
Sep 04Reply
acelestialsoul ☀️🌴🌸🌴🌟Aloha! Congrats on the party...I'll be there. 💕 I've got some AWESOME items that would be just right for Host Picks-I hope you pick mine!🌸 I'm a Poshmark Ambassador, 😊 Top Sharer, 💕Fast Shipper, too 🔥 Mahalo.🌸 HAGDP Have a great day Poshing! 👜👗👒
Sep 04Reply
rmccouture ❤️I hope that you're having a great time cohosting Lindsay! Cohosting is a lot of work; but the greatest service you can do for the Poshmark community. I want to thank you for the time and effort you have put into your planning. Idk if you asked a PFF to share your closet to the party, so I'm going to share as much of it as I can. Thanks again! NO SHARE BACKS!! ❤️Amanda❤️
Sep 04Reply
supercute4u @lccshops , WOOHOOO! Party Time! 🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊🎉🎉🎉 Congrats on hosting! Would love it if you’d take a peek at my closet! Thanks so much! 😘❤️❤️😘
Sep 04Reply
stylabration Hey Lindsay! I believe you Hosted a party & picked my item, TY very much! Led to me joining your follow game. Yours is only 1 I do..i get invited to many but R complicated; no time for + they make my head spin! Was wondering what I can do to catch PM attention to Host Party! I am ambassador w/ many sales & great reviews. Thanks in advance!💛😊💛
Sep 13Reply
jojomall Hello Doll, It's an honor to meet you‼️ Please pop in & check out our closet. We've got all sorts of goodies we'd love to make a deal on from women's clothing & maternity, home goods, kids & baby clothes🥰 Clean Smoke Free Closet! New, Newish & Always Worthy Items. We are a Mother & 2 Daughters Fashionistas so lots of variety & we are Top Rated Sellers so you have more security with us💕🌈 PS...You have an awesome closet‼️
Feb 21Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as D&G, Gucci, Lululemon, Nike, Kate Spade, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Dec 08Reply
cutehosiery @lccshops Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jan 11Reply

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Last Active: Mar 20

Boerne, TX
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Last Active: Mar 20

Boerne, TX
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