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Updated Aug 20
Updated Aug 20

Meet your Posher, Lisa

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Lisa. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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avonjeskajane Lisa! Hi!!! Thank you so kindly for your patience. The update is... I'm not seeing its tracking yet but absolutely, positively it arrived at the local post office. Shortly after purchase, I got into a fender bender when someone ran their stop. For some reason, they towed the truck to a further away auto-shop than usual.
May 21Reply
avonjeskajane I was really going bonkers looking for that Mickey warmer when I realized it was in the cab of the truck with me at the time and so I had to travel to get it from the vehicle... Of course, I inspected it and it is perfect. I'm excited for u to receive these. I know u must be a fan and they are exceptional, in my humble opinion! :D take care, Lisa. Thank u kindly!
May 21Reply
passion4fazhion Hi. Thank you for purchasing from my closet. Please feel free to stop by again as I have more beautiful shorts you would love! Stay safe and happy poshing!!
Jun 05Reply
dottiesday22 Hello dear thank you for your purchase. I just wanted to let you know that I will be shipping your item out tomorrow if that is okay with you? Take care and stay safe 🙏😊💜💕🛍
Jun 09Reply
sc_mitchem Hi there! Thank you for your purchase! I shipped your Disney measuring spoons out today, so you should have them in just a few days!
Jun 29Reply
helloyellow10 Hi If you’re still interested in the Mickey mat I’ll accept your counter! Thanks
Aug 25Reply
marchball0613 @helloyellow10 I definitely am. however, I do not get paid again till next week. I had cat repairs this week. lmk if I can buy it tuesday
Aug 27Reply
paty368 Hello Lisa, feel free to bundle your likes if you are interested! And send me your offer
Oct 02Reply
auntsherii Hi Lisa! Thank you so much for stopping by my closet and sharing a like on the Disney fall oven mitts - I truly appreciate it 💕 Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help get this item home to you. Have a fantastic weekend. Sheri 💕
Oct 02Reply
zee000 @marchball0613 hi let me know if you except $10 I will send it to you ASAP ? Thank you
Oct 17Reply
lizard1412 @marchball0613 hi 👋 if you bundle the Mickey doormats i can send you a better offer and you save on shipping
Oct 23Reply
marchball0613 @lizard1412 lolol. I noticed that both were from the same seller after you counteroffered. lolol. How do I bundle this? do I decline your counteroffer and re do the offer? help pls. 😂
Oct 23Reply
lizard1412 @marchball0613 hi yes decline. Then they’re an option to bundle. You might have to go thru my closet. I have other patterns as well. They’re so cute ! Bundle and I’ll send an offer
Oct 23Reply
marchball0613 @lizard1412 I did a bundle and just did an offer so you send me an offer. I didn't decline the first two and found another rug. I'm learning on this poshmark
Oct 23Reply
lizard1412 @marchball0613 Perfect! That’s exactly how to do it. Because when you bundle you only pay one shipping price and seller is always more inclined to give you a better price. I excepted your offer and I’ll have them shipped out tomorrow for you. They’re adorable. Follow me because I’m always listing Disney stuff. I usually can get these in a Christmas pattern as well
Oct 23Reply
marchball0613 @lizard1412 my whole house is Disney so definitely send me the Christmas info
Oct 23Reply
marchball0613 @lizard1412 thank you so much for all your help
Oct 23Reply
lizard1412 @marchball0613 I am so sorry. As I’m looking to pack them up I’m realizing that I don’t have the first one anymore. The one with the leaves around his face. I have a plied one and I have the one that says happy harvest. I just listed a couple of different ones. If you want to look through again and tell me which one you want I will send that one instead. Otherwise I’ll cancel the first sale and just send the other two and make it a lower price for you
Oct 23Reply
svetlananw marchball0613 Hello, thank you for your Disney Mickey Mouse Easter Bummy offer. I want to be sure if you checked the pic for the little tear.
Mar 25Reply
christina_bonk Hello good afternoon ! :) I want to thank you very much for your purchase with me.I wanted to inform you that I will have the Disney glasses shipped carefully by 2pm, tomorrow, West Coast time.You will receive an updated email with tracking information once your order is scanned in by USPS. I will be sure the order is wrapped & secure within packaging. Thank you so much for shopping with me :)
Apr 13Reply
stacypayne @marchball0613 hey Lisa, I saw you sent an offer for the Mickey Mouse Halloween shower curtain. It won’t let me see the offer. If you’re still interested, would you try and send it again. Thanks so much.
Aug 30Reply
pnw_madre Thank you so much! I’ll package this and have it in the mail later today. 🙂
Sep 20Reply
papajohn1234 Hi Lisa did you forget about your ornament like please do browse out store bundle &. Shop the holidays easily plus quickly
Dec 02Reply
mazyodc Hi, I’m Marianne, a Poshmark Ambassador. I’d like to invite you to visit my closet where I have many vintage and unique items including china, clothing, seasonal decor, plush toys, books, CDs, jewelry and religious items. You’ll receive a 20% (or more) discount when you purchase a bundle of 2 or more items (up to 5 lbs per bundle). Hope you’ll take a peek at my closet and make an offer on an item that catches your eye🥰
Feb 13Reply

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