Meet your Posher, Lisa
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Hi! I'm Lisa. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

43 others
like this

@lisajaxx I will mail these in the morning 😃
Jun 02Reply

@lisajaxx and welcome to posh😃 if I can ever help you in anyway let me know. I'm listing a bunch more free people this next week
Jun 02Reply

Hi Lisa! Welcome to Poshmark, I'm Melissa!🙋 I sell your favorite brands, please check out my closet! 👍 I offer 50% off your entire purchase if you buy 5 or more listings!!🎉 Also please let me know if you have any questions about posh, I'm a posh mentor!✌🏼️❤️❤️
Jun 07Reply

Thank you for your kind review! Please tag me if you put any listings up to sell - I'd be happy to share!
Jun 09Reply

I'm on vacation I be back soon thanks =]
Jun 17Reply

Hi there! I notice that you started a bundle... If you'd like I can discount $5 off... Let me know! Thanks!
Jun 25Reply

@lisajaxx hi! are you bundling on my shoes? Let me know if you have any questions! 🌸
Jul 06Reply

Hello, just wanted to introduce myself and welcome you to Poshmark. If you have any questions about Posh, please feel free to ask. I can possibly help. 💜💚😃✌
Jul 09Reply

@lisajaxx Hi Lisa U recently purchased a couple items from my closet, the mask bundle & beaded earrings--thank u for that. I wanted to update you to let u know that unfortunately there might be a problem with sending the masks. I was actually selling them for a friend and when I went to pick them up this weekend, he couldn't find them anywhere. 😩
Jul 13Reply

@lisajaxx We have started a top priority search for them but in the event that I can't locate them, firstly let me give u a sincere apology & also I want to offer you a choice of any other comparably priced item(s) (if it is more than what the masks cost that is fine) in my closet as an exchange. Please let me know how you'd like to proceed.
Jul 13Reply

@lisajaxx thanks so much for your purchase! I'll try to get everything shipped out tomorrow 😄
Jul 15Reply

Hey Lisa! Thanks for checking out my closet. Please let me know if you have questions. I create special bundles with better discounts by request, so don't think you're stuck at the set bundle discount. ✌🏼️😘🌼
Jul 17Reply

Hi, How are you enjoying Poshmark? Are you able to get your head out your phone. Lol. I know I can't. It's so addicting. Come and visit sometime @glitzylife
Jul 22Reply

@lisajaxx Just wanted to come by and say hello! Happy Poshing!! 😘
Jul 23Reply

Jul 27Reply

Hello! I apologize for the delayed shipment of the babyliss hot rollers. I will ship them today. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.
Aug 25Reply

Hi and welcome to posh!! Have fun finding awesome stuff!!
Aug 31Reply

Hey there! I have an Anthro dress that you liked for much cheaper!
Sep 03Reply

HI Lisa! Thank you so much for shopping my closet! You made some awesome choices! I am away from home until tonight but will have your package posted first thing in the morning! ❤️
Sep 06Reply

@lisajaxx Hello, Thank you for checking out my closet. I see you bundled... Let me know if you have any Q's as I'd be happy to help. I ❤️ those pants! Best, Cie
Sep 07Reply

Hi Lisa! Your package was scanned a little after 10 this morning, on its way to you! 📫📦
Sep 07Reply

Hi,Lisa! I see that you've received your box! I'm hoping you're loving everything! ❤️
Sep 11Reply

Thank you so much, Lisa, for the great rating!
Sep 11Reply

Hi Lisa! I saw you added my necklace and earrings listing to a bundle. I would accept an offer of $10. It's all sterling silver and like new. I can ship Monday! :)
Sep 17Reply

Thanks Lisa! I'll ship this Monday! It's a gorgeous set. I think you'll love it!
Sep 17Reply

Hey Lisa thank u for the likes I see u bundle some stuff let me know if there is anything I can do for u thank you
Sep 28Reply

Nice to meet you!💕
Sep 29Reply

Thanks so much for following my closet! I look forward to sharing your closet when you add some "goodies". Lisa
Sep 29Reply

Hi, thanks for your purchase. Your items will be sent out tomorrow!
Sep 29Reply

Welcome to posh 💞💞 Marian
Oct 01Reply

@lisajaxx Thank You for the 5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟!!!! I truly hope you loved everything!!!!😘💜
Oct 01Reply

Hey. I just printed your label and we live within 5 minutes of each I can either ship it or we can meet up and we can do $80 and you can save $9.. let me know. if not i'll send it out in 30 min
Oct 01Reply

Hey! Just letting you know I shipped 👍🏼
Oct 01Reply

Hi Lisa. Welcome to posh. Please check out my closet sometime💐
Oct 06Reply

@lisajaxx Hi Lisa, I'll save you the shipping on the denim & supply jeans. Go ahead and resubmit your last offer ok.
Oct 08Reply

🎉😁🎯Steals and deals with timeless trendy items-->> check out my closet it's soo Mint to be fashions🎀❤️😉
Oct 09Reply

@lisajaxx hi lisa hope you shop in my closet too🌸🌸😊😊🌷🌷🌷💕
Oct 09Reply

@lisajaxx thank you for your purchase! It was in the past...hope you revisit my closet soon!
Oct 10Reply

@lisajaxx hi Lisa! My name is Megan. Thank you for following! I have a bunch of Anthropologie and Free People you might be interested in. Let me know if you have questions. Thank you! Prices are negotiable 😊
Oct 11Reply

@lisajaxx hi love, let me know if you need help making a bundle. I do additional discounts depending on the item. And great choice! The anthro sweater is a dream😍
Oct 11Reply

Thank you for browsing my closet!
Oct 11Reply

Hi Lisa, shoes got here today. I will drop them in the morning to you. Thanks again.
Oct 11Reply

I can do the Lazer cats shirt for $20 including shipping on Merc@ri. It's another platform like this
Oct 12Reply

@lisajaxx that cat bag is going to go, are you sell interested, someone just shared
Oct 12Reply

@lisajaxx are you still interested or have you moved on?
Oct 12Reply

Sorry! Traveling. Just landed. I'll purchase now. Thanks!
Oct 12Reply

Hi Lisa! I'd just like to thank you for sharing my necklace. If you have any questions just ask. I'm on the site daily. :-) Elle J♥
Oct 13Reply

@lisajaxx I have an issue and s question
I can't locate the cat sweater, maybe it sold
I have a ton of cat options and they are more expensive but I'll sub if you like them. I can make a listing for you to view
Also the pug sweater runs huge as its unisex
I have a medium do you want it
Oct 13Reply

Hi Lisa! Nice to meet you! Hope you're having fun on Poshmark :)
Oct 14Reply

@lisajaxx 🤗Hi Lisa I see you have some items bundled. Are you interested in purchasing them? Lmk I can give you a bigger bundle discount. 💥👍🌺
Oct 17Reply

@lisajaxx Hi Lisa. I know you've been on Posh since May, but I wanted to welcome you anyway 👍🏼😀
Oct 18Reply

@lisajaxx Welcome to Poshmark Lisa.. Have fun Poshing...😘😀💞
Oct 18Reply

@lisajaxx hi there, thanx for checking out my closet! Feel free to make an offer I'm very reasonable
Oct 19Reply

@lisajaxx Hi Lisa welcome to Poshmark... Have fun Poshing 🤗💝💜😘
Oct 19Reply

Sorry I didn't see your offer on the blue dress. If you are still interested I will accept your offer.
Oct 21Reply

Hi Lisa, I saw you added 2 items from my closet to a bundle. Add one more and we can complete the bundle for you! 😊
Oct 26Reply

Thanks so much for stopping by my closet I really appreciate it! I'm new to this site and still kind of getting used to the whole workings so if I'm not doing something right or is there something I can be doing better please let me know… I really appreciate it! I wish all the best and sending good thoughts your way as well🙋🏻 ~N
Oct 27Reply

Thanks for the like! Welcome to Poshmark 😝 I think you will meet some wonderful ladies!
Oct 27Reply

Welcome to poshmark ! :)
Oct 28Reply

Hey!!! Let me know if you have any questions
Oct 31Reply

Welcome to poshing..... Thanks for the visit .... And bundle
Oct 31Reply

Welcome to Posh!!
Nov 04Reply

I will ship your product Monday. My store is only open on Saturday and Sunday. If you order on Monday it will be shipped the
Next Monday. Thanks for being patient.🌹
Nov 05Reply

Welcome to Posh Hun 💕💕
Nov 07Reply

Good morning. Are you trying to get that last bundle in for shopping today. I will up To 15% for a bundle for you if you take more than 2. Thanks for liking my stuff enough to consider purchase. I'll be out at around 12 to get packages out today thanks for visiting. Veronica
Nov 12Reply

Thank you so much for shopping my closet. You picked some great stuff. Your free gift is going to rock! Thanks again!
Nov 12Reply

Hi Lisa. I just got everything shipped. I saw that after my frenzied packing session I left your thank you card out of package by accident. So just to reiterate there is a gift I enclosed as a thank you and thanks for shopping my closet. Veronica
Nov 12Reply

Awe thank you so much 😊
Nov 13Reply

Welcome to poshmark! I hope you're loving it here so far ✨
Nov 15Reply

Hi, How are you enjoying Poshmark? Are you able to get your head out of your phone. I know I can't! Lol. It's soo addicting. Come visit sometime. Happy poshing!
Nov 16Reply

we're you still interested in my prom dress?
Nov 20Reply

Have a beautiful holiday🙋🙌🙋
Nov 24Reply

Nov 27Reply

Hi there thank you for the offer on my items. The best I can do on those is $550 but that's directly through 🅿️🅿️. If you just want the casadei and the glasses I can do $300 directly too. I price my items pretty good for being brand new so on here bc of fees and I can't negotiate too much
Nov 27Reply

Welcome to poshmark thank u for the like
Nov 29Reply

Hi Lisa! I just wanted to stop by and say HELLO and THANK YOU. You're a great customer and I love your feedback. Please feel free to send me more offers if you can, and I will gladly consider. I added several more pairs with you in mind! Hugs😊👠 Laura
Nov 30Reply

Howdy🙋🏻. Saw that you visited my closet🤗. THANK YOU!! Please let me know if you have any questions! 🙂🙂
Dec 12Reply

Welcome to Posh!
Dec 12Reply

Happy poshing !
Dec 14Reply

@lisajaxx just wanted to see if you got my counter offer ☺️
Dec 30Reply

hi Lisa!! I hope you can meet my counteroffer and I will get those items shipped out to you ASAP!
Dec 30Reply

Hey Lisa! Thanks for shopping my closet! :) I love the bundle choices and will ship asap if we can agree on a fair price! Please see my counter offer and we can work something out :)
Jan 23Reply

Welcome to posh darling
Have fun shopping at my closet
Great things waiting for you😘💟💟💟💟
Jan 31Reply

Welcome to posh🎀
Feb 02Reply

@lisajaxx , hi Lisa I would love to except your offer but don't forget I have to give 20 % to posh , 4 of the items are brand new . I ordered everything and found out I am pregnant so can't wear anything 😁
Feb 19Reply

Hi Lisa. I'm Trish. I'd love to invite you to take a peek at my closet the next time you're browsing Poshmark. I offer a wide variety of brands, styles, and sizes...great bundle discounts, too. Thanks so much Lisa! Hope you're having a lovely week.
Mar 08Reply

Thanks so much for following my closet, yours is great! I shared your cute backpack
Mar 13Reply

@lisajaxx Hi Lisa!! My name is Leslee, very nice to meet you! Thank you for following! You have a beautiful closet! 👠 Wishing you many sales to come and hope you enjoy your time here on PoshMark! Hope you have a wonderful day!
Mar 16Reply

@lesajones30 Well THANK YOU very much! Right back atcha! ❤❤
Mar 16Reply

@lisajaxx You are very welcome! Thank you!!
Mar 16Reply

Hi, thank you for the like😊
Mar 16Reply

I love your closet 🙂🙂🙂
Mar 20Reply

💝💝Thank you for visiting my closet. I am Wendy, I would love an opportunity to serve YOU. Reasonable offers are welcome, and I provide a bundle discount have a wonderful day and happy poshing.💝💝
Mar 22Reply

@rosieismypuppy Thank you
Mar 22Reply

Hello! Just to let you know your items are on the way. I did not send you the balenciaga sunglasses because they are damage. I can show you pics if you want. Either you can get your money back or get credit and used to buy something else from me. My mom is coming to town and on Monday or Tuesday l will be posting more beautiful items, Italian, Spanish, etc. Let me know what do you prefer. I really apologize.
Mar 24Reply

If you still want the sunglasses l will send them to you but l won't charge you for them. I think my mom is bringing also some nice sunglasses. Thanks
Mar 24Reply

@fantana YES thank you. Can't wait to see you new items too!
Mar 24Reply

@lisajaxx so, l will ship the sunglasses to you tomorrow and you have $50 credit. Ok?
Mar 24Reply

I do not know why the box with the paintings has not been scan yet, l will check tomorrow with post office, l hope it was not to large. But not worries l will figure out.
Mar 25Reply

@fantana ok thanks
Mar 25Reply

@fantana howdy! Any luck?
Mar 26Reply

@lisajaxx not yet. Tomorrow l will try to get knows. If in any case they return this shipment to me, l will send you the 3 smaller paintings with the same label, and l will figure out how to send you the big ones. I have been selling big items and it never happened to me before, but maybe the 6 paintings were to heavy. Anyway the other box should arrive tomorrow. Also l already send you the sunglasses in a small box. I will let you know for sure tomorrow.
Mar 26Reply

@lisajaxx rather post office should be able to tell me where that box with paintings is. Do not worried you will have those paintings. Thanks
Mar 26Reply

@fantana thank you!
Mar 27Reply

Hi Lisa, have you received your free people shoes yet? If so could you please except the order and release payment. Thank you so much
Apr 01Reply

@lisajaxx Please let me know you have received your package and release the funds, sorry to keep leaving you comments but i havent heard back from you for over a week. Thanks
Apr 06Reply

Hi! 🤗 I'd love for you to take a moment and check out my closet! I have a variety of items, styles and sizes. Jeans, tops, swimwear, accessories and more! All items marked with a 🔵 are 3/$25. I add new items several days a week and I am always open to offers! I'm happy to answer any questions you have and I ship next day if not sooner. Thanks! Happy Poshing!
Apr 27Reply

@lisajaxx - thnx for your purchase - will ship today or tom - great Taste ! 😊🌹🎉
May 01Reply

@lisajaxx - how about the "miu miu n Aldo's also ?
May 01Reply

Hi Lisa, Thank you for your offer ! I appreciate your good taste however I adjusted the bundle price to an amount that is a super buy on quality jewelry. I hope this works for you. 👸👑🌹
May 01Reply

@lisajaxx - offer🌹- 20% off your nxt bundle for a repeat customer n Mother's Day !!!!!!!🎉👯🌺😊🌹
May 14Reply

Thanks so much I'll get them packed up today!
May 26Reply

Hi 😊 thank you for your offer. I cannot let it go at such a huge discount. I recently lowered price, bag is adorable and brand new. I can do better deals with bundles.
May 28Reply

Just wanted to let you know, the shipping labels on yours and another customers packages got accidentally mixed up, so your package is not your items. I have contacted Poshmark already and I'm really sorry for the inconvenience. I will get this figured out ASAP! You can just return the package you receive to me.
Jun 01Reply

I heard back from Poshmark, they are going to send you a shipping label so you can forward that package on to the correct address for no charge and vice versa with your package from the other buyer. I am so so very sorry for the confusion again. I am 8 months pregnant and have been having a extremely rough week. I hope you'll forgive me and not hold this against me.
Jun 02Reply

@arae3 so sorry for the delay in responding! I've been traveling. No problem at all. Once I return I'll send it on its way (mid tomorrow). I'll keep u posted when I do. Hope your baby and you stay happy and healthy.
Jun 02Reply

@lisajaxx Thank you so so much for understanding! Your package has been shipped back to you and is on its way! I can't apologize enough. Thank you for the well wishes as well! Safe travels!
Jun 02Reply

Were you able to reship that package yet? The other buyer just messaged me asking about it. Thanks!
Jun 05Reply

@arae3 I just got off the plane and can't pick up mail until tomorrow. I'll let you know as soon as j get it and will do it the same day.
Jun 05Reply

No problem, thanks so much!
Jun 05Reply

@arae3 got it! Taking to post now....(I didn't open it just attached the new table outside box
Jun 05Reply

@arae3 the Eagle has landed!! Adhered new label from PM and walked into post office. It will go out today! Deep breath :). It's all good. Happy baby birthing ;)
Jun 05Reply

@lisajaxx thank you SOOOO much!! 😊
Jun 05Reply

Hi Lisa, Thank you so much for shopping in my closet. I see you are also a seller so I was surprised at your offer knowing that Poshmark was going to take 20% so my portion would be 80$. not even 10 dollars for each item that has already been marked down 70%. If you're interested I will work up a bundle price for you that is mutually beneficial. Let me know as I have declined your initial offer. Thank you Lisa..I am looking forward to doing business together.
Jun 13Reply

@smluxuryhome howdy! Yes pleasw do. Thanks so much. Also if accepted fknkvjg, is there any way to ship right away for thurs delivery (we are leaving town for awhile) thanks Lisa
Jun 13Reply

Jun 13Reply

@lisajaxx Hi Lisa I can do everything for $250. I took an additional 30 percent off of most items on average. I hope this works for you and if so I will be happy to ship them out today with some additional gifts for you.
Jun 13Reply

@lisajaxx Hi Lisa..Thank you so much for your purchase. I am going to have fun putting it together for you! It will ship out today!
Jun 13Reply

@smluxuryhome thank you! Headed to Vegas Thursday evening- fingers are crossed we'll get in time ❤️🤞🏻
Jun 13Reply

@lisajaxx Your flight leaves after the mail arrives right? I am not happy with the way the boho shirt looks so I have another NWT That I will post pictures of under your username and you can write yay or nay. I don't want you to be disappointed. Posting within 5 minutes.
Jun 13Reply

@lisajaxx okay Lisa.. shirt listed under Reserved for Lisajaxx. I would just exchange it for the other.
Jun 13Reply

@lisajaxx Hi Lisa..I am hoping and praying that your package is out for delivery. I sent the second boho shirt and if you don't like it, please let me know so I can have your money refunded and I will pay for you to ship it back. In my haste to Get your package to the post office I left out your thank you note. Thank you so much for purchasing from my closet and I appreciate your business.
Jun 15Reply

@lisajaxx I hope that you are happy with all of your selections, and if not feel free to let me know and we will work it out. I hope you have a great trip to Vegas and really enjoy yourself. Let me know if there is anything further I can do and thank you again. Warmest regards, Susan ❤❤❤❤❤
Jun 15Reply

Hi Lisa! Welcome to Posh!🌸. I saw you added my listing to a bundle... let me know if you have any questions!! Would love to do business with you🛍. I ship very fast and have all 5-star ratings👍. Hope you have fun on here, it is addictive though😂. Enjoy your day!🌸
Jul 11Reply

Hey there! Just wanted to check in on the bundle, I'd like to work with you on it. Let me know. 🙂
Jul 13Reply

Hi. I wanted to thank you for liking my Natori robe. I am fairly new to Poshmark and am trying to catch up on all selling and buying steps! I shared an adorable listing you have. Just wanted to say hello to a fellow Posher‼️👛🌠
Jul 20Reply

@lisajaxx - good morning 😃- for a repeat customer I'll offer u 15% off your nxt bundle 🌸🌸
Jul 27Reply

@lisajaxx - if 4 or more 20% off
Jul 27Reply

I noticed that you bundled a few of my shirts etc - wanted to know if you wanted special bundle price - or ur just looking?
Jul 28Reply

@lisajaxx i will accept your first offer of bundle😎
Jul 28Reply

Hi , this is Teddi 🐻 thank you for showing such interest in my closet. I noticed you liked a lot of things. I've tried to price as low as I can . It's hard to go too low on items due to the amount that posh takes off. Please feel free to make offers and I did try to counter as best as I could. Happy shopping
Jul 29Reply

Hello this is Teddibear , I really want you to have the bundle. I'm trying to meet in the middle. If you look at the comments on my love notes you will see my stuff is new or like new. You won't be disappointed. Ok hope we make a deal. Thanks for shopping
Aug 02Reply

Hi it's Teddi Bear I just wanted to make sure that you have gotten the box. I noticed it was delivered yesterday. Please let me know if you got it. Thanks
Aug 08Reply

Check my closet. I just put nice items for sale. 🌺🌸
Aug 16Reply

The Valentino flowers 🌺🌹purse that you like is now on sale. Only $400. Out of $1200. I really paid $1200 and l would love you to have it if you want it. If not no problem. I just let you know first. Thanks
Aug 17Reply

@fantana yay! Hi Fanta! I want it. Landing in Cabo can I pay 200 Now and the rest later
Aug 17Reply

@lisajaxx ok. I did reserved for you at $200 but someone else buy it. I did cancell it. I will post it again for you at $200. Then you let me know when will be next payment. Thanks
Aug 17Reply

@lisajaxx it is ready for you. Let me know when you are ready to pay to make it Available, so no one will buy it before you! Thanks
Aug 17Reply

@fantana ok we are driving to hotel and service is lagging I'll let u know when I get better service so I can buy right away! Thanks so much for thinking of me. I'll be in touch shortly
Aug 17Reply

@lisajaxx no problem. Take your time! Enjoy your vacation! ❤️
Aug 17Reply

I love everything in your closet! 😍
Aug 25Reply

@pursuedestany thank you! ❤️
Aug 25Reply

Hi Lisa! I can do $55 on that bundle if you're still interested ? Thanks for checking out my closet :)
Sep 13Reply

- Thank you for visiting my closet. I just sent you a private offer with an additional discount on the item you bundled. Happy Thursday!!!😃🌺😘❤️
Oct 12Reply

@lisajaxx / hi Lisa - on the miu miu jeans I’ll give them up for $50 for a repeat customer🌹
Nov 28Reply

You bundled a few items in my closet. Are you willing to do 190$
Jan 29Reply

Congratulations Lisa!
I accepted your offer. Will be shipping your T-shirt today.
Thank you! 🙋Priscilla
Mar 08Reply

Hi Lisa! Thank you for the 5✴ five star rating! I'm happy to know you are pleased with your purchase. 💝Thank you for shopping my closet. Hope to serve you in the future again. I add new items weekly. 🙋Priscilla
Mar 14Reply

Hi I can accept your offer for the house of Harlow wedges on merc if still interested they are on there
Apr 08Reply

Hi Lisa, Fellow ASU Alum. ;) I see that you received the FP Velour Robe. Hope you love it 💕❤️💜 If you could accept shipment that would be wonderful. Thank you. ✨💕 Come visit again soon, as I’m listing fab items daily. All the best to you ✨💕✨💕✨💕
Apr 15Reply

Hello you made an offer I countered just a heads up my Post Office closes in 35 min just and FYI I in no way an trying to be rude or pushy I appreciate every potential buyer or buyer and do not want or ever mean to come off hateful to anyone. I hope you are having a great day
Apr 17Reply

I'm really sorry if I offended you in anyway as it was not my intentions and I didn't mean to bug you either hope the rest of your day is wonderful
Apr 17Reply

I see that the package is being held at the post office. Was there a problem with delivery? Just want to make sure you get the jacket! Thanks!
Jun 08Reply

@lisajaxx 🎉CONGRATS ON YOUR NEW ITEMS🎉 They will be shipped out first thing tomorrow morning! Thanks so much and have a wonderful Sunday💜💛
Jun 17Reply

Hi Again!!! 🌸THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE 5 STAR RATING🌸 I am glad you are happy with your new MK TOPS. Hope to see you again soon😃
Jun 21Reply

Hi Lisa! I'm always open to offers on bundles! (on top of my auto discount), i ship same day, and have all 5 star ratings! great choices btw, fellow free people fan! xoxo, Beth :-)
Jul 17Reply

Just a quick hello! I am finding there are so many lovely closets out there to look through. I hope you will take a minute to view mine; happy Poshing!
Jul 26Reply

Hi, didn’t see your offer until just now on the two pairs of pants. If you are still interested feel free to make the offer again.
Jul 29Reply

Hi Lisa! Thank you so much for the positive rating! I hope you enjoy your items!😘
Oct 14Reply

Hi, Sorry I just shared something to you directly by accident. :) Have a great day!
Oct 19Reply

Hi Lisa! I was away for the holiday and just saw that you purchased the slides from my closet. Thank you for your shopping with me. I will put them in the mail this morning. I apologize for the delay. Have a great holiday. 🌺
Nov 28Reply

Hello! Hope your posh experience has been going great 😊 If you'd like to check out my closet, I have brands like PINK, LOFT, Calvin Klein, Betsey Johnson, Lilly Pulitzer, FRYE and more! Happy poshing 🛍️🤗
Jan 14Reply

@lisajaxx hi Lisa, I got a notification from PoshMark your parcel was delivered😍
Jan 17Reply

Hi Lisa, you had a feeler workout shirt in my closet bundle. I added another awesome purple Fila workout shirt and a pair of Nike pants and gave you an additional discount on top of the 10% for three items. Let me know if this interest you! The items total about 15% off now along with the shipping discount.😊
Mar 21Reply

Hi. I’m so sorry I was out of town yesterday then had an accident this morning and ended up in the VA emergency room. I’m going to try and get your package out tomorrow. I apologize for the delay thank you Theresa ✌️
Jun 20Reply

@lisajaxx dear Lisa sorry, I just realized you are that beautiful Lisa who had bought a bag from my closet & she’s back again 😍 Thank you dear for coming back to purchase from me again, I will accept your original offer $250 for this rare Prada bag, but please, can you bundle it with a dust bag or a belt or a scarf & offer $250 & I will accept 🙏🏻🤗
Jul 13Reply

@lisajaxx Good morning Lisa. your parcel is ready for a pick up. Happy Thursday 🙏🏻💗🌷🛍
Jul 18Reply

@ally_marc thank you! Sorry out of the country. Just left feedback ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jul 18Reply

Hi, thanks for your purchase! It will go out first thing Monday! Really comfy top!
Jul 20Reply

Hi! 👋🏻 I’d 💗 for us to come to an agreement on a price for your huge bundle. Keep in mind that you’re already getting 10% off. Mailing all that will probably cost me extra postage. Anything over 5 lbs will cost me $4 & anything over 8 will cost me $15.95. Thanks so much for making a bundle & visiting my closet! 🥰🙏🏻💗
Aug 06Reply

@lisajaxx Good morning dear Lisa, how are you? I hope you’re having a wonderful week 🙏🏻😍
Aug 16Reply

Hi there Lisa ! I’d like to invite you to take a peek at my closet... I think you’ll love it🌺
Aug 18Reply

Good morning, thank you for shopping my closet! I sent over a super offer on your bundle- I’d love to ship it out to you today ;). Clearing out my closet- leaving for extended vacation soon. The black wild fox is similar to the one you sold - so cute & soft . The back pack is a stunner ! And then there’s the zip 😁 !!
Aug 24Reply

30% OFF the already low prices for the next week. Its my 1 Year Anniversary on Poshmark. My Closet is truly something incredible. Over 1000 items with everything thing from Giorgio Armani to Michael Kors. Lots of very unique Vintage Glamour. Stop in asap and take a good look. YOU will find lots of things you love. Just like the item and I will send you a 30% discount. You can also bundle. Just take off 30% and I will accept. Pay NO attention to the prices you SEE.. Thanks
Nov 20Reply

Hi Welcome to Poshmark😊 I’m a Posh Ambassador if you need help or have any questions I’ll be glad to help you✨Check out my closet for great deals. Bundle 3 or more items for 20% off and I’m always open to offers💗💕
Nov 20Reply

@lisajaxx Good morning dear Lisa, happy Monday 😍 I hope you’re doing well. thank you dear for all your likes. Please bundle the items you can get now & make an offer because with me you have extra discounts. When you bundle our conversation is private & shipping is free. Thank you 🙏🏻💗🌲🛍
Dec 16Reply

@lisajaxx Good morning dear Lisa I hope you are having a wonderful holidays. I just saw this you liked some items, always have big discounts as a repeat buyer, make an offer when you’re ready. I’m taking care of my mom(84) she fell the other day in her house, fractured her right shoulder/arm. I’m with her 24/7, thank God have an understanding husband & kids they are all helping me.
Dec 28Reply

@lisajaxx Happy New Year dear Lisa, I hope you had a wonderful holiday season. Wishing you a healthy & a very successful 2020🙏🏻💗🌺💗🌺
Jan 08Reply

@lisajaxx thanks for your purchase I will mail it tomorrow 😁
Jan 10Reply

Hi beauty! Before shipping the earrings I just wanna make sure you are okay with the missing stone in the left earring. thanks
Feb 12Reply

@valeria17m yes. Thank you. Sorry for the delay. Traveling :)
Feb 13Reply

@lisajaxx Good morning Lisa, I hope you’re having a wonderful week. As a repeat buyer you always have additional discounts. Please make an offer when you are ready. Have a blissful weekend 🙏🏻💗🌺💗🌺
Feb 13Reply

@lisajaxx did you bundle or a mistake? anyway I offered I hope you like it😍
Feb 13Reply

@lisajaxx hi Lisa, are you back? I bundle your likes and made an offer but didn’t hear from you. Please let me know if you are still interested, thank you 🙏🏻💗🌺
Feb 21Reply

I shipped out your order today so it should be to you on Saturday! 💛
Mar 12Reply

@karacarrscloset thank you
Mar 13Reply

@lisajaxx hello dear, I hope you’re doing well. Stay safe and healthy. Have a blissful weekend 🙏🏻💗🤗
Apr 19Reply

🦋 Hello ! Happy poshing !
Come check out my closet if you get a chance. I have some beautiful gypsy 05 dresses for sale right now.
Thanks for reading ✌️🙏✌️
Jun 03Reply

I can't believe you got the shoes already. I mailed them yesterday!
Jun 03Reply

Hey Love, I see you have great taste, style and love luxury brand deals. I wanted to invite you to our Prada Baguette liquidation sale, as well our Gucci limited edition collection, and other deals like Burberry Jackets and Emporio Armani and Gucci puses that just came in. Check us out, and sharing is caring. We always share back 10 x :)
Jun 15Reply

@manoswoman Howdy! I like to rate fast - so you get paid sooner. 😉
Jun 18Reply

@lisajaxx hi there! I’m selling a denim jacket super similar to the one you liked but for $200 less! If you send over an offer I’d also be happy to accept 😊
Jul 04Reply

Hey! Saw you were interested in a pair of size 10
Lanvin heels. I just posted a pair to my closet and would love if you could check it out 🥰 very open to bundle deals!
Aug 02Reply

Thank you for the 5 star rating! I'm so happy that you like the Grand Canyon souvenir! ❤
Aug 22Reply

Enjoy the blouse 💕💕
Sep 22Reply

Lisa, I just received a final notice to ship your package containing the bundle. The only thing is, I shipped this package on Saturday morning. Out of 4 packages shipped only two have started tracking. I’m headed to the post office now to see what I can find out!
Jan 05Reply

@onelovey4lala ok no problem. I didn’t send my of the notices. I’m in absolutely no hurry :)
Jan 06Reply

@lisajaxx Lisa, I checked with post office today. They had no idea why the two packages were not tracking but just a couple hours later...well, whadya know?? They are!! Have a wonderful hump day tomorrow!!
Jan 06Reply

Thanks for your interest in the clogs, my counter is the lowest I can go with free shipping, as that comes out of my pocket on top of Poshmark’s 20% fee. If you want me to go any lower than my counter, I cannot offer that shipping discount. Thanks!
Apr 05Reply

hi, this is the lowest and I only have size 16, no 18. If that works please place your order and confirm size 16 is ok. thx
May 14Reply

Hello! You just bid on a bundle from my closet! Thank you for that. I meant to counter at $165 and I typed it as $175. So if you counter at $165,I will accept!
Jul 05Reply

Hi there! Lots of premier designer heels in my closet typically arranged in order from US size 5 to 12 for ease of browsing. You should take a peek when you have a minute 🌺
Dec 05Reply

@lisajaxx hello dear Lisa I hope you’ve been well in all this craziness. Thank you dear for all your likes & bundle & shopping again from my closet. Please let me know if you have any questions. Accepting offers & you are always welcome to make an offer you can offer on bundle & your likes if you don’t like my offer. Post office closed today. Have a blessed week 🙏🏻👼🏻💝🛍
Feb 21Reply

@lisajaxx dear Lisa your package should be there tomorrow, enjoy it. Have a blessed week 🙏🏻👼🏻💝☘️
Feb 24Reply

@lisajaxx thank you for the lovely sweet comment and 5 stars! So happy you love it! I take it the blazer fit! It’s so versatile! Also, Fran Drescher had one from her show The Nanny!
Please come back to shop with me here or on my other account newandvintage65
Thank you ❤️
Mar 30Reply

@lisajaxx Thanks for shopping my closet Lisa! I will get your blouse out to you tomorrow as we don't have postal service on Sunday :) Wishing you a lovely summer! Best wishes, Erika
Jul 16Reply

Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Jul 18Reply
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