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Updated Nov 24
Updated Nov 24

Meet your Posher, Lisa

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Hi! I'm Lisa. I am a shopper not a seller. Yet. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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bonjoursummer Thanks for following! 💕
Nov 06Reply
celestreasures Hello 👋 and welcome to Poshmark a community of great people and amazing deals🔥 I have selected 🍀you for One FREE item from my closet when you purchased an item of equal or lesser value. Have a great day and Happy 😊 Poshing !! 👠
Nov 19Reply
trustno1fxm @celestreasures thank you so much!! Looking forward to shopping your closet. ☺️
Nov 19Reply
trustno1fxm @njoyposh thank you!! Can’t wait to check out your stuff 💜
Nov 19Reply
celestreasures @trustno1fxm thank you let me know if you have any questions 🌷
Nov 19Reply
kaj6206 Welcome to Poshmark! It’s lots of fun and a little addicting!!!😉
Nov 30Reply
closetglam43 Hi, Judy here, welcome to my closet. I invite you to visit again and again. New items added weekly. Have a great day.
Dec 02Reply
kaj6206 I’m so glad you like your Vera Bradley set!!!! Happy holidays!!!! I have another Vera in my closet that I’m willing to let go for a great price!!!
Dec 06Reply
kaj6206 OMG, so honored you purchased from me again!!!!😀
Dec 07Reply
trustno1fxm @kaj6206 you are awesome! Happy holidays to you!! 💜
Dec 07Reply
dolladoctajenn Thanks so much for shopping at my closet! I’m so glad you loved the shirt! I have one too. My mom got me the wrong size so that’s why I had two lol. 😺
Jan 04Reply
trustno1fxm @waffles594 hi! I don’t see it. What’s up?
Mar 07Reply
dchillas ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Welcome! Please feel free to make bundles of items or make an offer and what you’d like to pay new items listed almost every day. I am a posh ambassador and here to help you with any questions you may have... as you continue to list items to your closet I will help you sell them by sharing them with my followers❤️❤️
Mar 08Reply
chellesncheese hey!! i found some lights i had here that are like the ones you have already bought from my closet! i’m going to post them up in my closet and tag u in it :) if u want them i can make a good price for them for ya!!! 💜💜
Mar 14Reply
atwinstreasures Welcome to Poshmark
Mar 30Reply
trustno1fxm @atwinstreasures thank you! ☀️💜
Mar 31Reply
rosepetals3 Hey Lisa 🙋🏻‍♀️ I want to introduce My closet @Rosepetals3 to you! I have styles for everyone: Women, Men, and Kids. I love offers, and give major discounts on bundles+ Free Shipping🛍Check it out- I may have what you are looking for! ✨I hope to hear from you soon!🌹
Apr 28Reply
trustno1fxm @rosepetals3 thank you so much!! Can’t wait to check out your closet. I really appreciate the warm welcome 😊💜
Apr 29Reply
trustno1fxm @atwinstreasures Thank you! So sweet! 🌼
Apr 29Reply
rosepetals3 @trustno1fxm You are welcome! We will talk soon❤️🌹
Apr 29Reply
teriismail2015 Thank you for your purchase! Your treats are on their way. You will find your necklace in a trinket container. Don't throw your packaging out until you find it!
May 20Reply
trustno1fxm @teriismail2015 you got it! Thank you for getting it out so fast! Can’t wait. Loved shopping your closest! 🌼💜
May 20Reply
exploren22 Hey there! Would love for you to checkout my shop! FREE GIFT and 15% off bundles 💕
May 31Reply
ablanton92 @trustno1fxm thank you for your purchase they will go out today 🙂
Jun 25Reply
trustno1fxm @ablanton92 thank you so much!! 💜
Jun 25Reply
butonequeenbee Aww you’re welcome... when you’re ready for any other item! I will reduce 50%
Aug 07Reply
mr_gs Hey there! This is a kindly message. I spend my time to check your love notes that you given after you received the items from other Poshers, so I think some of my listings will meet your style. There will be more kinds of goods in the future. So welcome to follow me! Also please don't hesitate to send me an offer if something you like. All the best for you. :)
Sep 01Reply
melllaaa_2011 Hey! 👋 welcome to the wonderful world of Poshmark 🤗 let me know if you have any questions and feel free to check out my closet as I sell your favorite brands! 🎀 happy poshing!
Sep 16Reply
rrwright Hello! Thank you very much for your bundle purchase of lularoe leggings. I will prepare and package them up tonight and send it out tomorrow morning for you. Have a great night!
Sep 24Reply
rrwright Thank you for the high rating. It was a pleasure!
Sep 28Reply
12tbailey Thanks for liking some items in my closet if you would like to create a bundle I can ship them out today:)
Oct 14Reply
butterfly_64 Hi, I’m selling gently used & new dog clothing. 🐶Please check my closet out when you get a chance to keep our fur babies fabulous too 🤗
Oct 14Reply
trustno1fxm @butterfly_64 thank you so much! I’ll be shopping your closet for a little something for our chihuahua. 80 is just too cool for her! Lol
Oct 15Reply
trustno1fxm @12tbailey thank you! I’m still browsing your closet. Great stuff! 🌼
Oct 15Reply
poshmf Hi 👋 Feel free to check out my closet sometime. I have a wide assortment of clothes men's, women's and kid's along with other items, something for everyone.    *Trying to add new items weekly
Apr 29Reply
vmashburn Thanks for your purchase, what a great deal. Will ship ASAP
May 02Reply
trustno1fxm @vmashburn thank you so much for the offer! I can’t wait to get my new stuff. Repeat customer here! 🌼💜
May 02Reply
poshmf Hi 👋 Feel free to check out my closet sometime. I have a wide assortment of clothes men's, women's and kid's along with other items, something for everyone.    *Trying to add new items weekly
May 31Reply
greatbuy10 Hi Lisa check out your bundle I made you an offer if you have any questions please let me know have a great afternoon💕🌺
Jun 06Reply
greatbuy10 Hi Lisa thanks for the purchase of the three items I will be shipping them off to you first thing Monday morning have a wonderful evening and stay safe 💕🌺🥰
Jun 06Reply
trustno1fxm @greatbuy10 thank you so much! They’re all so cute. Perfect for living in Las Vegas. Can’t wait to get them! 🌼💜
Jun 07Reply
snatanov I wanted to stop by to say hey, hope you are having an awesome time buying/selling on posh. I'd be so happy if you would accept my invitation to check out my closet :) Happy Poshing!
Jun 08Reply
trustno1fxm @snatanov thank you! I will most definitely check out your closet. I really appreciate the invite. 🌼💜
Jun 08Reply
greatbuy10 Hi Lisa thank you so much for the five star rating have a wonderful evening and stay safe💕🤗
Jun 10Reply
bellanova14 @trustno1fxm ,Hope you are having a nice day , please come and visit  my closet and if you hit like , I will give you free gift 🎁 when you buy $50 or more & give you a discount & the more you add to your bundle the more discount I can offer you 🤗 🌺💐
Jul 11Reply
rockinriggin19 Hi. I have an order for you. thanks by the way :) I m trying to send it but I can't find your seller name in my labels. someone else printed them so I am just asking you, did you by any chance change your name??
Sep 14Reply
trustno1fxm @rockinriggin19 Hi! No, I haven’t changed anything. Let me know if you still have trouble. I will see what I can do from my end. Thanks for letting me know. 😊
Sep 14Reply
rockinriggin19 it says your name is trust no one and numbers. I am doing my best but I have to go to work, I might have to straighten this out tomorrow. I am so stressed out about this. I will fix it as soon as I get hold of the lady who prints for me. please don't cancel it yet!/
Sep 14Reply
rockinriggin19 I see it's not trust no one but I still don't have the label. I'll call my daughter
Sep 14Reply
trustno1fxm @rockinriggin19 I’m so sorry you stressed about that. It’s totally ok. Looks like you got it. Sorry I didn’t see your message until now. Thank you so much. I appreciate you! 😊
Sep 14Reply
coloradosourced I am very sorry, I am all sold out of the Broncos shirt in your size! I thought I had one of that size left but I only have mediums left
Sep 28Reply
trustno1fxm @coloradosourced that’s ok! No worries. Can we just cancel my order?
Sep 29Reply
coloradosourced @trustno1fxm yes i already canceled the order, the order should be refunded from Poshmark
Sep 29Reply
trustno1fxm @coloradosourced thank you. I will be shipping your closet again soon!
Sep 30Reply
poshmf Hi 👋 Feel free to check out my closet sometime. I have an assortment of clothes, jewlery, and other items. Something for everyone!   I try to post new items weekly 😊 Stop by often and Happy poshing
Nov 30Reply
tspille11 Hello! If you are looking to do a little shopping I invite you to check out my closet. I am a nursing student trying to sell to help pay for school. I just moved so I need to sell everything. I am very willing to negotiate any price. My closet is currently buy one get one free! Thank you!
Jan 14Reply
krs0716 Thank you for the ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ rating! I’m so glad you love your sandals. Stop by my closet often as I’m always adding new items. 😊
Jan 18Reply
poshmf Hi 👋 welcome to poshmark feel free to check out my closet sometime 😊   I have an assortment of items and clothes from mens, women's, kids, books, and jewelry   Bundle a few items to save even more! thanks and happy poshing.
Feb 01Reply
nyfashionstore Hi! Can you check out my closet if you have any time! I am accepting all offers!
Jun 16Reply
vintagebitchaz Happy Thursday! Thanks for the LIKE! ❤️ I am Inviting you to take 50% off any 1 ITEM in my closet. Any 1 item $30 or more will be 50% off. If you can't decide on 1, you do Have the option of Paying full price for any item and getting another of equal or lesser price for FREE. + a FREE GIFT! 🎁
Jul 07Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Aug 09Reply
retirementready Good morning. Your bundle is on its way today, but use caution when opening. I used a large priority mail size box, but it's very full. The sweater is on top, and I don't want you to cut the item upon opening. I would try opening tape on side of box and either pull the tape to open, or pull apart with your hands. I also forgot to add a thank you note, so thank you. Your order is appreciated.
Sep 23Reply
ldmtreasures Hey Welcome I’m Linda Let Your Style Be Uniquely Yours💋 Buy Made in America “One” Of A Kind Jewelry
Oct 18Reply
believer13 @trustno1fxm welcome to poshmark I would love to invite you to check out my listings when you have time! I list daily & offer a unique array of items fair offers welcomed blessings 🦋🌸
Nov 30Reply
retirementready As a previous buyer, I would like to invite you to my first live show on 1/21 at 4pm mountain time. Come cheer me on.
Jan 12Reply
calilove81 You have the most gorgeous smile!
Jan 13Reply
trustno1fxm @calilove81 thank you so much! You just made my weekend. 😊💜
Jan 13Reply
trustno1fxm @retirementready I’ll be there! It’s going to go great!
Jan 13Reply
calilove81 @trustno1fxm well I’m glad! You are stunning, you deserve to be complimented
Jan 13Reply
spreadlove Hi! I’m Melissa, just stopping in to say hello and invite you to my closet if you're in the mood to shop! 🌻🌻
Apr 27Reply
clothingnmore_ Hi Lisa!! 🌞 l'm Laura, hope you're doing great today. I would love to invite you to check my closet. If you like something, simply click the "❤" or make an Offer! always open to them. Bundles of 3 items or more receive 30% off! ☺ Thank you in Advance. God bless and Happy Poshing ⚘
Sep 28Reply
leparadiamond Hi ! I’m a small business owner I sell jewelry a lot of it is also handmade , different materials, colors & styles . I’m open to accepting offers & bundles . All orders ships either same day or within 3 days with a free gift included, thank you for your time and happy poshing:)
Jun 29Reply

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Last Active: 9 hours ago

Las Vegas, NV
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Last Active: 9 hours ago

Las Vegas, NV
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