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Updated Apr 30
Updated Apr 30

Meet your Posher, Lori. “POSHMARK AMBASSADOR”

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Lori. Some of my favorite brands are Prada, Louis Vuitton and CHANEL. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :) and yes it’s “Bono”, in the pic😍
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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sasales @tootsiedog1 hey hun, thank you for your offer on the XS VS Shorts. Unfortunately your offer was under my costs after considering posh fees, so I wasn’t able to accept it. However, I sent you a very reasonable counter that I think you’ll be happy with! 😊❤️
Aug 15Reply
peacegoddess Welcome to Posh 🤩 Thank you for your order. I will pack and ship with luv tomorrow🤩 Have a fantastic day🤩🦋🌺
Aug 22Reply
chicseams Hi Lori! Thanks for your offers and flexibility! I'm sorry I can't go so low on these gorgeous boots - I hope you understand. Thanks again and Happy Wednesday :-)
Aug 22Reply
cawoodcollectn Hello Lovely! Thank you for shopping with me 😘 Your New Heels will be dropped to the post office later today. 💕 Shann
Aug 22Reply
cawoodcollectn Oh... I almost forgot... I have a few items listed as FREE with purchase if you would like to add to you package just comment on the item and I will add it for you. If I am may suggest the scarf... 🤗
Aug 22Reply
tootsiedog1 The scarf sounds great. TY
Aug 22Reply
bellanovella Hi, thanks for your interest in the twist back sweater, but your offer is less than half the list price. I just cannot sell boutique items for that. So I am sending you a counter offer.
Sep 06Reply
kerrieingersoll Thanks for your purchase; I will mail out tomorrow morning. Have a wonderful weekend!
Sep 08Reply
myshoeshack Welcome to poshmark! I hope you're having a wonderful night 🌛😊
Sep 10Reply
myshoeshack @tootsiedog1 Hello, I apologize I'm so sorry I did not know. Is there anything I can do for you to fix the problem. please let me know I value your feedback opinion. I would never have sold them if I would have known my apologies
Sep 14Reply
lnguyen129 Sorry I can’t accept the offer because it’s too low for me to even make profit since Poshmark takes 20% fee
Sep 20Reply
giannidg Thanks for buying the shoes! I’m packing them now to go out tomorrow. 💜
Sep 23Reply
ihankins58 Hi Lori I had work today so I won’t be able to ship your package until tomorrow morning but I’ll express ship it so you get it for Halloween :)
Oct 25Reply
ihankins58 Hi Lori did you get your Halloween costume ?
Oct 29Reply
tootsiedog1 @ihankins58 no hun not yet
Oct 29Reply
ihankins58 @tootsiedog1 okay it says it’s in LA right now, should be there soon I shipped it :)
Oct 29Reply
poshzone @tootsiedog1 will ship today if it works out for you. BRAND NEW with tags.
Nov 03Reply
somelissa Hi there! I see your package was delivered a couple of days ago and wanted to reach out to make sure you were happy with the shrug ☺️
Nov 17Reply
tootsiedog1 @somelissa I’m in Michigan until the 24 visiting family I won’t be able to see the shrug until then. TY
Nov 17Reply
somelissa @tootsiedog1 oh okay...have a nice holiday trip! Happy Thanksgiving!
Nov 17Reply
momluvsg Hi sorry for the delay to ship the shoes I was away for a few days due to the holiday I will ship them Monday morning Thank u
Nov 24Reply
onlytimeislost @tootsiedog1 Good evening! I saw your offer for the black Huminska dress & wanted to reach out personally. Are you finished looking around my closet? I’d ❤️ to work with you to earn your business today; however, your offer does not even cover the cost. All proceeds above cost pay down my moms medical bills so I’d like to find a common ground. She’s the sole reason we are selling here. Please let me know what works for you & thx so much for looking! - Jen
Dec 01Reply
sheerelegance @tootsiedog1 Not even close dear. ❤️
Dec 09Reply
healingthreads Hello- are you interested in the bodysuit still? Lets negotiate and meet in the middle at $18. 😀
Dec 13Reply
carrie2407 Hi Lori! Thanks for looking at my closet. I countered your offer for the Victoria’s Secret underwear. I have some other beautiful items from Victoria’s Secret that are excellent! If you bundle you save 5 percent and one shipping charge. Happy Holidays! 😀
Dec 15Reply
katzkoz Hi & Welcome to Posh! Its a very supportive and social community and if U have questions theres always a Posher to answer them. Or... ...visit my closet & Id be heppy to help U. More questions. On anything specific U'd like to know? Just ask me....
Dec 19Reply
andreasthreads Welcome to Poshmark 😀
Dec 19Reply
tootsiedog1 TY❤️
Dec 19Reply
point99 You have a nice closet Lori! just keep listing and sharing! Happy Holidays pretty! 😘
Dec 27Reply
tootsiedog1 @katzkoz hi Katz, I’m Lori I do have a question, how do I put a sign on my Poshmark closet that says “all offers welcome”?
Dec 27Reply
katzkoz @tootsiedog1Hi...most of us use a FREE online app to make signs and whatnot. I use PHOTO GRID. It's free and pretty easy. I'll send U something on it for AFTER U download it. The info is for using PG to get to fit Ur photos easily in the Posh frame. Try it.
Dec 27Reply
tootsiedog1 @katzkoz tY so much for all this helpful advice
Dec 27Reply
katzkoz @tootsiedog1 My pleasure. Photo Grid has a lot of features and it's fun to use.
Dec 27Reply
debbiepetito15 Hi Lori! Thank you so much for your offer! The bag is almost new and in excellent condition so I counteroffered for a small amount. I hope you find it reasonable and I look forward to shipping to you if you accept. Thank you!
Jan 05Reply
nickaustin Thank you so much for your purchase. I will ship the package today.
Jan 29Reply
skinnysheep Hi! Can you please cancel your offer on my bag? I just got told it’s probably fake and I sure don’t want you stuck with it! I can’t delete the listing because your offer is active....thanks!
Feb 14Reply
califoxx @tootsiedog1 Hi Lori, Thank you for your interest in my Nasty Gat Velvet Mini Dress. I appreciate your offer but as stated in my listing, my price is firm on this particular dress. Lmk if you have any questions. Thank you.
Feb 25Reply
urstyl Thank you Lori for the cool share 😘
Mar 02Reply
tootsiedog1 @urstyl you’re welcome 🙃❤️ Bono
Mar 02Reply
michellewarr338 Thank you for sharing my listings!😊
Mar 02Reply
maribelheredia Thank you for your offer i truly appreciated it but at my lowest i am already in the red...
Mar 02Reply
designerchic03 Hello! Thank you for stopping by my closet 😊 it is much appreciated! Please let me know if you have any questions. Always up for offers and always send gift with purchase. Looking fwd. To checking out your closet as well.
Mar 03Reply
anna143 Hey there - system wasn’t allowing me to match your offer but sent one back that was close. Have them packed up And ready to ship out!
Mar 05Reply
poshstylesbyme Hi Lori! I had to ask is that Bono? Love your style 😊. Wishing you continued success and many sales! 💞 Stephanie
Mar 08Reply
tootsiedog1 @poshstylesbyme yes it’s Bono😎 have many pictures of us together. TY for the compliments, I wish you the same success😘 Lori
Mar 08Reply
poshstylesbyme That’s awesome!! I’m a long time fan of their music. He was my first love as a kid lol. I was I think 12 when I watched Rattle & Hum and that was my first wow rock star moment 😍. More importantly was the message being delivered. Finally got to see them perform up close for their 360 tour. Absolutely amazing performance! I imagine he is fun to be around. Very intellectual 😊. Thank you for sharing 😍🤗. Have a wonderful weekend!
Mar 08Reply
poshstylesbyme Hehe thank you 😃
Mar 08Reply
nyckattycat Thank you luv for your 5* and thank you for your business and your support. Have a fabulous weekend!😇🌟🛍🎉🍭
Mar 08Reply
tootsiedog1 @fashionable yes it is Bono with my sister and I. Have me him several times a true gentleman!🙃😘
Mar 17Reply
echoskyhorse Thank you for the offer on my All Saints Dress! Since it’s listed for $99, I’m sorry but I can’t accept your $40 offer. I hope we can come to an agreement, but if not thank you again for your interest.
Apr 09Reply
tootsiedog1 @echoskyhorse I totally get it. TY
Apr 09Reply
wubblesnugs Hello lovely, I want to learn how to become the best Poshmarkprenuer Possible. If you have any suggestions on what has made you successful, please by all means share! I know I will share my success tips as soon as I get them. What is you’re number one tip to becoming super successful? @simplysinclair
Apr 27Reply
tootsiedog1 @simplysinclair share share share, and when you don’t think you can share anymore share some more, share your stuff at every single party that you qualify to get your closet contents into, always share at least one item from someone else’s closet that follows you. I usually give a 50 to 75% off listing price so make sure you price your items accordingly, I will not discount high end items by that large of a margin. Always make sure you package an item and include a TY note,
Apr 27Reply
tootsiedog1 Free samples or a small gift can actually get someone to come back to your closet
Apr 27Reply
tootsiedog1 Follow as many people as you can, I try to do 1000 a day. GL Lori
Apr 27Reply
thebellsdaily Hello, I just wanted to apologize for how long it took me to ship that brown cocktail dress! Slight family emergency. It goes out tomorrow :)
May 02Reply
tootsiedog1 @thebellsdaily no worries I’ve been out town too
May 02Reply
schwenpa Girl I love the Botegga Veneta handbag I purchased from you! Love it love it!
May 09Reply
tootsiedog1 @schwenpa I’m sooooo glad you love it!!! TY for your purchase ❤️💜❤️
May 09Reply
dianabrown47 Thank you for your shares and follow. Love your closet!🌷🌷🌷
May 18Reply
tootsiedog1 @dianabrown47 TY so much❤️
May 18Reply
rachelliles Hey! Noticed you like Forever 21 - I do too! I dropped prices on a lot of my items that you might be interested in. I’m moving so am accepting most offers - you might get a great deal😊
May 27Reply
jansays PUG❤❤❤
Jun 09Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! Glad we connected on Poshmark! Hope you will check out my account and give me a follow ❤️❤️❤️
Jun 11Reply
moviebuff2728 Just wanted to drop by and wish you lots of happy poshing!💜 Have a wonderful weekend. 😊
Jun 13Reply
tootsiedog1 @moviebuff2728 TY so much! You too💝
Jun 13Reply
onestepahead4 Thank u for the like....if you would like it for $8.00 let me know. My fiancé just asked me “why are u letting this go? Why haven’t I seen it before??” 😂😂😂 because when I bought it I wasn’t in menopause 🥵sorrrrrrweeeeee😜
Jun 17Reply
gullprint Fabulous💖
Jul 02Reply
tootsiedog1 @gullprint thanks ♥️
Jul 02Reply
onestepahead4 Hi I just want to thank you for your purchase❣️❣️❣️I’m sorry but when u open ur package there is no wrapping tissue or note🤦🏻‍♀️I asked my hus to do this, I had to go out of town and the tissue and TU notes are on the bed.😒
Jul 03Reply
liberty1113 Hello Lori thanks for your purchase I will ship it out tomorrow have a great weekend ..
Jul 19Reply
umarilandy01 Thank you for sharing my listing on twitter. I really appreciate it. @umarilandy01.
Aug 09Reply
bellanova88 Ok, I have to ask. Is that Bono in the picture?
Aug 11Reply
bellanova88 @tootsiedog1 Lol 🤩 just read the caption "yes that's Bono"! 🤩 Great fun that was I bet! LOVE them!!!
Aug 11Reply
tootsiedog1 @bellanova88 👍🏻❤️
Aug 12Reply
supsluts111 Hey were u still interested I. Those Prada sunglasses for 75 I'm down I just couldn't figure out how to message u
Aug 16Reply
tootsiedog1 @supsluts111 no, but thanks for the reply I’ve bought two pairs since❤️
Aug 16Reply
kt_kat_boutik I’m glad I read the description here, gave me a laugh, cause I was literally asking myself . . . “is that Bono”?
Aug 17Reply
xoxo_olivia_ Hi Lori! Thank you for your offer I would to sell you this Chanel Bag. I’m going to counter with the lowest I am able to accept I hope you understand with the fees. Thank you Olivia💋
Aug 24Reply
gypsymama84 Yea girlfriend! That is righteous 🤙🏽🤙🏽🤙🏽
Aug 25Reply
gypsymama84 Your little guy is righteous also 🤗🤗🤗
Aug 26Reply
tootsiedog1 @gyspymama84 and 20 years younger then me♥️🥂
Aug 26Reply
gypsymama84 @tootsiedog1 Oh, I meant your little fur baby... but yes him as well 😉. Congratulations ❤️🥂🥂❤️
Aug 26Reply
tootsiedog1 @gyspymama84 oh lol, she is a little pug I rescued from S Korea❤️
Aug 26Reply
ladykrc @tootsiedog1 Hello my fellow Posher! Stopping by and Sharing Fabulous items from your closet store for my Followers to Enjoy🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Aug 26Reply
gypsymama84 Oh Bless Your Soul💕💕💕. Nice💜 I have 7 rescues
Aug 26Reply
tootsiedog1 @gyspymama84 🐾❤️🐾
Aug 26Reply
tootsiedog1 @ladykrc TY so much, your closet is fab!❤️
Aug 26Reply
ladykrc @tootsiedog1 Your most welcome. Its my absolute pleasure. And thanks so much for visiting my closet store and for your wonderful shares....I truely appreciate it. You are awesome!💕Please do come back again🙏🏻🙌🏼🦋Much Blessings to you and yours😘
Aug 26Reply
frostyla Thank you for the follow and shares. All my proceeds are donated to my nephew to pay for his class trip to Washington DC. I appreciate you! 🥰
Sep 02Reply
tootsiedog1 @frostyla how sweet of you! GL❤️
Sep 02Reply
crazydadscloset Love ❤️ the pug
Sep 03Reply
tootsiedog1 @cflo71 TY. Her name is Tootsie Roll and I rescued her from Korea❤️
Sep 03Reply
amethystgarden @tootsiedog1 Hi there. Thanks for your offer! 💐 Considering Posh fees, I countered a few dollars more. I’m open to accepting your counter too! Thanks 🌈🦋! Luv your closet!
Sep 18Reply
joycemanorr Thank for the follow! I’m now 2 away from 20k!! 😱 Come join my follow game if you’re interested in growing your following as well! 🖤🖤🖤 PS Your pup is so cute 🐶
Sep 19Reply
gdlab3ls Hi! Thanks for stopping by, nice meeting you!
Sep 23Reply
kristine1967 Good Morning ☀️😃🌞 Have a fantabulous day ⭐️ Happy Poshing 🌻
Sep 29Reply
regal1117 HI! I bought a North Beach Leather jacket yesterday from you. Have not received a message or email about anything, status says Awaiting Shipment. Please let me know what is going on. Thanks!
Oct 12Reply
tootsiedog1 @regal1117 hi, yes I have received confirmation in the sale, thank you for your purchase. I have it all packed up to ship. My AOL account was hacked and whoever did it tried multiple times to change my password, I have to call them back at 9:00 tonight to change it at which time I will be able to get my emails and your shipping label. If I can find a post office open tomorrow I will ship it, if not it will go out first thing Monday morning. So sorry for the inconvenience. Lori ❤️
Oct 12Reply
regal1117 Thanks for reply! That really sucks about your account being hacked. Best of luck working it all out!
Oct 12Reply
purplepixiemom 🍒Happy prosperous poshing!🍒
Oct 13Reply
here4looks77 WOW!!! You and BONO😜👍🏼💫
Oct 14Reply
tootsiedog1 @here4looks77 🙃❤️😘
Oct 14Reply
regal1117 @tootsiedog1 Will this be mailed today? If not, please cancel order. Thanks! Hope you got your pw issues resolved! Ruth
Oct 15Reply
tootsiedog1 @regal1117 I put in drop off box yesterday at Beverly Hills post office will start tracking today
Oct 15Reply
regal1117 @tootsiedog1 Have not received notice yet.
Oct 15Reply
tootsiedog1 @regal1117 you will today I promise
Oct 15Reply
regal1117 not yet
Oct 16Reply
tootsiedog1 @regal1117 I promise it will track today
Oct 16Reply
tootsiedog1 @regal1117 I’m soooooo glad you like it, thanks for the sweet note❤️
Oct 17Reply
wlb76 The pug is adorable!
Oct 23Reply
tootsiedog1 @wlb76 TY, her name is Tootsie Roll I Rescued her from S Korea
Oct 23Reply
wlb76 @tootsiedog1, aww that's beautiful
Oct 23Reply
innerbeautyposh Awesome picture with Bono! I’m a HUGE Jon Bon Jovi fan! At the 2018 Atlanta concert he came down from the stage, right beside us to sing 2 songs! I got a double hand squeeze & my husband got a handshake! I cried like the Beatles had just come to the USA! Luckily my husband is 6’4” and got pix of everything as I was so excited I recorded the concrete floor! 😂😂😂😂😂
Oct 25Reply
tootsiedog1 @innerbeauty1968 ummm this is BONO from the band U2, not Bon Jovi?❤️
Oct 25Reply
tootsiedog1 Ah I read your comment again I see you are a huge Bon Jovi fan, yeah I like him too! Not only hot but I love his humanitarianism!!
Oct 25Reply
innerbeautyposh @tootsiedog1 😂 U2 is one concert I’ve always wanted to go to!!!
Oct 26Reply
innerbeautyposh @tootsiedog1 Exactly!! ♥️♥️♥️
Oct 26Reply
h_sunflowers Thank you for sharing my listing on Twitter!!! I appreciate it so much. Happy Poshing!!! 🙂🙂🙂
Oct 26Reply
ragsandfeathers Happy Veteran’s Day! I have a huge 🍁Autumn🍁 sale going on right now on top of my low prices!! Get 30% off 3 items, 40% off 4, 50% off 5+! Basically giving it away. Look for the leaves!
Nov 11Reply
marciamws Thanks for the shares!!
Nov 23Reply
lorianngoch Hey I’ll take 140 if you still want that bag. Jusr resend me an offer. 🥰😊😊
Nov 27Reply
lorianngoch Hey I’m putting this in mail today just don’t see where payment has posted.
Nov 29Reply
tootsiedog1 @lorianngoch the money will not post to your account until I receive it and accept it. Is this your first sale?
Nov 29Reply
lorianngoch @tootsiedog1 no but it’s been while and I’ve been screwed on here couple times lol. Sorry
Nov 29Reply
lorianngoch But thank you
Nov 29Reply
tootsiedog1 @lorianngoch 👍🏻❤️
Nov 29Reply
tiggaur I am a huge bono fan, travel to see them and have seen them 22 times.... is he for sale? 🤣
Dec 05Reply
tootsiedog1 @tiggaur I already purchased him 😋🤤♥️
Dec 05Reply
tiggaur @tootsiedog1 do you share????? 🤣🤣🤣
Dec 05Reply
tootsiedog1 @tiggaur 🙃🙃🙃
Dec 05Reply
lauriepayton I am jealous! I love Bono! But my truly favorite of all Time is the guy in the pic with me...I’ll see if you know who he is lol
Dec 06Reply
tootsiedog1 @lauriepayton isn’t thatBilly from GD?
Dec 06Reply
lauriepayton @tootsiedog1 Steve Lukather from Toto. He is an amazing guitarist. Who is GD? I should know lol
Dec 06Reply
lauriepayton @tootsiedog1 oh Grateful Dead?
Dec 06Reply
lauriepayton @tootsiedog1 girl Yes! “Luke” was so hot back in the early 90’s. He’s still good looking and such a great person. I feel so lucky to have met him. Check him out on Without Your Love at Montresux on YouTube. He shreds that guitar like no other. I have seen U2 once. What a high tech amazing show. It was the zoo tv tour.
Dec 06Reply
ladypug1 Love the pug!! 😊
Dec 11Reply
tootsiedog1 @ladypug1 that’s “Tootsie Roll, my little girl I rescued from S. Korea. Yours are adorable too!💝🐾🐾🐾
Dec 11Reply
in_the_bag_2 Thank you for SO MANY SHARES! I will gladly reciprocate. Omg I’m a U2 fan going back to early 80’s!! I see you met Bono! How awesome !!
Jan 18Reply
tootsiedog1 @in_the_bag_2 ♥️I’ve met him several times 💗
Jan 18Reply
annmargret123 Thanks for all the shares! I love your photo w Bono!
Jan 30Reply
justfashme Wishing you a ton of salessssssssssss🤑🤑🤑
Feb 12Reply
tootsiedog1 @soangeline U2😘😘😘😘😘
Feb 12Reply
effortlessgrace @tootsiedog1 Hi Lori, Thank you for your offer. i'm not in a hurry to sell this piece. I started at 185 and at this point, I don't plan on going lower than $165. Btw, I love your collection of Prada :)
Feb 17Reply
coachandtrunk Thanks doll for the shares!
Feb 29Reply
hollywoodheidi Thank you so much for your order. It is packed and ready to go out in the mail tomorrow. Love your closet!
Mar 01Reply
luceroguevara Thank you for the shares!! 🌺🥰
Mar 20Reply
tootsiedog1 @luceroguevara ❤️❤️❤️
Mar 20Reply
redpianistsclst Hi Lori!! Thank you for sharing!!!⚘
Mar 25Reply
mandysboyfriend Thank you for sharing my dress 🙏🏽❤️
Mar 27Reply
tootsiedog1 @mandysboyfriend ♥️♥️♥️
Mar 27Reply
wally411 Hi Lori! Thank you for sharing my closet. You have a beautiful closet. ❤
May 05Reply
tootsiedog1 @wally411 Thank you, so is yours!💗
May 05Reply
gypsymama84 Hi Lorri, I knew I recognized that tag! How are you? Hope all is well🌻
May 06Reply
tootsiedog1 @gyspymama84 hi GM I’m good how are you and your beautiful closet?💗
May 06Reply
maidmarian Hi good morning! I don’t have the dust bag for the Prada bag, thought I did. In fact I know I did but🤷‍♀️ Do you still want it?
May 09Reply
maidmarian @tootsiedog1 Hi did you see my message? I’m not going to take a chance and send without the dust bag unless I hear from you! Marian 💟💟
May 09Reply
_caitscloset_ Hi! Thank you for the follow. Everything in my closet $10 and under is Buy One Get One Free if you are interested. Have a great day!
May 16Reply
007laurenm Hey Lori! Share! Grow! Posh! ✌️🌷🙌🛍🍃 Elle
May 16Reply
bam___ Nice pic with Bono! 😍
May 25Reply
mauigirl513 Thanks for all of the shares!!! 🎉♥️🛍👏🏻🍾🏷👠👙💵🎁
May 27Reply
tootsiedog1 @mauigirl513 ♥️💗❤️
May 27Reply
hillmill61 hey Lori, way out west...thank you for sharing our listings!💎
Jun 09Reply
libbyspence916 Thanks for sharing my closet!! I really appreciate it. That was very sweet of you. And I LOVE your doggie 💕🐾!! Libby ❣️❇️
Jun 20Reply
tootsiedog1 @libbyspence916 TY I rescued her from S Korea her name is Tootsie Roll 🙃🐾❤️
Jun 20Reply
libbyspence916 That's amazing!!!💕🐾
Jun 20Reply
vintagehopper Thank you for the shares! I hope you have a wonderful vacation. 🤩💙
Jun 22Reply
deisel14 @tootsiedog1 hi!! Thank you for shares !! I am thinking I should wait to share back when your back from vaca??? If not let me know. :-)
Jun 23Reply
tootsiedog1 @deisel14 yes please wait TY💗
Jun 23Reply
seasideseeker Thank you for sharing some of my items. I’ll return the favor.😁
Jun 23Reply
seasideseeker I see that I can’t share your items right now. You must be on vacation. I’ll check back later. God bless you and stay safe!
Jun 23Reply
findsbyerica Beautiful closet you have! You have been so blessed to meet Bono always have loved his music & style- Happy Poshing & Much Success Always. Tamara
Jun 28Reply
tootsiedog1 @findsbyerica hey Tamara, I’ve met Bono a few times he’s always super sweet I love their music too💗💗💗
Jun 28Reply
misshoma Hi there , thanks for sharing my closet, appreciate your time, please stay safe.❤️
Jun 28Reply
tootsiedog1 @misshoma ♥️♥️♥️
Jun 28Reply
drimes Thank so much for the shares!
Jul 06Reply
poshersdreams thanks for all the shares. im new here so every little bit helps. LOVE your stuff, following and shared!!
Jul 10Reply
lbd29 Hi Lori, I never bought or received a shirt that Poshmark shows in my purchases! Very weird. I’m lbd29. Can you import any information about this from your end? It looks like a Free People shirt, which it remember liking very much! But, I did not get it! If I purchased it, I must have been sleep-buying! Thanks!
Jul 14Reply
tootsiedog1 @lbd29 I looked at my purchase history I sold a free people romper on Friday and the last time I sold a free people item was a tunic back on April second I do not see your lbd29
Jul 14Reply
lbd29 Hi, so sorry, it seems to be all the way back in January 24? I know this is unusual but I had flown back home from SoCal and I got really sick when I flew back. Crazy. It was a black FP top with a cut out, a tank layer beneath. I loved it! Just don’t remember buying or receiving it. I thought I lost it to another buyer. It’s a mystery. I just went through all my tops! Not there. Thanks so much for your help. Sorry to bother you! You have a great closet!
Jul 14Reply
tootsiedog1 @lbd29 yes I found the sale, it was an adorable soft double tank top type of top, it still had the tags on it. My sales show I shipped it and you accepted it😫I’m so sorry you can’t find it. TY for the compliment💗
Jul 14Reply
lbd29 I really hope I gave it to my daughter and just forgot! It is a great top, I should have kept it! Thanks again!
Jul 14Reply
glassprism70 Thank you for your follow and shares. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package. And offers are always welcome, too. I had a kitty named Tootsie.
Jul 14Reply
matana Is that Bono in the first pick?
Jul 14Reply
itsariana_xo Hi Lori! I made you new Rose Soaps yesterday so the Rose Petals are fresh. I packaged all of your items to perfection including the free soap and samples and will be shipping them today! Thank you so much for buying a bundle and supporting Ariana’s Essential Products ❤️ Always, Ariana
Jul 23Reply
tootsiedog1 @itsariana_xo ♥️💗❤️
Jul 23Reply
dreamerjules501 Thanks so much for sharing! 🙏🏻Take care!💗✌🏻
Jul 30Reply
tootsiedog1 @kris_havelock I canceled it💗
Aug 05Reply
karinaeverly Hi Lori - (it's Karina) I'm finally on here. Thought I'd say hi 🤠
Aug 05Reply
tootsiedog1 @karinaeverly Hi Karina🤩♥️💗❤️😘🐾💃🏻🎁🥂have fun get a lot of stuff in your closet it’s a lot of work but it will pay 💰 off. If you have any questions lmk. Welcome!
Aug 05Reply
shaundyas Gorgeous closet 😍😍
Aug 08Reply
tootsiedog1 @shaundyas Thank Yoy! So is yours💗
Aug 08Reply
retroragz22 if you see anything please make me an offer
Aug 15Reply
hibiscushouse Lucky! Love Bono
Aug 23Reply
imashoeluver Happy Poshing Sunday Lori 😁🤩 Thank you so much for sharing my posh 😎😇 Very grateful 😇😘
Aug 24Reply
willowashington awwww I had a dog named tootsie once 💕🐶 thanks for the follow and shares and for bringing her memory to my mind 💌🌹🦋🌻🌳🌊☂️
Sep 04Reply
tootsiedog1 @buybrunosstuff ❤️💗♥️
Sep 04Reply
nyfashionstore can you check out my closet if you have time :)?
Sep 16Reply
tootsiedog1 @ldadamo123 it’s my birthday today and I just got back from dinner. I will choir your closet tomorrow 💗
Sep 16Reply
tootsiedog1 What are you interested in, in my closet?
Sep 16Reply
nyfashionstore @tootsiedog1 ok thank you!!! 🥳🥰
Sep 16Reply
tootsiedog1 @ldadamo123 I will think about it
Sep 16Reply
eromo00 @tootsiedog1 Hey Lori, thanks for following me and sharing my closet😉 I followed you back and returned the shares and then some 🙌 Enjoy, Cheers to an abundance of sales. Blessings stay health & well. BTW, Great Prada collection😍
Sep 17Reply
alohasunnybeach Aloha Lori, Thank you so much for the Shares and luv! I am new posh and truly means alot! Have fun , be safe and Happy Poshing. :D
Sep 23Reply
tootsiedog1 @alohasunnybeach ❤️💗♥️
Sep 23Reply
2wiseloved Thank you for the gift with my purchase ❤ I also love the Pug card, they are my favorite dog breed. I have one now and she is my second one.
Sep 24Reply
tootsiedog1 @2wiseloved my pug is “Tootsie Roll”, I rescued her from S Korea 💗🐾
Sep 24Reply
jetermiah Hi Lori! Thanks for following. Please feel free to check out my closet whenever you’re able too. Have a blessed day! 😊
Sep 26Reply
lwoods1188 Thank you so much for your purchase! They will be in the mail tomorrow ❤️
Sep 27Reply
lovedbyshy Aloha Lori~ Thank you so much for sharing my listings. I greatly appreciate it. I will definitely show love in return. I hope all is well. Take care. ~Shyann
Sep 28Reply
kvw77 Thank you! So glad you like them! They are beautiful ❤️
Oct 01Reply
ginaappollonio I just had to laugh and say Hi, I don't ever do this but since we had a Tootsie dog I just had to Lol!! Take care , Gina Appollonio
Oct 04Reply
tootsiedog1 @ginaappollonio awe💗🐾💗🐾💗🐾💗🐾💗🐾
Oct 04Reply
tootsiedog1 Tootsie Roll is my little black pug that I adopted from S Korea
Oct 04Reply
karinaeverly got a chance to look through your closet when I went to share as a thank you for all the shares you do for me! I LOVE your closet 😍🤩 Hope you're doing great 🌞
Oct 13Reply
tootsiedog1 @karinaeverly I r sooooooo sweet! I’m doing great, hope u r too! Thank you for the shares❤️💖♥️
Oct 13Reply
frogprincess01 Hi Lori 👋! Thank you for visiting my closet and sharing! 😃 You have some amazing items in your closet! 👀 Thank you again for showing some Poshing love! ❤ Have a blessed day!
Oct 13Reply
dr2024 @tootsiedog1 hey there! Thank you for visiting my closet! Have you given a thought to the Burberry bag? I have sent you a private offer, let me know what you think!
Oct 14Reply
tootsiedog1 @dr2024 it’s very cute, but I don’t need it💖
Oct 14Reply
dr2024 @tootsiedog1 no worries! Let me know if you have questions about anything else in my closet💕
Oct 14Reply
1kaykayway Please use the offer button for the Burberry boots it will not allow me to send you a discount. I will give them at a great deal. Thank you!
Oct 28Reply
jkc1682 Hi! Can you tag me when you add new items to your closet? Also.. love your puppy! ❤️🐾
Oct 30Reply
tootsiedog1 @jkc1682 sure can. That’s my rescue pig “Tootsie Roll”💖
Oct 30Reply
tootsiedog1 Pug not pig
Oct 30Reply
nnaseri23 Thank you for the 5 star rating! Any tips on getting my other items sold? I’m new to Poshmark...
Nov 02Reply
tootsiedog1 @nnaseri23 yes. Sharing items in people’s closet at the very least 200 shares a day, two different items from 100 closets. It’s a lot of work to get followers but when you do your stuff will sell by itself. Share and follow💖
Nov 02Reply
nnaseri23 @tootsiedog1 thanks for the tip!
Nov 02Reply
tootsiedog1 @nnaseri23 also share your items to all the parties
Nov 02Reply
aj_smiley04 hi! Your earrings were shipped already! Thank you for ur patients!! I have included some special surprise gifts for u❤️❤️💜💜
Nov 08Reply
tootsiedog1 @aj_smiley04 ❤️🥰💖
Nov 08Reply
sammistarr04 Thank you SO much for the shares - really appreciate it! Will be sure to return the favor! ✨✨🥰🥰
Nov 09Reply
poshing4pugz Oh my, what a cutie!! Lucy and Fia were both rescues and I hope to rescue more soon.
Nov 11Reply
tootsiedog1 @poshing4pugz that’s great 🐾🐾🐾
Nov 11Reply
514lenab is that Bono? hope u have a great wk-end!😉🤟❤
Nov 13Reply
tootsiedog1 @514lenab yes that’s Bono💖
Nov 13Reply
514lenab @tootsiedog1 SWEET!!🎸🎤🎼🎙🎶
Nov 13Reply
danitourvill180 Hi! I am so sorry I had to decline your offer on the Gucci bag. It sold yesterday on a different app. I have offers out so it won't let me delete it just yet.
Nov 23Reply
tootsiedog1 @danitourvill180 no worries. Congratulations 💕
Nov 23Reply
kathyshampaine Thank you for sharing! 🛍
Nov 25Reply
roubina33 Thank you for your offer hun!! Unfortunately it doesn't cover my cost as you know btw taxes and 20% posh fees it is hard to make big discounts but I really gave u my looowest!! Believe me I put only 9$ on it! Thank you Anyway 😘
Nov 27Reply
amv03 You have a beautiful closet!! :)
Dec 02Reply
tootsiedog1 @avaloti TY so do you 💖
Dec 02Reply
gtraecy Thanks for the follow and shares!! :)
Dec 17Reply
anthonythoma336 I accepted ur offer for the bag
Dec 26Reply
tootsiedog1 @anthonythoma336 TY😘❤️💖
Dec 26Reply
anthonythoma336 Hey I have never sold anything on here how will I know when u have sent the money I am going to ship it out Monday so I can send you the tracking number
Dec 26Reply
tootsiedog1 @anthonythoma336 Poshmark is holding my money as soon as I get the item and accept the backpack they put it into your Poshmark account immediately. You can send Poshmark an email too if you have any concerns💖
Dec 26Reply
anthonythoma336 Ok on the backpack the strings are cut idk if that’s how they are supposed to be or not the bag was a gift to me and it’s just not comfortable and can’t hold my basketball shoes and school supplies
Dec 27Reply
davissfloydd Hi there and thank you for accepting my offer on the Prada purse! I will be shipping out your new purse today and i will update you once I have left it with USPS. Thank you.
Dec 28Reply
asavage01 Thank you for your time and stopping by my closet!! I have a continuous bundle sale going on 5 or more Sale listings = 3$ each + shipping. Follow the Seasonal icon.. this Season A ☃️ is in the title (☃️5/15$). Have a Beautiful Day! 🥰🥰🥰
Jan 04Reply
tinasarmoire Hi Lori! Thanks for your offer on the Chanel bag. Unfortunately considering Posh fees I can't do 33% discount on this item. However, I countered hoping you would understand. Thanks and have a blessed day!! Awesome closet btw 😊💕
Jan 17Reply
delcie11 @tootsiedog1 I'm grateful for your support and shares 🥰 your posh love has been returned 💞 wishes for many posh sales 🕶️👜👠🛍️💖
Jan 22Reply
tootsiedog1 @delcie11 🥰💖❤️
Jan 22Reply
brookesmith48 Thanks so much for all of the shares! ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Jan 26Reply
lj61 @tootsiedog1 TY ❤️ for the shares 🥰
Feb 01Reply
tootsiedog1 @lj61 💖💖💖
Feb 01Reply
ladyc2016 Super cute closet!❤
Feb 07Reply
tootsiedog1 @ladyc2016 TY💖❤️💖❤️💖❤️
Feb 07Reply
beautifulusa thanks for the shares! showing some posh 💜 thanks for the follow too! 🍋
Feb 08Reply
dinofinder @tootsiedog1 beautiful collection!! Thank you for the posh love!! Have a fabulous day!!
Feb 09Reply
tootsiedog1 @dinofinder thank you so much 💖
Feb 09Reply
sayyestojewelry Hi there I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet✨ Let me know if you have any questions! 💕☺️
Feb 18Reply
tsleather @tootsiedog1 Thankyou so much for your Twitter share! I appreciate it!
Feb 19Reply
pugsinparadise Who's the hot guy in your profile picture? The short dark and handsome one in the NFL shirt. I must know. Oh...and your closet's pawsome too. 😉🐾
Feb 22Reply
tootsiedog1 @pugsinparadise Hehehehe that little gir is Tootsie Roll and I rescued her from Korea I also have a silver pug named Sugar Bear and I rescued her from the meat trade in China💖 I’m a board member fir check our website out and follow us on Facebook 😘
Feb 22Reply
pugsinparadise @tootsiedog1 ❤❤❤ Yulin disgusts me. Bless you for rescuing that sweet baby. Did you travel to Korea to get her? She's beautiful.
Feb 22Reply
tootsiedog1 @pugsinparadise no my rescue partners with S Korea pug rescue
Feb 22Reply
tootsiedog1 Who is your beautiful black pug?💖
Feb 22Reply
pugsinparadise @tootsiedog1 The profile is my Harry, a rescue and the background is Thumbelina, a teensy pug. Do you know Isabella St James?
Feb 22Reply
tootsiedog1 @pugsinparadise yes I know Isabella personally for years. Your babies are breathtaking 💖
Feb 22Reply
galeriadeamour Thanks for the shares lovely 💋💋
Feb 22Reply
galeriadeamour Thanks Again for the shares 💋love your closet .. if I could afford one I would buy it .. but I can still share and tell you how beautiful they are and you have a beautiful closet as well..💋💋
Feb 22Reply
tootsiedog1 @galeriadeamour you are too sweet! You have a beautiful closet too💖TY
Feb 22Reply
galeriadeamour Awhh thank you 💋you have very nice taste lovely..
Feb 22Reply
luvvs Thanks for the shares! You have a beautiful closet here! I was just wearing a U2 t-shirt last night! Best wishes!
Feb 23Reply
tootsiedog1 @luvvs TY💖❤️💖❤️💖❤️😘
Feb 23Reply
tootsiedog1 @crystalbarnett it was pretty surreal 💖❤️💖😘
Feb 26Reply
jaaymack Thank you for the add and also thank you for sharing my listing! Wishing you nothing but success and happiness for all of 2021 , and many more years to come 😊👍🏽Happy Poshing ❗️
Mar 01Reply
avina1974 Hi 🤗 welcome to the best Poshmark App where you find varieties if you see something that is flirty 😍 for your eyes let me know nice day
Mar 02Reply
biolage Hi, I appreciate you are offering for jacket I am selling. But I can’t go down more than $50. Thank you for understanding.
Mar 09Reply
missstrudel Oh my god, Bono! You met Bono and gave the receipts!
Mar 13Reply
tootsiedog1 @missstrudel yes I’ve met with him a few times over the years 💖🙃
Mar 13Reply
bell1971 @tootsiedog1 💄💄💄Your a LIPPIE posher today💄💄💄Enjoy💋
Mar 14Reply
tw1st3dthr3ads Thank you so much for sharing to my listing to your twitter. I really appreciate it. 😃🙌❤️💋
Mar 15Reply
monicaaversa Thank you for following me and sharing 👍🏼😉❤️👏🏻🥰💗🧚‍♀️☀️
Mar 19Reply
rescuelady3 Adorable pup. Happy healthy deborah second chance boxer rescue rescue love repeat ❤️🐾🐾🐶😘😘🙏😊🐾❤️🥰🐶🐶🤩😘
Mar 20Reply
tootsiedog1 @rescuelady3 I’m a board member for my niece Jenny rescued a boxer named Cabo a few months ago🙃 the picture of my pug on here is Tootsie Roll I rescued her from the Korea meat trade I also have a black female pug named Sagar Vear I rescued her from the China meat trade. 💖💕💖
Mar 20Reply
tootsiedog1 Sugar Bear
Mar 20Reply
rescuelady3 @tootsiedog1 pug is breed I just love. I think if I were to rescue a different breed pug is one I just adore . They’re energetic friendly smart loving & so spunky. My current female boxer is a only pup only because of Covid etc. But we are hoping to giving her a house mate soon I always have at least 2 how wonderful to hear from a fellow rescuer thanks for what you do & for having a rescue heart. There’s nothing like it . Happy healthy long lives...deborah SCBR AABR CHBR🐶❤️🐾😘
Mar 20Reply
rescuelady3 ❤️❤️🐶🐾😘😘🐶🥰😘
Mar 20Reply
jessm516 Loving the Bono pic! ❤️ U2 fan also (seen em 70 times, have a tattoo, traveled to other countries to see them, etc. Lol) Pic definitely caught my eye! 🌈🙌🏼❤️ 🎵 Have a great day! ☀️
Mar 25Reply
tootsiedog1 @jessm516 awesome! I’ve seen them in concert maybe 15 times and got a private meeting with Bono twice🙃💖❤️
Mar 25Reply
jessm516 @tootsiedog1 ❤️❤️❤️ So amazing!
Mar 25Reply
puppy2013 I knew that was “Bono” in the picture...I met him years ago when he was doing a concert in Dallas..he received a laceration on his arm & the plastic surgeon I was working for did the doctor & him became close friends and he would always take us out for lunch/dinner when in town...I have several pictures with us all!!
Mar 27Reply
tootsiedog1 @puppy2013 wow what a great story! Can you post some of the pictures on your profile page? I would love to see them! If you want that “Beware of Scammers” sign in my closet, you have to take a picture of it and post it in your closet 💖
Mar 27Reply
puppy2013 @tootsiedog1 I’m actually gathering my other Channel tall riding boots & ankle tweed booties to post today. I’m just starting to post items so any advice or critiquing will be welcomed...I appreciate your time and all the advice you have given others..thank for allowing me to post your “scammers photo” as I would never do anything without asking first
Mar 27Reply
tootsiedog1 @puppy2013 I’d be happy to critique just let me know when you get them listed
Mar 27Reply
puppy2013 @tootsiedog1 just gathered the other two Channel boots/I’ll let you know as soon as I finish...You are a sincere blessing to me...others state they will help but when asked they turn my ? around it just not reply.... I am so grateful that I found your closet....besides I need to sell to purchase that unique gorgeous purse before someone else purchases it..
Mar 27Reply
puppy2013 Just listed the Chanel Tweed/Lambskin ankle boots Hope you can see the message that just popped up ASAP
Mar 27Reply
puppy2013 REALLY funny...went back to look at comment they sent me and “SHAZAM” mysteriously disappeared
Mar 27Reply
cinderella927 Hello Lori‼️I am scheduling closets to be featured this week on The RUNWAY and have openings Mon. 3/29 Tues. 3/30 Wed. 3/31 Thurs. 4/1‼️ Would any of those days work for you? Let me know if you are interested and what day works best for you‼️
Mar 28Reply
nicholepruitt73 hi fellow POSHER, please stop by my closet to take advantage of my great deals😃. limited time only when u buy any 2 or more items u will get a BRAND NEW COLLAPSIBLE 750 ML FLASK and I'll give u 15% off your entire purchase just for shopping my closet. So head on over and take a look around, and here's $3 to start you off. HAVE FUN🤗
Mar 28Reply
tootsiedog1 @cinderella927 4/1 would be excellent! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!😘❤️💖😘❤️💖😘❤️
Mar 28Reply
cinderella927 @tootsiedog1 Thurs. 4/1 it is!I post the daily featured closets around 11:00a.m.ish!
Mar 28Reply
tootsiedog1 @cinderella927 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻
Mar 28Reply
claribelb @tootsiedog1 OMG!! BONO!!! I’m so jealous! U2 is my favorite band!! You are so fortunate! Beautiful picture!😍❤️
Mar 30Reply
tootsiedog1 @claribelb TY! It was spectacular 💖💖💖
Mar 30Reply
soaprettybym Thanks so much for your order!!! 🥰❤️🥰 Ready to go first thing tomorrow morning 🧼🧼🧼
Apr 03Reply
tootsiedog1 @soaprettybym 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻
Apr 03Reply
thehotmess Thank you!
Apr 07Reply
tootsiedog1 @mylovejewelry you are too sweet!!! Your closet is fab! How do I share an entire closet to someone I’ve never done it before and would love to reciprocate 💖
Apr 09Reply
missy2ball Hi Lori just updating you on your bundle. The Chanel items will be here Monday so I'll ship it all together then. Again Thank you Missy
Apr 25Reply
tootsiedog1 @missy2ball I will ship tomorrow too💖
Apr 25Reply
missy2ball thank you so much.
Apr 25Reply
missy2ball hi I'm still waiting on my mail today, sorry for delay. As soon as it arrives I'll let u know so that we can mail out. Thank you
Apr 26Reply
missy2ball Thanks again
Apr 26Reply
bonnelovely Hi! First of all. That pug, oh my 💜💜💜 2. I received your offer for the romper, and I don’t remember selling it but I’m unable to find currently. I’m going to decline so that frees your money back up and if I find it I’ll send you another offer. Otherwise I would have accepted, and totally understand if you find something else and decline if another offer is made!
Apr 27Reply
missy2ball Hi your package will go out at 2pm I'll text tracking# thanks again Missy
Apr 27Reply
tootsiedog1 @missy2ball yours will go out this afternoon and I’ll send you tracking number 💖
Apr 27Reply
missy2ball Lori I've posted your tracking #. Thank you kindly
Apr 27Reply
tootsiedog1 @missy2ball hi Missy, you’re tracking #9405511202061519354115
Apr 27Reply
missy2ball thank you can't wait :)
Apr 27Reply
missy2ball Hi I've posted some info on swimsuit. Sick to my stomach and I thank you so much for your input.
Apr 30Reply
gidget368s hey Girly. u had liked my Chanel and it sold. but the chick canceled. so I relisted it. let me know if u have any LVs for trading 😉👍🥰
May 01Reply
tootsiedog1 @gidget368s no I don’t all my inventory went to The RealReal on Thursday. I’ll let you know when I get something in could be on the 5th💖
May 01Reply
gidget368s @tootsiedog1 I luv the RealReal but they take more percentage than Posh. Good Luck 👍
May 01Reply
tootsiedog1 @gidget368s true but they sell stuff for twice as much as you van get for it on PM and have high end customers
May 01Reply
gidget368s @tootsiedog1 also True! 😉
May 01Reply
house_of_tara Thank you 💜
May 12Reply
tootsiedog1 @baggy718 TY. I will ship today😘
May 12Reply
bigredbrit Thank you for all the SHARES!!!! I can feel the POSH LUV! ;-)
May 15Reply
daniestease Thanks for stopping by and sharing I returned the shares 💗happy poshing
May 15Reply
belladonna1313 thanks for the shares im bella nice to meet you
May 21Reply
tootsiedog1 @belladonna1313 hi Bella, I’m Lori 💖
May 22Reply
hotmama73 hello there so apparently I forgot the little orange book that didnt go with the wallet but was in the pic and at posh review they said they are asking you if that's ok if it isnt I do not mind sending it to ya if ya need one
Jun 04Reply
hotmama73 for LV penguin wallet
Jun 04Reply
bluesea38 @tootsiedog1 hi dear lori, thank you so much for your purchase! Im out the town for a few days because my daughter weeding but i can ship the bag in a few days, let me know if you can wait because firts the bag go to pm for authentication, and them, they will delivery to you. Have a very blessed week and stay safe and beautiful you both😍
Jun 10Reply
tootsiedog1 @bluesea38 no worries have fun💖
Jun 10Reply
bluesea38 @tootsiedog1 thank you so much my dear! You are very kind😘🌹
Jun 10Reply
bluesea38 @tootsiedog1 hello beautiful Lori, thank you so much for your patience, really appreciated🌹 I’ll ship it out tomorrow morning and I hope you enjoy💃 have a very safe and blessed week🙏😘
Jun 14Reply
bluesea38 @tootsiedog1 dear Lori, they finally update the tracking number, I add some litters gift for you in the package,just to say thank you again for your patience🌹have a very blessed week🙏🙏🙏
Jun 16Reply
wicket999 Hi ,Lori. Thank you for your Rating- I honestly didn’t notice any other major stains. I appreciate your comments. Best Wishes. Lynda🙏😊
Jun 18Reply
bluesea38 @tootsiedog1 hi dear lori, the backpack finally is in it is way to you! Thank you again for your extreme patience!! Many blessings to you!🙏
Jun 24Reply
tootsiedog1 @bluesea38 TY🎁💃🏻💖❤️💖
Jun 24Reply
martinezfammv2 After 5 years decided to close closet to pursue other endeavors. Everything in closet is 50% off when you bundle two or more items. Once you have bundle items send me a 50% off offer and I’ll accept. Or I’ll send you 50% offer if I see you have bundled two or more items. Let me know if you have any questions.
Jun 24Reply
bluesea38 @tootsiedog1 you dont have to thanks me dear! You are the best buyer ever! Thank youuuu!!😘❤️❤️❤️
Jun 26Reply
tootsiedog1 @bluesea38 U R 2 sweet 💖
Jun 26Reply
shj1956 Good Morning Lori - Super delighted for the shares and follow 🙏👍🧚‍♂️
Jun 26Reply
puppyluvfashion Thank you for the shares sweet lady! I came by to return the favor and seen your closet is in vacay lol Thank you for your purchase as well xoxoxo
Jul 29Reply
barelygirlie Hi 😊 Feel free to check out my closet 🦋 I accept most offers ✨
Jul 30Reply
girligirl56 Hello, sorry I’ve been out all day…just received your offer on my bag. I’ll get back shortly
Aug 02Reply
mloc6 Omg Bono…how lucky are you I’m so jealous! 😍 Also, I had a dog named Tootsie 😊. Gorgeous closet, wish I could afford some of those beauties! Thanks for the shares! Continued Poshing success! 😊
Aug 21Reply
tootsiedog1 @mloc6 you are too sweet! My little black pug in my photos is tootsie roll 🙃 happy poshing 💕
Aug 21Reply
mloc6 @tootsiedog1 Tootsie roll is so adorable 🥰. I called my Pitty girl TootsiePop 😊 Same to you!! 💕
Aug 21Reply
fingerlakefinds Thanks for all the shares and on Twitter. I'm not on Twitter or I'd reciprocate that. Take care!
Aug 22Reply
dngo1218 Hi Lori, thanks so much for your purchase! I will ship to Poshmark for authentication ASAP. Enjoy this beautiful bag! Have a wonderful day! Thanks!
Sep 01Reply
tootsiedog1 @dngo1218 TY💖💕❤️
Sep 01Reply
martinez_margie Hi, I'm selling beautiful Jewelry, Purses, Boots and more Jewelry. Stop by when you have a chance. Reasonable offers accepted. 💛💛💛 HAPPY POSHING 💛💛💛
Sep 26Reply
tatnaples Hi Lori! Thanks bunches for the follow and support, happy Poshing 💜Tamala
Sep 27Reply
davidlouisklein hi Lori! thanks for all the shares! i love all those beautiful bags in your closet! hey, im from west LA. i live near SF and come to LA often. good luck to you!
Oct 16Reply
fashion1510 Enjoy the Chanel pochette 💗
Nov 18Reply
tootsiedog1 @fashion1510 TY, I’m out of town for thanksgiving I’ll be back on the 38th and will give you a ratiyand love letter then🌸
Nov 18Reply
fashion1510 @tootsiedog1 no worries. Didn’t say that for a rating! I just wanted to say it. Enjoy ♥️
Nov 18Reply
he2plugged I’m sry 4 the inconvenience but pm doesn’t transfer the money to my acc been tryna fix for weeks I still have over 300 stuck with them and can’t afford to lose anymore money so I’ll be using another A.P.P. 4 the transaction
Nov 20Reply
he2plugged Also will lower price if need be
Nov 20Reply
tootsiedog1 @he2plugged sorry I only do transactions on Poshmark
Nov 20Reply
littlepeachxo hi ! ^^ i have a variety of listings & all earnings from my closet go to a child abuse survivor to help them heal. -peach ♡.
Nov 21Reply
ironbodystacey Thank you so much for your shares!! Posh On!! 🙏🙏❤️😘🥰👡👢💋👜🥿👠🤗🌸👛💯💯
Nov 22Reply
nateya13 Hello it looks like the post office tried to deliver the Chanel to you today.
Dec 20Reply
tootsiedog1 @nateya13 yes Poshmark told me, I’m in Michigan for the holidays but my dog sitter is at my house I will contact the post office for a redelivery TY
Dec 20Reply
nateya13 Hello did the bag get delivered? It says was scheduled for a redelivery for yesterday.
Dec 23Reply
tootsiedog1 @nateya13 no not yet 🥲
Dec 23Reply
tootsiedog1 I will call the post office tomorrow
Dec 24Reply
ilovethiscloset @tootsiedog1 I just opened a case with poshmark support about the Chanel bag you swapped and returned
Jan 03Reply
tootsiedog1 @ilovethiscloset that is the absolute MOST crazy thing I have ever heard in my life!
Jan 03Reply
tootsiedog1 You are correct I just got home from a 21 day vacation and my dog sitter sent you a wild stitch bag
Jan 04Reply
ilovethiscloset @tootsiedog1 omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jan 04Reply
ilovethiscloset im literally breathing again for the first time
Jan 04Reply
ilovethiscloset @tootsiedog1 i dont understand why you wont reach out to me about the chanel bag. what are we supposed to do. you have my AUTHENTICATED chanel bag and youre just keeping it?
Jan 06Reply
tootsiedog1 @ilovethiscloset I’ve been writing to you every day why aren’t you seeing my messages? I am sending your bag back to you today, Poshmark sent me a return shipping label, why haven’t you heard from Poshmark about my bag and a return shipping label? I will communicate through this message stream I left you my phone number too? 702-496-7247
Jan 06Reply
ilovethiscloset @tootsiedog1 i havent seen ONE message from your or poshmark!!!! im SO confused?!
Jan 06Reply
tootsiedog1 @ilovethiscloset I will include$15 in the box so you can priority mail mine back when you receive yours
Jan 06Reply
ilovethiscloset @tootsiedog1 ok im just so glad to get a response from you or posh. it said return delivered and i was i happy with the case resolution. i was like wait what? haha
Jan 06Reply
tootsiedog1 @ilovethiscloset I know it said the same thing for me
Jan 06Reply
ilovethiscloset @tootsiedog1 ok just let me know when you’ve shipped. Thank you!
Jan 06Reply
tootsiedog1 @ilovethiscloset I will and will give you tracking number
Jan 06Reply
tootsiedog1 I just dropped it off the tracking number is 9410 8112 0206 1793 1389 09
Jan 06Reply
ilovethiscloset @tootsiedog1 thank you! Let you know when I get it. Im sorry you didn’t love it and it became such an issue
Jan 07Reply
ilovethiscloset @tootsiedog1 I reached out to Poshmark bag from you and it was supposed to come Monday.
Jan 13Reply
tootsiedog1 @ilovethiscloset that’s what the tracking number says? It was supposed to be there this past Monday? It will tell you where it is and if it’s delayed
Jan 13Reply
ilovethiscloset @tootsiedog1 yes both tracking and poshmark told me monday. and now its thursday and i dont have it
Jan 13Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the share! I’m Emily😊 if you like any of my items please don’t hesitate to create a bundle for a sweet deal! And Happy New Year🎊🎉
Jan 16Reply
unclaimed Lori beautiful pictures& 🐕 . nice closet Happy New Year !!! I m liquidating my closet 50% off your purchase of $50 or more, FREE shipping on a 25$ purchase. Purchaser must mention this ad in bundle to receive discounts.l also wholesale , purchase any items in my closet priced $19 or less for $5.00 with a minimum purchase of $50. Start your closet for $50 or replenish your inventory..exp 2-03-22
Jan 16Reply
ilovethiscloset @tootsiedog1 got it. I need your address - you didn’t put it in the card.
Jan 17Reply
tootsiedog1 @ilovethiscloset 918 S Detroit Street, Los Angeles CA 90036 Lori Zech 💖
Jan 17Reply
ilovethiscloset @tootsiedog1 ok I’ll send Tuesday since tomm is holiday
Jan 17Reply
tootsiedog1 @ilovethiscloset I’m so glad you got the bag back
Jan 17Reply
ilovethiscloset @tootsiedog1 me too- what a crazy situation!!!!
Jan 17Reply
carolyndudrick Thanks for the shares!!💞👍🏻🥰💃🏼💐
Jan 21Reply
trishadi Thanks for the shares and I love your exquisite taste, you would have been working right beside me 37 years ago in the “glory days of retailing” for Saks 5th, I. Magnin and Bonwit Teller. I worked for Chanel, was a buyer for Saks oh! the stories what fun! Appreciate the follow ❤️
Jan 21Reply
tootsiedog1 @pjdi88 TY for the kind words! You Rock♥️💝♥️😘
Jan 22Reply
trishadi @tootsiedog1 ❤️❤️❤️
Jan 22Reply
thillbill Happy 2022. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 2700 items. Bundle few items and save more! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often!
Jan 23Reply
sjhaughty Thanks for the Follow! I'm clearing out my closet ASAP, so if you see anything you like, make an offer! Happy Poshing! -SJ
Feb 02Reply
gypsymama84 Hi Lori long time no see! I thought of you as I posted my Twisted Heart Lounge Pants😁 Hope you are super well 💛🌺💛
Feb 22Reply
tootsiedog1 @gyspymama84 hi Gypsy, I’m great! How are you?💝
Feb 22Reply
gypsymama84 @tootsiedog1 Doing pretty good my friend, what a time huh…. Happy to see you & your clan 🌟
Feb 23Reply
hdnurse 🎉💗❣️🌷💕Hi Lori💗Thanks so very much for shopping my Posh closet 🛍🥰I’m so happy you found the awesome lot of candles and holders😍You’ll def L💗VE them❣️❣️❣️I’ll get them out to you right away in tomorrow’s mail 😘 Enjoy the rest of your weekend 🌷❣️🌷 Chris in Wisconsin.., where it’s actually NOT snowing today 🥰
Mar 20Reply
tootsiedog1 @hdnurse TY🥂🍾😘
Mar 21Reply
reedstreasures Thanks for the shares . I'll return the favor.
Apr 02Reply
gugliostore Good morning ! How are you this beautiful day ? I just saw your offer but I can take 499 and why is that ? Because Poshmark authentication sometimes is more than 2 weeks and that’s a long time anyways if you want I can provide you the serial number so you can check it if you still want the authentication with Poshmark please pay the full price, if you want do that just like the item and I send the new price for you or either I change the price, thanks and have a beautiful day.
May 03Reply
tootsiedog1 @gugliostore I would love to buy your bag but I can’t buy it for less then $500. TY🌸
May 03Reply
luvyorlook well of COURSE Im partial to you with the same name & spelling!! Tell me a black pug?? it almost looks like theres a bit if frenchie mix ? which is unusual!!
May 03Reply
tootsiedog1 @gugliostore because I’m a reseller and have to have the authentication card from PM, no matter what your bag has with it🌸
May 03Reply
nikoavaalen Hi Lory your closet is spectacular..
May 12Reply
tootsiedog1 @nikoavaalen how nice! TY💝
May 12Reply
tootsiedog1 @nikoavaalen yours is beautiful too!
May 12Reply
luvyorlook i want that face and I dont mean his!! 😂😆lol
May 16Reply
smartfashionz Awww thanks for the share! Love your fur baby ❣️ Your closet items are gorgeous!
May 21Reply
tootsiedog1 @smartfashionz TY. You are too sweet 💝🐾💖🌸🥂
May 21Reply
dressedupcat You have a beautiful collection of bags!! And I like the guy in the blue sweater best! Happy Poshing!
Jun 09Reply
tootsiedog1 @dressedupcat TY🌟🌸 her name is Tootsie Roll I rescued her from the Korean meat market❤️
Jun 10Reply
urownbeautiful Hello Gorgeous! I’m Jaime. Dreamer, Fashion and Travel lover. Just stopping by to introduce myself, say hi, and invite you to visit my closet. 🤗🦋Happy poshing, and remember to always Embrace Your Own Beautiful! 💫 Stay dreamy💫 xo 💙Jaime
Jun 17Reply
tootsiedog1 @urownbeautiful hi Jaime, I’m Lori, nice to meet you too! I will definitely check your closet out🛍🎁🥂🌟
Jun 17Reply
cutehosiery @tootsiedog1 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 19Reply
tootsiedog1 @cutehosiery Thank you so much you are to sweet 💝
Jun 20Reply
jilster1014 Thanks so much for shares!!! Appreciated and returned)))
Jun 26Reply
cheri_p423 Thank you for the follow and share!! 💜
Aug 20Reply
jewelsbysara Hi there ❤️I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing deals✨if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing!!
Sep 25Reply
bell1971 @tootsiedog1 💄💄💄Hope your having a SUPER LIPPIE DAY💄💄💄
Sep 26Reply
tootsiedog1 @bell1971 I sure did Bell TY 💝❤️💖😘😘😘🥂💃🏻
Sep 26Reply
janfast Hi Lori! Thank you for all the shares! 🌸💕😊
Nov 02Reply
janfast @tootsiedog1 A pleasure…🌸💕😊
Nov 02Reply
lynnbeckylynn Hello and thanks for the follow. We're having an overstock sale and we're accepting offers at 20% less than our asking price on most items.
Nov 10Reply
bell1971 @tootsiedog1 💄💄💄Enjoy your LIPPIE day 💄💄💄
Dec 04Reply
tootsiedog1 @bell1971 TY Bell 💖❤️💗😘
Dec 04Reply
krystalmcc1621 Thank you for following me. I returned the gesture and shared some of your items with my followers. Have a wonderful day and a Happy New Year 🎇
Dec 30Reply
tootsiedog1 @krystalmcc1621 TY💗 Happy New Year
Dec 31Reply
mycustomcloset good morning! I had a chance to go through your closet before work and I just wanted to say wow. amazing. and then super impressed how much you have sold. you are my hero 🥰
Jan 26Reply
tootsiedog1 @mycustomcloset You are way to sweet! TY for such an amazing compliment 💗❤️💖💗❤️💖💗❤️💖
Jan 26Reply
bell1971 @tootsiedog1 💄💄💄Enjoy your LIPPIE day 💄💄💄
Jan 31Reply
tootsiedog1 @bell1971 You’re the Best Bell TY ❤️
Jan 31Reply
bell1971 @tootsiedog1 💄💄💄Enjoy your LIPPIE day 💄💄💄
Feb 03Reply
tootsiedog1 @bell1971 😘😘😘
Feb 03Reply
polka5dots Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing!
Feb 19Reply
cheyeanned Thank you so much for the rating!🖤 so I’m new too posh mark and I was wondering how do I give love notes and rate my items I buy?? I went on a shopping spree today and I would like to give back to the sellers by rating them or giving “love notes”
Feb 26Reply
tootsiedog1 @cheyeanned hi, when you receive an item from someone you bought from you will see 5 stars pick whichever star you deem the item worthy of and underneath those stars you will see leave additional comments and click in that and leave a love note.
Feb 26Reply
tootsiedog1 If you want to be successful on PM share share share as much as you can of other poshers closets try to become an ambassador and try to join share groups. If this doesn’t make sense to you, I’m always here to help you💗
Feb 26Reply
bell1971 @tootsiedog1 💄💄💄Enjoy your LIPPIE day 💄💄💄
Feb 26Reply
tootsiedog1 @bell1971 TY Bell, you ROCK! 💗
Feb 26Reply
princessleah5 Hi Lori, Thanks for the like on ‘I’m featured today on The Runway’ pin! If you want to be featured go to @cinderella927 and like the pin with The Runway Sign in her listing. For some reason that all didn’t copy right. Btw, whose the handsome dark headed man? Leah
Mar 02Reply
cinderella927 @princessleah5 @tootsiedog1 PFF Lori walks The RUNWAY👠🫶
Mar 02Reply
tootsiedog1 @princessleah5 lol my boyfriend
Mar 02Reply
tootsiedog1 @cinderella927 I don’t understand?💗
Mar 02Reply
cinderella927 @tootsiedog1 Your boyfriend!! I was just letting her know you already were in the group!
Mar 02Reply
tootsiedog1 @cinderella927 kool. He’s 22 years younger then me, we’ve been together 6 years🙃
Mar 02Reply
cinderella927 @tootsiedog1 I am soooo jealous🤢He is very🔥
Mar 02Reply
princessleah5 @cinderella927 Oh, ok thanks! Thx again for all the shares! I’ve had 2 sales and lots of likes. Hoping for more tommorrow when I do closet clear out to all my likers! 🥰
Mar 02Reply
princessleah5 @tootsiedog1 Oh ok he’s handsome!
Mar 02Reply
tootsiedog1 @cinderella927 TY he’s very sweet too
Mar 02Reply
cinderella927 @princessleah5 Love to hear when PFFs have sales when featured! This is a very active supportive group! Glad you found us!
Mar 02Reply
princessleah5 @cinderella927 Me too! 🔥🔥🔥
Mar 02Reply
bell1971 @tootsiedog1 💄💄💄Enjoy your LIPPIE day 💄💄💄
Mar 12Reply
tootsiedog1 @bell1971 TY Bell 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘💖❤️💗
Mar 12Reply
jenn3981 @tootsiedog1 Thanks for sharing The RUNWAY. I’d love to feature your closet on Friday, April 7. Does that date work for you?
Mar 20Reply
jenn3981 @tootsiedog1 Hi! Just a reminder that your closet will be featured tomorrow on The RUNWAY! If you post the NEW “I’m Featured” picture (last slide in listing) tomorrow, you will get 25 BONUS shares from me. It’s completely optional. Enjoy the Posh love.
Apr 06Reply
tootsiedog1 @jenn3981 OMG!!!!!!💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥳🥳🥳🎉🎉🎉🛍🛍🛍🛍😘😘😘😘TY!!!!
Apr 06Reply
vynguyen694 Hi there! I noticed that you were interested in my prom dress. Would you like me to send you a better picture of it? If so, please let me know where I can send the image to. Thank you!
Apr 25Reply
mikhailberger Please take a look at my closet. Thank you
May 05Reply
rlee73 @tootsiedog1 hello You ❤️👋✌️ Wow it's been forever and A Day Good to see you here Wild 😜 whacky and Weird that we don't mingle share or run into one another often round these parts . Looking good Lady Like the purse whisperer 👍👌😂🤣😂🤣 Fancy Handbags that really sell well Great Going Have an awesome day
May 09Reply
tootsiedog1 @rlee73 hi Rhonda, so kool to hear from you!!! Hope all is well. Your closet looks great💖❤️💝🖕🏻❤️
May 09Reply
cinderella927 Hey Lori! I am scheduling closets to be featured on The RUNWAY👠this week! Have openings on Tues. 5/24 Wed. 5/25, and Thurs. 5/26! Let me know if you are interested and what day works for you!Thank you for supporting The RUNWAY👠! Happy💰💰💰
May 22Reply
tootsiedog1 @cinderella927 I’ll take any day you want all of those days work 💃🏻💖❤️💝😘😘😘😘😘
May 22Reply
cinderella927 @tootsiedog1 Wonderful!! Bring your boyfriend♥️🤣Will feature you tomorrow! Daily featured closets are posted around 11:00 EST! Post the I am Featured slide if you would like 25 extra shares from your host! Purely optional! Happy 💰💰💰💰!
May 22Reply
kikiroxymama OMG! Is that Bono? Swoon!
Jun 04Reply
jenn3981 @tootsiedog1 Hi Lori! Thanks for sharing The RUNWAY! I’d love to feature your closet on Friday July 28. Does that date work for you?
Jul 01Reply
tootsiedog1 @jenn3981 yes that would be fantastic 💖❤️💝😘
Jul 01Reply
tootsiedog1 @skrunchbucket1 hi, I am so very sorry for the loss of your dear puggy! I have 2 pugs actually the one in the picture is Tootsie Roll she is my rescue from S Korea my other pug not pictured is Sugar Bear and she is my rescue pug from China I am a board member with check us out sometime 🐾❤️🐾
Jul 07Reply
tootsiedog1 @skrunchbucket1 you’re a doll!💝
Jul 09Reply
jenn3981 @tootsiedog1 Hi Lori! Just a reminder that your closet will be featured tomorrow on The RUNWAY! If you post the NEW “I’m Featured” picture (last slide in listing) tomorrow, you will get 25 BONUS shares from me. It’s completely optional. Enjoy the Posh love.
Jul 27Reply
tootsiedog1 @jenn3981 Jenn You ROCK!!!!!💖❤️💝💖❤️💝
Jul 27Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Aug 03Reply
tootsiedog1 @candy258 TY Candy 💝
Aug 03Reply
flutter_buys Hi, just wanted to say thank you for sharing! After you shared I made a sale. Don’t know if it had anything to do with it but thank you just the same! 😘😁💜
Aug 13Reply
tootsiedog1 @flutter_buys 💝♥️💖
Aug 13Reply
rougelips Thank you for the purchase! Your order will ship shortly ☺️
Sep 15Reply
thrifty_mailbox Super cool you got to meet Bono!
Sep 21Reply
tootsiedog1 @thrifty_mailbox TY. It was pretty awesome 💖
Sep 21Reply
shopwisteria 🥾🌄You are TREKKING THE WORLD in ☀️🇪🇸Spain 🇪🇸☀️! Thank You so much for your ongoing support! 🌄🥾 ~ Irina @shopwisteria 🕊️
Sep 28Reply
ig0000 Thanks for sharing my closet.
Oct 18Reply
shopwisteria 🥾🌄You are TREKKING THE WORLD in 🇺🇿🐈🧳🌏 Uzbekistan today! Thank You so much for your ongoing support! 🌄🥾 ~ Irina @shopwisteria 🕊️
Oct 18Reply
queenposhnb @tootsiedog1 That is pretty awesome LORI! Bono and U2 are one of the best. I hope to meet Harry Styles some day. Maybe 🤔 it will happen 🙏🏻 ♥️ your friendly DJ of the same name- Lori lol
Oct 18Reply
tootsiedog1 @queenposhnb thanks Lori 😁 yeah Bono is awesome I’ve met him twice, I just saw U2 at the Sphere in Las Vegas last Wednesday the concert was the best I’ve ever seen! Blow your mind kind of concert! If you get a chance watch one of the videos on YouTube. Harry is Hot I hope you get to meet him!💖
Oct 18Reply
ceeblue56 Hi Lori, Thank you for your purchase. I’m preparing your pkg. It will go out first thing in the morning. Will be in contact. Cheers! Maritza 🦋💥🦋💥🦋💥🦋
Oct 25Reply
tootsiedog1 @ceeblue56 💖❤️💝
Oct 25Reply
jamituesday @fashionable I was wondering the same thing 😆
Oct 29Reply
tootsiedog1 @jamituesday 💖❤️💗
Oct 29Reply
ceeblue56 Good evening Lori, Thank you for your 2nd purchase. Your pkg will be mailed out first thing in the morning. Cheers! Maritza 🦋🦋 💥🦋🤗💥🦋🤗🦋🦋
Oct 30Reply
tootsiedog1 @ceeblue56 TY for the great deal 💖
Oct 30Reply
ceeblue56 Good morning Lori, Your Pkg. has been mailed. Poshmark will be in contact soon with tracking info. Thank you. Have a Blessed Day! Maritza 🦋🤗💥🦋🤗💥🦋
Oct 30Reply
tootsiedog1 @ceeblue56 🙃🙃🙃
Oct 30Reply
shopwisteria 🥾🌄You are TREKKING THE WORLD in Bolivia!🦩🦙🇧🇴⚽️🌐Thank You so much for your ongoing support! 🌄🥾 ~ ♥️Irina
Nov 09Reply
tootsiedog1 @shopwisteria TY so much Irena for featuring my closet ❤️😘
Nov 09Reply
shopwisteria @tootsiedog1 well deserved! You are welcome! Xoxo
Nov 09Reply
k_pannullo Thank you for sharing & all of your support 🥰 I hope that my share backs bring you some good fortune 🍀🍀Your closet is a true inspiration. I honestly get lost while scrolling through….it is A+, AMAZING! ✨🤩✨ Wishing you well, & a beautiful week ahead x🤗x
Nov 13Reply
tootsiedog1 @k_pannullo You are too kind! TY💝
Nov 13Reply
k_pannullo @tootsiedog1 Of course! All true, so no need for a TY 🥰 Have a beautiful day, & a very Happy upcoming Turkey Day to you & yours! 🤗
Nov 15Reply
tootsiedog1 @k_pannullo Your closet is pretty great too! Have a great holiday 💜
Nov 17Reply
k_pannullo @tootsiedog1 You’re too kind 💕 I work overnights, so I don’t exactly follow the same schedule as the rest of the land of the living! 🙃🤪 To be honest, I actually have SOOOO much more merch in my house, than what’s actually posted in my closet…it’s crazy! 😂 Oh well! 🤷‍♀️Sunday’s are my only day off, & posting is not top on the list Lol Anyway, thank u for you ur kind words. I wish you & your fam a very happy, healthy and prosperous holiday season!
Nov 17Reply
jensto65 @tootsiedog1 Hey Lori! Thanks so much for your purchases!! I wanted to give you a heads up that I mailed out your package and you should be receiving a tracking number anytime now. Have a great weekend! :-) PS Great pic of you & Bono!! Love that band!!
Dec 08Reply
jensto65 Thank you for your rating and kind words! Happy holidays! :-)
Dec 13Reply
shopwisteria 🥾🌄You are TREKKING THE WORLD in Chile 🇨🇱 🦌🌍✈️🚁🌐Thank You so much for your ongoing support!!! 🌄🥾 ~ ♥️Irina
Dec 14Reply
cinderella927 Hello Lori! I am scheduling closets to be featured this week on The RUNWAY! Have openings on Mon. 12/18, Tues. 12/19, Wed. 12/20and Thurs. 12/21! Do any of these days work for you?! Wishing you many $$$ this holiday season🎄🎁!
Dec 18Reply
tootsiedog1 I’ll take whatever is best for you
Dec 18Reply
cinderella927 @tootsiedog1 Will feature you tomorrow! Get your 👠on😅
Dec 18Reply
tootsiedog1 @cinderella927 yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
Dec 18Reply
shopwisteria 🥾🌄You are TREKKING THE WORLD in Ecuador 🇪🇨 🐢🛖🌍✈️🚁🌐Thank You so much for your ongoing support!!! 🌄🥾 ~ ♥️Irina
Jan 17Reply
tootsiedog1 @shopwisteria Thank You Irina 🌹
Jan 17Reply
bargaintwins @tootsiedog1 Hi, Lori! Would you like a catwalk feature on 2/18? Please let me know ASAP 💕
Feb 13Reply
tootsiedog1 @bargaintwins absofreakinglutely!!!!Works Great!😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Feb 13Reply
bargaintwins @tootsiedog1 In that case, you’re booked! 🙂💕
Feb 13Reply
tootsiedog1 @bargaintwins 🌹💃🏻❤️
Feb 13Reply
bargaintwins @tootsiedog1 See you tomorrow on the catwalk!
Feb 17Reply
tootsiedog1 @bargaintwins can’t wait 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻
Feb 17Reply

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