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Updated Oct 23
Updated Oct 23

Meet your Posher, Lisa

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Hi! I'm Lisa. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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d1111 Welcome to Poshmark 💜🙂👍🏾
Feb 04Reply
ladychapz @d1111 Thanks!🤗
Feb 04Reply
ladychapz @cadanc2sure thing :) just wanted to make an offer so I could buy them. I agree.
Apr 06Reply
victorialeewigg Hi, I just ordered the Spode appetizer dish. Can you bundle the tree trinket in for $8 with no additional shipping fees?? Thank you! Victoria
Oct 13Reply
ladychapz @victorialeewigg I don't believe this is possible if it is please let me know how. I believe he would have to cancel this order and then purchase the two together as a bundle with special shipping that way. Otherwise if there is a way to do it please let me know I am definitely happy to do it :-)
Oct 14Reply
victorialeewigg @ladychapz yes I think you are correct. I have never done it before though. I guess I will just take the one dish because I need it for a birthday gift, I will think about the other one. Thank you! Victoria 😊
Oct 14Reply
victorialeewigg Hello, I was just checking to see if you shipped my Spode plate. There are no details showing that it has been shipped. Please advise details. Thank you, Victoria
Oct 17Reply
ladychapz @victorialeewigg yes this item just went into the post today
Oct 17Reply
victorialeewigg @ladychapz that’s great!! Thank you!
Oct 17Reply
summerbirds May I please cancel my order from last night (mink stole)? Bad decision.
Apr 25Reply
ladychapz @robinemerine You would just need to reach out to Poshmark and ask them if they reach out to me I will approve it :-)
Apr 25Reply
summerbirds Thank you, Lisa! You do have some good stuff! 💕
Apr 25Reply
ladychapz @robinemerine Hey Robin :-) I'm going to go ahead and cancel it on my end I figured out how as long as I haven't shipped it I think I can do it. however I want to wait for my other listings to post so please bear with me
Apr 26Reply
ladychapz @robinemerine Just know that I am handling it :-) and it will be taken care of shortly. Thank you for your patience and thank you for shopping my closet :-) Hope that you find something else that you like and can leave me a love note or some type of acknowledgment for my good service :-) We all need to look out for each other here on PM!:) Happy poshing!
Apr 26Reply
theresae10 Hello @ladychapz! Thank you for your purchase of the gold sequence top! I will get it out ASAP! 😊😊
May 07Reply
radrluv54 Hello Miss Lisa...received my package today but the Lucky skinny jeans were not in the box so was wondering if you shipped those separately. Thanks
Dec 09Reply
ladychapz @radrluv54 yes that was sent separately. and should arrive in a day or two:) please let me know if u do not receive.
Dec 09Reply
radrluv54 @ladychapz thanks much...I do love everything I received.
Dec 09Reply
radrluv54 @ladychapz I still have not received the jeans.
Dec 12Reply
ladychapz @radrluv54 let me check tracking on that today and I will update you.
Dec 12Reply
ladychapz I just tracked it and it says by wed for delivery
Dec 12Reply
radrluv54 Any word yet? I still haven’t received them.
Dec 18Reply
ladychapz @radrluv54 many shipments seem to be delayed right now due to covid and holidays:( it is showing in AR and in transit still. I had a postmark update today that two other items separate from this are delayed as well:( I'm sorry for any inconvenience. please take 40 percent off a future purchase for the trouble.
Dec 18Reply
keelermd Hi, Lisa. I received your package for the boys shirts I purchased. Unfortunately. someone had obviously peeled it open, removed the shirts, left your note and the tissue paper, and resealed it. I sent a photo to Customer Support. So sorry.
Mar 09Reply
ladychapz @keelermd oh my gosh! thats awful! what arrived.
Mar 09Reply
keelermd @ladychapz All that got delivered to me was the mailing envelope, the sheet of white tissue paper and your note. It looked pretty obvious that someone peeled open the seal flap and then tried to restick it. It didn't look like a damaged package. This was theft.
Mar 10Reply
ladychapz @keelermd I am so sorry. That is awful. I don't know what to do in this instance. I can reach out to poshmark to ask what to do. I have never had is happen. :(
Mar 10Reply
misseo913 Hello, I sent you some questions regarding the Ralph Lauren button down plaid shirt if you would look at it and please respond thank you
May 28Reply
ladychapz @misseo913 hi there:) I'm so sorry. I have been on vacation this week. I just got home and will measure tomorrow:)
Jun 02Reply
misseo913 @ladychapz ok. Thank you
Jun 02Reply
bettyloliver I purchased an item from your closet a shirt 👚 I see it has not bin shipped yet. May I ask why🤔 have a blessed day 🥰
Aug 07Reply
ladychapz @bettyloliver Hi there. we usuallyship next day or same day but My area had an internet/cable outage for 3 days and I couldn't print labels this will go out today and begin shipping tomorrow:) sorry for the delay. please buy any item and get 50 percent off for the inconvenience:) happy poshing!
Aug 09Reply
bettyloliver @ladychapz ok think you very much for letting me know. Yes things do happen some times out of our control. I made an offer on the boots for my son in law. He wears a size 91/2 D. He said a E will work but a little loose. So I’m hoping they are a size D. With think you so much 🥰
Aug 09Reply
bettyloliver @ladychapz you said 50% off any item 🤔
Aug 09Reply
ladychapz @bettyloliver oh yes:) and that sa great deal:) but happy to honor for repeat customers and for the delay:) thank u for understanding. I just shared your closet as well:) please feel free to buy more all repeat customers get a card saying 40 percent off so happy to honor that as well:) and the more you bundle I can usually honor the same discount:) Happy Poshing.
Aug 09Reply
bettyloliver @ladychapz oh. Good think you and I will be back to checkout out your lovely closet I hope the boots is a size D
Aug 09Reply
ladychapz @bettyloliver I have no idea if they are but u can resell easy if not at that price :) I had to go tk Starbucks to answer all my posh inquiries :) the internet outage is killing me:)
Aug 09Reply
kayakgirl2020 @ladychapz ~ Lisa anyway you could send out tomorrow, I’m not sure it would get here Saturday, but I ordered for my secret sister for Christmas.. our party is Sunday! She likes cats, and collects Christmas tree pins 🎄😊
Dec 02Reply
ladychapz @kayakgirl2020 hey there:) I actually shipped it today:) so u should get it on time, I think unless Mail has an issue. :) It's a cute pin. :)
Dec 02Reply
kayakgirl2020 @ladychapz great !! Thank you so much ! It’s funny, I already have her gift, but when I seen it, I knew I needed to get it for her ❣️ she is going to love it ! She does not have one like it ❤️🎄 Thank you , Mary ~ kayakgirl2020
Dec 02Reply
kayakgirl2020 Lisa , I want to ask you a question about bundles!? I’m not sure how it works.. so if someone puts something from my closet in a bundle, what exactly does it mean or how do I handle it ? I’m kinda new at this, and have not quite got the bundle thing :) Thanks Mary
Dec 02Reply
ladychapz @kayakgirl2020 If someone add something of yours to their in they are shopping from u. That means they are thinking of buying it. alot of stuff can happen here.... You can set your closet up to alert them to an auto discount for 2 or more items:)
Dec 02Reply
ladychapz @kayakgirl2020 you can also make an offer to them at a discount. so go to the buyer then hit the shopping bag in top right of their profile then hit switch to seller and then you will see the bundle male an offer from there for a discounted price:) this will entice them to buy your merch:) Hope this helps. :) Happy Poshing!
Dec 02Reply
kayakgirl2020 @ladychapz Lisa , did you get my question about how a bundle works ? If someone puts a item from my closet in a bundle, what does that mean or what do I did with it ?
Dec 02Reply
kayakgirl2020 @ladychapz - Lisa thank you so much for the info ❤️
Dec 02Reply
kayakgirl2020 @ladychapz ~ Hey Lisa ,I have not received the Christmas 🎄 pin, do you have any info on it? Or where it is? Just checking to see. I’m good, I just thought I would ask 😊
Dec 12Reply
ladychapz @kayakgirl2020 no:( and you're not the only one. the post office has been awful. I'm so sorry. It was shipped. please accept 40 percent off any item for the trouble. :( I apologize again.
Dec 12Reply
kayakgirl2020 @ladychapz well thank you, but totally not necessary❣️ I appreciate the offer tho🎄🎅
Dec 12Reply
kayakgirl2020 @ladychapz - Lisa , I wanted you to know, that I have yet to get the tree pin!?
Dec 17Reply
ladychapz @kayakgirl2020 that awful. I actually just notified Poshmark and have asked about what is going on with the usps. things arrive and I get rated but they show as tracking. I will contact poshmark and ask what they can do. hopefully they can release ur money but u will also receive it in time. I hate that this happened. I am so sorry:(
Dec 17Reply
kayakgirl2020 @ladychapz I’m not complaining, just wanted you to know that it has not made it yet! This is very crazy ! I have to wonder if it will make it.. no worries !!
Dec 18Reply
ladychapz @kayakgirl2020 But I still feel bad that that happened. The Post Office has been absolutely horrible and it's seriously affecting everyone's business says I'm wondering if poshmark is going to switch to UPS or a different shipper and I'm really hoping so
Dec 18Reply
kayakgirl2020 @ladychapz - Lisa hello, hope you had a nice holiday! I wanted to touch base with you, to let you know I have still not received the pin! I wanted to check to see if it has been returned to you !?
Dec 28Reply
kayakgirl2020 Lisa, so I never received the Christmas tree pin ! Was it returned to you? This was a special gift for a friend :) Please let me know what you have found out . Thank you Mary
Jan 28Reply
ladychapz @kayakgirl2020 I notified poshmark myself again last night and requested refund shortly us both due to the post office. I still haven't heard back. the item was shipped but never showed tracking:(
Jan 28Reply
must_have_it Thanks for accepting my offer a few minutes ago. I posted my question, but didn't get your respond . Please let me know if this is not only a top. Is this a one piece bathing suit/ swimming dress? Thanks
Nov 26Reply
ladychapz @must_have_it it is a full swimsuit/swim dress
Nov 26Reply

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