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Updated Jun 03
Updated Jun 03

Meet your Posher, Lisa

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Lisa. Some of my favorite brands are Ralph Lauren, j.jill, Eileen Fischer, Lilly Pulitzer, and Frye . Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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burymeinpurple 😍😘😍
Mar 18Reply
prrtynpink I absolutely LOVE your closet's layout and the cover shots! If you find anything you like in my closet feel free to let me know, I’m having 50% off bundles of clothing and/or jewelry!
Apr 03Reply
tishabridge Hi! Do u have any bundle discounts? Thanks!
Apr 08Reply
lisagail99 @tishabridge if you want to buy all three that you liked, I would consider $50 for all three
Apr 08Reply
tishabridge Hi. Would u do 4 sets at $15 each?
Apr 09Reply
lisagail99 @tishabridge I will. Have you bundled all 4 that you want?
Apr 10Reply
tishabridge Yes I did. Thank u!
Apr 10Reply
lisagail99 @tishabridge ok, buy your bundle :-)
Apr 10Reply
lisagail99 @tishabridge Thank you! Will ship tomorrow!
Apr 10Reply
tishabridge Thank u! 🙂
Apr 10Reply
moirag16 @lisagail99 Cute site!!
May 21Reply
lisagail99 @moirag16 Thanks! I like your closet!
May 21Reply
lisagail99 @moirag16 Thanks for sharing!
May 21Reply
moirag16 @lisagail99 just touching base to thank you for buying the Aqua Sigrid Olson tops. I want to launder them so shipping slightly delayed! Should be able to mail them out tomorrow. 🎽🛀🛍
May 24Reply
lisagail99 @moirag16 ok, great! Thanks for letting me know!
May 24Reply
franciedrew Greetings Lisa...Thank You for following me and Thx for your purchase too!... & Welcome to P.M. :) have such a lovely closet, I'll be sure to re visit soon :) ...Happy Poshing and have a beautiful weekend 🌷
May 28Reply
saskicarrerabsq Hello Sweets ❤️ love your fur baby ✨😘 always happy to make deals!! Feel free to use that offer button ❤️
Jun 15Reply
fashionforme2 @lisagail99 Hi Lisa, thanks for your offer on the purse but I am firm on my price. This is an amazing bag and I am at my lowest. 😊
Aug 09Reply
lisagail99 @fashionforme2 thanks for your reply. It is an awesome bag. I hope you still have it when I get enough money in my posh account :-)
Aug 09Reply
scottdeem Thank you, I'll have your boots in mail tomorrow morning. Have a nice evening! !
Aug 16Reply
lgggarcia Hi Lisa, I just wanted to make sure that you received and are happy with your order?💖
Oct 21Reply
obindee Thank you for your supportive comments. I hope to bump into you in my closet again!
Oct 21Reply
jax_lux @lisagail99 Hi there. I don't want you to think I am ignoring you. I saw you bundled the Olsen top & cardi. Did you have any q's or just waiting. 🌺 No pressure. Just being a good Posher. 😊
Feb 15Reply
orangecat1250 Hi Lisa. Could you possibly come up another $10 because I have to pay the shipping after 5 pounds. If you can't I will accept the purchase anyway. ❤. Thanks so much.
Feb 25Reply
orangecat1250 @lisagail99 Absolutely. Thanks. ❤
Feb 25Reply
orangecat1250 @lisagail99 Hi Lisa. Just wanted to let you know that normally I'm a one day shipper. However, with your order I'm waiting on Poshmark to tell me what to do. I've had many large orders but not with this weight. As soon as they respond out it will go. ❤
Feb 26Reply
lisagail99 @orangecat1250 no worries! I've never ordered this much at one time. But you have such cool stuff!
Feb 27Reply
orangecat1250 @lisagail99 Thanks. It will be arriving soon. ❤
Feb 27Reply
orangecat1250 Hi Lisa. Just an update both packages are going out today. One through Poshmark and the other I will take to the Post Office and mail myself. I never heard back from Poshmark and their weight chart doesn't go up to 15 lbs total. I pride myself with one-day ship and this time I failed but not because of me. ❤
Mar 01Reply
lisagail99 @orangecat1250 no worries on my end, but I know it shows up in your stats. Maybe a glowing review will make up for it some.
Mar 01Reply
orangecat1250 @lisagail99 😹😹😹😹😹
Mar 01Reply
lisagail99 @orangecat1250 OMG! I can hardly stand it...I can't wait to get my stuff! I want a glass of wine and try it all on when it gets here!
Mar 03Reply
lynnfieldgirl Thank you for all the shares your purchase - I will mail out tomorrow!
Apr 21Reply
fishcake1124 I noticed you placed somethings from my closet in a bundle. Thank you for looking at my closet. There is,a bundle discount.
Apr 28Reply
terpsmom Hi Lisa I removed one thing from the bundle because I cannot locate it! But I have a large makeup bag in the same print I can send Make me another offer!
May 04Reply
lisagail99 @terpsmom I did make another offer, but I don't know what happened, it said it was sold. What happened?
May 04Reply
terpsmom @lisagail99 looks like a pair of shorts sold today that were in your bundle.
May 04Reply
lisagail99 @terpsmom how very disappointing
May 04Reply
cherryleedavis Thank you for the Like on my J Jill silk twill button up shirt. I am offering a 20% Bundle Discount until August 31st if you like anything else in my closet.
May 20Reply
cloudscloset @cloudscloset , hi Lisa, I see you have chosen two fantastic garments from my closet... elegant and quite special. How can I make this happen for you? Cloudscloset aka Claudia
Jun 09Reply
lisagail99 @cloudscloset could you make me a really good offer?
Jun 09Reply
cloudscloset @lisagail99 I'm waiting for your really good offer❤️✨✨💄💜🔮
Jun 09Reply
lisagail99 @cloudscloset ok, but don't be offended.
Jun 09Reply
lisagail99 Wow, you're tough!
Jun 09Reply
lisagail99 Really tough, but thank you bunches!!
Jun 09Reply
cloudscloset @lisagail99 not that tough just a Nuer with great stuff to sell.. I love my closet and sharing it with people who appreciate quality merchandise. Congrats. It will be shipped out first thing tomorrow or later tonight. Thank u very kindly . I am grateful to have I as a new customer. ❣️❣️🕉💟☯️💙💜
Jun 09Reply
lisagail99 @cloudscloset I will shop again!
Jun 09Reply
cloudscloset That was
Jun 10Reply
tandosmama Thanks so much for the offer, Lisa! I'll send your shirt out with tomorrow's post. Hope you love it! Meanwhile happy & safe 4th to you & yours!
Jul 04Reply
tandosmama So glad you like the shirt! Thank you again!
Jul 08Reply
cnixie Lisa, I have a buyer that will give me full price for JJill dress 25$ Since you are buying 2 other items, I would like to sell to you but I will be counter offering 44 dollars for all three items. Are you interested? I would love to sell to you and could get it out in mail tomorrow morning.
Jul 12Reply
lisagail99 @cnixie yes, I would purchase at 44. Thank you!!
Jul 12Reply
ghsmermaid Hi Lisa, Thx for the like on the RLauren sweater. If you would like a personal quote LMK. I just sent a listing to you that provides info on how to request a quote. It's PM's latest feature. I bet you will be pretty surprised with my quote! Try it! 😉
Jul 19Reply
ghsmermaid Hi Lisa, Re: Coach shoes 💖 It looks like the info re: how to request a personal quote never went through, so I sent it to you again.
Jul 21Reply
tigernurse82 Hi Lisa! Thank you for browsing my closet! If you are interested in the blue RL jeans just let me know with an offer👍🏻. I can have them in the mail in the AM! Have a great week! ❤️😁💗
Oct 08Reply
parkermonkey Thank you so much!! Your things will be shipped first thing tomorrow morning!!
Oct 16Reply
kmmcguire58 Thank you for being my very first customer!! I intend on getting my shipping materials together and shipping it by Monday at the very latest!! I hope this will be okay as it is the first time I will be going through the process. My goal is to get it shipped by tomorrow. Thank you again! Enjoy your shoes!!😊
Oct 27Reply
kmmcguire58 Hi! I was wondering how you liked your jjill shoes?
Nov 02Reply
lisagail99 @kmmcguire58 love them, I wore them Friday!
Nov 05Reply
cashmoni Hey sweetie thank you for the like :) feel free to make an offer:) @lisagail99
Nov 05Reply
kmmcguire58 @lisagail99 I’m so happy you like them!!
Nov 05Reply
joanieonie Hi, Lisa. Thanks for your offer on the beige dress. I have one & absolutely love it! Sorry but I can't go any lower on it as it's already been marked down for clearance & after posh takes its 20%, I'm losing money. However, if you wish to add on another item & take advantage of the bundle discount, there are many low $ items perfect for that, like jewelry & makeup bags (hint: I also have more wiggle room on those) 😉
Feb 12Reply
shadowandmolly Glad you like the necklace! :-) Feel free to make an offer!
Feb 14Reply
lovingpurple 😊 I just wanted to stop by to say hello, Hope you are having an awesome time buying/selling fashion items. And I'd be thrilled if you check out my closet as well :) Blessings and Happy Poshing!
Mar 06Reply
queenjudyyyy Hey Lisa Happy poshing 💖💛💝 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet! Bundle up and save 💗✨Let me know if you have any questions 💝💝
Mar 09Reply
roxy31410 I see I still have your tunic top ! I wonder what I mailed!! I will ship today.
Mar 13Reply
roxy31410 I found the email with label, so I was going to look up tracking inf0 BUT post office tracking having technical difficulties. I have contacted Poshmark to get new label, this could take 24 hours to hear back from them. So sorry, DYING TO know what you got!! Fearful someone may buy THAT! I also sell elsewhere, so I have 400 listings and would be very hard to figure it out.
Mar 13Reply
lisagail99 @roxy31410 not the first time this has happened and Posh isn't very effective at resolving these issues, bless 'em. As soon as I get a package from you, I'll let you kn I w what I got. I love surprises!
Mar 13Reply
roxy31410 I can just mail it. Postage is about same at post office for this item.
Mar 13Reply
roxy31410 You were right! They contacted me via email with worthless answer that had nothing to do with the problem. So I just shipped it myself. Tracking is 9405 5096 9993 7440 4456 20
Mar 14Reply
lisagail99 @roxy31410 I still haven't received a mystery package
Mar 14Reply
closetzen18 Thank you, Lisa, for the 5 star rating. I hope you enjoy the Eileen Fisher blue linen blouse. Best wishes, Sharon (closetzen18)
Mar 14Reply
roxy31410 I show it “shipped” I wonder if just downloading label was enough to say it is shipped. Then maybe I never even printed it . That would explain it. I hope the one I mailed today with the actual order arrives safely!
Mar 15Reply
liamya Hi Lisa! Thank you for your purchase. Will ship tomorrow morning
May 06Reply
reginasa Hi Lisa! I hope you are enjoying your Sigrid Olsen earrings! I just want to let you know that I’m having a BOGO SALE TODAY to celebrate 💯K followers 🥂🥂 Buy one get one free. No exclusions 🎉 There are many new beautiful jewelry pieces! Including new S.Olsen’s. Hope you get a chance to check it out :) Xx Regina 🇧🇷😙
Jun 10Reply
cutehosiery @lisagail99 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 19Reply

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Last Active: Oct 08 2024

Tuscaloosa, AL
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Last Active: Oct 08 2024

Tuscaloosa, AL
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