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Updated Sep 25
Updated Sep 25

Meet your Posher, Lisa

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Hi! I'm Lisa. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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foreverfriend Hi Lisa Welcome here! This is foreverfriend whom you made a bundle for 18 months baby clothes for girl You bundled 3 listings & one of the listing (one pink long sleeve onesie) is already in the other listing ( one that has 4 onesies). Thanks for your interest & offer for the items! Hoping you can get this message before I will pack them and yes am gonna accept your offer. Happy poshing!
Jul 30Reply
foreverfriend If I do not hear from you in 3 days from now, I will go ahead & send them to you. Have a wonderful day!
Jul 30Reply
foreverfriend On $16, you will get 4 onesies & a pair of pajama (2 pcs).
Jul 30Reply
grace_notes Super cute picture!!!
Aug 03Reply
lanadoherty Hi Lisa, thanks for liking ☺ ☺ any questions please feel free to ask.😃 happy poshing 💗
Aug 13Reply
chenderson0720 Good morning ☀️ I see that you liked some really cute toddler clothes previously and I wanted to say thank you and let you know that I am always willing to consider reasonable offers and I Love ❤️ discounting bundles 🌺🌹🌸 I have also added new clothes to my closet and I will be adding more this weekend! 🌷🌼🌻
Sep 02Reply
lucinda1960 Hi Lisa Just checking to make sure you received your shoes?if so please accept offer! Enjoy 😘 Lucinda
Sep 09Reply
frannie36 Hi Lisa, I'm sorry I just saw now that you purchased a pair of pink polkadotted leggings or tights that I've had on here for quite some time I actually don't even go on Poshmark anymore I just don't have the time with being in a full-time Masters program unfortunately. But if you could give me a day or two, I'm studying for a big midterm exam im taking tomorrow but I can look tomorrow evening or on Tuesday to see if I can find these. I've packed things away a couple dif
Sep 24Reply
luby3307 @frannie36 - oh hon', don't worry at all about it. i'll just cancel the auction - drink a lot of red bull (yuk.) and ace that mid-term!! and hang in there!
Sep 24Reply
savvyshoppernyc @luby3307 Hi Lisa, thanks for your offer on the bundle from my closet. I can't go that low but I did send a counter offer. Hope we can work out a deal - I can ship tomorrow!
Sep 24Reply
luby3307 hi lisa! thanks for trying to work with me, but i talked to my daughter & she's suggested i work on "other" more pressing stuff - payton's OK (i found out) on pj's & tees. but thanks for your time!
Sep 24Reply
spewcifur @luby3307 Thank you for your purchase! Will ship out todat!
Sep 25Reply
jerrilm Lisa!! I accidentally shipped a HUGE order with your label today to you 😩😩 I am SO SORRY!! Can you please immediately ship it back to me? When you get it posh will give you a free label to print out n tape to the box to me omg I am so upset n embarrassed right now.
Sep 28Reply
spewcifur @luby3307 Thank you so much for your purchase I will send them out this afternoon 😊! Have a great day..
Oct 10Reply
mirandasbill If I sell the pjs for $3, I make $0. Is there anything else in my closet you like? I consider reasonable offers😀
Oct 10Reply
alicekleiner Hello and Welcome to Poshmark! !!!  A few terms I didn't know when I first started that I hope will help you... GUC GOOD or GENTLY USED CONDITION EUC..EXCELLENT USED CONDITION Few more Hints if you want to remember a special closet like one or two items in that closet so that you can find your way back!! Also Do lots of following and sharing to build your network =) Thank you for the like and for visiting my closet.  I have excellant ratings, ship same or next day and welcome offers!
Oct 23Reply
r_goodman @luby3307 Hi!! Welcome to posh! Feel free to check out my closet for awesome deals on Lululemon, Michael Kors, Tory Burch, Louis Vuitton, Nike, VS PINK, & more!🎉💃🏼🛍 Add to a bundle in my closet & see a special price from me to make your closet more fabulous!🎉
Oct 28Reply
lanadoherty Hi Lisa, thanks for liking ☺ any questions please feel free to ask.😃 happy poshing 💗
Nov 02Reply
lovehannas Lisa, thank you for all your kind words! So happy you love your new Hannas. Your little one will look adorable in the dress this Thanksgiving and they hold their value so well. I love this brand and have a lot more pajamas and dresses in this size to list so check back often or comment me when it is convenient to you. Have a great day!
Nov 15Reply
canlenny Hi there!! Thanks for the offer. I’m going to respond but just wanted to explain why. I’m going to have to pay for heavier shipping which is going to be another $8-9 unless you want to split up the bundle at all. Let me weigh it and see.
Nov 16Reply
canlenny Just trying to figure out a way we both win and Posh doesn’t take too much😀. Sure we can strike a deal. Thanks in advance
Nov 16Reply
calexander1833 Thanks for your order 💜 I'll mail out today💜 Happy Poshing 💜
Jan 09Reply
luby3307 t hanks cynthia - you've got precious stuff!
Jan 09Reply
tngirls @luby3307 good afternoon! I hope u got both ur packages safe and sound. Hoe u have a great weekend! Happy Poshing!
Jan 12Reply
smmoles Hey there - I have everything except the wheelchair - will you do $70?
Jan 23Reply
smmoles I had to decline your offer because I don’t have the wheelchair any longer as of yesterday afternoon I’m sorry! I’m happy to make you a deal w all the other items if you still want?
Jan 23Reply
luby3307 hi Stephanie - forgive me for the delay in responding - life has a nasty habit of getting in the way of our plans, doesn't it?!!!!!!!! for now, i'm going to say no on your stuff simply because addie's not even 2 yet - and i need to think of what is appropriate for her in terms of AMERICAN GIRL (she was given a doll by their neighbor).......anyway, let me think on it. again, i'm sorry for not getting back to you sooner!
Jan 26Reply
korinaponce good morning Lisa 🙋🏻‍♀️your purchase is on its way to you 🤗have a wonderful weekend 🌷
Mar 17Reply
luby3307 thanks, korina - you too! enjoy your kiddos!
Mar 17Reply
yav Hi, if you are still interested, you can submit your last offer and I’ll accept. Thank you have a lovely day😊
Mar 19Reply
bubbystoys Good afternoon :) Bundle your "likes" and I can give you a great offer today🌺
May 02Reply
kdollar3 @luby3307. I'm soo sorry that the metal sign you purchased from me hasn't gotten to you. It was shipped, due to what happened if you do end up receiving it please just keep it. A gift of apology if you do get it. Again so sorry.
May 11Reply
lucym22 Thanks so much for your purchase. Putting in mail now. All the best!!! 🤗🤗
May 17Reply
lucym22 Awww so glad u liked the bathing suit and sandals. I get a lot of baby items. What sizes do u normally look for? Live unicorns too! 🤗🤗🤗
May 21Reply
ukibana Hi LIsa, thank you so much for bundling the jewelry and the scarves and making your offer. I countered offer and hope you will accept. You will get 2 unique scarves and 2 jewelry sets. I will include a small free gift (another bracelet) since you bundled 4 items.
May 31Reply
lougie21 I dropped off your order at the post office today 🙂
Jun 13Reply
melllaaa_2011 🅗🅔🅨! 💗 welcome to poshmark! You will love this awesome community! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask! Also, I might sell your favorite brands in my closet and I also offer 50% off bundles of 5+ items! Enjoy! 🦄
Jun 16Reply
supremedream Thank you for your order ! I will shop ASAP
Jun 30Reply
j_davidson81 Thank you for liking my closet. Bundle 3 or more items for a 50% off discount
Jul 13Reply
jcsasser Lisa welcome to Poshmark. If you have any questions please let me know. Come by and shop in my closet bundle three items and get 25% off and have a blessed day. Janice
Jul 18Reply
thegoodiebox Hi Lisa, don’t you love Posh?!!! So many unique people with so many unique styles! Please stop by and say hi sometime. Happy shopping! 😘
Aug 06Reply
coolwifey Hello Lisa! Hopefully you're having a great time here in poshmark. I invite you to visit my closet and give me an offer! Or do a bundle of 2 or more items and get 15% OFF! Happy Poshing!
Oct 12Reply
sbhoneyyy26 Welcome to poshmark💕
Nov 30Reply
cabron7 @luby3307 Hi, did you want a bundle? Or just the leggings from my closet. A bundle is more than one item from one persons closet.
Dec 01Reply
someclassystyle Hello Lisa, thank you for the 5* rating :) and if you need ANY help at all while on here feel free to hit me up I have been here awhile.
Jan 09Reply
heavenlee35 Hi sweetie I see you received your purchase yesterday can you take a moment to accept the order please as my closet closes latter day so I can go visit my daughter and grandson thanks again hope you love your earrings and free gift
Jun 16Reply
nanacoleof3 Thank you for the awesome rating!
Jul 16Reply
tmatposh Hi Lisa. I just saw your offer of $14 on the bundle. If I accept, I can’t offer you free shipping. And I want to offer you free shipping, so I’m declining the offer and making you a different offer. Let me know what you think. Thanks so much for shopping my closet! I appreciate your interest! \o/ tmr
Jul 16Reply
nan40 Sorry I would only make .5 cents off the women’s Within capris.
Jul 17Reply
kristinh_fl I'm sorry, but I will have to cancel your order for my makeup organizers.... The package weighs 6.5lbs & Poshmark will charge me an additional $8 to ship it. I'm only receiving $5 on the sale, so it will end up costing me $3 to send it to you. :o/ If you would like, I'd be willing to basically give them to you if you can pay for shipping. You would have to place another bid for $11, which would absorb all of my earnings from the sale, but it would cover the shipping costs.
Jul 18Reply
kristinh_fl If you don't want to bother with all of this as well, I understand. Trust me, I'm not stoked, I packaged the whole thing up and I can't sell it now. :o/ Sorry!
Jul 18Reply
kristinh_fl I guess you can't offer on the item because it was sold initially. If you are still interested, let me know and I'll make a new listing. Otherwise, no worries, I'll just donate them to Goodwill or something. Again, I'm sorry about all of this.
Jul 18Reply
luby3307 hey kristin! just saw this - sorry, life has been crazy of late! if you want to blow this off, that's fine - i'll also pay extra for the shipping - your decision, since the burden's on you! whatever you decide to do is good with me.... i'll try to check in later - hang in there!
Jul 18Reply
nan40 Could you please accept your order on the white capris? Thanks!
Jul 23Reply
nan40 Please accept your order on the white capris, thanks!
Jul 24Reply
nan40 Thanks for accepting your order!❤️
Jul 25Reply
rickandpeggi @luby3307 Hi Doll, I’m Rick And Peggi Closet 🤗 I’m preparing myselft for the fun, we can have fun shopping and selling in this comunity✌🏻Be sure to pop into my closet. i will be happy to receive your visit😃Take look around and ask questions all the questions you need to get going. 😉Do not hesitate to Make an Offer if you like something from my Closet. 👐🏻👍🏻We can work in a Great Deal 💕Happy Poshing💕
Jul 26Reply
bestbuycloset @luby3307 welcome to POSHMARK! I'm Cindy! 🙋🏻 Feel free to reach out with Amy questions. HAPPY POSHING!🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 WELCOME TO POSHMARK! I'm Cindy! 😃 Nice to meet you! Hope you are enjoying poshing! Feel free to reach out with Amy questions. I’m happy to help. HAPPY POSHING!🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍
Aug 24Reply
casamelgar Hi Lisa. I can accept $14 for the Rialto valet flats. Please make the offer again. I pressed the wrong button to accept! Thanks in advance.....
Sep 27Reply
theposhfinds Hi @luby3307 💕 I just wanted to say hello and introduce myself - my name is Katelyn 🤗 It’s always nice to meet a fellow Posher ❤️ I’m a Posh Ambassador with a 5 ⭐️ Rating - so if you have any questions, don’t be afraid to ask! I hope you have fun on Poshmark! If you have some spare time - I was wondering if you could check out my closet, I have some great deals and I add new listings daily 🙏🏻🥳 Thanks so much for supporting my small business!
Oct 09Reply
pbjfox Hi I have a vintage Obama shirt and lots more new and vintage items all sizes fast shipping majority is in men’s section, discounts on bundles! Have a great day!
Jun 27Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly!
Apr 02Reply
fiercenow Hello! Just wonder if you got it? Thank you
Apr 14Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
Jun 13Reply
yesitsavailable Hello, I hope you love your metal earrings❣️ If you have a minute to spare, I would appreciate it if you would be so kind as to leave written feedback with a rating. Please understand that it is so important that other shoppers can trust the quality of my items, and the best way is to read how happy/satisfied other shoppers have been. It would so awesome if you could spare your thoughts towards your purchase, even if it's short :-) Thank you for your purchase, Crystal🤗
Aug 07Reply
bcullum94 I have gotten the news that I have covid. If you want to wait until I am done with isolation for me to ship the shirt out, I will have it shipped on Aug 24th.
Aug 17Reply
italianposher73 if you send me the $5 offer I'll accept. I'll even throw in an extra plant!
Jan 04Reply
tspille11 Hello! If you are looking to do a little shopping I invite you to check out my closet. I am a college student trying to sell this stuff to help pay for school. I just moved so I need to sell everything. I am very willing to negotiate any price. I offer free shipping on bundles on orders over $40! Thank you!
Jan 12Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Apr 30Reply
mariaspiz Hi !!! Come take a visit and follow my closet!!! Hope to see you!!!!
Jun 04Reply
eugeniastefania Ur offer $3 is disrespectful! Poshmark takes 20% of each sale! Perhaps I should give it to you!
Dec 04Reply
eugeniastefania You can have it for $5
Dec 05Reply
marus50 Thanks for shopping on my closet ❤️I will ship it tomorrow 🌟
May 26Reply
aidasehagic Hi Lisa, I invite you to check out listings in my closet and hopefully you will find something you like! I have lots of boys clothes and large collection of children’s books 📚. Thanks 🙏💕🛍️💖
Oct 08Reply
miriananely Hello!! I wanted to personally invite you to explore my Poshmark closet, where we continually add new items. Feel free to browse at your convenience, and if you find something you like, it will be a pleasure to have you as a satisfied customer. I am open to negotiating prices and accepting offers. If you find something you like, please feel free to make an offer and I will be happy to consider it. Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions or need more information about an item. 😃
Nov 05Reply

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Last Active: Aug 17 2024

Austin, TX
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Last Active: Aug 17 2024

Austin, TX
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