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Updated Apr 23
Updated Apr 23

Meet your Posher, Liz

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Hi! Thanks for stopping by! I don't use fur/ leather- not even faux because faux can come from dog & cat fur from China. If you would please choose not to support cruel companies, the animals would suffer less. Please make a compassionate choice today.
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lizzxxx Thank you!
Dec 18Reply
jzel39 Check out M for big Buddah bag! Thanks & have a great day! Closet "DarbyandRiley"
Dec 26Reply
lizzxxx @jzel39 i couldn't find it. Whats the price?
Dec 26Reply
jzel39 @lizzxxx it's listed at &20. Would u like me to lower on Poshmark and then u can get discounted shipping?
Dec 26Reply
lizzxxx @jzel39 The discounted shipping is only for today? Can you take a pic of you wearing it to see how it fits please? I'm very thin & I don't like when a bag looks huge on me.
Dec 26Reply
jzel39 @lizzxxx I would be happy to include another pic for u. Unfortunately I will not be able to get the pic loaded until tomorrow evening. I will tag u once the pic is loaded. Have a great night!
Dec 26Reply
stocknstuffers Rabbit and dog are food sources in China. Everything from the animal is used and never wasted. Americans could definitely learn a thing or two about how not to be wasteful. Did you know that China buys nearly 99% of our "recyclables" we don't even recycle and reuse any of it. China buys it to reuse and create more junk for Americans to buy.
Dec 27Reply
lizzxxx @stocknstuffers Thats not the point. It may seem a good deed that China is recycling but the way the treat the animals in factories is beyond cruel & unforgiving. Video recordings show these cruel acts & there's no mercy for animals there. Their animal laws are not strict & strong. The point is to be compassionate, to show mercy for those that die horribly in front of other animals' eye. I don't care if they recycle or not. But the way some treat their animals its just beyond cruel.
Dec 27Reply
stocknstuffers The way the U.S. Treats livestock and they way they are pumped with carcinogens to "grow faster" is beyond appalling. China buys meat from the U.S. China doesn't have the space to have farms, which is why rabbits and over populated wild dogs are butchered for meat.
Dec 27Reply
stocknstuffers Our country is extremely wasteful and the quality of everything is extremely poor. China wastes nothing. My husband is Chinese and I travel to China constantly. They save and use everything. They've got to be the most resourceful people ever. It is imperative to have travelled to China in order to pass judgements. I highly recommend world traveling. The U.S. Is a dump compared to other countries. It's sad that we've "let ourselves go"
Dec 27Reply
stocknstuffers The videos you are watching are from the U.S. China has no "meat factories". They import meat from the U.S. If any animals are ever sold at market, they literarily have their heads chopped off. There are no cows in China. No one has farmland. Mostly birds and pigs who are very "lucky" to the Chinese and treated with the utmost respect.
Dec 27Reply
lizzxxx @stocknstuffers Im not attacking China alone. Animal abuse is everywhere. Im not only fighting for dogs& cats slaughtered for meat but I defend all animals everywhere from rats in labs to whales. I decided to put that faux can mean real fur/leather cuz im trying to bring awareness. The hidden videos are from activists who risk getting jailed to secretly go there or sometimes local people protest & witness the horrifying butchering acts
Dec 28Reply
lizzxxx @stocknstuffers Millions of innocent dogs& cats do get boiled alive & much much more in front of other fellow animals. US laws are obviously different so they can label anything as faux since to cruel industries, animals are just "objects". Im talking about animal welfare here- not whos more clean whos more resourceful. Animal lives matter too- yes they feel pain why can't everyone get that?
Dec 28Reply
lizzxxx @stocknstuffers Please, until you have been in a Dog meat "restaurant" then tell me they treat them nicely. Mostly Korea does this though- I read from Every animal gets abused in this planet- no animal is safe here. We can't save each & every single one but we try.
Dec 28Reply
stocknstuffers It's unfortunate that you have not travelled outside the US and you believe that the things you are saying are true.
Dec 28Reply
lizzxxx Thats why cameras were invented. I dont have to travel. We get these facts from reliable animal rights organizations. Don't tell me this 'til you review whats in Have you been in poor towns in Asia? Have you been to these "restaurants"? If not, kindly stop saying false assumptions.
Dec 28Reply
soufullight 💚🌱🌏Hi I'm a vegan animal lover! ✊🏻
May 11Reply
lizzxxx @soufullight Hey! 😸 Very good to hear that as its time we care for the planet & it's beautiful creatures too.
May 11Reply
raraluiz Hi! I have an adorable navy top with a bow on the back you might be interested in. Check out my closet for other great styles too!
Dec 20Reply
spreadlove HI, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have great day! @spreadlove
Jul 19Reply
lizzxxx @tutuwig Thank you!!!
May 23Reply

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