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Updated Oct 21
Updated Oct 21

Meet your Posher, Lindsey

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Lindsey. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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cherie9497 @lindseyhudson20 Hi Lindsey:) Can we meet at 11? Wonderful posh fees🙀 I'll counter you:) They are beautiful! You're going to love them!!:) Thank you! Cherie💕
Sep 05Reply
lindseyhudson20 Absolutely!!!! Can't wait to see them in person! Thanks so much :)
Sep 05Reply
chicbomb Hi Lindsey! thank you for your purchase. The item will be pack and ship out tomorrow. thanks again xo
Oct 02Reply
knotbaad @lindseyhudson20 I could do 14 for both sets :)
Oct 14Reply
lindseyhudson20 @knotbaad that would be great!
Oct 14Reply
soosiez Welcome! This is a great fun fashion adventure with flare and some fantasy thrown in! Enjoy!!🙋🏻❤️ Happy Poshing!!
Oct 23Reply
s39 Just shipped!! Hope you enjoy😊
Nov 15Reply
enocharden Thanks for liking my closet 😊❤️
Dec 01Reply
cali1018 🌺🌺WELCOME TO POSHMARK!! My name is Nora and I am addicted to Poshmark!! Lol! I'm sure you will be addicted in no time if not already! It's such a great community of women all coming together and supporting each other in the name of fashion and community!! Happy poshing and if you ever have any questions I'm just a closet away!! Wishing you only the best!! Xoxo Nora 🌺🌺
Dec 05Reply
tijanala Hi Lindsey! Thanks so much for stopping by and making your offer. I countered to meet us in the middle and I'm here if you have any questions at all. The pants are so cozy and cute!💕
Jan 13Reply
lindseyhudson20 @tijanala Thank you so much! I can't wait!
Jan 13Reply
tijanala @lindseyhudson20 you're welcome and thank you! I'll send them your way tomorrow. 💕
Jan 13Reply
errn27 Hello! Why did you cancel order for Louis Vuitton Speedy 35? I was looking forward to receiving my bag . What happened?????
Jan 23Reply
barriebailey Hello and happy February ⛄️ I hope you have been enjoying your poshmark experience as much as I have 🛍💸🎁 If you have any questions regarding my closet or want to chat with a new posher in general, let me know 😍
Feb 19Reply
lindseyhudson20 @katevandyke0890 I am so sorry! I did drop it off on Friday so I'm not sure why it hasn't come up in the system. It says the same on my end. If it does not update by the morning I will call usps. I am so sorry for the delay. I really appreciate your patience, you have been so sweet! 🍬🌈💕
May 07Reply
lisaslade @lindseyhudson20 @lindseyhudson20 hi! Lindsey I noticed you bundled a tip if you would like to purchase tonight I can cover the shipping!! 😀 please let me know if your interested 😀🎉
May 26Reply
snatanov Heyy, I’d love it if you could please check out my closet!! I do private discounts and accept most reasonable offers!! Thank you and Happy Poshing :)
Jul 11Reply
kim_b22 Hi Lindsey! I have more bags we can add to the brushes if you decide you want them. 💕🌸
Nov 21Reply
lindseyhudson20 @kim_b22 what kind of bags? 😍
Nov 21Reply
kim_b22 @lindseyhudson20 Oh, sorry! Lulu ❤️
Nov 21Reply
misspretty610 Check out my closet, I have a Lululemon quilted jacket on sale 🤗
Nov 21Reply
madisonseyi Hello there. Made you a new offer.
Dec 18Reply
bethfarnstrom Thanks Lindsey! Will ship asap :)
Sep 07Reply
bethfarnstrom asap sadly in DC means this am! our post lady told me she "cannot take packages on weekends" and the brick and mortar POs are closed weekends. thanks for your patience! xoxo, Beth
Sep 10Reply
bethfarnstrom Ugh so so sorry-- looked everywhere and seem to have misplaced. Just made a new listing with the full inventory of the house of harlow rings i DO have. Again, my apologies.
Sep 10Reply
callielives Thanks for poshing with me and sending me posh love too 💞💞💞
Oct 07Reply
blancheaux Love your closet! 💕
Oct 09Reply
redeemedarray Hi Lindsey! Thank you for purchasing the Free People top! I will ship out today. Hope you enjoy - it’s so cute! Wishing you the very best! 💕
Oct 31Reply
hindas Hello beautiful, Please come and check my closet out. I have high end items at a discounted price. Happy holidays!
Dec 07Reply
bbatista1021 Hello just wanted to welcome you to poshmark! You have a great closet! 💕 good luck posting!
Feb 21Reply
sayyestojewelry Hi there! 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Mar 03Reply
liquidlisa @lindseyhudson20 hi Lindsey, sorry its taking so long to ship this, I just moved & am trying to handle my closet directly out of my storage, and I cannot find the Vince. Blouse . I found the athleta one, as much as I tried to have everything organized, I cant find the vince. Top. So if you want to cancel, I understand. If not, and you dont mind
Mar 04Reply
liquidlisa Giving me a few more days I will do my best. It's up to you, and I hope you accept my sincere apology. I just seperated (suddenly) my marriage, had to drive from Illinois to California, have been having a major setback in my health, it's like the perfect storm.
Mar 04Reply
maralisa Cute closet! Would you consider a bundle trade with me?
Mar 05Reply
lindseyhudson20 @maralisa Sure! What items did you have in mind from my closet? I’ll check your out now!
Mar 06Reply
lindseyhudson20 @liquidlisa No problem at all! Please take your time. I completely understand. I have had personal issues affect my ability to get things out and then if I lost the sale as well it just makes things even worse! I really appreciate you communicating with me about it though. No rush at all.
Mar 06Reply
lindseyhudson20 @liquidlisa also, if you don’t think you’ll be able to find it I’m sure I can find a different item in your closet to replace so you don’t lose the sale. Whatever works best for you!
Mar 06Reply
liquidlisa @lindseyhudson20 wow, you are a genuinly wonderful human being! Thank you so much! If you want to look now for another item(s) we can do that, and once I find the vince. top I'll send it to you free. Pick a few things, thank you so much
Mar 06Reply
liquidlisa @lindseyhudson20 and dont worry that they items are listed as not for sale, I did that yesterday because I'm having a hard time , just try to put what you want in a bundle if it let's you, if not , just comment on the items you'll accept for now as a substitute until I find the vince top ok?
Mar 06Reply
thandiepixie Hi there Lindsey ! I’d like to invite you to take a peek at my closet. Personal, chic and amazing prices for the brands🌺
Jun 01Reply
2muchstuff3691 L❤️VE your closet. So glad I found it on Poshmark. Hope you will check out mine and follow me back 💕💕💕
Apr 13Reply
jebwa Dear @lindseyhudson20 , happy to see that you are following our closet 💗. We are the top luxury handbags seller here on Poshmark. Let us know if you are interested in any of my items. Happy poshing!
Jan 03Reply
shae_chic H e l l o! Happy Poshing! 🥂 Feel free to check out my Closet / Boutique & make me some offers ☺️
Jan 11Reply
luismorals9 Hey Lindsey! The clasp of my chanel is broken and hence why wasn't closing properly. Never heard back from you on the Cartier.
Mar 24Reply
what2buy2day Good morning! Would you like the waist hiking pack? Anything else?
Sep 01Reply
lindseyhudson20 @what2buy2day that’s so sweet! But I can purchase it at full price :) I don’t expect anything in return, really. I just hope you love it! It has been in my closet since Christmas and I’m glad it will be used :)
Sep 01Reply
what2buy2day @lindseyhudson20 Absolutely not. I wish there was something else you wanted. I'll take it out of my closet and ship it to you once I have your address. It's the least I can do.
Sep 01Reply
lindseyhudson20 @what2buy2day well that is very kind of you! And much appreciated. I will certainly use it more than the Michael Kors, so it works out all around :)
Sep 01Reply
what2buy2day @lindseyhudson20 Funny since I was selling stuff so I could buy the black MK. I have the navy blue and burgandy and love them.
Sep 01Reply
trudimola Hi my apologies about the supreme action figure. 🙏🏼🥰. I had not been on here for some time, he is now reposted and could ship asap if still interested, and again my error sorry! Happy Poshing!!! 🎉💕🥰🥳👗🩳👕👖🧥🩴👜🎒
May 03Reply
luxebagcandy @lindseyhudson20 posted please check :)
Jun 14Reply

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Last Active: Mar 04

Cincinnati, OH
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Last Active: Mar 04

Cincinnati, OH
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