Meet your Posher, Lois
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Hi! I'm Lois. Some of my favorite brands are Free People, Anthro and Style & Co. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

18 others
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Welcome to Poshmark 🌺
Jul 27Reply

🌸Thank you Lois for purchasing our colorful summer dress!! I will wrap it up and ship it right away!! Thank you, we are grateful!!! Janey 💕🎵
Aug 13Reply

Thank you for shopping with me ❤️❤️ I will ship it out Monday
Aug 19Reply

Hi Lois! 🥀🥀🥀Thank you for buying the halter maxi dress!! I will be in California this week and the Large size dress was there, so... It was shipped out from C.A. right away today!! I hope you love it!! I do! It's so colorful and comfy and great for a pool party, the beach, a lake, or just for any where I think!! Seeing your cute picture, I'm sure it will be really darling on you!! Please enjoy! Thanks again, Janey @pillerscorner 💕
Aug 29Reply

Just stopping by to say "Hello"! 💗 I hope you are enjoying Poshmark! 👛 Please fell free to visit my closet! I offer a bundle discount! 💕 If I can answer any questions about buying or selling, let me know! 🎀 Have a happy day! Kelly 💗💕
Sep 05Reply

Hi. I just checked the status on the shoes you bought and it says the package has been "refused" a week ago but they're not on their way back or anything. Would you mind checking with your local post office about this?
Sep 06Reply

@erdelizabeth hi yes I will check with h the post office but was sick over this past weekend and admitted to the hospital last night. When I get out of here I will check, I never refuse anything ! So not sure what is going on. Please send me a picture of the shoes as I ordered 3 different on s from three different people 👍🏼
Sep 06Reply

Hi again I just looked through your closet and think I found the shoes. Are these the ones pictured below? I received them well over a week ago and thought I agreed for payment to go through to you.
Sep 06Reply

@ljsahina yes. Thank you for accepting. Wishing you a speedy recovery and good health!!❤
Sep 06Reply

Hi Lois, it's Nancy from ArmCharms Boutique. I'm just checking to make sure you received your April Spirit tunic/mini that you ordered for me September 4. I'm showing that it's still pending acceptance. I hope all is well and that you're pleased with your purchase. Please advise to let me know that it has indeed been received by you. Thanks so much! All the best, Nancy.
Sep 09Reply

OMG 😲. I hope you're OK And that everything is well. I'm glad you're happy with everything. Thank you so very much for your purchase. Please get well. You'll be in my prayers! All the best, Nancy.
Sep 09Reply

@armcharms Thank you recovering from pneumonia.
Sep 10Reply

You are so sweet but unfortunately I can't let this necklace go for less than my last counter offer I'm only trying to make my money back on it and that's it plus these posh fees eat me up alive.. it's only a three dollar difference and I really hate to pass up a sale but that right there is pretty much the only thing that will cover the fees
Sep 10Reply

@owlsareamazing no problem I understand I will purchase for your last counter offer of 35.00
Sep 10Reply

@owlsareamazing if you punter offer again at 35.00 I will purchase at that amount
Sep 10Reply

@ljsahina okay sweetie
Sep 10Reply

@ljsahina I will have this sent out as soon as possible unfortunately my printer is broken and I have to print my labels out at work and I have Monday off but for the inconvenience I will include some extras for you
Sep 10Reply

@owlsareamazing Thank you ! totally understand! It's a beautiful piece! Plus you had me me with the 🦉 🦉 owls! Hoot Hoot !!! I love them tooo!
Sep 10Reply

@ljsahina I will you will definitely get one of those in your package that's what I specialize in LOL
Sep 10Reply

@owlsareamazing awww you are so sweet thank you !!! Your definitely on my follow list! I have a spectacular pic of a white, blue eyed owl I will send you if you like.
Sep 10Reply

@ljsahina oh my god that owl is gorgeous
Sep 10Reply

@owlsareamazing one of my favorites!
Sep 10Reply

@ljsahina those eyes !! I want one so bad but a little one I can pet!!
Sep 10Reply

@owlsareamazing I know and against that snowy white fur is just amazing
Sep 10Reply

@ljsahina hey hon I just want to let you know that your box is packed with a special I will something in there just put it somewhere for protection! I hope you love
Sep 11Reply

@owlsareamazing oh thank you so much on the update ! I can't wait to get my beautiful new necklace and I need all the protection I can get do many many thanks!!! I will be getting out my owl collection shortly and make sure to post and share my amazing 🦉 owls! Lived them since I was little!
Sep 12Reply

@ljsahina awww that's cute!! Be sure to post pics
Sep 12Reply

Sorry for commenting here but I did not know where else to make a comment at. You purchased a pair of boys polo shoes from me a couple days ago and I have not been able to get them out. I apologize but my post office is closed on the weekend and because of Hurricane Irma they were closed today. They are supposed to open tomorrow as long as there's no damage done throughout the night If they're closed tomorrow I will drive to the next town over to drop them off there. Thanks again
Sep 12Reply

@dolffan I didn't purchase any boys shoes? Don't know what you ate referring too???
Sep 12Reply

@ljsahina I'm sorry I meant to say the Cold Water Creek jacket. I apologize I just had five things bought this weekend and was sending everybody the message to let them know I'd be shipping it out today and sorry for the delays on the delivering because of hurricane Irma and my post office being closed.
Sep 12Reply

@ljsahina sorry this istwo posts but I can't write any more than 500 characters LOL anyways my post office did have some water damage last night so they are closed today but I will be going over to the next town over to drop off your package. Thanks again for purchasing for my closet
Sep 12Reply

@dolffan no problem
Sep 12Reply

Your package is out just waiting for shipping to update
Sep 12Reply

So here is what I propose. I am listing about 30 other jackets or cute items that are large and extra-large for you to look at two maybe sending its place and no matter what the brand is I will send it for the same price as the other jacket because it is my fault. I am just listing pictures with no prices or no descriptions of any items for you to look at first before I post them regularly. Maybe you'll find one you like better I don't know.
Sep 13Reply

I am really embarrassed and truly am extremely sorry but it's like it just grew legs and walked off. Even if you find a jacket that can replace the other one I will still send the original jacket by my coughs to you and I will promise you that wherever it might be. I know it did not sell because I know I pulled it but I have a feeling that somebody has misplaced it in the back and my back is 5000 square foot
Sep 13Reply

If you have to cancel then obviously that's your choice but I'm asking you not to cancel because it's such a little amount and it will really hurt my status as a posture and I just got up to beautique status a few weeks ago. Again I'm really sorry and let me know if any of these items on putting up now if you like them or if you're looking for anything in particular I got in just today 900 pieces of clothing and if I could show you a picture without putting it up on the side I would
Sep 13Reply

@dolffan Hi Lori, Not a problem, I totally understand and appreciate your honesty. I will take a look and find something, it is silly to cancel. I will
Let you know when I see something.
Sep 13Reply

Thank you I really appreciate your understanding and was dreading writing the text because I was so embarrassed but if you don't like anything that I just listed be honest and just say nothing yet and I will continue to post items if you have a particular style that you'd like you're looking for let me know that also thanks again humbly appreciative
Sep 13Reply

@dolffan life is to short , not to worry something will come up. I haven't had a chance to look 👀 but I will after I get settled, just got home from work! Talk soon
Sep 14Reply

@ljsahina hi its me again lol im going to send u sometging I think you might like. Im going to drop it off this morning right before ten so I dont get into trouble with poshmark for delay of shipment If you see something before that let me know and I will add it as well. I figured you have a credit with me for whenever and that way you don't have to rush to try to pick something.
Sep 14Reply

@ljsahina That way you have time to decide on something that you'll really like and then I'll ship it and pay for the postage. I'm always adding stuff so it shouldn't be a problem with you finding something I wouldn't think. Especially with the holidays coming up I get gift sets and new packaged items all the time or you might need a nice party dress. that sound like a plan to you?
Sep 14Reply

@dolffan ok whatever is good for you I'm fine with this😁
Sep 14Reply

@ljsahina your package is on the way happy opening lol
Sep 14Reply

Hey sweetheart looks like your necklace came today as well as your extras I hope you enjoyed everything but you forgot to write me so I could get paid would you mind doing that real quick because I need to make a purchase
Sep 15Reply

@ljsahina so very glad you loved your necklace and your extras please do come back and shop in my closet again and I will give you an additional discount
Sep 15Reply

@owlsareamazing I just got home from on work & opened by box!!!! Love the necklace & all the extras were wonderful! I love you the owl! It's going on my dresser!!! Love the make up and necklace also ! Your awesome and have just submitted my payment and A+++++ comment! Your awesome!!! and your box by far is the best posh purchase so far!!! Thank you!!!! Thank you so much! Will enjoy my new necklace to a wedding tomorrow night! Will also enjoy using the extras and watching my owl look over me!!!
Sep 15Reply

@owlsareamazing Absolutely!!! Will be back!!! Thank you again!!!
Sep 15Reply

@ljsahina awww that was just the sweetest!! I try to make every package special I'm so glad u enjoyed yours!! U will get a ton of compliments on that necklaces!! Keep in touch sweetie!!
Sep 15Reply

@ljsahina hey woman Everything ok? Been trying to get a hold of you since yesterday morning
Sep 22Reply

@dolffan no I am fine have been in meetings the past two days!
Sep 22Reply

Hello, just stoping by to say hello! I know there are lovely closets on posh but I'd be grateful if you'd check out mine! Either way have a nice day!
Oct 06Reply

Hey honey it's P number one. Was an email me a phone number that I can send you text messages and pictures to the email I have for you keep coming back rejected.
Oct 17Reply

I didn't get a chance to get the package in today because I'm still at work and the post office closes at 4 but I will get it in the mail first thing in the morning on the way to work. Do you like the necklace that I put with it or not.
Oct 17Reply

Its kind of ironic that you pick this dress because when I was just in the mannequin I thought of you and Dad of all the outfits that someone you picked to funny. Okay I'll be washing for your number on my inbox
Oct 17Reply

@dolffan Hey P1 its P2! Yes I love it! Will look great with black boots for work! love the necklace with it, you do a great job accessorizing! I have 2 daughters and every time I get a box they have been swiping the stuff away from me before I get a chance to even try things on! They won't like this dress though it's to plain for them! My phone # is 609-440-4493 and my email is! Hope all is well on your end ! I just got back from VK in Key West! It's a blast down there!
Oct 17Reply

hii! hope youre enjoying PM. Feel free to ask any questions take care :)
Oct 23Reply

Hi. Thank u for the like. I'm accepting reasonable offers on everything in my closet
Jan 01Reply

Welcome to Poshmark and hope you enjoy it! 🌴☀️👣
Jan 02Reply

Hi Darling! Congrats on the beautiful anthro tops! These will be going to their new home tomorrow! Thanks for shopping my closet😍 Happy New Year!!🎈🎆🎊
Jan 02Reply

Welcome to poshmark.
Jan 28Reply

Hi Lois, just stopping by to show some posh love. It's such a wonderful community❤️ feel free to check out my closet when you have a minute k. Happy poshing😘🎈💋💃🌸
Feb 02Reply

Feb 23Reply

Hi Lois!! It’s Charlotte Lee from Berlin. I live in Florida now - on the Gulf coast near Clearwater. You look great. I’ve thought of you often through the years. Hope all is well.
Mar 21Reply

Happy poshing 💖💛💝 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💜💚 Let me know if you have any questions 💝❤️
Apr 28Reply

Hey. It would mean the world to me if you checked out my closet. If you don’t like the price just make an offer. All orders come with good extras and a handwritten thank you card. There’s also fast shipping included!!!!
Aug 26Reply

Hey stranger! How is my pee number two? Haven't heard from you in a while so hopefully everything is good with you. Just wondering if you're cheating with somebody and somebody else's closet? LOL I've got some beautiful things for the upcoming spring and summer and as always still averaged over 5,000 items a week. Let me know what you and your daughter are looking for this season and as always I will do a special print for you hope life is treating you well
Pea #1
Mar 28Reply

I wanted to stop by to say hey, hope you are having an awesome time buying/selling on posh. I'd be so happy if you would accept my invitation to check out my closet :) Happy Poshing!
Oct 28Reply

Mar 07Reply

hi pea 2. Just checking on you to see if you are post cov19 or precov19. lol. But seriously, I know your state got hit pretty hard and was thinking about you and your daughters. Hope all is well.
Pea 1
Apr 17Reply

Hi, I hope you’re well! My name is Mimi. If you have a moment, come visit my closet. I have a HUGE variety of items to choose from. There is something in my closet for everyone! I am doing a massive declutter so I am adding items daily. OFFERS WELCOMED ON ALL ITEMS ! So be sure to check periodically. Thank you 🤗
Feb 11Reply

Tracey, Thank you so very much for your kind words when writing a review for the blue fish tie front cardigan. I am thrilled that you are happy with it. I will keep my eye out for other blue fish. If I find any I will post them. I love blue fish too!
Mar 22Reply

Good morning Lois. Thank you so much for sharing. My turn now to share. May you have a wonderful week. Blessings going your way.
Mar 22Reply

@adiel1949 Thank you so very much fir all the shares. I really appreciate your support.!
Mar 23Reply

@ljsahina no problem. I love to share to help people make sales.
Mar 23Reply

@adiel1949 I just started this so I’m still learning and share all the time too.
Mar 23Reply

@ljsahina If there’s anything we can help you with, just let us know. We are a big family, and gladly help each other.
Mar 24Reply

@adiel1949 thank you sooo much!
Mar 24Reply

Aloha and Happy Tuesday ! I just wanted to stop by and let you know that I’m running a promotion on my closet which is, “Buy One Get One FREE on all items marked with a 🌺.” Like all items or bundle all items and I’ll send you an Offer your way! If you have any time, please check out my closet whenever you have the chance! Mahalo and take care! 👋 Armie
Mar 24Reply

@armie2011 Hi! Thank you so much for reaching out! So sweet of you . I will take a look! I am new to selling on here so finding my way around!
Mar 25Reply

@mylovejewelry Hello! Thank you for looking in my closet! Thank also for the compliment! I went into your closet and followed you! I see you like owls too! Hoot Hoot your jewelry is great !
Apr 08Reply

3 items for $25 --> Make a Bundle!
Apr 18Reply

Hello!! I went through your closet and shared some beauitful pieces. Would you be able to check out and share some of my items? Take care, and thank you! ❤❤❤
Apr 23Reply

@ohsweetmel1 sure NP just did!!!
Apr 23Reply

Hi Lois! 👋😁
Thanks for browsing my closet and purchasing the pottery pitcher. Just wanted to let you know that I shipped it at noon; it should begin tracking shortly. When received, please confirm by accepting delivery through the Posh app to conclude transaction. Also, although optional, a rating will be greatly appreciated.
Jun 21Reply

@roomformore sure no problem, look forward to my new piece of potter
Jun 21Reply

Hi dear Lois. Thanks for checking my closet and liking the ring. 🙏🏻Please feel free to make an offer or create a bundle to get a reasonable and cheaper price. 🤗🤗🤗
Jun 22Reply

Thankyou for your purchase!Will ship out today.😊
Jun 25Reply

Heeey, I am happy to say, I am having a HOLIDAY SALE on my page, come check it out, won’t be doing these sells for long, get things low while you can!!!I have great Christmas presentsss😃😃!!YAAAAY! 🎁🎁,Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!!!!🤩🤩🤩!!!
Dec 09Reply

Happy 2022. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 2700 items. Bundle and save!
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊
* Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Jan 03Reply

@rsoopasta1 Hi, I just pressed to follow @falco2 so it must not have been her/him. Thank you for stopping by again to peek in my closet. So glad you like my closet assortment. Also, I sent you an offer for the mustard top and jewelry. Lois
Feb 21Reply

Hi Gorgeous, how are you? You got a lovely pic :)
Here I would like to say Hi, invite and welcome you to stop by at my store to check out if you could find anything you Like.
My closet is selling 600+ beautiful Accessories and doing BUNDLE discount and “Buy 4 get 1 FREE”
Wish you have a wonderful day :)
Feb 23Reply

@ljsahina hello check out my closet I have so nice items in my closet that you may like send me a offer an I will help you out
Jun 10Reply

@ljsahina 🚨 Hello, My CLOSET IS CLOSING 11/3/22. I’ve been marking my items down over the last few weeks. I don’t have a lot of time so if you really want an item Buy Now, Make an Offer or start communication asap. I’m having a Buy 1 Get 1 on everything under $100! And we can add $10 to any purchase to turn it into a Mystery Box! Please browse my closet when you can! Have a great day! ☺️✈️🎁💰
Oct 29Reply

@ljsahina Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jan 22Reply

I just realized the boots I received are not the same boots I purchased. I thought something was strange about them. The tag was different. I just compared the pictures in the listing and they aren’t the same. Wondering if this was a simple mistake or otherwise??
Jan 28Reply

@traci0417 OMG Traci I just checked the other pair that I still have in my inventory and the ones I have are a size 8 Sporto. Are the ons your received a size 7? If so this was truly a mistake. Please send me your full name and address again and I will get these in the mail to you. Keep the other ones and sell them. I am so so sorry. Lois
Jan 28Reply

@ljsahina yes the ones I received are size 7. I hadn’t realized until recently when I unpacked them to wear in the bad weather. I appreciate you making it right. These seem more like men’s boots. They are a larger fit.
Jan 28Reply

@ljsahina can you please let me know where to send my information privately. Thanks
Jan 28Reply

@traci0417 let me go back and check my folder and try and find your original purchase label where your address is. I will look first thing tomorrow and get back yo you if I need it.
Jan 28Reply

@ljsahina yes I tried to message you on there but communication is blocked. Thanks
Jan 28Reply

@traci0417 I wouldn’t have slept if I didn’t go down into my office and look for a copy of your original. I found it and will get it out tomorrow. Just double checking last Name begins with C and state TN correct?
Jan 28Reply

@ljsahina aww…it could’ve waited. Thank you 😊 and yes that is correct.
Jan 28Reply

@traci0417 great! Please let me know when you get them. I only had two pair and they were right beside each other and must have picked up the wrong ones do these have to be the ones. Again I am so sorry! I would have never known if you hadn’t caught that and let me know. Lois
Jan 28Reply

Hi Traci, just checking, did you receive the boots yet?
Feb 03Reply

@traci0417 Hi Traci, just checking in to see if you received the boots yet? Lois
Feb 03Reply

I received the boots. Thank you for making everything right. ☺️
Feb 03Reply

@traci0417 no problem at all just glad you have the right ones now! Thank you for bring that to my attention and being so patient. Enjoy!!! Lois
Feb 03Reply

Hey Lois, I added another to my bundle, so gonna decline the one you sent.
Mar 17Reply

@fabulousfinds95 Absolutely no problem. I keep my eye out for your feedback follow up bundle. Thank you so much for shopping in my closet!!! 😁😁 Lois
Mar 18Reply

Thank you to all my loyal customers over the years. I will no longer selling on Posh Thank you for your support.
Oct 26Reply
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