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Updated Aug 24
Updated Aug 24

Meet your Posher, Lorri

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Hi! I'm Lorri. Thanks for stopping by!
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tcarlucci Thank for the like , make a offer if you want...welcome to poshmark😀
Apr 10Reply
mrsgomez77 Hi welcome to posh👗feel free to check out my closet☺️
Apr 11Reply
abegailj1 Hello. Welcome to Poshmark!🌸 Please feel free to leave a message if you have any questions! Happy poshing😉
Apr 15Reply
mycreationsplus Thanks for the like. Feel free to make me an offer.
Apr 15Reply
mycreationsplus Thanks for the likes. Bundle and make an offer if you would like to have them.
Apr 16Reply
mycreationsplus FYI. All items in my closet $7 or less are 3 for $11 now.
Apr 21Reply
tcarlucci Thank you for the like make a offer 😀
Apr 24Reply
rvanzant70 Thank you so much for the rating. Enjoy your skirts. Be blessed 😊
May 02Reply
tcarlucci Thank you for the Like , love offers ,also bundle & save 😀💰
May 09Reply
katiah94 😊 Thanks for liking my listing of tops! 😁💕
May 22Reply
myleyparis I just noticed that you are from New Bern! Do you know the Griffiths?
Jun 08Reply
hammertoes1 @myleyparis I remember some Griffith's from when I worked in a retail store many years ago. I think he was a preacher or something. They always dressed real nice and the lady had long beautiful hair.
Jun 08Reply
myleyparis Yep! That would be them! Long time friends of my family. Small world....huh!? :)
Jun 08Reply
hammertoes1 @myleyparis Yes, small world! I remember they were always really friendly. I tried to send you an offer on your bundle, but it pops up a message saying that I have exceeded the # of offers allowed without a response. If you want to submit an offer for $18, I will accept it.
Jun 08Reply
hammertoes1 @myleyparis Or you can offer whatever you like :)
Jun 08Reply
myleyparis I have an offer for one of the skirts $10 with 4.99 shipping. Do I need to decline that one or use it?
Jun 08Reply
hammertoes1 @myleyparis It won't let you combine the 2 with that offer. Just make your bundle offer thru the closet. Since you won't be able to get a shipping discount that way, just adjust your offer amount to compensate. Hope that makes sense.
Jun 08Reply
hammertoes1 @myleyparis Sorry, that should have said, " Make your offer thru the dressing room". I'll accept any reasonable offer
Jun 08Reply
hammertoes1 @myleyparis If you would prefer, I can create a special listing for you with the 2 skirts. You would then have to click "like" on that listing and I could then send you an offer. Just let me know what you want to do.
Jun 08Reply
hammertoes1 @myleyparis I hope I didn't confuse you
Jun 08Reply
hammertoes1 @myleyparis I didn't hear back from you, did you have trouble submitting the offer? I don't know why Poshmark has a limit on offers that a seller can send to a buyer.
Jun 09Reply
myleyparis I'm so sorry! I got one of those dreaded calls. I've been at the hospital with my Dad. They say we are about to be released. I will get back with you later tomorrow. It has been a crazy day!
Jun 09Reply
hammertoes1 @myleyparis So sorry to hear that. I will pray for your Dad. Hope he will be OK!
Jun 09Reply
hammertoes1 @myleyparis Is your Dad OK?
Jun 10Reply
myleyparis Thank you so much for your prayers! We got through the weekend! BUT I'm gonna need to hold off on spending any money because they are wanting to do a heart catheterization. If so.....I'm afraid we are going to have to pay half up front so I can't do any spending until I know if he has enough to cover it. Please continue to remember him in your prayers. I'm going to keep my bundle together so if you still have it after this ordeal I can refer back to it.
Jun 11Reply
hammertoes1 Thanks for the update on your Dad's condition! I will continue to pray for him! I've never heard of a hospital making someone pay half up front for a procedure like that! That's crazy! Keep me posted on his condition. Hope he gets better soon!
Jun 11Reply
hammertoes1 @myleyparis Just wanted to check and see how your Dad's doing
Jun 18Reply
hammertoes1 @myleyparis How's your Dad doing? I've been praying for him!
Jun 23Reply
myleyparis Thank you so much!! He finally got the heart monitor after much fuss with the insurance company. He has an appointment with the heart doctor week after next. He has had 4 episodes this week so thankfully we made it through and he has the heart monitor to show.
Jun 25Reply
myleyparis Thank you Jesus!! Keep praying with us. It's a waiting game now just pray the Lord keeps him safe until they can get things in order. I hate dealing with insurance and the VA. So nerve wrecking! We did have to pay to get the heart monitor but thankfully we had enough so far. It's such a blessing to have people you don't even know helping you pray for God's grace and mercy. I'm totally thankful to you!
Jun 25Reply
myleyparis Since I haven't been doing any spending I haven't even been on here but I thought about you tonight after church and wanted to let you know. Then I see where you have been asking about him. You are so kind! I could just hug you! Thank you!
Jun 25Reply
hammertoes1 @myleyparis Thanks for the update on your Dad's condition. Dealing with the VA is always a hassle. I will continue to pray! Please keep me updated.
Jun 25Reply
hammertoes1 @myleyparis Just wanted to check and see how your dad is doing?
Jul 08Reply
myleyparis He had a cardiology echo...I think that's what it was called Wednesday. Has another appointment with a cardiologist at Duke next week. Praying they will continue to plan for the catheterization. That's what we really need to happen. He had eight more episodes this past week that we recorded with the heart monitor on. Hopefully that will be enough to get them to do something more! Thank you for your prayers. I believe that's why he is still here. God is sooooo good!!
Jul 08Reply
hammertoes1 @myleyparis I'll keep praying!
Jul 08Reply
ldmtreasures Hey I’m Linda and if you 💖Jewelry, either Vintage or New Unique One Of a Kind Handmade, please stop by and visit. If you are shopping or selling the best of luck to you......and Remember No Outfit is Complete Without Jewelry 💋
Jul 14Reply
hammertoes1 @ldmtreasures Nice to meet you, Linda! You have some nice pieces of jewelry. I'll keep you in mind if I need something. Have a great day!
Jul 14Reply
ldmtreasures Look forward to serving you💖
Jul 15Reply
hammertoes1 @myleyparis How's your Dad?
Jul 16Reply
myleyparis @hammertoes1 his appointment has been rescheduled but I can't remember the date. Plan to check and right it down tomorrow. My memory is getting bad!
Jul 16Reply
hammertoes1 @myleyparis Mine too! I'll keep praying!
Jul 16Reply
hammertoes1 @myleyparis Just checking to see how your Dad is doing?
Jul 25Reply
myleyparis @hammertoes1 Hello friend!! Catheterization is Friday morning at 7 am at Duke!! Thank you Jesus!! They say that if they see a blockage they will fix it then. So happy and thankful and know that God is in control! Thank you so very much for your prayers! We are believing in Him for answers! Much love to you, my sister in Jesus!
Jul 26Reply
hammertoes1 @myleyparis Thank you for letting me know. I'll be praying. Let me know how it goes.
Jul 26Reply
myleyparis @hammertoes1 No blockages! Thank you Jesus for that. Just praying now that we find out what the problem really is. It's back to the Doctor to see what the next step is. Thank you so much for praying. Only God knows. Praying He lead the Doctor in the right direction.
Jul 28Reply
hammertoes1 @myleyparis That's definitely good news! I pray they find the problem soon :)
Jul 28Reply
sheshea87 Hi @hammertoes1 thanks for the share!!
Aug 03Reply
hammertoes1 Just thought I'd see how your Dad is doing.
Aug 21Reply
sajohnson04 Hi there!👋Please feel free to check out our closet! Happy poshing!😊❤
Aug 22Reply
sajohnson04 If you are interested in any of the items you shared you can bundle and I will try to give you a good price!😊
Aug 22Reply
hammertoes1 @sajohnson04 Thank you for your kind offer! Unfortunately, I don't think anything in your closet will fit me :( Hopefully my sharing will attract others to your closet and you will make some sales! Best wishes :)
Aug 22Reply
sajohnson04 @hammertoes1 Oh I'm sorry! Thank you so much!❤
Aug 22Reply
sand137 Thanks. I will look again and get back to you as soon as I can.
Aug 24Reply
wifeandmomlife I saw you live in New Bern, my mom lives in Edenton! Lol
Aug 24Reply
hammertoes1 @xoxliptonteaxox My aunt used to live in Edenton. Her husband was a pastor at a Baptist church there. Edenton is about 100 miles from where I live, about a 2 hour drive.
Aug 24Reply
wifeandmomlife @hammertoes1 my mom used to own the golden corral that was in Edenton! Small world lol
Aug 24Reply
hammertoes1 @xoxliptonteaxox Yes, small world! Lol!
Aug 24Reply
hammertoes1 @tissue Hi! I hope you are doing well! Since you purchased from me in the past, I thought I would let you know that I have many items on sale in my closet. Please take a look when you get a chance. Have a great day!
Sep 06Reply
mzpitty1 I see you are following my closet. I would like to offer you BUY ONE GET ONE 50% OFF an item of equal or lesser value as a Thank You.
Sep 10Reply
myleyparis @hammertoes1 just wanted to check in you. Knowing you live in the New Bern area. Praying you are ok from the hurricane and flooding. Keeping you and everyone lifted in prayer. Update on my Dad - He is doing much better. They believe that it is a mix of medications that is causing his issues and are working on it. Thank you Jesus!!
Sep 19Reply
hammertoes1 @myleyparis Hi! We are OK! We lost part of our roof and water leaked inside. It was a very scary time! We were very blessed, though, compared to many others. My brother and his wife lost their home and most of its contents due to floodwaters. They live in Newport. I feel so sorry for them! I don't know if you are familiar with FBN, anyway my brother is the manager. He has dedicated the last 30 years of his life to this ministry. Please pray for them!
Sep 21Reply
hammertoes1 @myleyparis How are you all there? Good to hear your Dad is doing better! Are the Griffiths OK? Thanks so much for checking on us! It means so much! Take care!
Sep 21Reply
myleyparis I'm so glad you are ok! Thank you Jesus!!! You've been on my mind and in prayer. Will be remembering your family as well. The Griffith family is good. Checked in on them the other day to make sure. Sis. Griffith and Treva moved to Fayetteville after Pastor Griffith passed away. But they are well! I will tell them you asked.😊
Sep 21Reply
foreverfortyone Greetings to you from South Carolina. I have seen your lovely town on the news. I hope you and your family are doing ok. I will give your closet extra shares today.
Sep 21Reply
hammertoes1 @myleyparis I didn't realize he had passed. I haven't seen them in probably 30 years. They may not remember me. But you can tell them I was at cashier at Nichols back then.
Sep 21Reply
hammertoes1 @vivisvault Thank you for the shares and for your kind words! It means so much to know people care! We lost part of our roof and have water damage inside as a result, but we were very blessed compared to a lot of others, including my brother. He and his wife lost everything due to the flooding. Please keep them in your prayers. I hope you and your family are safe as well! God bless you!
Sep 21Reply
hammertoes1 @ruawitness Thanks so much for the great rating! Enjoy the skirt!
Sep 30Reply
miaomiao9991 Hello, Lorri! Thank you for the very kind comment you left on my page and for following me! I appreciate it greatly!
Jan 28Reply
unclaimed Lorri Nice closet and beautiful pics ,wishing you. health. happiness and prosperity,thanks for your support. Enjoy a 50% off allowance on your next puchase of $50 or a $10 off a $25 purchase from this closet expires 4/31/2019. l also wholesale , purchase any items in my closet priced $19 or less for $5.00 with a minimum purchase of $100.
Mar 20Reply
foresttreasures Hi Lorri! 🙋‍♀️ I'm Cindy from the mountains of North Carolina! WELCOME to my closet! I saw you liked my listing for the pretty Southern Lady skirt. I just sent you an AWESOME offer & I hope that makes you LOVE it even more! Let’s make this deal happen for you! 🤗 Have a wonderful rest of the weekend & Happy Poshing! ❤️ Cindy from the 🌳🐻🌳 Forest!
May 18Reply
sophiesue516 Thanks so much for the shares🙂🙂
Aug 15Reply
hammertoes1 @sophiesue516 You're welcome! Thanks for your shares too!
Aug 16Reply
sophiesue516 @hammertoes1 is 🙂🙂🙂
Aug 16Reply
ruthietoons Hello and thank you for checking out my closet, if you are intrested in some of my items please feel free to make a bundle and I will give you a nice discount. Thanks and have a great day.
Sep 16Reply
imrescued Oh I'm so glad they arrived!! Thank you again for your purchase 💞
Oct 04Reply
8yellowrose Thanks for sharing
Oct 10Reply
_arrowsandivy_ So glad to find closets like this!
Oct 12Reply
hammertoes1 @_arrowsandivy_ Thank you for kind comment! Have a blessed day! 😊
Oct 12Reply
no2junk Thanks for your kind rating even with postal delays! 😘 Sue🎾
Nov 02Reply
hammertoes1 @no2junk You are welcome! The postal delays weren't your fault, and I still had a great vacation even though it didn't arrive in time! It is a beautiful sweater and matches well with my dress! Have a great weekend! 😊
Nov 02Reply
hammertoes1 @kfelte Thanks for all the shares from my closet! Have a great night!
Jan 17Reply
momof2boys621 Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Jan 20Reply
ruthietoons Good morning and thank you for checking out my closet and liking my dress 👗, please check out the offer I made you if you are interested. Thanks and have a great day 😀
Jun 11Reply
statens_closet Thanks for the like! God has blessed me abundantly! God Bless You and Yours!
Sep 11Reply
tiff101809 @hammertoes1 Come check out my modest closet
Mar 31Reply
littlepeachxo hello ^^ ! i’m spreading awareness & thought i’d let you know that 100% of earnings from my closet go to a child abuse survivor to help them heal. 🎗-peach
Mar 06Reply
myleyparis @hammertoes1 Hello Lady!! I haven’t checked in on you in a while and had your on my mind. Hope all is well. I see you are on vacation right now so enjoy and be blessed!
Aug 24Reply
hammertoes1 @myleyparis Hi! Good to hear from you! It's been a long time! I'm doing ok. A lot has happened since I last talked to you! My dad passed away Father's Day in 2020. He had suffered a massive heart attack, the type that few people survive. Amazingly he lived for 6 weeks following. It was during all the lockdowns and we weren't allowed to visit him except for a couple of exceptions right before he died. This has been so hard on my family! We love and miss him so much! (cont.)
Aug 24Reply
hammertoes1 @myleyparis I've also lost 4 uncles, an aunt and my best friend. One of the uncles that died was also the pastor and founder of our church. He was 92. My brother was the co-pastor and has now assumed the position of pastor. It's been a rough couple of years, but God has given us extra grace to get through it. I am not on vacation, I just don't have time to keep up with selling anything right now. I'm so unorganized! How is your dad? I remember he was having some health problems a few years ago.
Aug 24Reply
myleyparis @hammertoes1 oh my dear, I am so sorry to hear that. My heart breaks for you and the family. God is our comforter and our strength. Hugs my friend. Keep in touch
Aug 24Reply
myleyparis @hammertoes1 Daddy is still hanging in there. They have an appointment with a surgeon next week. In so much pain but as normal he won’t stop. I am so sorry for all of your family. My Dad has stepped down as Pastor and my brother has taken the church. Dad still has his place as Senior Pastor. Daddy teaches the Sunday School Adult class but Shane does most all of the preaching now. It really has been a trying couple of years but God has seen us through. Love and prayers to you my friend.
Aug 24Reply
myleyparis @hammertoes1 We still need to get together so we can really visit!!
Aug 24Reply
hammertoes1 @myleyparis Thank you! Will keep y'all in my prayers too!
Aug 24Reply
myleyparis @hammertoes1 Checking in on you! Hope you are doing well. ❤️
Jun 14Reply
madisoneandrews I apologize for the delay in sizing. It’s been incredibly busy and I had completely forgotten. 😓 Will send you the measurements and am willing to give you a discount, if you are interested. Thank you for your patience!
Apr 25Reply
candy258 Hi🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Nov 20Reply

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New Bern, NC
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Last Active: 25 hours ago

New Bern, NC
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