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Updated Jul 27
Updated Jul 27

Meet your Posher, Loretta

Meet the Posher

US$0 US$99,999


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Hi! I'm Loretta. Some of my favorite brands are PINK Victoria's Secret, Coach, and Louis Vuitton. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 20% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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umarilandy01 🤩Happy poshing🤩. I would love it if you visit my closet. Thanks!!!.
Mar 28Reply
momsyellowrose @umarilandy01 thank you. I am new to this. Selling my moms clothes. She passed away. Any tips let me know.
Mar 29Reply
umarilandy01 @drlavenderangel The best tip that I know is share your thing and other peoples thing. It brings traffic to your closet which will result in sales.
Mar 29Reply
avantiboutique Welcome to Poshmark! I am Mary a Poshmark Ambassador & 5 Star Top Seller. If you should have any questions feel free to contact me as I will be more than happy to help you. I also invite you to check out my closet. I offer discounts for bundling along with discounted shipping. I have Michael Kors, Van Heusen, Stafford, Vince Camuto, Tahari, Joseph Ribkoff, Vera Bradley, Lucky Brand & more! Happy Poshing Dear!!
Apr 13Reply
qkagirl0367 @drlavenderangel looking at your page it shows 0 shares. You have to share your closet at least 3 times a day. You need to follow other Poshers and share their closet 5-10 items and most will return the shares. Never, never, never give anyone your email or cell number.
Apr 14Reply
momsyellowrose @qkagirl0367 nope haven’t done that. I share my pieces but not the closet. Yes how do you do this?
Apr 14Reply
qkagirl0367 @drlavenderangel have you read the Guide to Poshmark? It has lots of answers.
Apr 14Reply
qkagirl0367 @drlavenderangel no I meant the individual pieces. Do it at least 3 times a day especially during parties Poshmark has the most people on the site at that time. If I’m being hypercritical- your pictures are a little dark. Do you have a white wall or door you could use as the backdrop? Also follow more people. If you have an hour with nothing to do just follow ambassadors. If the have 10k followers or more follow their followers. Do you know how to do that?
Apr 14Reply
momsyellowrose @avantiboutique just checking to see how to share my closet. Do I have to share piece by piece or can I share the whole thing at once? I asked another ambassador but the were looking to get rid of me quickly. Told me to read.
Apr 14Reply
momsyellowrose @qkagirl0367 I used a white sheet in later pictures, white backdrop or sheet over the door.
Apr 14Reply
avantiboutique @drlavenderangel Hi dear..unfortunately you have to share each one individually. its a pain in the you know what. There is an icon for it under your listing. The one all the way to the right. The two arrows. But you can share in the order you want your closet set up. If you look at my closet all my solds are at the bottom.
Apr 14Reply
margaret_herz @drlavenderangel A great and fast way is to go to my Closet and just tap the Followers. not can tap a long time but following people who are following me...check my Followers see how many I have! Get them everyday, will take awhile lol. or just share when you have time, I find it relaxing.
Apr 27Reply
momsyellowrose @margaret_herz you are right it is relaxing!
Apr 27Reply
momsyellowrose @patrickjpainter Hi Thanks. I have no clue. I have a whole bunch of them. He never wore ties. Most of them are from the 70’s. I can look to see. Can I take some pictures and send to you so you can let me know. I don’t see Dad with expensive ties, but sure some were given as gifts.
Apr 29Reply
momsyellowrose @patrickjpainter there are a couple of pj painters on there. Where are you from? One from Cincinnati
Apr 29Reply
elgonzales181 thank.younfor your shares. I had shared back
May 02Reply
momsyellowrose @elgonzales181 you are very welcome. I will always share lol😃😇
May 02Reply
fashionolympus hi there! I am currently having a sale 💖 3 for 10 🤍2 for 10 💛2 for 15 💜3 for 15 🧡2 for 20 💚2 for 30 💙2 for 35 🖤2for 50 - Women(makeup,bag, clothes), Men, Kids, Home, and more! Let me know if you have any questions 😊 I ship as soon as 1-3 business days -like the items and I'll send you an offer 💛 - If your just interested in one item please send me a reasonable offer 💜💜 -Also selling affordable supplies to make masks 😷🌼🌼🌼🌹
May 06Reply
momsyellowrose @fashionolympus I will check it out thank you. ❤️💕😘
May 06Reply
prairielark Thank you for all your recent shares! 🌼🌻 Best wishes! 🌼🌻
May 07Reply
momsyellowrose @prairielark I will be sharing more. Your welcome🌈❗️
May 07Reply
liledeglace Welcome to Poshmark, Dr. Loretta! I love the items that you are personally knitting. Where do you find the time to take all these customizable requests on poshmark?
May 08Reply
momsyellowrose @liledeglace It is easier with telemedicine. I was a psychologist. Now I am a life coach,prison advocate and trial consultant. I do take custom orders. Thank you for looking at my closet. I was curious if the crocheted items would even sell. 🌈❤️🌺
May 08Reply
liledeglace @drlavenderangel my friend learned crocheting but i picked up some knitting. i shadowed a forensic psychiatrist who was involved in prison reform for many years as well. why did you decide to retire as a psychologist and use the less regulated label of life coach? i bought a book by Jenny Blake and i think she used that term as well about herself, which turned me off just a little.
May 08Reply
momsyellowrose @liledeglace well very simple I went through a major injustice myself. I began to recognize that psychotherapy left people stuck in the past concentrating on the illness. Whereas life coaching concentrates on the present and move people forward out of the pass and into the future. I was also shot and the people were never brought to justice wrongful convictions have grossly heightened ❤️
May 08Reply
liledeglace @drlavenderangel sorry to hear you were shot recently and i hope you are resting and recovering from that as well. you mentioned you are a trial consultant and that sounds like a stressful job too. Did you decide to get a psyd or PhD in psychology?
May 08Reply
momsyellowrose @liledeglace oh hun I am fine. This was in 2013. Thank you. I was just writing what pushed me towards life coaching.
May 08Reply
liledeglace @drlavenderangel there's definitely an appeal to it but sometimes the authors get a little busy with book tours and promoting. i hope you are enjoying your poshmark experience so far😉
May 08Reply
momsyellowrose @liledeglace I am getting some sales. Just took a bit. I am enjoying my time on Poshmark. It becomes addictive 🌹😊
May 08Reply
reselldlz60 Hi. Thank you very much for the purchase. Just a note that I'm working on your order and will ship tomorrow (Friday).
May 14Reply
momsyellowrose @reselldlz60 thank you for the update
May 14Reply
tara368 do you have any 8 inch bracelets? its Tara
Jun 01Reply
momsyellowrose @tara368 hey girl. I will make some today and put them on 🥰😙🌸
Jun 01Reply
tara368 @drlavenderangel cool,thank you. you think th hat will work or 8 1/4"?
Jun 01Reply
momsyellowrose @tara368 I have a couple on here love. Which one. I know most of them are big on me so my guess is yes.
Jun 01Reply
ritatish I’m sorry that your mom passed. She seems to have been my size. I’m looking for professional clothing and noticed the blazers. I’m curious .... what was her profession?
Jun 06Reply
ritatish Also list measurements. I’m new here as a buyer and i appreciate other sellers listing the measurements. Thank you! I bet you are great as a life coach!
Jun 06Reply
momsyellowrose @ritatish hello mom was a State Auditor and I have a doctorate in clinical forensic psychology. I will measure the items you chose. It is tough on me to get time to measure. I am a trial/jury consultant and have been working long hours to get people released due to Covid. Thank you for your kind words about mom. Made my morning.
Jun 06Reply
momsyellowrose @ritatish any time you need a measurement just type a note. I know it is easier when you see sizes. I just get swamped. I will be more than happy to measure any item you wish. 😄🥰
Jun 06Reply
frenchie_foolio Wow. I just read all the comments on your page. You are amazing. Keep your spirits up. What you are going is much needed good work! You are a warrior and a fighter. PLUR ✌❤🧘‍♀️🤝
Jun 06Reply
momsyellowrose @frenchie_foolio Thank you very much. I try to fight for all. What is happening today is happening to everyone regardless of sex or color. You made my day and I thank you for noticing. Us women must stick together and be warriors. 🌈🌷
Jun 06Reply
frenchie_foolio @drlavenderangel Correct on all levels. You are helping being the change. Keep up the good fight.
Jun 06Reply
ritatish @drlavenderangel i Can only imagine how awesome your mom was. I am 61 years and an attorney. I decided I am probably not going to lose weight in the near future so I decided to buy better looking clothes!
Jun 09Reply
momsyellowrose @ritatish I thank you for all the kind thoughts. I understand. I am honored you have chosen moms clothing. I miss her badly.
Jun 09Reply
sarahsmalbiz921 Hi! Thanks for the shares :) I am having a Buy One Get One Half Off Sale in my closet that will be ending soon. Everything is included. I would love to accept your offer with your lowest item being half off. Happy Poshing!!
Jun 10Reply
mahanf @drlavenderangel 🙋🏻‍♀️thanks lovely lady 😍for all the share 🤗best wishes 🙏🏼🍀❣️
Jun 21Reply
momsyellowrose @mahanf you are so very welcome. We all have to help one another. Thank you for all your shares🌺💝💋
Jun 21Reply
lara2000850 Hi Loretta. Thank you so much for all the shares and sharing on Twitter!😊 💐💝You have a great closet!! ✨🛍️
Jul 24Reply
momsyellowrose @lara2000850 you are so welcome. Thank you as well Stay Safe ❤️
Jul 24Reply
robino98 Thanks for sharing my items! I appreciate it very much!'😇🥰
Aug 06Reply
momsyellowrose @robino98 and thank you for sharing mine❤️
Aug 06Reply
robino98 @drlavenderangel Your welcome! 😇🥰
Aug 06Reply
robino98 Thanks for sharing my items!😇🥰
Sep 24Reply
robino98 Some of the items you are sharing have sold. Says on listing.
Sep 24Reply
jazhara @drlavenderangel I got the skirt today! 🥰 I’ll mail the swapped back to you tomorrow! Just wanted to check that your address is only a Box # and the city?
Oct 08Reply
momsyellowrose @jazhara 152 love 🥰 right one I hope lmao. Sorry girlie
Oct 08Reply
jazhara @drlavenderangel no worries I just didn’t want to send it to the wrong place 😂
Oct 08Reply
toniflores @drlavenderangel thank you for all the shares and love 🥰
Oct 15Reply
kcnow I’m running a MONTH long sale for NOVEMBER 2020 of massive proportions ! Major price drops. Bundles will be discounted severely. This is MY Sale.... not Poshmark s , not anybody else’s ... it’s just my sale and after this month .... the prices will go back to normal. This is my Once A Year Sale. If you have liked any of my items....especially my fabrics.... now is your chance to SCORE 🔥☘️🏌️✅👀🐸
Nov 10Reply
truly_doos Thank you so much for all the shares! 🤗
Dec 13Reply
momsyellowrose @truly_doos thank you as well. Stay safe Poshmark friend and Happy Holidays
Dec 14Reply
mrs_posher Thanks so much for the Twitter shares. ❤️🥰👠😻😻
Dec 16Reply
momsyellowrose @mrs_posher Thank you for your shares and please have a happy and safe holiday season
Dec 16Reply
mrs_posher Thanks for all the sharing. Merry Christmas to you!!🎄❤️🥰
Dec 24Reply
momsyellowrose @st_ahlman_j311 thank you as well. Happy New Year
Jan 01Reply
pinksunset03 Hi 💌I'm going to share as many items as possible from your shop, please check out mine share as well so we can increase our sales!🦋🦋🛍🛍 Skye
Feb 02Reply
izzielu61 Thank you so much for all the shares! I will definitely return the favor! Good luck with your sales!
Apr 20Reply
momsyellowrose @izzielu61 ty as well. Keep safe. Walk in hope my Poshmark friend
Apr 23Reply
maryjay002 Hi. Thank you so much for sharing my closet!! 😊🌸💕 Wishing you much success on poshmark!! 🎉🛍💟 Enjoy your weekend!
Apr 23Reply
lacy_gal Thank you SOOO much for the shares sweet Angel 😇✨💕💖 blessing you today and always 😘🥰❤️
May 03Reply
davi_revolves Thanks for the PM love this morning, I really appreciate it! 💕
May 19Reply
davi_revolves Hi friend !! Thank you so much for the shares. How do you share so quickly? ☺️ Do you use any apps?
May 27Reply
michelledavi908 Thanks for all the shares!💚💚💚💚
May 31Reply
thelillyjoyce Hey love your closet:)All orders placed today on mine will go out ASAP!!! If you bundle you get $2 off each item!! Make me an offer and I will most likely accept. Stay safe xoxo free gifts included with every purchase!
Jun 04Reply
liledeglace @msacks12 cool! Loretta,thanks for sharing my listings! please stay safe and i will do my best to reciprocate so many shares:mwah😘
Jun 09Reply
babyblue1778 Hi I had a question if you can get back to me soon that would be great !! Thank you so much !
Aug 09Reply
momsyellowrose @babyblue1778 what is your question?
Aug 09Reply
babyblue1778 @drlavenderangel Is it possible if I can get another John Deere mask !! I can try to pay you on Facebook pay or something!
Aug 09Reply
momsyellowrose @babyblue1778 yes. I just had done more made.
Aug 21Reply
ksenyayoung Hello! Thank you for sharing! ❤
Sep 09Reply
momsyellowrose @beautifynails Thank You so much. If you have any suggestions would love to hear them. Always looking to improve. Sales have been slow!
Oct 17Reply
carinamz Thanks for shares
Oct 20Reply
abbiemilo888 Thank you for sharing my listings!🥰
Dec 30Reply
momsyellowrose @abbiemilo888 thank you so much and have a happy new year
Dec 31Reply
abbiemilo888 @drlavenderangel thank you! same to you!😊
Dec 31Reply
cutehosiery @drlavenderangel Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 06Reply
computershoptx Thank you for sharing from my closet! I hope you have a great 4th of July weekend and successful Poshing!😊🇺🇸 Helen
Jul 02Reply
2girls2122 🙋‍♀️Hi! Thanks for following our closet.. Wishing you many sales💰and buys📦..Happy Poshing 😊.
Jul 10Reply
sandiwilson521 Hi yes I would still like the measurements. I know I purchased it I really like it. If it doesn’t fit I can give it to a friend. I think it should fit. Thank you
Aug 07Reply
momsyellowrose @sandiwilson521 ok hun I will get them to you give me a minute
Aug 07Reply
sandiwilson521 No worries just the bust is all I need. Thank you
Aug 07Reply
computershoptx Thank you for the Posh sharing 💕! I hope you have a peaceful night and successful Posh sales!😊
Oct 19Reply
05teddy11 Blessings Loretta your n sharing from my family closet ❤️💜. Be great send your home to love 🛍🤟🏻🙏❤️💜
Oct 23Reply
its_crystal28 @drlavenderangel Hello!! 🌷Im Crystal , hope ur doing great today, by the way, if u have time I would love to invite you to check my simple closet, and if you like something just simple click the “❤️” or make an offer , always open to Offers😉 thank you in Advance. God bless and Happy Poshing my friend 🌷speedy sales to you
Oct 25Reply
maggiemay12253 Thank you for sharing my closet on twitter
Dec 13Reply
computershoptx Thank you for sharing! I hope you have a great Holiday Season and many Posh sales!🎄
Dec 21Reply
thebears333 Thank you for sharing my listings. I really appreciate it!
Jan 03Reply
taniasstuff1 Thank you for sharing my listing ❤️
Jan 17Reply
angelaemmerton Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing! Blessings 🦋⭐️🌺
Jan 26Reply
emmaelady Hi Loretta, thanks for visiting my Closet and sharing my items that you did share, it's appreciated. Have a Blessed Day.🧡
Mar 05Reply
kbetzwiser Feel free to make an offer. Thank you for looking at my closet
May 24Reply
shopaholic100 @overthe2rainbow Hi there. Thank you for stopping by my closet! ☺️ Just wanted to let you know that I have decided to move back to the West Coast! I have created killer deals on Mystery Boxes for all price points!! Check out my love notes. I’m literally giving things away! Today only I listed a $20 5 pound box!! 🇺🇸🎆 They will add tons of value to your closet! 🎁💸✈️🥰 Also I’m having a Buy 1 Get 1 right now on select items $80 and under. 💰
Jul 04Reply
carolee7509 Thanks for sharing!
Jul 15Reply
computershoptx Thank you for sharing! I hope you are having a wonderful Thanksgiving 🦃 holiday and many sales!😊
Nov 25Reply
momsyellowrose @computershoptx thank you. Have a great holiday. Happy belated Turkey Day
Nov 25Reply
raven11885 Beautiful Sacred Woman Sacred Heart Sacred Soul Sacred Spirit Sister ❤️ Beautiful & Your Mama too
Dec 09Reply
evalee1952 I have looked through the posh info and can’t figure out how to send a message to my followers bundle. I see you and other people doing it. Can you help me. Thanks
Jan 25Reply
yuliyaknyaz My package arrived and is in great condition! Definitely recommend
Mar 31Reply
misserin7 Hi! Nice to meet you. I’m having a Moving Sale. I just added a lot of Urban Outfitters and Madewell items to my closet at amazing prices!! I hope you’ll check it out.
Apr 07Reply

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Sebring, OH
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