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Updated Aug 12
Updated Aug 12

Meet your Posher, Lisa

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Hi! I'm Lisa. Some of my favorite brands are Chanel, Alexander McQueen, and Emilio Pucci. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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the_blue_topaz Welcome lovely! Stop my closet and say hello :) If you have any questions, please let me know! Like something in my closet? Make me an offer and it's yours ✨🌻 Love Jenny🌻✨
Aug 12Reply
emmy06106 Hi, noticed you, me and another buyer have all purchased a Chanel umbrella but mine hasn't been shipped yet and I've been waiting about a week. Just wondering if you've received yours yet. I also noticed she told a seller she was away for the holiday but returning this past Wednesday and would ship out asap but 3 days later still nothing shipped. Hope we didn't get scammed. Figured I'd reach out to other buyers to see.
Dec 03Reply
lakamer @emmy06106 No, I have not yet received the two that I ordered either. I sent her a message yesterday, but have not received a reply yet. I'm somewhat new to Posh, do they have a policy in place to protect buyers if they do not receive the items? Thank you for reaching out, and I will let you know if I hear from her or receive the umbrellas.
Dec 04Reply
lakamer @emmy06106 I just got a reply from the seller saying she would be home this Wednesday and ship them out. We will see
Dec 04Reply
emmy06106 @lakamer As far as I know we can cancel our orders after 7 days if seller hasn't shipped by that time frame. I think that's what I'll do. I'm on day 6 today so I have to wait until tomorrow. I've never had any issues on Posh with any other sellers so I'm not sure how customer service handles these types of issues but I'm sure they have a policy in place.
Dec 04Reply
emmy06106 I did some detective work on this seller and the fact that she's brand new to the site with no credible reviews or feedback from other members worries me. Also she only has 3 umbrellas in 3 different colors but is selling the same all black one to me and another buyer, that's also kind of odd. I should've done my homework but I purchased on impulse. I just feel like she's buying herself some time.
Dec 04Reply
lakamer @emmy06106 I bought the 2 of them 7 days ago. She did reply that she would be back Wednesday and ship out ASAP. I might wait to see if it gets shipped. Thanks for the info. Fingers crossed
Dec 04Reply
lakamer @Mmdyer913. I'm sorry I just sold the Jack Rogers sandals 😥. Thank you for shopping and I may have more to list soon. I'll tag you
Dec 10Reply
lakamer @emmy06106 Did you ever get your order? She told me mine were shipped last Wednesday, but haven't received anything? Now I'm worried.
Dec 11Reply
emmy06106 @lakamer I canceled my order because she gave me the runaround so I purchased from another seller. Sad to say these umbrellas are all fake. Not sure if you knew that. They're still beautiful umbrellas but I researched and they are all fake. They get away with it on Poshmark because they sell for under t$500 that way they don't have to prove authenticity. Anything over $500 gets shipped to posh for verification 1st and then it gets to the purchaser.
Dec 11Reply
lakamer @emmy06106 I did not know they were fake? That's awful. How does Posh let them get away with selling fake crap? I realize it's under the $500, but just doesn't seem right. Thank you for your help. I just canceled my order as well. Did you get your refund?
Dec 11Reply
emmy06106 @lakamer yes I did get my refund since the order never shipped. You will see your funds within 3 days. As for my 2nd order, that shipper sent overnight while I was away for 2 days for work, by the time I got home it was too late for me to cancel and was stuck with it. I tried contacting that seller but to my surprise she disappeared after getting money. I resold it for less than what I bought for to at-least make some of my money back, I feel bad about doing that.
Dec 11Reply
kitty_katkat @lakamer Hi🙋 Thanks for the like on the Burberry sweater. Please let me know if you have any questions. Happy Holidays 🎄🎁🎉
Dec 25Reply
pmh1515 @lakamer Hi there! I saw you ordered something from multimillion have you received confirmation on shipment or had any issues? I purchased something a week ago from this seller😬 Sorry not being nosey but you bought something I also liked and saw your post. Thank you!
Jan 21Reply
lakamer @pmh1515 Hi. I have not yet received mine, but I did track it and it shows it did arrive at the ups facility in my town. I'll let you know when I receive it, and I hope you receive yours 😊
Jan 21Reply
pmh1515 @lakamer Thank you! I am surprised about this I even sent the Posher 3 comments and no response I am bummed I really want my product and font want to have to cancel just not good Posh etiquette..Thank you for responding I hope yours is what you wanted😊
Jan 21Reply
lakamer @pmh1515 How long ago did you order?
Jan 21Reply
pmh1515 @lakamer A week sadly😞
Jan 21Reply
poppysgal Hi and thanks for the ♡♡♡♡ on the Sam Edelman Sneakers. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you.
Jan 23Reply
paulasc65 Hi Lisa, I just wanted to Let you know there was a small tear on the seam of the red Sanctuary shirt you purchased from me. I noticed it when I was packaging it up. I do not sew (I don’t even own needle and thread😜)! I dropped it off at my seamstress (who is very backed up) and it will not be ready until Wednesday October 3rd and would ship the following morning. Please let me know if this is OK or if you would like me to cancel your order. I am very sorry for this inconvenience.
Sep 27Reply
lakamer @paulasc65 I appreciate you letting me know. Is it a bad tear?
Sep 27Reply
paulasc65 @lakamer not at all....very minor, but I would never send anything unless it meets my standards.
Sep 27Reply
paulasc65 @lakamer PS I’m LOVE the royal blue Tommy Bahama dress!! I think I’m going to have to purchase!!!
Sep 27Reply
lakamer @paulasc65 oh good. I’ll give ya deal. Lol
Sep 28Reply
paulasc65 @lakamer Hi Lisa....I just picked up the shirt and she did a TERRIBLE job with the repair. I am so disappointed, so I need to cancel your order. I am very, very sorry, but I cannot ship it to you or anyone. I will donate the blouse. I hope you understand.
Oct 04Reply
lakamer @paulasc65 oh I’m so sorry
Oct 04Reply
paulasc65 @lakamer oh no, I’m the one who is sorry. Thank you for being so kind and understanding.😁
Oct 04Reply
laurawilliams13 Stopping by to say hello! I have a gorgeous CHANEL shoulder bag available and it's the perfect holiday color- I'd love it if you stopped by to check it out. Happy Poshing!
Dec 13Reply
lakamer @laurawilliams13 Super cute! But I have to Christmas shop and not buy for myself right now 😬. Great closet! I’ll check it out again after Christmas if it is still available
Dec 13Reply
dressfabnow Thank you for your purchase! It's shipping today. Have a great weekend! 😊
Mar 15Reply
lakamer @dressfabnow Thanks so much. I can’t wait to get it
Mar 15Reply
dressfabnow @lakamer We're normally a next day shipper, but had a hiccup yesterday!
Mar 15Reply
lorraineb12 So happy you love the sweatshirt 😊
Mar 26Reply
lakamer @lorraineb12 super cute!
Mar 26Reply
ladykrc @lakamer Hello my fellow Posher! Stopping by and Sharing Fabulous items from your closet store for my Followers to Enjoy🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
May 30Reply
lakamer @ladykrc Thank you so much! I definitely will check out your closet. I appreciate the Posh love 😊
May 30Reply
hiltonjanet54 Your swim suite gas been shipped. Tracking number #9405510899359779070023
Jun 05Reply
lakamer @hiltonjanet54 thanks so much!!!
Jun 05Reply
mw_online Welcome! May you be blessed with much success.
Sep 12Reply
greglav Hey Lisa Let me know if you have some more limited edition RG I can would like to purchase some more. Thanks Greg
Dec 14Reply
lakamer @greglav I think I have 16 RG shirts listed. All excellent condition, and some NWT
Dec 14Reply
greglav @jgome228 can you make me a deal on the three I picked out including shipping?
Dec 14Reply
lakamer @greglav all the as listed would be $328. I’ll do all three for $268
Dec 14Reply
lakamer @greglav and I’m in Florida , so you will get them quick
Dec 14Reply
thebeezkneeez You have some on the coolest RG shirts .....EVER! Do you get them in regularly or .....
Jan 27Reply
lakamer @thebeezkneeez Thank you! I would've accepted your offer if you hadn't withdrawn it.
Jan 27Reply
ladykrc @lakamer Your most welcome!.🥂👑🥰
Mar 01Reply
marshallgirl1 I noticed my order was cancelled??? What happened?
Jun 04Reply
vestisperpetua ωeℓcoмe тo poѕнмarĸ! Ι adore yoυr cloѕeт. 🤩😽👑 -Tess
Jul 12Reply
lakamer @tessn90 thanks so much
Jul 12Reply
docspot I just want to say how much I love your closet. please look at mine and if you would be so kind go to YouTube and subscribe to my channel, doc at the barn Snyder. I would appreciate it greatly. the channel has been designed to help us all with our online sales business .I think you'll find this very helpful. I appreciate any help I can get from you too. doc at the barn Snyder on youtube. thank you.3
Jul 23Reply
tina1511 Hi. Are you interested in a trade? Thank you 😊
Jul 26Reply
lakamer @lexymimi thanks so much. I I wondered
Oct 21Reply
lakamer @lexymimi can you tell me which one? Lol I did a few. Maybe they are all one person
Oct 21Reply
25fashion When will my linen shirt be shipped? Offer was recently accepted, but no correspondence since then.
Jun 08Reply
lakamer @25fashion I’m so sorry I’ve been out of town. It well go out today. Thanks so much
Jun 09Reply
rdiedesch You have GREAT closet! So many things I like have been sold already but WOW, I'll definitely be following 😉
Nov 18Reply
lakamer @rdiedesch thanks so much!!
Nov 18Reply
lakamer @rdiedesch following you back!
Nov 18Reply
nella2828 Hey there I am so sorry for the delay. I just got back from a work trip ☺️. I work trip and will bring your order to the post office first thing tomorrow. Thank you 😊
Jul 21Reply
lakamer @nella2828 no worry and thank you
Jul 22Reply
cutehosiery @lakamer Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jan 23Reply

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Apopka, FL
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