Meet your Posher, Lisa
Not for sale
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Hi! I'm Lisa. Some of my favorite brands are Michael Kors, Coach, and Tommy Hilfiger. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

131 others
like this

@lgoff1101 welcome to Poshing! Feel free to check out my closet!
Jan 15Reply

Accepting offsrs☺️🤗💕💕☀️❤️😍🦋
Jun 14Reply

If you bundle the Tommy bag and shoes. I can offer you a special discount!!
Jun 14Reply

make an offer on the dress doll❥
Jun 14Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!! This is a great Community...if you’re buying and/or selling. If I can be of any help, please let me know. Happy Poshing!!!!! 🌸 🌺
Jun 14Reply

Lisa Hello! Welcome to the greatest online clothing marketplace in the world!!! Thanks for Liking the capris, I just made you an Offer on them. I hope you have a wonderful time on Poshmark and will let me know if you want something or have any questions. 💙Dee with bestbargain 💚
Jun 14Reply

Hi!! Welcome to Poshmark!!!
Jun 14Reply

Hi! I'm Julia. Welcome to Posh! We are glad to have you Poshing, it is very addicting!! One important need to know … to talk to anybody we have to put the @ sign in front of their name. @ acts like an address. To talk to me you would have to write @iqclothessavvy. Remember your password and login daily! BUNDLE to save lots of money! LMK if you have questions! I'm here to help. see BREAK ROOM and Learning Curve posts at bottom of my closet! WELCOME!! Hope that helps you enjoy the life of Posh!
Jun 14Reply

Hi Lisa thank you for your like ☺️I will send you a private offer 👍🏼❤️
Jun 14Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!! I hope you enjoy the many opportunities to buy/sell your favorite brands 👗👠👚👙👜👒at discount prices 💰💵 If you have any questions, feel free to tag me for help. Also, I’d love ❤️ if you took a moment to check out my closet.
Jun 14Reply

Thank you for the likes 😇😊
Jun 15Reply

Hi! Thanks for the LIKE😃 @lorangerie is having a 10% OFF EVERYTHING Closet Clearout this weekend- STARTING TODAY!🎉
Great time to buy. Have a perfect weekend💜
Jun 15Reply

Hi Lisa 💐 thanks for the like - always open to offers
Jun 17Reply

hi there💕 you were interested in a few items posted in my closet! just letting you know i am doing a huge bundle sale! depending on the items i can offer free shipping, add in a free choker necklace or give you an amazing deal on your picks! send me and offer and i will see what i can do🎉 happy shopping!
Jun 18Reply

Thanks for liking a couple of Liz Claiborne Pants in My Closet. I added a matching top in your dressing room for you to view. Please feel free to Bundle and automatically save 20% Discount. Enjoy!!
Jun 18Reply

Bundle your like for an awesome discount :)))
Jun 21Reply

Hey thanks for liking! Tell me if your interested 💞
Jun 29Reply

Welcome Lisa, I hope you enjoy Poshmark as much as I do! And by the way I don't know to many Goff's but our pastors are pretty Amazing! Lol! 💖 and Happy Poshing!
Jun 30Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! 👠👗💄👡👛
Jun 30Reply

Hi, I just noticed that you liked one of the bags in my closet. I just sent you a private discounted offer of almost 15% off plus $1.50 discount in shipping if you are interested in purchasing the item. I'm pricing items to sell in my closet, as I need to clear out inventory in order to list new items. I'd love for this item to go to a good home. Please let me know if you're interested. ☺☺☺☺☺
Jul 01Reply

🌹Welcome to Postmark
Jul 02Reply

Always nice to welcome someone else.Ive been on Poshmark a short while .So Happy Poshing. !!🌴🌴
Jul 08Reply

Hello Lisa... Thank you for visit my closet and your like! Let me know if you have any question I can offer you free shipping✨🌸
Jul 08Reply

Hey there ! Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you are enjoying it so far ! If you ever have any questions, or just need a posh pal reach out to me ! Love helping in any way I can ! 🍋❤️
Jul 10Reply

Thanks so much for liking!! ✨💞💞
Jul 10Reply

Welcome to posh
Jul 11Reply

Hi Lisa! Thanks for the like!! Will accept a reasonable offer!! ☺
Jul 15Reply

Welcome to my close, feel free to make an offer, happy shopping
Jul 16Reply

Hi! Thanks for liking my Liz Claiborne dress! I’m new to Poshmark! Any input is appreciated 🙂
Jul 19Reply

hi my name is george welcome to poshmark hope u have a great experience poshing if u have any question ill be glad to help
Jul 20Reply

Hi thank you for the like if your interested let me know I can make you a great offer 😊
Jul 20Reply

hi!! if you bundle things out of my closet we can for sure work out a good price!!
Jul 25Reply

Thanks so much for the Like on my Hilfiger argyle sweater. Much appreciated! If you’re interested in the sweater or any of my listings, I am certainly willing to negotiate a price that works for everyone. In the meantime, have a blessed day! 🌈
Jul 26Reply

@lgoff1101 are you interested in the Victoria Secret workout hoodie in my closet
Aug 04Reply

Welcome to PM! 😊
Aug 10Reply

Hi!!! Hope your having fun poshing!!💖💖💖 I have some cute clothes, shoes and more!!😍😍 you can send me an offer, or bundle 2 or more for a discount!!!!
Aug 10Reply

Hi. I have an offer out to prev likers of 16. Don't know if you can see that. Purchase at $16?
Aug 11Reply

Hi Lisa welcome to Poshmark.Thanks for stopping by ,interested in any items liked let me know.Bundle for discounts.Thanks and have fun
Aug 11Reply

Hi Lisa 👋 are you still interested in the purse you like from my closet???? If yes, feel free to send me an offer or bundle with something else that you like at any price and I will accept your offer ❤️😉❤️😉❤️😉
Aug 13Reply

Happy Poshing! Please feel free to visit my closet! I just added some handbags. Check them out! 🐥
Aug 24Reply

Hi there! If you love Tommy Hilfiger and other preppy brands, come check out my closet!
Sep 09Reply

Hi there! If you love Tommy Hilfiger and other preppy brands, come check out my closet!
Sep 16Reply

Hi there ⚘Welcome to Poshmark⚘ Let me know if you have any questions
Sep 29Reply

Hello..I am open to offers :)
Oct 04Reply

Thanks for your like on the gorgeous bag! Feel free to bundle for free items
Oct 09Reply

hey! i would love if you took sometime to check out my closet! ☺️ i have a lot of cute & trendy gently used items 💗✨
Oct 10Reply

Hi Lisa !! Happy Tuesday 🌹😎
Oct 10Reply

Hi welcome to posh and thank you for the like
Oct 10Reply

Hi hun thanks for your likes and happy 😃 shopping 🛍
Oct 10Reply

Hi, welcome to posh and thank you for the like.
Oct 10Reply

Welcome! I have a couple tommy Hilfiger items I'm selling. Feel free to give me an offer on them as well! 😊
Oct 12Reply

Thanks for the like! Enjoy your day of poshing. 🦋
Oct 13Reply

Hi Lisa, thank you for liking my item ❤️. Please feel free to go through my closet for more clothes and jewelry as you could save more with bundles. Alternatively, you can always send me your offers so we can work it out together then 😊. Have a great day and happy poshing 🎊
Oct 13Reply

Welcome 😘🌺
Everything On Sale 😮
SAVE % Today Only 💰
All Price Are Negotiable ❤️
Make An Offer 🎁
Oct 13Reply

Thanks so much for visiting my closet and your like!💕👠👗👜
Oct 13Reply

Thanks for likening my closet. It’s fun to buy and sell items on Poshmark.😊
Oct 14Reply

13 for Pink V.S mini purse.😊...?
Oct 15Reply

WELCOME......🌺Wishing you lots of sales☺️ One of the key elements that has worked for me is Sharing others closets and your own as much as possible 💰😉💝
Oct 16Reply

Hi Lisa! More and more poshers have liked my brown RL dress that you liked so dropped the price one last time to $45. Noticed posh didn't send out a notification of the price drop to all likers so wanted to make sure you're aware of it. Can't go any lower as with posh's 20% commission 😬, I'm already losing $$ on this dress.
Oct 27Reply

Thank you for your like. Feel free to make an offer if you love the item but not the price. Also bundle up 2+ items to save on shipping and to enjoy an automatic bundle discount.
Nov 05Reply

Hello ☺️💕 Happy Holiday Season. I wanted to come by & say, I hope you are having a fabulous time on Poshmark!! I’m also having a preXmas sale today & it’s 30% off 3 or more 🌸🎁🌸leaving posh 😊💕! Xoxo Adrienne PS !! happy Turkey 🦃 day as well
Nov 18Reply

Thanks for liking my Kate Spade necklace would do 30? If interested hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving❤️🦃
Nov 22Reply

Hi Lisa! Thank you for the likes! Nice to meet you and happy poshing!🙂🛍🎁🧤🧣👜
Nov 22Reply

Thank you for liking!🤗If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!💕💕
Nov 30Reply

Thank you for checking my closet and liking
Dec 02Reply

Did you want the dress
Dec 02Reply

Thanks for the like.... please feel
Free to make an offer if u r interested. Thank u
Dec 06Reply

Thanks for the like the wallet is pristine and if u bundle 3 or more items the rest are buy one get one free
Dec 09Reply

Hello there! Welcome to Posh! You'll love it here! Friendly people and affordable prices! I'm Jade! One of the Posh Ambassador, Top Rated Seller, Top 10 Sharer, Mentor and Fast Shipper here! Come check my closet out and if you like anything you want, bundle it up for 3 or more items, you get 5% off and top of that discounted shipping! If you have any questions please feel free to ask me at anytime! Can't wait to check out your closet soon! Enjoy and have fun shopping! God Bless you!😍💋😘👄
Dec 09Reply

Welcome to Poshmark, beautiful!! Let me know if you need any assistance! Hopefully you can check out my closet and maybe shop as well!! ♡
Dec 23Reply

Please do not accept the offer on the VS hoody. I am so sorry but it has been sold
Dec 26Reply

If you like anything I listed so far make an offer
Dec 26Reply

Sending good vibes your way! Happy poshing!!
Dec 28Reply

Hi Lisa!!!! I sent you an offer with both items that you liked as a bundle. It will save you 1 shipping charge and you have a $15 discount. Let me know if you have any questions!!!!! Happy Poshing!!!!
Dec 30Reply

Hi Lisa! I saw you liked my black Tommy Hilfiger purse. If you’d like to make an offer, please feel free! I can give you a special offer! Thank you!
Dec 30Reply

Dec 30Reply

Thanks for the likes feel free to offer in my closet. HAPPY POSHING!
Jan 01Reply

Hi Lisa, nice to meet you. Thanks for the like and shopping my closet. Feel free to ask questions and have happy new year
Jan 01Reply

Thank you for posting a like for the crossbody Tommy Hilfiger bag in my closer
Jan 03Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!🌺
Jan 05Reply

Hi there!! I have some great items in my closet I think you will love!! I would love if you would stop by and take a look around!! Happy shopping! 🤗💕
Jan 06Reply

@lgoff1101 Hi, Ty illMake You An Offer! lol,
Jan 09Reply

@lgoff1101 welcome to posh beautiful
Jan 10Reply

Hi Lisa... thanks for the like... pls feel free to make an offer :)
Jan 11Reply

Hi there! 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Jan 14Reply

Hi Lisa! I saw you liked a handbag in my closet. Today is the final day of my handbag sale where all bags are 20% off. Tomorrow morning prices go back up so if you're interested today is a great time to make an offer :) let me know if you're interested!
Jan 21Reply

@lgoff1101 hi see you liked my listings. Brand new if interested feel free to offer. Thanks Geri
Jan 26Reply

Welcome to my closet Lisa. Happy poshing.😁😄❤️
Jan 31Reply

Thanks for liking my purse it’s priced to sell and it’s in perfect condition so hope it’s a win-win for you I am at posh ambassador and a preferred seller so you could shop with confidence
Feb 01Reply

Hello. I have some coach wallets in my closet. Come check them out.
Feb 01Reply

Greetings!! I love poshmark! and I have some items in my closet that might interest you. Feel free to check it out maybe I can help you save some money , or help your closets make sales also! Happy poshing! 🤗
Feb 01Reply

Welcome to Poshmark🌸 We’re so happy to have you!
💕 free to check out my closet and if you have any questions I’d love to help💕
Feb 03Reply

Hi Lisa, I sent a discount for one of the Liz shoes and if you are interested in the other black lace Liz shoes I’m happy to bundle for a discount and ship both together. I usually ship the same day. 🙂
Feb 06Reply

Thank you for liking the Ralph Lauren purse. I welcome offers!
Feb 08Reply

Hi Lisa, thank you for the like. I sent you very good offer with free shipping. Let me know if you want to bundle to take advantage of the free shipping. I'll offer discount on the other stuff too. ☺
Feb 09Reply

Oops I thought I sent you the free shipping. I hit the wrong option. Sorry just counter and I'll correct it if interested. Thank you. ☺
Feb 09Reply

Hey!❤️ come checkout my closet! I have alot of great brands you love with great prices. If you see something you like make an offer or like and I will send an additional discount 💕❤️😊👍🏻i offer great deals and discounts!!! 👌🏻👌🏻
Feb 15Reply

Hello! Hope your posh experience has been going great 😊 If you'd like to check out my closet, I have brands like PINK, LOFT, Tommy Hilfiger, Lucky Brand, Lilly Pulitzer, Converse, Kate Spade and more! Happy poshing 🛍️🤗
Feb 16Reply

Thanks for stopping by my closet!😊
Feb 18Reply

Hi thank you for checking out my closet. If you are interested in my Coach wallet just let me know. Thanks again and Happy Poshing😊
Feb 20Reply

Hi! Thanks for the like. Are you interested in buying the shoes? Price is negotiable :)
Feb 24Reply

Make an offer for TH tote if you like...this is a weekend sale...end monday...🌹
Feb 24Reply

Hello! I just added new listings to my closet. I'd love for you to check it out if you have a moment. Bundle for a great discount! Have a good day!
Feb 27Reply

Hi 👋🏽 Take look at my closet, lots of Adidas, Nike, Polo, Calvin Klein, Michael Kors, Dolce & Gabbana, & Kate Spade for Men & Women. Feel free to make an offer or ask about bundling for a 30% discount 🤗
Feb 28Reply

Hey! I see that you love some brands that I love as well! Feel free to check out my closet for new with tags Kate Spade Purses! Happy Poshing! 💚
Mar 01Reply

Hi Lisa! I hope you're enjoying your posh experience! Enjoy shopping ❤
Mar 03Reply

@lgoff1101 Hello there - Just a heads up that if you like VS, I have a cute VS red orange clutch purse in my closet. Pretty gold Victoria Secret closure. I'd love for you to see it. I'm open for offers and I ship from a smoke free clean home.......Thanks and have a super great day :) :)
Mar 05Reply

@lgoff1101 Hi Lisa ........... and I also have a pair of super comfy mules/clogs in my closed that are every bit as comfy as Dansko or Clarks. They are faux alligator and a silver/gray pewter color with a low 2 inch covered heel. I'd love for you to see them. I ship from a smoke free clean home and am open for offers. Thanks and have a super great day :) :)
Mar 05Reply

Hi there! Wanted to invite you to check out my closet! I post A LOT of kate spade and coach items & am always open to offers 😊
Mar 07Reply

Hi Lisa. Thank you for posting likes on the hand knitted cardigans. I like to offer you a discount. Wanted to know if you are interested in both since they are in difference size.🌷🌷
Mar 10Reply

Hi Sweetie!🙋🏻♀️ I’m Alicia.
Thanks for visiting my closet!🤗
Welcome to Poshmark!💐💐💐
I do carry your favorite brands!
Please feel free to buy, make offers or BUNDLE 3+ to get 20% OFF with my Closet Clearance Closet Sale‼️ Free 🎁!
BTW... I’m a Posh Ambassador, so please feel free to ask me any questions!💕
Mar 11Reply

Hey saw you liked one of my fragrances! Are you interested in buying? 💕💕
Mar 11Reply

Hey there 👋🏼 I noticed you liked an item in my closet! I will be donating any unsold items this Friday 3/15, so if you are interested in anything make an offer and buy now before it’s gone! Thanks for checking out my profile 💖🌸
Mar 11Reply

Happy poshing
Mar 13Reply

Hi! Saw you liked my Kate spade wallet!! I sent u a discounted price and discounted shipping!! Hope you accept it and I can ship it out real quick with a gift
Mar 16Reply

Hi, nice to meet you. Please take a minute to browse my closet and follow me for great deals. Happy Poshing! 😊
Mar 21Reply

@lgoff1101 hi see you liked my listing for the Tommy Hilfiger Sunglasses. Brand new. Let me know if your interested. Thanks Geri
Mar 24Reply

Thanks for the like! I’m always shipping items out same/next day of purchase! 😌
Mar 27Reply

Welcome to Posh! Happy Shopping & Sales 🛍
Feel free to take a look at my closet and bundle 3+ items and save 15% along with combined shipping💃
Let me know if you have any general questions & Happy Poshing😉
Mar 27Reply

@lgoff1101 thank you so much for the like on my Liz Claiborne wallet. I sent you a special offer on it with FREE shipping 💕😊
Mar 28Reply

Hi Lisa! I sent you a private offer on the Liz Claiborne Cardigan you liked from my closet 😉
Mar 28Reply

Hi! If interested in your likes, I'm having 10 percent off any bundle! Happy Poshing 🤗!
Mar 28Reply

Thanks for the like! If you are interested I am open to offers and give discounts on bundles!
Mar 28Reply

Hello, Lisa!! Thank you for the Poshlove on the item in my closet! If you really love it grab it now before someone else does! I seriously consider all offers, so make me an offer I can’t refuse and don’t forget the discount on bundles items! Also every new purchase receives a free trinket for my spring promotion. I hope you’re enjoying poshmark as much as I am!! Much peace and Poshlove!!! Xoxo ~Mandy
Mar 31Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 🍾🎉🎉 I’m a Poshmark Ambassador. Happy to answer any questions I can. I wish you many great finds and many sales. Happy Poshing❣️
Mar 31Reply

Hi, Lisa. Thanks for the like. I’m still new to Poshmark and my first customer will receive $3.99 shipping. If you see anything you like, but don’t like the price, feel free to send me an offer.
Apr 03Reply

Hello Lisa, thanks for visiting my closet!
Apr 04Reply

I have a few more new things better deals ! Up for offers ❤️
Apr 04Reply

Hey there Gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have never been worn and still have tags attached. Brands such as Joe’s Jeans, Nike, Michael Kors, Victoria’s Secret, Spanx Leggings, Tarte Cosmetics, and so much more! So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts!
Xoxo, B.
Apr 08Reply

Hello, I’ve noticed you liked something in my closet and if you are interested in this item, I will be happy to give you an offer for it or if you would like to give me an offer. Thank you and happy poshing!✨😊
Apr 08Reply

Hi welcome to Poshmark
Apr 09Reply

@lgoff1101 / heyyy come check out my wallets - nice perlina n miu miu 🦋🌸
Apr 09Reply

Hey! :) I sell a lot of items I think you might like based on the brands you like! Check out my closet if you’re interested❣️ I also try to give really good deals on bundles😊
Apr 22Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! I wish you many great sales and purchases!
Apr 24Reply

Welcome to poshmark!
May 15Reply

Thanks for the likes and checking out my closet
May 16Reply

Blessings on liking from my closet❤️🤟🏻💜. I will send a private offer- if not what you had in mind please counter & willing work out a dey❤️🤟🏻💜
May 16Reply

I sent you a offer on the Victoria Secret Pink Flip Flops. I believe you will like it. Have a great day. Thank you, Julia Johnson
May 18Reply

Welcome to Poshmark ❤️
May 24Reply

Thank you for stopping by my closet👠👗👞👛🥿🧥👖👚🕶👜👟👡🧣
If there’s items you like but don’t like the price, please don’t hesitate to make me a reasonable offer and I will consider😊.
May 31Reply

Hello😉 take advantage of the sale I have going on 3 items for $15.00 any item $10.00 and under is 3 for $15.00😉👍 one time shipping 👍 let me know if you’re interested!😉
Jun 04Reply

Thanks for liking the tee 😊
Jun 04Reply

Hey, thanks for the likes. If you're interested in a bundle I will give you a great deal. Have a wonderful day!
Jun 04Reply

If your happy with the price I offered you can always counter offer. Thank you.
Jun 04Reply

I see you’ve liked one or more items from my closet. I’m currently offering 50% off bundles of 3 items. Now through June 15th. Bundle and Save!!
Jun 05Reply

I see you’ve liked one or more items from my closet. I’m currently offering 50% off bundles of 3 items. Now through June 15th. Bundle and Save!!
Jun 05Reply

Hi. Thanks for visiting my closet. God Bless!
Jun 05Reply

Hello Lisa! I noticed you like both Hilfiger travel and make up bags...please make a bundle so I can give you a discount both in the items and the shipping! Thank you so much!!
Jun 05Reply

Hi Lisa, thank you kindly for the like ♡♡♡
Jun 06Reply

Hello Lisa 🙋♀️ Welcome to Poshmark. It's a lot of fun here and good people. I wish you much success my friend🌺
Jun 06Reply

@lgoff1101 Hi & thanks for liking my bag. I’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have and feel free to make an offer! It’s nice to meet you Poshing!
Jun 06Reply

Hi Lisa!!
I noticed you liked an item in my closet so I wanted to let you in on a sale I am having today. Buy one get one free!! Purchase any one item at ANY price and receive one free gift $12 or under. I have lots to choose from so finding a freebie should be easy!!
Thank you,
Ashley ❤️
Jun 06Reply

@lgoff1101 hey ty so much for checking out our closet. i have 100+ lba & raised a few fashionista's so our closet is more 6 in one! We list wkly 3/4 x's
offer only the very best
New & Laundered
& lightly worn with care items
We ship same day
Offer Combined Shipping for more then one item! Offer 15%off bundling
Offer a private discount on top of that
For bund of 3+
Jewelry & Swim are Fixed Price
27$ are as marked FINAL MARKDOWNS Offer sent on you liked item
Always w/🎁
Jun 07Reply

Hi I see you liked my liz c. Purse I would like to add to that as I have sooo much of clothes and shoes ,and some more purses if ur interested let me know n I'll make you bundle or u can make me an offer...
Jun 08Reply

Hi im selling a Tommy Hilfiger backpack if you are interested
Jun 08Reply

Hi Lisa. Thank you for 'liking the $9 blouse. My entire closet is on sale, BOGO, till midnight tonight, 6/9/19. If you'd like, you can choose any other item in my closet for $9 or less & receive BOTH items for $9. You can also make a fair offer. (No other discounts apply.) Thanks so much for your "likes" & visiting my closet! Have a beautiful day!
Jun 09Reply

May you be blessed with much success.
Jun 09Reply

please cancel any offer i sent you. please
Jun 10Reply

Hi friend!! I see that you liked one of my items in my closet and I was wondering if you are interested and if you are I can help you by answering any questions or getting measurements if you need to. Thank you!!
Jun 14Reply

Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Jun 16Reply

Thanks for liking my coach berry patch work bag. I'm open to offers.
Jun 21Reply

Hi Lisa 🌺 I’m Susan & I feature new & gently used Designer items in many sizes & budgets- Feel CONFIDENT- I’ve hand picked every item from quality retailers: Free People, BCBG, William RAST, Vince CAMUTO, The Limited, Michael KORS, Coach, Marc Jacobs, CeCe, Neiman Marcus, jewelry, furs, Size 12👠, blouses from ESCADA, luxury pantyhose from Europe - all from my own smoke free closet 🦋I’m a 5 Star Rated Seller & Posh Ambassador🎉
Jun 23Reply

Hi Lisa, I'm Judy. Thank you for visiting my closet😉
Jun 27Reply

If you like the polo shirt I can also throw in the navy blue polo shorts in a bundle for $25 w/ $4.99 shipping !!
Jul 01Reply

Thanks for like sent discounted offer. If you like anything else I do often negotiate and do bundle discount Have any questions let me know. Happy poshing 💜
Jul 03Reply

hi! Thank you for the like on the dress and tops in my closet. Please let me know if you have any questions 🙂
Jul 11Reply

Hi Lisa!!
Jul 15Reply

Hello. I am Alexandra. We invite you to know my closet. We are the order if you interested in some of my articles .. save 10% in 2 items or more
Jul 21Reply

Hello. I am Alexandra. We invite you to know my closet. We are the order if you interested in some of my articles .. save 10% in 2 items or more
Jul 21Reply

Hi!!! I wanted to let you know that you liked an item that is one of my 5/$25 Hi!!! I wanted to let you know that the item you. If you find 4 other pieces you like with 5/$25 at the front the listing and add them to a bundle, you can purchase those 5 pieces for $25. Thanks so much and please let me know if you have any questions. ALL the best. Sydney
Jul 21Reply

Feel free to make a offer!
Aug 30Reply

Feel free to check my closet. I have a lot of cute stuff.
I also give 10% discount when you bundle two or more things from my closet.
Have a good day❤️❤️
Aug 31Reply

Hi, Lisa! Welcome to Poshmark - please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any questions about selling and/or listing. Cheers and wishing the best of successes for you!!!
Sep 25Reply

Hello Lisa, Welcome to Poshing! I invite you to come take a peek at my closet sometime soon! New listings weekly and always a free gift 🎁 with with your purchase!😃👏💕
Sep 28Reply

Hey luv ! Check out my closet when you have a chance . I have good deals and all kinds of brands(:!! I’m also open to offers 🧡
Oct 17Reply

@lgoff1101 create a sweater bundle for a discount! Christina
Nov 13Reply

@lgoff1101 hi I’m Shari welcome to poshmark I’m a poshmark Ambassador and a 5 star seller would love for you to check out my closet any questions you have I’m here to answer 💕
Nov 14Reply

Hello Lisa 😀
Welcome to Poshmark & my closet.
Smoke & pet free environment.
New & loving kept items.
Fast & friendly service.
Items are open to reasonable offers.
"like" it send an offer!
Bundle items for a 10% discount 😉
Firm priced items are usually marked Final Sale, Flash Sale, Last Chance or Discounted or any "Special One Day Sale Days" On those days it's get it before the price goes back up 🤣
Best of luck to you and your closet.
Have fun & Happy Poshing! 💕
Dec 01Reply

Hey girl! Thank you for the like. For this week only bundles of 3 are 50% off!! 💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼
Dec 25Reply

Hi Lisa. Merry Christmas! If you’re interested in purchasing any of the leggings you liked make a bundle and I can send you a better offer with discounted shipping 😀
Dec 25Reply

I saw you liked several items from my closet—put together a bundle and I’ll give you a GREAT price! ❤️💚
Dec 25Reply

Hey there! Thank you so much for visiting my closet and liking an item ✨ all orders placed tonight will ship tomorrow morning 💃🏼 Happy Poshing!
Dec 31Reply

Thanks for the follow and the likes if you bundle those you can save 20% off the order. If you have any questions or need help please ask me. Again thanks for the follow and have a great day and an awesome night.
Have a Happy New Year
Dec 31Reply

welcome happy poshing, 😃 make me an offer on any item you like and bundle for more savings, Have a blessed day and Happy New Year!
Jan 02Reply

Hi Lisa!🙋 I would like to invite you to check out my closet. I have some stylish items from J. CREW, BANANA REPUBLIC, LOFT and more at GREAT PRICES. Feel free to send me an offer if anything catches your eye or you can ‘like’ some items and I will send you a sweet deal :)👗🎂. Let me know if you have any questions. Have a great night. ~ Patti (Check out my Insta (mygirlbosslife) where I post tips, inspirational quotes an highlight girl bosses)💐
Jan 05Reply

Hello! I noticed that you liked a Michael Kors top not too long ago and I just wanted to let you know that I have a beautiful, purple MK top in my closet that I think you would love! check it out and don't be afraid to send me an offer ♥️ Hope to hear from you soon!!
Jan 12Reply

Hello I hope you are loving Poshmark and it’s great deals! I’d love for you to check out my closet and feel free to make offers. Have fun!
Jan 14Reply

Hi! Feel free to check out my closet! I have clothes listed from Victoria’s Secret PINK, American Eagle, H & M, Forever 21, Torrid, Under Armour and more! Happy shopping!!💓
Jan 28Reply

Hi there,
If you bundle those two leggings you like there is a sweet discount for you! Not sure how to bundle for you, easy to do on your end, the discount is in there!
Feb 02Reply

Hi, feel free browse and shop my closet anytime! Bundle 2 or more items or a 10% discount and a discount on shipping. :)
Mar 06Reply

Hi! If you’re interested in the blue tunic in my closet, offer $12 and I’ll accept it. Thanks.
Mar 19Reply

Hi there thank you for stopping by my closet😊 I’m taking offers if your interested in anything. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you💕
Apr 02Reply

Hi! I am Shelia. Just wanted to thank you for checking out my closet! If you like the Matilda Jane bag I will sale it to you for $13 and $4.11 shipping. Let me know!
Apr 12Reply

Hi let me know if anything Michael Kors, tommy, Nike or Adidas interest you in my closet looking to get rid of a lot of things, willing to negotiate deals 😊
Apr 17Reply

hi there! I am currently having a sale
🤍2 for 10
💜3 for 15
❣2 for 20
💚2 for 30
🖤2for 50
- Women(makeup,bag, clothes), Men, Kids, Home, and more! Let me know if you have any questions 😊 I ship as soon as 1-3 business days
Apr 17Reply

Hello Lisa, my name is Franny and I see that you liked one of my listings (Tommy Hilfiger Crewneck)! If you are still interested, want to make a counter, or have anymore questions, please let me know! I also have some of your other favorite brands listed in my closet is if you want to go check those out. Thank you!
Apr 18Reply

@lgoff1101 hello 🙋 thanks 4 liking an item from my closet 🛍 i specifically carry brands like Calvin Klein, Michael Kors, Banana Republic, Tommy Hilfiger, and Ralph Lauren. im very flexible on pricing and i luv offers... so if u like sumthin feel free 2 make me an offer 😀 happy poshing!
Apr 18Reply

Hello, welcome to poshmark! I see you liked the Tommy Hilfiger Jacket, feel free to send me an offer and we'll go from there :)
Apr 18Reply

Hey girly !! I just wanted to let you know I’m having 2 sales currently on my closet, if you want to check it out & make an offer 💛 happy poshing
Any items with ✨ in the title are 4 for $25
or 3+ items for 20% off!!!
Apr 29Reply

Thanks for your like! I just sent you a private discount with reduced shipping too! I also include a cute free gift with every purchase, let me know if you have any questions💓😊
May 02Reply

Hi, Lisa!
Thanks for shopping my closet and for the like! 😃 To thank you, I offered a private discount, along with a shipping discount. 😊 Please let me know if there’s anything else in my closet that catches your eye and I’d be happy to bundle a few things for you. 😉 Happy shopping! 🛍
May 02Reply

Thank you for the like. Please let me if you know any questions. You can bundle and save
10% off of 2 items
15% off of 3 items
The more you bundle the more you save
$4.99 shipping
May 02Reply

Thanks for the like. I’m open to all reasonable offers if you’re interested.
Have a great day and happy shopping.
May 02Reply

I’m running a sale on most of my items. They are marked 5 for $15.
May 02Reply

Hi Lisa😀 Thanks for liking the Liz Claiborne sweaters! I am open to offers. Have a posh day🌞 Christy
May 02Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet. I noticed you like the pearl necklace. Make me an offer. No reasonable offer will be denied. OR bundle other items for a 10% discount and only one shipping charge. Hope to hear from you soon. 😁
May 03Reply

Hi Lisa, I have 10% for you today in my closet @beautikusa🌹🌺🌸🌼
May 04Reply

Hiiii you’ve checked out my closet! Thank you!💞
May 20Reply

Thanks for the likes lmk if you want a bundle ❣️
May 20Reply

Hi Lisa! Start a bundle with that blouse you liked from my closet and I’ll offer you a deal!
May 20Reply

Hi Lisa! Thanks for liking my scarf listings. Let me know if you are interested in a bundle! Happy Poshing 😀
May 20Reply

Hi Lisa welcome .
Thanks for sharing and like my closets.
If you see something you like make offer or bundle to get 10%
discount on your order.
Have a great Posh day.
May 20Reply

Hi thanks for the likes! I offer 15% off bundles of two or more if that interests you. Thanks again. Hope you have a great day!
May 20Reply

I saw you like and started you a bundle .
I’m running a bundle sale. Add a 2nd item - GET 20% OFF ENTIRE PURCHASE ! Plus , you save on shipping too!!! Hit the like ❤️ and I’ll add that item to your bundle. Let me know if I can help!
May 20Reply

Hi Lisa🤗
Welcome to Poshmark! This is a great platform for selling and buying. I hope you love it as much as I do! Have a great day and Happy Poshing my friend 😊
May 20Reply

Would you like me to put a bundle together with your likes? Four items equals 30% off. Just let me know. Thanks! 😊🦊
May 20Reply

You would love the coach and Michael kors bags I am selling💕
May 20Reply

May 23Reply

Hi! Thanks for checking out my closet! If you have any questions, please let me know 🌺
May 24Reply

hi lisa welcome 🌺🌻🌺🌻🌺 check out my listing for more nice clothing,accessories and home decor 🌻🌺🌻🌺🌻🌺👍😃
Jun 02Reply

I saw you liked that purple snakeskin Michael Kors dress. If you add 3 or more items to your bundle I can give you a discount. So make offers now :)
Jun 10Reply

hi thank you for visiting my closet and liking the Tommy Hilfiger bag. I sent you an offer if in case you are interested on it any questions just let me know.thank you so much 💗💗💗
Jun 10Reply

Hi Lisa. Thanks for your like on my Michael Kors bag. I just dropped the price to $20. Also, this is the final price.
Jun 10Reply

Hi Lisa!! I’m Nina, I would love for you to take a look at my closet🤗 I have some unique items I think you may like based on the brands you said you prefer!
Jun 10Reply

@lgoff1101 Welcome to my closet💫💕✨ currently on sale, accepting offers💙
Jun 14Reply

@lgoff1101 Hello New Posher,
Welcome to Poshmark my name is Nita I am a Poshmark ambassador Have been on Poshmark for one years and one month now. Love everything about it. If you need help on getting started with your closet please don’t hesitate to ask.
Jun 15Reply

And let me tell you a little about my closet/boutique I sale middle to high-end clothing and other items for a great price. I always give discount, if you create a three item bundle you will get 15% off and with an additional item add it you will continue to get a discount.
Jun 15Reply

I have over 319 item that’s ready for the picking and still adding on. I have everything for everyone so feel free to stop by and look around and if you see something you like hit the heart option and wait for the discount offer. I ship the same day or the next Business day.
Well I hope this help you, and I know you will do great.
Happy Poshing
Jun 15Reply

hi Dear! noticed that you liked the skirt I have a couple times, I sent you an offer
what do you think? I can work with you on offers! 🌺
Jun 15Reply

5/$25 sale in my closet ‼️
Jun 15Reply

Hi Liss. I have reduced the price of the CK wallet you liked .. you get discount shipping for the next 4/5 hours .. pls let me know if u have any questions. Thank u
Jun 17Reply

@lgoff1101 feel free to make me an offer on the great polo in my closet!
Jun 19Reply

Hello!! If you're interested I am having a sale that if you bundle 3 or more items you get them half price. Tools and purses not included. Have a blessed day 🙂
Jun 19Reply

I have butterfly necklaces on my page if you want to check it out 🥰💜
Jun 19Reply

Hello! Welcome to Poshmark!! I saw in your description it says you like coach and I have a new coach listing posted!! Hope you can check it out!!
Jun 20Reply

Hi there Lisa!! My name is Dorieh. I wanted to introduce myself and invite you to check out my closet. 😊 If you like anything, please don't hesitate to make an offer. I usually accept all offers! 😊
Jun 22Reply

@lgoff1101 bundle and save on anything in my closet or best offer on anything everything must go
Jun 23Reply

Hey!! I have a couple of Tommy Hilfiger Items in my closet! I am willing to negotiate pricing!! Check it out❤️
Jun 26Reply

@lgoff1101 name your price sales all weekend so make your offer on the item you like thanks again for checking out my closet ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jun 27Reply

Hi Lisa!💕 Oh my gosh, thank you for ALL your “likes”, I really appreciate You! If you have favorites, bundle them up for a great offer. Again, thank you!!!💕
Jun 27Reply

Lisa why don’t you bundle my LuLaRoe leggings? Shipping goes down and you get the bundle discount on 3 or more pieces! Barb
Jun 27Reply

20% off 2 or more items. Bundle it!!
Jun 28Reply

Hey, I saw that you liked a liquid glitter phone case for iPhone 11. I am also selling a very pretty and aesthetic liquid glitter protective phone case for iPhone 11 for a very affordable price, $13. Feel free to check it out and make an offer. I can definitely lower it if you really like the phone case. 🎀
Jun 29Reply

Hey, I saw that you liked a liquid glitter phone case for iPhone 11. I am also selling a very pretty and aesthetic liquid glitter protective phone case for iPhone 11 for a very affordable price, $13. Feel free to check it out and make an offer. I can definitely lower it if you really like the phone case. 🎀
Jun 29Reply

Hey dear, I would like to take the time out and stop by with my beautiful closet. If you could browse through and see if anything catches your eyes, if interested feel free to hit me up. I also add an automatic 10% discount to 2 or more items. Reasonable offers are always welcome. Thanks in advance:)
Jun 30Reply

Hi Lisa! Thank you for visiting @rosepetalpicks and the like on the shoes. Please visit again. I welcome reasonable offers. Stay healthy and safe. Rose
Jul 03Reply

hiiii gorgeous!!💋💋 I just visited your closet, and it is fabulous!! 🦋✨ I would love if you stopped by mine as well & took a look around !! ❤️❤️ I post new items everyday, all items come with a free gift,and i ship quickly!!🎁😇 throughout my closet you’ll find clothes, shoes, makeup, jewelry, swimsuits, pajamas, body care, intimates, and more. hope to see you soon! happy poshing 🛍💛
Jul 06Reply

Hi! I would love if you could check out my closet. All offers welcomed! Hope you have a great day❤️
Jul 07Reply

@lgoff1101 I am having a name your price sale in my closet so feel free to send me your offer on your likes most offers will be accepted if I don’t loose money if am loosing I will counter offer thanks again for shopping my closet 🙏🙏🙏
Jul 10Reply

💐Hi, Thanks for liking and following. Happy poshing.🙏💐💝
Jul 11Reply

Hi there! I came across your closet and I want to invite you to visit my closet @amybuck3! I have a feeling you will find something you like!
Jul 11Reply

Hi! And welcome to Poshmark ☺️ Please check out my closet @khutch32 as I have a HUGE collection of clothes and home items! I offer GREAT bundle discounts! Happy shopping, Kate ☺️
Jul 27Reply

Hi 👋🏼 Welcome to Poshmark‼️🛍
Jul 30Reply

Hi there! Today is the last day I’ll be selling! I lowered all the prices so you should definitely take a look!😊
Aug 18Reply

Hi 👋 Sending Posh 🦋💜🦋💜🦋💜🦋💜your way . Feel free to checkout my Closet when you have a Minute ⏰ . Happy to answer Any questions you may have Regarding any item you interested in . And if you Not Happy with the Price ? Don’t be Shy ☺️,no offer is rejected . I will either Accept or Counter offer . So do Stop by 😊. Happy Poshing and Please Stay Safe . 🛒👗👠👔👖👙🧢👟
Aug 18Reply

Hi, I have both Western and eastern outfits, accessories, and more. Please share and check out my closet. If you have questions about any items please don’t hesitate to ask. Thank you!
Aug 30Reply

Hello! You liked an item on my page & I was curious if you’re still interested. 😊
Aug 31Reply

hi!! come check out my closet, i have some of your favorite brands at awesome prices!! offers always welcome and bundles of three items have a 15% off discount!!🌸
Sep 09Reply

Hello Lisa and a Welcome to Poshmark 🥳. Please visit my closet ❣️. If you have any questions please reach out ..... 😍
Sep 24Reply

Thank you for stopping by and for your like ❤️
Sep 25Reply

Hi Lisa. I’m a Poshmark Ambassador and would like to welcome you to my community. I’m a Complete Fashionista. I worked for years in Network Media and then Internet Media. I then adopted two daughters and started a Classical Pilates Studio. Closets and closets of fabulous clothes, most still with tags on them. So shop, bundle and save, safely from your home, and if you do go out....WEAR A MASK😃😃😃😃😷😷😷
Sep 30Reply

Hi there! Please feel free to check out my closet - I have a super cute Ralph Lauren shirt I think you would love! Let me know if you have any questions and happy poshing! 😊🌺💕
Oct 02Reply

Hello, my name is Sara I wanted to invite you to check out my closet I have many items at great prices.Dont like a price shoot me an offer I'm very flexible. Sending you Good Vibes 😊 Stay safe.
Oct 21Reply

Hi!! Welcome and happy poshing, 😃 Feel free to check out my closet for brands you love. Make me an offer on any item you like and bundle for more savings. Have a wonderful day!!
Oct 25Reply

hey lisa!! saw you liked my tommy hilfiger joggers on my page.... be sure to make an offer the price is negotiable!! thanks for the like 😊
Oct 29Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!
Oct 29Reply

Hi Lisa in my home state! Thanks so much for visiting my closet and liking the great Kate Spade bag! Feel free to send me an offer! I’d love to send it to you! It’s a little homesick! 😅🥰
Oct 30Reply

Hi gorgeous
I see you liked an item in my closet!!
Go make an offer 💘. Happy shopping
Oct 30Reply

✨Hi there 🥳
✨Wishing you speedy sales
✨and amazing deals! 🛍
✨Happy Poshing 💫
Nov 02Reply

Welcome to Poshmark. It's a great place to find that something you've been looking for. I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet, maybe you'll find something you would love to have.
Nov 22Reply

Thank you for liking my cute wallet! I have sent you an offer with reduced shipping! Hope you like it?
Nov 22Reply

@lgoff1101 Hi! Thank you for visiting my closet again liking the Spartina items as I truly appreciate it very much. Have a great evening!
Nov 22Reply

Hi I see you like several of my purses. Bundle them and make me a nice offer! 😊
Nov 22Reply

lisa beautiful picture,,Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving and you are well and in good spirits. Enjoy a 50% off allowance on your next purchase of $50 or more from my close (free shipping on $25 purchase). Expires 12/31/20. l also wholesale , purchase any items in my. closet priced $19 or less for $5 ,with a minimum purchase of $100. l have over 3.000 designer items in my inventory. Start your closet or replenish your inventory.
Nov 29Reply

Hey Lisa! Somehow I only now noticed you had liked my beautiful crossbody! I apologize. Please notice that I offer bundle discounts. Should you be interested in only this item, please feel free to send me a reasonable offer. The bag is in awesome shape and is really adorable. You will love it!! Let me know if you have any questions!❤️
Dec 11Reply

Hi Lisa. thank you for the like. Happy New Years.
Jan 08Reply

Hi Lisa! I’m doing a closet clear out sale, if you are still interested in the Ralph Lauren dress, I can drop the price down to $30 with discounted shipping. that’s $10 off! Let me know if you would like to take advantage of this offer 💕
Jan 14Reply

im trying to select your offer on the ck purse but idky it wont let me
Jan 15Reply

Hi! I have a 50% discount on EVERYTHING in my closet!! If you see anything you like give it a like and I’ll offer you 50% off! Same day shipping too! Happy shopping ! 💗
Jan 18Reply

Thanks for checking out my shop 🦋 Happy Poshing!
Jan 23Reply

Hi Lisa! Thank you so much for the like. If you are interested in any of the items don’t hesitate to make me an offer! 😁I am also having a 10% discount of 3 or more items. 😀💖
Jan 23Reply

I’m stopping by to say Hello! ✨ I invite you to check out my closet and maybe you’ll find something just right for you. 🛍 Brands I have include Vera Bradley, kate spade & Coach. 🛍 I’m a Posh Ambassador who is available for questions, support, anything you may need...I’m here!
❄️Happy Poshing ⛄️
Jan 25Reply

Resubmit your offer on the Spartina Clutch and it’s yours
Jan 26Reply

Thanks so much for liking my listings! Make a bundle for a personal offer! Have a great day, Happy Poshing!
Jan 27Reply

Hi! Hope you're doing well. Just wanted to let you know that I have tons of discounted St. John, Calvin Klein, Michael Kors, J. Crew, Banana Republic, Chico's, Ann Taylor, Neiman Marcus, and more if you want to check out my closet! If you add three items to your bundle today I will give a shipping discount. Happy poshing! :)
Feb 05Reply

Hi Lisa if you want to put those two pair of earrings in a bundle, I’ll give them both to you for 20 percent off. ❤️I would be grateful, to earn your business! Jane
Feb 12Reply

Hi, Thanks for liking Calvin Klein Black Dress from my closet. I was wondering if you'd be interested if I dropped the price by 10%. Let me know if you have any questions.
Happy shopping!
Feb 16Reply

Hii! I saw you liked my shoes! Maybe I will give you a discount if you want them. Hope to talk soon
Feb 17Reply

Hi Lisa, thanks for stopping by my closet and liking the top. Just wanted to make sure you know about the current promotion I have. Buy one top and get half off the second (equal to or lesser value). Thanks again, Sheri
Feb 20Reply

@lgoff1107 welcome 2 Poshmark 👋 im Kay... thanks 4 liking an item from my closet. i carry lots of Calvin Klein, Michael Kors, WHBM, and Banana Republic. im always flexible on the price and a super fast shipper so if ur interested... Make me an Offer anytime 😄 happy poshing!
Feb 21Reply

Thanks for checking out my closet
Feb 21Reply

Hi, Lisa! I just sent over an offer for the Tommy Hilfiger floral top. If you'd like to check out my closet and are interested in a few things to bundle we can certainly talk about a discount and free shipping. Happy poshing!
Mar 07Reply

hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet. 😊 Happy Poshing
Mar 08Reply

Thank-you for the like. If you are interested in the Ralph Lauren Sandals let me know and I will send you a private offer. Happy Shopping 🛍🌸🛍🌸🛍
Mar 10Reply

Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet sometime.
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories & Jewlery. Thanks 😊 Adding new stuff weekly!
Mar 13Reply

Thank you stopping by my closet ❤️ I am having a closet Sale 3 items for $15 plus discounted shipping Any item in my closet marked $10 or less qualifies for Sale. Simply add your likes to bundle and I will send you $15 offer or feel free to send my offer Thank you and Happy Poshing 👠👗😊
Mar 14Reply

Hi I seen you liked my listing for the guess bag feel free to make an offer
Mar 19Reply

Hi! Thanks for the follow Lisa.We are two cousins that share a closet together..Wishing you many sales and buys....Happy Poshing 😊
Mar 20Reply

Just sent you an offer on the Spartina. Would to get it sold tonight. Thanks.
Mar 21Reply

Hi! Are you interested on the shirt you liked?
Mar 21Reply

Hey! 🌼 Thank you for taking the time to look through my closet. I wanted to let you know that I am currently running a spring sale. Everything in my closet is buy one get one free. Yep, free! Please reach out to me if you have any questions. Thank you again for your time 🌼🌼
Mar 22Reply

Hii, welcome! Just to let you know i’m open to offers on the swimsuit
Mar 28Reply

Hello!How are you ?
I would like to invite you to visit my closet. May be you will find there something interesting for yourself )
Hope to hear you soon.
Have a nice day!
Apr 10Reply

@lgoff1101 Thank you for visiting my closet. Please check the skirt listing you like for an offer. Have a great evening. 😀
Apr 11Reply

Hi there Lisa I can ship these beautiful shoes out for you right away if you decide you’d like to purchase them thank you for shopping my closet Ally Rio😊🌺🌺🌺
Apr 11Reply

Hi Lisa! Are you enjoying Poshmark! This is a great community of buyers and sellers. I’m one of many 🌟Posh Ambassadors🌟 happy to help with any questions! Stop by my closet and if you bundle 2+ items I’ll shoot over a discounted offer. Plus you’ll save on shipping. 🤩👍🏼🌷🛍 Happy Poshing 🛍🌷
Apr 14Reply

Good evening. Thanks for liking the Spartina jewelry. If you are interested, please bundle and I will send you a discount. Best. Tina
Apr 18Reply

Hi welcome to poshmark! 💖🎀🛍👚👙👗👠check out my closet! I have some items I think you might like and offer discounts for bundling!! Happy poshing ⭐️😀
Apr 22Reply

Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet someHi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet sometime.
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊
* Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
May 21Reply

@lgoff1101 please see the offer on the Liz Claiborne skirt. 😀😀
Jun 01Reply

Hi Lisa, Thanks for liking the blue print blouse on my page! If you see other items you like I have a 15% discount on 3 or more pieces. Happy shopping!
Jun 02Reply

Thank you for the like! Make sure you bundle some items and I’ll make you an awesome offer! I also have a buy 5 get the sixth item free sale going on for items woth a 🔴🥰
Jun 08Reply

hi I can do $35 on the Calvin Klein Sweater if your interested. I work at a salon I'll throw in a bag of cosmetics with brand new products. let me know thanks
Jun 08Reply

welcome 2 Poshmark 👋 im Kay... thanks 4 liking an item from my closet. i carry lots of Calvin Klein, Michael Kors, WHBM, and Ralph Lauren. im always flexible on the price and a super fast shipper so if ur interested... Make me an Offer anytime 😄 happy poshing!
Jun 09Reply

Hey there, I appreciate you stopping by! There’s a huge sale going on right now, the larger the bundle the bigger the discount. Open to offers as well. Everything needs a new loving home. ☺️
Thanks again for peeking in my closet, enjoy the Posh journey!!! 😃 Cheers, Stephanie
Jun 10Reply

Stop by my closet and shop for awesome discounts and quality! See more than two items you like?! Make a bundle and I’ll send an offer. I also accept reasonable offers! ☺️ I also have a buy two items get one free. Check it out!! 🤗
Jun 20Reply

-Hello & Welcome over! HAPPY 4Th!!! Ty for visiting! Happy Poshing! I hope your having fun!! As a welcome to you,feel free to take off **25% on any 2 items, or more,30% *** :) I give gr8 bundle discounts! Always open to offers,pls be courteous of offers under 15$ For 1 item as the Posh fee's are higher unless Bundled pls. Warm wishes, PS: 🤍 All bundles come w/gifts, ***SALE*** All items 15$ & under are 6/30$, plus a free gift from my closet**** -🤍🖤Xo, Adrienne
Jul 03Reply

Hi this is KatKaw. I just wanted to let you know the Leather Aerosoles with buckle (you liked) has been significantly reduced to only $14 from $95😃
Jul 22Reply

Hi, I already left the box at the post office yesterday but they haven’t scan yet, I hope they do so today. Good day :-)
Jul 28Reply

Welcome to PoshMark! 🌸🌷🌸
Aug 15Reply

Hi Lisa this is Kelly. Thanks so much for liking my Victoria's secret shirt. I sent u an offer. please don't be afraid to counteroffer. I need my sales bc I'm moving. I want u to have the shirt. I only wore it once but it's so pretty!! u caught me on the perfect day things are finally going well for me. Identity theft finally got fixed today! I broke my leg but it's healing. I want to send u a gift with the shirt I have everything tell me what u want. 😊
Aug 28Reply

Hello! I see you like both of the wrap gap dresses, your best bet would be to bundle them as there’s an automatic 10% discount when you get two items or more from my closet!
Aug 29Reply

Hi! I sent an offer on the item you liked in my closet! The more you bundle the more shipping discounts I give!😃😊
Aug 29Reply

Hi Lisa, don’t you love Posh? So much fun exploring all the different styles and meeting lots of new friends. Please stop by and say hi sometime. Happy shopping! 😘
Sep 08Reply

hi Lisa, thank you for the like in my closet! I do give bundle discounts. this beautiful Red sweater would look lovely on you! thank you and happy poshing!
Jan 07Reply

Hi! Thank you for checking out my closet and liking my Ralph Lauren one piece bathing suit! I just sent you an offer. Happy shopping!!
Jan 16Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you have an amazing experience😊. If interested, check out my 💐🌺SpringBundle Sale🌸🌹. I have lots of affordable baby clothes, in addition to women’s clothing, handbags, and even a few men items. Also Im always open to offer🤩. Good luck poshing.🍀
Apr 01Reply

Hi 👋🏽! I want to personally invite you to check out my posh closet. I have lots of beautiful items in there. Bundle and save on shipping. I'm constantly listing new items every day/week. I would love to earn your business 🤗
Sep 18Reply

🙋♀️Hi Lisa 👋 It’s nice to meet you 👋 🛍️ I hope you find everything you love ❤️ on Poshmark 🛍️
Please stop 🛑 by my closet and follow me when you get a moment. 💫 Wishing you the best of 🍀 luck 🍀
Oct 19Reply

Hi, welcome to the Poshmark community. Check out my closet for women's clothes, shoes, bags, and accessories. I also have some boy toddler items. I hope you find something that interests you. Bundle 3 or more selected items for a private discount and reduce shipping. Don't have time to shop right now, like my listing for quick access to my closet. Follow my closet as new items will be listed each week. Let me know if you have any questions.
Happy Poshing!!! 🙂
Sep 27Reply
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